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Psyke & Logos
1. Handling, engagement og erindring For 15 år siden fik jeg bogen I voldens kølvand i julegave. Det var så stor en oplevelse at læse i den, at jeg, efter at børnene var faldet i søvn, blev oppe hele natten og læste den i ét langt stræk. Den gjorde indtryk, fordi den så tydeligt så traumatisering i et socialpsykologisk lys og dermed knyttede an både til social støtte og til mulig forebyggelse gennem fjernelse af magt- og livsforhold, der kan føre til, at mennesker får muligheder for at udbytte, ydmyge, misbruge og ødelægge hinanden og for at slå hinanden ihjel gennem krigshandlinger, tortur, mishandling og fattigdom. Judith Lewis Herman skrev i bogen: “At studere psykiske traumer er at berette om forfærdelige begivenheder. Når det drejer sig om naturkatastrofer eller uafvendelige begivenheder, føler de vidner, der fortæller om dem, uden videre med ofret. Men når de traumatiske begivenheder skyldes en menneskelig plan, bliver vidnerne fanget i konflikten mellem offer og gerningsmand....
Reviewgruppens medlemmer er alle aktive forskere på kortlaegningens emneområde. Det er derfor vaesentligt at notere sig, at der ikke har vaeret interessekonflikter for nogen af disse i forbindelse med kortlaegningsarbejdet.
Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift, 1995
Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, 2018
K&K - Kultur og Klasse, 2011
UNNATURAL NARRATIVES, UNNATURAL NARRATOLOGY | In recent years, the study of unnatural narrative has developed into one of the most exciting new paradigms in narrative theory. Both younger and more established scholars have become increasingly interested in the analysis of unnatural texts, many of which have been consistently neglected or marginalized in existing narratological frameworks. By means of the collaboration of four scholars who have been developing unnatural narratology, this article seeks to summarize key principles, to consolidate some conclusions, to extend the work through carefully chosen examples, and, finally, to point toward the future.
BARN - Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Family life today is diverse and historical understandings of what family life is and shouldbe are challenged. Approximately 1/3 of all children in Scandinavia experience their parents’divorce during childhood. Despite divorce, children’s rights to an everyday life with bothparents are emphasized as a way to take care of the child. However, this has not alwaysbeen the case. This article investigates how the best interest of children in divorce has beenunderstood over time and how this has influenced the legislation developed in close relationto the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Through analyses of historical documents andcontemporary interview material with children and their divorced parents, we examine howdiscussions about children, parents and divorce have influenced the legislation, and howthese understandings – in a contemporary context – encourage parents to a high degreeof cooperation in “the best interest of their child”. However, the best interest of the child isno...
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Learning Media and Technology, 2024
M. Vaca y M.A. Guerrero (eds.), La comunicación y sus guerras teóricas. Introducción a las teorías de la comunicación y los medios, Volumen II. Tradiciones de pensamiento y escuelas., 2021
Ch. Michel - S. Wolfram (eds.), home sweet home. Archäologie des Wohnens. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Staatlichen Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz 26.10.2023–28.04.2024, 2023
Pofessor César Augusto Venâncio da SILVA, 2016
Argumentos. Estudios críticos de la sociedad , 2023
Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 2020
El español por el mundo, 2024
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 2000
Current Biology, 2009
Anales de Medicina Interna, 2005
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 2020
Anais do VIII Workshop sobre Aspectos Sociais, Humanos e Econômicos de Software (WASHES 2023)
JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science)
Journal de Radiologie, 2009