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Abstract Super-scalar, out-of-order processors that can have tens of read and write requests in the execution window place significant demands on Memory Level Parallelism (MLP). Multi-and many-cores with shared parallel caches further increase MLP demand. Current cache hierarchies however have been unable to keep up with this trend, with modern designs allowing only 4–16 concurrent cache misses.
Abstract Super-scalar, out-of-order processors that can have tens of read and write requests in the execution window place significant demands on Memory Level Parallelism (MLP). Multi-and many-cores with shared parallel caches further increase MLP demand. Current cache hierarchies however have been unable to keep up with this trend, with modern designs allowing only 4-16 concurrent cache misses.
2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2014
Modern processors typically employ sophisticated prefetching techniques for hiding memory latency. Hardware prefetching has proven very effective and can speed up some SPEC CPU 2006 benchmarks by more than 40% when running in isolation. However, this speedup often comes at the cost of prefetching a significant volume of useless data (sometimes more than twice the data required) which wastes shared last level cache space and off-chip bandwidth. This paper explores how an accurate resource-efficient prefetching scheme can benefit performance by conserving shared resources in multicores. We present a framework that uses lowoverhead runtime sampling and fast cache modeling to accurately identify memory instructions that frequently miss in the cache. We then use this information to automatically insert software prefetches in the application. Our prefetching scheme has good accuracy and employs cache bypassing whenever possible. These properties help reduce off-chip bandwidth consumption and lastlevel cache pollution. While single-thread performance remains comparable to hardware prefetching, the full advantage of the scheme is realized when several cores are used and demand for shared resources grows. We evaluate our method on two modern commodity multicores. Across 180 mixed workloads that fully utilize a multicore, the proposed software prefetching mechanism achieves up to 24% better throughput than hardware prefetching, and performs 10% better on average.
Modern processors apply sophisticated techniques, such as deep cache hierarchies and hardware prefetching, to increase performance. Such complex hardware structures have helped improve performance ...
Music and Human Flourishing, 2023
This chapter asserts that a transdisciplinary approach to the study of music that enables scholars to transcend the narrow sets of questions that musicology and music theory have traditionally privileged—concerns with aesthetic value and a perceived intrinsic worthiness of specific musical texts and practices—is essential in defining music studies as an endeavor relevant to larger intellectual projects in the humanities and social sciences. This transdisciplinary approach resonates with James Pawelski’s call for an alliance between the humanities and the science of well-being that would make “humanities scholarship more informed and more relevant to contemporary debates.” Pawelski’s definition of well-being in relation to “a society based on individual freedom and self-realization” and his attempts to engage quantitative evaluative methods, however, have neoliberal overtones. In response, this chapter offers an assessment of neoliberalism’s take on human flourishing and proposes alternative well-being strategies that privilege collective realization and avoid giving in to economic, political, and philosophical models that thrive on human precarity and conflict.
La “didattica del fare”, intesa come una serie di pratiche ed esperienze particolarmente inclusive, innovative e laboratoriali, trova eccellenti applicazioni nella realtà quotidiana di molte scuole italiane. Questo modo di insegnare coinvolge attivamente i bambini nel processo educativo, attraverso iniziative didattiche che spaziano dalla robotica al circo, dagli orti didattici ai laboratori artistici e teatrali, dal digitale all’artigianato, dalle scienze alla musica e a tutte le arti performative.
Almost twenty years have passed since Korean women first began to raise the issue of comfort women before public opinion in the early 1990’s. During this time, the issue has become part of the larger stream of the international women’s movement, and has come to be viewed as part of the sexual violence occurring in areas of military unrest worldwide. Also during this time, women throughout Asia who have survived their ordeals as comfort women have finally begun to speak out about their experiences after maintaining a long silence since the war. Among these survivors, however, Japanese women still maintain their silence. Despite the fact that many of the women forced to serve as comfort women for the Japanese military were in fact of Japanese origin, these women have not been addressed in the effort to identify survivors or in support movements. 1 In fact, Japanese survivors had already begun to speak out as early as the 1980’s, before the support movement for comfort women had come i...
Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, 2020
Effects of lockdown on mental health of the population
Design the Zn treatments for induced resistance to WBPH in rice cv. TN 1 Raising plants in pots covered with Mylar Cage Zn application (basal, foliar and their combinations) in form of ZnSO & Zn-EDTA 4 2 precipitation with 50% TCA + 1% β-ME; and solubilisation in sample buffer (9M Urea, 4% CHAPS, 1% DTT and 1mM PMSF, 2% Bio-Lyte) @ 1mg dried protein powder/0.1ml buffer at 4oC overnight. The total soluble protein of each sample was quantified by the method suggested by Lowry et al. (1951). Soluble protein profiling and gel documentation: Total soluble protein profiling was carried out by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) according to Lagrimini and Rothstein (1987). Reproducibility was confirmed by minimum of two repeats of each run of SDS-PAGE under similar electrophoretic conditions. After electrophoresis, gels were stained with 0.125% w/v coomassie brilliant Blue R 250, 50%v/v methanol, and 10% v/v glacial acetic acid for four hours with intermittent shaking followed by destaining overnight in 50% methanol and 10% glacial acetic acid; and finally, several-1
28th International IRCLAMA colloquium, book of abstracts, 2021
Frank Safford (1935-2022), humanista y ciudadano universitario. Once ensayos en torno a su obra histórica y su legado, 2024
"Bergomum", in S. Segenni, F. Russo, M. Bellomo (a cura di), Piccole storie di città d'Italia, Roma 2024, 2024
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
IEEE Sensors Journal
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) , 2024
Nuclear Instruments and …, 2008
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2017
Human Technology, 2020
Applied Physics Letters, 2009
Pediatric Drugs, 2009
International Journal of Cancer, 2022
Physics of Plasmas, 2004