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Environmental Impact of Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Chapter · September 2009
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003255.pub2
1 author:
Rosemary S Hails
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
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Impact of Genetically
Modified Organisms
Secondary article
Article Contents
. Introduction
Maurizio G Paoletti, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
. Benefits of Genetic Engineering in Pest Control
. Disease Resistance in Crops
Genetically engineered crops could prove environmentally and economically beneficial;
however, current products – especially herbicide-resistant plants and Bacillus thuringiensisresistant crops – have potentially serious environmental and economic impacts, similar to
the consequences of pesticide use.
. Herbicide-resistant Crops (HRCs)
. Bacillus thuringiensis for Insect Control
. Single-gene Changes and Increased Pathogenicity
. Threats from Modified Native Species
. Discussion
Despite the application of 2.5 million tonnes of pesticides
worldwide, more than 40% of all potential food production is lost to insect, weed and plant pathogen pests prior to
harvest. After harvest, an additional 20% of food is lost to
another group of pests. The use of pesticides for pest
control results in an estimated 26 million human poisonings annually worldwide. In the United States, the
environmental and public health costs for the recommended use of pesticides total approximately $9 billion per
year. Thus, there is a need for alternative nonchemical pest
controls that genetic engineering might help provide.
Disease and insect pest resistance to various pests has
been slowly bred into crops for the past 12 000 years;
current techniques in biotechnology now offer opportunities to further and more rapidly improve the nonchemical
control of disease and insect pests of crops. However,
relying on a single factor, such as the Bacillus thuringiensis
toxin that has been inserted into corn, potato and a few
other crops for insect control, leads to various environmental problems, including insect resistance and a serious
threat to beneficial biological control insects and endangered species. A major environmental and economic cost
associated with genetic engineering applications in agriculture relates to the use of herbicide-resistant crops
(HRC). In general, HRC technology results in increased
herbicide use, pollution of the environment, and weed
control costs for farmers that may be 2-fold greater than
standard weed control costs. Therefore, pest control with
both pesticides and genetic engineering methods needs to
be improved for effective, safe, economical pest control
taking into account integrated and biological alternatives
stemmed from agroecology.
However, insufficient public and private funds are being
spent to assess the effect of engineered plants on the
environment compared with the amount devoted to
developing transgenic crops. In addition, there needs to
be greater focus on environmentally sustainable and
socially acceptable research on transgenic organisms, with
clear priorities toward reducing pesticides in the environment as well as soil erosion and depletion.
Benefits of Genetic Engineering in Pest
Since 1987, many crops have been genetically modified for
features such as resistance to insects, resistance to
pathogens (including viruses) and herbicides, and for
improved features such as longer-lasting ripening, higher
nutritional status, protein content, seedless fruit, and
sweetness. Up to 34 new genetically engineered crops have
been approved for entry into the market (Hammond and
Fuchs, 1997).
