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With the widespread use of web applications, the creation of them has also become easier. While the developers of web applications focus more on the expectations from the application, they may disregard the security of the application. The increase in the use of web applications caused an increase in the amount and types of attacks to these applications. Web security might gain much importance according to how critical are the work done and the data processed by the web application. There is need for security systems which detect the attacks, prevent the attacks and remove vulnerabilities before or during an attack. Excess number of attack techniques and newly emerging attacks constitute a problem for the security of web applications. In this study, types of web attacks and the methods used for preventing these attacks are primarily examined. Also, the creation of a web security infrastructure model which utilizes various techniques in order to decrease the effect of web attacks is aimed. The attacks which are reputed to be the most critical among the types of web attacks are investigated. The techniques and methods to provide security are examined and the infrastructure model which utilizes the techniques that will achieve maximum security is aimed to be created.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2022
Web Applications are sensitive to information security threats due to the adequate information it obtains from the users. Retaining data through web applications is the most effective thing in this day and age. Wrongly received data can be utilized to exploit a business which can be devastating, both in financial and reputational deterioration. The use of online transactions through web-based applications has resulted in numerous vulnerabilities that have been systemically analyzed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). So, it is required to raise the attention of newly developed web applications and developers. This work analysis the appropriate content about sixteen of the top web application’s vulnerabilities, i.e., Persistent cross-site scripting, Blind SQL injection, Session hijacking, Vulnerability scanning tools, DOT.NET deserialization, Bypassing REGEX restrictions, Magic hashes, Bypassing XSS Length Limitations, DOM-based cross-site scripting, Server-side template injection, Remote Code Execution, File upload limits and file extension filters, XML External Entity (XXE) Injection, Data Exfiltration, PHP programmer juggles with sloppy comparisons and PHP/CF type juggling with loose comparisons. The review has been performed for significant vulnerabilities. Also, analysis the web attacks mechanism as vulnerabilities. This research shows the impact of vulnerabilities as findings for Web applications. One of the primary objectives of this analysis is to discuss mitigation techniques- provide specific solutions to identify and defend multiple vulnerabilities. Therefore, application developers can increase awareness and investigate fundamental ways to improve the security of existing web applications
2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO)
The world is exceedingly reliant on the Internet. Nowadays, web security is biggest challenge in the corporate world. It is considered as the principle framework for the worldwide data society. Web applications are prone to security attacks. Web security is securing a web application layer from attacks by unauthorized users. A lot of the issues that occur over a web application is mainly due to the improper input provided by the client. This paper discusses the different aspects of web security and it's weakness. The main elements of web security techniques such as the passwords, encryption, authentication and integrity are also discussed in this paper. The anatomy of a web application attack and the attack techniques are also covered in details. This paper explores a number of methods for combatting this class of threats and assesses why they have not proven more successful. This paper proposes a better way for minimizing these type of web vulnerabilities. It also provides the best security mechanisms for the said attacks.
Securing web is like securing our nation. Our whole world is Internet dependent In each sector internet is very much essential. So, internet security is very much promising task for us. More than 80% attacks are at application layer and almost 90% applications are vulnerable to these attacks. The essential services like banking, education, medicine and defense are internet based application needed high level security services which are essential for the socio-eco growth of the society. In this paper we are discussed the different types of web application attacks like DOS attack, Cross Site Scripting attack(
Security is a major concern for the modern age systems, network, and database administrators. Recently there has been a remarkable interest by both professional and scientific committee about identifying and detecting tacks while also making all possible actions to enhance security. Many models and frameworks are proposed in literature, however few have updated list of actions adapted to types of attacks. This paper presents an effective framework that classifies and detects the different types of attacks along with their symptoms and features. Such a researcher has clearly tested and evaluated a common twelve types of attacks the research has covered and analyzed a survey which spanned over 25 Web developers working with dynamic websites. Numbers of important observation and results were validated which are centered on the weakness of the applied protection mechanisms. The research presents a logical framework a long with guideline criteria that enable fast detection of the common attacks and detective a set of actions that enhance protection and security of dynamic websites.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
Web application security has become real concern due to increase in attacks and data breaches. As Application becomes critical, complex and connected, the difficulty of achieving application security increases exponentially. Also there are tools and techniques to detect such attacks, threat and vulnerabilities that exist in application which developer prevent and mitigate the risk associated to it. This paper evaluates various web application attack detection mechanisms and how resistant they are against various attacking techniques. Such an evaluation is important for not only measuring the available attack defense against web application attacks but also identifying gaps to build effective solutions for different defense techniques on web application and use it for study. Based on the research, the limitations of these application attack detection techniques are identified and remedies proposed for improving the current state attack detection on web applications.
