Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
Open Access
Foot-and-mouth disease: past, present and future
Syed M Jamal1 and Graham J Belsham2*
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, pigs, sheep
and many wildlife species. It can cause enormous economic losses when incursions occur into countries which are
normally disease free. In addition, it has long-term effects within countries where the disease is endemic due to
reduced animal productivity and the restrictions on international trade in animal products. The disease is caused by
infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), a picornavirus. Seven different serotypes (and numerous
variants) of FMDV have been identified. Some serotypes have a restricted geographical distribution, e.g. Asia-1,
whereas others, notably serotype O, occur in many different regions. There is no cross-protection between serotypes
and sometimes protection conferred by vaccines even of the same serotype can be limited. Thus it is important to
characterize the viruses that are circulating if vaccination is being used for disease control. This review describes
current methods for the detection and characterization of FMDVs. Sequence information is increasingly being used for
identifying the source of outbreaks. In addition such information can be used to understand antigenic change within
virus strains. The challenges and opportunities for improving the control of the disease within endemic settings, with
a focus on Eurasia, are discussed, including the role of the FAO/EuFMD/OIE Progressive Control Pathway. Better control
of the disease in endemic areas reduces the risk of incursions into disease-free regions.
Table of contents
Structure of FMDV
Serotypes of FMDV
Diagnosis of FMD
4.1.Neutralization test
4.2.Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
4.3.Virus isolation
4.4.Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
4.5.Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal
amplification (RT-LAMP)
4.6.Chromatographic strip test
4.7.Differentiation between infected and vaccinated
animals (DIVA)
Characterization of FMDV below the level of
serotype (strains/subtypes)
Geographical Distribution of FMD
FMD virus pools
Progressive control pathway for FMD
* Correspondence:
[email protected]
National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Lindholm,
4771 Kalvehave, Denmark
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
9. Conclusions/recommendations
10. Competing interests
11. Authors’ contributions
12. Acknowledgements
13. References
1. Introduction
The earliest description of probable foot-and-mouth
disease (FMD) in cattle was made by an Italian monk,
Hieronymus Fracastorius, in Venice in 1514. The affected
animals refused their feed, the oral mucosa showed redness and the animals had vesicles in the oral cavity and
on their feet. Most of the affected animals eventually recovered. This description, made 500 years ago, shows a
strong resemblance to that of FMD when seen currently.
FMD is considered one of the most important diseases
of cloven-hoofed animals; it affects cattle, buffaloes, pigs,
sheep, goats and about 70 wildlife species, e.g. African
buffaloes. The disease has been present in almost every
part of the world where livestock are kept. More than
100 countries are still affected by FMD worldwide and
distribution of the disease roughly reflects economic development. The more developed countries have eradicated the disease. However, an incursion of the disease into
the normally disease-free countries can cause enormous
© 2013 Jamal and Belsham; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use,
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Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
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economic losses. The disease is caused by a single stranded positive sense RNA virus, foot-and-mouth disease
virus (FMDV), belonging to the genus Aphthovirus within
the family Picornaviridae. This review includes a description of the properties of the virus and the systems for
detecting and characterizing FMD outbreaks. This information is then used to describe the current distribution of
the disease/virus and how the FAO/EuFMD/OIE Progressive Control Pathway can assist in disease control within
endemic countries and hence reduce the risk of incursions into disease free regions. The major focus here
is on Eurasia but other regions are also considered when
2. Structure of FMDV
The FMDV particle is roughly spherical in shape and
about 25–30 nm in diameter. It consists of the RNA
genome surrounded by a protein shell or capsid. The
capsid is composed of 60 copies of the capsomers. Each
capsomer consists of four structural polypeptides, VP1,
VP2, VP3 and VP4. The VP1, VP2 and VP3 are exposed
on the surface of the virus while VP4 is located internally. The protein coat surrounds a single stranded,
positive sense RNA genome about 8400 nucleotides (nt)
in length. The RNA includes three separate parts i.e. the
5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR), a long coding region
and the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) (Figure 1). A
small protein (24 or 25 residues long), termed VPg,
which is encoded by the 3B portion of the viral genome
region, is covalently linked to the 5′ end of the genome.
The 5′ UTR is about 1300 nt in length [1] and consists
of an S fragment at its 5′ end, a poly C tract, a series of
RNA pseudoknot structures, a cis-acting replication
element (cre) (also known as the 3B-uridylylation site
(bus)), and the internal ribosome entry site (IRES). The
S fragment is 360 nt in length and is predicted to fold to
form a large hairpin structure. The poly C tract is of
variable length (150–250 nt) but is comprised of over
90% C residues. The function of the pseudoknots is unknown. The cre/bus is a stable stem-loop element of
about 55 nucleotides and contains a conserved motif
(AAACA) which acts as a template for uridylylation of
VPg (3B1-3) by the viral RNA polymerase. Thus the cre/
bus is involved in the initiation of RNA replication. The
IRES is about 450 nt in length and is responsible for
cap-independent initiation of viral protein synthesis [1].
90 nt
ca. 7000nt
ca.1300 nt
Structural proteins
Non-structural proteins
2A 2B
Pentamer (12S)
12 copies
Protomer (5S)
60 copies
Empty capsid (75S)
Virion (146S)
Figure 1 Genome organization of FMDV and the structure of virus. The FMDV genome includes a single large ORF, indicated by the shaded
rectangle. The regions within the rectangle indicate the individual proteins. The 5’ UTR includes several distinct structural elements including: a
poly(C) tract (Cn), 3 or 4 pseudoknots (PK) and the internal ribosome entry site (IRES). The VPg peptide is made in 3 different forms (encoded by
the 3B1-3) and each acts as the primer for RNA synthesis so each RNA genome, when synthesized, is covalently linked to a VPg. The assembly of
virus particles from protomeric and pentameric subunits is indicated. Assembled virus particles contain a single copy of the viral RNA and 60
copies of the 4 different capsid proteins (VP1-VP4). Self-assembly of empty capsid particles, lacking the RNA genome, can also occur. The VP4
protein is internal.
