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Ra Material: Law of One, 1981
Is our universe intelligently designed? What are the possibilities of healing, transformation, and service? What is the Law of One? After 19 years of research into the channeling phenomenon that involved communications with members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator, a group consciousness called Ra, who had evolved on the planet Venus, established contact with three dedicated seekers of truth to explore these and other questions. Ra said that all people and all of creation are One Being: the One Infinite Creator. They suggested that the process of learning to love (awakening to the "Original Thought") is studied via humanity's movement through all of time. The Ra Material sessions conducted by these three individuals examine the meaning of our cosmic existence and contain 106 transcripts of every conversation, including events leading up to first contact, and, in Book V, commentary about the contact. This 40th-anniversary boxed set includes all five books in hard cover.
Son sustancias de origen biológico, solubles en disolventes orgánicos y muy poco o nada solubles en agua. Por ello, este termino abarca un gran numero de compuestos orgánicos con estructuras muy diversas; aunque poseen algo en común, la función principal de su estructura es de naturaleza hidrocarbonada.
This study is aimed at examining the impact of capital structure on the performance of Nigerian banks. The objectives were to find out the effect of firm's size, profitability and age on the capital structure decision and performance of Nigerian banks. The study covered all the 21 banks in Nigeria that are quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange with a sample size of eleven (11) banks selected from each stratum of the names of banks written on folded pieces of papers. The study employs the secondary sources of data and regression analyses. It was found that capital structure of Nigerian banks is significantly influenced by firm's size, profitability and age. The study recommends that management of banks in collaboration with relevant government agencies should put in place continuous measures that can maintain the Nigerian capital market since, size is very important in accessing deposits which will enhance performance and efficiency, allow for flow of funds from the surplus to the deficit units of the economy to stimulate the nation's economic growth.
Personalidad Psicópata, características y aportes al campo jurídico Son trastornos mentales graves, es una franca enfermedad mental, denominada psicosis, que lo conduce a desadaptación del medio, trastornos de la conciencia, atención, sensopercepciones, memoria, pensamiento, voluntad, inteligencia y lenguaje. Los trastornos psicóticos según el DSM-IV, son: la esquizofrenia, trastornos delirantes, trastornos mentales orgánicos, trastornos afectivos y los trastornos psicóticos no especificados. Es sinónimo de locura o alineación. Evolución de la Psicosis: Los diferentes trastornos psicóticos, evolucionan de diferente manera, así: en episodios, fases, brotes, procesos, crisis, etc. Episodio: Es el desvío de la normalidad. Una gripe, su duración puede ser de días o semanas. Fase: Se considera cuando en un paciente la enfermedad, evoluciona, da síntomas y vuelve a la normalidad, su recuperación es total. La fase tiene 2 tendencias. La primera a normalizarse y la segunda a repetir. Si se repite calcada a la anterior, se llama fase unipolar; si se repite en forma alterna se llama fase bipolar. Es evidente en los trastornos afectivos. Brote: Tiene un inicio brusco y confuso, como en la esquizofrenia. El sujeto se aparta de la normalidad, da síntomas y remite con una normalidad distinta a la anterior. Proceso: Tiene una duración indefinida es irreversible. Crisis: Es una alteración patológica de breve duración. Segundos, minutos y horas. Se observa en las crisis histéricas. La Esquizofrenia E. Kraepelin, la designo a finales del siglo XIX como una enfermedad mental orgánica, lo calificó como " demencia precoz " y la definió como una serie de síndromes clínicos, cuya característica común era la destrucción de la personalidad con ausencia de causas externas, se presenta en la juventud y tiene un proceso de deterior final… Bleuler, le dio el nombre de " esquizofrenia " , que significa " mente dividida " , por esa división notoria de la personalidad del enfermo. La esquizofrenia, presenta alteraciones características en algunas de las siguientes áreas: 1. Contenido del pensamiento: la mayor alteración implica ideas delirantes persecutorias e ideas autos referenciales. 2. Curso del pensamiento: existe incoherencia de la ideas, perdida de la capacidad asociativa, lenguaje incomprensible pobre, exceso de abstracción, concreción y repetitivo. 3. Percepción: presencia de alucinaciones, son frecuentes las de tipo auditivo (voces insultantes). Las órdenes procedentes de las alucinaciones pueden ser obedecidas por el sujeto, lo cual resulta peligroso para él y para los demás. 4. Afectividad: es frecuente un embotamiento de lo afectivo, reducción en la intensidad de las expresiones afectivas, con voz monótona y rostro inmóvil. Puede presentarse ambivalencia afectiva. 5. Sentido del yo: su orientación espacio temporal esta con frecuencia alterado. 6. Voluntad: Presenta alteración de la afectividad dirigida hacia metas concretas, lo cual deteriora la actividad laboral u otro tipo de actividad. 7. Conducta interpersonal y relación con el mundo externo: sus relaciones se dificultan, se observa retraimiento social y distanciamiento emocional. Se habla de " autismo " cuando el sujeto está profundamente preocupado con sus ideas ilógicas y distorsiona o excluye el mundo externo.
Secondary school students are facing several problems that require guidance and counselling services. Unfortunately, the various services rendered in secondary schools such as counselling, orientation, appraisal, follow-up, referral etc. have been facing a lot of problems, thereby making it difficult for the services to adequately and effectively reach out to students. As the result, many are left without guidance and the consequence is much. This paper therefore examines the hitches in the administration of guidance services in Nigerian secondary schools, some of which include; Lack of adequate and trained professional counsellors, Poor remuneration/ incentives, Lack of adequate and relevant psychological tests, and Poor expertise in the administration of psychological tests. Recommendations offered suggest the establishment of a viable counselling center in schools with professional counsellors deployed to manage the centers as well as embarking on public enlightenment campaign to sensitize school administrators, parents, teachers, and students on the significance of guidance programme and functions of school counsellors
Capítulo I: El Papel de los Mercados en la Economía Moderna.
The environment impacted change of aspirations, people at that time weren't exposed to the technology, such as TV and internet(excluding email). In addition, there were no graphics and video was a decade away, and society had very high expectations. When they were kids they used to have several dreams that were then crushed by reality when they grew up. The interviewee's definition of American Dream was that it was a title to motivate people and they thought that the American Dream is the ability to define what you would like to become and then go on to become that thing. They agreed that it was a human dream and not just an American Dream. After reading all of our interviews, we had come to conclusion that we had more similarities than differences. The only difference there was that they depended on the expectations society set for them. In Egypt, it was either being a doctor or a lawyer and in the United States, it didn't matter as long as it brings money.
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HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
LinguíStica, 2023
Process Studies 5, no. 4 (Winter 1975): 227– 36, 1975
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2013
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2011
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2007
Advanced Functional Materials, 2012
Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, 2017