Apparently most of the web application exists up to today has some vulnerability that can be exploited by unauthorized person. Some of well-known web application vulnerabilities are Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Buffer Overflow. By compromising with these web application vulnerabilities, the system cracker can gain information about the user and lead to the reputation of the respective organization. Usually development of a web application does not realize that their web application has vulnerabilities. They only realize it when there is an attack or manipulation of their code by someone. Even though SQL Injection is very easy to protect against, there are still large numbers of the system on the internet are vulnerable to this type of attack because there will be a few subtle conditions that can go undetected. Therefore, this paper proposes a detection model for detecting and recognizing the web vulnerabilities. Keywords—Web application v...
The security of web-based services is currently playing a vital role for the software industry. In recent years, many technologies and standards have emerged in order to handle the security issues related to web services. This paper shows techniques to enhance the security of web services, and some of the recent challenges and recommendations of a proposed model to secure web services. It shows the security process of a real life web application, which includes; HTML5 forms, login security, and a single sign-on solution. This paper also aim to discuss the ten (10) most common web security vulnerabilities and how to prevent the web application from three (3) of the vulnerabilities. Amongst them are; SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting and Broken Authentication, and Session Management.
Communications and Network, 2016
The rapid advancement in technology and the increased number of web applications with very short turnaround time caused an increased need for protection from vulnerabilities that grew due to decision makers overlooking the need to be protected from attackers or software developers lacking the skills and experience in writing secure code. Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), Distributed Denial of service (DDos) and suspicious user behaviour are some of the common types of vulnerabilities in web applications by which the attacker can disclose the web application sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other confidential information. This paper proposes a framework for the detection and prevention of web threats (WTDPF) which is based on preventing the attacker from gaining access to confidential data by studying his behavior during the action of attack and taking preventive measures to reduce the risks of the attack and as well reduce the consequences of such malicious action. The framework consists of phases which begin with the input checking phase, signature based action component phase, alert and response phases. Additionally, the framework has a logging functionality to store and keep track of any action taking place and as well preserving information about the attacker IP address, date and time of the attack, type of the attack, and the mechanism the attacker used. Moreover, we provide experimental results for different kinds of attacks, and we illustrate the success of the proposed framework for dealing with and preventing malicious actions.
Internet users and its usage have grown almost exponentially during last decade. Most of the web applications contain both private(sensitive) and public information in theircorresponding database that brings the security of private information on the forefront of the challenge of this domain. Cyber criminals can attempt to stealor tamperwith private information from these insecure or vulnerable web applications by exploiting. In this paper, we have analyzed different approaches of web application security used in current practices since their development such as secure coding, Web Application firewall, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. In addition, we have also discussed various approachesand repositories which support vulnerability assessment and penetration testing processes.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
This research basically centers on the point of website/web application security. The prime agenda of this research is to verify that how much government websites are protected that is how they are handling the user's data as a part of providing such facility over the data inputted by the user. Vulnerability of websites is a very important aspect on which we are not focusing yet. Might have a security escape clause in it. The world is exceedingly reliant on the Internet. Nowadays, web application security is one of the biggest challenges in this world. It is considered as the principal framework for the worldwide data society. Web applications are prone to security attacks. Web security is securing a web application layer from attacks by unauthorized users. A lot of the issues that occur over a web application is mainly due to the improper input provided by the client. This paper discusses the different aspects of web security and its weakness. The main elements of web application security techniques such as the password, encryption-decryption, authentication and integrity are also discussed in this paper. The anatomy of a web application attack and the attack
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مركز السنابل للدراسات والتراث الشعبي، فلسطين, 2021
Research, Society and Development