37-49 (1981)
Choice of Functional Form for Hedonic Price
of Economics, University of Wushington,
Wushington 981 OS
Joint Center for Urhun Studies.
Cumhridge, Mussuchusetts 02138
Received June 5, 1979; revised September 20, 1979
The appropriate functional form for a hedonic price equation cannot in general be
specified on theoretical grounds. In this paper, a statistical procedure for the choice
of functional form is proposed. A highly general functional form is specified that
yields all other functional forms of interest as special cases.Likelihood ratio tests are
used to test the appropriateness of alternative forms. The procedure is illustrated
using cross section microdata for housing. For the case considered, the functional
forms most commonly used in previous studies are strongly rejected.
A hedonic price equation is a reduced-form equation reflecting both
supply and demand influences. Therefore, the appropriate functional form
for the hedonic equation cannot in general be specified on theoretical
grounds.2 The lack of a firm theoretical basis for the choice of functional
form is unfortunate since the results obtained using the hedonic approach
often depend critically on the functional form used.
In practice, the choice of functional form has usually been based mainly
on considerations of convenience in dealing with the problem at hand.
While reference has sometimes been made to experimentation with respect
‘Richard Anderson, Ernst Bemdt, Charles Manski, and anonymous refereesprovided helpful
comments on earlier versions of this paper. We thank Andrew Criswell, Gerald Glandon and
Jean Baker for computational assistance. We also thank William Moss for making available
and facilitating the use of some of the data employed. Henry Pollakowski acknowledges
support by National Institutes of Health Research Grant 1 ROl HDO7410-02 from the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Center for Population Research.
*See Rosen [33].
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in any form rererved.
to the goodnessof fit of alternative forms, the comparison of goodnessof fit
has generally not been embedded in a relevant statistical framework. Also,
the range of forms considered has been limited to forms that place severe
restrictions on the underlying demand and supply functions, including
nonjointness in both consumption and production.3
The failure to use a relevant statistical framework in choosing among
functional forms is surprising, since Griliches [ 171early drew attention to an
article by Box and Cox [6] that provided an appropriate methodology. The
Box- Cox methodology has received considerable use in other applications4
but has been largely ignored in hedonic studies. Goodman [14] and Linneman [29] provide important recent exceptions but continue the tradition of
considering only forms that impose highly restrictive assumptions on the
underlying demand and supply functions.
One way to avoid the imposition of theoretically unwarranted restrictions
is to use a flexible functional form.5 This approach has been used extensively in other applications,6 but has been ignored in studies employing
hedonic price equations. While the use of flexible functional forms would
eliminate the problem of using a form that is overly restrictive, the question
of which flexible form would remain, as would the question of which, if any,
restrictions were warranted.
In this paper, we propose a procedure for choice of functional form for
hedonic price equations that combines the best features of the Box-Cox
and flexible functional form approaches7 A general functional form is
specified that yields all other functional forms of interest as special cases.
Likelihood ratio tests are then used to test the appropriateness of alternative
functional forms for the hedonic equation. The application of this procedure
‘The principal functional forms used have been the linear, Kain and Quigley [21], King [26];
log-linear. Kravis and Lipsey [27]; and semilog, Griliches [16], Kain and Quigley [21], Ohta and
Griliches [30], and Triplett [34]. In some cases, the functional form used has been modified by
the limited use of interaction terms among the explanatory variables. See, for example, Grether
and Mieszkowski [ 151.
4See Heckman and Polachek [19], White [35], and Zarembka [36,37]. Kau and Lee [22, 231
have examined the functional form of urban density gradients, and Kau and Sirmans [24] have
examined land value functions.
‘A flexible functional form provides a second order approximation to an arbitrary twice
differentiable functional form; see Diewert [IO] and Lau [28]. Examples of flexible forms are
the translog, quadratic, generalized square root quadratic, square root quadratic, and generalized Leontief.
‘See. for example, Atkinson and Halvorsen [2], Berndt and Wood [5], Christensen, Jorgenson, and Lau [7, 81, Diewert [9, IO. I I], Glandon and Pollakowski [ 12, 131, Halvorsen [ 181, and
Lau [28].
