Belief Revision for Resource Bounded Agents


Abstract Since the influential work of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson, accounts of belief revision have assumed that agents are ideal, in the sense that they know all consequences of their beliefs. However, in some cases, this assumption is not warranted. This note represents preliminary steps taken to find an account of belief revision suitable for resource bounded agents. We concentrate on the case of time-bounded reasoners and the operation of contraction.

Belief Revision for Resource Bounded Agents Mark Jago School of Computer Science University of Nottingham Nottingham, UK [email protected] Abstract Since the influential work of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson, accounts of belief revision have assumed that agents are ideal, in the sense that they know all consequences of their beliefs. However, in some cases, this assumption is not warranted. This note represents preliminary steps taken to find an account of belief revision suitable for resource bounded agents. We concentrate on the case of time-bounded reasoners and the operation of contraction. Our aim is to find operations that, if given adequate resources, will find a subset of the agent’s beliefs which does not entail the contraction formula, but which does so in a way that allows an agent to respect a given deadline. 1. Introduction This note represents preliminary steps taken to find an account of belief revision suitable for resource bounded agents. Since the influential work of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson [1], accounts of belief revision have assumed that agents are ideal, in the sense that they know all consequences of their beliefs. So defined, an agent’s belief set is assumed to be closed under consequence and so operations on that base are concerned with preserving consistency. However, the requirement of consistency has a high computational cost: if we add a new belief, for example, we may have to check every subset of the resulting set in order to be able to best decide which to believe. It is not uncommon for research in logics for belief, knowledge and action (see, for example, [4, 5, 7]) to make the strong assumption that whatever reasoning abilities an agent may have, the results of applying those abilities to a given problem are available immediately. As such, one need not consider the complexity of a revision operation in situations in which these assumptions are warranted. However, there are cases in which such assumptions cannot be made, for example, where the time taken to do deliberation is of critical importance. One obvious example is that of planning in a dynamic environment: an agent may be able to produce a perfectly good plan to reach its goal, but if planning takes too long the result may be irrelevant, e.g., if the problem that the agent is trying to solve has changed. Such considerations are addressed, for example, in Timed Reasoning Logics [2] and [3]. The standard AGM approach has been criticised on several fronts, and accordingly modified; here, we argue that any AGM-based approach can not adequately deal with various cases of resource boundedness. We focus our account of resource boundedness to time bounded reasoners, namely agents which are able to produce plans or derive consequences of their beliefs but take time to deliberate. However, the considerations we address apply equally to agents with limited memory resources. In the sequel we concentrate on the operation of contraction; that is, on finding a subset of the agent’s beliefs which do not entail the formula being contracted. One advantage of the AGM approach is that it is based on several highly intuitive postulates, which govern what kind of operation can count as a contraction operation. In section 2 below, we argue that, intuitive as these postulates are, they cannot capture the notion of resource boundedness. We suggest operations in which the postulates may turn out to be false, but which we might nevertheless want to term contraction operations. 2. Belief Revision using AGM Postulates In this section, we briefly review some of the most common approaches to belief revision and indicate a few of the problems we foresee in relation to resource bounded agents. The accounts we look out are based on postulates which are very intuitively appealing. However, when we consider the time and space limitations which real-world agents encounter, the postulates may well lose their appeal. By beginning this note with this critical approach, we also anticipate the approach we present in section 4. Any function satisfying K1-K6 below is said to be a con. . traction operation, written − (B − α can be read as “contract B by α”). . K1 B − α is a belief set (closure) . K2 B − α ⊆ B (inclusion) . K3 If α ∈ / B, then B − α = B (vacuity) . K4 If not ⊢ α, then α ∈ / B − α (success) . K5 If α ∈ B, then B ⊆ (B − α) + α (recovery) . . K6 