Since 1986, more than 2000 field trials have led to the
release of transgenic plants around the world (Krattinger
and Rosemarin, 1994; Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996). In
1998 and 1999, 27.8 and 39.9 million hectares of engineered
crops were planted in countries such as the United States,
Argentina, Canada and Australia. The USA alone contains 74% of the modified cropland planted. Worldwide,
19.8% of the acreage planted with genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) has been planted with herbicidetolerant crops, 7.7% with insect-resistant crops, and
0.3% with insect- and herbicide-resistant crops. Five crops
– soybean, corn, cotton, canola and potato – cover the
largest acreage of engineered crops (James, 1999; Moff,
Disease Resistance in Crops
The crops currently on the market that have been
engineered for resistance to plant pathogens are listed in
Table 1. Disease-resistant engineered crops have some
potential advantages because few current pesticides can
control bacterial and viral diseases of crops. In addition,
these engineered plants help reduce problems from
The large-scale cultivation of plants expressing viral and
bacterial genes might lead to adverse ecological consequences. The most significant risk is the potential for gene
transfer of disease resistance from cultivated crops to weed
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
Table 1 Plants genetically engineered for virus resistance that have been approved for field tests in the United States from 1987
to July 1995 (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996)
Research organization
Alfalfa mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV),
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)
Beet necrotic yellow vein virus
CMV, Papaya ringspot virus (PRV) Zucchini yellow
mosaic virus (ZYMV), Watermelon mosaic virus II
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV)
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV)
Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV),
Maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV)
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
PRV Plum pox virus
Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV),
Potato virus X (PVX),
Potato virus Y (PVY)
PLRV, PVY, late blight of potatoes
Tobacco etch virus (TEV),
Tobacco vein mottling virus
TMV, Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)
CMV, Tomato yellow leafcurl virus
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Cantaloupe and/
or squash
Plum trees
Harris Moran Seed
Michigan State University
Rogers NK Seed
Cornell University
New York State Experiment Station
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Northup King
Rogers NK Seed
New York State Experiment Station
University of Hawaii
University of Idaho
Oregon State University
Pioneer Hi-Bred
University of Florida
North Carolina State University
Oklahoma State University
Rogers NK Seed
Harris Moran Seeds
New York State Experiment Station
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
relatives. For example, it has been postulated that a virusresistant squash could transfer its newly acquired virusresistance genes to wild squash (Cucurbita pepo), which is
native to the southern USA. If the virus-resistance genes
spread, newly disease-resistant weed squash could become
a hardier, more abundant weed. Moreover, because the
USA is the origin for squash, changes in the genetic makeup of wild squash could conceivably lessen its value to
squash breeders. The US Department of Agriculture
argues that viruses do not appear to infect wild squash,
basing this conclusion largely on a survey of only 14 wild
squash plants in which no viral infection was detected.
Sampling 14 wild squash plants is insufficient evidence.
Another area of concern is the production of virusresistant sugar beets, where a similar exchange of genes
between cultivated and weed populations of beet (Beta
vulgaris L.) is likely, since production areas containing wild
and/or weed beet populations are separated by only a few
kilometres. Genetic exchange could take place by wind
pollination, biotic pollination, or the common gynoniecy
of wild beets (Boutin et al., 1987; Cuguen et al., 1994). A
genetic introgression from seed beet to weed beet populations has already been observed in Europe (Santoni and
Berville, 1992).
Some plant pathologists have also suggested that
development of virus-resistant crops could allow viruses
to infect new hosts through transencapsidation. This may
be especially important for certain viruses, e.g. luteoviruses, where possible heterologous encapsidation of
other viral RNAs with the expressed coat protein is known
to occur naturally. With other viruses, such as the Papaya
ringspot virus (PRV) that infects papaya, the risk of
heteroencapsidation is thought to be minimal because the
papaya crop itself is infected by very few viruses
(Gonsalves et al., 1994).
Virus-resistant crops may also lead to the creation of
new viruses through an exchange of genetic material or
recombination between RNA virus genomes. Recombination between RNA virus genomes requires infection of the
same host cell with two or more viruses. Several authors
have pointed out that recombination could also occur in
genetically engineered plants expressing viral sequences of
infection with a single virus, and that large-scale cultivation of such crops could lead to increased possibilities of
combinations (Hull, 1990; Palukaitis, 1991; de Zoeten,
1991; Tepfer, 1993). It has recently been shown that RNA
transcribed from a transgene can recombine with an
infecting virus to produce highly virulent new viruses
(Greene and Allison, 1994).
A strategy for reduced risk would include: (1) identification of potential hazards; (2) determination of frequency of
recombination between homologous, but nonidentical
sequences in crops and weeds; and (3) determination of
whether or not such recombinants can have selective
advantage (Tepfer et al., 1994). Fernandez-Cuartero et al.
