Modeling of Iron Losses of Permanent-Magnet
Synchronous Motors
Chunting Mi, Member, IEEE, Gordon R. Slemon, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Richard Bonert, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Permanent-magnet (PM) motors offer potential energy savings as compared with induction motors because of the virtual elimination of rotor loss and the reduction of stator loss from
operation near unity power factor. In PM machines, iron losses
form a significant fraction of the total loss partly due to the nonsinusoidal flux density distribution. Design optimization therefore
requires good means of predicting these iron losses. Finite-element
analysis can be employed but this approach is cumbersome and
costly when used in the many iterations needed in optimizing the
design. This paper presents a set of improved approximate models
for the prediction of iron loss. They can be used in design optimization programs and, since they are directly related to machine dimensions and material properties, they also provide quick insight
into the effects of design changes. A time-stepped finite-element
method is employed to evaluate the iron losses in a range of typical PM machines and the results are used to evaluate the adequacy
of the models. The predictions of overall iron losses are then compared with measurements made on two PM motors.
tions. This simple analytical iron-loss model has been used by
a few authors to determine the iron losses of PM synchronous
motors [4]–[8]. While the overall application of these approximations produced an acceptable prediction of the total measured
losses in an experimental machine, the validity of each approximation remained in doubt. In this paper, these approximations
are examined in turn and their results are compared with those
obtained by finite-element analysis.
Measurements of iron losses in magnetic material are traditionally made with sinusoidal flux density of varying frequency
and magnitude. The total iron-loss density
is commonly
expressed in the following form for sinusoidally varying magnetic flux density with angular frequency :
Index Terms—Core losses, eddy currents, hysteresis, iron losses,
permanent magnets (PMs), permanent-magnet (PM) machines,
synchronous motors.
ERMANENT-MAGNET (PM) motors are challenging
the monopoly of induction machines in many applications
such as pumps, fans, and compressor drives where the higher
initial cost can be rapidly paid back by energy savings [1]. In
PM motors, iron losses form a larger proportion of the total
losses than is usual in induction machines. This is partly due to
the elimination of significant rotor slip loss and is partly due to
the reduction of stator loss from operation at near-unity power
factor. Optimum design of PM motors therefore requires good
means for predicting these iron losses [2]. It is accepted that
finite-element analysis can produce a good estimate of iron
losses but this approach is cumbersome and costly when used
in the many iterations needed in the optimizing design. This
paper presents a set of improved approximate models for the
prediction of iron losses of surfaced-mounted PM motors.
An earlier paper [3] developed expressions for iron losses of
surface-mounted PM motors based on a number of approximaPaper IPCSD 03–009, presented at the 2001 Industry Applications Society
Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 30–October 5, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Electric
Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript
submitted for review June 19, 2002 and released for publication January 23,
C. Mi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]).
G. R. Slemon and R. Bonert are with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4, Canada
[email protected];
[email protected]).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2003.810635
are the hysteresis and the eddy-current loss
density, respectively,
are hysteresis and eddy current constants, and is the Steinmetz constant, all of which
depend on the lamination material. These constants can be obtained by curve fitting from manufacturer’s data. Typical values
for grades of silicon iron laminations used in small and medium
induction motors, with the stator frequency given in radians
– ,
– , and
per second, are in the ranges
An expression for the classical eddy-current loss can also be
developed based on the resistivity of the core material [14]. The
result is generally found less than that obtained from the second
term of (1).
The iron-loss expression in (1) is only valid for sinusoidal flux
density. In most PM motors, the variation in flux density in the
stator core is far from sinusoidal. In this situation, while the hysteresis loss is still easy to evaluate as it depends only on the peak
value of the flux density assuming that there are no minor hysteresis loops, the eddy-current losses evaluated using only the
fundamental component of flux density may be much lower than
the measured values [9]. An alternative approach which includes
the harmonics of the flux density can be employed [10]–[13],
but this approach involves the complex evaluation of these harmonics in each finite element of the machine.
For the eddy current it is convenient to represent the average
loss density as a function of the time rate of change of the vector
flux density [3], [14]
0093-9994/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
is the period. For a -pole machine rotating at
rad/s, the time period for one cycle is
Use of (2) assumes that the eddy-current losses are induced
by the field variation, whether it is pulsating or rotating [15].
