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• suatu konsep atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan sebagai rasa tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap social maupun lingkungan sekitar dimana perusahaan itu berada, seperti melakukan suatu kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar dan menjaga lingkungan, memberikan beasiswa untuk anak tidak mampu di daerah tersebut, dana untuk pemeliharaan fasilitas umum, sumbangan untuk membangun desa/fasilitas masyarakat yang bersifat sosial dan berguna untuk masyarakat banyak, khususnya masyarakat yang berada di sekitar perusahaan tersebut berada
in A. LA MARCA - S. MANCUSO (a cura di), Catalogo della Mostra Fotografica Scavi archeologici italiani a Kyme d’Eolide (Turchia), Rende 2012, p. 38, 2012
ISBN 978 88 7458 111 5
As the business community begins to investigate opportunities to introduce new technology in their project, questions are starting to arise about their ability to manage the inherent risk involved in doing so.
Syllabus, 2023
This course explores some ways that people have historically confronted the sort of ressentiment—“a generalized feeling of resentment and often hostility harbored by one individual or group against another”—that pervades our cultural discourse, wracks our political life, and makes us miserable as individuals. In the first part of the course, we closely read the Roman playwright Terence, the poets Catullus, Horace, and Sulpicia, and the philosophers Cicero, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius. The second part focuses on the classically-influenced cultural critic Albert Murray (1916-2013) and his intellectual milieu, including his friend Ralph Ellison (1913-1994), and two of his literary predecessors, Frederick Douglass (1817/18-1895) and Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960). We investigate the programs that these authors, all of whom lived through times of social and personal turmoil, proposed for avoiding ressentiment and affirming life, thereby remaining centered in a sense of their own dignity despite the world’s insults and injuries, and cultivating a feeling of gratitude for the blessings that were intermingled with their tribulations. We start with Nietzsche, whose stance of life-affirmation as an alternative to ressentiment and other life-denying emotions frames the course. We then explore, self-reflectively, the culture of the modern campus, in which we are all enmeshed. We look critically at cancel culture, safetyism, microaggressions, victimhood, and related phenomena, and the possible roles these things play in the mental health crisis that plagues young people. Through our Roman authors, we explore the nature of the emotions and techniques for not letting negative ones dominate you, human finitude and how embracing it can deepen our appreciation of life, social interactions and how to approach them so that we feel increased kinship with and compassion for others, instead of resentment and alienation, and, through two “dramas of reconciliation,” the importance of forgiveness in personal and civic life. The second part of the course explores Albert Murray’s theory of the African-American Blues tradition, particularly his thesis that the Blues idiom represented not “the anguished outcry of a victim” but both a “survival technique [and] esthetic equipment for living” and “an exercise in heroic action” through which Blues-oriented individuals made “an affirmative and hence exemplary and heroic response” to both the suffering particular to their historically conditioned forms of oppression as well as to the absurdity of the human condition in general. We also examine Murray’s and Frederick Douglass’s conception of American culture as “omni-American,” or inherently “composite,” Ralph Ellison’s theory of American democracy, and Zora Neale Hurston’s rejection of pity and affirmation of joy.
Penilaian secara tertulis dilakukan dengan tes tertulis. Tes Tertulis merupakan tes dimana soal dan jawaban yang diberikan kepada peserta didik dalam bentuk tulisan. Dalam menjawab soal peserta didik tidak selalu merespon dalam bentuk menulis jawaban tetapi dapat juga dalam bentuk yang lain seperti memberi tanda, mewarnai, menggambar dan lain sebagainya.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has a big role in Information Security. Pollard’s Rho Attack is the only real life threat against elliptic curve based cryptosystems. Pollard’s Rho attack solves the so-called Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem upon which the conjectured security is claimed for ECC. In the context of this thesis, the algorithm realizing Pollard’s Rho attack is initially coded in Magma programming language as a high level prototype, and then it’s coded in C programming language for full performance and parallelism. The final code can now run on a TCP/IP network using n processors(n = 16 in experiments) at their peak to speed-up the attack by a sqrt(n).
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