(1994) have demonstrated that even though a particular
pseudorecombinant strain was at a competitive disadvantage relative to a parent Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
strain, a spontaneous recombinant that arose from the
pseudorecombinant (resulting from pseudorecombination, or the situation in which gene components of one
virus are exchanged with the proteins of another coat)
showed enhanced fitness relative to either of the other
original strains.
Assessment of transgenic virus-resistant
potatoes in Mexico
An in-depth assessment of potential socioeconomic
implications related to the introduction of some genetically
modified varieties of virus-resistant potatoes (Potato Virus
Y (PVY), Potato Virus X (PVX), Potato Leaf Roll Virus
(PLRV)) in Mexico underscores the importance of this
technology. This type of genetic modification could prove
especially beneficial to large-scale farmers, but only
marginally beneficial to small-scale farmers, because most
small farmers use red potato varieties that are not
considered suitable for transformation. In addition, 77%
of the seeds that small farmers use come from informal
sources, not from the seed providers that could sell the new
resistant varieties (Quaim, 1998).
The mycoplasma and virus diseases in Mexico are not
currently controlled with pesticides, and rank second and
third in economic damage, respectively. The major pest,
the fungus Phytophthora infestans, ranks first in economic
damage and requires, in some cases, up to 30 fungicide
applications for control (Parga and Flores, 1995). Thus,
the interesting new genetically altered varieties of potatoes
are of little benefit to small farmers.
Herbicide-resistant Crops (HRCs)
Several engineered crops that include herbicide resistance
are commercially available, and 13 other key crops in the
world are ready for field trials (Table 2). In addition, some
crops (e.g. corn) are being engineered to contain both
herbicide (glyphosate) and biotic insecticide resistance (BT
d-endotoxin) (Gene Exchange, 1997).
Some specialists suggest that herbicides adopted for
herbicide-resistant crops employ lower doses compared
with atrazine, 2,4-D and alachlor. However, the resistance
of the crop to the target herbicide would, in practice,
suggest to the farmer to apply dosages higher than
recommended (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996). In addition,
the costs for this new HRC technology are about two times
higher in corn than the recommended herbicide use and
cultivation weed control programme (Pimentel and Ali,
1998). (Charles Bonbrook has reported that HRCs in
soybeans cost two times more and use two to four times
more herbicide.)
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
Table 2 Herbicide-resistant crops (HRCs) approved for field tests in the United States from 1987 to July 1995 (Adapted from:
Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996, and Gene Exchange, 1997)
Research organization
Canola (oilseed rape)
Northrup King
University of Idaho
InterMountain Canola
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Great Lakes Hybrids
Genetic Enterprises
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Du Pont
American Cyanamid
Dairyland Seeds
Northrup King
Rhone Poulenc
Du Pont
Delta and Pine Land
University of Florida
University of Idaho
American Cyanamid
Louisiana State University
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Northrup King
Du Pont
American Crystal Sugar
American Cyanmid
Canners Seed
Sugar beets
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
Integrated pest management (IPM) could benefit from
some HRCs, if alternative nonchemical methods can be
applied first to control weeds and the target herbicide could
be used later, only when and where the economic threshold
of weeds is surpassed (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996).
Generally, though, the use of HRCs will lead to increased
use of herbicides and environmental and economic
problems (Pimentel and Ali, 1998).
Most HRCs were developed for Western agriculture
(Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). One innovation that would
help developing countries is the control of parasitic weeds –
such as Orobanche and Stringa, both of which severely
reduce grain yields. Trials on broomrape have demonstrated that HRCs can produce at least double the yields of
control crops. However, the authors observed that this
technology could only be used with crops that are not
potentially interbreeding with wild weed relatives (Joel
et al., 1995). For example, in northern African countries,
most crops, such as sorghum, wheat and canola (oilseed
rape), have wild weed relatives, thereby increasing the risk
that genes from the herbicide-resistant crop varieties could
be transferred to wild weed relatives (Mikkelsen et al.,
1996; BSTID, 1996).
