Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
Mental Simulation as Substitute for Experience
Heather Barry Kappes1* and Carey K. Morewedge2
London School of Economics and Political Science
Boston University
People spend a considerable amount of their time mentally simulating experiences other than the one in
which they are presently engaged, as a means of distraction, coping, or preparation for the future. In this
integrative review, we examine four (non-exhaustive) cases in which mentally simulating an experience
serves a different function, as a substitute for the corresponding experience. In each case, mentally simulating an experience evokes similar cognitive, physiological, and/or behavioral consequences as having the
corresponding experience in reality: (i) imagined experiences are attributed evidentiary value like physical
evidence, (ii) mental practice instantiates the same performance benefits as physical practice, (iii) imagined
consumption of a food reduces its actual consumption, and (iv) imagined goal achievement reduces
motivation for actual goal achievement. We organize these cases under a common superordinate category
and discuss their different methodological approaches and explanatory accounts. Our integration yields
theoretical and practical insights into when and why mentally simulating an experience serves as its
Much of life is spent thinking about experiences other than what one is doing. People
frequently mentally simulate experiences by recalling episodes from their past, contemplating
alternatives to their present circumstances, and anticipating or fantasizing about their future.
Indeed, Americans explicitly divert their thoughts to experiences other than their present for
more than a tenth of their day by watching television (American Time Use Survey, 2014).
For roughly a third of waking hours, the mind wanders away from the activity in which it is
engaged (Killingsworth & Gilbert, 2010; Schooler et al., 2011). Much of this simulation is engaged in for its immediate hedonic, semantic, and functional benefits: to divert the mind toward
more pleasure than is afforded by the present circumstances, regulate emotions, solve problems,
or prepare for and anticipate the future (e.g., Gollwitzer & Oettingen, 2012; Kahneman &
Tversky, 1982; Kumar, Killingsworth, & Gilovich, 2014; MacInnis & Price, 1987; Markman,
Klein, & Suhr, 2009; Morewedge & Buechel, 2013; Morewedge & Hershfield, 2015; Schacter,
Addis, & Buckner, 2008; Taylor, Pham,Rivkin, & Armor, 1998; Taylor & Schneider, 1989).
Simulations, however, do not only serve as mental representations of other past, present, and
future experiences. The permeable boundary between thought and reality leads simulations
to sometimes produce the same downstream consequences as the corresponding actual
experiences. In this paper, we elucidate these effects by presenting four cases in which mental
simulations act as substitutes for experience.
Mental Simulations
Mental simulations are imitative episodic mental representations of one or a series of events
(Taylor et al., 1998). In contrast to semantic representations, which are more general or abstract,
mental simulations typically entail detailed mental representations of a specific real or hypothetical event (Szpunar, Spreng, & Schacter, 2014). Recalling a moment swimming in the ocean
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during a recent Mediterranean vacation, imagining the sun glimmering off the waves of the
Mediterranean while in one’s office, and anticipating how the warm sand will feel under one’s
feet are all examples of the mental simulation of an experience. Mental simulations of past,
future, and counterfactual experiences share many commonalities including having similar
developmental trajectories (Suddendorf & Busby 2005), being affected by similar experimental
manipulations (e.g., Morewedge, 2013; Morewedge, Gilbert, & Wilson, 2005; Nussbaum,
Liberman, & Trope, 2006), and relying on a common “core network” of brain regions,
comprised of the medial prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe, retrosplenial/posterior
cingulate cortex, and inferior parietal lobule (Schacter et al., 2008).
The neural and conceptual systems engaged in mental simulation overlap considerably with
those involved in the corresponding sensory-motor systems engaged during the corresponding
behavior being simulated. Evidence from fMRI and TMS studies suggests that mental
simulations of motor actions may be functionally equivalent to the pre-execution stages of those
motor actions ( Jeannerod, 1994; 2001). Simulations consistently recruit the same brain areas as
the corresponding executed actions including the supplementary motor area (SMA), premotor
cortex (PMC), and the primary motor cortex (M1; Munzert, Lorey & Zentgraf, 2009).
Sensorimotor simulations also comprise the representation of basic conceptual information
(Barsalou, 2003; 2008). Information is situated in the modalities and contexts in which it was
originally encountered and is presently relevant. The knowledge that an elephant is large, for
instance, is not amodal. It is forever tied to the visual representations through which this
information was learned. We suggest that the similar systems and processes activated by mental
simulations and by corresponding actions and stimuli may lead mental simulations to sometimes
serve as a substitute for their experience.