‘A similar, but somewhat more restrictive, approach has been used in different contexts by
Appelbaum [I]. Bemdt and Khaled [4], and Kiefer [25]. See Footnote IO.
is illustrated by the estimation of a hedonic price equation for housing with
cross section microdata.
The general functional form that incorporates all other functional forms
of interest as special casesis:
E "*Z!"'
+ ;
where P is price, the Z, are attributes, yjj = y,;,* and Pee) and Z,‘“) are
Box- Cox transformations,’
P@) =( PB - 1)/e,
8 # 0,
0 = 0,
I = (Z,” - 1)/h,
h # 0,
h = 0.
The transformations are continuous around 8 = 0 and X = 0 since the limit
for the 6 # 0 case as 8 + 0 is In P and the limit for the X # 0 case as
X -+ 0 is In Z,. Equation (1) will be referred to as the quadratic Box-Cox
functional form.”
The translog form, Christensen, Jorgenson, and Lau [7, 81,
1nP = (Ye+ ~~ilnZj
+ +x
is obtained from the quadratic Box-Cox form by imposing the restrictions
only and place no
‘The restrictions y,, = y,, are imposed for purposes of identification
effective constraints on the generality of the form. If the restrictions were not imposed, each
coefficient y,, would be replaced by l/2( y,, + u,,) and the y,, and y,, could not be separately
‘A still more general functional form could be obtained by allowing h, # h,. However, since
all of the usual flexible functional forms impose the restriction h, = h, = h, this generalization
does not appear to be worth the considerable increase in computational cost that it would
“‘We know of no studies using a form similar to the quadratic Box-Cox to analyze the
choice of functional form for hedonic price equations. Riefer [25] uses a similar form to analyze
the choice of functional form for indirect utility functions, but imposes the restriction 8 = X.
Berndt and Khaled [4] use a similar form for cost functions, but impose the restriction 6 = 2X.
Appelbaum [I] uses Box-Cox
of the explanatory variables in choosing
between quadratic forms for production functions, but does not transform the dependent
8 = 0 and X = 0. The log-linear form is obtained as a special case of the
translog form by imposing the further restrictions y,, = 0, all i, j.
To facilitate the derivation of other functional forms, (1) is rewritten:
Imposing the restrictions 8 = h = 1 in (3) yields the quadratic form, Lau
P = cg + x c,z, + x x yijzizj,
The linear form can be obtained from the quadratic form by imposing the
restrictions yjj = 0, all i, j, in (4).
The generalized square root quadratic form ” is obtained by imposing the
restrictions 0 = 2, h = 1 in (3)
6, +zbiZ;
b, = 1 + 20~~- x
’ ‘The generalized square root quadratic form is a generalization of the square root quadratic
form introduced by Diewert [ 1I].
The square root quadratic form, Diewert [ 111,
P= j~~yjjZ;Zi)“*
is obtained by imposing the restrictions b, = bi = 0 in (5).12
A generalized nonhomogeneous version of the generalized Leontief form,
Diewert [9], is obtained by imposing the restrictions /3= 1, X = f in (3),
P = a0 + xa,Z,‘/*
+ 22 2 Y~,Z:/*Z:/~,
i j
A linear homogeneous version of the generalized Leontief form,
is obtained by imposing the restrictions a, = ui = 0 in (7).13 The linear
form can be obtained from (7) by imposing the restrictions a, = 0 and
y,, = 0, i # j.
A functional form frequently used in previous studies of hedonic price
equations is the semilog form,
1nP = do + x d,Z,.
The semilog form is obtained as a special case of the quadratic Box-Cox
functional form by imposing the restrictions 0 = 0, X = 1, and yjj = 0, all
i, j.
In order to test whether a particular functional form is appropriate, the
restrictions corresponding to that functional form are tested using a likelihood ratio test. Estimation and testing procedures are discussed in the next
“The restrictions h,, = h, = 0 imply that a, = X ,y,, and 1,a, = I + 2a,,. The square root
quadratic form is linear homogeneous.
‘jThe restrictions 0,) = u, = 0 imply that a, = 2Z,y,, and &a, = I + a,,.
Including a stochastic disturbance term in (1) the equation to be estimated is
where Pie) is the k th observation on the transformed price variable; Zk;) is
the k th observation on the transformed attribute i; 8, X, txO,c+, and ylj are
unknown parameters; and ek is the disturbance term. It is assumed that for
the true functional form (i.e., the true 8 and X) the disturbance term is
normally and independently distributed with zero mean and constant variance.