The risk of herbicide-resistant genes from a transgenic
crop variety being transferred to weed relatives has been
demonstrated for canola (oilseed rape) and sugar beet.
Mikkelsen et al. (1996) have shown that herbicide-resistant
genes from transgenic canola move quickly into weed
relatives. Boudry et al. (1994) also revealed gene flow
between cultivated sugar beets and wild/weed beet
Repeated use of herbicides in the same area creates
problems of weed herbicide resistance (Wrubel and
Gressel, 1994). For instance, if glyphosate is used with
HRCs on about 70 million hectares, this might accelerate
pressure on weeds to evolve herbicide-resistant biotypes
(Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Sulfonylureas and imidazolinones in HRCs are particularly prone to rapid evolution
of resistant weeds (LeBaron and McFarland, 1990; Wrubel
and Gressel, 1994). Extensive adoption of HRCs will
increase the hectarage and surface treated, thereby
exacerbating the resistance problems and environmental
pollution problems (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996).
Bromoxynil has been targeted in herbicide-resistant
cotton by Calgene and Monsanto (Table 2). This herbicide
has been used on winter cereals, cotton, corn, sugarbeets
and onions to control broad leaf weeds. Drift of
bromoxynil has been observed to damage nearby grapes,
cherries, alfalfa and roses. In addition, leguminous plants
can be sensitive to this herbicide (Abd Alla and Omar,
1993), and potatoes can be damaged by it. Herbicide
residues above the accepted standards have been detected
in soil and groundwater, and as drift fallout. Rodents
demonstrate some mutagenic responses to bromoxynil
(Rogers and Parkes, 1995). Beneficial Stafilinid beetles
show reduced survival and egg production, even at
recommended dosages of bromoxynil. Crustaceans (Daphnia magna) have also been severely affected by this
Many crops have been engineered for resistance to PAT
(phosphinothricin acetyl transferase) (Bommineni et al.,
1997). The crops with resistance to this herbicide include
alfalfa, corn, barley, wheat, rice, canola, peanuts, soybeans, sorghum, tomato and sugar beet (Table 2). Finally,
turfgrass (Agrostisis stolonifera) and other components
have been engineered for resistance to glufosinate/bialaphos.
Toxicity of herbicides and herbicide-resistant
Toxic effects of herbicides to humans and animals have
also been reported (Cox, 1996). For example, the Basta
surfactant (sodium polyoxyethylene alklether sulfate) has
been shown to have strong vasodilative effects in humans
and cardiostimulative effects in rats (Koyama et al., 1997).
Treated mice embryos exhibited specific morphological
defects (Watanabe and Iwase, 1996).
Most HRCs have been engineered for glyphosate
resistance (James, 1999). Although adverse effects of
herbicide-resistant soybeans have not been observed when
fed to animals such as cows, chickens and catfish,
genotoxic effects have been demonstrated on other
nontarget organisms (Cox, 1995a,b). Earthworms have
been shown to be severely injured by the glyphosate
herbicide at 2.5–10 L/ha (Reanova et al., 1996). For
example, Allolobophora caliginosa, the most common
earthworm in European, North American and New
Zealand fields, is killed by this herbicide. In addition,
aquatic organisms, including fish, can be severely injured
or killed when exposed to glyphosate (WHO, 1994). The
beneficial nematode Steinerema feltiae, a useful biological
control organism, is reduced by 19–30% by the use of
There are also unknown health risks associated with the
use of low doses of herbicides (Wilkinson, 1990). Due to the
common research focus on cancer risk, little research has
been focused on neurological, immunological, developmental and reproductive effects of herbicide exposures
(Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Much of this problem is due
to the fact that scientists may lack the methodologies and/
or the diagnostic tests necessary to evaluate properly the
risks caused by exposure to many toxic chemicals,
including herbicides.
