FION S. L. LEE, City University of Hong Kong
Department of Information Systems, Kowloon Tong, Tel: (852) 2788-7538, Email:
[email protected]
DOUGLAS VOGEL, City University of Hong Kong
Department of Information Systems, Kowloon Tong, Tel: (852) 2788-7560, Email:
[email protected]
MOEZ LIMAYEM, City University of Hong Kong
Department of Information Systems, Kowloon, Tel: (852) 2788-8530, Email:
[email protected]
Divergent opinions exist on the basic understanding of the concept,
virtual community. This study offers a working definition by examining
different definitions, and proposes adoption of virtual community
classifications. It also includes a summary of research conducted in the field.
The research categorizes the different stages in virtual community growth to
show the transition of research in this area. The results illustrate a paucity of
technology development studies. We also investigate the extent of the adoption
of informatics in these communities using a survey 200 virtual communities.
The results indicate that discussion forum is the most popular tool adopted in
virtual communities. The integration of the research review and tool adoption
survey contributes to the generation of an agenda to direct future virtual
community research.
Ken Peffers acted as senior editor for this paper.
Lee, F.S.L., D. Vogel, and M. Limayem, “Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research
Agenda”, The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003, 47-61.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
With the exponential growth of the
virtual community, more and more studies
have been conducted on how virtual
communities affect living standards by
providing functions for relationship building
and knowledge sharing (Baranski 1997; Bieber
et al. 2002; Blasé 2000; Brown 2000; Siwolop
1997). Nevertheless, little consensus has been
reached on basic concepts such as definitions
and classifications of the virtual community.
Without such underlying concepts, researchers
use a variety of meanings for the same terms.
The various classifications proposed by
different researchers prevent the adoption of a
standard terminology. Also, the existing
literature shows that virtual community
research is lacking and is being ignored in the
most prestigious journals. This implies that
virtual community research has not yet
reached a mature stage and opens
opportunities for future study.
From a practical point of view, a virtual
community provides access for engaging in
common activities, sharing feelings, or
discussing ideas with others. The current
practice is to build web sites and allow people
to register as members who can then share
information or feelings virtually. However, the
tools that virtual community web sites are
using to assist in relationship building and
knowledge sharing are of dubious value. As
the virtual community becomes more popular,
researchers need to be aware of what is
happening in the theoretical aspects as well as
practical developments and consideration of
research opportunities that exist.
We develop four research questions
based on the problems mentioned above:
What is our proposed working
definition of the virtual community?
What are the classifications of virtual
community and how can they be
adopted in different situations?
What are the tools currently adopted in
virtual communities and expectations
for their functionalities?
What suggestions can we make about
In this paper, we compare different
virtual community definitions and develop a
working definition. We then describe different
classifications of virtual community and
suggest selective adoption based on different
situations. We identify existing research on
virtual community, and demonstrate the lack
of technology development studies. Next, we
examine virtual community from a practical
point of view to reflect on what is actually
happening in this area. On the practical side,
we conduct a survey on internet tools used in
200 virtual community web sites, and provide
suggestions for how these tools can provide
This study provides an overview of
various aspects of virtual community research
to reflect the basic knowledge in this area. It
proposes a working definition of the virtual
community to contribute to a consensus on
standard terminology. In addition it proposes
classification schemes for virtual communities
and suggests the adoption of appropriate
classifications in different situations.
Another contribution of this study is the
summary of existing research on virtual
community. It reflects the immaturity of
research in this area and exposes the lack of
research on technology development for
supporting virtual community.
This paper also includes a survey on
tools used in virtual communities. The results
contribute to our knowledge on the most
popular tools adopted in virtual communities,
i.e. discussion forum.
We propose future research topics,
including knowledge management in virtual
community and the impact of discussion
forums on information exchange and emotional
The paper can help novices gain a basic
understanding of virtual community research.
Researchers may find this paper useful to help
select new research areas. Virtual community
administrators can become aware of the
popular types of technological tools used in
Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
support. The results of the survey indicate that
discussion forum is the most popular virtual
community tool. Finally, integration of
research summary and survey findings
contributes to a research agenda for directing
future virtual community research with the
technology development focus.
