JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Oct. 1969, p. 388-393
Copyright @ 1969 American Society for Microbiology
Vol. 4, No 4
Printed in U S.A.
Proteins of Newcastle Disea se Virus and
of the Viral Nucleocapsid
Department of Molecular Biology and Virus Laboratory, University of California,
Berkeley, California 94720
Received for publication 28 May 1969
Newcastle disease virus was found to contain three major proteins. The structure unit of the viral nucleocapsid appears to be monomeric and to consist of a
single large protein of an approximate molecular weight of 62,000.
Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a subgroup II
myxovirus, consists of a helically arranged
ribonucleic acid (RNA) containing nucleocapsid
which is enclosed by a lipoprotein envelope
(18, 24). The viral envelope contains at least two
distinct active proteins, a hemagglutinin and a
viral neuraminidase, but the total number of the
different proteins of the viral envelope is unknown.
The structures of the nucleocapsids of several
parainfluenza viruses including NDV are similar
to that of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) with
regard to several physical and chemical properties. The nucleoproteins of parainfluenza viruses
and of TMV have a diameter of about 20 nm
(11, 24) and a density of about 1.3 g/ml (in sucrose or CsCl) (1, 21), and contain about 4 to 5%
RNA and 95 to 96% protein (11, 13). The lengths
of the two kinds of nucleoproteins were found
to be proportional to the size of the RNA molecules which they include. Tobacco mosaic virus
has a length of 0.3 Am and contains an RNA of
a molecule weight of 2 X 106 (11) and the nucleoprotein of parainfluenza viruses contains an
RNA of about 6.5 X 105 (3, 18) and has a length
of about 1 ,um (1, 12).
Although it is known that the structure units
of TMV consist of monomeric proteins, it is
not known whether the capsomers of the nucleocapsids of parainfluenza viruses also consist
of single proteins or whether they consist of
several proteins.
The subject of the present investigation was
the isolation of the different proteins of the virus.
Three distinct major proteins of NDV were
isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
A single protein was found to be associated with
the viral nucleocapsid. Similar independent
findings were recently reported by Evans and
Kingsbury (6).
Virus growth. The NDV strain, NDV-Beaudette,
obtained from D. W. Kingsbury, St. Jude Hospital,
Memphis, Tenn., was used in all experiments. The
virus was grown on lung cultures of 15- to 17-day-old
chick embryos. The lungs were dispersed by stirring
in tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) saline
containing Pronase (2.5 mg/ml) for 30 to 60 min at
room temperature. Cultures were seeded at 2 X 107 to
4 X 107 cells per 10-cm plastic dish and cultured for
1 day prior to infection (19). After the medium was
removed, the cells were incubated with about 3 ml of
a twofold dilution of stock virus in Tris-saline. Stock
virus consisted of allantoic fluid of infected chick
embryos containing about 109 plaque-forming units
(PFU)/ml (4). After incubation for 30 min at 37 C,
the inoculum was replaced by 6 ml of amino acid-free
(except for glutamine) medium 199 supplemented with
0.1% (w/v) lactalbumin hydrolysate, 0.1% (w/v)
glucose, and 0.2 pAg of Fungazone per ml. Incubation
was continued for 24 hr in the presence of 10 to 50,uc/
plate of 3H-amino acids (specific activity, 5 c/mmole),
or 14C-amino acids (specific activity, 0.3 c/mmole)
or 50 to 100 p&c/plate of 3H-uridine. At the end of
this period, the medium was removed for virus purification. The cells had become rounded and partly
detached from the plate. The hemagglutinin (HA)
titer of such medium was usually about 160 HA
units per ml.
Virus purification. This process was a modification
of the procedure described previously (4). Virus was
purified in essentially two steps. First, the virus was
concentrated from the medium of virus-producing
cells by precipitation with an equal volume of saturated ammonium sulfate. The pellet was then redissolved in standard buffer [0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris
(pH 7.4), 1 mt ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA)]
and concentrated by sedimentation on a sucrose
cushion of a greater density than that of the virus. The
concentrated virus was then transferred from the density interface and after appropriate dilution layered on
a preformed sucrose density gradient in the same
buffer. After centrifugation, viral infectivity coincided
with radioactivity and optical density in a density
range from 1.20 to 1.25 g/ml. From 50 to 100% of the
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starting infectivity can thus be recovered as purified
Disintegration of the virus. One A2M0 or about
104 HA units of purified NDV in 100,uliters of low salt
buffer [0.01 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris (pH 7.4), and 1 mM
EDTA] were mixed with an equal volume of 2 to 4%
(w/v) Na deoxycholate (DOC) in the same buffer and
incubated for 30 to 60 min at room temperature (2,
12, C. Blair, Ph.D. thesis, University of California,
1968). If higher virus to detergent ratios were used,
incomplete degradation or aggregation of split products was observed, suggesting that a certain stoichiometry of detergent and virus substrate is necessary for
complete disruption.