The eddy-current loss is related not only to the magnitude of
the flux density, but also to the way in which each of the two
orthogonal components of the flux density changes [14], [16].
In this paper, (2) is employed to calculate eddy-current
losses. The rotational flux will be decomposed to two orthogonal components: radial (normal) and circumferential
(longitudinal) components to evaluate the iron losses.
Although it requires high effort for general use in most
designs and is not practical during the preliminary PM motor
design iteration stages, time-stepped finite-element method
(FEM) remains the most powerful and precise tool to calculate
electromagnetic field distributions and field-related parameters
[8]–[12]. Time-stepped FEM is also used as an effective tool
to verify loss calculation based on simpler loss models [4], [5],
[17], [18], as it is economically and technically impractical to
verify all loss predictions with experiments.
A time-stepped FEM was employed to calculate iron loss numerically in this paper. The results of these analyses are then
used to validate and refine the assumptions involved in approximate loss models. The PM motor contains a standstill stator and
a moving rotor. In establishing the meshes for the analysis, the
rotor is moved and positioned at each time step such that it does
not disturb the integrity of the mesh structure as it moves. The
initial meshes of the stator and the rotor are generated such that
half of the air gap belongs to the stator and the other half to the
rotor. A stator mesh and a rotor mesh share the same boundary
at the middle of the air gap. The inner stator circumference at
the air gap and the outer rotor circumference are divided into
equal steps so that their nodes coincide. To provide for movement of the rotor, the time step is chosen so that the angle or
length of each step is equal to the interval between two neighboring nodes along the mid air gap. Because of periodicity of
the magnetic field, only one pair of poles needs to be modeled.
Similarly, because of the half-wave symmetry of flux density,
only half of the time period needs to be calculated.
and circumferential
components of flux
The radial
density at time step in the volume element are evaluated as
. The total eddy-current loss can be obtained
from (2) as
Fig. 1. Major rotor configurations of PM machines. (a) Rotor with surfacemounted magnets. (b) Rotor with surface-mounted magnets and sleeve ring.
(c) Rotor with inset magnets. (d) Rotor with circumferential magnets.
where is the total number of steps in the half time period
is the stator core length,
is the area of element , and
is the total number of elements in the teeth and the yoke of
the stator.
Similarly, the total hysteresis loss can be expressed as
is the maximum flux density of element
In the preliminary study on iron losses of surface-mounted
PM motors [3], a number of tentative conclusions were derived
based on a series of assumptions.
The assumptions and conclusions of [3] can be summarized
as follows.
1) The eddy-current loss was assumed to be dependent on
the square of time rate of change of the flux density vector
in the stator core.
2) The tooth eddy-current loss was assumed to be concentrated in those teeth which are near the edges of the surface-mounted magnets and, thus, was independent of the
angular width of magnets.
3) The flux density in a tooth was assumed to be approximately uniform.
4) As the magnet rotates, the flux density in a stator tooth
at the leading edge of the magnet was assumed to rise
linearly from zero to a maximum and then remain essentially constant while the magnet passes. At the lagging
edge, the tooth flux drops from maximum to zero in the
same pattern.
Fig. 2. Configuration and flux distribution of a linear PM synchronous motor in a pair of poles. The linear machine has two slots per pole phase and is surface
mounted with rectangular-edged parallel-magnetized magnets. Assuming it has a large number of poles. Main dimensions of the machine are as follows: air-gap
length 1 mm; pole pitch = 100:8 mm; both tooth and slot width w = w = 8:4 mm; magnet thickness l = 3:5 mm; slot pitch = 16:8 mm.
5) The rise or fall time of the tooth flux density was assumed
to be the time interval for the magnet edge to traverse one
tooth width.
6) For a given torque and speed rating, the tooth eddy current loss was stated as approximately proportional to the
number of poles divided by the width of a tooth. Alternatively, the tooth eddy current loss was approximately
proportional to the product of poles squared and slots per
7) For a given frequency, the tooth eddy-current loss was
stated to be proportional to the number of slots per pole
8) The eddy-current loss in the stator yoke was approximated using only the circumferential component of yoke
flux density.
