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2016, Message of Yoga to humanity
3 pages
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The paper discusses the evolution and importance of Yoga as a holistic practice that facilitates both personal and collective growth. Emphasizing the need for a multidimensional approach to modern health issues, it asserts that most contemporary ailments—including psychosomatic diseases—stem from a disconnection between material ambitions and spiritual awareness. By integrating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual techniques, Yoga is presented as a guiding principle for restoring balance in human life.
Yoga is an internal expedition that creates an awareness and understanding and leads to transformation. It is a Primordial Science of self-development that filters mind and body and sustains perfect balance and harmony between them. In other words, it is an art of controlling mind, body and breath and unlocking the hidden Potential energies. Yoga can be in meditation from and it could also be a form of physical exercise. Many human beings are so busy with their personal lives that they even forgotten the correct way to breath. In this modern world of 21 st century our environment is struggling for endurance and survival and we human beings suffer from more and more physical and psychological stress and strains. Yoga is a way of life for good living and for the benefit of the body. Yoga is the only technique through which the body of any human being can be health without any trainer, equipment and medicine. Thus, my purpose of this paper makes an attempt to analyse the role and importance of Yoga in Modern times of 21 st century as well as its effect on human beings in this contemporary times.
Today's feelings of doom around the world are due to our internal negative attitude of compartmentalization and dehumanization, by which we designate an easy scapegoat and avoid facing our own problems. In order to release us from negative entrapment, we need to shift from this undesirable default to a positive new mode of de-compartmentalization and humanization. We must stop blaming others and start facing our own problems by integrating people and the earth into a whole. This is the way we shall attain true internal peace on this finite, organic planet. Insecurity about the world Clashes between nationalisms [5], [6] Insecurity about the future Global economy, environmental destruction [7], [8] Unhappiness about ourselves Individualism, materialism, comparison and competition [9-11] Insecurity about society Distrust of each other [12-14]
Today the whole humanity is on the threshold of our country is to the throes of Moral and Cultural crisis & it can be said that education has failed to create a decent society. The present educational system has lost its luster and relevance because of the western influence and absence of Yogic Education. It has succeeded in developing within us a hatred towards own tradition and culture and making us look at the western materialistic way of life with respect and admiration. As a result, there is a crisis of character, moral decay and breakdown of traditional discipline. People are after acquiring quick position and wealth by whatever means, fair or foul; good or bad has been the soul motive, which arises out of the defective system of education.Similarly the following things are commonly observed in the society. To be good is considered to be lesser important than to be important. Organized crime, financial fraud & terrorist’s violence etc by the best minds endowed with the best of educational & technical attainments. Members of the learned professions indulge in scandalous, unethical ways of making money. Merit has been consistently ignored in academic set up. Educational system provides more importance to the marks, merit positions, awards etc. Students are obliged to rely on private tutors, depends so much on their memory instead of cultivating their imagination & thinking power. Socially destructive and personally devastating ways of coping this stress as evident by increased rate of crime, alcoholism, drug addition, suicides, accidents, self-harm, running a way from home, depression, low self-esteem, etc. Power of intellect are being used more to harm humanity rather than to protect it. Ultimately, this result in decline in the quality of human life. In order to correct the system of modern education, we should follow the path of Yoga, which will reestablish the Indian Educational System on man development. Man is not just the body or even the combination of body & mind. This is a Power within the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Ethical integration of the individual into complete men is a broad definition of the fundamental aim for education. These values can build from Yoga Education. Yoga develops holistic attitude. Thus, the aim of present education and teaching must be to help manifest this power / spirit in every thought, word and action. This will help in achieving harmonious development of the body & the intellect and tune it to the spirit within for the integrated balanced personality, which is the need of hour.
Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023), Reviewing Yoga’s Role in Relation to Contemporary Collective Concerns, Abhinava Prabandhan [International Research Journal of Indian Ethos & Wisdom for Management – ‘The Vivek Management’, Vol. 10 Issue 1, January 2023 – June 2023, pp 62-73, 2023
The spread of Yoga in various forms beyond the context in which it originated raises questions concerning whether in addition to its adoption and practice by individuals and for individual treatment and support, alone or in combination with complementary contributions, it might also benefit collective responses to shared environmental challenges and existential threats, and key decision makers such as business leaders and directors who have an important role to play in formulating them, and whether its contribution might be enhanced by incorporating other elements of Indian ancient wisdom that relate to respecting and protecting the environment and living in harmony with the natural world. A further question for those concerned with Yoga is whether they should influence aspects of its development purpose and practice, if they are in a position to do so and this would enhance its utility and relevance and increase its contribution, rather than allowing it to evolve in the marketplace.