if ⊢ α ↔ β, then B − α = B − β (equivalence) Consider Success (K4): since we are allowed to contract a base by any formula in our language, including ⊥, we can . define an operation B! =df B − ⊥, or “make B consistent!” Can we guarantee that the operation will be successful in purging our belief set of inconsistency, as K4 says it will? Well, that may well depend on the resources available to us; the B! operation may well be too expensive. In an account of belief revision which centres on resource bounded agents, K4 could be replaced with a postulate to the effect that how successful one is depends on the resources available for belief revision. Note also that the qualification that α is not valid may be dropped in the case of agents whose beliefs are not closed under consequence (non-omniscient agents); indeed, an agent may well delete some valid beliefs (i.e. when it doesn’t believe them to be valid). Recovery (K5) can also be seen to be false for the majority of resource bounded agents. Suppose an agent believes α and β and derives α ∧ β, keeping track of the dependency. If the agent deletes α and also removes its beliefs that depended on α, it will also delete α ∧ β. By re-introducing α, it would be wrong to insist that the agent also believe α ∧ β immediately (although, for a class of agents with logically complete deduction rules we can say that, given enough space and time, the agent should eventually recover α ∧ β). Lastly, equivalence (K6) can be seen to be inaccurate for the general resource bounded case, for an agent may not know that α and β are equivalent. Again, we can introduce a restricted principle for the class of agents with a logically complete set of deduction rules: given enough memory, any such agent who deletes α should also delete β, eventually. It is this notion, that an operation on a belief set may have different consequences for α than for β, even when α ≡ β, that motivates the approach we describe below. In section 4, we investigate this idea in more detail; we then present our approach to resource bounded belief revision and prove a set of results concerning some particular types of knowledge base. 3. Related Work Wasserman [9] considers the plight of resource bounded agents and develops the notion of compartments of a belief set, based on some notion of relevance between formulas in a knowledge base. A consequence operator is defined in terms of compartments, the idea being that, given a formula φ, we can consider the consequences of only those formulas relevant to φ in the knowledge base (the φ-compartment of the base). Since relevance is a matter of degree, there is a family of such operators, each considering the consequences of formulas of relevance degree n to φ in the knowledge base. Such operations do not guarantee the consistency of a knowledge base after revision; they only guarantee consistency of those formulas in the φ-compartment of the base. The suggestion is that, in resource bounded situations, one can live with the complexity of the classic approach (i.e., checking entailments in every subset of the base) by defining revision in terms of small compartments. In other words, the complexity of the suggested method is exponential in the size of the chosen compartment, rather than in the size of the agent’s entire knowledge base. The less resource an agent has, the smaller the compartment needs to be. An agent with very limited resources trying to revise its knowledge base by a formula φ should therefore consider only formulas of a very high degree of relevance to φ; an agent with slightly more resources can afford to consider less relevant formulas in its revision. However, there may well be cases in which even this approach is not fine-grained enough to account for some gradations of resource boundedness. Because the complexity of the approach is exponential in the number of relevant formulas, a relatively small increase in the number of relevant formulas may make a previously possible revision become too expensive; a single formula may be added to an agent’s knowledge base which shows previously unrelated formulas to be, in fact, closely related, and this single addition could cause an explosion in the amount of resource required to perform revision on those related formulas. Alternatively, an agent may receive some information which it finds to be immediately relevant to a great deal of information in its knowledge base, for which the agent needs to make a very quick analysis. One might suggest that an approach to these problems would be to first consider the amount of resource available, and then to find a compartment of the knowledge base of a suitably small size. But how can we guarantee there will be one, without resorting to picking formulas in an ad hoc way? It is these very consideration which motivate the approach we now present (section 4). We discuss how our approach can deal with cases in which we have a known fixed amount of resource, and have to tailor our revision accordingly, in section 4.6. Some of the problems we consider are similar to those discussed in [8]; however, unlike that work, we are not concerned with finding a minimal set of premises from which a contraction formula follows. 