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Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 208–216
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Professorial collaborations via CMC: Interactional dialectics
Marceline Thompson-Hayes a, Danna M. Gibson b, Andrea Towers Scott c, Lynne M. Webb d,*
Arkansas State University, Department of Communication, P.O. Box 369, State University, AR 72467, USA
Columbus State University, 4225 University Ave., Columbus, GA 31907, USA
University of Central Florida, 1001 Oakwood Rd., Orange City, FL 32763, USA
Department of Communication, University of Arkansas, 417 Kimpel Hall, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Available online 11 October 2008
Computer mediated communication
Qualitative study
College teachers
Collective behavior
Written communication
a b s t r a c t
We conducted twenty semi-structured interviews with university professors from eight states in the US
about their collaborations via computer mediated communication. Our thematic analysis of verbatim
transcripts uncovered four dialectical tensions (an interplay of opposing and contradictory forces typically resolved through communication) in such interactions: relational connection and personal autonomy, creativity and the mundane, task and socio-emotional goals, as well as novelty and efficacy.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Computer mediated communication (CMC) can be an effective
tool for professors who engage in scholarly collaborations. Previous
research documents the positive influence of both technology
(Teles & Ragsdale, 1991) and writing groups on academic writing
(Lee & Boud, 2003). For many in the academy, CMC technology
has been pivotal in overcoming hurdles of geography (Kraut, Egido,
& Galegher, 1988; Watson, 1994), finances, and time (e.g., time
away from the university and personal life) to facilitate innovative
and fulfilling research, publication, and consulting activities (Schroeder & Fry, 2007).
Professors’ increasing and extensive use of collaborations,
especially in research (e.g., Casper, Jong, Meyer, & Moller, 2000)
and the production of written scholarship (Bayer, 1991), facilitates the development of knowledge and innovation (Audretsch
& Link, 2006). Given the benefits and proliferation of professorial
collaboration, it was perhaps inevitable that the communication
surrounding such collaborations would become the object of academic study. Such research could increase the efficacy of such
endeavors through increased understanding of the communication surrounding professorial collaboration via CMC. While previous researchers have examined professorial collaboration (e.g.,
Schmitz & Whitworth, 2002), professorial writing (e.g., Oliver,
1986), as well as collaborative research (e.g., Schroeder & Fry,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 479 575 5956; fax: +1 479 575 6734.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (M. Thompson-Hayes), gibson_danna@ (D.M. Gibson),
[email protected] (A.T. Scott), LynneWebb320@cs.
com (L.M. Webb).
0747-5632/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2007) and writing via CMC (e.g., Barile & Durso, 2002), we could
locate no previously published study examining the intersection
of these concerns, professorial collaborations via CMC. The purpose of our study was to undertake a preliminary examination
of the interactional issues at play in professorial collaborations
via CMC.
2. Previous research
In a recent review of the research on communication and
technology, Walther, Gay, & Hancock (2005a) described five
lines of research: multimedia, hypertextuality, packet switching,
synchronicity, and interactivity. Most relevant to our study,
interactivity was described as ‘‘the extent to which source and
receiver are interchangeable roles, exhibiting reciprocal influence” (Walther et al., 2005a). Walther et al. (2005a) praised
recent interactivity research (e.g., Rafaeli, 1988) that ‘‘sets the
stage for conceptualizing serial communications as intertwined
and cumulative, as opposed to action–reaction pairs”. Studies
of CMC collaborations or virtual collaboration examine such
intertwined and cumulative serial communication. Wainfan
and Davis (2004, p. 25) defined virtual collaboration as ‘‘people
working together who are interdependent in their tasks, share
responsibility for outcomes, are geographically dispersed, and
rely on mediated, rather than face-to-face (FTF), communication”. Professorial collaborations conducted via CMC fit this
Given that many previous studies have examined virtual collaboration (e.g., Barile & Durso, 2002) and given that books have been
published on the subject (e.g., Wainfan & Davis, 2004), why
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M. Thompson-Hayes et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 208–216
undertake an additional study of CMC and collaboration? Walther
et al. (2005a) noted that ‘‘different groups will use technology and
communicate in different ways”. Therefore, an examination of professorial collaborations, rather than collaborators generally, may
reveal unique patterns of interaction. Further ‘‘DeSanctis and Poole
(1994) suggested that the impact of technology on groups can be
assessed by analyzing how groups tend to structure themselves
around social routines that are closely linked to the tasks they
undertake as well as to their surroundings or context” (Walther
et al., 2005a). Therefore, we studied CMC in professorial collaborations to observe how professors, as a group, enact their social routines, i.e., their interactions, surrounding one of their professional
activities, collaboration.
Further, many researchers have studied virtual collaboration by
assessing student collaborations (e.g., Barile & Durso, 2002; Galegher & Kraut, 1992) or interactions between students and instructors (e.g., Paulus & Phipps, 2008) rather than examining the actual
collaborations of professionals (e.g., Kimball & Rheingold, 2005). In
contrast, we queried actual professorial collaborators to assess
their perceptions of their interactional experiences and their perceptions of how CMC influences both the process of collaboration
itself as well as their on-going collaborative relationships.