Substitution Effects
The concept of a substitution effect follows from recognition of humans’ limited economic,
temporal, and mental resources. Resource allocation in economics, marketing, and psychology
is likened to a constant-sum game, in which allocation toward one expenditure of time, money,
or cognitive resources necessitates reduced allocation to other resources serving the same goals
and needs (e.g., Bass, Pessemier, & Lehmann, 1972; Hamilton et al., 2014; Kruglanski et al.,
2002). In economics and marketing, substitution effects occur when the expenditure of
resources such as time or money on two or more alternatives is inversely related. As people
spend more time on the Internet, for example, the time they spend engaging in face-to-face
social interaction declines (Kraut et al., 1998).
Goal-directed action has motivational properties that produce substitution effects. Planning
or engaging in one means to goal pursuit (e.g., running) facilitates the activation of the
corresponding goal (e.g., getting in shape), but it can inhibit pursuit of that goal by other means
(e.g., cycling). Similar ideas have been explored in research on eating (Huh, Vosgerau, &
Morewedge, 2016a), moral licensing (Monin & Miller, 2001), personal control (Inesi, Botti,
Dubois, Rucker & Galinsky, 2011), and self-completion theory (Wicklund & Gollwitzer,
1982). When people crave a food that they cannot have, eating a food fulfilling the same
consumption goal (e.g., snacking) reduces desire for the absent food (Huh et al., 2016a).
Psychological substitution effects work similarly. An initial signal of egalitarian or proenvironmental behavior like endorsing Barack Obama or buying sustainable goods reduces
the likelihood of other similar actions, like allocating money to minority groups or recycling,
respectively (Effron, Cameron, & Monin, 2009; Longoni, Gollwitzer, & Oettingen, 2014).
We examine a special sort of substitution effect in which mentally simulating an experience
induces equivalent downstream psychological and behavioral effects as actually having the
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
Simulations as Substitutes
corresponding experience. In the four illustrative cases that we present, mental simulation of a
stimulus or experience produces the same effects as direct exposure to the stimulus or experience: (i) mentally simulated events are attributed evidentiary value like their real counterparts,
(ii) mental practice confers similar performance improvements as physical practice, (iii) imagined
consumption induces the same habituating effects as actual consumption, and (iv) fantasized
achievement decreases goal pursuit in ways similar to actual goal achievement (see Table 1).
These (non-exhaustive) cases illustrate the diversity of substitution effects that mental
simulation may produce. The diverse literatures in which they are located suggest that their
integration under a superordinate category of substitution effects has the potential to connect
a broad swath of otherwise disparate research. A superordinate category is justified by the
observation that each form of mental simulation affects perception, cognition, motivation,
and action in ways that echo the effects of the experience that is simulated. This straightforward
premise provides an avenue to reconcile seemingly contradictory findings – why does mental
simulation sometimes produce more of the simulated behavior and sometimes less, for instance.
After presenting the four cases below, we discuss predictions and implications of our integration
and identify promising new questions for future research in this area.
Simulated Evidence as Substitute for Physical Evidence
When inferring the probability of a future event, from a successful performance or social interaction to having been in a car accident, people rely on their mental representation of the event
and its similarity to cases with which they are familiar (e.g., Kahneman & Frederick, 2002;
Morewedge & Kahneman, 2010). Generally, these inferences are informed by evidence and
past experience. Events that people have observed or lived through seem more likely to happen
again (Bandura, 1997; Heckhausen, 1991). This is reasonable from a Bayesian perspective. One
should update beliefs when new evidence is acquired (Viscusi, 1985). People are often
insensitive, however, to the extent to which the evidence and experiences they accumulate
Table 1. Four substitution effects of mental simulations.
Mental simulation
Simulate partner
eating last piece of
cake: “Jane could eat
my piece of cake.”
Simulate steps
to make a new
cake: “…Next,
I’ll mix in flour.”
Simulate eating many
bites of a piece of cake:
“I imagine vanilla and
a granular texture…”
Simulate obtaining cake
at trendy, distant bakery:
“I’m going to treat myself
with an M. Antoinette Cake.”
Imagined events
seem more likely:
“Jane is going to eat
my piece of cake!”
Mental practice
improves task
“My cake turned
out well!”
Imagined consumption
reduces actual
consumption: “I
no longer want to
eat cake.”
Imagined goal achievement
decreases effortful goal
pursuit: “The line and trip
aren’t worth braving today.”
(1) Increased cognitive Action planning
facilitated by
necessary action
(2) Evoke inferences
about why and how units.
events might occur.
Mental representation
of the stimulus is
activated and decays
into a less responsive
(1) Feels like goal has been
achieved: energy drops,
effort decreases.
(2) Impaired planning
for obstacles.
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accurately ref lect their world. By inf luencing the mental representations of future events,
mental simulations can convey considerable evidentiary value.