4. Resource Bounded Belief Revision Systems In using the term agent we have in mind rule-based agents; moreover, we base our approach on agents which have a fixed set of rules, or knowledge base. Each agent takes its given knowledge base for granted, and so we assume that no agent has been supplied with undesirable rules such as ¬p ← p or p ← p, and that the transitive closure of ← (which we write ←∗ ) is similarly free of such troublesome schema. By turning a blind eye to any problems that an agent’s program may have, we gain a key advantage: we only need concern ourselves with operations involving literals. One immediate objection .may be that we cannot define the B!, usually defined as B − ⊥. B! says, “make B consistent!” We cannot define B! because ⊥ stands for any arbitrary contradiction. However, we may wish to question the use of an operation as general as “make this belief base consistent!” Since our concern is with resource bounded agents, we should always keep an eye on being as economical as we can; we may, therefore, satisfy ourselves by replacing B! by an operation which searches for particular contradictions {p, ¬p} which are of interest to us, deciding which of {p, ¬p} we can live without most easily and then contracting by the latter. We work with the notion of a knowledge base (see definition 2 below), and assume the rules therein are not questioned when revising KB. In revising an agent’s beliefs, the only changes that can be made are the addition or deletion of literals from KB. This being so, literals behave as if they were assumptions, to be confirmed (and thus kept) or falsified (and thus retracted) at some point in the future. We should perhaps mention that the kind of agent we have in mind is only interested in what facts (i.e., what literals) it can derive from its beliefs, with purely implicative reasoning, using the rules it has been provided with. We do not consider an agent which can derive new rules from the rules it already has (by resolution, for example). Future work may consider a full first-order reasoner, in which case we must address the issue of rules being given which are not in minimal form. For the time being, however, we consider a simple agent who is only interested in acquiring and revising new beliefs qua facts. One major consideration which, we feel, lends support to this approach is the notion that beliefs are sentential, not propositional, objects. That is, in ascribing an attitude to an agent, we ascribe an attitude towards some particular state of affairs, entertained via some mode of presentation or sense. As a consequence, we should not in general expect an operation on a sentence σ, whose content is the proposition that Φ, to affect every sentence σ ′ whose content is also that Φ. We now give several definitions and results concerning this notion of resource bounded belief revision. 4.1. Knowledge Bases Definition 1 A rule R is an implication whose antecedent is a conjunction of literals and whose consequent is a single literal. We write rules using ← with conjunction of antecedents implicit, and refer to the consequent of a rule Ri as its head, denoted head(Ri ), and to the set of its antecedents as its body, denoted by body(Ri ). We also write P ∪ P − to denote the set of literals over P. Definition 2 A knowledge base KB over P is the union of a set of rules of the form λ ← λ1 · · · λk (1) with conjunction of λ1 · · · λk implicit, and a set of literals λ 1 · · · λm ∈ P ∪ P − . Any set of propositional formulas over P and the usual Boolean connectives can be written as a knowledge base under this definition. (1) is equivalent to ^ λ ∨ ¬( λ1 · · · λk ) (2) Hence, one way to convert an arbitrary formula φ into a knowledge base is to first write φ in conjunctive normal form (CNF), then write each clause i as a rule Ri using (2) and De Morgan rules. Definition 3 Given a rule R = λ ← λ1 · · · λk ∈ KB, if we have λi ∈ KB for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k, then we write KB ⊢ λ. We write KB ⊢ Λ to mean that, for each literal λ ∈ Λ, we have KB ⊢ λ. We write ⊢∗ to denote the transitive closure of ⊢. Definition 4 ←KB is the transitive closure of ← with respect to the rules R ∈ KB: - If (λ ← Λ) ∈ KB then λ ←KB Λ; and - if λ1 ←KB Λ, . . . , λn ←KB Λ and (λ0 ← λ1 , · · · , λn ) ∈ KB, then λ0 ←KB Λ. Definition 5 We say a literal λ is a consequence of a knowledge base KB whenever λ ←KB Λ and Λ ⊆ KB, or equivalently when KB ⊢∗ λ. In what follows, we impose the following simplifying condition on KB: Condition 1 For any subset Λ of P ∪ P − and any literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − , if λ ←KB Λ and there is no Λ′ such that Λ′ ⊂ Λ and λ ←KB Λ′ , then λ ∈ / Λ. This condition says that λ does not depend upon itself (amongst other literals), i.e., the structure of any derivation of λ cannot be cyclic. Future work may drop this assumption; we use it here merely to simplify our approach. We now investigate the effect that various restrictions on KB have on the complexity of the contraction operation. 