2.1. Advantages of collaboration via CMC
‘‘New media do not determine social and cultural response but,
rather, provide opportunities for, and challenges to, existing social
structures and cultural values” (Jankowski, Foot, Howard, Jones,
Mansell, Schneider, et al., 2001). What challenges and opportunities are created by CMC and how have collaborators responded?
CMC provides an effective medium for task accomplishment
(VanLear, Sheehan, Withers, & Walker, 2005; Walther & Parks,
2002) such as sharing knowledge about on-going projects (Skovholt & Svennevig, 2006) as well as an effective medium for connectivity (Quan-Haase, Cothrel, & Wellman, 2005) such as the
providing of social support (Burleson, Albrecht, & Satason, 1994;
Pennebaker & Traue, 1993) and comforting (Caplan & Turner,
2007). Thus, CMC provides expanded opportunities for collaboration by offering creative and innovative means to engage in collaboration (Ramirez, Walther, Burgoon, & Sunnafrank, 2002). CMC
offers collaborators open access as well as the opportunity to improve time management and overcome geographical distance
(Walther & Boyd, 2001; Watson, 1994), while engaging in a socially-created, friendly environment that overcomes many entry
barriers common to face-to-face (FTF) interactions (Rheingold,
1991; Rheingold, 1993). Moreover, CMC technology helps define
collaborative relationships through the interaction of the collaborators (Walther & Parks, 2002), including how they adapt to the
medium itself (Tidwell & Walter, 2002) and the development of
new rules appropriate to the collaborative relationships (Watson,
1994). Finally, CMC’s ‘‘text-only channels allow senders greater
control over message construction by providing more time to craft
messages and the ability to edit” (Walther et al., 2005a) – advantages that may be particularly salient to collaborators producing
written work products.
Perhaps CMC’s greatest contribution to collaboration may be its
ability to allow collectives to initiate and maintain connections
(Rheingold, 2002), i.e., collaborators agree to participate in an arena that allows them to create, change, and maintain a co-constructed environment to disseminate information (Rheingold,
1991; Rheingold, 1993). Because academic collaborations tend to
be text-based, ‘‘introverted participants share their ideas on an
equal footing with extroverts” (Johnson, 2001). Further, the medium provides collaborators a ‘‘level playing field” by de-emphasizing status and power (Postmes, Spears, & Lea, 1998; Spears & Lea,
1994) and by obscuring the more obvious status distinctions or
aggressive behaviors that can dominate FTF conversation (Watson,
1994). Thus, CMC collaboration may appeal to many professorial
collaborators by freeing them to collaborate as equals (Postmes
et al., 1998; Spears & Lea, 1994) and to share knowledge (Metatek,
2005). Finally, a pivotal benefit of collaborating via CMC may be
that the medium itself provides a less-threatening format for
working out details of trust. Research documents the foundational
role of trust in collaboration efforts (Hossain & Wigand, 2004), performance (Paul & Reuben, 2004), assessment (Newell & Swan,
2000), liking (Walther & Bunz, 2005), as well as partnership-building and maintenance (Kramer, 1999; Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman,
1995; Whitener, Brodt, Korsgaard, & Werner, 1998).
2.2. Challenges to collaboration via CMC
Despite these advantages, we acknowledge three obvious challenges to collaborating via CMC. First, CMC lacks nonverbal channels inherent in more personal modes of communication, such as
FTF and telephone communication. Indeed, Kato, Kato, and Akahori’s (2007) experimental findings suggested that the few emotional
cues in e-mail messages can lead to misunderstanding. However,
‘‘e-mail and chat forums are developing pseudo-nonverbal protocols that more and more people accept as true representations of
actual non-verbal signals” (Carter, 2003). Thus, many people employ emoticons (symbols that represent emotional states such as
a smiley face) to compensate for the absent nonverbal channel.
While the frequency of emoticons varies with content and valence
of the message (Derks, Bos, & von Grumbkow, 2007), the results of
one experiment demonstrated proportional equivalency of expressed affect in electronic versus FTF interaction (Walther, Loh,
& Granka, 2005b). In contrast, Byron and Baldridge (2007) reported
that the meanings of nonverbal symbols used in e-mail are context
bound and vary with recipient’s personality. Nonetheless, Krohn
(2004) speculated that younger computer users may find emoticons natural and, hence, they may become a normal part of business in the future.
Second, CMC’s lack of nonverbal channels limits its capacity to
transmit cues to identity and meaning (Tanis & Postmes, 2003),
thus creating the potential for distrust and misunderstandings
among users (Burgoon, Bonito, Bengtsson, Ramierz, Dunbar, & Miczo, 1999). However, the users’ task and interpersonal goals may
mitigate such misunderstandings. For example, to pool and judge
critical knowledge, collaborators may employ anthropomorphic
technologies that simulate humanlike characteristics and promote
mutuality. Conversely, collaborators may employ ‘‘leaner” technologies (e.g., e-mail) for more routine tasks that do not require critical judgment.