This is a review and a research agenda
paper about the virtual community. We first
propose a working definition of virtual
community and suggest circumstances where
different virtual community classifications
could be applied. We also provide a summary
of research conducted on virtual community
that could be useful for future studies. We
conduct a survey to help us understand the
practical issues in virtual community, in which
we focus on tools adopted in virtual
community. Incorporating the research
summary with the survey results could be
helpful in preparing an agenda for indicating
direction for future research. Some suggested
future research directions include:
Impact of discussion forums on
information sharing and emotional
Requirements of tools to support
Knowledge management in the virtual
community; and
Design of virtual communities to
generate profit.
Traditionally, the word “community,”
has been considered to be a closed system. It
has been seen to have a relatively clear
boundary, relatively stable membership, and
show little linkage to other communities
(Anderson 1999). But with the advanced
communication technology, predominance of
geography as a force of a shaping community
is reduced. The communication network is
enhanced and thus the virtual community
arises. However, the basic question remains:
what is a virtual community?
A generally agreed upon definition of a
virtual community, a definition understood by
most people, would be a good starting point.
What we need is a working definition, a
consensus found in the major stream of
literature. To achieve this goal, definitions of
virtual community proposed by various
authors are compared in Table 1. Similar items
found in definitions are then extracted in order
to build up a working definition. These
definitions are presented in order of popularity.
Howard’s (1993) definition is the most popular
cited reference, followed by Hagel and
Armstrong’s (1997).
Table 1: Definitions of virtual
communities proposed by various authors
Carver (1999) Virtual Communities are about
aggregating people. People are drawn to
virtual communities because they
provide an engaging environment in
which to connect with other people –
sometimes only once, but more often in
an ongoing series of interactions that
create an atmosphere of trust and real
Craig and
A sense of community, that is, it is not
guaranteed by opportunities for
interaction but, rather, must grow out of
interaction itself.
Long term, computer-mediated
conversations amongst large groups.
Virtual communities are computerHagel and
mediated spaces where there is a
potential for an integration of content
and communication with an emphasis on
member-generated content.
Hesse (1995) A community that spins time and
geography, a community that
supplements buildings and streets with
personal computers and information
Ho, Schraefel, Technologically mediated, persistent,
and Chignell environment which supports: multiple
interaction styles, capability for real-time
interaction, and multi-user engagement.
Social aggregations that emerge from the
Net when enough people carry on public
discussions long enough, with sufficient
human feeling, to form webs of personal
relationships in cyberspace.
Jones and
Virtual Publics are symbolically
Rafaeli (2000) delineated computer-mediated spaces,
whose existence is relatively transparent
and open, that allow groups of
individuals to attend and contribute to a
similar set of computer-mediated
interpersonal interactions.
Romm and
Groups of people who communicate with
Clarke (1995) each other via electronic media, rather
than face to face.
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
In his definition of a virtual
community, Howard (1993), the primary early
advocator of virtual community and often
quoted in the literature (Kozinets 1999),
includes factors that describe what a virtual
community is: 1) the Net / cyberspace refers to
activities carried out in cyberspace, to
differentiate them from real community
activities; 2) public discussion suggests that
participants have discussions with one another,
whether to share opinions, knowledge,
feelings, or common topics of interest. There is
the implication that topics are generated by
participants rather than web site coordinators;
3) personal relationship indicates that with
sufficient time, participants develop a selfsustaining relationship amongst themselves.
Hagel and Armstrong (1997) focus on
the content and communication aspects with
special emphasis on member-generated
content. From Table 1, the definition proposed
by them is: virtual communities are computermediated spaces where there is a potential for
an integration of content and communication
with an emphasis on member-generated
content. Key points from their definition are:
1) computer-mediated spaces has a similar
meaning to cyberspace and internet space
when being accessed by technology; 2)
member-generated content obviously refers to
the data, information, discussion, expression,
and feelings generated in discussions led by
members. This helps to distinguish the virtual
community from online information services.
The third definition is from Jones and
Rafaeli (2000) who use the term ‘virtual
public’ instead of virtual community. To
repeat their definition: ‘Virtual Publics are
symbolically delineated computer-mediated
spaces whose existence is relatively
transparent and open, that allow groups of
individuals to attend and contribute to a similar
set of computer-mediated interpersonal
interactions.’ Based on this definition, virtual
publics are: 1) in the computer mediated
spaces, that is, the cyberspace arbitrated by
technology; 2) groups of individuals attending
and contributing to a similar set of computermediated interpersonal interactions, stressing
the participants’ contributions to the
interactions in cyberspace.
