Image of God

Tracy Garringer 27372094 Theology 202-D26 1. Image of God There are so many names for God, I do not think we can actually put a true image to all those names. Of course you also have so many other religions with their Gods, all though there is only one true God at least for me that is. Joshua 24:15 “Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, (King James).” Biblical Image of God: Image of God as you can imagine is hard to describe for he is so many images how could, you put them into mere idle words that could possibly describe his image. Salvation we know is the work of God, from the beginning to end God is all about salvation and his salvation is completely by his grace. Our closet image of God is, we are made in his likeness verse Genesis; 1:27; “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created them male and female.” Where the teachings of the image of God actually begins. The image of God in humanity is critical to us understanding what makes us human. The Hebrew word for man is Adam, and we are something unique and a distinction between the animals, we both show aspects of common design. “I AM That I AM,” when God appeared to Moses he appeared as a burning bush. Mosses wanted to know who was send him back into Egypt to lead the Israelites out of slavery. The Great I AM will never leave us or forsake us. He never changes. The hymn writer Henry F. Lyte, expressed this truth in the form of a prayer: “Change and decay in all around I see, O Thou who changes not, abide with me.” Tracy Garringer 27372094 2. Historical God: The argument throughout history or the existence of God is getting stronger because of the data that is being found. The historical books of the Old Testament is an extended argument for the existence of God based on the history of the Jewish people. The Bible is not a philosophical argument, it is more of an invitation to look at the history of God and his hand in history. Whenever the Hebrews followed God’s law they prospered, when they violated it they perished. His history shows moral laws are as inescapable as physical laws. No human lawgiver invented history itself, therefor the only true answer is God. With parting of the red sea in ordered for the Jew’s to escape, Coincidence’s will bring us to the suspicion if not conviction that an unseen divine hand is at work here. Theological God: “Listen, Israel, The Lord is our God, the Lord is one. You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength” (Deuteronomy; 6:4-5). Tri-personal existence, there is only one god that who in his unity, expresses Himself tri-personally as Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Where each member of the Godhead is coequal and in one substance, but spate in subsistence. God is not man as we are, an attribute is a characteristic of God. Some attributes are absolutes, meaning that they are His and His alone. None of these attributes are Satan’s, Angels or other created beings. Theology is how we understand, Christian Doctrine, regarding nature truth, God, Jesus, salvation, damnation, the Tracy Garringer 27372094 3. trinity, The Holy Spirit, The gospel and resurrection. As John Calvin Summarized it, “Therefore, in order that faith may find a firm basis for salvation in Christ, and thus rest in him, this principle must, be laid down: The office enjoined upon Christ by the Father consists of three parts. For he was given to be prophet, King and priest. References: Bible Niv, Deuteronomy; 6:4-5 Bible King James, Joshua; 24:15 Akin, L. D., Ashford, R. B., Keathley, K., 2014. “A Theology for the Church.” Revised edition; Nashville, Tennessee, B&H Publishing Group Calvin, John.,“A theology for the Church.” Pg.439