Third, CMC channels, specifically e-mail, appear more appropriate for divisible projects where each collaborator independently
completes his/her tasks – tasks which later are combined into larger wholes, e.g., each collaborator writes a section of an essay. Conversely, experimental evidence indicates that work teams tend to
employ FTF and telephone communication in the planning stages
of projects as well as through out integrative projects that cannot
be easily divided into segments for independent completion (Galegher & Kraut, 1992). Do professorial collaborators employ varying
communication modalities for interactive verses integrative tasks?
2.3. Purpose and research questions
In sum, CMC aids the collaboration process with its potential to
transform and influence relationships among collaborators, in both
positive (e.g., de-emphasizing status) and negative (e.g., creating
misunderstandings) ways. How does CMC influence professorial collaborations per se and the relationships among professorial collaborators? The purpose of our study was to undertake a preliminary
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M. Thompson-Hayes et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 208–216
examination of the interactional issues at play in professorial collaborations enacted via CMC. To this end, we posed the following two
research questions:
that cannot be accomplished via e-mail,” most reported reserving
a few tasks for FTF interactions, including planning the project,
idea generation, and addressing conflict.
RQ1: Professors report that CMC influences their collaborations
in what ways?
3.2. Instruments
RQ2: Professors report that CMC influences their collaborative
relationships in what ways?
3. Method
Bradley, Holm, Steere, and Stromqvist (1993) asserted that CMC
researchers ‘‘need to look at the interaction of people at work from
both a quantitative and qualitative perspective”. While many previous analyses of CMC collaboration employed quantitative methods (e.g., Barile & Durso, 2002), we elected to employ a qualitative
methodology in our study for five reasons: Qualitative methods (a)
are appropriate for exploratory research (Cresswell, 1998), (b) allow the ‘‘insiders’ perspective” to emerge, (c) provide a ‘‘closer to
the actor’s perspective through detailed interviewing and examination” (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998, p. 10), and (d) ‘‘stress the socially
constructed nature of reality” (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998, p. 8), as
seemed appropriate to the study of communication within a virtual reality. (e) Previous researchers employed qualitative methods
to examine CMC, including but not limited to ‘‘immersion, reading
FAQs, or observing” (Walther et al., 2005a).
We employed the specific qualitative methodology of interviewing for three reasons: (a) Previous researchers had employed
interviewing successfully as a methodology to ‘‘make sense” of
on-line communication (Dervin & Clark, 1999). (b) Interviewing allows participants to share their perspectives across multiple projects and years, and thus to provide rich data (Newcomb, 1995).
(c) In interviews, participants ‘‘are able to point to changes caused
by technological. . . factors” (Newcomb, 1995).
3.1. Participants
We interviewed a convenience sample of 20 US professors. The
participants, hereafter called professors, were employed at universities in eight states in the US, i.e., Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, New York, and Oregon. The sample
contained 12 males and 8 females, including professors at various
ranks: 9 assistant, 3 associate, and 8 full professors. We interviewed professors from four disciples, including biomechanics,
physical education, and teacher education, but the majority of
the interviewees were professors in communication (N = 14),
who we believed would be very articulate about interactional issues related to their collaborations.
The professors reported working via CMC in collaborative
groups of two to eight colleagues; however, they typically worked
in groups of two or three collaborators. Depending on the stage of
the collaborative project, the professors reported interacting via
e-mail several times daily or as infrequently as once every three
months. The more actively involved they were in producing the
work product, the more frequently they employed e-mail to interact. Similarly, the professors reported that the amount of time they
spend composing a message sent via e-mail varied from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on several factors, i.e., the relationship between the interactants (e.g., professor–student), the content
of the message (e.g., explaining a complex attachment), and the
stage of the project (e.g., asking for edits on an early draft). The
professors reported using CMC for multiple aspects of collaboration, but primarily sending drafts and discussing edits. While one
professor stated that ‘‘there is no aspect of the research process
Three females with Ph.D. degrees in Communication, hereafter
called interviewers, each independently conducted six or seven
semi-structured interviews following a common protocol. Following Kvale’s (1996) guidelines, we developed an interview protocol
consisting of 11 questions about professors’ perceptions of their
CMC collaborations.1 Professors were free to discuss teaching, research, writing, and/or consultative collaborations, but virtually all
participants discussed research and writing collaborations. After
the interviews, we e-mailed interviewees a one-page, written questionnaire to gather information about the participants’ patterns of
CMC that we used to describe our participants (see preceding subsection). The written questionnaire contained four open-ended questions about the CMC they described in the interviews (e.g., on
average, how often do you use e-mail to facilitate a research project?
Is it several times a day, once a day, a certain number of times per
week? Please provide any characterization you deem appropriate.).
3.3. Procedures
After receiving approval from Institutional Review Boards at
three universities, we pilot tested the protocol during the first
two interviews conducted by each interviewer (N = 6 pilot interviews) and subsequently reworded only a few items. To ensure
consistency, we conducted all interviews during the same three
week time period in September 2005. Interviews followed a
semi-structured format, allowing consistency with flexibility during the interviews, i.e., as needed, interviewers probed for specific
answers to posed questions by asking additional questions (Fontana & Frey, 1998). Interviewers knew their interviewees prior to
data collection, thus facilitating disclosure and metacommunication. We conducted the interviews via telephone to allow a broader
geographic sample than FTF interviews and more immediate responses to answers, such as follow-up questions, than CMC interviews. We audiotaped the 20–30 min interviews, producing 155
double-spaced pages (3359 lines) of verbatim transcripts.