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
The coding region follows the 5′ UTR. It is the major
portion of the viral genome and is about 7000 nt in
length. It encodes a large polyprotein which is then
cleaved by viral proteases to form four different structural and eleven different non-structural proteins plus a
variety of precursors, some of which have distinct functions. After translation, initially four primary products
are formed, namely, Lpro, P1-2A, P2 and P3. The Leader
protease (Lpro) is the N-terminal component of the polyprotein. The L coding region contains two separate
AUG initiation codons (usually 84 nucleotides apart)
that result in the generation of two different L proteins,
termed Lab and Lb. The Lpro is responsible for the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis by inducing the
cleavage of the host protein, eIF4G, which is a translation initiation factor [1] that is required for the translation of the capped cellular mRNAs. As a result, FMDV
RNA can freely use the host cell’s protein synthesis machinery for its own protein synthesis since the FMDV
IRES can function with the residual C-terminal fragment
of eIF4G [1]. The P1-2A capsid precursor is cleaved by
the 3C protease (3Cpro) to produce 1AB (VP0), 1C
(VP3) and 1D (VP1) (plus 2A) and during encapsidation
of the genome the VP0 is cleaved to make VP4 and VP2
(note 2A is a very short peptide, <20 residues). The VP4
is entirely internal within the virus particle whereas VP1,
VP2 and VP3 are surface exposed and contribute to the
antigenic properties of the virus [2,3]. The VP1 contains
at least two important immunogenic sites, the G-H loop
(at amino acid positions 141–160) and the C-terminus
(residues 200–213). The G-H loop includes an arginineglycine-aspartic acid (RGD) motif, which is required for
attachment of the virus to the host cell via an integrin
receptor [4,5]. Integrins are a group of α-β heterodimeric
glycoproteins which are located on the cell surface; some
15 α and 8 β sub-units combine to form 20 different α-β
heterodimers. The αvβ6 heterodimer is a receptor for
the extracellular matrix proteins whose expression is restricted to epithelial cells and it also binds to FMDV
through interaction with the RGD motif [6]. The virus,
however, can also infect cells in an RGD-independent
manner using alternative molecules e.g. heparan sulphate proteoglycans receptors [7].
The nucleotide sequences of the VP1 coding region
have been used for genetic characterization of FMDV
strains because of their significance for virus attachment
and entry, protective immunity and serotype specificity.
VP1 sequence based phylogenetic analyses have been
used widely to deduce evolutionary dynamics, epidemiological relationships among the genetic lineages and
in the tracing of the origin and movement of outbreak
strains [8-12].
The P2 and P3 regions of the polyprotein are processed to the non-structural proteins (NSPs) [1]. The P2
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region generates the proteins 2B and 2C while the P3 region is cleaved to form the proteins 3A, three distinct
copies of VPg (3B1-3), 3Cpro and 3Dpol. The P2 and P3
encoded proteins are involved in protein processing
(3Cpro) and genome replication (2B, 2C, 3A, 3B1-3 (VPg)
and 3Dpol). The 3Cpro is responsible for cleavage of
P1-2A into VP0, VP1, VP3 as well as the formation
of the different non-structural proteins.
The 3′ UTR is much shorter than the 5′ UTR. It is
about 90 nucleotides long and folds to form a specific
stem-loop structure, followed by a polyA tract of variable length [13]. The 3′ UTR must play an important
role in viral genome replication.
3. Serotypes of FMDV
FMD virus exists as seven different serologically distinct
types. Serotypes O and A were initially discovered by
Vallee and Carre [14]. They showed that cattle that had
recovered from clinical disease due to an FMD virus
which originated in France became re-infected almost
immediately when mixed with animals infected with
FMD virus that originated in Germany. They named
these serotypes after their place of origin; O for the department of Oise in France and A for Allemagne (the
French word for Germany). Their work was extended by
Waldmann and Trautwein [15] with the discovery of a
third serotype which was named serotype C. Later three
additional serotypes were identified in samples originating from South Africa and they were named as Southern
African Territories 1, 2 and 3 (SAT1, SAT2, SAT3) [16].
The seventh serotype, Asia-1, was initially detected in a
sample collected from a water buffalo at Okara, Punjab,
Pakistan in 1954 [17]. Examination of an extensive number of samples from across the world have failed to reveal the existence of another serotype although there are
many different “sub-types”, some of which are quite distinct from other strains of the same serotype.
4. Diagnosis of FMD
Due to the rapidity of spread of FMD and the serious
economic consequences that can arise from an outbreak,
prompt, sensitive and specific laboratory diagnosis and
identification of the serotype of the viruses involved in
disease outbreaks is essential. The disease is diagnosed
based on clinical signs, including high temperature,
excessive salivation, formation of vesicles on the oral
mucosa, on the nose plus the inter-digital spaces and
coronary bands on the feet. However, the clinical signs
can be confused with other diseases (e.g. vesicular stomatitis and swine vesicular disease) and thus laboratory
based diagnosis is also necessary. Furthermore, there is
no cross protection between the serotypes and the serotype of a virus involved in an outbreak cannot be ascertained on the basis of clinical signs. Thus determination
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of the serotype involved in field outbreaks has to be
established within laboratories to permit proper control/
vaccination programs to be followed. Various techniques
have been used to diagnose the disease and to ascertain
the serotype of the virus. The current methods are described below:
4.1. Neutralization test
The virus neutralization test (VNT) is currently considered as the “gold standard” for detection of antibodies to
structural proteins of FMDV and is a prescribed test for
import/export certification of animals/animal products
[18]. However, as various primary cells and cell lines
with variable degrees of sensitivities are used in the
VNTs, they are more prone to variability than other
serological tests. Furthermore, VNT is slower, subject to
contamination and requires restrictive biocontainment
facilities in contrast to other serological tests which can
use inactivated viruses as antigens.
