2010 International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2010), December 5-7, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
X-Band Dielectric Resonator Bandpass Filter
M. F. Ain, Z. A. Ahmad, M.A. Othman, I. A. Zubir,
S. D. Hutagalung.
A. A. Sulaiman, A. Othman
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
UiTM, 40450 Shah Alam, Malaysia
[email protected]
School of Electrical and Electronics / Material and Mineral
Resources Engineering, USM, 14300 Penang, Malaysia.
[email protected]
The most famous filter in microwave applications is the
bandpass filter [3]. The filter can be narrow- or wide-bands
depend on the applications. A narrow-band bandpass device is
designed for stringent specifications of passband insertion loss
and stopband rejection. While a wide-band bandpass filter is
normally used for high data transmission involving a lot of
video and data communications [6]. Their practical realization
are varies depend on the applications. For a solution to be
practically useful, it needs to be easily manufactured, reliable,
add little or no extra cost to the system in a mass production.
The solutions also add only a minimum insertion loss to the
filter since this attenuation will directly limits the performance
of the wireless system.
Abstract— This paper presents a new approach of designing a
bandpass filter by applying a combination of microstrip and
cylindrical shape of dielectric resonators for X-Band application.
Three dielectric resonators with a same permittivity and
diameter of 60 and 5 mm respectively are applied in the circuit in
order to obtain a wideband of more than 1.0 GHz. The
interaction between the microstrip transmission line and
dielectric resonators increases the coupling effect as well as
minimizing the insertion loss in the filter passband. An analysis
on the effect of the height of the dielectric resonators has been
investigated in order to prove that the new approach contributes
more advantages and viable at the desired application band.
Keywords- Bandpass filter; Dielectric resonator; wideband.
The DR filters are good for mobile and satellite
communications. A typical DR filter consists of a number of
dielectric resonators that are mounted in a planar configuration
to obtain a good resonant frequency [7]. The relative dielectric
constant of the DR in microwave filters generally was chosen
from a higher value compared to the base substrate. The
primary advantage in using a high dielectric constant is to
miniaturize the filter size. The size of DR filter is considerably
smaller than the dimension of waveguide filters operate at the
same frequency. Furthermore, these DR filters are employed
to replace waveguide filters in applications such as satellite
communication systems where the planar filters cannot be
used due to the inherent of high loss.
Communication systems demand a large number of basestation filters that not only excellent in performance of low
loss, but also a good out-of-band spurious performance. A high
performance resonator is an important element in many
microwave circuits such as filters, amplifiers, couplers, and
antennas. There are variety of geometrical resonators have
been reported by Virdee [1]. The Dielectric resonator (DR)
offers a lot of advantages in increasing the performance of RF
and microwave devices which make it an ideal candidate for
wireless application; low design profile and wide bandwidth
application [2]. However, the performance of the most
distributed resonators is limited due to the use of effective
dielectric constant and discontinuity of the transmission line.
Strip line structures have grasped substantial research interests
due to the advantages such as ease of realization both in series
or shunt stubs and without require any via holes [3-5]. The
design procedure of bandpass filter microstrip lines is well
documented in literature [6].
In this paper, a novel bandpass filter that consists of three
dielectric resonators excited with a microstrip transmission
line that used to increase the bandwidth of the design. The idea
of using the three dielectric resonators is to generate few
additional frequencies which can be merged together to
produce a wideband devices, increase the transmitting power
and reduce the insertion loss in the passband. The optimum
coupling effect in the filter was obtained from the matching
position of the resonators on the microstrip line. An analysis
on the height of all dielectric resonators also has been done on
simulation with the help of CST Microwave Studio while
measurement on the S-parameters was done by E8364B
Network Analyzer.
Dielectric resonators are mainly designed to replace
resonant cavities in microwave circuits such as filters and
oscillators. Dielectric resonator filters are preferable for
wireless base stations due to their superior characteristics of a
high quality Q-factor and miniaturization. The advantages of
dielectric resonators are high temperature stability and ease to
be applied. Moreover they can be amenable in multitechnology such as printed circuit and surface mounts
technology. Dielectric resonators are also usually shielded to
prevent radiation as well as maintain a high-Q that required by
filter and oscillator circuits [7].
978-1-4244-9055-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
The dielectric resonators can increase the Q-factor in a
microwave circuit. The size, location and shape of the
dielectric resonators including the height and size area will
influence the matching of the circuit. In this project, three
is also inversely proportional to the square root of the dielectric
The resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor can be varied
even dielectric constant of the materials are fixed due to the
dielectric resonators able to offer flexible dimensions. It is
amenable in integrating to the existing technologies by exciting
using probes, slots, microstrip lines, dielectric image guides or
coplanar waveguide.
dielectric resonators were excited on a microstrip transmission
line in order to obtain the optimum coupling effect. The
dielectric resonators offer advantages in increasing the
performance of RF and microwave devices. The match
combination of dielectric resonators and microwave circuit
capable to generate additional coupling effect that can be
merged together to produce a wideband device as well as
increasing the transmitting power and reduce the insertion loss.