Vivid, fictional, and imagined evidence has undue effect on estimations of the likelihood of
future events. Real events that are particularly vivid, such as those that are unusual, negative, or
have been recently witnessed or experienced, are perceived to provide especially compelling
evidence and are perceived to be especially likely to occur in the future (e.g., Kahneman &
Tversky, 1982; MacInnis & Price, 1987; Risen & Gilovich, 2008). Because a person’s unusual
past behavior is more memorable than her typical past behavior, for instance, people overweight
it when predicting her future behavior (Morewedge & Todorov, 2012). People do not
disentangle the frequency with which they are exposed to events and the frequency with which
events occur. People who watch more television are exposed to more fictional depictions and
factual news coverage of violent acts. Consequently, they perceive themselves as more likely to
be victims of violent crime (Cohen & Weimann, 2000). Moreover, merely mentally simulating
an event makes it seem more likely to occur (C. A. Anderson, 1983; Carroll, 1978; Gregory,
Cialdini, & Carpenter, 1982; Koehler, 1991; Sherman, Skov, Hervitz, & Stock, 1981).
People attribute evidentiary value to their mental simulations of events, whether those events are
or are not under their control. Prior to the 1976 Presidential election, voters instructed to imagine Carter winning the election predicted that he was more likely to win than voters instructed to
imagine Ford winning (Carroll, 1978). Similarly, people were more likely to predict a major
bowl bid for the football team that won the college championship the previous year if they were
assigned to imagine a good rather than bad season for the team (Carroll, 1978). For controllable
behaviors, mental simulations can increase the perceived likelihood of the event and the
perceived self-efficacy of the thinker. Research participants who mentally stimulated donating
blood, changing their major, or taking a vacation exhibited increases in their expectations of
so doing (C. A. Anderson, 1983). Participants guided through a visualization of perfect execution
on a team obstacle course subsequently believed their team was more capable of performing at a
high level relative to controls (Shearer, Thomson, Mellalieu & Shearer, 2007).
Subsequent behavioral intentions and behaviors are affected by these simulation-changed expectations. Expectancy-value models show that people set and pursue goals whose achievement
is valuable (e.g., desirable, important) and attainable (Atkinson & Birch, 1970; Bandura, 1997;
Eccles & Wigfield, 2002). When an achievement is valuable but its attainability is unclear – such
as a socially anxious speaker giving a presentation at work – people may mentally simulate
successful accomplishment to convince themselves that this good outcome is possible
(Morewedge & Buechel, 2013). Competitive athletes report frequently using simulations to
build motivation and confidence (Hall, 2001; Murphy, Nordin, & Cumming, 2006). Simulating the successful outcome fosters confidence by serving as evidence that this outcome will
actually happen.
By heightening expectations of success, simulations can increase the motivation and
production of the simulated behavior. Imagining successfully interacting with outgroup
members (e.g., the elderly) leads people to expect to feel less anxious and more relaxed during
such an interaction, increasing their willingness to actually interact with those outgroup
members (Stathi & Crisp, 2008; Turner, Crisp, & Lambert, 2007). Consumers who imagined
using a cable television service saw it as more likely that they would want the service and would
subscribe than did consumers simply given information about it. Moreover, the former were
more likely to actually accept a free trial and subscribe when the service was offered (Gregory
et al., 1982). In short, simulating an experience makes it seem more likely to occur, which
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Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
Simulations as Substitutes
can increase motivation to produce (desirable) simulated experiences and thereby increase the
chance of their production.
The effect of simulations on expectations has been typically attributed to availability. Simulated
events are more likely to come to mind at the time of judgment, just as events that are
experienced, and what readily comes to mind is perceived to be more likely (e.g., Hoch,
1984; Kahneman & Tversky, 1982; Tversky & Kahneman, 1973). For instance, just as vivid
demonstrations – those that are recent, unusual, or conveyed by word of mouth – have a
pronounced effect on expectations (Dickson, 1982), so too do vivid mental simulations (Bone
& Ellen, 1992; Brown, MacLeod, Tata, & Goddard, 2002; MacInnis & Price, 1987; Sherman,
Cialdini, Schwartzman, & Reynolds, 1985).
Availability is not the only process underlying heightened expectations of simulated events.
The inferences people draw from simulations echo those drawn when witnessing their real
counterparts. Generally, people are more likely to attribute the behavior of an actor to dispositional inf luences when they are observers of the behavior than when they are the actors who
performed it ( Jones & Nisbett, 1971). Libby and Eibach (2011) found an analogous effect on
the inferences about mentally simulated actions. People who imagined a future action using a
third-person (observer) rather than a first-person (actor) perspective drew more dispositional
inferences from that simulated behavior and, accordingly, intended to and did engage more in
corresponding actions (e.g., voting; Libby, Shaeffer, Eibach, & Slemmer, 2007; see also Vasquez
& Buehler, 2007). Simulations affect expectations about the future because, like actual experience,
they are interpreted as providing evidence about why and how events will actually occur.