We undertook a thematic analysis of the transcribed data. Its results (explained in detail in the ‘‘Results” section below) prompted
us to conduct a secondary analysis to discover dialectic tensions
(i.e., the interplay of opposing and contradictory forces typically resolved through communication) present in the data. Thus, our
analysis followed the same two-phase process as previous dialectical analysts (e.g., Baxter, Braithwaite, Bryant, & Wagner, 2004): (a)
discovering themes within the data and (b) connecting themes to
form dialectics.
3.4. Phase one: identifying themes
The interviewers read and reread the interview transcripts produced in their respective subsamples to identify themes. Following
Boyatzis (1998), themes emerged from the data rather than the
researchers imposing a priori conceptual categories on the data.
We employed Owen’s (1984) criteria for identifying themes, i.e.,
repetition (relatively the same language to describe a phenomenon), recurrence (differing language but similar meanings for a
phenomenon), and forcefulness (ideas strongly stressed verbally
or nonverbally).
A copy of the interview protocol is available upon request from the first author
<e-mail address here>.
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M. Thompson-Hayes et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 208–216
The three interviewers conferred via two one-hour conference
telephone calls to discuss trends across the sample. Interviewers
revealed themes generated from their respective subsamples and
then confirmed or denied the presence of these themes in the other
interviewers’ transcripts. We deliberately considered negative evidence (discrepant patterns), as per Miles and Huberman’s (1994)
guidelines. Through this analysis and discussion, six themes
emerged from the data. To verify the validity of the coding procedure and emergent themes, a fourth coder examined randomly selected samples of the data comprising over ten percent of each
transcript and confirmed that each theme appeared in more than
one transcript across at least two interviewers.
3.5. Phase two: identifying the dialectics
After we identified themes, we turned to the analytic task of
finding connections among and within the themes. To begin this
secondary analysis, the fourth coder proposed four specific dialectical tensions created by organizing the emergent themes into dialectics. Meeting via e-mail, the interviewers agreed that they had
observed the proposed dialectics in the interviews they conducted.
To test the validity of these observations, each interviewer reviewed the transcripts of the other two interviewers. Additionally,
the fourth coder reviewed the randomly selected segments of each
interview. Each of the four coders discovered evidence of at least
one entire dialectic (i.e., both poles) in every transcript and evidence of multiple dialectics in most transcripts.
4. Results
4.5. Research question two
‘‘Professors report that CMC influences collaborative relationships in what ways?” Our thematic analysis yielded three themes:
nonverbal deficit, relational connection, and personal autonomy.
See Table 1 for illustrative quotations of each theme.
4.6. Nonverbal deficit
Several professors noted that CMC lacks nonverbal elements.
Many professors reported compensating for the lack of nonverbal
information by using emoticons or bold letters to stress a particular word or phrase. In addition, several professors reported using
language strategically to convey emotion, i.e., being extremely polite, using qualifiers when presenting suggestions such as saying
‘‘We don’t have to do it this way but. . .” Alternatively, some professors stated that because CMC lacks a nonverbal channel, they simply ignored the emotional and/or relational aspects of the
statements they composed and instead stayed task-focused by
sending e-mail messages they described as short, quick, succinct,
and to-the-point.
4.7. Relational connection and personal autonomy
Two themes comprised a dialectic addressing the issues of relational connection and personal autonomy. Whereas most professors thought that CMC provided a way to connect with
colleagues to collaborate, other professors noted that collaborating
via CMC allowed them to work relatively independently. We explored both poles of the dialectic.
4.1. Research question one
4.8. Relational connection
‘‘Professors report that CMC influences their collaborations in
what ways?” Our thematic analysis uncovered three themes: limited technology, expanded opportunity, and instrumentality. Table
1 provides quotations from the transcripts to illustrate each theme.
4.2. Limited technology
When the professors discussed CMC, they primarily referred to
e-mail messages to ask questions, transmit edits, and send attachments. Only one professor mentioned instant messaging, for
4.3. Expanded opportunity
Several professors indicated that CMC provided opportunities to
collaborate that would have been more difficult or impossible
without CMC. Several professors described CMC as ‘‘convenient,”
specifically noting that CMC ‘‘saves time” as collaborators send email messages to one another rather than scheduling FTF or telephone meetings. Moreover, e-mail allowed correspondents to send
and answer e-mail messages when convenient.
4.4. Instrumentality
While almost all the professors reported using CMC to communicate with collaborators about virtually all aspects of research,
they nonetheless characterized CMC as a ‘‘tool” to accomplish
instrumental tasks and emphasized that CMC did not replace FTF
communication. The professors reported using CMC most frequently for sharing drafts and edits. Thus, they characterized
CMC as working well for the mechanical aspects of collaboration
such as sending attachments. However, most professors identified
FTF discussion as the best process for resolving conflict as well as
generating unique and creative ideas.
