IFEES: Enhancing Engineering Education at a Global Scale
Lueny Morell, MS, PE, Hewlett Packard Laboratories
Claudio Borri, PhD, University of Florence
Hans J. Hoyer, PhD, ASEE
Sarah A. Rajala, Mississippi State University
Seeram Ramakrishna, National University of Singapore
Xavier Fouger, Dassault Systemes
Bruno Laporte, World Bank Institute
José Carlos Quadrado, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University
Duncan McKenzie Fraser, University of Cape Town
Engineering and technology play a key role in globalization as developed and developing countries
develop and implement effective and efficient strategies that advance their economies and social
development. Engineering has played a critical role in economic development in the history of civilization,
because engineers are important not only in solving local problems but also in knowledge creation and
knowledge transfer. Thus, science and technology education need to be in continuous evolvement in
order to keep assisting countries reduce poverty, boost socio-economic development and make the right
decisions for sustainable and environmentally compatible development. In a flat world, a global approach
is needed to effectively innovate engineering education. The world needs to establish effective
engineering education processes of high quality around to assure a global supply of well-prepared
engineering graduates, engineers who can act locally but think globally.
This paper describes the history behind the creation in October 2006 of the International Federation of
Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), its strategic intent as well as some of the initiatives currently
underway. It will also share some of the needs and views of IFEES various stakeholders worldwide
(engineering education associations, students, industry, and other organizations).
1. Introduction
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Alan Kay
Throughout the history of civilization, engineering has played a critical role in economic development.
Engineers are key not only in solving local problems but also in knowledge creation and knowledge
transfer. But in a globalized world, engineering and engineers face challenges that go beyond science and
technology themselves. Countries around the world are moving fast in developing knowledge based
economies. The basic premise is that knowledge is becoming a primary factor of production, in addition
to capital, labor and land. In fact, many economists now argue that knowledge has become the most
important component of production. The belief is that a knowledge economy will lead to improved
quality, reduced costs, better response to consumer needs, and innovative products. Thus, knowledge,
knowledge creation and knowledge management will become critical for countries and regions to survive
and excel in a globalized world [2].
It is therefore imperative that technical know-how be supplemented with professional skills to develop an
‘adaptive engineering leader’ who is capable of addressing the multiple challenges of an ever-changing
world. Engineering education should respond to these challenges with effectiveness and efficiency and
develop the engineering professional a globalized economies need.
2. The Role of Engineering Education in Developing Knowledge Based Economies
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Knowledge and innovation have always played a key role in development. Fifty years ago
competitiveness and growth were driven by access to natural resources and labor. With globalization and
the technological revolution of the last decades, knowledge has clearly become the key driver of
competitiveness. Innovation in technology, as well as products and business processes, boosts
productivity. Today, the prosperity of nations depends on how effectively they use their human resources
to raise productivity and nurture innovation.
A knowledge economy is one that utilizes knowledge as the key engine of competitive growth. It is an
economy where knowledge is acquired, created, disseminated and used effectively to enhance economic
development. Transitioning from a traditional economy to a knowledge economy requires long term
investments in education, innovation, and ICT, and an appropriate economic and institutional regime that
allows efficient mobilization and allocation of resources.
A recent book published by the World Bank Institute [3] argues that whatever their level of development,
countries should consider embarking on a knowledge- and innovation-based development process. In
these times of accelerated globalization, “grey matter” is a country’s main durable resource. Its
utilization for economic and social well-being is increasingly at the center of development strategies. The
analysis and information on which this book is based are largely drawn from work by the World Bank
Institute’s Knowledge for Development program, launched in 1999, which has carried out a number of
knowledge economy diagnostics and case studies, using the Knowledge Assessment Methodology
These diagnostics have confirmed the critical role of education. Many of the growth stars owe their
success to solid gains in human capital. While education has always been a key component of innovation
and technological advance, the complexity and speed of the interplay between education, knowledge,
technology and skills require far reaching adjustments of education systems. Knowledge-enabled
economies are able to constantly modernize their education systems in line with changes in economic
policies. These changes have been both systemic and deep, affecting the nature of teaching and learning.
Most OECD countries have increased their public expenditures on education over the last few decades.
Developing countries also have made significant investments in education. However, talent and skills
have become the world's most sought-after commodity. As economies increasingly shift towards
knowledge-intensive directions, the demand for skills and competencies increases significantly.
More importantly, performance in the marketplace is driven by the quality, skills, and flexibility of labor
and management. In addition to traditional “hard” skills and ICT competencies, the knowledge
economies require a new set of “soft” skills, such as spirit of enquiry, adaptability, problem solving,
communications skills, self-learning and knowledge discovery, cultural sensitivity, social empathy, and
motivation for work. Countries need to develop teaching and learning environments that nurture inquiry,
adaptability, problem-solving and communication skills. But mastery of these skills is quite low in many
3. IFEES History, Vision, and Mission
Recognizing that the 21st century global economy requires well-trained and culturally-sensitive engineers,
representatives of 31 organizations from 10 countries, gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 9,
The KAM consists of 83 structural and qualitative variables for 140 countries to measure their performance on the 4 Knowledge
Economy (KE) pillars: Economic Incentive and Institutional Regime, Education, Innovation, and Information and
Communications Technologies. Variables are normalized on a scale of 0 to 10 relative to other countries in the comparison group.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
2006 to launch the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES). In addition to
electing its leadership team and approving governing documents, the organization's members discussed
their overarching goal of building a vibrant, virtual global community to foster collaboration and learning
among the world's engineering-education societies. The key-question posed by the 21st century global
economy to engineering educators and engineering education stake-holders was: “How can education in
science and technology help reduce poverty, boost socio-economic development and take the right
decisions for a sustainable and environmentally compatible development?”
A global approach was needed. The desire was to create a world-wide network of engineering educators
and engineering education stakeholders that could attempt to answer such formidable basic questions
and drastically raise the horizon of target and ambitions: i.e., to pass from the day-by-day engineering
education issues and problems 2 to the “actual impact” on the world-wide development and socioeconomic growth.