Simulated Practice as Substitute for Physical Practice
Athletes, patients in physical therapy, musicians, and surgeons all benefit from mental practice:
visualizing or otherwise mentally rehearsing a motor task in the absence of the corresponding
physical movement (Driskell, Copper, & Moran, 1994; Munzert, Lorey, & Zentgraf, 2009).
For instance, a golfer might simulate the basic action concepts – preparation, backswing,
forward swing, impact, and attenuation – that comprise the more general phases of movement
involved in the successful execution of a golf putt (Frank, Land, Popp & Schack, 2014).
Referred to as imaginary practice (Perry, 1939), covert rehearsal (Corbin, 1967), symbolic
rehearsal (Sackett, 1934), introspective rehearsal, or conceptualization (Egstrom, 1964), mental
practice is a distinct kind of a broader class of mental preparatory behavior that includes other
activities such as positive imagery, relaxation techniques, and attention focusing.
Meta-analyses comparing participants who engage in mental practice without physical practice
to participants who engage in no mental or physical practice have found that mental practice is
effective across a broad range of cognitive and physical skill-based tasks (Driskell et al., 1994;
Feltz & Landers, 1983; Feltz, Landers, & Becker, 1988; Hinshaw, 1991; Richardson, 1967a,
1967b). Golf putting, rock climbing, piano playing, and surgery are just a few examples of
skill-based tasks improved by mental practice (Frank et al., 2014; Hardy & Callow, 1999;
Meister et al., 2004; Sanders, Sadoski, Bramson, Wiprud, & Van Walsum, 2004). A
meta-analysis of 35 studies including 65 tests of mental practice effects by Driskell and colleagues
(1994) found a significant combined mental practice effect that was small to moderate in
magnitude (r = .26, d = .53, p < .001; Driskell et al., 1994). As is probably true of physical
practice, mental practice effects on performance are strongest in the short term and yield no
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410 Simulations as Substitutes
appreciable benefit after a few weeks have passed (Driskell, et al., 1994). Mental practice is
effective for both mental and physical tasks, but tasks for which cognitive activities are critical
show greater mental practice effects than tasks merely requiring physical strength, endurance,
and coordination.
Even though mental practice effectively improves performance, it is not a perfect substitute.
Mental practice of a task alone is generally less effective than physical practice (Driskell et al.,
1994). A combination of mental and physical practice, however, can be as or more effective in
improving task performance than physical practice alone. Research participants who mentally
and physically practiced putting a golf ball showed more consistent improvement, for instance,
than did participants who only engaged in mental or physical practice (Frank et al., 2014).
Two processes have been suggested to explain mental practice effects. One symbolic process
account attributes mental practice effects to the creation or restructuring of representational
frameworks of complex actions, facilitating their planning through the chunking and linking
of action units (Driskell et al., 1994; Sackett, 1934). Consistent with this account, mental
practice appears to facilitate the association of basic action concepts, movement postures, and
the sensations associated with the physical action (Frank et al., 2014).
A second, functional equivalence account of mental practice effects suggests that mental
practice engages covert stages of action, activating the same visual and kinesthetic motor
programs activated by physical practice, prior to execution of the action itself (Decety, 1996;
Jeannerod, 1994; 2001). Mental practice is thus purported to entail the practice and subtle
activation of these covert processes, which is supported by its activation of similar motorassociated brain regions (e.g., M1), the similar timing of mentally simulated and corresponding
physical movements, and increases in muscle activity and strength resulting from mental practice
( for a review, see Munzert, Lorey, & Zentgraf, 2009).
Recent experiments testing both accounts suggest that mental practice facilitates action
planning rather than covertly activates the motor programs associated with actions. People need
to have engaged in physical practice at least once for mental practice to be effective for some
novel tasks (Mulder, Zijlstra, Zijlstra, & Hochstenbach, 2004). Moreover, mental practice
inhibits performance of unrelated actions with the body part engaged in practice, suggesting that
it relies on representation systems involved in planning. If it subtly activated motor programs or
muscles involved in the practiced action, mental practice should instead prime or facilitate unrelated actions with body parts engaged in mental practice (Bach, Allami, Tucker, & Ellis, 2014).