While industry often stresses the desirable characteristics of their HRCs, environmental and agricultural
groups, and other scientists, have indicated the risks
(Pimentel et al., 1998). For example, research has shown
that the application of glyphosate can increase the level of
plant oestrogens in the bean, Vicia faba. Feeding experiments have shown that cows fed transgenic glyphosate-
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
resistant soybeans had a statistically significant difference
in daily milk-fat production as compared to control groups
(Hammond et al., 1996). Some scientists are concerned that
the increased milk-fat production by cows fed these
transgenic soybeans may be a direct consequence of higher
oestrogen levels in these transgenic soybeans (Hammond
et al., 1996).
Economic impacts of herbicide-resistant crops
The herbicides for which HRCs are being designed are
more expensive than many of the herbicides they are
intended to replace (Figure 1). While some analysts project
that switching to bromoxynil for broadleaf weed control in
cotton could result in savings of $37 million each year from
reductions in herbicide purchases, few other economic
product evaluations demonstrate cost savings with the use
of HRCs (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Furthermore,
recent problems with use of glyphosate-resistant cotton in
the Mississippi Delta region – crop losses resulting in up to
$500 000 for the cotton crop of 1998 – suggest that this
technology needs to be further developed before some
farmers will reap economic benefits (Fox, 1997). In
addition, a recent study of herbicide-resistant corn
suggests that the costs of weed control might be about
two times greater than normal herbicide and cultivation
weed control in corn (Pimentel and Ali, 1998).
While some scientists suggest that use of HRCs will
cause a shift to fewer broad-spectrum herbicides (Hayenga
et al., 1992), most scientists conclude that the use of HRCs
will actually increase herbicide use (Rissler and Mellon,
1993; Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995, 1996; Pimentel and Ali,
Millions of pounds (active ingredient)
Fungicides and other*
Annual expenditures (millions of $)
Fungicides and other
Figure 1 The choice of herbicide resistance as the main target for
engineered crops seems related to the promising trend of herbicide sales
and returns rather than to other environmental strategies such as potential
reduction of pesticides in the environment (from McCullum et al., 1998). *
Other 5 rodenticides, fumigants and molluscicides.
Bacillus thuringiensis for Insect Control
More than 40 Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) crystal protein
genes have been sequenced, and 14 distinct genes have been
identified and classified into six major groups based on
amino acids and insecticidal activity (Krimsky and
Wrubel, 1996). Many crop plants have been engineered
with the BT d-endotoxin, including alfalfa, corn, cotton,
potatoes, rice, tomatoes and tobacco (Table 3; Figure 2). The
amount of toxic protein expressed in the modified plant is
0.01–0.02% of the total soluble proteins (Strizhov et al.,
Some trials with corn demonstrate a high level of efficacy
in controlling corn borers (Steffey, 1995). However, corn
borers are a minor pest in the USA and major insecticides
are applied to control corn rootworms in corn monoculture. Corn engineered with BT-endotoxin has the
potential to reduce corn borer damage by 5–15% over 28
million hectares in the US, with a potential economic
benefit of $50 million annually (Steffey, 1995). Some
suggest that corn engineered with BT toxin will increase
yields by 7% over similar varieties (Moff, 1998; Rice and
Pilcher, 1998; James, 1999). Trials in Italy demonstrated
that engineered corn increased yields by 2–28%, but has a
1.8% higher grain moisture level at harvest. However, it is
too early to tell if all these benefits will be realized
consistently. Potential negative environmental effects also
exist because the pollen of engineered plants contains BT,
which is toxic to bees, beneficial predators and endangered
butterflies like the karnala blue and monarch butterflies (in
the US).