IFEES was born with the vision to contribute significantly to changing the world (within the context of its
mission and competences), i.e. to the extent that engineering education can contribute to these changes.
Through the collaboration of its member societies, IFEES’ mission is to establish effective and high
quality engineering education processes to assure a global supply of well-prepared engineering graduates.
IFEES strives to strengthen member organizations and their capacity to support faculty and students. It
will attract corporate participation, helping to
connect engineering graduates with
international corporations that have a pressing
need for well-trained engineers who can work
in a global environment. IFEES will also aim
to enhance the ability of engineering faculty,
students and practitioners to understand the
varied cultures of the world and to work
effectively in them.
“IFEES will become the largest world-wide
forum of discussion on engineering education,
it will increase the awareness of policy makers
on engineering education priorities, and it will
boost innovation in science and technology,”3 were the words of Claudio Borri, the founding president of
IFEES. "The formation of IFEES underscores the importance of high-quality engineering education to
national economies and the global economy,” said Wayne Johnson, previous Vice President, University
Relations Worldwide at Hewlett-Packard. “It also spotlights the great significance of technology in
today's society. Engineers have played a key role in developing new information technologies, and those
innovations can now be used to advance global engineering education.”
With this in mind, IFEES is developing partnerships with major organisations worldwide dealing with
social development and education.
4.0 Mobilizing the Best Human Resources: Corporations, Professionals, and Students
E.g., issues like curriculum development, quality assurance and accreditation, mobility and recognition of titles, joined curricula,
international dimension, ethics and gender issues in engineering education, employment & attractiveness of engineering
education, etc.
ASEE Press Release, November 6th 2006.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
All IFEES officers and members are committed to promoting, developing and putting in place initiatives
to mobilize the best human resources and contributing to the common vision of IFEES. Only through the
“top people” worldwide will IFEES become influential and have an impact on major changes.
Participation must include corporations, as well as professionals from industry, governmental and nongovernmental agencies. In this context, IFEES’ goal is to build a network of high value partnerships with
key leaders around the world, in organizations as well as the engineering education sector. From the
economic sector to social sciences, from political sciences to peace-keeping, from banking to financial
investors, IFEES shall carry out its mission hand-in-hand with all of them.
One way to reach this goal is to involve students and student organizations in IFEES’ strategic planning,
initiatives and events. The archaic vision of students as “customers” or (even worse) “end products” of
engineering education process needs to be abandoned. IFEES wants and needs to have students on board
because they are key stakeholders and their vision, needs, and ideas are important. They are also
important in matchmaking opportunities with and obtaining support from the corporate world.
One thing is clear for IFEES. It shouldn’t become: An “empty” container of “wishful thinking” and only
an organizer of new conferences and summits, increasing the tremendous number of events in the sector.
IFEES is and will be focused on actions and projects. It should also not become a simple network of
engineering education allowing the members to travel worldwide or an organization from which one can
expect revenues in terms of personal career and/or visibility and success. Members will never ask
themselves what will IFEES do for them, but rather what can they do for IFEES. IFEES is about
catalyzing ideas into real projects that enhance engineering education. It is about thought leadership put
into action.
5.0 IFEES Action Plan and Key Strategies
In order to achieve its mission and vision, IFEES decided to focus on four strategic areas, namely:
Engineering Education Infrastructure, Research & Development and Entrepreneurship, Student
Attraction and Success and Lifelong Learning.
IFEES will promote and support activities and initiatives that promote engineering education globally and
the access to engineering education for everybody in world, enhance quality of engineering education
responding to actual needs of the society, share teaching methods and curriculum plans, increase
transparency and recognition of titles, also through the accreditation systems and international accords,
foster and favor mobility of students and professionals, promote ethics and gender issues in engineering
education, increase awareness towards environmental issues and sustainable development, improve
humanistic skills and cultural attitudes of engineers to work in different cultural settings of the world, and
foster imagination and innovative thinking in the new generations of engineers, among others.
To fully implement its action plan, IFEES needs the support of all engineering education societies, stakeholders, corporations, and, last but not least, student associations. The structure of the leadership of
IFEES also supports the four action areas described above. The Executive Committee consists of the
President, President-Elect or Immediate Past President, a Secretary General, four Vice Presidents and 6
other members. Each IFEES Vice President has principal responsibility for leadership for one of the
areas and one or more initiatives.
Initiatives undergo a review process and are placed under one of the four areas to make sure they align
with the mission, vision and strategic plan. The following sections describe IFEES members’ first year
global initiatives.
5.1 Global Engineering Deans Council
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
The Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) is one of the key initiatives of IFEES, which approved
its creation at the first IFEES Global Engineering Summit on September 30th 2007 held in Istanbul,
The reason behind the establishment of GEDC is simple: there are currently big and small institutions
with different missions and visions for various engineering programs, and emphasis on research, etc., to
meet the diverse engineering manpower and innovation needs of national economies. As the global
pressure for engineering solutions to growing problems and issues continue to increase, engineering
educators intrinsically feel the need to better prepare engineers to meet new challenges. Stakeholders are
increasingly expecting engineering colleges to act as leaders in innovation and to provide solutions to
society’s challenges. In a global, knowledge-driven economy, technology innovation is critical to
competitiveness, long term productivity growth, and the generation of wealth. Therefore, major changes
will be necessary in engineering education, research and practice to prepare engineers for a rapidly
changing world.
There are many challenges faced by engineering deans, rectors and directors of internationally recognized
engineering schools today. Deans need to ensure their schools deliver locally-pertinent and globallyrelevant engineering education, they have to develop plans to make engineering more attractive to top
students, who are being drawn away from science and technology disciplines, and make engineering more
attractive to our future generations of students. They lead programs focused at improving the quality of
teaching and learning, and increase the output of engineers, recruit and retain quality faculty members and
strengthen “capacity building” such as staffing, funding and infrastructure in engineering schools. They
have to improve the quality of governance practices in engineering schools and develop adequate models
for facilitating partnerships between engineering schools and industry as well as develop adequate
funding models for engineering schools.
