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This research examines the influence of organizational commitment and the involvement in work to the relation between Islamic work ethics and attitude to organizational change. The samples are 32 lecturers and 31 accountant staff. Linear regression and absolute approach is used to test the effect of job involvement and organizational commitment. The results of this research show that Islamic work ethics do not affect the attitude toward organizational change directly. The involvement in job has strong influence to the relation between Islamic work ethics and attitude to organizational change, while organizational commitment does not have strong influence to the relation between Islamic work ethics and attitude toward organizational change.
"Ku kira coklat, nggak taunya broklat, perutku jadi kacau berat, nggak! nggak momo lagi". Demikian sebuah pernyataan yang diperankan oleh seorang anak bertubuh tambun dalam sebuah iklan kudapan coklat bermerk "Gery Toya-Toya" produksi Garuda Food, yang ditampilkan dalam iklan di berbagai televisi nasional. Sekilas iklan tersebut
Istilah etika memiliki banyak makna berbeda. Ada yang menyebutkan bahwa etika adalah semacam penelaahan, baik aktivitas penelaahan maupun hasil penelaahan itu sendiri. Pendapat lain menyebutkan bahwa etika adalah kajian moralitas. Sedangkan moralitas adalah pedoman yang dimiliki individu atau kelompok mengenai apa itu benar dan salah, atau baik dan jahat suatu perbuatan. Meskipun etika berkaitan dengan moralitas, namun tidak sama persis dengan moralitas. Etika merupakan studi standar moral yang tujuan utamanya adalah menentukan standar yang benar atau yang didukung oleh penalaran yang baik, dan dengan demikian etika mencoba mencapai kesimpulan tentang moral yang benar dan salah, dan moral yang baik dan jahat Etika seharusnya diterapkan dalam bisnis dengan menunjukan bahwa etika mengatur semua aktifitas manusia yang disengaja, dan karena bisnis aktivitas manusia yang disengaja, etika juga hendaknya berperan dalam bisnis. Argument lain berpandangan bahwa, aktivitas bisnis, seperti juga aktivitas manusia lainnya, tidak dapat eksist kecuali orang yang terlibat dalam bisnis dan komunitas sekitarnya taat terhadap standar minimal etika. Bisnis merupakan aktifitas kooperatif yang eksistensinya mensyaratkan prilaku eksis. Dalam masyarakat tanpa etika, ketidakpercayaan dan kepentingan diri yang tidak terbatas akan menciptakan " perang antar manusia terhadap manusia lain " , dan dalam situasi seperti itu hidup akan menjadi " kotor, brutal, dan dangkal ". Karenanya dalam masyarakat seperti itu, tidak mungkin dapat melakukan aktivitas bisnis, dan bisnis akan hancur. Karena bisnis tidak dapat bertahan hidup tanpa etika, maka kepentingan bisnis yang paling utama adalah mempromosikan prilaku etika kepada anggotanya dan juga masyarakat luas. Etika hendaknya diterapkan dalam bisnis dengan menunjukan bahwa etika konsisten dengan tujuan bisnis, khususnya dalam mencari keuntungan. Contoh Perusahaan Merck dikenal karena budaya etisnya yang sudah lama berlangsung,
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2020
The human visual recognition system is more efficient than any current robotic vision setting. One reason for this superiority is that humans utilize different fields of vision, depending on the recognition task. For instance, experiments on human subjects show that the peripheral vision is more useful than the central vision in recognizing scenes. We tested our recently-developed model, that is, the elastic net-regularized hierarchical MAX (En-HMAX), in recognizing objects and scenes. In various experimental conditions, images were occluded with windows and scotomas of varying sizes. With this model, classification accuracies of up to 90% for objects and scenes were possible. Modelling human experiments, window and scotoma analysis with the En-HMAX model revealed that object and scene recognition are sensitive to the availability of data in the centre and the periphery of the images, respectively. Similarly, results of deep learning models have shown that the classification accuracy diminishes dramatically in the absence of the peripheral vision. These differences led us to further analyse the performance of the En-HMAX model with the parafoveal versus peripheral areas of vision, in a second study. Results of the second study show that approximately 50% of the visual field would be sufficient to achieve 96% accuracy in the classification of unseen images. The En-HMAX model adopts a relative order of importance, similar to the human visual system, depending on the image category. We showed that utilizing the relevant regions of vision can significantly reduce the image processing time and size.
Optics Express, 2009
The polarization of the thermal radiation emitted from individual nanoheaters is investigated for nanoheaters with widths ranging from 500 nm to 2000 nm. The polarization is oriented along the long axis of the nanoheater for widths below 600 nm and rotates by 90° and becomes perpendicular for widths above 900 nm. For certain width nanoheaters the orientation of the polarization of the thermal emission can be rotated from parallel to perpendicular by changing the temperature of the nanoheater. The change in the direction of the emitted thermal radiation is explained by thermally excited transverse plasmon modes.
Here we present data on the lifetimes of selected electronic products (PCs, hard drives, CD drives, CRTs, printers, TV sets, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners) won from empirical case studies and estimate the corresponding probability density functions. This data will later be used to model the future flows of these obsolete products in the case study region. In addition, a methodology for
My contribution, which is quite short, begins on page 151.
Abstrak Reactive dyes are dyeshtffs that can reactwith cellulose or proteiru It has small molecular weight, water soluble and binds covalently to the fiber and provives good calourfastness on washfastness and perspiration resistance. Mainly leather for garment is dyed using aniontc dyeinffs, but the use of reactive dyes is not commonfor leather dyeing. In the present study, an atternpt the use of reactive dyes with variation concentration of 10, I 5 and 20 %. The aim of the research was to determine the fficts of using reactive dyes on colourfastness and morphologt tilapia skinfor garment leather The raw material in this research were wet salted tilapia skin. The test parameters were washfastness and perspiration resistance and visual test on microscopic of collagen f.ber. The results showed that the use of reactive dyes affected on washfastness and perspiration resistance. The best concentration of reactive dyes was 15 96 and gave better washfastness and perspiration resistancewith the value of 5.
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