Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Decomposed fuzzy proportional–integral–derivative controllers
Marjan Golob∗
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute for Automation, University of Maribor,
Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Accepted 22 August 2001
In this paper, several types of decomposed proportional–integral–derivative fuzzy logic controllers (PID FLCs) are tested and
compared. An important feature of decomposed PID FLCs are their simple structures. In its simplest version, the decomposed
PID FLC uses three one-input one-output inferences with three separate rule bases. Behaviours of proportional, integral and
derivative PID FLC parts are defined with simple rules in proportional rule base, integral rule base and derivative rule base.
The proposed decomposed PID FLC has been compared with several PID FLCs structures. All PID FLCs have been realised
by the same hardware and software tools and have been applied as a real-time controller to a simple magnetic suspension
system. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fuzzy logic control; PID control; Decomposed fuzzy system; Magnetic suspension system
1. Introduction
Fuzzy control techniques have been widely used in
industrial processes, particularly in situations where
conventional control design techniques have been
difficult to apply. The main advantage of the fuzzy
logic controller (FLC) [12] is that it can be applied
to plants that are difficult to get the mathematical
model, and the controller can be designed to apply
heuristic rules that reflect the experience of human
experts. Recently, fuzzy logic and conventional control design methods have been combined to design
proportional–integral–derivative fuzzy logic controller
(PID FLC), such as [1–5,8,14,15].
PID FLCs have been successfully applied to a
variety of practical problems. However, in spite of its
practical success, there is not a standard procedure for
∗ Tel.: +386-2-220-7161; fax: +386-2-251-1178;
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M. Golob).
tuning PID FLCs. The design of most PID FLCs is
a very time consuming activity involving, knowledge
acquisition, definition of the control structure, definition of rules, and tuning a variety of gains and other
parameters. If the number of fuzzy inputs increases,
a fuzzy controller gets increasingly intractable. The
knowledge acquisition suffers increasingly from the
engineering knowledge base and computational and
memory demands of fuzzy inference systems increase
strongly, thus suffering from course of dimensionality.
The problem of knowledge acquisition is addressed by
learning techniques, while the problem of multidimensionality by decomposing the fuzzy inference system.
Next problem of conventional methods to design PID
FLCs is a fact that the relation between PID FLC structures, their design parameters and the performance of
the control loops is also difficult due to the inherent
non-linear nature of controllers with fuzzy logic components. Therefore, design PID FLC with a simple
structure, limited number of tuning parameters, and
the knowledge base with restricted rules is important
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M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
for the solution of the real world problems, especially
the problems with high real-time systems demands.
This paper presents the structure and advantages
of decomposed PID FLCs as an alternative to the
fuzzy logic—PID complete design, a design that
require three inputs, which will substantially expand
the rule base and make the design more difficult. The
decomposed PID FLCs, as we proposed, are based on
the inference decomposition and simplification. The
fuzzy inference, described by a three-dimensional
relational fuzzy equation, has been decomposed on the
set of two or three fuzzy inferences, each described
by a one- or two-dimensional relational equations.
In comparison with the exiting fuzzy PID controllers the proposed decomposed PID FLC has the
following features.
1. The decomposed PID FLC keeps the simple structure of the PID controller and enables easy connection between fuzzy parameters and operation of
the controller.
2. Most of the actual fuzzy PID controllers are multivariable fuzzy controllers and have specially large
knowledge bases. The larger the knowledge base
is, the slower is the system. The decomposed PID
FLC knowledge base is combined by three separate rule bases with simple rules. The number of
rules is reduced.
3. The decomposed PID FLC is suitable for hardware
realisation, for instance, with a method for implementing fuzzy controllers on semi-custom VLSI
chips, in particular field programmable gate arrays
In our recent work [6] the simple decomposed PID
FLC has been compared with discrete PID controller
and gain scheduling discrete PID controller. The main
question is, do the decomposed PID FLC structure do
a good job as the non-simplified PID FLC form?