While the overall application of these approximations produced an acceptable prediction of the total measured losses in an
experimental machine, the validity of each individual approximation remained in doubt. The uncertainties in these models are
as follows:
1) the validity and accuracy of the derived flux waveform,
both in the teeth and in the yoke;
2) the error caused by only using the magnitude of the flux
3) the error caused by neglecting geometry effects on flux
waveforms and eddy-current loss of the motors.
In this paper, these assumptions are examined in turn and their
results are compared with those obtained by time-stepped FEM.
Among the major types of rotor structures, rotors with surface-mounted magnets as shown in Fig. 1(a) are commonly used
in PM synchronous motors for their simplicity. The drawback of
the configuration is that the magnets may easily fly away from
the surface at high speeds if they are originally glued on the rotor
surface. The author has experienced several times the magnets
flying off the rotor surfaces during the operation of PM motors.
One effective way to avoid the mechanical weakness of surface-mounted PM synchronous motors is to bond the magnets
with a cylindrical sleeve made of high-strength alloy as shown
in Fig. 1(b) [19]–[21]. Rotors with interior magnets as shown
in Fig. 1(c) and (d) can provide a more secure magnet setting.
Fig. 3. Calculated tooth flux waveforms of the linear PM motor of Fig. 2 with
variable magnet width. From left to right, I: = 0:990; II: = 0:833; III:
= 0:667; IV: = 0:532; V: = 0:333; VI: = 0:167.
It can also produce more maximum torque due to its unequal
-axis and -axis reluctance [22].
Although the simplified iron-loss model has been developed
in the paper based on surfaced-mounted PM motors, it can also
be adapted to predicting iron losses in interior-type and circumferential-type PM motors.
A. Tooth Flux Waveforms
Fig. 2 shows a typical flux density distribution in a surfacemounted PM motor with teeth of uniform width and with no
stator current. In developing the loss models of the earlier paper
[3], it was assumed that the flux density in each tooth was uniform and radially directed. It was time invariant for those teeth
which were fully over the magnet, and that it varied linearly as
the magnet edge passed under each end tooth. To test the assumption that eddy loss occurs only in the end teeth, an FEM
was performed on one pair of poles of the linearly arranged machine as shown in Fig. 2.
The analysis was performed such that as the width of the
magnet was changed, the number and shape of slots and teeth
were kept constant. The normal component of flux density obtained at the center of a tooth is shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen
that the rise of the flux follows almost a linear pattern except
at the beginning and end of the change. The time for the approximated linear flux density to change from zero to plateau
Fig. 4.
Tooth eddy-current loss versus magnet coverage predicted by FEM.
was found to be equivalent to that required for the magnet edge
to traverse one slot pitch. This is in contrast to the assumption
made in [3] that the linear change would occur as the magnet
edge travels one tooth width.
It can also be seen from Fig. 3 that changing magnet width
over a wide range does not change the achieved maximum flux
density in the teeth, nor does it change the slope of the tooth
flux waveforms. However, when the space between the two adjacent magnets is less than one slot pitch, the slope of tooth flux
density begins to increase. Especially when magnet coverage
approaches 1.0, the slope of the tooth flux density is dramatically increased. At the other extreme, when the magnet width is
less than one slot pitch, the tooth flux density does not reach a
plateau although the slope of the flux density waveform is still
the same.
The calculated tooth eddy losses are shown in Fig. 4. It can be
seen that the loss remains substantially constant as the magnet
width is varied over a wide range. When the magnet width is less
than about one slot pitch, no tooth has constant flux density. On
the other extreme, when the space between two magnets is less
than about one slot pitch, the eddy-current loss is considerably
increased due to the increase of the circumferential flux in the
teeth between magnets.
Next, the effect of slot closure was studied. An FEM analysis was performed on the linear PM machine to determine the
average flux density at the center of a tooth over a time period
. The calculated tooth flux waveforms are shown in Fig. 5
as a function of slot closure.
It can be seen in Fig. 5 that the flux density varies approximately linearly. As expected, the plateau of tooth flux density increases as the slot opening is reduced. The time interval needed
for the approximately linear flux change from zero to maximum
is seen to be essentially constant and independent of the amount
of slot closure.
