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A simple, sociologically informed definition of religion. Religion is an institution set up to meet various of our needs (both essential and non-essential)
Dwi Indriana, 2020
Masalah tenaga kerja adalah masalah yang sanagat kompleks dan besar, kompleks karena masalahnya mempengaruhi sekaligus dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang saling berinteraksi dengan pola yang tidak selalu mudah dipahami. Besar karena menyangkut jutaan jiwa. Untuk menggambarkan masalah tenaga kerja dimasa ayang akan datang tidaklah gampang karena disamping mendasarkan pada anbgka tenaga kerja dimasa lampau, harus juga diketahui prospek produksi di masa mendatang.
Drupal.behaviors.print = function(context) {$(window).load(function() {window.print();window.close();})};> Published on Contretemps (
Excavations at Four Fall Line Sites: The Southeastern Columbia Beltway Project (report and appendices)1979, 1979
During July and August of 1978, archeologists from Commonwealth Associates Inc. conducted excavations at four sites (38LX5, 38LX64, 38LX82, and 38LX106) in the route of the proposed Southeastern Columbia Beltway. The fieldwork and subsequent report preparation were conducted under the terms of a contract with the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public Transportation. Fieldwork operations extended over 150 person-days, during July and August, with analysis and report preparation occupying another 225 days between September 1978 and August 1979. Field procedures consisted of mapping and controlled surface collection over each site, followed by the excavation of dispersed test pits and block units. Project research was directed toward cultural historical and cultural ecological questions, particularly the delimitation of component specific artifact associations and site-use patterns. Field data collection was directed toward the collection of information useful to the examination of these topics, with an emphasis on the collection of samples of value for specialized analyses focusing on aboriginal subsistence and chronology (ethnobotanical and radiocarbon studies). The analysis consisted of a descriptive and interpretive summary of the four assemblages, including all materials recovered during previous investigations at each site.
Patakies Yoruba
Liturgia sacra, 2022
Renewed emphasis on the significance of the ambo on the part of the Roman dicastery for divine worship appeared in the context of the Roman rite in the late 1980s and once again in the Jubilee year 2000 but seems to have been overlooked in the vast majority of local churches. The author reviews what he considers to be a gradual restoration of the ambo to its medieval heyday while seeing that same restoration as central in placing the celebration of Christ's paschal mystery at the heart of the liturgy renewed after Vatican II.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Issues related to gender (and sexuality), largely ignored in the early development of sociolinguistics, have emerged as a cornerstone of the field. Spurred on by the feminist movement and new generations of engaged scholars addressing how language use both reveals and embeds gender inequalities, scholarship on such questions is now “mainstream” across a range of disciplines. Deborah Cameron argues that the primary focus in recent decades on social identity and performance, while path-breaking in many ways, has had the unintended consequence of drawing attention away from core issues of power and patriarchy in terms of gender relations.
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International Conference on Transportation and Development 2019, 2019
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2013
New West Indian Guide, 2024
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2016
Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 2015
Personality and Mental Health, 2015
16th International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials, Book of Abstracts Eds. V. Tamuzs, K. Cirule, V. Kulakovs, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, University of Latvia, May 24-28, Riga, Latvia, 2010
Mütefekkir, 2023
European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2021