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Paper written for Gonzaga University, SOCI 255: Sociology of Literature, taught by Dr. William Hayes.
Harry Potter's World: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, revised edition, 2009
In this paper, it is argued that Firenze, the centaur, Griphook, the goblin,and Dobby, the house-elf can be seen to function within a complex dialectic of appropriation and resistance that mirrors enduring patterns of colonial and postcolonial interaction. Similarly, it will be suggested that the uneasy positions occupied by these characters may correspond in some ways to that of Gayatri Spivak’s (1992) ‘subaltern”, a colonial subject constructed both by European discourse and his or her internalization of that discourse.
Magic is Might 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference, 2013
Ciolfi, Luigina/O’Brien, Gráinne (ed.): Magic Is Might 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference. , 2013
Every Hogwarts school year is defined by Harry Potter’s new teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA): Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Moody/Barty Crouch Jr., Dolores Umbridge, and Severus Snape. Apart from his relationship with Albus Dumbledore, Harry’s encounters with these teachers are the most important lessons during his way into adulthood. It is important to note that all six possible role-models to the hero are defined by their highly ambivalent character. Every DADA teacher turns out to be hiding something, has a secret identity, and is untrustworthy, evil or at least strange. There is Quirrell’s lavender turban and his double-identity as host for Voldemort. Lockhart’s role-conception follows the Sissy-stereotype from the Classic Hollywood era. Lupin’s second nature as werewolf is a secret that references closeted homosexuality and AIDS. Furthermore, Moody has not only a secret identity; he gets a perverse kick from pain and transfiguration. Also, Umbridge enjoys tantalizing Harry. And finally, Harry’s eyes are eroticised as fetish for Snape. This paper seeks to investigate the role-conception of the DADA teachers from a film scholars’ perspective by exploring their queer potential, mainly focussing on their relationship with the hero and on their appearance in the movies. Concluding, the significance of the DADA teachers for Harry’s final role as heterosexual husband and father in the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II will be discussed. Read under a queer lens, the ambivalence of all the DADA teachers and their unique relationship with the hero offer a fertile ground for speculation how the DADA teachers influence Harry’s process of sexual (and possibly queer) maturation.
La saga di Harry Potter, scritta da J.K. Rowling negli anni ’90 e fino al 2007, divenuta ben presto un classico della letteratura per l’infanzia e fantasy, ha assunto, dalla prima cinematografica di Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale, la dimensione di fenomeno planetario, intessendo, mutando, costruendo mondi narrativi tra cinema, letteratura, web, e oltre. La motivazione alla realizzazione della tesi, pertanto, scaturisce dall’essere un’insegnante appassionata di letteratura per l’infanzia e fictional character (, che ha vissuto la seconda infanzia dei propri figli nella lettura e ri-lettura di questi romanzi, nell’ascolto degli audiolibri in lingua originale, nell’entusiasmo delle prime cinematografiche successive alla fine della saga letteraria, come, e più intensamente dei giovani lettori. Lo scopo della tesi, quindi, è stato quello di tracciare il confine del mondo narrativo del Prigioniero di Azkaban, adottando il punto di vista di una immigrata digitale che legge, e tenta di comprendere, senza esserne fagocitata, un universo narrativo, studiandolo nei suoi aspetti di costruzione letteraria, adottando un metodo ‘computazionale’ per analizzarne la versione cinematografica dalla sceneggiatura in relazione alle semplici macrosequenze del testo, a sua volta multidimensionale, complesso, evocativo, il tutto navigando nella traduzione italiana, pur avendo come punto di partenza il testo in lingua inglese, densamente connotati a livello culturale e nelle dimensioni etiche e morali di un romanzo di formazione in stile fantasy. La tesi porta con sé i limiti della scelta di un solo volume/film della saga, e di solo due dei media che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del fenomeno Harry Potter, nonché della sottesa tensione a dimostrare che i mondi narrativi del libro superano la pervasività commerciale dei Massively Multireader Fictional Worlds dominati dalla major cinematografica e solo leggermente scalfiti dalla riconduzione in Pottermore del fandom di Harry Potter.
Educación superior. Movilidad social e identidad., 2012
Estudio sobre el papel de las autobiografías en la formación de profesionales indígenas. La reconstrucción autobiográfica como proceso de recuperación de la voz y de la sanación, en el camino de la reafirmación y reconfiguración identitaria de estudiantes indígenas de nivel de posgrado. Capítulo del libro editado por Ricardo Cuenca: Educación superior. Movilidad social e identidad. Lima: IEP.
Korupsi di Indonesia sudah menjadi permasalahan mendasar bahkan telah mengakar sedemikian dalam sehingga sulit untuk diberantas. Hal ini terlihat semakin lama tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia semakin meluas. Maraknya korupsi di Indonesia disinyalir terjadi
el estudio científico de la vida, se define a través de una jerarquía de organización biológica, desde los elementos hasta la biosfera. La vida se compone de materia, la que es, simplemente, una combinación de elementos, muchos de los cuales son muy conocidos, como el carbono, el oxígeno, el calcio y el hierro. Sólo algunos de ellos son esenciales para la vida constituyendo el 97 % del cuerpo humano: el oxígeno (O), el carbono (C), el hidrógeno (H) y el nitrógeno(N).
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2019
Frascaroli, J. (2022). Art and Learning: A Predictive Processing Proposal (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from White Rose eTheses Online (, 2022
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards
Fundación Cultural Banamex, 2022
Nurse Education Today, 2018
International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research , 2024
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 2024
International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, 2011
Color Research & Application, 2013
International Journal for Equity in Health
Physics Letters B, 2019
MedEdPublish, 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2016