This combination proficiently produces a low design profile.
Fig. 1 shows the simulated and fabricated circuit layouts of
the bandpass filter. The microstrip transmission line is made up
of a copper metal with electrical conductor of 5.8 e+7 S/m,
while dielectric resonator is a ceramic type made up from
ZnSnTiO with dielectric constant, εr = 60 and tangent loss of
0.002. The base substrate is a Duriod type with εr = 2.5 and
tangent loss of about 0.002.
Vacuum box
Input and
output ports
The detail dimensions of the circuit layout including the
transmission line and dielectric resonators in millimeters
are shown in Fig. 2. The radius, r, of the dielectric
resonators are equal to 2.55 mm, while the 50
transmission line is 2.18 mm. Input and output of the circuit
are connected to the end of the transmission line from both
sides. The overall circuit length is 49 mm, while the
location of dielectrics are DR1 = 14.5 mm, DR2 = 24.5 mm
and DR3 = 41.55 from the input port.
Strip line
Simulated layout
r = 2.55
(b) Fabricated layout
Fig. 1. Geometry of the simulated and fabricated bandpass filter.
Fig. 2. Circuit layout.
The dielectric constant of a material is a parameter that
reflects the capability of a material to confine a microwave.
The higher this parameter means better in term of microwave
signals confinement in the substrate. There is an inversely
proportional between size and dielectric constant. A high
dielectric constant is required to reduce circuit size of a
Since cylindrical shape of dielectric resonators have a
flexible radius, height, h and dielectric constant due to various
sizes can be obtained from the market. The applications of
these resonators have been widely used in filters and
oscillators [7]. Such shape offers a wide degree of freedom in
microwave designs since the ratio of r/h could determine the
Q-factor for a given dielectric. Thus a height of the slender
cylindrical DR can be made to resonate at the same frequency
as a wide and thin DR. However, the Q-factors for these two
resonators will be different. This characteristic offers a
flexible degree for choosing the most suitable ratio to be the
best frequency and bandwidth.
The high Q-factor and
compact size make it an ideal couple especially in microstrip
The main difference lies in the fact that the wavelength in
dielectric materials is divided by the square root of the
dielectric constant, ε r in a function of λ g = λ o
, where
λ o is the free space wavelength at the resonant frequency.
Moreover, unlike resonant cavities, the reactive power stored
during resonance is not strictly confined inside the resonator.
The leakage fields from the resonator can be used for coupling
or adjusting the frequency. The wavelength inside the DR, λ g
are almost having a same pattern of responses. However
insertion loss from measurement is higher than the simulation.
The simulated result shows a very good flat insertion loss in
the passband frequencies. The return loss from the simulated
result is higher than the measured value. These mean that the
simulated results are better than the measured values due to
the fact that the simulation is an approximate method to
predict the result based on theoretical approach and practically
it is quite difficult to locate all dielectric resonators exactly on
the coordinates such as in simulation especially when the
process of measurement in progress. In term of transition
bands, the results from the simulation are steeper than the
measurement. It is also clearly shows that the bandwidth of the
simulated result is wider than the measurement.
Dielectric resonator will interact with the microwave
transmission line. Wideband devices can be designed using
two or more DRs. All DRs are operating in a same principle.
Each DR will resonate for a same mode but with different
frequency such that the combination response is an additional
result from the single response which able to increase the
overall bandwidth.
For example if DR1 has a normalized resonant frequency of
f1 and bandwidth of BW1, while DR2 has a normalized
resonant frequency of f2 and bandwidth of BW2, then the
combination response could has a bandwidth BW that is larger
than BW1 and BW2, if f1 and f2 are properly chosen. Let the Qfactors of the two resonators are approximately the same
( Q 1 ≈ Q 2 = Q o ) and if the return loss of the combined
response is equal to or better than 10 dB over the bandwidth
BW, then the required values for the resonant frequencies of
the individual DRs can be approximately equal to [2]:
6Q o
f2 ≈1+
6Q o
¸ fo =
fo ,
5 ·
fh = ¨1 +
¸ fo =
360 ¹
Insertion loss
-0.86 dB
-3.53 dB
Return loss
-15.54 dB
-19.42 dB
1.28 GHz
1.03 GHz
The combination of dielectric resonators and microstrip line
in designing a bandpass filter with such structure is a novel.
The idea of designing this bandpass filter was due to the
dielectric resonator can increase Q-factor in a circuit response
and able to maximize power transfer in dielectric resonator
antennas. Since antenna is a single port device and filter is a
two ports device, the same advantages and design techniques
have been used to achieve the objectives.