The simple magnetic suspension system is designed
to investigate the characteristics of different fuzzy
control algorithms and the results in stabilisation, time
responses for set point changes, time responses for
load disturbances and trajectory tracking need to be
interpreted in the context of its physical characteristics. All PID FLCs are realised by the same hardware
and software tools and applied to a simple magnetic
suspension system [7]. The real-time implementation
of the control for the magnetic suspension system
allowed to perform several interesting experiments
where the fuzzy controller proved to be very efficient.
Two types of real-time experiments have been done:
experiments for set point changes and experiment for
load disturbances.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 introduces decomposed fuzzy systems and decomposed
PID FLCs. Section 3 reviews other decomposed fuzzy
PID controllers. The simple electromagnetic suspension system is presented in Section 4. In Section 5
control experiments and results are compared and
Section 6 concludes the paper.
2. Decomposed fuzzy systems
The development of the PID FLC is followed from
the structure of the discrete PID controller. The basic
idea of the discrete PID controller is to choose the
control law by considering error E(k), change-of-error
DE(k) := (E(k)E(k − 1))/T and the numerically
approximated integral of error IE(k) := IE(k − 1) +
TE(k). The PID control law is
uPID (k) = KP E(k) + KD DE(k) + KI IE(k)
where KP is the proportional constant, KD the
differential constant, KI the integral constant and T the
sampling period. For a linear process the control parameters KP , KD and KI are designed in such a way
that the closed-loop system is stable. The corresponding analysis can be done by means of the knowledge
of process parameters taking into account special performance criteria. In the case of non-linear processes
that can be linearised around an operating point,
conventional PID controllers also work successfully.
However, the PID controller with constant parameters
in the whole working area is only robust for some
systems. In this case, tuning of the PID parameters
may be performed.
A fuzzy PID controller starts from the same
assumptions which are used for the conventional PID
controller. The output of the general fuzzy controller
u(k) is given by
u(k) = N (E(k), DE(k), IE(k))
where N(·) is a non-linear function determined by the
fuzzy parameters. In the case we assume the structure
of the fuzzy PID controller has three input variables
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
and one output variable with three base fuzzy sets on
each fuzzy variable, we get one rule base with a maximum of 27 rules. To minimise the number of rules the
simplification of the fuzzy PID structure is proposed
as described in [6]. The basic idea is to decompose
the multivariable control rule base into three sets of
one-dimensional rule bases for each input. The control
algorithm is represented by fuzzy rules. The linguistic description of the general fuzzy PID controller is
given by
has an analytical solution. With this decomposition,
the equality in Eq. (5) becomes an inclusion and the
relation reduces to
U ′ ⊂ E ′ ◦ {(E(1) ∧ U(1) ) ∨ · · · ∨ (E(m) ∧ U(m) )}
∧ DE ′ ◦ {(DE(1) ∧ U(1) ) ∨ · · · ∨ (DE(m) ∧ U(m) )}
∧IE ′ ◦ {(IE(1) ∧ U(1) ) ∨ · · · ∨ (IE(m) ∧ U(m) )}
IF E ′ = E(1) AND DE ′ = DE(1) AND IE ′ = IE(1) THEN U ′ = U(1)
IF E ′ = E(i) AND DE ′ = DE(i) AND IE ′ = IE(i) THEN U ′ = U(i)
IF E ′ = E(m) AND DE ′ = DE(m) AND IE ′ = IE(m) THEN U ′ = U(m)
where E′ , DE′ and IE′ are fuzzy input variables (error,
change-of-error and integral of error), E(i) , DE(i) , IE(i)
the ith corresponding base fuzzy sets, and U′ is the
fuzzy control output with corresponding base fuzzy
sets U(i) . The number of rules is denoted by m. The
fuzzy relation R of the fuzzy controller rule base is
expressed as follows:
R = ∨ {E(i) ∧ DE(i) ∧ IE(i) ∧ U(i) }
Now we define the fuzzy relations RE , RDE and RIE as
RE = ∨ {(E(i) ∧ U(i) )},
RDE = ∨ {(DE(i) ∧ U(i) )},
RIE = ∨ {(IE(i) ∧ U(i) )}
and the following is obtained from Eq. (6):
where ∨ is the aggregation operator and ∧ is the implication operator. For each rule in Eq. (3) a fuzzy relation
R(i) has to be constructed. To obtain the fuzzy controller relation R, fuzzy relations R(i) are aggregated.