Professors reported that they preferred handling disagreements
and conflicts via FTF. Further, almost all professors stated that they
preferred to engage in more personal modes of communication at
some point in the project because they desired to connect personally with their collaborators. Additionally, many professors stated
that they preferred to know their collaborators before working together via CMC. Several professors used the word ‘‘trust” to indicate that they wanted to know they could rely on their
collaborators to do what they said they would do. In fact, only
two professors reported actually completing projects entirely
through CMC. In one case, the professor simply collected data
and did not participate in the project’s design. In the other case,
the professor knew both collaborators for years and believed
strongly in the mission of the project. Other professors acknowledged that, while it may be possible to conduct a project entirely
through CMC, they did not prefer that method.
4.9. Personal autonomy
Although many professors preferred more personal modes of
communication to CMC, others appreciated the independence that
CMC allowed. These professors noted that, with CMC, they set their
own work pace, without feeling obligated to engage in ‘‘small talk”
or personal conversation.
4.10. Secondary analysis
Our analysis yielded six themes with no conceptual overlap. The
lack of conceptual overlap as well as the discovery of two themes
that formed a dialectic, i.e., relational connection and personal
autonomy, prompted us to consider if our initial results might be
reconceptualized as a series of dialectics. Thus, we undertook a secondary analysis to discover any additional dialectical tensions
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Table 1
Illustrative Quotations of Themes
RQ1: Professors report that CMC influences their collaborations in what ways?
Limited technology
‘‘You know with e-mail you can write your ideas down more fully without being interrupted so you get everything out there. And then I think you
can get feedback about that text. Similarly, face-to-face you can have. . . the whole text in front of you and work it through, um, in more detail.. . .
One time I had a telephone call that worked well. . . She had a text ready with specific comments and questions”
‘‘More conference calling, e-mail has been the only experience so far (no blogging or IM), we [consulting group] tend to be very brief on e-mail.
That’s a personality characteristic, though, because I am a slow typer. It’s also because of timesaving issues.”
[In response to the question how much of the interaction was conducted through CMC versus FTF:] ‘‘We can’t meet FTF so 50% e-mail, 50% phone,
no FTF.”
‘‘I have been asked to collaborate on a book and the other authors and I have already been using email to communicate and will be using Skype to
conference call.”
‘‘CMC enables me to work on the project anytime and from anywhere. . . I worked on a project when I was in Graz, Austria for three weeks. I was
not hampered by distance.”
‘‘There was a time early in the 90’s that I would wait for things by mail. You don’t have to do that anymore; it’s instant!”
‘‘You don’t have to travel to get your work done. . .”
‘‘I think it has strengthened our (peer) relationships because it has allowed us to work together and to work probably more frequently than we
could without it. . . through CMC, I feel we were able to accomplish things that were in the past only ideas.”
‘‘It’s a tool. . . I think its biggest benefit is its efficiency. It’s a way of shortening steps.”
‘‘It helps you track your edits. . .”
‘‘You can read at your own leisure. You can look it over, put it down, and come back. . . with a fresh perspective.”
‘‘The most conversing that I do in collaborative work happens FTF actually. But the mechanics of collaboration, the sharing of draft material, it is
just easy to do with an attachment.”
RQ2: Professors report that CMC affects collaborative relationships in what ways?
Nonverbal deficit
‘‘I think the lack of the nonverbal channel makes it a little more confusing. Like you know my personality, I have a tendency to smart off and, you
know, be sarcastic. . . I had to be careful about that kind of stuff.”
‘‘Sometimes I use the smiley face or a ‘he he’ as an attempt to alleviate any miscommunication.”
‘‘We just say ‘here are the corrections;’ we don’t say ‘if you don’t mind’ or ‘how do you feel about that.’ It’s certainly more direct.”
‘‘I like that when I send a message, I don’t have to deal with all the niceties that I would have to on the phone. I can attach a file and say ‘the file is
attached. Make your changes and send it back to me’ and she knows what I mean. I don’t have to spend time on the relationship. . .we can focus on
the project at hand.”
Relational connection
‘‘My preference at some point is just to have a FTF conversation that we don’t just show up as print on a screen. . . to have a ‘human touch.’”
‘‘My collaborator and I just really trust each other’s instincts about what oughtta go in or what not to go in.”
‘‘Even when I send something via internet, I will follow up with a phone call or a pre-call just to say ‘‘Hey, this is what you are going to get, . . .or did
you get it and what did you think. . .” Sometimes I think there is just a need to connect with the voice.”
‘‘I prefer FTF to clarify a lot of the issues. . . where you are going. . . those kinds of things.”
Personal autonomy
‘‘You have to have people who are good independent workers because so much work is individual.”
‘‘Sometimes I just do the work that needs to be done and if the other person doesn’t like it, he’ll let me know.”
‘‘With CMC, I get the first, fresh perspective on my own. . . I can read the piece at my leisure (as many times as I want) without having to worry
about someone giving their input.”
‘‘I’m misunderstood over the phone a lot. . .I am kind of blunt sometimes and even though I don’t mean it personally, people misunderstand. . .so, to
be quite honest with you. . . [Before CMC,] I just did not collaborate. . . I would just as soon do it by myself than have to talk on the phone too long to
somebody. . . Before, I was a solo act. . .”
Note. Each quotation from an individual interviewee.