4.2. 1-Dependent Rule Bases Definition 6 A 1-dependent knowledge base KB is a knowledge base such that, for every literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − and every rule R ∈ KB, if head(R) = λ, then there exists no rule R′ ∈ KB distinct from R such that head(R′ ) = λ. In other words, each literal can appear as the head of at most one rule in a 1-dependent rule base. Definition 7 Given a 1-dependent knowledge base KB over P, a dependency tree for a literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − is a tree τ λ such that: 1. the nodes of τ λ are literals ξ ∈ P ∪ P − ; 2. the root of τ λ is λ; and 3. A node ν of τ λ is a child of a node µ of τ λ precisely when there is a rule R ∈ KB such that µ = head(R) and ν ∈ body(R). The level of a node of τ λ is such that level(root) = 1 and level(ν) = level(µ) + 1 whenever parent(ν) = µ. Proposition 2 For any literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − and any 1dependent knowledge base KB over P, the dependency tree τ λ for λ can only contain λ at level 1 (i.e., λ only appears as the root of τ λ ). Proof. Suppose, contrary to proposition 2, that λ appears at level l > 1 in τ λ . By proposition 1, there is a set of literals Λ appearing at level l in τ λ such that λ ∈ Λ and λ ←KB Λ. However, this contradicts condition 1 and so there can be no such tree for a 1-dependent knowledge base. ⊣ Proposition 2 says that no subtree of a dependency tree τ repeats itself; this corresponds to condition 1. Definition 8 A path π through a dependency tree τ is a sequence of nodes [ν1 . . . νk ] such that each ν1≤i<k is the parent of νi+1 , ν1 = root and νk is a leaf. This is unusual terminology, as usually a path is defined without the latter two restrictions (i.e., usually a path need not begin with the root or end at a leaf). However, since these are the only paths we will make use of here, we hope our abuse of terminology will be forgiven. We can define a total order ≺ on nodes of a tree τ , for example by ordering the children of each node from left to right and setting ν1 ≺ ν2 whenever level(ν1 ) < level(ν1 ), else when level(ν1 ) = level(ν1 ) and ν1 appears to the left of ν2 in τ . Consider a dependency tree τ in which a pair of subtrees share a literal. An example of such a tree is tree ➁ in figure 1. We write simplify(τ ) to denote the operation of “glueing together” all such subtrees of τ , resulting in the directed acyclic graph (DAG) ➂ of figure 1.1 This ensures that no literal appears at more than one node of simplify(τ ). ➀ Proposition 1 If the literals that appear at level l in a dependency tree τ over a 1-dependent knowledge base KB are precisely λ1 · · · λk , then for any literal λ appearing at any level j ≤ l, there exists a set of literals Λ ⊆ {λ1 · · · λk } such that λ ←KB Λ. Proof. Clearly holds when j = l. So suppose for every j < i < l we have that ξ ←∗KB {λ1 . . . λk } whenever ξ appears at level i in τ . Now consider any literal ζ appearing at level l in τ . By hypothesis, every child ζ ′ of ζ is such that ζ ′ ←KB {λ1 . . . λk }. For some rule R ∈ KB such that head(R) = ζ, body(R) = children(ζ) (definition 7). Hence, ζ ←KB {λ1 . . . λk }. ⊣ Corollary 1 λ is a consequence of a 1-dependent knowledge base KB if the leaves of the dependency tree for λ, τ λ , are λ1 . . . λk and each λ1≤i≤k ∈ KB. Proof. Immediate from proposition 1 and definitions 4 and 5. ⊣ ~λ @@@@ ~~~ λ1 λ2 ξ ➁ ~λ @@@@ ~~~ λ2 λ1 ξ ξ ➂ ~λ @@@@ ~~~ λ2 λ1>> >> ξ Figure 1. Tree ➁ simplifies to the DAG ➂ Proposition 3 simplify preserves the structure of trees in the sense that, for any path π ∈ τ , we have π ∈ simplify(τ ). Proof. Clearly, π ∈ simplify(τ ) when the number of rules in KB, k, is 1. So assume that, for all i < k, the subpath of π, [ν1 · · · νi ] ∈ simplify(τ ); we show π must be found in simplify(τ ) as well. We consider a tree in 1 As the example ➁ and ➂ shows, the operation of simplifying a tree τ might not itself result in a tree. By definition, a tree is a DAG in which every node has at most one parent; when we simplify, we can only guarantee a DAG. which there are two nodes µ, µ′ = λ and µ ≺ µ′ . Take any path π = [ν1 · · · νk ] through τ which marks first µ and then µ′ . By hypothesis, [ν1 · · · νi ] ∈ simplify(τ ) and so we only need consider the case µ′ = νk . Since τ is a simplified DAG, µ′ ∈ children(µ). Since µ = ν1≤j≤i , we have [ν1 · · · µ] ∈ simplify(τ ) and, given definition 7, [ν1 · · · µ′ ] = π ∈ simplify(τ ). ⊣ How complex is the operation of simplifying a tree? For a knowledge base KB containing k rules, the longest of which contains