Isolation of viral RNA. Isolation of the viral RNA
was as described previously (4).
Isolation of proteins of virus or nucleocapsid. Isolation of the proteins of virus or nucleocapsids and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were as described
recently (5) with the following modifications. After
electrophoresis, the gels were sliced in stainless-steel
gel slicers (Diversified Scientific Instruments, Mountain View, Calif.). The slices were dissolved by the
addition of 50,uliters of 1 M piperidine and 0.5 ml
of NCS (Nuclear-Chicago Corp., Des Plaines, Ill.)
and by shaking for 4 hr at 37 C or incubating at
room temperature overnight. Thereafter, 5 ml of
toluene-based scintillation fluid was added and each
sample was counted in a Tri-Carb liquid scintillation
counter (Packard Instrument Co., Inc., Downers
Grove, Ill.)
Isolation and characterization of the viral
nucleocapsid. The nucleocapsid of NDV was
released from the virion by incubation with 1 to
2% DOC as described above. The nucleocapsid
was then isolated from the split products of the
viral envelope by sucrose density gradient centrifugation (see legend of Fig. 1). Under the
conditions of this experiment, equilibrium density
was attained by the fast sedimenting nucleocapsid
(see below), whereas the slowly sedimenting
split products of the viral envelope remained on
top of the gradient. As shown in Fig. 1A, the
density of the nucleocapsid of NDV was 1.27
g/ml which is higher than that of the intact
virion (1.23 g/ml) under the same conditions (4).
The density of the nucleocapsid of NDV is
the same as that of the nucleocapsid of Sendai
virus in sucrose (C. Blair, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, 1968) and very similar to
the density of 1.30 g/ml of the nucleocapsids of
other parainfluenza viruses, including NDV in
CsCl (1, 9). Alternatively, the nucleocapsid of
Fraction Number
FIG. 1. Characterization of the nucleocapsid of ND V. (A) Equilibrium sucrose-density gradient sedimentation
of DOC-disrupted ND V. '4C-amino acid- and 3H-uridine-labeled ND V in low salt buffer (0.5 ml) containing 1%
DOC were layered over a sucrose-D20 density gradient (4) 20 to 65% (w/v) in standard buffer containing 0.1 M
NaCI, 0.01 M Tris, pH 7.4, and I mnz EDTA. After centrifugation for 3 hr at 300,000 X g in a SW-65 Spinco
rotor at 4 C, 6 drop fractions were collected. Solution density was determined by weighing 100 ,uliter samples of
fractions. Radioactivity was determined by counting appropriate samples after I to I dilution with1H20 in 5 volumnes of NCS and 5 ml of toluene-based scintillation fluid. Symbols: A, 14C-amino acid-labeled ND V; *, 3Huridine-labeled NDV; OL, solution density. (B) Velocity sedimentation of DOC-disrupted ND V. A sample of the
DOC-treated virus preparation used in (A) was mixed with 600 ,ug of TMV and 20 ,ug of pancreatic-ribonuclease
and centrifuged through a 10 to 25% (w/v) sucrose density gradient in standard buffer. After centrijugation in a
Spinco S W-65 rotor for 16 min at 65,000 rev/miln at 7 C, fractions were collected. Absorbancy at 260 nm (0)
was measured and radioactivity was determined from samples as described for A. (C) Sedimentation of the RNA
of the nucleocapsid of ND V. The remainder offractions 8-12 of the experiment described in B were pooled and
the RNA was extracted by the phenol-SDS method (4). The RNA was redissolved in 200 ,uliters of standard
buffer and analyzed by sucrose gradient sedimentation as described for B. Sedimentation was for 2 hr at 65,000
rev/min at 7 C.
disrupted virus was isolated from the viral split
products by velocity sedimentation.
The sedimentation coefficient (S,) of the NDV
nucleocapsid could be estimated by the method
of Martin and Ames (17) to be about 225S
(Fig. 1B) using TMV as a 2005 (21) sedimentation
marker. This S, is compatible with the values of
about 200S determined by Kingsbury and Darlington (12) and about 250S determined by
Hosaka (9) and C. Blair (Ph.D. thesis, 1968).