B. Eddy Loss Induced by the Normal Component
A revised approximate model for tooth eddy-current loss can
now be developed. For an -phase PM motor with slots per
Fig. 5. Tooth flux density waveforms by changing the slot closure b . From
top to bottom, slot closures are 1.6, 3.2, 5.0, 6.6, and 8.4 mm.
slots per pole. The time
pole phase, there are
for the magnet to traverse one slot pitch is
Under linear trapezoidal assumptions of the waveforms, the
time rate of tooth flux change is
The change of tooth flux density occurs four times per time
period . The average eddy-current loss density in the teeth can
now be expressed as
It can be seen that the eddy-current loss is proportional to the
number of slots per pole phase .
C. Effect of Motor Geometry
The effect of motor geometry was then studied [23]. For
each geometrical change of the linear machine, the tooth eddy
loss was calculated by FEM and compared to that predicted
by approximation model (8). The ratio of these two predicted
losses was introduced as a correction factor to the approximation model. It was found that the correction factor is a function
of slot pitch, magnet thickness and air-gap length as shown in
Fig. 6.
D. Eddy Loss Induced by the Longitudinal Component
So far, only the normal component of tooth flux density has
been considered. FEM shows that although the magnitude of the
longitudinal component of tooth flux density is negligible at the
center of a tooth, it is comparable to the normal component at
the shoes and surfaces of the tooth. In order to quantify this loss
component, the eddy loss induced by the longitudinal component is calculated by FEM and compared to that predicted by the
approximation model for different geometries. A second correction factor was then introduced to reflect the contribution of the
Fig. 6. Correction factor k as a function of motor geometry. From top to
1:5; 3:0; 4:5 and 6:0.
bottom: l =
Fig. 7. Correction factor k with regard to slot closure , air gap, and tooth
width, where is the ratio of slot closure to slot pitch: = (w
w )=, w is
slot width, and w is slot openings. = 0 for open slot and = 0:5 for closed
slot. From top to bottom: = = 32:6; = = 16:8; = = 11:2; = = 8:4;
and = = 6:7.
eddy loss induced by the longitudinal component as shown in
Fig. 7.
E. Modified Tooth Eddy-Current-Loss Model
The modified tooth eddy-current-loss model can now be expressed as
where and are correction factors which can be found from
Figs. 6 and 7, respectively.
A. Yoke Flux Waveforms
The flux pattern of Fig. 2 suggests that the circumferential
component of the flux density in the yoke is roughly constant
over the thickness of the yoke. It increases approximately linearly from the middle point of the magnet to the edge of the
magnet and that it remains approximately constant in the yoke
Fig. 8. Longitudinal component of flux at different layers of the stator yoke
computed by FEM. From top to bottom: 1/3 yoke thickness from the tooth; at
the middle of yoke; and 1/3 yoke thickness from the stator surface.
Fig. 9. Normal component of flux at different layers of the stator yoke
computed by FEM. From top to bottom (above x axis): I—center of a tooth;
II—1 mm from the tooth; III—1/3 yoke thickness from the tooth; IV—middle
of yoke; and V—1/3 yoke thickness from the stator surface.
sector not above the magnet. The approximate model of the previous paper [3] was based on these assumptions. The radial component of yoke flux density was ignored.
Fig. 8 shows the longitudinal component of the yoke flux density at different layers of the yoke computed by FEM. It can be
seen that the longitudinal component is approximately trapezoidal. The flux is approximately evenly distributed over the
thickness of the yoke and the rise time of flux from negative
plateau to positive plateau is approximately the time needed for
one point in the yoke to traverse the magnet width.
Fig. 9 shows the normal component of yoke flux density computed by FEM at different layers of the yoke. It can be seen that
the normal component has a similar waveform to that of tooth
flux density waveform. The plateau of the flux at each layer of
the yoke is different. The plateau is at its maximum near the
tooth and drops dramatically penetrating further into the yoke
and approaches zero near the surface of the yoke.
B. Eddy Loss Induced by the Longitudinal Component
Based on the above observation, a simplified yoke eddy-current-loss model can be developed.