Cotton was the first crop plant engineered with the BT dendotoxin. Caterpillar pests, including the cotton bollworm and budworm, cost US farmers about $171 million/
year as measured in yield losses and insecticide costs. The
widespread use of BT-cotton could reduce insecticide use
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
Table 3 Transgenic insect-resistant crops containing BT dendotoxins. Approved field tests in the USA from 1987 to July
1995 (Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996; Gene Exchange, 1998)
Research organization
Dry Creek
University of California
Genetic Enterprises
Northrup King
Pioneer Hi-Bred
Rogers NK Seed
Delta and Pineland
Jacob Hartz
Northrup King
University of Wisconsin
Rutgers University
University of Wisconsin
Michigan State University
Montana State University
New Mexico State University
University of Idaho
Louisiana State University
University of Wisconsin
Auburn University
North Carolina State University
Roham & Haas
Ohio State University
Rogers NK Seeds
University of California, Davis
Eggplant (aubergine)
Figure 2 The development of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) crops and their
entrance in the market. BT has been known as a target insecticide for
caterpillars (Lepidoptera) since the beginning of the twentieth century.
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
and thereby reduce costs by as much as 50–90%, saving
farmers $86–186 million/year in the US.
The development of insect resistance to transgenic crop
varieties is one highly possible risk associated with the use
of BT d-endotoxin in genetically engineered crop varieties.
Resistance to BT has already been demonstrated in the
cotton budworm and bollworm (Bartlett, 1995). If BTengineered plants become resistant, a key insecticide that
has been utilized successfully in integrated pest management (IPM) programmes could be lost (Paoletti and
Pimentel, 1995). Therefore, proper resistance management
strategies with use of this new technology are imperative.
Another potential risk is that the BT d-endotoxin could be
harmful to nontarget organisms (Losey et al., 1999). For
example, it is not clear what potential effect the BT dendotoxin residues that are incorporated into soils will
have against an array of nontarget useful invertebrates
living in the rural landscape (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1995).
Effects of BT d-endotoxin on nontarget
It has also been demonstrated that predators, such as the
lacewing larvae (Crysoperla carnea) that feed on corn
borers (Ostrinia nubilalis), grown on engineered BT-corn
have consistently higher mortality rates when compared to
specimens fed with non-engineered corn borers. In
addition, the treated larvae need three more days to reach
adulthood than lacewings fed on prey from non-BT corn.
Monarch butterfly caterpillars have been seriously
affected by eating milk weeds having some pollen of BTcorn deposited on it (Losey et al., 1999).
Single-gene Changes and Increased
Most single-gene changes are probably not likely to affect
adversely the pathogenicity and virulence of an organism
in nature. However, some single-gene changes can have
detrimental consequences. Certain genetic alterations in
animal and plant pathogens, for example, have led to
enhanced virulence and increased resistance to pesticides
and antibiotics. For instance, some oat rust microbes,
initially nonpest genotypes for a particular oat variety,
became serious pests after a single gene change allowed the
rust to overcome resistance in the oat genotype (Wellings
and McIntosh, 1990).
An important fungal disease of rice, rice blast, has some
genotypes with single-gene changes that cause the fungal
organism to be potentially pathogenic to rice cultivars
(Smith and Leong, 1994). A similar phenomenon of singlegene changes resulting in pathogenicity has been documented with a related fungal pathogen that infects weeping
lovegrass. This phenomenon has led plant pathologists to
develop the ‘gene-for-gene’ principle of parasite–host
relationships in which a single mutation in a parasite
overcomes single-gene resistance in the host. Furthermore,
numerous instances have been documented in which
insects, through a single-gene change, have overcome
resistance in plant hosts or have evolved resistance to
insecticides. More than 500 species of arthropods have
developed resistance to pesticides (Georghiou, 1990).
Threats from Modified Native Species
Lindow (1983) has reported that there is little or no danger
from the ice-minus strain (the organism that has been
suggested as a potential remedy to orchard freezing in early
spring) of Pseudomonas syringae (Ps) because Ps is a native
US species that produces related phenotypes in nature.
Other investigators have demonstrated that there are
different genotypes of Ps and some of these genotypes
have genes for pathogenicity (Lindgren et al., 1988).