4.2. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
The complement fixation test (CFT) was the test of
choice for diagnosis of FMD and virus typing until the
1970s and is still used in some endemic areas. However,
in order to overcome the problems of its low sensitivity
and difficulty in interpretation of its results due to proand anti-complement activities, enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for antigen detection and virus
typing were desired. Roeder and Le Blanc Smith [19]
established suitable assays by using high titre antisera
raised in rabbits and guinea pigs against purified 146S
FMDV particles for antigen capture and detection, respectively. The assays were found to be 125 times more
sensitive than the CFT and are still routinely used for
the diagnosis of FMD and for virus typing. The ELISA,
however, gives positive results with only about 70-80%
of epithelial suspensions that contain virus due to a lack
of sensitivity. Thus the virus may have to be propagated
in tissue culture and subsequently tested in ELISA to detect the virus and ascertain the serotype.
Monoclonal antibody (MAb)-based ELISAs have also
been developed for diagnosis of FMD and virus typing
[20,21]. Recently, a sandwich ELISA using recombinant
integrin αvβ6 (a receptor for FMDV) for virus capture
and serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies as detecting
reagents was compared with the conventional polyclonal
antibody-based sandwich ELISAs for the identification
and serotyping of all the seven types of FMDV. The integrin/MAb ELISA recognized FMDVs of wide antigenic
and molecular diversity from all seven serotypes. Although some FMDVs could not be detected, the assay
showed greater specificity than the conventional polyclonal ELISA while retaining test sensitivity [22].
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4.3. Virus isolation
As indicated above, the presence of relatively high levels
of FMDV antigen in vesicular material can be detected
by ELISA. However, when the virus concentration is too
low to be detected by ELISA, then it has to be propagated in susceptible cell cultures. Primary cell cultures
(such as bovine thyroid cells and porcine or ovine kidney
cells) or cell lines (such as BHK or IBRS2) are considered to be generally suitable for isolation of FMDV [18].
However, the production of consistent quality, readyfor-use primary cells is laborious, time-consuming and
expensive. Furthermore, virus isolation requires the
presence of infectious virus, which depends on sample
quality. Up to 4 days may be required to demonstrate
the presence of virus, especially when the levels of virus
are low (thus it also takes 4 days to be confident, using
this methodology, that no virus is present). Moreover,
some FMDVs fail to grow in a specific cell type. Thus
the absence of apparent growth does not guarantee absence of the virus and therefore samples collected from
a suspected case of FMD should be subjected to further
investigations, e.g. using another testing system. Additional disadvantages include the problems associated
with obtaining and maintaining a regular supply of cells;
possible contamination of cell cultures and the necessity
to confirm any apparent virus growth by ELISA. These
issues may delay the initiation of control measures to
contain outbreaks.
4.4. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) has been shown to be a useful tool for the
diagnosis of FMD as it offers the advantages of fast, sensitive and reliable diagnosis. A variety of RT-PCR methods have been reported in recent years for the early
detection of FMDV RNA in epithelium, cell culture isolates and other tissues using universal primers for all
seven serotypes [23]. Typing of FMDV by RT-PCR was
first demonstrated by Rodriguez et al. [24] for the differentiation of the serotypes O, A and C. Serotype specific
primers have since been designed for the detection of all
seven FMDV serotypes by RT-PCR [25,26]. Primers designed for these assays target various regions of the virus
genome, including the 5′ UTR, the open reading frame
and the 3′ UTR. However, evaluation of available sets of
primers, designed for universal and serotype-specific
diagnosis of FMDV, on a variety of field samples, representing all the seven serotypes of FMDV, has shown
that no single primer set is capable of diagnosing the
disease or typing of the virus. In order to improve the
diagnostic sensitivity of RT-PCR, multiplex assays, incorporating more than one set of primers have been developed [27,28]. However, differentiation/serotyping could
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only be made for certain groups of serotypes or individual isolates. Thus the conventional RT-PCR is not sufficiently sensitive and specific to replace methods using
virus propagation in cell culture and ELISA.
Recently, real time/quantitative RT-PCR (rRT-PCR)
methods have been developed which do not require postPCR processing (e.g. gel analysis) and the signals can be
monitored directly as the target cDNA is being amplified.
Other advantages of the rRT-PCR include high throughput capability and the ability to quantify the genetic material in the starting sample. A TaqMan assay has been
shown to be very robust and as effective for primary detection of FMDV as virus isolation in conjunction with
antigen ELISA [29]. Currently, two different rRT-PCR
TaqMan assays are in common use, one targeting the internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) within the 5′ UTR [30]
and the second targeting the 3D (RNA polymerase) coding sequence [31].
The speed and accuracy of detection of the rRT-PCR
assay was further improved by coupling the assays with
robotic methods for extraction of nucleic acid from the
samples and for set up of the assays. This has made the
assay highly suitable for the diagnosis of the primary
index case and for use in an ongoing outbreak. The rRTPCR assays are currently used as a routine test for FMD
diagnosis and quantification of the virus in many developed countries. However, these assays are not designed
to discriminate between serotypes of FMDV. Although
these assays exploit highly conserved regions across all
the seven serotypes of FMDV, serotype biases still exist
within both of these assays. The 5′ UTR assay has been
shown to be more sensitive in detecting serotype A viruses, whereas, the 3D assay has greater sensitivity for
detecting the SAT viruses [32]. Additionally each of the
assays failed to detect a small number of FMDV isolates
due to the presence of nucleotide mismatches within the
region targeted by the probes. Thus, no single standalone assay is capable of detecting FMDV with 100%
sensitivity. Recently, Tam and colleagues [33] reported
fluorescence-based multiplex rRT-PCR assays for the detection of FMDV and virus typing. The assay was found
to have greater sensitivity for detection but some crossreactivity between some serotypes was also noted. Further work is in progress to develop rRT-PCR assays for
serotyping of the virus.
4.5. Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal
amplification (RT-LAMP)
The development of portable equipment for rRT-PCR
has enabled molecular diagnosis of FMD possible in the
field. This approach, however, requires expensive and
fragile instruments and relies on precision thermocycling. Thus other approaches, like loop-mediated amplification (LAMP), were developed, which enable the tests
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to be conducted in the field using inexpensive tools.