Romm and Clarke’s (1995) definition
points out only the aspect of communication,
that is, via electronic media. This broader
definition may not sufficiently distinguish the
virtual community from other web sites.
However, there is still some similarity with the
definitions of the others. This similarity
includes 1) groups of people who communicate
indicating that participants interact with each
other to share or discuss; 2) electronic media
referring to the support of communication by
In his definition of a virtual
community, Hesse (1995) defines it ‘as a
community that spins time and geography, a
community that supplements buildings and
streets with personal computers and
information superhighways.’ His definition
focuses on the virtual community enabled by
technologies designed to move information
rather than goods and people. He appears to
view the virtual community from a technical
rather than social point of view.
The other definitions in Table 1 share
some similar points with Howard, and Hagel
and Armstrong. Craig and Zimring (2000)
focus on the outcome of virtual community
and an important element to achieve the
outcome, i.e., interaction. Erickson (1997)
points out that the conversion should be
mediated by computer technology in order to
qualify as a virtual community. Lastly, both
Carver (1999), and Ho et al. (2000) emphasize
the purposes of and interaction in virtual
There are distinct differences in the
definitions mentioned above. For example,
Craig and Zimring place emphasis on the
outcome of virtual community, while Romm
and Clarke look at the definition from the
communication pattern of virtual community.
Sometimes there are mismatches. Take
Erickson’s definition as an example. He
proposes virtual community as long-term,
computer-mediated conversations for large
groups. But, in reality, some virtual
communities have only a small number of
members and they can still survive.
Even though discrepancies occur
among some existing virtual community
definitions, almost all definitions share some
similar points, but none of them address all
Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
ideas. The similarities will contribute to the
construction of a working definition. The first
similar point is cyberspace. All of the
definitions state that virtual community should
be on the net, use computer-mediated spaces,
or cyberspace. This point differentiates the
community. Unlike the traditional definition of
“community” that implies the existence of a
geographical boundary and its communication
bounded by the physical location (Moffitt
1999), virtual community does not have
borders since it locates in a place where no
boundary can be found.
The second aspect in common is the
usage of computer-based information
technology to support the activities in virtual
community. The different definitions directly
or indirectly emphasize that access to virtual
community is through the computer or
electronic media, i.e., computer-based
information technology. In virtual community,
information technological tools are e-mail,
discussion forums, and message boards. One
of the objectives of this study is to provide a
review of technological tools adopted in
virtual community. The details of the review
will be shown as a survey result in the latter
part of this paper.
The third similar aspect is that
communication and interaction are the
main focus, and content or topics of virtual
community are driven by the participants.
The participant-driven community, not the
web site coordinators, clearly distinguishes the
virtual community from online information
services. And the contents in the community
are formed when members communicate with
each other. Among members, recurring
interaction generates further messages and
makes the communication non-stop for a
sustained community.
The final shared aspect is the successful
virtual community relationship culminating
after a certain time period of communicating
Using the common elements mentioned
above, a working definition of virtual
community could be: a cyberspace supported
by computer-based information technology,
centered upon communication and interaction
of participants to generate member-driven
contents, resulting in a relationship being built
up. This working definition encompasses the
elements that constitute a virtual community.
communities shows divergent opinions.
Authors classify virtual communities into
different categories according to their
underlying principals or focuses. Several
popular classifications are listed in Table 2.
Hagel and Armstrong’s (1997) classification is
most popularly referenced.
Table 2: Classifications of types of virtual
Classified by
Hagel and
Basic needs of
Types of virtual
- Interest, Relationship,
Fantasy, and Transaction
Not mentioned
Jones and
Interest, Relationship,
Entertainment, and
- Transaction, interest,
relationship, and fantasy
Social Structure - Examples: Virtual
settlements, cyber-inns,
virtual airport bar, virtual
voluntary associations,
other forms of social
- Web-BBS, Web Avatar
meeting place, Usenet
group, Email list, 3-D
world, Text generated
space, Internet relay chat,
and other CMCTechnologies
Hagel and Armstrong’s (1997)
classification of types of virtual communities
is commonly referred to in the literature
(Kozinets 1999). In their opinion, interactions
in virtual community are based on people’s
desire to meet four basic needs: interest,
relationship, fantasy, and transaction. Under
this classification, the interest need is targeted
in the virtual community by aggregating a
dispersed group of people who share an
interest and expertise in a specific topic. The
relationship need gives people with similar
experiences the opportunity to come together
and form meaningful personal relationships.