Simulated Consumption as a Substitute for Actual Consumption
A third case in which simulations have been demonstrated to serve as substitutes for experience
is that of sensitization and habituation/satiation. Sensitization denotes an increase in one’s responsiveness to a stimulus upon initial exposure to it. Seeing and smelling chocolate cookies, for
example, whets one’s appetite for the cookies. Habituation and satiety denote the decrease in
motivational and hedonic response, respectively, elicited by a stimulus upon repeated or
extended exposure to it. One’s motivation to eat and enjoyment of eating a tenth cookie, for
example, is less than for a first cookie. People and other animals exhibit habituation and satiation
to a wide variety of appetitive stimuli, such as food, music and television, alcohol, drugs, social
contact, and sexually appealing stimuli (Kavanagh, Andrade, & May, 2005; McSweeney &
Swindell, 1999).
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Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
Simulations as Substitutes
Imagining sensory cues related to appetitive stimuli can evoke a sensitization response similar to
actual exposure to those sensory cues. If a person vividly imagines the smell of a food, for
example, they exhibit increased salivation, a stronger desire to eat the food, and greater subsequent actual consumption of the food they imagine smelling (Krishna, Morrin, & Sayin,
2014). As does actually eating a food, imagined consumption of a food increases the desire
for, consumption of, and willingness to pay for complementary foods by activating a goal to
consume them (Huh, Vosgerau, & Morewedge, 2016b). Imagined and smelt odors have similar
inf luences on taste perception (Djordjevic et al., 2004) and lead to the activation of similar brain
regions (Djordjevic et al., 2005; Simmons, Martin, & Barsalou, 2005). Imagining the smell of
strawberries, for instance, increases the perceived sweetness of a water solution.
The habituating and satiating effects of mental simulation are further evidence that mental
stimulation can act as a substitute for an experience (i.e., elicit the same responses as actual
exposure to a stimulus). Habituation and satiation have mostly been demonstrated in cases
where people (or other animals) are actually exposed to a stimulus repeatedly, which decreases
how much they want and like the stimulus. New research has shown that the mere mental
simulation of an experience can lead people to exhibit habituation or satiation to a stimulus they
imagine consuming. Research participants who first imagined eating 30 M&M’s one-at-a-time
and then subsequently ate as many M&M’s as they would like from a bowl, for instance, actually
ate fewer M&M’s from that bowl than did participants who first imagined eating three M&M’s
or no M&M’s (Morewedge, Huh, & Vosgerau, 2010). Imagined consumption only reduced
subsequent actual consumption when people simulated the experience of eating the food.
Participants in a follow-up experiment only ate fewer M&M’s when they imagined eating
the M&M’s. Participants who imagined moving 30 M&M’s into a bowl one-at-a-time did not
eat fewer M&M’s than did participants who imagined moving three M&M’s into a bowl. In
other words, imagining an experience only elicited habituation when the experience imagined
would have elicited habituation.
People seem to spontaneously mentally simulate appetitive experiences, which may serve a
preparatory function. Seeing the handle of a cup elicits a simulation of a grasping motion
(Tucker & Ellis, 1998). Beyond facilitating action performance, spontaneous simulations can
affect the desire to perform the simulated action. Consumers presented with goods in a manner
that facilitates the simulation of their consumption perceive those goods to be more desirable
(e.g., a picture of a cake with a fork positioned so that it can be grasped by their dominant hand;
Elder & Krishna, 2012). One possibility is that these spontaneously evoked simulations increase
the desirability and the likelihood of the simulated actions, by making them easier and more
pleasant to process (Krishna & Schwarz, 2014).
Habituation and satiation evoked by spontaneous simulation suggest that increased desirability
through f luency, however, is not the only effect of spontaneous simulation. People seem to spontaneously simulate eating a food when they consider how much they would enjoy eating it, and
whether they would prefer to eat it or a different food. Producing an effect opposite of that
predicted by processing f luency, people who evaluate or choose between many similar food options (e.g., sweet foods) exhibit a decreased desire to eat those foods than do people who evaluate
or choose between fewer or different foods (e.g., savory foods; Larson, Redden & Elder, 2013).
This substitution effect appears to reduce consumption through the same mechanism as
actual consumption. Like habituation through actual consumption, its effect is reasonably
stimulus specific. Imagined consumption only reduces actual consumption when people
imagine eating the kind of food they will later eat. For instance, research participants who first
imagined eating 30 cubes of cheddar cheese subsequently ate less cheddar cheese than did
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participants who imagined eating three cubes of cheddar cheese. However, participants who
first imagined eating 30 M&M’s ate no less cheese than did participants who first imagined
eating three M&M’s (Morewedge et al., 2010).