The dimension of the relation matrix R is dim[R] =
dim[E] × dim[DE] × dim[IE] × dim[U ]. To obtain
the new fuzzy controller output U′ , given the current
fuzzy inputs E′ , DE′ and IE′ the compositional rule of
inference is used:
U ′ = E ′ ◦ DE ′ ◦ IE ′ ◦ R
where ◦ is the composition operator of fuzzy relations. Because of the multidimensionality of the fuzzy
relation R (Eq. (4)) the composition rule of inference
(Eq. (5)) is difficult to perform and analytical solutions usually cannot be obtained. To overcome this
difficulty, it is proposed [6] to break up the inference of a multidimensional rule base into three rule
bases for which the inference is easier to perform or
U ′ ⊂ E ′ ◦ RE ∧ DE ′ ◦ RDE ∧ IE ′ ◦ RIE
Because of the inference break-up, the code optimisation can be applied to software implementation. The
main advantage of the decomposition and simplification is a reduction in the number of linguistic rules. In
the case when we assume the structure of the decomposed fuzzy PID controller has three input variables
and one output variable with three base fuzzy sets on
each fuzzy variable, we get three rule bases with a
maximum of three rules in each of the rule base. Due
to the simplification, the output of the decomposed
PID FLC is a little more fuzzified than the output of
the general PID FLC. The output of the decomposed
fuzzy controller u(k) is given by
u(k + 1) = defuzz{RE ◦ fuzz(e(k))
∧RDE ◦ fuzz(de(k))
∧RIE ◦ fuzz(ie(k))}
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 1. The structure of the decomposed PID FLC realised using Eq. (9).
where fuzz(·) is the fuzzification operator and
defuzz(·) is the defuzzification operator. The structure
of the decomposed PID FLC realised using Eq. (9) is
shown in Fig. 1.
The decomposed PID FLC, presented in Fig. 1 and
described using Eq. (9), is contained in three decomposed fuzzy inferences. Linguistic output variables are
aggregated and the result is defuzzified. In [6] we proposed a decomposition of entire fuzzy systems, including the defuzzification. The aggregation operator
has been substituted with a sum of defuzzified outputs.
The output of such a decomposed PID FLC is given by
u(k + 1) = defuzz{RE ◦ fuzz(e(k))}
+ defuzz{RDE ◦ fuzz(de(k))}
+ defuzz{RIE ◦ fuzz(ie(k))}
and the structure is shown in Fig. 2, where decomposed PID FLC is used as a controller in a discrete
feedback control system.
3. Other decomposed fuzzy PID controllers
Several FLC configurations have been presented in
the literature.
3.1. PD + I FLC
The PD + I FLC was proposed by Li and Ng [9].
The control law of the PD + I FLC is constructed by a
sum of fuzzy PD action and fuzzy integral action. The
structure of a simple control system with PD + I FLC
is shown in Fig. 3. The characteristic of the PD + I
FLC is a combination of a two-dimensional rule base
for the PD control and a one-dimensional rule base for
the incremental integral control.
3.2. PI FLC + conventional D controller
The PI FLC + D was proposed by Li and Gatland
[10] and Qin [13]. The control law consists of the
Fig. 2. Control system with decomposed PID FLC.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 3. Control system with PD + I FLC.
Fig. 4. Control system with PI FLC + D.
PI FLC and derivative control action of the process
uPI FLC+D (k) = uPI FLC (k) + uD (k)
The derivative control action has the following continuous time transfer function:
UD (s)
Td s + 1
FD (s) =
Y (s)
(Td /Kd )s + 1
and after “zero-order hold” conversion method the
FD (z) discrete time transfer function is realised. The
structure of a simple control system with PI FLC + D
is shown in Fig. 4.
This structure has the benefit of implementing
derivative control on the output, avoiding derivative
kicks for step set point changes.
