Online Access:
Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance
Volume 4, Issue 1
Pages: 20-26
January 2016
e-ISSN: 2310-4929
p-ISSN: 2310-0184
The Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management
Ramezan Jahanian
Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran.
With the beginning of the third millennium, the economic crisis is more pronounced and the role of
human resources human resources management in organizations that are faced with several
challenges including globalization can be named. The era of globalization that we are now a lot of
impact on the Organization and its relationships with and achieve the purposes of the Organization
must be human resources management is also considering changes to the current community with
new and modified methods with respect to human resources management and the role of its
communications operations. This phenomenon challenges and conflicts, and can cause a massive
transformation in the field of human resources management. In this article while not familiar with
the concepts of globalization and human resource management challenges that their human
resources and managers as well as human resources managers faced investigation and capacity
building in this area.
Keywords: Globalization, Human Resource, Management
In line with the globalization paradigm of thought
or pattern of course economic development
stressed in terms of competition, six major
transformations in the world has happened:
(1) The economic growth has been less
competitive and challenging race.
(2) More intense
(3) Career
Organization's hierarchy dropped
(4) Salary increment diluted
(5) Of job security to employees transferred
(6) Expect more work more desirable quality is
increased. (Mirsepasi, 2013, p10)
Globalization of all relations of countries and
Governments have changed and with a high speed
links between human cultures and societies.
Globalization is a multi-dimensional process and
due to the changes in the world of e-commerce, the
role of the human resources unit should also be
changed. In the world of human resources current
are expected to follow the Organization's value,
not just the cost to create organization. The oven
come changing needs of a growing globalization of
intellectual about the role and human resource
management tools. In the present age human
identity is no longer under the influence of the
social structure of the society and not a constant,
but also has a social identity in the international
arena. The most important challenge arising from
the phenomenon of globalization breaks down the
existing templates. Detachment of the emergence
*Corresponding author: Ramezan Jahanian,
Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran.
[email protected]
Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.
ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
of monopolies and the intense competitive
environment globally and all the social systems for
the continuation of its presence in the international
arena will be inevitable in order to provide the
requirements necessary to become competitive and
gain a competitive edge. (Hamidi, Sarfarazi, 2011,
A lot of writers in the era of globalization features
of such concepts as information revolution, global
village, world time and space compression,
expansion of consciousness, the end of geography
and ...The tabloid. (Hamidi, sarfarazi, 2011 ,1390
Based on the feedback of the human resource
manager of the 3000 queue manager and 12
different countries, international competition, the
most important factor is effective human resource
managment in this survey, the globalization of
business structures and economic globalization
becoming the fourth and 5th positions
respectively. (Sanei, 2004, p2)
Many theorists to explain the new social and
economic process of the concept of globalization.
Globalization theory advocates believe with iron
wall crumble at the territory of the former Soviet
Union and other Eastern bloc Nations capable of
articulating the State element for future
international developments. Therefore, should the
new pattern and model based on the theory of the
global developments (globalization) is analyzed.
(gharib, 2001, p56)
Depends on the definition of globalization Mac
Anthony says: on the globalization of human
pattern of various activities towards regional and
continental arrived between the moves. He
believes globalization in all spheres of modern life
in different dimensions and updated. Hence the
globalization is a multi-dimensional process. (MacGrove, 1995, p7)
A long standing track record of global whole. The
discussion about globalization meant the start of
the Decade and its transparent macroeconomic
twentieth century vogue. Globalization in the
conceptual and functional changes with the
passing of time .So that the purely economic
dimension behind and into areas such as politics,
power, technology, communications, information,
sociological and psychological issues are
also.(Sajadi, 2003, p114)
The Economic Dimension
Global financial structure, the supply of credit
system of production and trade of goods and
services as well as supply and time transform.
Operations of credits are often used in
communities and territories of countries took
place, but now other countries are autonomous
and are part of a massive system to that of the
preeminent fluctuations it is vulnerable. The most
tangible economy and globalization is the most
encompassing territory in everyone's mentality.
(Korea, 2000, p24)
The Political Dimension
Indicators such as protection of human rights and
individual freedoms, sustainable development, the
defense of the people and civil institutions and the
expansion of democratic methods of governance
are important issues in the area, including the
(Sariolghalam, 2001, p25)
Cultural Dimension
The previous trend of globalization has been the
result of two cultures and the increasing
development of the media and a variety of
programs offered by global networks to increase
the cultural convergence, has helped change the
productive relations of trade freedom. at the level
of communities and consequently also will change
cultural values. The span of the same cultural
sphere, the concept of dissemination of similar
values for the evaluation and assessment of
cultural dominance leads to محققا, which is the
standard values that have come within its
community growth and development یافتهاند. On the
basis of the national identity, globalization will
erode, because the demand unification of
indigenous and local cultures and integration of
cultures in the world-dominating culture
(Dehshiri,2000, p73).
Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.
ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
Legal Dimension
Intrusions and extensive capital mobility,
permeability and the progress of information and
communication technologies, and on the other
hand the lack of Government control, causing the
Social Dimension
Globalization, their specific influences on the social
life of different communities. Social imperfections
of globalization includes two events: one of the
effects of competition between developed
countries to attract foreign investment and
immigration from other people to other countries
that it migrating can be many social problems for
the host country and its people.(Hamidi, sarfarazi,
2011, p16)
Human resources to understand the importance of
an organization that is organized according to
client excellence, entrepreneurship, quality and the
like form and meaning.
Aminzad, 2011, p6)
Human resources management focused on
policies, measures and systems that affect the
behavior, mentality and employee performance.
(Neo, 2000, p30)
All human resources management activities to
achieve the following goals: productivity-job
satisfaction – improve the quality of working life –
increased motivation – the basic goals of human
resources management goals of the organization.
the achievement of the desired results of the
collective efforts of the staff of the organization is
fundamental to the goals of the organization can
be organized.(Doaee, 1998, p9)
Human resources unit is now expected to follow
the value to the Organization, not merely a cost for
organizations to create organizational success in
Ehrlich. "Human resource module of four practices
has to offer:
(1) With senior managers and the aisles in
order to transfer the planning undertaken
to scope of practice.
(2) In order to create efficiency to reduce costs
and maintain the quality of the human
resources branch should be specialized and
organized work accordingly.
(3) To become an able Defense for employees,
while contributing to increasing staff,
especially commitment and their ability to
create results.
(4) Human resources managers must change
in order to change the operating role and
organizational capacity they played.(
Ulrich, 1998, p124)
Globalization of Human Resources Management
Human resource management consists of two
(1) Staff management
(2) Developmental tasks.
Rapidly changing international environment.
There is nothing fixed. The factors that had led to
the success of yesterday, tomorrow's world may
cause failure. The current leaders of the need to
create a new management models, the responsible
has a double responsibility, because a lot of the
assumptions that were in accordance with the Act,
they are becoming obsolete. International
competition and the need for an efficient business
in the field of transnational made up of many
organizations and Governments the world over to
cultural changes and influenced by the attitude of
attention. Rapid technology changes cause a
change in the time dimension as well. The speed
and quality of meet the needs of global customers,
much as the next winner on set in the realm of
Commerce, Affected. Technological progress of
technology on a global basis than any human in
history periods. Globalization refers to the
acceptance of cultural diversity that this tip on
Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.
ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
style affects management, competitive benefits
global companies and is also getting theoretical
though are efficient at the same time, using
inconsistent management advanced theories
estimate will reach seem, but an efficient
managerial attitudes find cause. (Doaee, 2005, p85)
Global human resources management and training
for the management of strategic and operational
staff contradictions, as well as for those who have
the ability to manage a variety of cultures, provide
an organized format. The development and
management of global enterprise, the development
of management staff in the world think they can
and action, those who are equally memorable,
global skills, are global. The process of
globalization requires increasing the role of the
intellectual tools to change human resources
management in the public sector. (Hamidi,
sarfarazi, 2011, p20)
Opportunity or threat of globalization to be greatly
to the capabilities and capacities of different
groups and cultures, countries and different
groups in making efficient programs, policies, and
depends on behavior.(Kiani, 2001, p97)
The role of the human resources unit according to
the changes you mentioned should be changed.
Human resources as in the past, mechanical factors
were considered, but in the last twenty years the
importance of a good work force, flexible, and
subtly evoked. more advanced human resources
units may be just the employee, Department of
education and development programs designed to
increase the diversity of creativity in monitoring
market. but professional managers need to reload
Human resources and reshaping with the
operational managers have a partnership and
committed to them.(barghi, peydayi, 2008, p16)
When Microsoft's market value in January 1992 on
the company premises, the New York Times GM
wrote only capital the Institute gives the power of
imagination and creativity. And it means that new
forms of information and intelligence and the
creation of wealth, property and the economy in
the future less on natural resources and abundant
labor force has instead relied on informationbased, skilled manpower, the creation of
knowledge and its application.(gharib, 2001, p79)
Human resource managers must change in order
to change the operating role and reform processes
and improve the organizational capacity of the
play. (kheirandish, afsharnjad, 2003, p15)
Managers often challenge to balancing the
requirements of global thinking and local action
are facing people, ideas, products, and information
should be in order to meet the needs of the local
worldwide are displaced. now is the political
position of the variable, the variable exchange
rates, world trade and commercial decisions in
unfamiliar cultures is logged, and therefore the
managers should be based on the needs of your
international customers under training. They
should be abilities to learn to work with each other
in the diversity, complexity and ambiguity around
the world upgrade. Human resources in this
environment are responsible for a specific task, this
task involves ensuring that the issue is whether the
policies and practices of human resources is not
enough attention to the balance between
compatibility and coordination against the
recognition of the cultural differences and other
disputes can be had.(kheirandish,afsharnjad,2004,
Another challenge that administrators face include
inadequate wages, increasing employees '
knowledge and skills in the field of IT, too much
duplication, lack of funds and a lack of
commitment and ethics staff.(Blanchard, 1998, p69)
1- Change Careers: A kind of transformation
and transfer of manufacturing to
professional services. The main reason for
Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.
ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
this change, the emergence of phenomena
information systems. This transformation is
due to the higher level of auto factories and
workshops, creates a challenge in the field
of human resources management.
nature of the administrative work,
including; delete
the control and
inspection, reducing dependence on
organizational and personnel changes and
(Hasani, 2007,p40)
2- Market Competition: The other problem,
competition will increase the pressure on
companies to increase the quality and
reduce the price and therefore the necessity
of using skilled forces. Racial differences:
with the growth of migration to the cities
and the diversity of different countries,
ethnic groups and people with different
cultures, religions and human resource
management task is that of these
differences to the best use, and prevents the
occurrence of age differences, differences in
the organization.: due to the higher level of
life, life expectancy, as well as in the
various communities above, and this leads
to people more time to work and retire
later. Hence nowadays can be a lot of age
diversity organizations view (from the ages
of about 20 years to about 65 years). This
age difference creates a heterogeneous
environment with different norms and
behaviors are in the organization.
5- Expect More New: The work force looking
for new challenge and solve issues and
problems and wants to be more free to
explore and innovate and be creative. Their
responsibility. They want to work with
those leaders that they have to respect it,
and they did. Organizations should create
structural knowledge workers can get in it
and your knowledge to work. The
possibility of dialogue between workers
and other workers to provide them with a
contact. This interaction between the staff
knowledge improvement ideas and further
growth lead forces (momeni, 2005, p30).
6- Intellectual Capital: The most successful
organizations will be those that can
manage ability to people with global
organizations to attract, nurture and retain.
(Hoover,2002, p27)
3- The Lack Of Skilled Workforce: Due to
the increase in new industries that require
higher skills and education with the forces.
In today's world, organizations need to
reorganization. This more organized for
this is flat as possible and costs the
reduction that increase or reduce the
human work force is itself a challenge for
human resources. (Hashemi, pooramin
,2011, p7).
4- Challenges of Changing Technology:
towards artificial intelligence, expert
systems, robots, long range, forms the
transferor, biotechnology and information
technology. This orientation has created
challenges for organizations to change the
management, technology and culture, abilities,
capabilities and skills of individual and double the
management system, and these capabilities enables
managers to not only manage their current
challenges, but also beyond time action. Including
management are as follows:
The use of information technology, promotion of
employees certified, impulse using the reward
system, the development of knowledge, cultural
participation in work and reorganize. (Hamidi,
sarfarazi, 2011, p32)
Euro-Asian j. econ. financ.
ISSN: 2310-0184 (print); 2310-4929 (online)
Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
According to today's turbulent world, that it is the
era of globalization have coined numerous
challenges that organizations are exposed to one of
the most important of them, the challenge of
human resources. Human resources managers to
succeed in the arena of globalization requires the
adoption of a new approach towards the issues
and stories are human resources managers to solve
these issues and should seek new ways of the
world leaders must be directors. Pushing
limitations and threats to have the opportunity to
be able to staff for being superior and not just
survival, but also speed up innovations develop.
Anthony Grew, (1995), the transformation of
Democracy, Globalization and Territory all
Democracy, pp7-8
So learn and train specialists in international level
are one of the greatest challenges in human
resources management. Innovation in human
resource management is a key tool for capacity
building and promoting it in the era of
globalization. Therefore, it is recommended that
the human resources managers in the field of
globalization to the following note:
Identification of Outer reality business and
match the existing human resources with
the needs of real activities.
Change the administrative role and moving
toward becoming a professional human
resources management.
Increase customer share by way of
customer's interests with the interests of the
staff link.
To help managers of promotion strategy to
advance queue features and merits of the
human resources.
Anatomy and design staff to determine
value and ensure the necessary capabilities
to employees from their jobs to do.
knowledge for part-time and full-time.
Use of performance management and
playing the role of coach to steer employees
to achieve the specified serious assaults.
Management of information activities and
processes that add value to the way.
Create the ability to staff, for making
human resource competence appear.
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Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 20-26
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