l literals, an unsimplified tree over KB may contain anything up to k · l nodes. Thus, we have an upper bound of (k · max{|R| : R ∈ KB})2 on the number of operations required to simplify a given dependency tree τ . We will soon improve on this upper bound; first, we give a complexity measure for simplified dependency trees over 1-dependent rules bases. Proposition 4 The maximum number of nodes in a simplified dependency tree simplify(τ ) over a 1-dependent knowledge base KB containing k rules, the largest of which contains l literals in its body, is O(k · l). Proof. We can establish the result by showing that there are at most k internal nodes in simplify(τ ) (i.e., nodes which are not leaves). Suppose there are more than k internal nodes in simplify(τ ). Since only k literals are the head of some rule R ∈ KB, some literal λ appears at more than one node in simplify(τ ). Consider a node ν1 = λ such that, for all nodes ν ′ = λ, ν1 ≺ µ. Suppose for some ν2 = λ, we have parent(ν2 ) = µ; since τ is a simplified DAG, ν1 is the only node ν ′′ such that ν ′′ ∈ children(µ) and ν ′′ λ. Hence, there can be no such node ν2 and so there can be at most k internal nodes, and therefore at most O(k · l) nodes, in simplify(τ ). ⊣ We can thus improve on the upper bound given above for simplifying a tree τ , by performing the simplification as we build a tree, node by node. Given a total order ≪ on literals, we can then denote literals by integers. For example, suppose for the literals found in the dependency tree ➀ above, we have λ ≪ λ1 ≪ λ2 ≪ ξ, and so use the integers 0, 1, 2 and 3 to denote these literals, respectively. When we add a node ν according to definition 7, we note down the position of ν relative to root in a constant-time lookup table (assume we order the children of a node 1, 2, 3,. . . ).2 So suppose we have built tree ➀ (figure 1) and we have recorded the following information: 0 root 1 1.root 2 2.root 3 1.1.root Suppose we can apply a rule λ2 ← ξ; since we know that ξ is denoted by the integer 3, we jump to cell 3 in our lookup table. where we find the entry 1.1.root. Therefore, we do not add a new ξ node to obtain ➁; instead, we only add an arc from 2.root to 1.1.root, i.e., from λ2 to ξ, to obtain graph ➂, the simplified graph of tree ➁. Since we have an upper bound of O(k · l) nodes in the simplified tree (proposition 4), the upper bound for the number of operations required for the simplification of a tree τ is O(k · l). 4.3. Contraction for 1-Dependent Bases To contract a 1-dependent knowledge base KB by a literal λ, we find a path π in the dependency tree τ λ for λ over KB and, for each literal ξ ∈ π, we check whether ξ ∈ KB . and, if it is, we delete it. We write KB −π λ to denote this operation of contraction of a knowledge base KB by a literal λ using a path π, defined as: . KB −π λ = {φ | φ ∈ KB ∧ φ ∈ / π} We now show that this method using paths is adequate, in the following sense. Proposition 5 Given a dependency tree τ λ for a literal λ, and any path π ∈ τ λ , . KB −π λ 6⊢∗ λ Sketch of the Proof. By induction on the number of rules k in KB. When k = 1, any tree τ λ is just the root node λ, and so all paths select λ. We then assume the result holds for all trees built with only j < l rules. We take any tree τ ′ built with k − 1 rules and consider what happens when we expand a node using the k − th rule R. We have two cases: either (1) the chosen path π in τ also runs to a leaf of τ and then, by hypothesis, KB\π ′ 0∗ λ; or (2) we have to extend π by some ξ in the body of Rk to obtain a path π ′ through τ ′ . Then KB\π ′ 0 head(R1 ) and so, by hypothesis, KB\π ′ 6⊢∗ λ. ⊣ The idea in this proof is that, given a tree τ λ such that any path π ∈ τ λ allows us to contract by λ, we expand a leaf of τ λ and look at any path passing through to one of the new leaves (see figure 2). λ1 λ @@@ b@ λ2 a~~~ ~ λ CCC bC λ2 a1 {{ {{a2 λ1 B BaB2 a1|| λ3 2 To look up a value in the table, we do not have to search through until we find the one we want; if we are looking up node n, we simply jump to cell n in the table. The lookup is thus a constant time operation. | λ4 Figure 2. Illustration of proposition 5 In the tree to the left of figure 2, we can choose either path a or path b in order to contract by λ. By adding a new rule λ1 ← λ3 , λ4 , we can expand λ1 (as seen in the tree to the right of figure 2); path b is still an available option. Otherwise, we have to remove λ1 , and we see that we have a free choice of path a1 and a2 . The precise way in which we select a path π from a dependency tree lies outside the scope of this paper. We do not, for example, guarantee that a minimal set of literals will be removed (the task of finding a minimal set is NPcomplete). In general, there are two principles which intuition suggests should guide a revision. The first is the principle of conservativeness, according to which a revision operation should alter one’s beliefs as little as possible. The second is the principle of prioritisation, which comes into play when we have (possibly partial) information concerning priority relationships between beliefs. The principle states that we should never delete a belief in favour of another unless the latter is at least as favourable as the former. However, these principles can conflict with one another. Moreover, because of the complexity involved in adhering to such rules, we may view them as heuristics rather than hard-andfast rules in the the case of resource bounded agents. Such considerations are left for further work. each λ1≤i≤k . Figure 3 illustrates this for the case of a 2dependent knowledge base KB, with arcs labelled either “a” or “b”. 