LAMP amplifies specific nucleotide sequences at a constant temperature and thus does not require a thermocycler. The assay is based on the principle of DNA
amplification by an autocycling strand displacement reaction. The assay is performed using a set of two specially designed inner primers and two outer primers and
a DNA polymerase with high strand displacement activity [34]. The primers recognize 6 independent target sequences in the initial stage and 4 independent sequences
during the later stages of the LAMP reaction. The reaction is carried out in less than an hour using a standard
water bath or heating block and the results can be visualized with the naked eye. The advantages of its simple
operation, rapid reaction and potential for visual interpretation without instrumentation make the technique
attractive for field use in endemic countries. The RTLAMP assay that has been developed for FMDV detection can be used in a high throughput system [35]. This
assay has, however, not yet been extensively evaluated
for its ability to replace or supplement the techniques
currently in use.
4.6. Chromatographic strip test
Virus isolation combined with ELISA and RT-PCR assays are reliable and accurate for the diagnosis of FMD
but the shipment of samples from the field to the laboratory and the poor quality/amount of submitted samples
can result in hindrance of early diagnosis of the disease.
A rapid and specific test for disease diagnosis at the site
of a suspected outbreak may allow timely implementation of control measures. A MAb-based chromatographic strip test for FMD diagnosis was developed by
Reid et al. [36]. The test was found to be at least as sensitive as the conventional antigen ELISA for the detection of FMDV in epithelial suspensions tested and had
an equivalent 100% sensitivity on the cell culture supernatants of FMDV serotypes O, A, C and Asia-1. Further
research is underway to develop chromatographic strip
tests capable of ascertaining the serotype of the virus.
4.7. Differentiation between infected and vaccinated
animals (DIVA)
Detection of animals that have been infected with FMDV
is of considerable importance for the control of FMD especially in a previously FMD free country or in a country
with sporadic outbreaks. Both previously infected and vaccinated animals can have neutralizing antibodies in their
sera, but it is important for trade purposes to be able to
distinguish previously infected animals from those that
have just been vaccinated against the disease. This is because a high proportion (up to 50%) of animals infected
with FMDV can become “carriers”, these are defined as
animals which continue to have infectious virus present
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
within the oropharynx more than 28 days post-infection.
The animals are clinically normal and can maintain this
state for a long period (ca. 2–3 years in cattle). It is possible that such animals can act as a source of infection for
other animals, indeed evidence for this process exists for
African buffalo, however it has not been demonstrated in
experimental studies with cattle alone (see [37] and [38]
for more detailed descriptions). Viral replication during
infection results in the production of both structural (SP)
and nonstructural (NSP) proteins. Like the SPs, some
NSPs are immunogenic [39]. Vaccines consisting of purified preparations of inactivated 146S virions induce
antibodies almost exclusively against the SP of the virus
(at least after a small number of vaccinations). Thus it
can be possible to discriminate between infected and
vaccinated animals based on the detection of antibodies
to NSPs.
Differentiation of infection from vaccination based on
the antibodies to NSP has been reported using either
panels of proteins or the individual proteins 2C or
3ABC. Early assays for the detection of anti-NSP antibodies relied on radioimmunoprecipitation [40] or enzyme linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assays [41].
However, these assays are not suited for rapid examination of large numbers of sera and thus alternative techniques like ELISA were developed. Several ELISAs based
on the detection of antibodies to various NSPs of FMDV
have been established [42,43]. However, these ELISAs
used species-specific conjugates, making simultaneous
examination of sera from different species difficult. Thus
there was a need for an assay which enabled simultaneous testing of sera from different species. Sørensen
et al. [44] developed a blocking ELISA which was species
independent; using baculovirus expressed FMDV NSPs
as antigen and polyclonal antibodies produced in guinea
pigs as capture and detecting antibodies. The polyclonal
antibodies were later replaced with monoclonal antibodies [45] for high throughput. As antibodies to NSP
persist for long periods [46], positive animals are not
necessarily still infected although they can be carriers
(see above). However, tests for detection of NSP antibodies cannot be used for detection of carrier animals as
some persistently infected animals do not show seroconversion against NSPs [47], the carrier animal status
may occur in previously vaccinated animals in which
only limited virus replication occurs. Moreover, no serological tests are currently available that can differentiate
between FMDV carriers and other animals that show a
serological response to FMDV. Furthermore, it can be
difficult to differentiate between vaccinated and previously-infected animals if the vaccine used has been prepared from cell culture supernatant (i.e. not purified)
and/or contains varying degrees of contaminating viral
NSPs especially if multiple vaccinations have occurred.
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5. Characterization of FMDV below the level of
serotype (strains/subtypes)
Within each serotype of FMDV, there is a spectrum of
variants with their own antigenic, biological and epidemiological characteristics. In some cases there is poor
cross-protection between variants within a serotype and
thus characterization of sub-serotypes/strains becomes
necessary to ensure selection of appropriate vaccines to
control an outbreak. Initially strains were characterized
based on their performance in cross-protection tests in
animals. Subtype variants were distinguished by the fact
that immunization against one subtype did not confer
the same level of immunity to another variant of the
same serotype as to the homologous strain. Animals vaccinated with one strain withstood homologous challenge
but were only partially protected against challenge with
a heterologous strain [48,49]. Quantitative cross-protection tests based on determination of heterologous and
homologous 50% protective dose (PD50) values have
been derived [50]. However, such tests are very costly
for routine use, time-consuming and are subject to
considerable variation due to differences in individual
animal susceptibility. Thus other methods have been
Antigenic characterization was used to compare field
viruses with vaccine strains by determination of the
serological relationship (r1 value) using hyperimmune
sera in ELISA [51] or in VNTs using cell culture [52].