The GEDC initiative is timely as it is a great way for engineering deans to learn about engineering
education on a global scale by providing a world-wide forum for exchange of information, discussion of
experiences, challenges and best practices in leading an engineering school. Through such exchanges, the
GEDC will provide a means for engineering deans to partner with one another in innovation, collaborate
with industry and other stakeholders, and build a network that would support engineering deans to play a
leadership role in developing regional and national policies to advance economies.
The GEDC has the potential to become a serious global effort with meaningful impact for engineering
education. Its Executive Committee (made up of deans, rectors and directors of internationally recognized
engineering schools) held its first meeting on May 8 and 9, 2008 in Paris, France and will convene its first
general assembly of deans in the spring of 2010.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
5.2 The IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit
IFEES held its First Global Engineering Education Summit and Assembly at Bo• aziçi University in
Istanbul, Turkey on September 30, 2007, co-located with the ASEE Global Colloquium and the Turkish
Engineering Deans Council Conference. The theme was Moving from Concept to Action and
approximately 150 leaders of engineering education societies, industry, government agencies, the private
sector, and engineering student leaders participated in the Summit.
The 2nd IFEES Summit will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from October 19-20, 2008, hosted by the
University of Cape Town and the African Engineering Education Association (AEEA). The theme will be
“Excellence and Growth in Engineering Education in Resource Constrained Environments – Learning
From One Another and Working Together to Produce Quality Engineers to Address Challenges Facing
Every Part of the World in the 21st Century.” The CapeTown Summit’s agenda is action oriented, in
other words, IFEES current and future members will hear from IFEES initiatives and will be invited to
join, adopt or adapt similar initiatives in their countries/regions. It will also include a Knowledge for
Development workshop offered by the World Bank Institute as well as provide a mechanism for policy
makers and funding organizations to share programs and resources to support engineering education.
5.3 The Indo-US Collaborative for Engineering Education (IUCEE)
One of IFEES’ key members, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), along with
academic and business leaders from leading US and Indian universities have launched an initiative to
build Indo-US collaborations in order to make engineering education and research more relevant to the
needs of the global society and to the aptitudes and aspirations of the new generation. This initiative is
called the Indo-US Collaborative for Engineering Education (IUCEE). IUCEE focuses on the preparation
of the next generation of engineering faculty in the US and India, who can educate their youth with strong
technical skills as well as relevant soft skills while motivating them with a powerful vision of engineering
for the well-being of the global community.
Engineering educators from the US and
India are in a unique position to address
these challenges by working together.
Strong bonds have already been
developed between US and India,
because of the large number of Indian
engineering graduates who immigrate to
the US and make valuable contributions
to the US research enterprise and to the
US economy. Several of these engineers
have become entrepreneurs and have
played a major role in the information
technology revolution and in a variety of
non-technology oriented industries such
as hospitality. Many of them are also
leaders in engineering education in the
US. This synergy between US and India provides the opportunity for the two countries to collaborate on
building the next generation technical workforce using new paradigms.
After two planning workshops held in 2007 (one in India, one in the US) involving academic, industry,
professional associations and government leaders, IUCEE established its strategic plan for dramatically
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
increasing the number of engineering faculty in the US and in India who collaborate on research and
teaching and who will be able to better prepare engineers for the global economy. The roadmap, based on
successful best practices, is focused on:
• Increasing research collaborations among faculty in emerging technologies, thereby producing
more PhDs.
• Stimulating academic institutions to pursue more research on how students learn engineering.
• Developing and offering new certificates/degree programs based on this research for current and
future engineering faculty.
• Facilitating faculty exchanges between academic institutions and businesses of both countries as a
cornerstone for these collaborations.
• Assisting faculty in reforming engineering curriculum with emphasis on hands-on project-based
learning, innovation and entrepreneurial skills, soft skills, lifelong learning skills, as well as
relevance to industry.
• Supporting widespread use of communication and digital technologies for effective delivery of
• Creating a faculty culture of continuous quality improvement based on data and outcomes.
• Increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities in engineering.
• Generating funding and build partnerships with the private sector for these activities.
IUCEE has gathered significant support and contributions from the private, professional and public
sectors in the US and India. The First Faculty Leadership Institute will be offered in 2008, at the
Infosys campus, Mysore, India between late May and mid-July. The one-week workshops on specific
topics will explore new teaching pedagogies and will include an overview of latest research in the field,
and opportunities for collaboration. A total of 500 faculty in India have registered to attend more than 20
workshops scheduled. Each topical workshop will have ~ 30 carefully invited and selected faculty
participants; ~5 of these will be potential trainers/faculty in Regional IUCEE Engineering Faculty
6.0 IFEES Members Survey to Determine the Needs of Engineering Education and its Stakeholders
No organization can be effective if it does not understand its members’ and stakeholders’ needs.
Therefore, in order to validate the ideas and strategies IFEES founders had, in the Spring of 2008, IFEES
carried out a member survey to understand its member’s needs and priorities and value propositions for
the organization. The survey explored items like members’ motivation to join, perception of engineering
education biggest challenges, best practices, as well as members’ wishes for IFEES to accomplish. 58%
of the current IFEES members at the time (36) responded.
Figure 1 shows members’ motivation to join IFEES. Networking with other organizations, faculty and
deans from around the world and ‘Advancement in bridging and establishing industry-university
partnerships seem to be the primary reasons to be a member of IFEES. Members mentioned that they
would like to develop industry-university relationships as a primary goal for IFEES policy in the future.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Figure 1: Motivation and Importance of Joining IFEES
% response
importance (5 max)
Most of the IFEES members see the ‘Global Accreditation Issues’ as the biggest challenge, with 15 out of
21 members stating they strongly agreed that ‘Global Accreditation Issue’ is the main challenge. Most of
the IFEES members agree on the three major challenges engineering education faces today: global
accreditation, engineering education under free trade agreements (FTA) and curriculum development
(including entrepreneurship) (Figure 2).