4.4. n-Dependent Rule Bases Proof. Similar to the proof for proposition 2 above. We now look at how relaxing definition 6 affects these results. In this section, we consider rule bases where each literal can appear at the head of at most n rules. We extend the notion of a simplified tree simplify(τ ) by adding a proviso to the effect that we always distinguish ̺-arcs from ς-arcs whenever ̺ 6= ς. We can now give a similar result to proposition 4 above for n-dependent rule bases. Definition 9 An n-dependent knowledge base KB may contain rules of the form (1) above such that, for every literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − and all rules R1 . . . Rn ∈ KB, if head(R1 ) = . . . = head(Rn ) = λ, then there exists no rule R′ ∈ KB distinct from R1 and . . . and Rn such that head(R′ ) = λ. Since a literal may now depend on up to n rules, we should distinguish these possibilities in our dependency trees. We may assume we have a total order ≺ on rules that enables us to pick a first rule and a second and . . . upon which a literal depends (if any). Definition 10 Given an n-dependent knowledge base KB over P, a dependency tree τ λ for a literal λ is a structure similar to a 1-dependent tree, except that: λ 3. a node ν of τ is a child of a node µ when there is a rule R ∈ KB such that µ = head(R) and ν ∈ body(R). If R is the nth such rule, we label the arc from µ to ν ‘n’ and say that ν is an n-child of µ. To visually signal that arcs in a tree have the same label, we draw ⌣ between them. Thus, if there is a rule λ ← λ1 , · · · , λk , we draw ⌣ between the arcs from λ to KB = {λ ← λ1 , λ2 , λ ← ξ1 , ξ2 } λ ppK---KKKK p p -- b KKK pp⌣ ⌣ KKK ppp a p p p ξ1 ξ2 λ1 λ2 Figure 3. A 2-dependent Tree To find the consequences of an n-dependent rule base, given a dependency tree τ , we proceed as follows. We begin by picking a path π through τ ; if π visits an ̺-child at level m, we add all paths visiting ̺-children at level m. We do this for all levels. This gives us a set of literals Λ such that KB ⊢∗ λ (we state this without proof). In fact, by collecting these paths together, we have built a 1-dependent subtree of τ. Proposition 6 For any literal λ ∈ P ∪ P − and any ndependent knowledge base KB over P, the dependency tree τ λ for λ over KB can only contain λ at level 1. ⊣ Proposition 7 The maximum number of nodes in a simplified dependency tree simplify(τ ) over an n-dependent knowledge base KB containing k rules, the largest of which contains l literals in its body, is O(k · l). Sketch of the Proof. Again, we proceed by showing there can be no more than k internal nodes in simplify(τ ). Suppose a literal ξ appears at two distinct levels in τ λ . By similar reasoning to the proof of proposition 4, there cannot be nodes ν1 , ν2 ∈ simplify(τ ) such that ν1 = ν2 = ξ. Hence, there can only be at most k internal nodes, and therefore at most O(k · l) nodes, in simplify(τ ). ⊣ 4.5. Contraction for n-dependent Bases Definition 11 Given a path π through a dependency tree τ (with at least depth m) over an n-dependent knowl∗ edge base KB, we define a level m alternative πm = [ν1 , · · · , νk≥m ] to π = [µ1 , · · · , µk′ ] to be any path through τ such that: 1. at each level i < m of τ , νi = µi ∗ is 2. if µm ∈ π is a ̺-child of µm−1 ∈ π, then νm ∈ πm ∗ not a ̺-child of νm−1 ∈ πm ∗ 3. πm ends at a leaf of τ The idea of an alternative to a path π is that it agrees with π in the choice of arc type (i.e., whether it travels through a ̺-arc or a ς-arc or . . . ) up to a certain level, at which it differs. After that level, the path and its alternative may converge again; the important point is that they diverge at the specified level. Since our definition of a path (definition 8 above) states that a path must begin at the root, any alternative path must do so also. It is sometimes convenient to talk of subpaths of a path rather than of the entire path. A sequence of nodes π ′ = [µ1 · · · µn ] is a subpath of π when π = [ν1 · · · µ1 · · · µn · · · νm ]. When a subpath π ′ of π begins at the root node (as π must), we say that π extends π′ . Suppose we mark a path π through a dependency tree τ and, for some level l, mark a set P of all level l alternatives to π, such that no π ′ ∈ P travels from level l − 1 to