Ignoring any mutual interaction as well as any loading
effects of the feed, that could either increase or decrease the
bandwidth response. For example, if all DRs having a Q-factor
of 60, the cutoff frequencies can be simplified as equation
below [2]:
fl = ¨1 −
Table 1 shows the summary of few parameters from both
simulated and measured responses for apparent proven in some
of critical points as a comparison. The best insertion loss of 0.86 dB was obtained from the simulated result, while only 3.53 dB from the measured response. This was due to the high
dissipation effect of the material loss in microwave
frequencies. However, the maximum return loss of
measurement value in the pass band of the filter is about 4 dB
better than the simulated result. The bandwidth of the measured
circuit is only 1.03 GHz compared to 1.28 GHz from the
simulation result. The wideband was obtained from both result
were due to the implementation of few dielectric resonators on
the design.
Fig. 3. Measurement and simulation results.
f1 ≈ 1 −
A dominant parameter affecting the degree of coupling is
the dielectric constant of the DR. For the higher values of
dielectric constant, the stronger coupling will be. Nevertheless,
the maximum amount of coupling is significantly reduced if
the dielectric constant of the DR is low. This can become a
problematic if low dielectric constant values are applied to
obtain a wideband operation.
where fl and fh are the lower and upper cutoff frequencies,
In order to obtain a compact size of a design, a DR that
contain of a high dielectric constant must be chosen. However,
the range of dielectric constants that can be used is limited,
Fig. 3 shows the wideband results from simulation and
measurement of the filter for a comparison. Both of the graphs
proven that the results of the filter are agreed well to the
microwave theory. However the magnitude values of both
insertion and return losses almost have no change.
since there is a tradeoff between the compact circuit and the
dielectric constant due to the high percentage of power being
trapped in the surface waves of the microstrip substrate. Since
surface waves are not generated in DRs, the radiation
efficiency is not affected by the highest dielectric constant on
the top. At the same time, the Q-factor is increases
proportionally to the dielectric constant. This will reduce the
bandwidth of the filter. By properly choosing the dielectric
constant, the Q-factor can be reduced. The volume of the DR
and Q-factor can be traded off depending on the particular
design application. For a low profile design, a combination of
high dielectric constant and large DR area can be used to obtain
a reasonable bandwidth.
Feed line is a very important element in microwave
devices. The design and implementation of this network
involves a significant part of the overall design effort. A proper
design of the feed networks is able to minimize losses due to a
match combination circuit reduces the reflected signal.
However, the bandwidth specifications must be achieved
within the limited circuit area. The choice and design of a feed
network involves a tradeoff between bandwidth and circuit
efficiency. If the circuit does not match, no maximum power
will be transferred due to the signal was reflected back to the
Fig. 4. The effect of dielectric height on return loss
Alternatively, series feeding technique results in a more
compact size together with a lower loss network compared to
parallel method for the combination of DR devices. Power is
transferred from the line to the DRs by electromagnetic
coupling that can be controlled by adjusting the spacing
between the DRs and the line. In the resonant approach, the
microstrip line is terminated in an open circuit by the DRs.
This approach will create a standing wave on the line where the
voltage maxima/minima of each wave are located at multiples
of λg/2 such as in slotted line. Normally this approach is used
to achieve a systematic approach for controlling the amplitude
weighting of the elements [8].
Input signal can be coupled into or out of the DR through
one or more ports. The port types and position can determine
which mode will be excited and how much power will be
coupled between the port and the device. The amounts of
coupling and resonant frequency are important in order to
determine the performance of the device that applies DRs.
These quantities can be predicted by approximately calculate
the field distributions of modes from the isolated DRs and
using the Lorentz Reciprocity Theorem and coupling theories
such as in resonant circuits that explained by [9].
Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 5. The effect of dielectric height on insertion loss
A bandpass filter was designed to operate at center
frequency of 10 GHz for X-band application. The filter has
advantages of very small ripple at the passband insertion loss
and able to operate with a wide bandwidth. The structures of
the filter are simple and easy for fabrication process. The
measurement values are closely agreed to the simulation
results. From the analysis, the height of the dielectric is
inversely proportional to the operating frequency.
The analysis on the DR height, h, shows a major influence
to the response of the design. The height/thickness of the
dielectric affects on the coupling performance inherently has a
relationship on the insertion, S21 and return, S11 losses. Fig. 4
and Fig. 5 show three samples size of the dielectric height of
the cylindrical dielectric resonators. The response of S11 and
S21 will be shifted to the higher frequency when the height was
decreased. The size of the dielectric will become thinner. This
experiment only varies the height without change the surface
area of the dielectric resonators. Since, the relationship
between wavelength and frequency has known as inversely
proportional according to the equation, Ȝ= c/f. This analysis has
Authors would like to thank Universiti Teknologi Mara,
and Universiti Sains Malaysia for supporting the project.
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