The process by which mental simulation induces habituation and satiation has not been demonstrated directly. If it is through the same cognitive pathways as actual exposure, that process is
likely to rely on accessibility in memory. More specifically, when people initially encounter a
stimulus, the mental representation of the stimulus in the form of a memory node may move
into a state of high activation and becomes maximally active (an “A1 state”). In this initial state,
there is maximal response to the stimulus. Over time, the activation of the node decays into an
“A2 state” in which the node is in a lower level of activation that generates less responding to the
stimulus. Some priming models suggest this shift occurs as the stimulus becomes no longer
surprising (Wagner, 1976). When activation has completely dissipated, the node moves to an
inactive state (I), and there is no responding to the stimulus. Regardless of the number of
additional exposures, the f low of this is always unidirectional, from A1 to A2 to I. Thus, once
the node has moved from A1 to A2 from its initial exposure, additional exposures will only elicit
the diminished A2 responding, and the node must cycle through to its inactive state (“I”) before
additional exposures move it to A1. The amount of time the node is in the A2 state is then contingent on the short-term memory available to preserve activation in A2. Eating another food or
attending to a different stimulus, like watching television, will move activation more quickly
through A2 to I and diminish the amount of time that the node spends in the less responsive
A2 state ( for a more detailed review, see Epstein, Temple, Roemmich, & Bouton, 2009).
Simulated Achievement as Substitute for Real Achievement
Mentally simulating the achievement of a goal can serve as a substitute for its real achievement.
Building on Freudian theory, Rapaport (1951) proposed that “fantasy thought may reduce
drive sufficiently to permit the person to tolerate delayed gratification, thus avoiding fruitless
impulsive actions” (Singer & Rowe, 1962, p. 446). Delaying gratification by imagining the
future is useful when pursuing actual gratification would be difficult or problematic (Kappes,
Schwörer, & Oettingen, 2012; Van Gelder, Hershfield, & Nordgren, 2013). However, if one’s
goal is to work out, stick up to the boss, or lose weight, imagined success can sometime derail or
decrease actual success by serving as a substitute for real goal achievement. If women compare
themselves to magazine imagery of thin models, they feel overweight. If instead, they imagine
being the pictured model, positive affect is produced (Tiggemann, Polivy, & Hargreaves, 2009)
that may counteract the push to embark on an unpleasant diet. Simulating the achievement of a
desired behavior or outcome can make people feel better and less likely to pursue goals that are
difficult or costly to achieve.
Research participants who mentally simulate easily achieving success on tasks are less likely to
subsequently succeed at those tasks than are participants who imagine failing to perform the task,
encountering problems, or something entirely different. In one study (Kappes & Oettingen,
2011), laboratory participants generated and wrote either positive fantasies (e.g., imagine
everything during the week goes really well) or realistic descriptions about their upcoming
week. Their week then unfolded without further intervention. Seven days later, participants
who had generated positive fantasies reported that their actual week had been worse, that they
felt less control, and that they had more difficulty managing time, suggesting that the success
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Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
Simulations as Substitutes
imagery generated several days before interfered with achieving actual success during the week.
In a different paradigm, both defensive pessimists and strategic optimists performed worse on a
dart-throwing task following mastery imagery (i.e., imagine f lawless performance) compared to
coping imagery (i.e., imagine correcting mistakes) or relaxation imagery (Spencer & Norem,
1996). The same pattern of results held in correlational studies in which the more people
imagined succeeding rather than failing at goals like losing weight, starting a new relationship,
or earning a high grade, the less successful they actually were, weeks or months later (Kappes,
Oettingen, & Mayer, 2012; Oettingen & Mayer, 2002; Oettingen & Wadden, 1991; see also
Langens & Schmalt, 2002; Sherman et al., 1981, Experiment 1). In short, mentally simulating
success may sometimes be worse than not thinking about an upcoming task at all.1
Two processes have been identified that may explain why imagined success decreases actual
success: its inf luence on effort and planning. Mental simulations make people feel, to some
extent, like that event has actually happened. Even psychologically healthy individuals can
confuse imagination with reality. Imagining and describing experiences that never happened
can produce convincing false memories of those experiences (Loftus & Pickrell, 1995), for
instance.2 Even when people readily acknowledge that their thoughts do not ref lect reality –
as when they explicitly recognize that they have not yet achieved a goal – simulations still affect
judgment, emotions, and physiology (Nemeroff & Rozin, 2000).
If simulation makes it feel or seem that success has been achieved, one may not devote effort to
produce it. Indeed, imaginary idealized goal achievement reduces effort invested in pursuing the
simulated outcome (Oettingen & Mayer, 2002). Because simulation evokes the physiological
consequences of actual experiences, simulated success produces relaxation rather than energy.