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
The fantasy need provides an opportunity for
people to come together and explore new
worlds of fantasy and entertainment, while the
transaction need is met online through the
trading of information between participants.
Hagel and Armstrong’s classification is similar
to Carver’s (1999), albeit with different
wording for similar meaning.
Jones and Rafaeli (2000) have
classifications according to different focuses.
As shown in Table 2, these different
classifications focus on “use”, “social
structure”, and “technology.” “Use” is one of
the classifications by Jones and Rafaeli. They
adopted Hagel and Armstrong’s proposal to
provide a scheme for classifying virtual
communities by use. This classification
categorizes virtual communities by the way
they help meet one of four basic needs:
interest, relationships, fantasy or transactions.
The transactions based communities can be
sub-classified into business-to-business virtual
communities and customer-focused virtual
communities. Business-to-business focused
communities consist of various types including
functional publics, and business type publics.
Customer-focused virtual communities can be
sub-divided into geographic, demographic or
topical types.
Another classification by Jones and
Rafaeli is by “social structure.” This
classification requires an analysis of the social
networks that are formed by users that are
more specific to some particular virtual
communities. Examples of this categorization
include Cyber-Inns by Coate (1992) and
Virtual Airport Bar by Doheny-Farina (1996).
The third classification by Jones and
Rafaeli is a more straightforward one. It
classifies virtual communities according to
their technological base that encompasses
Web-BBS, web avatar meeting place, usenet
group, email list, 3-D world, text generated
space, internet relay chat, and other computer
mediated communication technologies.
Each of these classifications represents
a specific understanding under different
situations. We can therefore suggest that
different classifications are appropriate in
specific studies based on the perspective taken.
Taking the different focuses of research
into consideration, various classifications
could be adopted for different occasions. For
example, as presented in Table 2, Hagel and
Armstrong propose a classification in a
sociological perspective and classify virtual
community in view of social interpretation.
They focus on how people feel about each
other and the satisfying of their needs. This
classification is appropriate when studying
social influences on virtual communities, for
example how members behave and what
factors affect participation in a virtual
community. On the other hand, this
classification is general and can be applied to
most studies. Hagel and Armstrong’s
classification is similar to Carver’s
categorization on virtual community since both
of them look at the issue from a similar
classifications is “use” concerning human
basic needs. Similar to Hagel and Armstrong’s
proposal, this classification can be applied
when studying social and psychological issues
in virtual community. But the classification by
“social structure” is unclear. The community
type is quite specific and may only fit in one
situation but not in others. Their third type of
classification by technological base can be
applied when studying the functions and
features provided in virtual community.
In summary, none of the classifications
of virtual community covers every aspect, or
fits under every circumstance. Each
categorization scheme fits better in certain
situations than in others. For example, when
describing something relating to technology,
Jones and Rafaeli’s classification by
technology would be more suitable. However,
categorizations of Hagel and Armstrong or
Carver are more generic and relate more to
social issues. They could be applied in
behavioral studies where participation is
voluntary and the outcomes are uncertain.
Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
As more and more virtual communities
can be found in the internet, virtual community
research becomes important. However, there
is a paucity of reviews about existing research
on the virtual community. To address this
problem, we list and categorize prior research
to show the progress made in virtual
community research.
We examined the meta-analyses by
Claver, Gonzalez, and Llopis (2000) and Li
(1997) to classify research on the virtual
community. To accomplish this we modified
the method used in an earlier study by Lai and
Mahapatra (1997), a meta-analysis of prior
research about information technology
implementation, supporting the classification
of studies by phases of virtual community
growth. Lai and Mahapatra divided IT
implementation into seven phases: basic
research, technology development, diffusion of
outcome assessment, and institutionalization.