level l through the same type of arc. Since this set depends on our choice of path and level, we write Pπl to indicate which set we intend. We thus mark one path for each arc type from levels l − 1 to l. We have to ensure that, whenever any path π ′ that we have marked passes through a node of a tree τ , we also mark all alternatives to π ′ at the level of that node. We write Pπ to denote the set of all such marked paths. Definition 12 Given a path π through a dependency tree τ , Pπ is then any set which minimally satisfies: π ∈ Pπ and, ′ for for every level l of τ , for every path π ′ ∈ Pπ , Pπl ⊆ Pπ . To illustrate how path selection works, consider the 3dependent knowledge base:    λ ← λ1 , λ2 , λ ← ξ1 , ξ2 , λ ← ζ1 , ζ2 ,  λ1 ← α1 , α2 , λ1 ← β, ξ2 ← γ1 , γ2 , KB =   ξ2 ← δ1 , δ2 , α1 , α2 , λ2 , ξ1 , δ1 , δ2 Figure 4 shows a dependency tree τ λ for λ in KB. The arcs from λ to its children have been labelled as either a, b or c arcs, such that two children of λ are reached via similarly labelled arcs only when both literals appear together in the body of some rule R ∈ KB whose head is λ. λS Kipipipip --KSKSKSKSSS i i i  p i ⌣ KKKSSSS -- ⌣ i p ⌣  i p i KcKK SSSS iiiipppapp  b i SS i i i ξ1 ξ2 O?OO ζ1 ζ2 λ2 λ1 A A } ~ ? O }⌣ AA ~⌣ ?? OOO ⌣ } ~ a a O b b A ?? OOO AA ~~ }} OOO ? A ~~ }} ~ } γ1 γ2 α1 α2 β δ1 δ2 Figure 4. Dependency tree for λ in KB We begin by first marking any path through τ λ . Suppose we mark the path π = [λ, λ1 , α1 ]. There are no level 1 alternatives to π, for only one literal, λ, appears at level 1. Since π travels from λ at level 1 to λ1 at level 2 through an a-arc, the level 2 alternatives to π are all paths extending one of the following subpaths: π1′ = [λ, ξ1 ] π2′ = [λ, ξ2 ] π3′ = [λ, ζ1 ] π4′ = [λ, ζ2 ] The set Pπ2 must then contain all level 2 alternatives to π which travel from level 1 to level 2 through a distinct type of node. Thus, if we choose a path which extends either π1 or π2 , we then have to choose a path which extends either π3 or π4 and vice versa. We could, for example, mark the paths π2′ = [λ, ξ2 , γ2 ] (which extends π2 ) and π3 (for π3 marks a leaf and so is a path in its own right). We then need to consider level 3 alternatives to all paths included in Pπ2 : we need a level 3 alternative to π, to π2′ and to π3 . In the case of π, we have only one option: since π travels to α1 via and a-node, we need to pick a b-child of λ1 , and the only such child is β. We thus add the path [λ, λ1 , β] to Pπ3 . In the case of π2′ , we can choose either [λ, ξ2 , δ1 ] or [λ, ξ2 , δ1 ]: suppose we opt for the latter path. Finally, since π3 has already reached a leaf, ζ1 , it has no level 2 alternatives. Since the paths we have selected in Pπ3 all travel to a leaf of τ λ , we only need to combine Pπ2 with Pπ3 to form Pπ. These paths are highlighted in figure 5. ipλ+SJ+ JJS ipiipi⌣ + JJS S i i i JJ S S iai p⌣  b +++ ⌣ i JcJ i i J SSS  iiii p p i ζ2 ξ1 λ2 ξ2 ?OOO ζ1 λ 1@ } @@  ⌣ OOO }⌣ ⌣ ? @ } O  a @b@ ?b OOOO }} a  @@ OOO  ? }} }  γ1 α2 γ2 α1 δ1 β δ2 Figure 5. Selecting alternative paths Pπ is a set of paths, which are themselves no more than sequences of literals. To obtain the set of literals marked by those paths, we only need to remove the structure of Pπ . We use a function ℓ, which takes a set of sequences of literals and returns the set of literals featuring in those sequences. Writing X\Y for {x | x ∈ X ∧ x ∈ / Y }, we can now define . a contraction operator KB −π for some path π as: . KB −π λ = KB \ℓ(Pπ ) In our example, ℓ(Pπ ) = {λ, λ1 , ξ2 , ζ2 , α1 , β, γ2 , δ2 }; so   λ ← λ1 , λ2 , λ ← ξ1 , ξ2 , λ ← ζ1 , ζ2 , . KB −π λ = λ1 ← α1 , α2 , λ1 ← β, ξ2 ← γ1 , γ2 ,   ξ2 ← δ1 , δ2 , α2 , λ2 , ξ1 , δ1 Notice that whilst λ is a consequence of KB, it is not after contraction. We now show that this holds in the general case. Proposition 8 For any knowledge base KB and literal λ, KB \ℓ(Pπ ) 0∗ λ where π is any path through a dependency tree τ λ for λ over KB and Pπ is as above. Proof. By induction on the number of rules. When KB contains exactly one rule R, KB ⊢∗ λ iff KB ⊢ λ iff λ = head(R) and body(R) ⊂ KB. Since any path π through a tree τ λ over KB marks some child ξ of the root, we have λ, ξ ∈ ℓ(Pπ ) and hence KB \ℓ(Pπ ) 0∗ λ. We then make the following inductive hypothesis: for all knowledge bases KB ′ containing 1 < j < k rules, ′ for any path π ′ through the tree τ λ over KB ′ , we have ′ KB ′ \ℓ(Pπ ) 0∗ λ′ . Consider a tree τ1λ over some knowledge base KB 1 containing k rules, and a tree τ2λ over KB 2 = KB 1 \R, for some rule R ∈ KB 1 such that head(R) is some node ν of τ1 . τ2 is thus a subtree of τ2 ; by hypothesis, proposition 8 follows if, for every ξ ∈ ℓ(Pπ2 ), KB 1 \ℓ(Pπ1 ) 0 ξ, where π1 ⊇ π2 . We have two cases to consider: - ν ∈ / ℓ(Pπ2 ): then ℓ(Pπ1 ) = ℓ(Pπ2 ). Since KB 1 \ℓ(Pπ1 ) 0 ξ ∈ ℓ(Pπ1 ) (definition 3), it follows that KB 1 \ℓ(Pπ1 ) 0 ξ for any ξ ∈ ℓ(Pπ2 ). - ν ∈ ℓ(Pπ2 ): Since KB 1 = KB 2 ∪ {R} and head(R) = ν, it is sufficient to show KB 1 \ℓ(Pπ1 ) 0 ν. Suppose level(ν) = l; then µ ∈ ℓ(Pπl ) for some µ ∈ body(R) (from definitions 10 and 12) and hence µ ∈ ℓ(Pπ1 ). Given the definition of ⊢, KB 1 \ℓ(Pπ1 ) 0 ν follows immediately. ⊣ As mentioned in section 4.2 above, our operation does not guarantee the removal of a minimal set of literals from a knowledge base. The problem of deciding which set of paths to remove is distinct from the issues addressed here, and is left for future work. 4.6. Resource Bounded Approaches We have only considered the contraction operation here in detail; however, we may also wish to consider a query operation ?