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Figure 2: IFEES Members Biggest Challenges
ave importance
global accreditation
engineering education under Free Trade
curriculuar development - entrepreneurship
IFEES members shared their organizations’ engineering education best practices. Engineering Education
associations’ principal activities and best practices focus on annual conferences and meetings and
publications. Industry members provide opportunities for research and programs for curriculum
innovation. The table below summarize their responses.
American Society for
Engineering Education (ASEE)
Ibero-American Association of
Institutes of Engineering
Education (ASIBEI)
Board of European Students of
Technology (BEST)
Cartagena Network of
Engineering Education
Best Practice
Engineering Deans Council (EDI)
Industry-Academic Partnership
Association of associations
High component academic and research
Bi annual Iberoamerican meetings
Autodesk provides powerful 2D and 3D design
software, innovative programs and resources to
help schools and institutions of higher learning
prepare their students for academic and career
success. Over 500,000copies of our software have
been downloaded.
Bringing students together from different countries
Being a bridge between students and academics
Promoting Europe among Europeans
Research areas in engineering education
Piloting the education institutions and their
Participate in the new modernization, renewal and
planning of the training programs
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Council of Deans Engineering
Faculty of Chile (CONDEFI)
Chinese Society for Engineering
Education (CSEE)
Dassault Systèmes
Hewlett Packard (HP)
International Society for
Engineering Education (IGIP)
Instituto Superior de Engenharia
de Lisboa – Portugal (ISEL)
Ibero American Science and
Technology Education
Consortium (ISTEC)
Kazakhstan Society of
Engineering Education
Korean Society of Engineering
Latin American and Caribbean
Consortium of Engineering
Institutions (LACCEI)
Russian Association for
Engineering Education (RAEE)
Many conferences around the year for curricular
Working together with industry in order to find
collaboration in all the areas of knowledge
Annual conference
Bimonthly journal
Monthly bulletin
Establish productive academic and industry
Provide industry relevant curricula innovation and
educational material
Innovate blended learning practices inspired by
professional education
Research partnerships, student programs
Philanthropy programs
Engineering education innovation programs
IGIP curriculum for engineering educators
IGIP conferences in different countries and
regional conferences
Workshops for engineering educators
Create professionals that have high level
qualification well recognized by the market.
The ability to cover the entire country’s requests on
engineering education.
The ability to respond to multiple (and variant)
industrial requests for productive partnerships
Promote integration between local and
international accreditation and certification
initiatives in academia and industry
Forum to encourage joint international research
and development
Entrepreneurship development: alliances,
partnerships, and funding
Organization of Central Asian engineering
universities’ instructors involved in international
Universities consortium forming for Tempus
program in preparation for innovation education.
Preliminary work for creation of Kyrgyzstan
society of international pedagogy (Mutanov’s and
Antonov’s, representatives of KazSEE, visit of
Bishkek city to take part in information seminar
about societies for Engineering education and
Organizing conferences
The journals
Annual Conference
LACCEI was the catalyst behind the Engineering
Education Collaboration Agreement for the
LACCEI, EftA agreed to exchange free
registrations and participate in each others
conferences and board meetings.
Building up international recognition of national
engineering programs accreditation system
Organizing of international conferences on
engineering education
Publishing annual magazine “Engineering
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
European Society for
Engineering Education (SEFI)
Turkish Engineering Deans
Council (Turkish EDC)
Working Groups activity
Annual Conference
Deans Convention
Support regional engineering initiatives
PLM software grants
Engineering Education Forum
Establish the National Accreditation System for
Engineering Education
Upsilon Pi Epsilon International
Honor Society for the
Computing and Information
Disciples (UPE)
Offering Scholarships
Founder and Co-sponsor of the International
Programming Contest
Recognition of Scholar Excellence
Finally, IFEES members look forward to what the future beholds in this win-win-win federation. Below
some comments members shared about their wishes for IFEES to accomplish in the future:
“… a project with the World Bank Institute and some other organizations… to allow scholarships
for smart young pupils to start studying engineering and technology.” SEFI
“Establish a common Engineering Curriculum Bank to share with disparate countries. Serve as a
catalyst for diversity awareness in engineering education.” Siemens
“Support engineering education accreditation initiatives and provide universities with the voice
of the employer, important in crafting curricula and student activities… IUCEE (Indo-US
Collaborative for Engineering Education) program model adopted/adapted in various regions of
the world, and developing faculty institutes for the betterment of engineering education,
pedagogy and learning.” Hewlett Packard
“Pursuit of economic resources for joint projects.” ASIBEI
“Work towards creating a synergy between institutions and industry worldwide.” ISTE
“Building up of (a) global system and recognition of engineering education and engineering
professions.” RAEE
“Networking with other honor societies and student organizations to share and develop
leadership training material and opportunities for engineering & computer science students.
IFEES could help bring together the student chapters of various societies to leverage and share
their resources.” UPE
“Provide capacity building for the leadership of their member organizations on becoming
“global” and “collaborating” LACCEI
“Develop and present an assessment of the skills and experiences required by engineering
graduates to work effectively in a global environment with the goal of enhancing the
employability of engineering graduates and increasing the international competitiveness of
IFEE’s academic members.” Autodesk
“Promote greater open dialog among engineering educators.” ASEE
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
“Become a recognized platform for bridging education and industry/business, achieve
undisputable successes in improving employability of students, inspire visible improvements in
the overall statistics of engineers “production”, and be recognized as the enabling body for
meaningful improvements in engineering education in developing countries.” Dassault Systèmes
IFEES leadership will be using the results of this survey to continue influencing its strategic and
operations plans, as well as motivating members to submit specific joint proposals for IFEES
endorsement and support.
