InP HBTs for THz Frequency Integrated Circuits
M. Urteaga1, M.Seo1, J. Hacker1, Z. Griffith1, A. Young1, R. Pierson1, P. Rowell1, A. Skalare2,
V. Jain3, E. Lobisser3, M.J.W. Rodwell3
Teledyne Scientific Company, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
A 0.25m InP DHBT process has been developed for THz frequency integrated circuits. A 0.25x4m2 HBT exhibits an
extrapolated ft/fmax of 430GHz/1.03THz at IC =11mA, VCE= 1.8V. The transistors achieve this performance while maintaining a common-emitter breakdown voltage (BVCEO) >4V. Thin-film interconnects and backside wafer processes have
been developed to support selected IC demonstrations. The technology has been used to build fundamental oscillators,
amplifiers and dynamic frequency dividers all operating at >300GHz. Additionally, increasingly complex circuits such
as a full PLL have been demonstrated.
Transistor-based monolithic integrated circuits are rapidly
being demonstrated at increasingly higher levels of the
THz frequency band (0.3-3THz). The primary drivers for
these advances are highly-scaled Indium Phosphide (InP)based transistor technologies, both high electron mobility
transistors (HEMTs), and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). These technologies benefit from the high
electron velocities, low Ohmic contact resistances, and
large heterojunction offsets achievable in the InGaAs/InP
material system. Both transistor technologies have been
demonstrated with power gain cut-off frequencies approaching or exceeding 1THz [1,2,3] and offer the potential for even higher frequency operation. THz monolithic
integrated circuits (TMICs) will permit the realization of
compact transmitters and receivers eliminating lossy
waveguide transitions while making possible arrays with
single wavelength element spacing.
While most reported TMIC demonstrations have been realized in high Indium-content InGaAs-channel HEMTS
[4,5], our work focuses on the development of a THz InP
HBT technology. InP double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) with a widebandgap InP collector offer
high power handling, high digital logic speeds and high
levels of integration. Whereas, III-V HEMT technologies
generally utilize two-level MMIC type wiring with airbridges, InP HBTs are typically realized in multi-level
thin-film wiring environments. The HBT platform, therefore, offers the potential for realizing highly integrated
complex transmitter and receivers at THz frequencies.
In working towards this target, we have developed sets of
building block IC components all operating at >300GHz.
These demonstrations include: a two-stage cascode amplifier with 20dB gain at 315 GHz [6], fundamental oscillator circuits operating to >500GHz [7], and dynamic frequency dividers operating to >325GHz [8]. More recently, we have used these building block circuits to fab-
ricate TMICs with increasing complexity. We have demonstrated a fundamental 300GHz phased locked loop circuit (PLL) that includes a fundamental VCO, 2:1 dynamic
frequency divider, fifth-order sub-harmonic phase detector, and active loop filter integrated on a single chip (61
HBTs) [9].
In this work, we report on the details and characteristics
of the 0.25m InP HBT IC technology used for our TMIC
demonstrations. Interconnect and packaging considerations are also reviewed.
InP HBT Technology
Scaling laws for increasing the bandwidth of InP HBTs
are outlined in [10]. Structurally increasing the HBT
bandwidth requires vertical scaling of the transistor epitaxy and lateral scaling of the transistor junction dimensions. Scaling of junction dimensions requires commensurate improvements in the emitter and base Ohmic contact
A key technological challenge in obtaining InP HBTs
with THz bandwidths is obtaining sufficiently low Ohmic
contact resistivities in self-aligned process flows. These
process flows must also maintain high yield as the transistor dimensions are scaled. Our HBT process features a
vertical electroplated emitter contact with dielectric sidewall spacers for realizing a highly scaled self-aligned
base-emitter junction.