Using VNTs, r1 values of ≥ 0.3 have been shown to reflect a close antigenic relationship between the field isolates and vaccine strains, indicative of good protection
by the vaccine, whereas values < 0.3 reflect a more distant antigenic relationship, indicating that the vaccine is
unlikely to protect against the field isolates. Antigenic
characterization using serological tests like VNT and
ELISA, using defined sera/MAbs, are useful in showing
antigenic diversity but they are unable to characterize
strains individually and cannot be used to trace the origin of an outbreak.
Nucleotide sequence analysis has now become the definitive technique for characterization of FMDV strains.
This technique was first used for the study of the epidemiology of FMD by Beck and Strohmaier [53], who
investigated the origin of FMDV outbreaks in Europe
over a 20 year period. The first phylogenetic analysis of
FMDV using nucleotide coding sequences for VP1 was
reported by Dopazo et al. [54]. Since then a number
of studies have been published on nucleotide sequence
analysis for all the seven serotypes of FMDV (e.g.,
[8,9,12,55,56]), some of these have used complete genome sequences for tracing of outbreaks [8,12].
The serotypes of FMDV have on average 86% nucleotide sequence identity to each other across the whole
genome [57] but the VP1 coding region is substantially
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
more variable and shows only about 50-70% identity
[58]. Serotypes O, A, C and Asia-1 have been further
classified into genotypes based on up to 15% difference
in VP1 coding sequences [9,58]. Thus, FMD serotype O
viruses from around the world have been classified into
eight genetically and geographically distinct genotypes,
called topotypes, on the basis of the VP1 coding sequence [11,58]. The eight topotypes are Middle EastSouth Asia (ME-SA), South–East Asia (SEA), Cathay,
Indonesia-1, Indonesia-2, East Africa, West Africa and
Europe-South America (Euro-SA). Among these, the
first five are circulating in Asia, of which the dominant
one is ME-SA [58]. Four different lineages within the
ME-SA topotype have been defined on the basis of
phylogenetic relationships and a nucleotide sequence
difference (within the VP1 coding sequence) of > 7.5%
[58,59]. Within the ME-SA topotype, a pandemic strain
of FMDV, designated as the PanAsia lineage, spread
vigorously and is discussed in detail below.
FMDV serotype A is genetically and antigenically the
most diverse of the Eurasian serotypes [58]. Up to 32
sub-types had been defined by the late 1970s [60,61]
though this system of sub-typing was later discontinued.
More recently, serotype A FMDVs, from the whole
world, have been classified into 26 genotypes based on
> 15% difference in VP1 coding sequence [62]. The
serotype A viruses form three geographically distinct
genotypes (topotypes) i.e. Asia, Europe-South America
(Euro-SA) and Africa. The level of nucleotide differences, within the VP1 coding region, between serotype
A viruses belonging to different continental topotypes is
up to ~24% [62]. Topotype Asia is the most prevalent
in the Middle East and South Asian region and exists
in various lineages e.g. A15, A22, A-IRN87, A-IRN96,
A-IRN99, A-Iran05, etc. The A-Iran05 lineage is currently dominant in the West Eurasian region and has
evolved into different sublineages [9,63]. Viruses belonging to the A-Iran05BAR-08 sublineage are antigenically distinct from the vaccine strain, A22/Iraq [9].
FMDV serotype Asia-1 is considered to be genetically
and antigenically the least diverse serotype [58]. Indeed,
Ansell et al. [64] reported that 44 serotype Asia-1
FMDVs isolated between 1954 and 1990 throughout
Asia were less variable compared to other FMDV serotypes in their VP1 coding sequences. It is noteworthy,
however, that the RGDLXXL receptor binding motif of
serotype Asia-1 viruses was more variable when compared to serotypes O and A of FMDV [9,56,65]. Previous
reports have classified FMDV serotype Asia-1 in different ways. For example, Ansell et al. [64] grouped serotype Asia-1 viruses isolated throughout Asia between
1952 to 1992 into 18 groups, while Mohapatra et al. [66]
classified serotype Asia-1 viruses from India, sampled over
the last two decades, into seven lineages and Valarcher
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et al. [67] divided these FMDVs from 2003–2007 into six
Groups. An additional Group of Asia-1 viruses, designated
as Group-VII [56] and later named as Sindh-08 by WRLFMD, has also been recently reported, which is currently
circulating in the West Eurasian region. Viruses belonging
to the Group-VII are not efficiently neutralized by antisera
raised against the Asia-1/Shamir and Asia-1/Ind/8/79 vaccine strains [56]. Outbreaks due to this novel Group have
also been reported in animals given vaccine based on the
Asia-1/Shamir strain. A homologous vaccine prepared
from an isolate (Asia-1/TUR/ 11) responsible for a field
outbreak in Turkey in 2011, has been found to be effective to contain the spread of the Group-VII (Sindh-08)
viruses [68].
Unfortunately, there are no uniform criteria or nomenclature for these classifications. As indicated, serotypes O and A FMDVs have been classified into lineages
but serotype Asia-1 FMDVs have been classified into
Groups (see [56,67]).
6. Geographical distribution of FMD
The serotypes of FMDV are not distributed uniformly
around the world. The serotype O, A and C viruses have
had the widest distribution and have been responsible
for outbreaks in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. However, the last reported outbreak due to serotype C FMDV
was in Ethiopia during 2005 [69] and so serotype C viruses
may no longer exist outside of laboratories. The SAT1-3
viruses are normally restricted to sub-Saharan Africa.
However, there have been some limited outbreaks due to
SAT1 viruses in the Middle East between 1962–1965 and
1969–1970 and then in Greece in 1962 [58]. Similarly,
there have been reports of minor incursions of the serotype SAT2 in Yemen in 1990 and in Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia in 2000 [70]. More recently, FMD outbreaks due
to serotype SAT2 spread from sub-Saharan Africa through
northern African countries (Egypt and Libya) and into
Palestine [71]. This serotype was also detected in Bahrain.
The serotype Asia-1 FMDVs are generally confined to
Asia, except for two incursions into Greece, one in 1984
and a second in 2000.