Thirsty participants who fantasized about imbibing a refreshing drink, for instance, exhibited a
decrease in their systolic blood pressure (Kappes & Oettingen, 2011), an indicator of low energization (Wright, 1998). Energy underlies the investment of effort (Brehm & Self, 1989). This
relaxation following fantasies of successful achievement, then, inhibits the effort required to
achieve outcomes. As evidence, simulating future success reduces engagement more in more
effortful tasks (e.g., requiring 1 h rather than 5 min; Kappes, Sharma, & Oettingen, 2013). This
is because less motivation is necessary to prompt easy actions. Little desire to eat chocolate is necessary to prompt chocolate eating when an open box is nearby (e.g., Kavanagh, et al., 2005).
Mentally simulating goal achievement also decreases actual achievement by thwarting
effective planning. Simulating possible future obstacles and challenges provides the opportunity
to make plans to overcome or avoid them (Taylor et al., 1998), which facilitates goal pursuit
(Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006). Simulated success often omits obstacles and challenges, which
hampers planning and impairs actually succeeding (Showers, 1992). Reducing planning can also
increase anxiety about goal pursuit. Having a plan is reassuring and reduces anxiety about
upcoming challenges. Simulating future success without considering obstacles or challenges
may leave people unable to make the plans needed to decrease anxiety, letting that anxiety interfere with their subsequent goal-achievement efforts (Pham & Taylor, 1999; Showers, 1992).
It may be more effective to simulate oneself coping with difficulty and mastering challenges (i.e., what is referred to as
motivational general-mastery imagery) rather than oneself winning events or receiving prizes (i.e., motivationalspecific imagery). The former is a strategy that many successful athletes employ (Moritz, Hall, Martin, & Vadocz, 1996).
Ordinary mistakes cross into pathological delusion via failures in so-called “reality testing;” delusional depressed and
schizophrenic patients are found to use “inappropriately lax criteria in evaluating mental experiences” (Radaelli, Benedetti,
Cavallaro, Colombo, & Smeraldi, 2013). Learning and refining these criteria is a normal part of child development
(Subbotsky, 1993).
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414 Simulations as Substitutes
In the four non-exhaustive cases that we examine, mental simulation acts as a substitute for the
corresponding experience: imagined evidence is a substitute for physical evidence, imagined
practice is a substitute for physical practice, imagined consumption is a substitute for actual
consumption, and imagined achievement is a substitute for actual achievement (see Table 1).
These forms of mental simulation act as substitutes by having similar effects on perception,
cognition, motivation, and action, as do the corresponding physical experiences.
Each of the simulation effects that we examine is consistent with the effects of the behavior that
is simulated. To discern whether a particular kind of mental stimulation would act as a substitute
for an experience or induce an opposing effect, we suggest that the best indicator would be the
effect of the corresponding real experience. For instance, just as actual initiation of goal pursuit
stimulates further goal pursuit (e.g., a Zeigarnik effect), whereas actual goal completion turns off
goal pursuit, the way goal pursuit is simulated (e.g., initiated versus completed) should moderate
the effects of simulation on subsequent real goal pursuit. Simulated goal completion should
reduce actual goal pursuit, whereas simulated initiation of goal pursuit should increase actual
goal pursuit. Simulated tasting of an appetizing amount of food is likely to sensitize people to
that food (increasing desire and consumption), whereas simulated eating-to-satiety satiates the
desire for the food and decreases its subsequent consumption.
The duration of substitution effects of mental simulation is an open question. All four of the
substitution effects that we examine involve one or more memory processes (i.e., episodic,
semantic, and procedural). Their effects thus are likely to be stronger initially and dissipate
without reactivation. The duration and durability of each mental substitution effect is presumably best predicted by the duration of the effect of the corresponding behavior. In the case of
simulated evidence or practice effects, these effects should persist as long as the effects of the
corresponding real evidence or physical practice persist in memory ( J. R. Anderson, 1983). In
the case of eating or achievement goals, these effects should persist as long as effects of
comparable eating or achievement would persist – until sufficient time passes and interference
occurs for people to find a consumed food appealing again, or contextual cues re-set motivation
(e.g., Epstein et al., 2009; Garbinsky, Morewedge, & Shiv, 2014a; 2014b).
Mental simulation adheres to classic substitution effects as defined in economics, at least in
three cases. Mental practice appears to be as efficacious for some skills as physical practice. Imagined consumption reduces subsequent actual food consumption, as would actually consuming a
food. Imagined achievement appears to have similar physiological and demotivating effects as
actual achievement. In these cases, mental simulation reduces the propensity or need to have
the corresponding physical experience. In the case of imagined evidence and physical evidence,
it is likely that imagined evidence reduces the motivation to search for physical evidence (instead
of simply serving a supplementary role), but no data yet directly support this prediction.