HBT Epitaxy
The HBT epitaxy has a 30nm InGaAs base with high carbon doping (>5x1019cm-3) to reduce the base contact resistivity. A base contact resistivity c~5 -m2 is extracted from Transmission Line Model (TLM) measurements on fabricated HBT wafers. The N- collector region
is 150nm thick. The base-collector heterojunction grade
design includes an InGaAs setback layer, a thin chirped-
superlattice InGaAs/InAlAs grading layer, and an InP
pulse doping layer. We note that in scaling our 0.5m InP
HBT process [11] to 0.25m we have not vertically
scaled the collector thickness (150nm). This was done to
enhance the HBT fmax for tuned-circuit operation at THz
Super-lattice grading is also used at the base-emitter junction between the InP emitter and the InGaAs base The BE grade and emitter cap design have been optimized to
reduce the extrinsic emitter resistance. The grade is observed to significantly reduce the forward collector current ideality factor at high currents relative to abrupt junction HBTs, improving the HBT transconductance at a
given collector current. Our graded junction HBTs demonstrate an ideality factor nC = 1.1 extracted from measurements of the low-frequency (500MHz) transconductance versus collector current. From the same measurement, an extrinsic emitter resistance of ~4 -m2 is extracted. The B-E grade can also be used to provide a passivation ledge in the extrinsic base region beneath the dielectric sidewalls. We have observed that for thin InGaAs
base layers (<30nm), surface depletion of the exposed
base can increase the sheet resistance by 20-30%. By
leaving the base-emitter grade in the sidewall regions, this
effect is reduced, thereby improving the base access resistance.
Figure 1 Top down SEM of 0.25m HBT prior to BCB
dielectric passivation.
HBT IC Fabrication
2.2.1 Device Fabrication
Electron-beam lithography is used to define the emitter
contact. The contact is formed using an Au-based electroplating process [11]. The electroplated metal is conformal
the resist profile and provides a large height-to-width ratio
and vertical sidewall profile. These properties facilitate
the formation of dielectric sidewall spacers on the contact.
After, emitter contact formation the self-aligned emitter
mesa etch is performed using a combination dry/wet etch
process. Dielectric sidewall spacers are then formed on
the emitter contact passivating the base-emitter junction.
The sidewall spacers provide electrical isolation and set
the physical separation between the emitter contact and
the self-aligned base contact that is deposited around it. Iline photolithography is used for all process steps besides
the emitter contact and the remaining process flow follows that of a standard triple-mesa HBT. Benzocyclobutene (BCB) is used as a final HBT passivation and planarization layer. The BCB is etched to expose the emitter
contact and vias are formed to the base and collector contacts. An electroplated Au process is used to form the first
interconnect level. Figure 1 shows a top down SEM image of a 0.25m HBT prior to BCB passivation.
2.2.2 Interconnect Fabrication and Packaging
The IC technology includes a thin-film 3-level IC wiring
environment tailored to support the requirements for integrated THz transmitters and receivers. The wiring utilizes
a BCB interlayer dielectric (r = 2.7) and electroplated
Figure 2 Schematic cross-section of InP HBT IC thinfilm wiring environment.
Figure 3 Chip photograph of 300GHz LNA design with
integrated waveguide probes after backside etch singulation process. Chip dimensions are 1000×500m2
Au-based metallization. The first two wiring levels (M1,
M2) are separated by a 1m BCB layer. These layers
support narrow lines and fine pitch and can be used for
low delay, low parasitic wiring in lumped analog circuit
blocks. The upper level metallization (M3) is separated
from M1 by a thicker 7m BCB layer. These layers can
be used to form low-loss microstrip lines using either
standard (M3 signal, M1 ground) or inverted (M1 signal,
M3 ground) configurations. A cross-section of the HBT
wiring environment is shown in Figure 2.
The use of top-side thin-film microstrip wiring permits
the use of thicker InP substrate thickness than could be
used with traditional CPW or microstrip utilizing a backside ground plane. For IC packaging, wafers are thinned
to 50m and substrate vias are formed for substrate mode
control. The substrate vias are formed using an elevated
|h21|, U, MSG (dB)
JE (A/cm2)
VCE =1.8V
temperature HBr-based ICP etch process. To facilitate
waveguide packaging, this etch process is also used for
die singulation. This process permits the formation of narrow InP extensions that can support waveguide probes
(waveguide-to-chip transitions) that extend into rectangular waveguide channels. The extension minimizes the
break in the waveguide sidewall, and the etch process can
be used to remove the substrate immediately beneath the
probe improving probe performance. Figure 3 shows a
chip photograph of a 300GHz LNA with integrated
waveguide probes after chip singulation. Waveguide
probes designs have been separately characterized with
through-line test structures in waveguide blocks. Probe
insertion losses of <1dB per transition have been measured in the WR-3 (220-325GHz) waveguide band.
HBT Characteristics
2.3.1 DC Performance
Fabricated HBTs demonstrate a DC current gain () of
~20, and a common emitter breakdown voltage of 4.3V
(JE = 10A/m2). The transistors support high current and
power densities. This is illustrated in the common-emitter
I-V characteristics (Figure 4) that show the transistor operating at current densities of >106 A/cm2, and power densities of >20 mW/m2.