7.0 Why is IFEES Unique? Member’s Perspectives
“Collaboration between societies from around the world can improve engineering education and
help meet growing demands for "a global supply of well- prepared engineering graduates…
There are pragmatic things that IFEES can do, including ensuring best practices go from country
to country. This is especially important for societies from developed countries to help those in
developing nations " Frank Huband, ASEE Executive Director
IFEES presents a venue, a mechanism to catalyze members’ needs into action [27, 28]. This section
describes IFEES value proposition and thought leadership from some of its members: engineering
education associations, student organizations and industry.
For engineering education associations, the formation of IFEES comes at an opportune time for US
engineering education and for ASEE, for example. Engineering education is facing a need for
fundamental changes. With the rapid change in technology, decreasing supply of engineers, the impact of
globalization, and the complexity of problems to be solved, the US must find ways to better educate the
engineers of the future. As Dr. James L. Melsa, ASEE President, states in the September 2007 issue of
Prism, “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t
yet been invented in order to solve problems we don’t even know we have.”
ASEE’s mission is to further education in engineering and engineering technology by promoting
excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice; exercising worldwide leadership;
fostering the technological education of society; and providing quality products and services to its
members. ASEE seeks to encourage local, national, and international communication and collaboration
to achieve its mission. As an international organization, IFEES provides a forum for ASEE to collaborate
with its world-wide partners on critical issues in engineering education. ASEE has an interest in and
commitment to each of the key strategies IFEES has defined to achieve its overall vision. Although ASEE
has much to offer to IFEES, there is also much that ASEE can learn from its worldwide partners. IFEES
will provide opportunities to collaborate on solutions to societal problems, access to new teaching
methods, opportunities for students and faculty to learn in a global environment, and to explore new
strategies for educating tomorrow’s engineers. Other IFEES members like LACCEI agree:
"The biggest benefit for regional engineering education societies, such as LACCEI, in joining
IFEES is finding innovative and effective strategies being tried in other regions facing similar
challenges, and being able to collaborate to leverage existing resources and form new
partnerships for seeking funding. The Flat World requires new models of leadership in
engineering education societies." Maria Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University and
Executive Director, LACCEI
One of the most important stakeholders of engineering education is engineering students, tomorrow’s
engineers. IFEES aims to shape the future of engineering education so that it ensures the sustainable
development of mankind which cannot happen without involving those who will be the active players in
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
tomorrow’s society. Student involvement embraces the advantages of a fresh and diverse pool of ideas
being the key factor for the improvement and evolution of the educational systems worldwide.
Furthermore, in order to ensure the continuity, applicability and functionality of the reforms and operation
frameworks within engineering education set by global entities such as IFEES, student motivation and
empowerment is crucial.
In addressing engineering education on a global scale, students should be involved and their input
considered. One way is through worldwide student associations that take the responsibility and have an
active role in shaping and improving the process of engineering education. In Europe, student
involvement in decision-making processes has increased over the last years starting with the university
level (input of student unions), continuing with the national level (national student unions), and ending
with the cross-national level (representative European Students’ Union [21] and non representative
student associations, such as the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST).
BEST has been providing a solid and coherent input
to engineering education policies at the European
level and beyond, since 1995. With the mission to
provide services to students, BEST focuses in
providing complementary education, educational
involvement and career support to the European
students. BEST is active in 30 countries with 2,000
members and reaching 900,000 students [22]. BEST
impacts the development of engineering education
by concurrently embodying a live link between
students and their education, and a platform where
European stakeholders of engineering education
meet and improve engineering education, all these
according to the BEST Educational Program, run by
BEST Educational Committee [24].
During the 5th ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, BEST
joined forces in the creation of IFEES aiming to provide a beneficial input for the worldwide engineering
education. Identifying this need, a new worldwide student initiative has been starting to take shape, under
the acronym of SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education Development) [26]. The challenges
and the opportunities of such initiative are being handled by an increasingly numerous group
of internationally diverse students, a new breed of global engineers, who look beyond the borders of their
education and cultures and connect in spite of the variety of beliefs and backgrounds.
SPEED aspires to connect different stakeholders of education, provide input and create a change in the
field of engineering education, and link "local-regional-international" across all stakeholders of
engineering education into a "global" entity. The three strategic directions, identified for the further
actions of SPEED, are achieved initially by promoting the need for change in the development of
engineering education among local student leaders and secondly, by interconnecting them and
transforming them in regional student leaders (using student unions or other local student committees).
SPEED strives to create a platform for student leaders, to facilitate their engagement into cooperation and
research on engineering education matters and finally to connect them with representatives from other
NGOs, businesses and the industry sector, academia, civil society, and political leadership.
Companies also see great benefit of student engagement in IFEES, as M P Ravindra, former Senior Vice
President for Infosys states:
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
“It makes eminent sense especially for companies who have transnational presence and
aspirations to be part of IFEES. It will help them win their talent wars more successfully…
IFEES forum provides a great opportunity for everyone concerned with quality and quality of
engineering education happening in the world and is a great way to learn the steps to finding the
answers to creating global perspective in every student who pursues engineering education
across the world. I liked the SPEED initiative the most as it helps create student leaders that will
go a long way in dispelling opportunities for misinformation each other’s country and build trust
in future generations of world citizens” Dr. M P Ravindra, Advisor, Education and Research
Infosys Technologies limited; Former SVP and Head E & R of Infosys Technologies limited.
Even though industry and academia represent different institutional cultures and dynamics, both seek the
same goals: knowledge and human development. Yet the fact is that around the world, oftentimes and due
to many factors, both sectors engage in these important goals independently and in parallel. Much is lost
by this situation. So, why not partner and collaborate to achieve these goals more effectively and
efficiently? Industry particularly is interested in an engineer/technology professional that will effectively
integrate and contribute to corporate goals. Industry is also interested in research and technology
partnerships that advance the state of knowledge faster, bringing together top minds in technology areas.