3.3. P FLC + conventional ID controller
The P FLC + ID was proposed by Li [11]. The
control law consists of the P FLC and conventional
Fig. 5. Control system with P FLC + ID.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 6. Control system with PD + PI FLC.
integral–derivative controller. The incremental form of
control law is
4. Fuzzy control for the simple electromagnetic
suspension system
duP FLC+ID (k + 1)
The basic principle of a simple electromagnetic
suspension system is shown in Fig. 7. The direction
of the magnetic force F applied by the electromagnet
is opposite to that of gravity G and maintains the
suspended steel ball levitated.
The magnetic force F is a non-linear function of
the electromagnet current I, the electromagnet characteristics, and the air gap X between the steel ball and
the electromagnet. Described process is unstable and
we shall find a feedback configuration and realise the
real-time discrete controller so that the closed loop of
the resulting systems is stable. The non-linear characteristic and the strong real-time applications demands
are the reasons why the electromagnetic suspension
= KP duP FLC (k) + KI Te(k)
y(k) − 2y(k − 1) + y(k − 2)
− KD
where T is the sampling time, and KI and KD are the
same parameters as in the conventional PID controller.
The signal duP FLC (k) is the output of the incremental
fuzzy logic controller, and KP the proportional coefficient. The structure of the control system with P
FLC + ID is shown in Fig. 5.
The most important part in the fuzzy P FLC + ID
is the fuzzy P part because it is responsible for improving overshoot and rise time. The conventional
I part is responsible for reducing steady-state error,
and the conventional D part is responsible for
the stability of the system and for flatness of the
3.4. PD FLC + PI FLC
The PD + PI FLC is presented by Kwok et al. [8]
and Li and Gatland [10], and it consists of a PD FLC
in parallel with a PI FLC. The basic control diagram
is shown in Fig. 6.
The fuzzy PD + fuzzy PI controller (PD + PI FLC)
consists of a PD FLC in parallel with a PI FLC. Its
knowledge base is a combination of two-dimensional
rule base for the PD control and a two-dimensional
rule base for the PI control.
Fig. 7. The basic principle of a simple electromagnetic suspension
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 8. Scheme of the real-time application of the simple suspension system.
system is suitable for fuzzy controllers’ performance
evaluation. The functional diagram for the real-time
application to the simple suspension system is shown
in Fig. 8.
Our fuzzy logic controller programmed on a personal computer (PC-486 with clock of 33 MHz) is
extended by a OMRON FB-30AT fuzzy board (with
the fuzzy processor FP 3000). An eight-channel
analog-to-digital (A/D) converter and a two-channel
digital-to-analog (D/A) converter with 12-bit resolution is realised on the plug-in PC board. The first
channel of the A/D converter is used to measure
the input to the control system, namely, the ball position, which is the output of the optical position
measurement system. The fuzzy controller software
was implemented in ANSI-C. A real-time sampling
frequency of 1 kHz was attained. Measurement of ball
position with a simple optical contact-less position
measurement system has been realised. The transmitter Dt (LED NLPB-500), with emission angle of
15◦ , is used to generate blue light. The homogenous
light wave is produced by an optical system of two
optical lenses (L1, L2). The light detector (Dr) provides an output voltage proportional to the position
of the ball in the light wave. The influence of ambient
light is compensated for by the differential structure
of the light detector. The realisation of the model is
presented in Fig. 9.
Values for nominal parameters, electrical and
mechanical time constants are shown in Table 1.
Fig. 9. The realisation of the model.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Table 1
Nominal system parameters
Mass of the steel ball, m (kg)
Maximum air gap, D (mm)
Number of coils, n
Coil resistance, R ()
Electromagnet inductance, L (mH)
Fig. 11. Output membership functions.
4.1. A realisation of the fuzzy inference system
The fuzzy inference system is performed using the
minimum operator and the composition is done using
the maximum operator (Mamdani type of the inference
engine [12]). The centre of gravity defuzzification
method is implemented. All fuzzy inputs are divided
into three base membership functions: negative (N),
zero (Z) and positive (P). Trapezoid and triangular
membership functions (Fig. 10) with 50% overlap are
applied to the error fuzzy input E and the derivative
of error fuzzy input DE of the fuzzy controller.
The output of the controller is the output voltage
(ranges of 0–10 V is scaled to integer range 0–4095)
from the D/A converter. Singleton memberships functions are applied to fuzzy outputs. Singleton output
membership functions are shown in Fig. 11.