In the diffusion of information stage, several
research topics are not relevant to virtual
community, such as market analysis,
marketing strategy, change agent analysis, etc.,
so we excluded this stage from our
classification of virtual community research.
We combined the implementation phase and
outcome assessment phase because most
researchers address both stages in the same
To clarify virtual community research
growth, we suggested five stages, based on an
adaptation of Lai and Mahapatra’s (1997)
phases. The first stage is to get a fundamental
understanding about the virtual community.
It includes the derivation of underlying
concepts, principals, definitions and models,
etc. After having an idea of what the virtual
community is, it is important to know how to
develop the fundamental understanding. Thus,
in the second stage the emphasis is on
technology development for supporting
growth. This stage includes studies on the
tools used in the virtual communities and
technological potential for developing them.
After building up the virtual community, it is
also necessary to understand the functions
derived and proposed adoptions of them.
This is the main focus in the third stage. The
studies encompassed in this stage are the
potential applications of virtual community,
relationship building and knowledge sharing in
virtual community - points to be aware of
when developing a virtual community.
The fourth stage combines the
conceptual ideas and technology available into
reality. This means that implementations and
outcome assessments need to be worked out
to gain experience of virtual community
building and to evaluate the results. In the final
stage, with sufficient understanding of virtual
community, research can link up the
knowledge of virtual community with other
research areas or disciplines to enlarge the
potential benefits. This is a step of
institutionalization, including studies on the
impact of virtual community on e-commerce.
The work in these five stages may not happen
in sequence, and on a practical level, it is very
likely that they are conducted in parallel.
We reviewed IS journals to examine the
existing research conducted on the virtual
community. We include journals suggested by
previous literature, such as MIS Quarterly,
Information Systems Research, Management
Science, and Journal of Management Systems
(Claver et al. 2000; Hardgrave and Walstrom
1997; Nord and Nord 1995). We also include
references from the Proceedings of the Hawaii
International Conference on System Science’s
mini-track on online communities, and short
studies of Communications of the ACM.
A look at the list of articles in Table 3
shows that the numbers of studies have
increased in recent years. This indicates that
virtual community study is the subject of
increasing attention. However, the number of
studies in this area is still low. Many existing
studies focus on defining the basic concepts of
virtual community and the attempts to adopt or
implement virtual community.
In addition, as shown in Table 3, the
number of studies conducted in the technology
development stage is especially low. It reflects
that there is a lack of studies on technology
community. It is surprising that although we
regard virtual community as a computer-
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
Table 3: Research conducted on the virtual Community
Research Stage
(Andrews 2002)
(Burnett 2000)
(Cummings, Butler, and Kraut 2002)
(Ho, Schraefel, and Chignell 2000)
(Igbaria 1999)
(Jones 1997)
(Jones and Rafaeli 2000)
(O’Neil 2002)
(Romm, Pliskin, and Clarke 1997)
(Romm and Clarke 1995)
derived and
(Bieber et al. 2002)
(Goodman and Darr 1998)
(Hattori, Ohguro, and Yokoo 1999)
(Berghel 2001)
(Cowan, Mayfield, Tompa, and
Gasparini 1998)
(Erickson 1997)
(Faucheux 1997)
(Marlino, Summer, Fulker, Manduca,
and Mogk 2001)
(Pliskin and Romm 1997)
(Stanoevska-Slabeva and Schmid
(Swan 2001)
(Wachter, Gupta, and Quaddus 2000)
Implementation (Chellappa, Barua, and Whinston
and outcome
(Emmen 1999)
(Hardwick and Bolton 1997)
(Hesse 1995)
Research Topic
Audience-specific online community design
Information exchange in virtual communities: a typology
The quality of online social relationships
Towards an Evaluation Methodology for the Development of ResearchOriented Virtual Communities
The Driving Forces in the Virtual Society
Virtual-Communities, Virtual Settlements & Cyber-Archaeology: A
Theoretical Outline
Time to Split, Virtually: ‘Discourse Architecture’ and ‘Community
Building’ as means to Creating Vibrant Virtual Metropolises
Assessing community informatics: a review of methodological approaches
for evaluating community networks and community technology centers
Virtual Communities and Society: Toward an Integrative Three Phase
Virtual Community Research Themes: A Preliminary Draft for A
Comprehensive Model
Virtual Community Knowledge Evolution
Computer-Aided Systems and Communities: Mechanisms for
Organizational Learning in Distributed Environments
Socialware: Multiagent Systems for Supporting Network Communities
A Cyber publishing Manifesto
New Role for Community Networks
Social Interaction on the Net: Virtual Community as Participatory Genre
How Virtual Organizing is Transforming Management Science
The Digital Library for Earth System Education: Building Community,
Building The Library
The impact of e-mail on the evolution of a virtual community during a
A Typology of Online Communities and Community Supporting
Knowledge Management in Action: Integrating Knowledge Across
IT takes a village: Virtual communities in supporting of education
An Electronic Infrastructure for A Virtual University
Establishing a Virtual Medical World Community
The Industrial Virtual Enterprise
Curb Cuts in the Virtual Community: Telework and Persons with
(Hiltz and Wellman 1997)
Asynchronous Learning Networks as a Virtual Classroom
(Majchrzak, Rice, Malhotra, King, and Technology Adaptation: The Case of a Computer-Supported InterBa 2000)
organizational Virtual Team
(Pearson 1999)
Electronic networking in initial teacher education: is a virtual faculty of
education possible?