Table 2
Illustrative Quotations for the Dialectical Tensions
Relational connection
and personal
(a) CMC provides a way to connect with colleagues to collaborate and
(b) collaboration via CMC allows relatively independent work
Creativity and the
mundane tasks
(a) CMC merely functions as a tool to convey information and (b) CMC
cannot replace personal communication for creative work
Task and socioemotional goals in
collaborative work
(a) Collaborators compensate for CMC’s lack of nonverbal channel with
emoticons and strategic language and (b) report that CMC’s lack of
emotionality and low emphasis on the relational aspects of
communicating allows them to stay task-focused
Novelty and efficacy of
(a) Collaborators report use of limited technologies and (b) view CMC
as convenient and time-saving by allowing asynchronous discourse
‘‘The dialogical approach. . . has helped me and my [CMC] collaborators.
Again, we have areas of responsibility in the whole text, but the more
we kind of set it up as a case – it is almost like a conversational
interaction again where the parts interact with one another, the better
we seem to do. . .. I know some people do this where it is almost like
each sentence is a collaboration. I can’t do that. I work best where there
is a chunked out division of labor.”
‘‘I think every single [collaboration] I do is mostly e-mails and file
transfers of papers. . . The FTF issues in this project were more the
planning issues. . . we had to sit down and throw out a bunch of ideas
and interact with each other on the spot.”
‘‘Sometimes you use the smiley face or a ‘he he’ so that you try to
alleviate any miscommunication. . . If I call somebody I have to tell
them my life story that’s happened since the last time I talked with
them and I really don’t have time for that. In an e-mail, I can just say hi
and everything is doing great, but I don’t have to go into detail. . .”
‘‘. . .delegation, scheduling, timelines. . .data sharing-mostly through emails. Generally e-mailed attachments and data. . .a few times I tired
IM but that can be expensive.”
Note. Each quotation from an individual interviewee.
among the individual themes of expanded opportunities, instrumentality, limited technology, and nonverbal deficit. Table 2 displays quotations from the transcripts to illustrate each dialectic.
The instrumentality theme contained the oppositional ideas of
(a) CMC functioning as a tool and (b) CMC’s inability to replace personal communication for creative work. Thus, we conceptualized
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the dialectic of creativity and the mundane, two types of activities
necessary to the research/writing processes.
The theme nonverbal deficit contained the oppositional ideas of
(a) compensating for lack of nonverbal channels by using emoticons and strategic language as well as (b) CMC’s lack of emotionality and low emphasis on the relational aspects of communication,
thus allowing interactants to stay task-focused. Thus, we conceptualized the potential dialectic of task and socio-emotional goals, two
goals essential to accomplishment of any collaborative task.
The third dialectic came from a combination of the theme noting
professors’ use of limited technologies, primarily e-mail and attachments, with the theme of expanded opportunity or viewing CMC in
terms of convenience, saving time, and asynchronous discourse.
Thus, we conceptualized the dialectic of novelty and efficacy, a dialectic that may be at play in any CMC interaction, i.e., professors
employ CMC technologies, e.g., e-mail, when the technology’s efficiency outweighs its difficulty of use; with novel technologies, the
difficulty of use may outweigh efficiency and ergo efficacy.
To test the validity of the proposed dialectics, each interviewer
reviewed the transcripts of the other two interviewers. Additionally, the fourth coder reviewed the randomly selected segments
comprising over ten per cent of each interview. Each coder discovered evidence of at least one entire dialectic in every transcript and
evidence of multiple dialectics in most transcripts. Thus, we offer
four dialectics that may represent the interactional challenges of ongoing professorial collaborations conducted via CMC: relational connection and personal autonomy, creativity and the mundane, task
and socio-emotional goals, and novelty and efficacy.
5. Discussion
5.1. Summary of results
We undertook a preliminary examination of the interactional
issues of concern in professorial collaborations conducted via
CMC. To this end, we conducted a thematic analysis of twenty
semi-structured interviews with professors from eight states to answer two research questions querying the ways professors report
that CMC influenced their collaborations per se and their collaborative relationships. Our analysis yielded six themes with no conceptual overlap. Our secondary analysis yielded four dialectics
that may represent the interactional issues facing professors who
collaborate via CMC: relational connection and personal autonomy,
creativity and the mundane, task and socio-emotional goals, novelty and efficacy.
5.2. Interpretation of results
We did not anticipate finding dialectical tensions at the onset of
this project and thus we here provide a brief explanation of communication and dialectics. Dialectical tensions typically occur as
a result of the interplay of opposing and contradictory forces, such
as tension that occurs as a result of simultaneous needs for autonomy and connection, openness and closeness, or novelty and predictability (Baxter, 1988). Dialectical tensions are typically
resolved through communication. For example, newlyweds may
negotiate the solution to maintain autonomy by reserving one
weekend a month to spend time with their individual friends,
and maintain connectedness by spending the other weekends together. It is through the communication during their negotiation
that they resolve the dialectical tension.