The knowledge base of the decomposed PID FLC
realised using Eq. (10) is composed by three inference
rule bases: the proportional rule base, the differential
rule base and the integral rule base. Three rules of
the rule base for the proportional part of the fuzzy
controller are described in Table 2, where E is the
fuzzy input variable as result of a fuzzification interface, which has the effect to transforming crisp
Table 2
The rule base of the proportional part of the fuzzy PID controller
variable e(k) into fuzzy sets, and UP is the fuzzy
output variable of the proportional fuzzy subsystem.
The differential part and the integral part of the
fuzzy logic controller are realised with the same type
of one-term simple rules. However, the knowledge
base of the decomposed fuzzy controller is defined by
nine rules. The knowledge base of the PD + I FLC
shown in Fig. 3 is composed by two inference rule
bases: the two-dimensional proportional–differential
rule base and the one-dimensional integral rule base.
In this case, the controllers knowledge base is defined by 12 rules (32 + 31). Nine two-term complex
rules of the two-dimensional rule base are described in
Table 3.
According to the structure presented in Fig. 6,
the knowledge base of the PD + PI FLC consist of two two-dimensional inference rule bases:
the proportional–differential rule base and the
proportional–integral rule base. In the case, the PD
rule base and the PI rule base contain different rules,
the controller knowledge base is defined by 18 rules
(32 + 32). Obviously, so long as we take the unified
Table 3
The two-dimensional rule base
Fig. 10. Input membership functions.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
quantisation method and the appropriate scaling factors, both PI and PD control rules can be realised
through unified fuzzy control rule base. It means
that a knowledge base can be implemented by using
one rule base with nine two-dimensional rules. The
advantage of this approach is in simplifying the control rule base significantly. On the other hand, the
disadvantage of this approach is that the controller
parameters are coupled with each other and have to
be regulated in combination.
5. Control experiments and performance
The real-time implementation of the control for the
magnetic suspension system allowed to perform several interesting experiments where the fuzzy controller
proved to be very efficient. Two types of real-time experiments have been done: experiments for set point
changes and experiment for load disturbances. The
magnetic suspension system is designed to investigate
the characteristics of fuzzy control algorithms and the
results in stabilisation, time responses for set point
changes, time responses for load disturbances and trajectory tracking need to be interpreted in the context
of its physical characteristics. For example, the maximum possible travel of the suspended ball is 16 mm
(from 4 to 20 mm). The sampling period T was 1 ms,
and 1700 data samples were collected. The adjustment
of the scale factors, rule base and membership functions of each controller was accomplished by fine tuning and heuristic corrections linked to the knowledge
of the process to be controlled.
In all experiments the rule base of fuzzy P controller consisted of three rules and rule bases of the
fuzzy PD and the fuzzy PI controllers consisted of nine
rules. Time responses at two operational points (14–16
and 6–8 mm) of the magnetic suspension system with
PD + I FLC controller are shown in Fig. 12. The simple fuzzy integral controller has been added to fuzzy
PD structure. It can be seen that steady-state error has
been eliminated. Different set point time responses at
high operation point and low operation point are consequence of the non-linear characteristic of the magnetic suspension system. Fig. 13 shows time responses
of the magnetic suspension system with decomposed
PID FLC in closed loop.
Decomposed PID FLC parameters have been optimised to assure stable behaviour at all operating
points. Note that the knowledge base of the PD+I FLC
is consisted of nine complex rules in PD rule base and
three simple rules in I rule base. However, the knowledge base of the decomposed PID FLC is consisted
of nine simple rules in three separate rule bases. The
increased overshoot present in step responses is the
result of the decomposition of the PD rule base and
the separate I rule base. The responses to step set point
Fig. 12. The real-time PD + I FLC control responses of the magnetic suspension system to step reference changes.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 13. The decomposed PID FLC control responses of the magnetic suspension system to step reference changes.
changes of the magnetic suspension system, using the
PD + PI FLC, is shown in Fig. 14.
The overshoot is reduced. The knowledge base consisted of 18 complex rules in two separate rule bases.