(Piccoli, Ahmad, and Ives 2001)
Web-Based Virtual Learning Environments: A Research Framework and
a Preliminary Assessment of Effectiveness in Basic IT Skills Training
(Rao 1998)
India Network – the first case study of a virtual community
(Singh, Yu, and Venkatraman 2001)
Community-based Service Location
(Bruckman 2002)
The future of e-learning communities
(DeSanctis, Wright, and Jiang 2001)
Building A Global Learning Community
(Jin 2002)
Design of a virtual community based interactive learning environment
(Kozinets 1999)
E-Tribalized Marketing?: The Strategic Implications of Virtual
Communities of Consumption
(McWilliam 2000)
Building Stronger Brands through Online Communities
(Rothaermela and Sugiyamab 2001)
Virtual internet communities and commercial success: individual and
community-level theory grounded in the atypical case of TimeZone.com
(Wang, Yu, and Fesenmaier 2002)
Defining the virtual tourist community: implications for tourism
Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
mediated community, we have found few
studies proposing how technology can enhance
its development.
Another point shown in Table 3 is the
trend of virtual community research to
integrate with other research areas. We find
that virtual community received more
attention, especially in the years 2001 and
2002. During this time the amount of virtual
community research increased dramatically.
Some of the research was conducted from the
viewpoints of other disciplines. This indicates
the extensive growth of virtual community
We should address the practical and
community so that novices can gain an
understanding of the basic idea and
comprehend how technology can help support
the development of virtual community. Since
virtual communities are located in cyberspace
that uses technology to operate, there is a need
to study the adoption of different tools by
virtual communities.
We believe the concept of community
informatics (CI) is useful in guiding the
development of virtual community because CI
addresses the question of how communities,
community affairs, and “civil society” in
general are interpenetrated, enhanced, and
enabled through the use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) (Gurstein
2000). CI can also be viewed as a promising
strategy for taking advantage of ICT to further
the goals of community development (Pitkin
2001). Informatics can refer to a large variety
of tools. They range from e-mail and forums to
decentralized computing linked together and
networks of Telecentres that support the
communications. In this study, we conduct a
survey examining the adoption of different CI
tools by existing virtual communities.
In order to understand how informatics
can help virtual community grow, we first
examine how it supports virtual community in
the current situation. In this section, the results
of a survey conducted on existing virtual
community web sites indicate which tools are
used to support these web sites. The results
contribute to our understanding of the current
situation, which in turn will assist researchers
in proposing what can be done to improve
virtual community development.
The virtual community web sites
selected in this survey include those searched
from the dominant search engines, Yahoo.com
and Google.com. We recognize that this
limited use could indicate an incomplete
sample of virtual communities. It may also
show geographical bias that may create a
potential problem, such as no Chinese virtual
community being included in the survey.
However, we believe it is not deterministic,
and we at least cover enough communities to
reflect the phenomenon.
We conducted a search under the key
words “virtual community” and “online
community.” It is surprising that when
searching Yahoo.com and Google.com, the
numbers of web sites under these key words
are 492 and 2,210,000, respectively, for
“virtual community” and 3,036 and 4,830,000,
respectively, for “online community.”