Although considerable information is available on the
virus, the disease and vaccines, FMD still affects extensive areas of the world. FMD free countries have introduced a number of measures to retain their status
because of the heavy economic losses resulting from this
disease. The USA has experienced FMD nine times since
1870. Each time the disease was eradicated with strict
slaughter and quarantine control procedures. The last
FMD outbreak in the USA occurred near Montebello,
California, in 1929. Infected hogs contracted the disease
after being fed swill with meat scraps from a tourist
steamship coming from Argentina. Since then, the USA
has had restrictions on importation of susceptible animals
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
and livestock products from countries where FMD is
present. Canada has been free of FMD since 1952 and
Mexico since 1953.
Historically, FMD in Australia was documented in the
early 1800s and early 1870s [72]. In 1871–1872, at least
five episodes of FMD were documented in cattle that
originated from the UK, either bound for Australia, in
quarantine or in a bull which had landed two months
earlier [72]. The last outbreak of FMD in Australia was
reported in 1872.
The Pandemic serotype O virus (designated as the
PanAsia strain) belongs to the ME-SA topotype which
has spread rapidly and vigorously [73]. This lineage replaced the other lineages of FMDV previously circulating
in the Middle East [74]. This lineage has been responsible for disease outbreaks everywhere in the world
where FMD is endemic or sporadic except for South
America and been responsible for incursions into previously disease-free countries. The PanAsia lineage was
first detected in India in 1982 [59] but was confined to
India until 1990. Its predominance in field outbreaks in
India was, however, noticed from 1996 onwards [59]. It
spread northwards to Nepal in 1990 and again in 1997–
1999 and to Bhutan in 1998 and also towards the west,
into Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Iran
and Lebanon in 1998 and to UAE, Israel and Turkey in
1999 [73]. The lineage spread further to China in 1999
and into South East Asian countries causing outbreaks
in Thailand in 1999, Malaysia and Laos (PDR) in 2000
and Vietnam in 2002. The virus also caused disease outbreaks in South Korea [75] and Japan in 2000 [76].
These two countries were previously free of FMD since
1934 and 1908, respectively. South Korea faced outbreaks again in 2002 and then in 2010. The 2002 outbreaks were caused by serotype O virus, belonging to
the PanAsia lineage, whereas, both serotype O (topotype
SEA, lineage MYA-98) and A (topotype ASIA, genotype
SEA, lineage MYA-97) viruses were responsible for the
2010–2011 outbreaks [77]. South Korea appears to have
had 3 independent introductions of the virus in 2010.
Firstly there was an incursion of FMDV serotype A
(A/SEA/MYA/97) in January, 2010. The disease was
controlled using a stamping out policy [78]. There had
been no reported outbreaks caused by serotype A in
eastern Asia since 1973. This incursion was followed by
second introduction of FMDV in April, 2010, in this
case serotype O (O/SEA/MYA/98). South Korea was
declared free without vaccination by the OIE on 27th
September, 2010 after implementing a stamping out policy [79]. The third incursion, due to O/SEA/MYA/98,
took place in November, 2010 and then spread throughout the country. Initially, a national stamping out policy
was implemented for all animals on farms with FMDV
infected animals. However, a nationwide vaccination-to-
Page 8 of 14
live policy was adopted later using emergency vaccination. Vaccination was effective in controlling the disease. A total of 3.48 million FMD susceptible animals
were culled [80]. Similarly, Japan was hit by FMD ten
years after the previous outbreak [81], FMDV type O,
belonging to the MYA-98 lineage within the SEA topotype, was detected on 20th April, 2010 at a beef feeding
farm in southern Japan. The disease spread to the surrounding areas. Emergency vaccination was started on
22nd May, 2010 within the infected zones. All the vaccinated animals were subsequently destroyed. During the
three-month FMD epidemic, a total of 292 infected
farms were detected and 290,000 animals were destroyed
as a control measure [82]. The VP1 sequence data indicate that mainland Southeast Asia is the source of
FMDV serotypes O and A in Eastern Asia [80,83].
In 2000, the O-PanAsia virus was detected in
Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Armenia, Georgia and Russia
and then in 2001 in Kyrgyzstan and during 2001–2003 in
Tajikistan [84]. In 2000, the virus spread to KwaZulu-natal
Province in South Africa. This was the first recorded outbreak in that country due to serotype O and the first since
1957 in this region of Southern Africa [85,86]. The outbreak was attributed to the feeding of swill to pigs from a
ship which had originated from Asia. More recently, outbreaks due to SAT1 FMDV were reported in 2011 and
further FMD outbreaks due to SAT2 have occurred in
South Africa in 2012 while outbreaks due to SAT1 have
been reported again in 2013 [87].
In 2001, the PanAsia virus was introduced into Europe
where it caused disease outbreaks in the UK and was
then spread to Ireland, France and the Netherlands. The
outbreaks of FMD in United Kingdom in 2001 were the
first since a single case in 1981 [88]. Before the 1981
case, the UK was hit by a major outbreak of FMD in
1967 and 442 000 animals were slaughtered to achieve
eradication of the disease [89]. The 2001 outbreaks were
controlled using a stamping out policy in which 6.5
million infected and in-contact animals were killed. The
total economic losses due to the 2001 outbreak were estimated at between USD 12.3-13.8 billion [90]. Another
outbreak hit the UK in 2007 and it was later identified
that the disease was due to escape of virus from either
the vaccine production facility or the Institute for Animal Health, both sited in Pirbright [8].
Currently, the O-PanAsia-IIANT-10 strain is responsible
for extensive outbreaks in the whole Middle East and
South Asian region. This strain was responsible for FMD
in Pakistan in 2009, which spread westwards and caused
disease in Turkey, Israel, Libya and Bulgaria [12,91].
Bulgaria experienced an outbreak of FMD at the end
of 2010, the first case of the disease was detected in wild
boar. FMDV serotype O virus strain O-PanAsia-IIANT-10
was found to be responsible for the outbreaks at 11
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
separate sites which occurred in two separate phases
[12,92]. The country had remained free of FMD for 14
years since its previous outbreak in 1996. The disease also
affected cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats. A stamping out
policy was used and a total of 1372 animals were destroyed. Seropositive wildlife were detected near the outbreaks but the disease has not been maintained by them
since no new cases of FMD were detected after April,
2011 and the country was declared free of FMD in July,
2011 [87].