Under the assumption of normality, the probability density function for
the transformed dependent variable may be written as,
f( PA”))
= (2xa2)“2exp
1 i
The probability density function for the untransformed dependent variable
where J is the Jacobian of the inverse transformation from the transformed
dependent variable to the actually observed dependent variable,
- 1.
The likelihood function for a sample of n observations on the untransformed dependent variable is the product of the density for each observation. Maximizing this function or its logarithm yields estimates of 8, A, (Ye,
(Y~.and yij.
14This section is based on Box and Cox [6].
Ordinary least-squares regression programs can be used to obtain the
maximum likelihood estimates. Note that, for a given 8 and A, (9) is linear
in the parameters (Y,,,(Y;,and y, ;. By a suitable redefinition of the variables,
the equation can be-rewritten 6 matrix form as
PC*) = A-p + c,
where X is the matrix
and p is the column vector [(Y,,(Y,. . .a,,, y,, . . . y,,,,].
The likelihood function for a sample of n observations on the untransformed dependent variable may then be written as
(P(O) - X@)‘(P(O) - xp)
For a given 8 and A, (14) is, except for a constant factor, the likelihood for a
standard least-squares problem. Therefore, the maximum likelihood estimates of the p’s are the ordinary least-squares estimates for the dependent
variable Pee), and the estimate of a* for a given 13and X is
fP(B,X) = y,
where SSR is the residual sum of squares.
Thus, for a fixed 8 and A, the maximized log likelihood is, except for a
= - +nlna*(8,h)
1) i
where the second term is obtained from the Jacobian. To maximize over the
entire parameter space it is necessary only to estimate (13) for alternative
values for 8 and h and find the values of B and h for which (15) is
A test of whether a particular functional form is acceptable is performed
by testing the null hypothesis that the parameters of the hedonic equation
satisfy the relevant restrictions. The hypothesis tests are based on the large
sample theory result that, under the null hypothesis, twice the difference in
the logarithmic likelihood between a null and an alternative hypothesis is
distributed as x2 with the number of degrees of freedom equal to the
difference in the number of unrestricted parameters.
This result can also be used to form confidence regions around the
estimates ($, A) obtained using the unrestricted Box-Cox quadratic form. A
100 (1 - a) percent confidence region consists of all points (f?*, X*) which
satisfy the inequality
- L,,(e*,x*) <f&x).
For (Y= 0.01, ix: = 4.605.
The translog, quadratic, generalized square root quadratic, and nonhomogenous version of the generalized Leontief functional forms involve
restrictions on 8 and X only, and thus tests of these functional forms consist
simply of determining whether the corresponding values (8*, X*) fall within
the appropriate confidence region.
The semilog form is also tested directly on the quadratic Box-Cox form.
The log-linear form is tested conditional on acceptanceof the translog form.
The square root quadratic form is tested conditional on acceptance of the
generalized square root quadratic form. The linear form is tested conditional
on the quadratic form and is also tested conditional on the generalized
Leontief form. The linear homogeneous version of the generalized Leontief
form is tested conditional on acceptance of the nonhomogeneous version.
Because the testing procedure is only partially nested, it will not in
general indicate that there is one and only one acceptable functional form
for a particular application. If more than one of the nonnested alternatives
were accepted, the choice among them could be based on several criteria.
First, it might be possible to apply a nonnested testing procedure. For
example, Berndt et al. [3] provide a Bayesian rationale for choosing among
alternative flexible functional forms on the basis of the size of the log
likelihood. Second, if the choice is narrowed to two or more of the standard
hedonic forms (the linear, semilog, and log-linear), there may be theoretical
grounds for preferring one to another. Finally, in the absence of firm
statistical or theoretical grounds for choosing among the acceptable functional forms, the choice can be based on convenience in dealing with the
problem at hand.
The use of the quadratic Box-Cox procedure for choice of the functional
form for a hedonic price equation is illustrated by an application to housing.
Given the nature of housing, it is useful to characterize it as consisting of
attributes representing not only the actual structure, but also the locational
amenities which purchase of housing provides households. We thus assume
that the housing market is most appropriately viewed as consisting of
implicit markets for each of the attributes of housing.