Although both are very popular search
engines, the number of virtual community web
sites linked to them show a great difference.
The reason may be due to population
differences of search engine visitors. Since
Google.com is a more referential search engine
in the academic and professional field, most
academics and professionals prefer to link
their web sites to Google.com as a way of
sharing their interests with others. Also, many
universities connect their communities with
Google.com to establish communication links
with their alumni. Another possible reason for
the difference in number is the different web
site classification systems that are executed in
the two search engines.
In Table 4, we use Hagel and
Armstrong’s categorization (see Table 2) to
classify the examined web sites. The samples
include 100 web sites from each of Yahoo.com
and Google.com that sum up to 200 identical
web sites. Again, these web sites are searched
using the key words “virtual community” or
“online community.”
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
Table 4: Types of virtual communities in
virtual community web sites
Types of virtual community
When conducting the survey, we found
that most web sites provide tools to support
participant communication. Of the sites that
call themselves “virtual communities,” not all
provide tools or functionality to support
communication among participants. Many,
such as Danville Virtual Community
(http://danvillevirtual.com/), are just online
information service web sites that provide only
services for internet web site building. Most of
the named virtual library web sites, such as
(http://vrl.tpl.toronto.on.ca/), Cleveland Digital
Michigan Virtual Learning Collaborative
(http://www.siweb.com/) provide linkages to
search information for the participants, but
they do not facilitate communication between
the participants. These kinds of web sites
usually provide contact means to the web site
builder only, but do very little for participants’
communication. Hence, these kinds of web
sites are not included in the survey list of this
To understand which tools are used in
virtual communities, Table 5 shows the
frequency of tools used in the sample web
sites. The tools listed in the figure include the
most popular types of tools: e-mail, forum,
message board / bulletin board, chatroom and
newsletter. These are some primitive tools that
support sharing and message delivery among
participants to some extent. Among these
tools, discussion forum gains the highest
percentage on adoption, followed by message
board / bulletin board, chatroom, newsletter,
and e-mail.
Taking a closer look at these most
commonly adopted tools, White (2001)
Table 5: Tools used in the sample virtual
community web sites
mail Discussion
Yahoo.com 28
Board /
suggests that e-mail can be individualized or
sent to a larger list of recipients. This is always
the easiest tool to consider. However, it is also
very easy to abuse, creating useless junk email
or “spam” which can alienate the audience
(White 2001). In a forum, people come
together online for discussion of a common
interest topic or topics. Forums are designed to
support a debate that goes on for an extended
period of time, not to give a quick hint of
popular opinion (Gurstein 2000). Bulletin
boards are comprised of dial-in electronic
space, which can store transmitted electronic
messages. Individuals can dial into the board
to retrieve the range of messages placed there,
including those that might have been
specifically left for them (Gurstein 2000).
Chatrooms have interactions usually with
small groups for a very low cost. However, a
time needs to be chosen that works for the
target audience, which becomes increasingly
difficult as we expand to global audiences and
groups (White 2001). Newsletters are
popularly used as a way to distribute a
community’s information. Apart from these
popular tools, internet broadcast that allows a
one-to-many presentation via the web and the
traditional methods that include telephone
conferencing and video conferencing are some
less frequently used examples to support
communication in virtual communities.
Although the use of these simple tools
to support communication in virtual
community is frequently used today, there is a
question of their ability to support knowledge
transfer among the participants. It is also
doubtful whether these tools can help the
participants to share in depth and whether the
interaction supported by these tools will result
in building up relationships.
Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
After reviewing the definition and
classification of virtual communities, the
recent literature, and the technical tools
adopted in existing virtual communities, we
now propose topics for future studies that
could make valuable contributions to research.
These topics are presented in the context of the
five virtual community research phases
suggested previously.
Fundamental understanding
Virtual community research is still
immature. Consequently, there is still a need
for studies to provide better definitions and
classifications for components and tools
supporting virtual communities. For example,
there is a need to differentiate virtual
communities from online information service
providers. Conceptual papers suggesting
theoretical frameworks could also be useful in
guiding empirical investigation in this area.
Technology development
Our literature review indicates a lack of
research in the technology development phase.
