Hydroponic Calculation

*Every 2000 holes can produced 2.880 kg/year , 4000 holes produced 5.760kg/year *Total Revenue = Price x Total Produced = Rp 15.000/kg x 5.760kg/year = Rp 86.400.000/year Revenue Calculation for one year in 150 sq m green house (80% from revenue*)

ENRICHING SOCIAL WELFARE BY EMPOWERING TRADITIONAL FARMERS AND LOCAL CITIZENS THROUGH HIDROPONIC CULTIVATION (Case Study : Socities involved voluntary cooperation KUD Mekar Ungaran, Semarang, Indonesia) Revenue Calculation for one year in 150 sq m green house (80% from revenue*) Total Holes 4000 holes 30% of our revenue we donate to KUD Mekaran 25920000 Produced Kale in 2000 holes* 2.880 kg 60480000 70% the rest will use for operating costs to turnover the income in a cycling system Produced lettuce in 2000 holes* 2.880 kg Total Revenue is Rp 86.400.000/ year Kale & Lettuce's Price KUD Mekar Ungaran will received Rp 25.920.000/year Total Revenue* 15.000/kg 86400000 The rest Rp 60.480.000/year will use for operating cost *Usually agricultural production is not absorbed 100% due to perishable goods *Every 2000 holes can produced 2.880 kg/year , 4000 holes produced 5.760kg/year *Total Revenue = Price x Total Produced = Rp 15.000/kg x 5.760kg/year = Rp 86.400.000/year Sketch of Hydroponics Farm Land Lease 12,5 m Green House 2,3 m 20 m 70 cm cmm 1,5m 8m 12 m 3m 8m = Production Rack (consist of 20 pipes) = Adolescence Rack (consist of 20 pipes) = Genset = Seedling rack = Reservoir and water pump = Green house expansion (Future planning) = Green house expansion (Future Planning)