The magnet coverage can be expressed as a function of
magnet width as follows:
A. Tooth and Yoke Hysteresis Loss
is the width of the magnet which can be expressed
alternatively as the fraction of the stator periphery covered by
The time interval required for one magnet of width
pass a point in the stator yoke is
Tooth hysteresis loss and yoke hysteresis loss can be expressed simply as a function of the maximum flux density in
each area. In the teeth, the hysteresis loss density is
In the yoke, the hysteresis loss density is
B. Total Iron Losses
During this time interval, the longitudinal flux component
. Thus, the change rate of flux denchanges from
sity over the fraction of time
Total iron losses are obtained by summing the eddy-current
losses and hysteresis losses in the teeth and yoke
During the remainder of the time the longitudinal flux density
is assumed constant. Using (2), the eddy-current-loss density in
the yoke caused by the longitudinal flux density component is
then given by
C. Eddy Loss Induced by the Normal Component
Since at each layer of the yoke the normal component of yoke
flux density has a different plateau, it is desirable to integrate the
loss over the whole yoke to get the total eddy loss induced by
the normal component. It was found that this component of loss
can be expressed as
where is yoke thickness, and
the middle of yoke.
is the projected slot pitch at
D. Simplified Yoke Eddy-Current-Loss Model
The modified yoke eddy-current-loss model can now be expressed as
where is a correction factor for the eddy loss induced by the
normal component of yoke flux density and is related to motor
are the volume of stator teeth and stator yoke.
C. Comparison of Predicted Iron Losses
The approximation model was applied to a number of PM
motors to predict the iron losses [23]. Good agreements have
been maintained between the iron losses predicted by the approximation model and those calculated by FEM. A three-phase
5-hp four-pole 1800-r/min surface-mounted PM motor is presented here for verification. A cross section of the motor along
with its meshes and flux distribution is shown in Fig. 10. The dimensions and parameters are shown in Table I. Eddy-loss con, and hysteresis constant
Fig. 11 shows the tooth flux density waveform of the experimental PM motor obtained at the center of a tooth calculated by
FEM. It can be measured from Fig. 11 that the distance needed
for the linear part of the normal component of the tooth flux
density to rise from zero to the plateau value is 0.128 pole pitch
or 1.15 slot pitch. From the dimensions of the motor, it can be
, and
. From Fig. 6,
calculated that
. From Fig. 7,
. The tooth eddy loss of this
motor is 17.3 W calculated by FEM at 1800 r/min. It is 18 W
predicted by the approximation model (3.9% discrepancy).
Fig. 12 shows the yoke flux density waveforms of the experimental PM motor obtained at the middle of the stator yoke calculated by FEM. It can be seen from Fig. 12 that the linear part
of the circumferential component of yoke flux density takes 0.3
pole pitch to rise from zero to the plateau. This confirms that
the circumferential component takes about one magnet width to
change from negative plateau to positive plateau. The normal
component takes 0.13 pole pitch to rise from zero to plateau.
Recall that the normal component of tooth flux density of this
motor takes 0.128 pole pitch to rise from zero to plateau. It
therefore confirms that the normal component of yoke flux density has the same waveform as that of the normal component
of tooth flux density. By using the dimensions of the motor,
mm, and
. From (16),
. The yoke eddy loss of this motor is 18.1 W calcu-
Fig. 11. Calculated radial component of flux density by FEM at the center of
a tooth compared to a linearly approximated trapezoidal waveform.
Fig. 12. Calculated yoke flux density by FEM at the middle of yoke compared
to linearly approximated trapezoidal waveforms.
Fig. 10. A four-pole 36-slot rotary surface-mounted rectangular-edged
radially magnetized PM motor. (a) Geometry and mesh. (b) Flux distribution.
lated by FEM at 1800 r/min. It is 19 W predicted by the approximation model (5% discrepancy).
Table II gives a comparison of the iron-loss components of
the experimental PM motor obtained by FEM and by the approximate model for a number of values of speed. It shows good
agreement between the predicted iron losses of the two methods.
The open-circuited PM motor was driven by a dynamometer
and the shaft torque was measured over a wide range of speed.
This torque–speed product represents the no-load loss of the
motor. The loss consists of the iron loss plus the friction and
windage loss. This latter component of losses cannot be measured directly on a PM motor since the field-produced iron loss
is always present.