λ, which asks “does λ follow from the assumptions in the agent’s knowledge base KB by applying the agent’s rules?” We can use the idea of a dependency tree τ for λ that we developed above in answering the query. In the simple case of a 1-dependent rule base, for example, we only need to check whether all the leaves of τ can be found in KB. Suppose an agent is asked to make a snap decision, for example, whether it would like to come to the meeting starting now. Since a near-immediate answer is required, it would be foolish to spent too long building a dependency tree for “I’d like to attend the meeting.” One would expect to briefly consider the matter and try to find either a conclusive reason for accepting or for rejecting the offer (such as having a prior engagement). Depending on the disposition of the agent, it may be able to make a decision without a decisive reason (either way); for example, an agent who has a natural disposition towards avoiding meetings may, in the absence of a conclusive reason to attend (such as the meeting being compulsory), wish to decline the offer. Given a time limit, the agent may start to build a dependency tree for “I’d like to attend the meeting” and, unless it can find literals {λ1 . . . λk } ∈ KB upon which the root of the tree depends, decline the offer. Note that this may be the case even if KB entails “I’d like to attend the meeting”! It is this very approach which is made possible by our notion of resource bounded belief revision; one simply cannot modify AGM-style approaches to this kind of partial dependency checking. Consider the Kernal operation B⊥⊥α, which finds all minimal subsets of a knowledge base B (not necessarily defined as restrictively as KB above) which imply a formula α. Contraction can be defined in terms of ⊥⊥ by removing one formula from each set X ∈ B⊥⊥α. Now, clearly any subset of B either does entail α or does not; however, we have seen an example in which an agent’s belief base may well entail “I’d like to go to the meeting” but in which, because of limited time in which to decide, declines the offer. 5. Conclusions and Further Work We began by suggesting cases in which belief revision operations based on AGM postulates do not appear suitable for agents with limited resources, such as having limited memory or a deadline imposed on some reasoning. In this preliminary investigation, we have only considered a contraction operation for resource bounded rule based agents, but have highlighted how the approach we suggest can overcome these problems, firstly by having favourable complexity results – the complexity of our contraction operator is linear in the number of rules an agent has – and secondly by showing how the strategy we adopt for contraction can be adapted to meet fixed deadlines. If an agent is required to make a snap decision, or unexpectedly runs out of time whilst reasoning, our notion of contraction allows agents to respond in a suitable way, given these limitations imposed upon them. We would not expect any useful agent, faced with such limited resources, to maintain a perfectly consistent knowledge base; in fact, given the complexity of the operations required to do so, it would often be irrational for an agent to attempt to do so. In future work, we aim to extend the approach presented here to include other revision operators; to look at more advances agents, such as a full first-order reasoner who can derive new rules from his rule base; to implement algorithms along the lines briefly sketched above; and formalise these notions of resource bounded belief revision within a multiagent epistemic framework such as Timed Reasoning Logics [2, 3]. References [1] Carlos E. Alchourrón, Peter Gärdenfors, and David Makinson, “On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Meet Contraction and Revision Functions.” Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1985) pp.510–530 [2] N. Alechina, B. Logan and M. Whitsey, “Epistemic Logic for Rule-Based Agents,” proc. JELIA 04, Lisbon, Portugal. Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (3229), Springer-Verlag. [3] N. Alechina, B. Logan and M. Whitsey,, “A Complete and Decidable Logic for Resource Bounded Agents,” proc. AAMAS 04, (Columbia Univseristy, New York: ACM). [4] R. Fagin and J.Y. 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