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186 pages
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Many countries are currently liberalizing their electricity industries. To enhance competition, most countries separate the transmission sector from the generation sector. The transmission network not only transports electricity from where it is produced to where it is consumed, but also promotes market efficiency as it allows several generators to compete for the same consumers. This dissertation discusses some topics on the liberalization of the electricity market.
The paper studies the effects of decentralization and competition on the efficiency of markets for electric power. Theoretical conclusions are drawn from a stylized theoretical model which includes the most important topological structure of the market linking spatially separated producers and consumers into a network. Since transmission has a cost, such a link leads to potential price decline but not always increases social welfare measured as the sum of producer and consumer surplus. It is shown that regulation of grid owner remains an important instrument since his profit maximization leads to an increase of transmission costs and generally reduces social surplus. The paper studies when decentralization via privatization of generators can increase efficiency through spatial competition.
In almost all countries, electricity reform has been a part of wider policies towards a liberal market economy. The former vertically integrated electricity utilities were restructured and unbundled by a reform process that introduced competition into generation, wholesale, and retail segments of the industry. The transmission and distribution businesses that were either regional or national monopolies have been subjected to regulation by an independent regulator. Other common elements of the reforms include the introduction of wholesale and spot power markets, the establishment of impartial market and system operators, the removal of restrictions on third party access to grids and, in some cases, privatization.
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 2021
The authors report an experiment that examines a primary concern of policy makers: how a structural feature of electric power networks can contribute to the exercise of market power by well-positioned players in deregulated markets. One such feature is the distribution of ownership of a given set of generating assets. For example, two large firms could be allocated baseload and intermediate generators such that either firm would be willing to withhold unilaterally the capacity of its intermediate generators from the market, to benefit from the supra-competitive prices which would result from only selling its baseload units. Conversely, ownership of some of the intermediate generators from each of these firms could be transferred to two other firms, so that no one firm can unilaterally restrict output to spawn supra-competitive prices.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 2021
Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law
Energy networks, such as the networks for the transportation of electricity and gas, are natural monopolies, which implies that competition among these networks is not possible. In order to protect network users against monopoly prices and to give the network operators the incentive to operate efficiently, many countries have implemented tariff regulation. After discussing the economic consequences of natural monopolies and the need for regulation, this chapter briefly compares the various types of tariff regulation, discussing the incentive power, the ability to make a profit, and the reward on the costs of capital. The chapter concludes by discussing how tariff regulation may enable network operators to finance the necessary investments to connect new renewable energy production facilities.
Energies, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The role of the gluteus maximus (GMax) in low back pain is significant due to its altered stability functions, delayed activation, and connection with the thoracolumbar fascia. While exercises like step-ups, unilateral squats, and deadlifts activate GMax, there is no consensus on the best exercise for gluteal activation in painful conditions. This case report highlights the effectiveness of the Wall Touch-Single Limb Stance (WT-SLS) exercise for dynamic GMax activation in reducing lumbar radiculopathy symptoms. A 38-year-old male with chronic lumbar radiculopathy experienced immediate symptom relief, particularly reduced numbness, after incorporating WT-SLS exercise into his treatment. WT-SLS exercise, combined with a conventional protocol including core strengthening, proved remarkably effective. However, extensive clinical trials are needed to confirm its efficacy in broader patient populations
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