Because some native species have the ability to alter their
interactions within an ecosystem, the genetic modification
and release of native species into the natural ecosystem
may not always be safe. For example, from 60–80% of the
major insect pests of US and European crops were once
harmless native species (Pimentel, 1993). Many of the
insects moved from benign feeding on natural vegetation to
destructive feeding on introduced crops. For instance, the
Colorado potato beetle moved from feeding on wild
sandbar to feeding on the potato that was introduced from
Peru and Bolivia. This insect has become a serious pest of
the potato in the USA and Europe.
Both pesticides and biotechnology have definite advantages in reducing crop losses to pests. At present, pesticides
are used more widely than biotechnology, and thus are
playing a greater role in protecting world food supplies. In
terms of environmental and public health impacts,
pesticides probably have a greater negative impact at
present because of this more widespread use.
Genetically engineering crops for resistance to insect
pests and plant pathogens could, in most cases, be
environmentally beneficial, because these more resistant
crops could allow a reduction in the use of hazardous
insecticides and fungicides in crop production. In time,
there may also be economic benefits to farmers who use
genetically engineered crops; this will depend, though, on
the prices charged by the biotechnology firms for these
modified, transgenic crops.
There are, however, some environmental problems
associated with the use of genetically engineered crops in
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Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms
agriculture. For example, adding Bacillus thuringiensis
(BT) to crops like corn for insect control can result in any of
the following negative environmental consequences: (1)
development of resistance to BT by pest species in corn and
other crops; (2) health risks from exposure to the BT toxin,
to humans in their food and to livestock in feed; (3) the
toxicity of pollen from the BT-treated corn to honey bees,
beneficial natural enemies, and endangered species of
insects that feed on the modified corn plants or come into
contact with the drifting pollen; and (4) potential hazard to
above ground and soil organisms affected by crop residues
containing BT.
A major environmental and economic concern associated with genetically engineered crops is the development
of herbicide-resistant crops (HRCs). Although in rare
instances HRCs may result in a beneficial reduction of
toxic herbicide use, it is more likely that the use of HRCs
will increase herbicide use and environmental pollution. In
HRC soybeans, two to four times more herbicides are
required compared with conventional soybeans. In addition, farmers will suffer because of the high costs of
employing HRCs – in some instances, weed control with
HRCs may increase weed control costs for the farmer 2fold; (Paoletti and Pimentel, 1996Pimentel and Ali, 1998).
More than 40% of the research by biotechnology firms is
focused on the development of HRCs. This is not
surprising, because most of the biotechnology firms are
also chemical companies who stand to profit if herbicide
resistance in crops results in greater pesticide sales
(Krimsky and Wrubel, 1996). Theoretically, the acceptance and use of engineered plants in sustainable and
integrated agriculture should consistently reduce use of
pesticides, but this is not the current trend. In addition,
most products and new technologies are designed for
Western agriculture systems, not for poor or developing
countries (Moff, 1998). For instance, if terminator genes
enter into the seed market, there will be no possibility of
traditional and small farmers using their plants to produce
their seeds (Berlan and Lewontin, 1998). In assessing
socioeconomic implications of North–South biotechnology transfer, it has been shown that small, subsistence
farmers are only marginally interested in the introduction
of virus resistance engineered potatoes (Quaim, 1998).
Thus, genetic engineering could promote improvements
for the environment; however, the current products –
especially the herbicide-resistant plants and the BTresistant crops – have serious environmental impacts,
similar to the consequences of pesticide use.
Abd Alla MH and Omar SA (1993) Herbicides effects on nodulation,
growth, and nitrogen yield of faba bean introduced by indigenous
Rhizobium leguminosarum. Zentralblatt fur Mikrobiologie 148(8):
Bartlett AC (1995) Resistance of the pink bollworm to BT transgenic
cotton. In: Richter DA and Amour J (eds) Proceedings Beltwide Cotton
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Organophosphate insecticide poisoning of Canada geese in the Texas
Panhandle. Journal of Field Ornithology 53: 22–27.
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