The following areas are worthy of
Researchers can start by gaining a
better understanding of virtual community
participants’ requirements and needs. For
example, we might study the requirements for
tools that support communication in virtual
community. The survey approach can be used
to collect community members’ requirements
for these types of tools.
It is also important to develop a wider
variety of tools that can be put at the disposal
of participants. Researchers might also
develop concepts of good user interface design
to attract more participants to join these
Functions derived and adoption
In this stage, we might study
knowledge transfer in virtual community. As
we pointed out above, learning is a popular
issue in this field; researchers want to use the
virtual community to achieve active learning.
Hence, knowledge transfer or knowledge
management during the learning process in
virtual community is
suggested for
investigation. The case study method might be
used to study how knowledge is exchanged in
a virtual community that is created specifically
for learning purposes.
Implementation and outcome assessment
Research regarding the implementation
and outcome assessment phase might be
fruitful; for example, studying the impact of
different virtual community tools on important
process and outcome variables, such as level
of participation, satisfaction, information
exchange, and emotional support, might be
worthwhile. A specific study might examine
how a discussion forum contributes to
information sharing and emotional support. As
Table 5 shows, the discussion forum is the
most popular tool used in virtual communities.
It would be interesting to examine how this
tool supports the two important purposes of
virtual community participation, information
sharing and emotional support. Such a study
could be carried out by conducting interviews
with virtual communities members to examine
how they perceive these two purposes when
they are participating in discussion boards.
Future institutionalization research
could develop ways to integrate the virtual
community with other profit-making electronic
management applications. A study to examine
how and whether online businesses can
improve profitability through the use of online
communities could be done using the case
study method. Such studies could lead to the
understanding of success and failure factors
for virtual community institutionalization.
The results of this study help build a
consensus on a virtual community definition: a
cyberspace supported by computer-based
information technology, centered upon
communication and interaction of participants
to generate member-driven contents, resulting
in a relationship being built.
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.
Fion Lee, Douglas Vogel and Moez Limayem
classification schemes for virtual communities,
the existence of which suggests that
researchers could adopt a particular
classification scheme depending on their
research focus. General and behavioral studies
about the virtual community could use Hagel
and Armstrong or Carver’s classification.
Technologically related research questions
might use Jones and Rafaeli’s technologically
based classification.
This summary on virtual community
research could help researchers gain a clearer
vision of the deficiency of existing research,
especially in the technology development area,
and the potential of future studies. For
example, although our survey on tools for
supporting virtual community web sites,
reported here, concludes that the discussion
forum is the most popular tool used in virtual
communities, many opportunities remain for
tool application. Based on the summary of
existing studies and survey on tools adoption,
research topics are proposed to show the
potential research areas in virtual community.
In conclusion, this study points out that
research in virtual community is immature
with many areas left for researchers to
investigate. To support the growth of virtual
community, community informatics could be a
powerful tool to facilitate the functions of
relationship building and knowledge sharing.
Based on the growing number of virtual
communities, we can predict that virtual
community will become an important research
area in the information systems discipline.
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Virtual Community Informatics: A Review and Research Agenda
Fion S. L. Lee is a PhD
candidate of Information
Systems at the City
University of Hong Kong.
She received her MPhil in
Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management
from The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology in 1997. Her research interests
include behavior in the virtual community,
community informatics, collaborative learning,
and knowledge management.
Douglas R. Vogel is
Information Systems at the
City University of Hong
Kong. He received his
Administration from the
University of Minnesota in
His research
interests bridge the business and academic
communities in addressing questions of the
impact of management information systems on
aspects of interpersonal communication, group
problem solving, collaborative learning, and
multi-cultural team productivity.
He is
especially active in introducing group support
technology into enterprises and educational
Moez Limayem is an
Associate Professor at
the Information Systems
Department of the City
University of Hong
Kong. He holds an
MBA and a Ph.D. in
MIS from the University
current research interests include IT adoption
and usage, CRM, Knowledge Management
and electronic commerce. He has had several
articles published in many journals such as
Management Science, Information Systems
Research, Communications of the ACM, IEEE
Transactions, Accounting, Management &
Information technologies, Group Decision and
Negotiation, and Small Group Research
The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5:1, 2003.