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pengaruh komunikasi bisnis dalam jangkauan lintas budaya untuk melakukan espansi perusahaan dalam melakukan peningkatan pendapatan.
Agronomía Costarricense. Universidad de Costa Rica. [email protected]. cr. ISSN (Versión impresa): 0377-9424. COSTA RICA. 2008. Federico Masís / Juan Valdez / Tatiana Coto / Sandra León. RESIDUOS DE AGROQUÍMICOS ...
Book, 2024
This book advances new ways of thinking about emergence and impact of Itinerant Curriculum Theory (ICT).Written by authors based in Algeria, Brazil, Chile, China, Estonia, South Korea, Spain and the USA, the chapters examine the opportunities and challenges paved by ICT in the struggle to open up and decolonize curriculum policies. The contributors show how ICT can help us to pave a new way to think about and to do curriculum theory and announce ICT as a declaration of epistemological liberation, one that helps to resist Eurocentric dominance. The chapters cover topics including, ecologies of the Global South, education discourse in South Korea, China’s Curriculum Reform, and the history of colonialism in the Middle East. Building on the work of Antonia Darder, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others, this book posits that the future of the field is the struggle against curriculum epistemicides and this is ultimately a struggle for social justice. The book includes a Foreword by the leading curriculum historian William Schubert, Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Estado abierto, 2019
El artículo explora y reflexiona sobre el estado del arte en materia de Estado abierto en América Latina a partir de los avances y la experiencia comparada de los países de la región que son miembros activos y participan de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (AGA). Si bien se trata de un enfoque nuevo en el mundo, la región lidera el tránsito hacia procesos de apertura institucional que van más allá del Poder Ejecutivo en materia de Parlamento Abierto, Justicia Abierta, Municipios Abiertos, entre otros. En este camino, la Carta Iberoamericana de Gobierno Abierto (CLAD, 2016) ha sido una herramienta fundamental en la promoción de este enfoque, lo cual complementa los esfuerzos desplegados desde otros organismos multilaterales y centros de pensamiento, como CEPAL, OCDE, OEA, GIGAPP, CAF. Palabras clave Estado abierto-gobierno abierto-AGA-gobernanza. Abstract The article explores and reflects on the state of art in the field of Open State in Latin America, based on the advances and comparative experience of the countries of the region that are active members and participate in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Although it is a new approach in the world, the region is leading the way towards institutional opening processes that go beyond the Executive Power, in terms of Open Parliament, Open Justice, Open Municipalities, among others. In this way, the Ibero-American Open Government Charter (CLAD, 2016) has been a fundamental tool in the promotion of this approach, which complements the efforts made by other multilateral organizations and think tanks such as ECLAC, OECD, OEA, GIGAPP, CAF. Cómo citar este artículo: Ramírez-Alujas, Á. V. (2019). «El estado del Estado abierto en América Latina: avances, alcances y perspectivas». En Estado abierto. Revista sobre el Estado, la administración y las políticas públicas, 4, (1), pp. 13-38., 2023
Deoarece mumia serviciilor secrete româneşti a fost redezvelită şi spălată recent de păcatele trădării sale într-un scenariu de film românesc (iar „de festival”), ne-am propus să recitim primul volum de propagandă neagră pe care generalul de Securitate Ion Mihai Pacepa l-a publicat în străinătate, pentru un public interesat mai curând de poveştile de ficţiune cu spioni care, pe de-o parte, se autovictimizează pentru a-şi vinde marfa contrafăcută şi, în acelaşi timp, sunt loviţi brusc de amenzie când este vorba despre propriile fapte condamnabile, săvârşite când au îndeplinit funcţii de conducere în aparatul organelor represive din România.
We outline generalized separation of variables as applied to nonlinear second-order partial differential equations. In this context, we suggest an approach to constructing exact solutions of nonlinear PDEs. The approach involves searching for transformations that “reduce the dimensionality” of the equation. New families of exact solutions of 3D nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations that govern processes of heat and mass transfer in inhomogeneous anisotropic media are described. Moreover, the approach makes it possible to construct exact solutions of nonlinear wave equations. We also present solutions for three families of equations with logarithmic heat sources; the solutions are obtained by nonlinear separation of variables.
Γραφή και Γραφές στον 21ο αιώνα – Η πρόκληση για την εκπαίδευση. , 2009
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1997
Migalhas de Responsabilidade Civil, 2024
Estudos medievais: gênero, resistência e performance, 2015
Cinema e Educação em Mapas Abertos, 2021
Annals of Botany, 2007
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2021
Investigación en Educación Médica, 2015