Polis open accessed Journal Link:, 2021
This article focuses on Heidegger's concept of technology. The analysis of his views pointed back to the Greek tradition, criticized by Heidegger. According to Heidegger, the decline of the West occurred as human Dasein lost touch with the awesomeness of the gift and responsibility of the ontologically disclosive capacity. The author also looks at the four-fold benefits of technology: earth, sky, divinities, and mortal. Finally, the paper relates the Heideggerian notion of technology with globalization. Link:
This lecture deals with the profound influence that yoga can have in the fields of behavioral transformation, upgrading mental strength, management of time, controlling of flow of emotions and reactions and choice of decision. The literal translation of yoga means " integration " or " union " have come to see yoga as the science which aims to harmonize or unite virtually all aspects of life – the physical, mental, social and spiritual. The most direct and abiding way to achieve this is to integrate yoga into sequential dealings of personal or professional relations to self actualization systems. Our ultimate goal is to see yoga as an inherent part of every curriculum all over the world in the 21st century. I believe that such " integration " would result in populations of students, employees, housewives and entrepreneurs who are more empathetic, self confident and mindful of themselves and one another. The anecdotal and empirical evidence is that those incorporate yoga into their curricula, find that the self management is enhanced through reduced level of stress, improved focus and increased attention span, gained enormous patience and become kind and vegetarian. In many parts of the world people have found that integrating yoga into the personal and professional dealings and transactions has had these profound and abiding effects. However, we find ourselves at a point where yoga is not an integral part of a significant number of educational curricula or day to day activities. More to the point, it could not even realistically be seen as part of a serious agenda on educational reform. Our task is therefore a daunting and formidable one. The first step towards this goal is for the educational, business and yogic community to come together in unity of purpose and clarity of voice to put forth value and relevance of scientific adaptation of yoga in the 21st century.
Human Excellence Through Yoga, 2018
There is a clear failure of the world order today.The gunpoint Capitalism and Communism evolved out of the Industrial Revolution are a clear failure at this stage unable to solve today’s problems. The conclusive orthodox religious order of various hues based on absoluteness, immutability, omnipotency, permanancy and perfection are not capable of answering today’s world awareness, often pulling the world backward towards intolerance and violence. The oft spoken love,brotherhood,concern for the fellow human being and co-operative social collaboration are missing today. From morning until going to bed, everybody seems to be running madly without holistic meaning to life. It is the failure of the Teacher today than that of the student/public. The need of the hour is Innovation in every sphere more so in the social systems, social order and Spirituality.For a possible approach and answer, please visit In these days of MP’S corruption, corruption in highest places, corruption all around us, favouratism, nepotism, discrimination, embezzlement, self-agrandizement, mis-management, adultery, cheating, stealing and dereliction every where, intolerance, violence, mistrust, social indifference and social disorder, we have to look for alternatives. This prompted, the Creation of this Public Charitable Trust on 11-06-2003. There is a need for Paradigm shift in our thinking, faiths, beliefs, attitudes and behavior for achieving Synergy, Peace, Harmony, Justice and Development. There is a need for striking a balance between materialism and spiritualism for ensuring human survival and life survival in general. The attitude of imposing/prescribing everything i.e. do’s and don’ts for progeny must go and a system of freshness, creativity and a relook at the entire past is the need of the hour. The world today faces extreme violence, be it extremism or terrorism or fundamentalism of various origins. The root cause has to be analyzed in a dispassionate and objective manner. The technological knowledge gained by mankind should not become source of its own destruction. Wisdom should prevail over knowledge. There is a need for balance every where, be it personal life, materialist and spiritual thoughts, social order, justice, equality of opportunity or development. There is a need to understand materialism and spiritualism and philosophy of Shrama (Labour). Materialism gives that all life originated from matter and the methods used are Scientific postulations, verification and that is the path ( i.e. induction or deduction). Whereas spiritualism originates itself from the realizations of Rishis/ Mahapurushas / Prophets / Imams / Teachers / Rabbies. To understand realization is to go through that process and that is not in your hands. There is no verifiable proof as required by the scientific method. With individuals who have gained scientific knowledge and methodology and spiritual realization, fusion between them is possible which will lead to synergy between materialism and spiritualism for human wellbeing . In order to create knowledge and skills in this historically evolved situation, new ways and new postulations based on the above are required at least for the present time. These two aspects namely Materialism and Spiritualism are the only known aspects/methods of enquiry about Truth and there could be infinite possible methods if mankind has evolved to that state. This being a possibility. To understand synergy, peace, harmony, justice and development in society ( global / national), one has to understand meaning of labour (Shrama), its origin, its philosophy and its ideals. In order to bring forth a direction and knowledge and skills on these above lines i.e. Materialism Spiritualism and Shrama Dharma, this Public Charitable Trust is created on 11-06-2003, with other objectives as given in this website. Perhaps there will be more synergy, peace, harmony, justice and development with minimum Laws and least policing with the right kind of social systems. It is the failure of the teacher today, than that of the student/public. The right systems and processes have to come in place and hence creative research is required to create this. This is the major objective of this Trust. Brief points for the TALK Spiritualism – a brief Materialism –a brief History of Eastern and Western Philosophies --- a brief Materialism Spiritualism - a new paradigm in philosophy Tools used – Truth and reality and five states of existence Under research and realization Shrama (Labour) - origin, development and philosophy Shrama Dharma - a new paradigm in social existence evolved from Eastern and Western life/ Cultural processes Materialism Spiritualism and Sharma Dharma – two tools for Synergy, Peace, Harmony, Justice and Development Conclusion- assimilation, Integration and Innovation and direction for future.