To circumvent this difficulty, the procedure in [14] was employed. An identical rotor without magnets on its surface was
assembled with the same stator. When this motor is driven by
the same dynamometer, the shaft torque represents the friction
and windage loss of the motor. The friction and windage loss
for the motor with and without PM on the rotor may be slightly
different but the difference is ignored. This friction and windage
loss was subtracted from the total losses to obtain the iron losses
at each value of operating speed.
A second measurement of losses was performed when the
motor is driven with an inverter. With no mechanical load on the
PM motor shaft, the input power at the stator terminals is measured. This power represents the total losses in the motor. Since
the current is negligible at no load, the correction for copper loss
is neglected. The iron losses are the total losses with the friction
and windage loss of the machine subtracted.
Table III gives a comparison of the total iron losses of the experimental PM motor measured by these two methods and those
predicted by the approximate model over a range of values of
speed. The discrepancy between the predicted and the measured
iron losses are generally within 5%.
This paper has described an improved approximate model
for predicting iron losses in surface-mounted PM synchronous
Assumptions made in an earlier paper have been refined by
comparison with FEM analysis. Experimental measurements
have also been made to add confidence to the results.
These simple approximation models for iron losses should be
of distinct value in design optimization studies where the large
number of dimensional iterations precludes the use of finiteelement analysis for loss prediction.
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Chunting Mi (S’00–A’01–M’01) received the
B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, and the Ph.D
degree from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Canada, all in electrical engineering.
He is an Assistant Professor at the University of
Michigan, Dearborn, with teaching responsibilities
in the area of power electronics, electric vehicles,
electric machines, and drives. From 2000 to 2001,
he was an Electrical Engineer with General Electric
Canada, Inc. He was responsible for designing and
developing large electric motors and generators up to 30MW. He has taught
power electronics and electric machines and drives courses for over ten years.
He has offered the electric and hybrid vehicles course to graduate students at the
University of Michigan and the U.S. Army TACOM. He has recently developed
a Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Laboratory at the University of
Michigan. His main interests are electric drives and power electronics circuits
including induction, brushless dc, and PM synchronous; renewable energy
systems; and electrical and hybrid vehicle powertrain design and modeling.
Dr. Mi is the Chair of the Power and Industrial Electronics Chapter of the
IEEE Southeast Michigan Section.
Gordon R. Slemon (S’46–A’48–M’48–SM’55–F’75
–LF’90) received the B.A.Sc. and M.A.Sc.
degrees from the University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada, the D.I.C. of the
Imperial College of Science and Technology,
London, U.K., and the Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees
from the University of London, London, U.K.
Following employment with Ontario Hydro and
Atomic Energy of Canada, he taught at Nova Scotia
Technical College prior to his appointment to the
staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering
at the University of Toronto in 1955. He served as Head of its Electrical
Engineering Department from 1966 to 1976, and as Dean of its Faculty of
Applied Science and Engineering from 1979 to 1986. Currently, he acts as
a Consultant to industry and government as well as continuing his research
specialty of electric machines and drives. He is also Professor Emeritus in
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. He is the
author or coauthor of five textbooks and 170 technical papers.
Dr. Slemon is an Officer of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, U.K., the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the
Canadian Academy of Engineering. In 1990, he received the IEEE Nikola Tesla
Award and IEEE Gold Medal.
Richard Bonert (M’81) received the Dipl.-Ing. and
Doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from
the University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, in
1969 and 1977, respectively.
He joined Brown Boveri, Germany, in 1969 as a
Project Engineer, where he was engaged in designing
electrical equipment for rolling mills, in particular,
controlled electric drives. In 1971, he joined the Elektrotechnisches Institut, University of Karlsruhe, as a
Research Associate and Chief Engineer for the experimental facilities. His area of research and teaching
was power-semiconductor-controlled drives. After receiving a Research Fellowship, he worked in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, during 1978–1979. He joined the department in
1980 and is currently a Professor in the Power Systems and Devices Research
Group. His main interests are power-semiconductor-controlled electric drives
and power electronics circuits, and the application of programmable electronics
circuits in this field. He has a strong interest in laboratories for power engineering to support graduate research and education in engineering.