7. FMD virus pools
Despite the propensity and opportunities for spread of
FMDVs into new regions, comparison of the VP1 coding
nucleotide sequences reveals a tendency for similar viruses
to recur in the same geographical area. This tendency apparently reflects some degree of ecological isolation, likely
reflecting patterns of animal movement and trade or
specific wildlife reservoirs (e.g. African buffalo) within a
region. Based on genetic and antigenic analyses, FMDVs
throughout the world have been sub-divided into seven
regional pools [93,94]. Certain countries share viruses belonging to two different pools, for example, Egypt and
Libya (Figure 2). Virus circulation and evolution within
these regional virus pools result in changing needs for appropriate vaccine selection.
8. Progressive Control Pathway for FMD
In response to the repeated epidemic events and requests for assistance by affected and at risk countries in
West Eurasia, FAO/EuFMD convened a meeting of 14
Page 9 of 14
directly affected countries in Shiraz, Iran in 2008 at
which a long term regional approach for progressive
control of FMD in the region was developed, known as
the West Eurasia Regional Roadmap [95]. It was the first
time that a Progressive Control Pathway for FMD (PCPFMD) was established to determine national progress
and to develop national and regional actions plans and
support. Several FAO projects supported both national
and regional PCP activities, such as improved FMD laboratory networking (WELNET) and epidemiological
support. The activities implemented since the 2008
meeting have allowed the detection of three epidemics
of regional (West Eurasian) significance in the past 4
years. These epidemics were caused by the serotype
A-Iran-05BAR-08 sublineage in 2008 [9], the type O
PanAsia-IIANT-10 strains in 2009–12 [12,91,92], and
the serotype Asia-1 (Group-VII) viruses [56] of 2008–12,
all of which involved east to west migration of the virus
and to some extent involved Central Asian countries. The
rapidity and frequency of incursions in the past 4 years
presents a major problem for disease control, particularly
when the strains involved are poorly matched to the routinely used vaccines [9,56].
The PCP-FMD has now been adopted as a joint tool
between FAO/EuFMD/OIE [94]. This pathway includes
a set of criteria to assist FMD endemic countries to progressively reduce the level of FMDV circulation and to
mitigate the impact of FMD [96]. The PCP-FMD consists
of a set of FMD control activity stages (Figure 3). Each
stage has well-defined outcomes which can be achieved
through a variety of activities. The specific activities
Pool 1 (O, A, Asia 1)
Pool 2 (O, A, Asia 1)
Pool 3 (O, A, Asia 1)
Pool 4 (O, A, SAT1, 2)
Pool 5 (O, A, SAT1, 2)
Pool 6 (SAT1, 2, 3)
Pool 7 (O, A)
Figure 2 Geographical distribution of seven pools of foot-and mouth disease viruses. Serotype O FMDV is the most widely distributed
serotype of the virus (in 6 of the 7 indicated virus pools) whereas, in contrast, SAT3 is only present in pool 6 (within southern Africa). The Asia-1,
SAT1 and SAT2 serotypes also have quite limited geographical distribution. However, individual countries can have multiple serotypes in circulation
at the same time and hence it is necessary to be able to determine which serotype is responsible for an outbreak if vaccination is to be used. Countries
which are normally free of the disease (marked in yellow) can still suffer incursions of the virus which can have high economic costs.
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
Page 10 of 14
Figure 3 The FAO/EuFMD/OIE Progressive Control Pathway for FMD. The status of countries on the PCP-FMD is evaluated according to
defined criteria. Countries with endemic disease are in stages 0 to 3 while countries with no endemic disease within livestock are at stage 4 or
above. The image was kindly supplied by EuFMD.
required to achieve the outcomes have, however, not
been prescribed. This non-prescriptive approach has the
advantage that each country can adopt an approach according to its national/regional requirements and capabilities to achieve the outcomes. Understanding the “local”
epidemiology of FMD and the active monitoring of the
virus circulation are the foundations of the PCP-FMD and
activities to meet these requirements are required in all
stages [96]. Determination of the factors responsible for
maintenance and spread of the disease and knowledge
about circulating subtypes of FMDV are essential for effective control of the disease.
ELISAs for detection of antibodies to FMDV NSPs are
generally used to monitor virus circulation as this test
can discriminate between vaccinated and infected animals [44,45] if purified vaccines are used. The interpretation of NSP test results is, however, complicated in
FMD endemic countries, where animals can be exposed
to multiple serotypes and where non-purified vaccines
are frequently used. Moreover, anti-NSP antibodies can
persist for a long period [46] and do not necessarily indicate recent FMDV infection. Inadequate laboratory
diagnostic capacity and its implications for the PCPFMD in Eastern Africa have been described recently by
Namatovu et al. [97]. In order to monitor FMDV circulation effectively, each participating country should, therefore, have sufficient FMD diagnostic and surveillance
capacity. Progression along the PCP is based on an annual assessment of evidence-based activities related to
FMD epidemiology and control measures undertaken by
the country. The organizational infrastructure of each
country is required to be progressively strengthened to
ensure that the activities required to monitor and control FMD are implemented [98].
Countries where the disease is endemic with no reliable information on the disease status, are classified as
in stage 0. In order to move from stage 0 to 1, a comprehensive study on the epidemiology of FMD is required
to be planned [96]. No country in the West Eurasian region is now in stage 0 [94], the majority of the countries
are presently in stage 1 and are expected to enter stage 2
by the end of 2013, whereas the Turkish Thrace region
is currently in stage 4. Stage 1 assists in identifying appropriate control options. Countries in stage 1 are in the
process of developing their control strategies in at least
one animal production sector based on a comprehensive
assessment of the epidemiology and control options.