Industry is also looking forward to contributing to communities’ needs and supporting philanthropic
Companies that have realized the potential of industry-university collaboration – seeking the same goals,
best practices, resources and talent to enhance the capacity of each other – have discovered that they can
achieve their goals easier while at the same time, contributing to a greater good, that is, enhancing
engineering/science education. Industry-university collaborations take many dimensions, from research
and development to technology adoption, account management, internship opportunities for faculty and
students, and talent recruiting.
“An increasingly competitive world demands the talents of the world’s best and brightest
and Autodesk is more dedicated than ever to inspiring and preparing the next generation
of designers. In order to compete in tomorrow’s global workplace, today’s students must
be fluent in the technologies used by professionals in the real world, and be able to
collaborate effectively across disciplines, time zones, and cultures. Autodesk provides
powerful 2D and 3D design software, innovative programs and resources to help schools
and institutions of higher learning prepare their students for academic and career
success. We’re a proud sponsor of IFEES programs and events…” Alan Jacobs, Senior
Manager, University Programs, Autodesk
Inspired by a successful practice of ASEE, founders of IFEES included and are seeking participation of
businesses interested in engineering education. Only such collaboration can foster, encourage, and
cultivate the dialogue between industry and engineering educators to assure a global supply of wellprepared engineering graduates. Motivation for such an association to include commercial companies can
easily be seen as one of the natural mechanisms to collect financial support from future employers or
technology providers.
Early activities of IFEES have shown, however, that the mutual value of collaboration essentially emerges
through other forms of joint work and outcomes that could be classified in three categories: 1) capacity
creation (improve attractiveness of engineering disciplines by defining, testing, sharing and enabling best
practices and collaborative initiatives to attract under-represented segments of populations, and to reach
families with low or no awareness about engineering or engineering education; jointly invent and deploy
ways of sustaining student enthusiasm and tenacity to improve retention in engineering learning
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
disciplines, and, share visibility, ideas and efforts in defining locations at global scale, and disciplines
where capacity increase is justified by employment opportunities; 2) curricula update (help faculty
understand emerging skills and practices that become standard in engineering jobs, including skills
resulting from globalization and virtualization of the engineering profession. Instruments to that end
include fellowships, sabbaticals, and academia attendance in industry conferences; establish transfer
mechanisms of new engineering methods as practiced in innovative businesses to curricula. Typical
actionable means are: faculty training by industry, educational content distribution, and student
internships with educational scopes of work, and working together between industry and academia to
define faculty education programs in new engineering practices), and finally, 3) educational innovation
for competitive education practices (businesses have been exposed very early to acute transformation
forces resulting from globalization, to increase their competitiveness –or simply survive- in this context.
The recognition that learning is a key response to these challenges drove significant innovation in
distant/blended learning, high speed knowledge update, knowledge certification within partners and
stakeholders networks and affordability of large scale education programs, to name a few. Sharing
understanding, co-inventing new techniques, transferring know-how about these innovations can greatly
benefit from collaborative work between businesses and faculty within IFEES).
Two key characteristics of IFEES create favorable conditions for achieving better results within all these
categories: 1) the association is truly international hence reflecting the increasingly global operating field
of companies, and 2) the association members are associations with their own larger audiences and
therefore with a stronger potential for a broader impact. This is why technology providers such as Hewlett
Packard, Autodesk and Dassault Systèmes, service providers such as Infosys, or employers in
manufacturing such as Bosch or Boeing, have expressed their interest and started their investment in
“For Dassault Systèmes as provider of 3D and product Lyfecycle Management Technology, there
has been no hesitation in contributing to the emergence of IFEES, with funding, with manpower
and with all the creative energy of a global innovation company.” Xavier Fouger, IFEES VicePresident and Director of the PLM Academy at Dassault Systèmes, “
8.0 The Future
IFEES is currently evolving and increasingly reaching out to engineering education societies throughout
the world. Additionally, IFEES is facilitating a dialog with colleagues in countries (i) lacking an
engineering education association, (ii) with a recently established engineering education association (e.g.,
the African Engineering Education Association and Kazakhstan Engineering Education Association), or
(iii) those countries interested in establishing such an organization (e.g., Namibia, where colleagues are
taking initial steps to form an engineering education association and are beginning to build connections
with AEEA, ASEE, IGIP, and SEFI). IFEES sees a tremendous potential for long-established
organizations to play a supportive role in the countries that have only recently established their own
organizations or are in the process of doing so. It is this kind of effort and interaction between societies
that has the tremendous potential of contributing in a meaningful way to the strategies and capacity
building of emerging societies who can benefit from the successes and failures of well-established peer
engineering education societies.
As IFEES is increasingly conscious of and sensitive to the need to establish a global forum unique to the
“(IFEES is committed to) is using its connections to initiate collaborations among the
membership of its societies to help them achieve their global aspirations.” Jack Lohmann, Vice
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Provost and Professor of Georgia Institute of Technology and Editor of ASEE Journal of
Engineering Education.
9.0 Conclusion
Throughout the history of civilization, engineering has played a critical role in economic development.
Engineers are key not only in solving local problems but also in knowledge creation and knowledge
transfer. Thus, engineering education plays a very important role in developing the engineering
professionals that will not only solve local, regional challenges but also succeed in the highly technical
and globalized economy of today and tomorrow. Competitiveness will increasingly depend on the
capacity to tap into global pools of knowledge and leverage the best human resources available in the
world. The explosion of knowledge, coupled with the global movement of ideas, makes it impossible to
fully anticipate the nature of future innovations. It remains that countries that will derive the most from
globalization will be those in which the systems of education, business, and government can cooperate to
educate, train, and put to work their human capital. IFEES brings together engineering education societies
and other stakeholders around the world to address the major challenges engineering education faces in
both the developed and developing world. By strengthening societies, learning from each other, sharing
best practices and jointly addressing challenges, IFEES hopes to enhance quality of engineering education
responding to actual needs of the society.
1. Porter, Michael E., Sala-i-Martin, Klaus Scwab, The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-08, World
Economic Forum.
2. “Knowledge for Development.” The World Bank Institute, 1998.