2.3.2 RF Performance
Accurate on-wafer S-parameter measurements of highlyscaled HBTs are challenging because the reverse transmission measurements (S12) are easily corrupted by coupling between on-wafer probes or by unwanted mode
propagation in thick semiconductor substrates. To address
these issues, we utilize thin-film microstrip on-wafer calibration structures. The microstrip is formed using the first
layer metal (M1) as a ground plane and the topmost M3
level as the signal line.
A multi-line Through-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration is
performed using on-wafer standards. The calibration reference plane is placed at the middle of a 400m long mi-
0 9
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 5 Measured transistor gains of 0.25x4 m2 HBT
ft, fmax (GHz)
Figure 4 Measured common-emitter I-V characteristics
0.25x4 m2 HBT
ft =430GHz
fmax =1.03 THz
f max
IC (A)
Figure 6 Extrapolated ft and fmax of 0.25x4 m2 HBT versus collector current at VCE = 1.8V
crostrip line, providing adequate probe separation and
minimizing the extrinsic parasitics that are extracted from
the transistor measurements. The capacitive and inductive
loading effects of vias through the thick BCB layer are
deembedded from the measurements using open and short
circuit deembedding structures. With this method, an input and output capacitance of only ~4fF is deembedded
from the transistor measurements.
Figure 5 shows the measured RF transistor gains to
50GHz of a 0.25x4m2 HBT. The measurements were
performed with an Agilent PNA-X vector network analyzer. The maximum current gain cutoff frequency (ft) and
maximum power gain cutoff frequency (fmax) are extracted
from least-squares fits to single-pole transfer functions of
the measured h21 and Mason’s unilateral power gain (U),
respectively. The extrapolated ft and fmax of the transistor
are 430GHz and 1.03THz, respectively, at a bias condition of VCE =1.8V IC =11 mA. Figure 6 shows variation of
ft and fmax versus collector current for a 0.25x4 m2 HBT
at a VCE=1.8V.
We note that the fmax of the transistor is enhanced by collector-base capacitance cancellation. This well-known effect in III-V bipolar transistors [12] results from electron
velocity modulation in the collector space charge region
V CE =1.0V
Ccb (F)
V CE =1.4V
V CE =1.8V
J E (mA/ m )
Figure 7 Extracted base-collector capacitance of
0.25x4 m2 HBT versus collector current. Ccb is extracted from –-imag(Y12)/ at low frequencies.
with applied potential. The redistribution of the charge
density profile of mobile electrons caused by the change
in velocity screens the base and collector terminals from
changes in the electric field. At moderate base collectorvoltages, an effective base-collector capacitance reduction
of ~30% is observed with increasing current. Figure 7
shows the extracted Ccb versus collector current for a
0.25x4m2 HBT.
2.3.3 HBT Modeling
The Agilent III-V HBT model [13] is used for large signal
modelling our InP HBTs. The model is capable of capturing many of the unique properties of III-V bipolar transistors that cannot be modelled with standard Silicon BJT
models. These properties include: collector transit time
modulation with applied bias, collector-base capacitance
cancellation and base-collector current blocking at high
collector currents.
Even with our thin-film microstrip calibration structures,
accurate transistor measurements at THz frequencies
(>300GHz) are difficult. Transistor parameters are therefore extracted from low frequency measurements. The
HBT model includes all relevant transistor parasitic elements and should scale well to frequencies approaching
the transistor cutoff frequencies; an assertion that is supported by the good agreement that we have observed between measurements and simulation for >300GHz IC designs.
The authors thank the Teledyne Scientific cleanroom staff
for IC fabrication. This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the Program, contract N0. HR0011-09-060. Program
support from Dr. John Albrecht (PM DARPA) and Dr.
Alfred Hung (PM ARL). The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this article are those of the authors and
should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of DARPA, or the Department of Defense.
We have presented a high performance 0.25 m InP HBT
IC technology with an extrapolated power gain cutoff frequency of 1THz. The technology is suitable for IC demonstrations at the lower end of the THz frequency band.
The initial demonstration of key circuit building blocks
presented shows the technology offers a promising path
for developing fully integrated THz transceivers. Future
work is focused on the development of a 130nm HBT
technology for operation at even higher frequencies.
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