Multiple forms of dialectics exist, many specific to particular
relationships and contexts. For example, Papa, Auwal, and Singhal
(1995) explored the dialectic of control and emancipation in organizing for social change and Mumby (2005) identified the dialectic
of control and resistance as a routine social outcome of daily organizational life. Moreover, Rawlins (1989) uncovered several dialectics specific to young adult friendships such as freedom to be both
independent and dependent and Sahlstein (2006) described romance partners as negotiating certainty and uncertainty in longdistance relationships. Similarly, unique tensions may occur
among professors who collaborate via CMC. Notably, each dialectic
we identified addressed a different aspect of the phenomenon under study, i.e., the collaborative relationship, tasks at hand, goals of
the collaboration, and the technologies employed.
(1) Relational connection and personal autonomy represents a
relationship dialectic originally identified by Rawlins (1989) in his
research on friendships. Given that our professors frequently referenced collaborations with professional friends, it is not surprising
that one of Rawlins dialectics emerged from the data. Further, this
finding is consistent with previous research recognizing CMC’s potential to provide a venue for relationship development and maintenance; such research has examined interactivity via CMC (e.g.,
Chang & Wang, 2008), documented the importance of trust in
collaboration (Hossain & Wigand, 2004; Whitener et al., 1998),
and recognized CMC as an effective medium for social support
(Burleson et al., 1994; Pennebaker & Traue, 1993) in a socially created friendly environment that overcomes many entry barriers
common to FTF interactions (Rheingold, 1991; Rheingold, 1993).
(2) Creativity and the mundane may represent two opposite but
necessary aspects of scholarly endeavors. Indeed, Galegher and
Kraut (1990) speculated that ‘‘intellectual team work demands
extensive information sharing and coordination, but these communication needs vary over time and tasks”. Consistent with Galegher
and Kraut’s (1992) findings and Barile and Durso’s (2002) conclusion that ‘‘e-mail alone may not be an appropriate setting for writing collaboratively”, our professors expressed a preference for
telephone or FTF communication for integrative tasks, such as
planning. Indeed, experience may have taught our professors what
DeRosa, Smith, and Hantula (2007) concluded in their meta-analysis of the research on electronic group brainstorming, i.e., that
groups meeting FTF tend to outperform groups meeting only electronically. Also consistent with Burgoon et al.’s (1999) results suggesting that interfaces such as e-mail may work best for less
complex tasks, our professors identified CMC as a useful tool for
mundane tasks. Indeed, numerous previous researchers characterized CMC as an effective medium for task accomplishment (Garton
& Wellman, 1995; VanLear et al., 2005; Walther & Parks, 2002),
due to its ability to expand opportunities and offer alternative
means for collaboration (Ramirez et al., 2002) that include providing access, managing time, and overcoming geographical distance
(Walther & Boyd, 2001). Further, previous research identifies email as a preferred medium of communication among coworkers
(Beaudoin, 2008; Kim, Kim, Park, & Rice, 2007). Thus, in spite of research documenting disadvantages to modality switching (Ramirez & Zhang, 2007), our professors appeared comfortable
switching communication modalities, i.e., using CMC for the more
mundane tasks and FTF for the more creative aspects of their
Among the unique contributions of the present study is the balanced viewpoint provided by our informants who reported collaborating via CMC but employing FTF for more cognitively rich tasks,
especially for creative work including hypothesis-generation and
conflict management. The viewpoint that both FTF and CMC have
a place in collaboration is supported by the results of one of the
very few studies that has examined how one mode of communication can influence the other during collaboration, i.e., Dietz-Uhler
and Bishop-Clark (2001) concluded that when collaborators employ CMC followed by FTF interactions, they perceive their FTF
interactions as ‘‘more enjoyable and include a greater diversity of
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(3) We are not the first CMC researchers to apply the label ‘‘task
and socio-emotional” to on-line activities (see Derks et al., 2007;
Pena & Hancock, 2006; Savicki & Kelley, 2000). Further, the ‘‘task
and socio-emotional” label has long been a staple among small
group theorists to describe types of leaders and classes of communication (Bales, 2001) as well as activity tracks in decision-making
(Poole, Seibold, & McPhee, 1996). Indeed, task and socio-emotional
goals may be present in any group or collaborative undertaking.
Our professors reported appreciating that CMC can be short, tothe-point, and task-focus. Conversely, and consistent with the
observations of Carter (2003) and Parkinson (2008), most professors reported relying on quasi-nonverbal behavior such as
emoticons to simulate the nonverbal channel to convey socio-emotional messages. Perhaps many professors balance the dialectic of
task and socio-emotional goals by engaging in both behaviors,
e.g., write short e-mail messages that include emoticons where
appropriate. The notion that collaborators achieve both task and
socio-emotional goals via CMC is consistent with emerging contemporary thought that users increasingly achieve interactive
goals via modern technology – including interactive goals that traditionally were viewed as only achievable via FTF interactions
(Walther et al., 2005a). Indeed, following an extensive meta-analysis, Derks, Fisher, and Bos (2008) concluded that ‘‘there is no indication that CMC is a less emotional or less personally involving
medium than F2F”.