3. Building Knowledge Economies: Advanced Strategies for Development, WBI Development Studies.,
Published June 2007 - ISBN: 0-8213-6957-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6957-9 SKU: 16957
4. ASEE URL: www.asee.org
5. IFEES URL: www.ifees.net
6. Morell, Lueny et al, Engineering Capacity Building in Latin America, ASEE 2006 Conference
7. International Federation of Engineering Education Societies: IFEES Overview, November 12, 2007.
8. Hasan Mandal, Turkish Engineering Deans Council, Proceedings of the First IFEES Global
Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
9. Claudio Borri, IFEES Vision and Strategic Plan, Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering
Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
10. Bruno Laporte, Pillars of the Knowledge Based Economy - The Role of Engineering Education,
Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30
September 2007.http://www.ifees.net/documents/2007_ifees_presentations/laporte_presentation.ppt
11. Upton van der Vliet, The World Wide Dimension of EU Higher Education and Research,
Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30
September 2007.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
12. Mehmet Durman, Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Historical Perspective Proceedings of
the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
13. Bill Kelly, An International Partnership: the Washington Accord, Proceedings of the First IFEES
Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007
http://www.ifees.net/documents/2007_ifees_presentations/kelly_presentation.ppt .
14. Giuliano Augusti, EUR-ACE: An Accreditation System of Engineering Education in a Pan-European
Context, Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30
September 2007.http://www.ifees.net/documents/2007_ifees_presentations/augusti_presentation.ppt
15. M.P. Ravindra, The Future Engineer: Industry Requirements to Engineering Education Institutions,
Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30
September 2007. http://www.ifees.net/documents/2007_ifees_presentations/ravindra_presentation.ppt
16. Seeram Ramakrishna, A Concept Paper on the Global Engineering Deans Council,
17. Andrej Bulat and Nicolò Wojewoda, Building, Maintaining and Expanding Student Participation in
Engineering Education, Proceedings of the First IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit,
Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
18. Duncan Fraser, Challenges Facing Engineering Education in Africa, and the Role of AEEA
Challenges Facing Engineering Education in Africa, and the Role of AEEA, Proceedings of the First
IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
19. Yuri Pokholkov, Engineering Education Across the Continents/Cultures, Proceedings of the First
IFEES Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
20. Guy Haug, European Engineering Qualifications in the Global Arena, Proceedings of the First IFEES
Global Engineering Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 September 2007.
21. European Students' Union (ESU), "Student participation in the European Higher Education area",
available at URL:
22. European Students' Union (ESU). URL: http://www.esib.org/
23. Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), student association. URL:
24. European Society for Engineering Education - Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieur
(SEFI). URL: http://www.sefi.be
25. Students Platform for Engineering Education Development., SPEED, “Building, Maintaining and
Expanding Student Participation in Engineering Education” by Andrej Bulat and Nicolò Wojewoda,
2007 IFEES Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, available at URL: http://www.ifees.net/index.cfm
26. Students Platform for Engineering Education Development., SPEED, “Building, Maintaining and
Expanding Student Participation in Engineering Education” by Andrej Bulat and Nicolò Wojewoda,
2007 IFEES Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, available at URL: http://www.ifees.net/index.cfm
27. Morell, Lueny, Borri, C, Rajala, S., Ramakrishna, S., Quadrado, J.C., Larrondo, M. Fraser, D.,
Laporte, B., Garboan, A., Fouger, X., Hoyer, H., Engineering Education Societies Becoming Global,
2008 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA.
28. Hoyer, Hans, J. IFEES: a pioneering organization in global engineering education: Ideas for
continued dialogue and action, White Paper, September 1st 2006
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Lueny Morell, M.S., P.E., is a member of the Open Innovation Office staff of the Hewlett Packard
Laboratories (HPL) in Palo Alto, California. She is responsible for developing engineering education and
curriculum innovation and student initiatives worldwide in support of HPL research and technology areas.
Before that, she was director of HPL University Relations for Latin America and the Caribbean in charge
of building research and education collaborations with universities throughout the region. Before joining
HP, Lueny was full professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
(UPRM) where she held positions at the Campus and UPR system level, including director of Campus
Research Center. Recipient of the 2006 US National Academy of Engineering Bernard M. Gordon award,
her work in curriculum, research, accreditation and economic development activities has been published in more than 50 papers,
book chapters and journals. She is a member of various national and international boards including the US National Science
Foundation International Science and Engineering Advisory Committee, ASEE International Advisory Committee and Presidentelect of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies.
Claudio Borri, Ph.D. is full professor of Computational Mechanics of Structures, University of Florence
(Italy), is President of SEFI (2005-07), President of IFEES (2006-08) Vice-Dean for International Relations
and Director of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Building & Environmental Aerodynamics; he is
Author or Co-Author of approx 120 scientific publications and Editor of three books. Prof. C. Borri has been
awarded in 1994 with the “M. Plank Research Award” in Structural Mechanics by the M. Plank/A. von
Humbold Found in Germany, and in 2001 with “Honorary Doctor Degree in Engineering Sciences” by the
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Geodesy (UACEG) of Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2006, he was
awarded with the ING-PAED IGIP Honoris Causa at Tallinn Technical University (Estonia). Prof. Borri has
been President and Legal Representative of E4 Thematic Network and is presently President and Legal
Representative of TREE Thematic Network. Presently, Prof. Borri is also President of the EUR-ACE Implementation Project
(2006-2008) within Socrates II.
Hans J. Hoyer, Ph.D. Director for International Programs and Strategy for ASEE and Deputy Secretary
General of IFEES. Prior to coming to ASEE in early 2006, CEO of World Links, a spin-off of the World
Bank supporting on-line collaborative projects globally. Visiting Scholar at MIT and Fellow at Harvard;
dean at the School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vt; post-doc fellow of the OAS; Ex VP and COO
of Heifer International; and resident regional director in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle
East for several NGOs and membership trade organizations. Author of books, articles related to
development and politics and board member of several global organizations focusing on socio-economic
development. He served on the HP e-Inclusion Global Advisory Board. He was also a board member of
"El Taller", a global network of NGO leaders and served on it with Nelson Mandela who was the Honorary
President. Born in Berlin, Germany and fluent in five languages as well as conversant in an additional five.