Researchers have generally focused on the processes underlying each of these mental
simulation effects in isolation (cf., Barsalou, 2003; 2008). We hope that the organization of these
simulation effects under a superordinate category, by their overlap in output, may yield insight
into overlaps in the processes driving them. At a basic level, it is worth examining whether these
effects are all related to activation in the same core network of brain regions (Schacter et al.,
2008), share similar cognitive properties, and align with regard to the metacognitive inferences
they imply. It is also important to examine how they diverge. Memory and planning-related
processes appear to be starting candidates for convergence at a cognitive level, whereas some
of the simulation effects outlined here diverge with respect to their inf luence on motivation
and goal pursuit. People set and pursue goals where success seems valuable and attainable
(Atkinson & Birch, 1970; Bandura, 1997; Eccles & Wigfield, 2002). Simulation causes
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Simulations as Substitutes
outcomes to seem more attainable but can also cause those outcomes to appear less valuable, by
making people feel like the outcomes have already happened.
Pragmatically, people seem to recognize the motivation-boosting effects of imagining success
more than the motivation-dampening effects. For instance, the online companion to the
best-selling book The Secret ( compiles thousands of reader
testimonials attributing achievements to the power of positive mental imagery. This lopsided
insight implies that oftentimes people may inadvertently and, ironically, sabotage their goal
pursuit by imagining successful achievement. Just as people give themselves credit for their good
intentions (Kruger & Gilovich, 2004), mentally simulating success may allow people to feel
successful without effortfully pursuing their goals.
It is worth reiterating that substitution effects are not the only purpose or effect of mental
simulation. Simulation is used to learn, to decide how to act, and avoid repeating mistakes of
the past. Indeed, the mental practice that we discuss is usually initiated for learning (i.e.,
improving performance). When appropriately guided, simulation may produce effects that
counter substitution. Simulating how one would have gotten a better grade on a failed exam
(e.g., study harder, get more sleep) may assist one in achieving better future grades, thereby
increasing performance motivation in the future (Epstude & Roese, 2008). Substitution effects
are often unintended, but given their broad possible range of consequences, it is particularly
valuable to examine them together in an overarching framework.
Whereas simulation is often utilized as a tool to help people increase engagement in an
avoided behavior (e.g., phobia treatment, Rachman, 1967), efforts to decrease many unwanted
behaviors rely on thought suppression or avoidance. To prevent cravings for food (Kemps &
Tiggemann, 2007) or cigarettes (May, Andrade, Panabokke, & Kavanagh, 2010), people are
guided to engage in tasks that impair mental imagery of the desired item. The findings that
we review in this paper suggest that behavioral change may be more nuanced. Simulating an
undesired action may sometimes do more to prevent than produce it. Perhaps mental
simulation offers an alternative route to the sublimation of undesirable goals for those who
struggle to enact the reappraisals involved in mindfulness meditation (Hölzel, Lazar, Gard,
Schuman-Olivier, Vago, & Ott, 2011). When simulation substitutes for the need to perform
a behavior in reality, simulation could help reduce unhealthy and harmful behaviors, from
helping dieters avoid unhealthy foods (Morewedge et al., 2010) to reducing the likelihood of
pedophiles enacting their harmful urges (see Sheldon & Howitt, 2008). We hope that identifying these cases in which simulation serves as a substitute for experience serves as a useful first step
in disentangling the common thread between these effects, and establishing when they can be
effectively implemented.
Short Biographies
Heather Kappes earned her PhD in Social Psychology at New York University, where she investigated issues of self-regulation, motivation, and goal pursuit. Her most widely cited paper
from that time, with Gabriele Oettingen, showed that positive fantasies relax rather than energize people, which can compromise goal pursuit. That paper appeared in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology in 2011 and was covered by media outlets including The Wall Street
Journal and Forbes. Since finishing her PhD in 2012, she has been an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political
Science. These days, she is particularly interested in the self-regulation of consumer spending
and saving.
Carey K. Morewedge researches how high-level cognitive processes such as memory,
attention, and mental imagery inf luence everyday and consequential judgment and decision© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10/7 (2016), 405–420, 10.1111/spc3.12257
416 Simulations as Substitutes
making. His research is distinctive in elucidating how these basic processes inf luence judgments
of utility – the value or pleasure that experiences provide – often more than the physical properties or market value of experiences. These judgments of utility determine which experiences
people choose, how much of experiences they choose to have, and how much money, time,
and effort they will spend to acquire or avoid them. Morewedge has held academic positions
at Princeton University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Boston University, where he currently is an Associate Professor of Marketing. He earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University.
* Correspondence: Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street,
WC2A 2AE London, UK. Email:
[email protected]
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