Progression from stage 1 to 2 requires a risk based FMD
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
control plan. Thus stage 2 involves the implementation
of the chosen policy. Countries in stage 2 have implemented a risk-based FMD control strategy that aims to
reduce disease in at least one animal production sector.
In order to move from stage 2 to 3, an aggressive strategy to eliminate FMD needs to be developed. Countries
in stage 3 have adopted a control plan to progressively
reduce/eliminate virus circulation in at least one region/
production system [96]. This requires very significant
national capacity and ongoing investment including the
ability to ensure maintenance of sufficient herd immunity in critical populations to prevent FMD virus
Moving to stage 4 requires that FMD is controlled to
an extent that it is not endemic in domestic livestock. If
a country decides to continue along the FMD-PCP to
stage 4 and beyond, it may ask the OIE for endorsement
of its national FMD eradication program. Progression to
stage 4 would thus indicate attaining officially recognized FMD free status with vaccination by the OIE for
the whole or part of the country. Countries in stage 4
have maintained zero circulation with no incursions of
FMD [96].
Vaccination plays a vital role in controlling FMD for
countries in stages 2–4. Normally vaccine quality control
is determined by the producer and vaccine batches are
only released when they pass the quality control parameters. However, lack of maintenance of the cold chain before, during or after transport/importation may reduce
the vaccine efficacy, even if the vaccine initially contained sufficient payload of serotype(s), matching with
the circulating strain(s). Furthermore, as the dose–
response relationship in FMD vaccination is influenced
by the serotype and type of adjuvant present in the vaccine
[99], both the antigen pay-load and the quality of the adjuvant in formulated vaccine need to be established. An
independent quality control of the formulated vaccine is
therefore necessary for effective control of the disease
[100]. Vaccination alone may well not be able to contain
the disease unless it is coupled with restrictions on animal movement. Control of animal movements is, however, complicated by many factors including social
customs [52], religious festivals [17], trade of animals in
live animal markets [10] and both formal and informal
animal movement. Progression from Stage 4 to 5, and
from Stage 5 to Pathway completion, would be through
the existing official OIE recognition processes of freedom
from FMD with or without vaccination, respectively.
In order to target resources available for surveillance
and control of the disease, each stage of the PCP requires risk assessment and risk management activities.
Socio-economic approaches including impact assessment, value chain analyses and cost-benefit analyses of
intervention play an important role in animal disease
Page 11 of 14
control. However, integration of these approaches within
animal disease control strategies is still in its infancy and
remains a challenge.
The PCP-FMD approach has now been adopted for
different regions including the West Eurasia roadmap
2020 (since 2008), the 2020 Roadmap for FMD Control
in South-East Asia and China (SEACFMD), Southern
Africa Roadmap (since 2011), Eastern Africa Roadmap
(since 2012) and the Plan Hemisférico de Erradicación
de la Fiebre Aftosa (PHEFA) for South America [94].
Thus the PCP is expected to form the backbone of the
global FAO/OIE strategy for the control of FMD.
The West Eurasia roadmap 2020 projects that this region will reach stage 3 by 2020. The annual assessment
of individual countries within West Eurasia, however,
shows that the majority of countries did not reach the
expected earlier stages at the projected times. It therefore seems unlikely that all the countries within West
Eurasia will reach stage 3 by 2020.
9. Conclusions/recommendations
Despite considerable information being available about
the virus, the disease and vaccines, FMD remains a
major threat to the livestock industry world-wide. New
sublineages of FMDV continue to evolve to produce novel strains which sometimes break through vaccineinduced immunity and can result in major epidemics.
This warrants the need for continued surveillance, vaccine matching and vaccine quality control. Vaccination
alone is unlikely to control the disease unless it is coupled with animal movement control. Animal identification
systems and animal movement controls are therefore also
needed to be in place for effective control of the disease.
The majority of countries in Asia and Africa, where
the disease is endemic, are deficient in knowledge about
the circulating sub-types of FMDV due to deficiencies in
submitting outbreak samples to reference laboratories.
The samples originating from these countries are often
not collected in systematic way and are therefore not necessarily representative of the particular production systems/areas for which the PCP is intended. Each country
must build capacity in diagnostics, epidemiology and
economics in order to improve the information on the
nature of FMDV circulation in that specific environment. Many of the countries participating in the PCP do
not have the capacity to design and implement appropriate studies for determination of risk factors and for carrying out risk assessment and socio-economic studies.
Furthermore, the non-descriptive approach in the PCP,
in which the outcomes are defined but the means to
achieve the outcomes are not specified, can itself be a
hurdle in identification of risk factors for a particular environment/region. Therefore, these countries should be
supported by helping them to design appropriate studies
Jamal and Belsham Veterinary Research 2013, 44:116
for determination of the relevant risk factors and for
conducting risk assessment, risk management and socioeconomic studies. The laboratory data should be combined with field epidemiological information for meaningful
interpretation. Regional cooperation including timely
information on the FMD outbreaks particularly in border
areas, timely data/information sharing and simultaneous
adoption of control measures are required for effective
control of this transboundary disease. Early detection and
early responses should be prepared in order to contain the
disease effectively. Sufficient quality and quantity of assured FMD vaccines with matching serotypes needs to be
made available for inducing sufficient herd immunity for
further progression from stage 3 to stage 4 and preparations to achieve this can take some time.
10. Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
11. Authors’ contributions
SMJ conceived the idea, compiled the information and drafted the paper,
GJB critically reviewed and revised the paper. Both the authors agreed to the
final version of the manuscript.
12. Acknowledgements
The authors are thankful to Giancarlo Ferrari for commenting on the
Author details
Department of Biotechnology, University of Malakand, Chakdara Dir (L),
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. 2National Veterinary Institute, Technical
University of Denmark, Lindholm, 4771 Kalvehave, Denmark.
Page 12 of 14
Received: 16 July 2013 Accepted: 25 November 2013
Published: 5 December 2013
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Cite this article as: Jamal and Belsham: Foot-and-mouth disease: past,
present and future. Veterinary Research 2013 44:116.
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