By definition, a nucleocapsid contains viral
RNA (15). The 225S component released from
NDV by DOC can therefore be identified as the
viral nucleocapsid by isolation of its RNA. As
shown in Fig. 1C, The RNA of the 225S component had a S, of about 52S as determined by
the method of Martin and Ames (17) using
TMV-RNA as a 315 sedimentation marker (11).
A S,. of 57S has previously been determined for
the intact RNA of NDV by sedimentation in the
analytical ultracentrifuge (4).
Electrophoresis of the proteins of the virion and
of the nucleocapsid. The proteins isolated by the
phenol-SDS method (5) of 3I-amino acidlabeled NDV were coelectrophoresed with
'4C-TMV protein and bovine serum albumin
(BSA) on polyacrylamide gel at pH 8.1 containing
0.1 % SDS (Fig. 2). Three major viral proteins
(NDV1, NDV2, NDV3) were obtained (Fig. 2).
An estimate of the molecular weight of the NDV
proteins can be made on the basis of the relationship between electrophoretic mobility and
molecular weight as described by Shapiro et al.
(22). Using BSA as a 67,000 molecular weight
marker and TMV protein as a 16,500 molecular
weight marker, the approximate molecular weight
of NDV1 was estimated to be 45,000, NDV2
to be 62,000, and NDV3 to be about 100,000.
To determine which and how many of the
three major viral proteins are components of
the nucleocapsid, the proteins of 3I-amino acidlabeled NDV and density gradient purified
14C-amino acid-labeled nucleocapsid were isolated
together by the phenol method (5) and analyzed
by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The
result indicates that the nucleocapsid predominantly contains protein NDV2 and very small
amounts of proteins NDV1 or NDV3 (Fig. 3).
Proteins NDV, and NDV3 are presumably
proteins of the viral envelope such as the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase, although this
has not been demonstrated.
The protein of the nucleocapsid obtained from
virus treated simultaneously with DOC and
Pronase (100 Aug/ml, 30 min, 20 C) had a higher
electrophoretic mobility than the protein of
& 5000-
I 250000
30 40 50 60
Distance Moved In Millimeters
FIG. 2. Electropherogram of the proteins of 3Hamino acid-labeled ND V (-), '4C-labeled TMV (A),
and BSA. The radioactive proteins were isolated by
phenol extraction (5). The proteins were dissolved in
about 100 l.diters of buffer containing 0.01 M Tris
(pH 8.1), 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM dithiothreitol, 0.2%
(w/v) SDS, 10% (v/v) glycerol and phenol red. Electrophoresis was for 4 hr at 10 v/cm in a 5% polyacrylamide gel as described previously (5) until the
phenol red marker had migrated about 6 cm. Subsequent to electrophoresis the gel was incubated for 30
min in 10% trichloroacetic acid until the BSA band
could be located. The gel was then divided into I mm
slices and counted.
Distance Moved In Millimeters
FIG. 3. Coelectrophoresis of the total protein of
3H amino acid-labeled NDV (0) and 14C amino acidlabeled ND V nucleocapsid (A). The viral nucleocapsid
was released from the virus by incubation with 2%
(w/v) DOC and purified by sucrose gradient sedimentation (Fig. 1B). Electrophoresis was as described
in Fig. 2.
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nucleocapsid untreated with this enzyme (Fig. 4),
although the S, of the nucleocapsid was little
affected by such pronase treatment. This indicates
that the protein of the nucleocapsid is susceptible
to degradation with Pronase, whereas the RNA
of the nucleocapsid is resistant to ribonuclease
[Fig. lB and C, (12)1.
If the total protein of 3H-amino acid-labeled
virus was coelectrophoresed with "4C-labeled
protein of the viral nucleocapsid at pH 3.8 in
8 M urea, a different pattern was obtained. Only
two 3H-protein components were resolved, which
migrated as distinct components (Fig. 5). The
rest of the 3H-NDV protein failed to penetrate
the gel or formed a rather high background
between the top of the gel and the two 3H-protein
peaks. The 14C-protein of the viral nucleocapsid,
however, migrated as a single component. It
coincided with a single peak of the total 3H-NDV
0 10 20 30
protein. The peak is presumably the protein
Distance Moved In Millimeters
component which was defined as NDV2 when
the proteins of the virion were electrophoresed in
FIG. 5. Electropherograms of the total protein of
3H-amino acid-labeled ND V (0), 14C-amino acidSDS (Fig. 2).