Sarah A. Rajala, Ph.D., is Dean and Professor, Earnest W. & Mary Ann Deavenport, Jr. Chair at Mississippi
State University. She also holds the James Worth Bagley Endowed Chair. She received her Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering from Rice University in 1979. In July 1979, she joined the faculty at North Carolina
State University, where she served as faculty member and administrator for over twenty-seven years. Dr.
Rajala's research interests include engineering education and the analysis and processing of images and
image sequences. Dr. Rajala has received numerous awards, including the Presidential Award for Excellence
in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring and Fellow of the ASEE and IEEE.
Seeram Ramakrishna, National University of Singapore. Seeram Ramakrishna, PhD, is a Professor and
Vice-President (Research Strategy) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He belongs to the top
110 highly cited materials scientists in the world. He is a vice-president of the International Federation of
Engineering Educators Societies (IFEES), and co-chaired Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), a
world-wide forum for engineering deans around the world. The GEDC envisions the enhanced capabilities
of engineering deans to transform their schools in support of their societies in a globalised world. In keeping
with its vision, the GEDC will provide a forum for cooperation, and for discussion of experiences,
challenges and best practices in leading an engineering school. He is a Fellow of American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (FASME); Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), UK; Institution
of Engineers Singapore (FIES); Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM), UK; and American Institute for Medical
and Biological Engineering (FAIMBE), USA. He is a recipient of ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Award.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
José Carlos Quadrado is the coordinating professor of electrical machines in the electrical engineering and
automation department of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Portugal. Currently holds
the position of President of ISEL. He holds over 100 international publications, several patents as well as
international technical prizes and scholarships. He is currently in the board of directors of the Portuguese
Electrical Vehicle Association (APVE), he holds the position of Vice-President of the Ibero-American
Engineering Education Association (ASIBEI), founding member of the International Federation of
Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), he is also active member of the Société Européenne pour la
Formation des Ingénieurs (SEFI) and the American Society for the Engineering Education (ASEE). Being a
member of several engineering societies around the world, including: WSEAS, where he belongs to the
board of directors (Greece); SICE (Japan); and IEEE, where hold the national CIS Chapter chair (USA). He has been a visiting
professor in several universities around the world.
Bruno Laporte is currently managing the Human Development and the Knowledge for Development Group
in the World Bank Institute. In his current responsibility, he oversees a number of teams focusing on
Knowledge for Development, Education, Health & HIVAIDS, and Social Protection. These programs aim
at developing the capacity of client countries to access and use knowledge and to design and develop
realistic and achievable strategies to address challenges in these sectors. He joined the World Bank in
March, 1985 and has worked extensively on education, training and employment issues all over the world.
Prior to joining the Bank, he worked as an Advisor in the Ministry of Finance and Planning in Ivory Coast.
He also worked in the private sector, with Manufacturers Hanover Trust in Paris. He holds degrees in
Business Administration from France and in Education Administration and Planning from Harvard in the
Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, PhD, is Professor of Computer Engineering, and Associate Dean of
Academic and International Affairs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic
University in Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Her research interests focus on modeling complex systems,
security, software engineering, and pedagogy. She has over 150 refereed publications, and has
received almost three million USD in grants funded by National Science Foundation, IBM, U.S.
Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Information Security Assurance, NATO, and the South Florida
Water Management District. She is a Latin American Grid (LA Grid) researcher and is a Florida
Endowment Fund McKnight Fellow. Dr. Petrie currently serves as Vice President of the International
Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), and is the Co-Chair of the IFEES Global
Engineering Education Summit. She currently serves as Executive Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of
Engineering Institutions (LACCEI). In the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), she serves on the boards of the
International Division, the Women in Engineering Division and the Minorities in Engineering Division. She has served in the
past as President of the Upsilon Pi Epsilon International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines (UPE)
and on its Executive Council.
Xavier Fouger, Director, Dassault Systèmes Global Learning leads the PLM Academy,
an organization supporting skills in Product Lifecycle Management and 3D technologies through global
education and certification programs. He promotes lifelong learning through a network of 140 partners
providing education services and thousands of academic institutions. He led scientific and technological
co-operation at the French embassy in Vienna prior to joining Dassault Systèmes in 1990 in various
positions in Sales, then Consulting, managed significant innovation projects with automotive companies
prior to strongly focusing on engineering education. Vice-president of IFEES and of the Cartagena
Network for Engineering, member of ASEE and the “Association Française pour la Valorisation des
Relations Scientifiques et Techniques”, he holds a Master’s degree in production engineering from Ecole
Centrale de Lille and provides lectures on Innovation Management in several world class educational institutions.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil
Duncan McKenzie Fraser is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of
Cape Town (UCT). He is currently also Assistant Dean for Academic Development in the Faculty of
Engineering and the Built Environment at UCT. He holds the degrees of BSc (Chem Eng) (with First Class
Honours) and PhD (in turbulent air flow) from UCT. He has taught virtually every course in the chemical
engineering curriculum, but recently has mainly been teaching design courses in process synthesis, fluid flow
and heat transfer. Duncan has introduced a wide range of innovations into the chemical engineering
programme at UCT, including collaborative study groups and the freshman course, as well as being involved
in curriculum development and accreditation across the whole programme. He has published 19 articles in
peer-reviewed journals on his technical research (mostly in the area of process synthesis) and 15 on
engineering education (mostly on student learning).
Adriana Garboan is the VicePresident for External Relations in the International Board of BEST (Board of
European Students of Technology). Within BEST she was involved in the Educational Committee, aiming to
raise students' awareness on educational matters and taking an active role in improving education by
providing the input of students to stakeholders of Engineering Education. She is currently undergraduate
student at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications.
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, Brazil