The data set employed consists of a sample of 5727 single-family owneroccupied dwelling units in the San Francisco Bay Area. The primary data
source is the 1965 Bay Area Transportation Study Commission (B.A.T.S.C.)
survey of about 29,000 households. The housing data from this survey are
supplemented by data describing neighborhood characteristics and employment accessibility. The specific variables employed in this illustration are
number of rooms, age, lot size, median income in census tract, median
number of rooms in census tract, percent dwelling units owner-occupied in
census tract, and an employment accessibility index.15
The alternative functional forms of the hedonic price equation are estimated using ordinary least squares. In estimating the unrestricted quadratic
Box-Cox form a grid search was preformed over values of 0 and X between
- 1.0 and 2.0 in order to find the values of 0 and h which maximize the log
likelihood. The optimum optimorum for the quadratic Box-Cox form was
found to be 8 = 0.06, X = 0.28. The parameter estimates are generally quite
precise. Of the 36 parameters estimated, 23 are significant at the 0.01 level
using two-tailed tests, and an additional three are significant at the 0.05
The 99% confidence region around 8 = 0.06, h = 0.28 is shown in Fig. 1.
As indicated by the shape of the confidence region, the value of the log
likelihood was substantially more sensitive to the value of the transformation parameter for the dependent variable than to the value of the transformation parameter for the independent variables.
“The structural data are drawn from the B.A.T.S.C. Household Survey, 1965. Census tract
data are taken from the 1960 Census of Housing and the 1960 Census of Population, The
employment accessibility index is the gravity index 1, E, /df, where E, = total employment in
thej th censustract, d, = freeflow driving time from the censustract in question to the jth one,
and the summation is done over all census tracts except the one in question. The employment
data are obtained from the B.A.T.S.C. Employment Inventory, 1964; driving times are
obtained from the Bay Area Simulation Study, 1968.
See Pollakowski [31, 321 for a more detailed discussion of the B.A.T.S.C. data and the
construction of specific variables.
lhThe parameter estimates and their standard errors are available from the authors upon
- .20
- .30 i
FIG. I. 99% Confidence region.
The translog, quadratic, generalized square root quadratic, and nonhomogeneous version of the generalized Leontief forms involve only the imposition of restrictions on the values of 8 and X. The values of (t?, h) for each
form are: translog (0.0, O.O),quadratic (1.0, l.O), generalized square root
quadratic (2.0, 1.O),and nonhomogeneous version of the generalized Leontief
form (1.O,0.5). As shown in Fig. 1, the values of 8 and X corresponding to
each of these forms lie outside the 99% confidence interval, and all of these
forms are accordingly rejected at the 0.01 level.
The test statistics and critical x2 values for each of the tests of hypotheses
are shown in Table 1. Since all other forms except the semilog are conditional on the rejected translog, quadratic, generalized square root quadratic,
or nonhomogeneous version of the generalized Leontief forms, they need
not be tested further. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note from Table 1 that
these forms are rejected even conditional on acceptance of the more general
forms of which they are special cases.
The semilog form is obtained from the quadratic Box-Cox form by
imposing the restrictions 0 = 0, A = 1, and y,, = 0. As shown in Table 1,
Tests of Hypotheses”
ao=O a*-0
“The top number in each circle is the value of the test statistic and the bottom number is the
critical value at the 0.01 level.
*Linear homogeneity imposed.
*The form is rejected at the 0.01 level.
the semilog form is also strongly rejected at the 0.01 level. Thus the three
functional forms most commonly used in previous research, the linear,
log-linear, and semilog, are all strongly rejected.
Previous studies employing hedonic price equations have generally used
highly restrictive functional forms chosen in a largely arbitrary manner.
Since the choice of functional form can have a major effect on the
conclusions reached, it is clearly preferable to base the choice on relevant
statistical procedures.
In this paper, a highly general functional form is specified which yields all
other functional forms of interest as special cases.Therefore, it is possible to
use likelihood ratio tests to test the appropriateness of the alternative
functional forms.
The application of this procedure is illustrated by the estimation of
hedonic price equations for housing using cross section microdata. For this
case, all specific functional forms, including those most commonly used in
previous studies, are rejected.”
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