Preliminary experiments indicate that the labeled viral nucleocapsid (A) and 50 jig of TMV proThe proteins were isolated as described for Fig.
protein subunits of the three distinct helical 2.tein.After
precipitation with 5 volumes of alcohol the
nucleoproteins of influenza virus (3a) also con- proteins
were dissolved in a solution containing 8 M
sist of only one single kind of protein (Duesberg, urea, 0.01 M acetic acid, 2 mxi dithiothreitol, I mM
EDTA, and enoughl methylene blue to serve as a tracking
dye. Electrophoresis was in a 6%o polyacrylamide gel
for 5 hr at 10 v/cm at pH 3.8 in 8 M urea (5). After
electrophoresis, the gel was stained with amido black
to locate the carrier TMV protein. The gel was then
sliced and the radioactivity was determined.
unpublished data; Fig. 6) after electrophoresis at
pH 8.1 in 0.1 %hO SDS.
That the protein of the nucleocapsid of NDV
migrated as a single component as anion at
pH 8 in 0.1 % SDS, where separation is thought
to be only a function of molecular weight, and
as cation at pH 3.8 in 8 M urea, where separation
is a function of both molecular weight and charge,
suggests that it is a single molecule. An accidental
coincidence between different proteins in one of
the two employed electrophoretic systems would
probably have been resolved in the other system
50 60 because the electropherograms of the viral
Distance Moved In Millimeters
proteins were different in the two systems and
because their relative electrophoretic mobilities
FIG. 4. Coelectrophoresis of
protein of
different in relation to the mobility of
3H amino acid-labeled NDV (0) and 14C amino acidlabeled NDV nucleocapsid (A). The nucleocapsid was TMV protein.
It, therefore, seems likely that the helical
incubated with Pronase (100 ,ug/ml) for 30 min at
nucleocapsid of NDV contains only a single
room temperature prior to sucrose gradient purification
(Fig. IB). Electrophoresis was as described fr Fig. 2. kind of protein subunit, i.e., consists of mono-
The internal antigens of the enveloped RNA
tumor viruses, which have failed to show any
detectable symmetry up to date, have also been
shown to consist of several distinct proteins (5, 8).
On the other hand, the protein subunits of the
spherical cores of arboviruses which also failed
to show any detectable symmetry, were found to
consist of a single type of protein molecule (23).
The atuthors thank W. M. Stanley and H. Rubin for encouragement and support.
This investigation was supported by U. S. Public Health
Service research grants CA 11426, CA 04774, and CA 05619
fromii the National Cancer Institute.
30 40 50 60
Distance Moved In Millimeters
FIG. 6. Coelectrophoresis of the total proteins of
:H amino acid-labeled influenza virus protein (0)
and '4C-amino acid-labeled protein (A) of the three
distintct components of the nzucleoprotein of influenza
virus (3a). The viral niucleoproteins were isolated and
purified as described previously (3a) a,id pooled prior
to isolation of the protein. Electrophoresis was for 3 hr
and otherwise as described in Fig. 2.
meric capsomers like the structurally related
TMV. The molecular weight of the capsomer of
the nucleocapsid of NDV is about 62,000 or
about four times larger than that of TMV. The
nucleocapsid of NDV differs from that of TMV
in several properties, such as its dissociability
by low concentrations of SDS (-0.2 % w/v)
and its relative flexibility evident in electron
micrographs (1, 12). The helical nucleoprotein
of influenza virus, which consists of three distinct
subunits (3a), also contains only a single electrophoretic protein component in 0.1 % SDS at
pH 8. This result is compatible with Laver's (14)
conclusion that the ribonucleoprotein-antigen of
influenza A virus consists of a single protein
component after electrophoresis on cellulose
acetate in 0.4% SDS at pH 8.9.
The helical nucleoproteins of two rhabdoviruses
(7), vesicular stomatitis virus (10), and rabies
virus (22a), which are structurally related to
myxoviruses (7) but are not members of the
myxovirus group were recently shown to consist
of one kind of protein molecule. Thus, all known
helical nucleoproteins of RNA viruses consist of
monomeric protein subunits. The nucleocapsids of several icosahedral RNA viruses, on the
other hand, have been shown to contain capsommers with multiple protein subunits (16, 20).
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