(4) Novelty and efficacy may apply only in those collaborations
enacted at least partially via CMC, as this dialectic clearly refers
to the technological elements of interactions. While our professors
acknowledged that CMC provided opportunities to collaborate that
would have been more difficult or impossible without CMC, they
also employed very few types of CMC technology. For example,
although many organizations adopt instant messaging technology
to increase collaboration among geographically distant co-workers
(Cameron & Webster, 2005), only one of our professors mentioned
using instant messaging. Indeed, despite the promise of numerous
innovative technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration in education (Ingram, Hathorn, & Evans, 2000), not all innovations are readily adopted; as Walther et al. (2005a) noted ‘‘even
though video cameras for personal computers may often be acquired for less than $10 US, most people rely on e-mail and textbased chat for internet exchanges”. Consistent with Shedletsky
and Aitken’s (2001) claim that faculty avoid workshops about computer technologies and consistent with Jankowski et al.’s (2001)
belief that ‘‘most changes occurring in the educational and research institutions related to communication studies and the Internet are incremental in nature rather than revolutionary”, we
speculate that our informants used technologies that maximized
efficiency, such e-mail for sending manuscripts, and avoided novel
technologies in collaborations when new technologies involved a
learning curve that reduced the professors’ collaborative efficiency.
A future study could confirm or deny this speculative explanation.
5.3. Interpretation of the findings as a whole
Caplan (2001) observed that CMC provides a unique communication system, not easily described by traditional interpersonal
communication theory, traditional mass communication theory,
or a combination of theories from both domains. Thus, Caplan
called for original theories to describe CMC behavior, such as Walther’s (1996) theory of CMC as hyperpersonal interaction. Each dialectic we identified addressed a different aspect of the
phenomenon under study, i.e., the collaborative relationship, tasks
at hand, goals of the collaboration, and the technologies employed.
Thus, our results do not fit neatly into Walther’s (1996) hyperpersonal theories’ triad of concerns with receivers, senders, and message processes.
Our results appear to better illustrate aspects of Spitzberg’s
(2006) model of CMC Competence. Spitzberg’s model contains nine
elements; our four dialectics clearly exemplify four of these nine
elements: media factors including efficiency (dialectic of novelty
and efficacy), message factors, including task-orientation and socio-emotional orientation (dialectic of task and socio-emotional
goals), contextual factors including relational factors (dialectic of
relational connection and personal autonomy), and finally competence outcomes, including appropriateness (dialectic of creativity
and the mundane). The purpose of our study was to undertake a
preliminary examination of the interactional issues at play in professorial collaborations. Perhaps these four elements (versus all
nine of Spitzberg’s elements) represent the most salient aspects of
the CMC competency model at play in professorial collaborations.
5.4. Limitations and suggestions for future research
Given the preliminary nature of our investigation, we employed
an appropriate methodology, i.e., in depth interviews with a small
convenience sample, to discover the appropriate directions for
more expensive and elaborate future research. Indeed, in-depth
interviews with any small sample should reveal major concerns
with minimal capitol outlay. While such qualitative studies provide detailed information from informants, the samples are necessary limited in size and scope, thus necessarily limiting the
generalizability of the findings. Future studies in this line of research could employ larger, more diverse samples to examine further the issues identified in our preliminary study.
Additionally, we gathered data from individual professors.
Interviews with professorial work groups or collaborative dyads
may illuminate another level of interactional issues. Further, future
research could examine interactional concerns at various points in
the collaborative process, from the initial idea and planning stages
to project completion, as CMC may influence professorial collaborations in differing ways at various stages.
Our preliminary study appropriately interviewed professors.
However, an examination of actual e-mail messages exchanged
may reveal how collaborators communicate emotions, address
relational issues, and frame tasks. The proportion of task-related
and relationship-related discourse exchanged may illuminate
when and how professors discover potential problems in their collaborative relationships and how quickly they attend to them. Triangulation of interview with observational data may be
particularly illuminating.
Finally, future research could examine the influence of CMC on
various types of professorial collaborations such as peer vs. mentor-mentee collaborations. Given CMC’s well documented tendency to ‘‘even the playing field” (Metatek, 2005; Postmes et al.,
1998; Spears & Lea, 1994), perhaps status differences influence
how collaborators employ CMC. Finally, future studies might
examine collaborations among professionals who are not academics to discover if non-professors grapple with the same set of interactional dialectics when they collaborate via CMC.
5.5. Conclusions
Despite these limitations, our study contributes to an understanding of collaborations via CMC in four ways: (1) It represents
the first preliminary examination of the influence of CMC in professorial collaborations. (2) It offers insights into the interactional
challenges in professorial collaborations as well as professorial collaborative relationships. (3) We discovered six preliminary themes
that formed four dialectics; these dialectics may represent the
interactional challenges of professorial collaborations conducted
via CMC: relational connection and personal autonomy, creativity
and the mundane, task and socio-emotional goals, as well as
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novelty and efficacy. (4) Finally, we offered thoughtful suggestions
for future research.
Ms. Thompson-Hayes (Ph.D., University of Memphis), Ms. Gibson (Ph.D., University of Memphis), and Ms. Scott (Ph.D., Louisiana
State University) serve as Assistant Professor in Communication at
Arkansas State University, Columbus State University, and the University of Central Florida, respectively. Ms. Webb (Ph.D., University
of Oregon) serves as Professor in Communication at the University
of Arkansas. The authors acknowledge the equal contributions of
the four authors to the success of this project.
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