Next two hybrid controllers, we have applied on
magnetic suspension system, are based on combination of the fuzzy control approach and conventional
PID control approach. Time responses of the magnetic
suspension system with P FLC + ID controller are
shown in Fig. 15.
Fig. 16 shows time responses of the magnetic
suspension system with PI FLC + D controller.
Knowledge bases of both hybrid controllers have
been realised by rule base with nine complex rules.
The benefit of implementing the derivative control on the output, avoiding derivative kicks for step
Fig. 14. The real-time PD + PI FLC control responses of the magnetic suspension system to step reference changes.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 15. The real-time P FLC + ID control responses of the magnetic suspension system to step reference changes.
set point changes, is obviously noted. Increased overshoots present in step responses at higher operating
point (14 mm) are results of the conventional derivative control action. It is important to remark the degradation of the performance by the lower operating point
(6 mm). Conventional realisation of the I and D controllers are less robust then suitable fuzzy realisation.
The mean square error (MSE) performance index
have been implemented to assess the quantitative
measure of all controllers performances:
(ysp (k) − y(k))2
Table 4 presents the results of performance indices
for all FLCs obtained from set point change experiments.
Fig. 16. The real-time PI FLC + D control responses of the magnetic suspension system to step reference changes.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Table 4
The performance indices for all FLCs obtained from set point change experiments
No. of simple
No. of
complex rules
Overshoot (mm)
Set point = 14 mm
Decomposed PID FLC
Set point = 6 mm
Decomposed PID FLC
In the second experiment a fixed set point of 12 mm
has been used. In order to verify the capacity of the
FLC control algorithms for disturbance rejection the
disturbance magnitude 2 V has been added to the control signal from sample 100 onwards and has been
kept till sample 900. Fig. 17 shows the time responses
of the load disturbances applied to the magnetic suspension system with diverse PID FLC in closed loop.
As is shown in Fig. 18, the decomposed PID FLC
time response under load disturbances is compara-
ble to the PD + I FLC and the PD + PI FLC time
The lower curve denotes the control output (V)
of the decomposed PID FLC. Time responses of the
load disturbances applied to the magnetic suspension system with the PI FLC + D controller and the
P FLC + ID controller (hybrid FLC) are shown in
Fig. 18. Table 5 presents the results of performance
indices for all FLCs obtained from load disturbances
Fig. 17. The time responses of magnetic suspension FLC control systems to load disturbances.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
Fig. 18. The time responses of the magnetic suspension hybrid fuzzy control systems to load disturbances.
Table 5
The performance indices for all FLCs obtained from load disturbance experiments
Decomposed PID FLC
No. of simple
No. of
complex rules
Overshoot (mm)
6. Conclusions
An approach of a fuzzy controller based on the decomposition of the multivariable rule base into simple
rule bases has been presented and compared to several
PID-type FLCs and hybrid-type FLCs. The control
output of the decomposed PID FLC is a little more
fuzzified then the output of composed PID FLCs, e.g.
PD + PI FLC. This is due to the simplification of
the multivariable structure. A loss of accuracy must
be accepted. The real-time model of the magnetic
suspension system has been realised and the comparative analysis of FLC controllers properties has been
done. Compared to traditional PID-type FLCs the decomposed PID FLC is comparatively robust and has
satisfactory transient performances. Advantages of a
decomposed PID FLC structure are: decreasing num-
ber of rules; decomposition of multivariable control
rules into three sets of one-dimensional rules for each
input variable, simplified the evolution of the rule
base; a direct relationship between a fuzzy control
and a conventional control; easy connection between
fuzzy parameters and operation of the controller. An
interesting possibility is a design of the fuzzy inference processor which performs composition of a
fuzzy set and a two-dimensional fuzzy relation. The
PID FLC using decomposed inference method can
realise high-speed control.
The author would like to thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments that have led to the
better presentation of this paper.
M. Golob / Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 201–214
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Marjan Golob was born in 1962 in Postojna, Slovenia. He received his BE (1987), MSc (1991) and PhD (2000) degrees in
electrical engineering from University of Maribor. Currently, he
is on the faculty staff in the Laboratory for Process Automation,
University of Maribor. His research interests include process
automation, intelligent control, and fuzzy logic systems. He is a
member of IEEE.