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En esta tesis se trabajó en la generación de un algoritmo de reconocimiento en el tiempo de un estadio celular discreto, el momento previo a la citocinesis (división celular citoplasmática). La información es obtenida a partir de una secuencia de imágenes digitales tomadas a intervalos regulares desde un microscopio invertido. El propósito del algoritmo es seguir el ciclo celular de cada una de las células de forma individual a lo largo de toda la secuencia de imágenes para lograr un análisis general del comportamiento del cultivo.
Aprendamos contabilidad jugando, 2017
Un documento que contiene actividades lúdicas para aprender contabilidad a nivel básico
La discriminación de género y la construcción de identidades profesionales en la cultura estudiantil de Ingeniería Civil., 2014
Investigación que busca visibilizar datos de la situación genérica de mujeres y varones en Ingeniería Civil de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán en el año 2012 en relación con diversas manifestaciones de discriminación de género y cómo éstas experiencias impactaron en la construcción de su identidad profesional como ingenieras e ingenieros civiles. ¿Quiénes son actualmente sus estudiantes y cómo se relacionan entre sí? Este conocimiento permitiría comenzar a vislumbrar pautas de género que apoyen en la formación de las y los futuros ingenieros de nuestro país en marcos democráticos libres de violencia para su ejercicio profesional.
Al pueblo de México que trabaja y con parte de sus impuestos, tenemos la oportunidad de estudiar. A la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo por haberme dado la oportunidad de tener una carrera, ya que sin su poyo, no hubiera sido posible. Al equipo de futbol americano porque en el encontré a muchos amigos que me estuvieron conmigo en las buenas y en las malas. Al departamento de Suelos por la oportunidad que me brindó de estudiar una carrera tan importante y necesaria. Al Dr. Joel Pineda Pineda por sus conocimientos transmitidos y por su confianza y apoyo brindados en todo momento. Al Ing. Oscar Fernández Fernández por su confianza y consejos que nunca escatimó en darme. Al Dr. Marcos Portillo Vásquez por su apoyo y consejos, además de darme un ejemplo con su forma de ser y resolver los problemas Al M.C Fermín Sandoval Romero por sus conocimientos y consejos que me dio desde que lo conocí en el equipo de futbol americano hasta hoy con la asesoría. Al Dr. Ramón Valdivia Alcalá por sus consejos y apoyos brindados tanto al equipo de futbol americano como a mi persona.
Revista Ingeniería, 2011
de gestión para el manejo y administración de inventarios de una división farma en la empresa DHL Express and Logistics.
Vínculo entre la conectividad social y la conectividad ecológica en los corredores biológicos: el caso de San Juan la Selva y Volcánica Central , Costa Rica Por YURI VIVIANA MARTÍNEZ MELO Tesis sometida a consideración de la Escuela de Posgrado Como requisito para optar por el grado de Magister Scientiae en Manejo y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales y Biodiversidad Turrialba, Costa Rica, 2012 II III DEDICATORIA A la luz que alumbra mi cielo y mi corazón…. mi PADRE CELESTIAL A quienes les debo una vida entera de dedicación y amor… mis padres OMAR y ELIZABETH A mis compañeros de vida… mis hermanos DAVID, MICHAEL, JHONNY y JUAN CARLOS Al angelito que siempre acompaña mi camino desde la eternidad… JAZMIN A mi angelito en ticolandia, mi mejor compañía y mi amor…. mi DARI "No hay mejor medida de lo que una persona es, que lo que hace cuando tiene completa libertad de elegir"
In 2019 The New York Times Magazine published "The 1619 Project" edited by Nicole Hannah-Jones, which was an attempt to retell American history from the perceptive of slavery and the African American experience. It considered 1619, the year that the first slave ship arrived in Virginia, rather than 1776, the year of the Declaration of Independence, as the birth date of the nation. The report was criticized by several distinguished historians who said that the report was "ideological" and contained several historical errors, most notably that Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution to defend the institution of slavery. Rather than correcting the error, The New York Times issued a "clarification" that some of the Founding Fathers fought the Revolution in order to defend slavery. The problem developed when Hannah-Jones sought to develop a curriculum in the public schools based on the 1619 Project. In 2021 Hannah-Jones was offered a five year professorship at the Housman School of Journalism at the University of North Carolina with the possibility of tenure. When she found out that previous holders of that professorship had been offered tenure and that a major benefactor of the school had opposed her tenure, she sued the university and students and professors began a protest that gained national attention. Finally, the Board of Governors offered her tenure, but she turned them down in favor of a position at Howard University, citing racism at the university. However, another way of seeing the controversy was in terms of the fact that in 1987 President Ronald Reagan repealed the so-called Fairness Doctrine of the Federal Communication Commission, which led to the rise of conspiracy "fact news" on the part of Right-wing cable television networks such as Fox News. The controversy gained new life, when Conservatives began criticizing the rise of Critical Race Theory being taught in the schools. In North Carolina the Republic dominated legislature replaced the two-year course in American History with one year in order to make way for a Financial Literacy course. The revised 2021 North Carolina Social Studies Standards replaced chronological history with social studies topics based on current events that included some of the language from Critical Race Theory. In 2024 the UNC Board of Governors created a new School of Civil Life and Leadership and appointed Jed Akins, a scholar of Classics at Duke University to lead it. The school seems to be based on the right-wing Claremont Institute in Claremont, California. I have some personal experience with this thinking as a graduate student in American Studies at Claremont Graduate School in which I took a seminar on the Federalist Papers. It was taught by Douglas Adair, a colonial historian, and Martin Diamond, a political scientist who studied under Leo Strauss, the father of neo-Conservatism at the University of Chicago. Strauss's thinking was the basis for the original intent doctrine dominant today on the Republican dominated U.S. Supreme Court today. I
Kinship is defined as the connection or relationship between persons by blood or marriage. If the kinship is related by blood it is called consaguinial kinship. For example, father son relationship will be called consaguinial kinship relation. Similarly when the kinship are related by marriage or by affinal relationship, the kinship relation is called affinal relationship. All societies recognise these kinship relation with certain limitation. In primitive societies, kinship relation are broad based and hence it is called broad range kinship. Again cognates are persons descended from the same ancestors or ancestress. Then the cognates may be traced in male line, They are referred to as agnates and their relationship as patrilineal kinship or agnatic kinship. If cognates are traced in male line, they are referred to as uterine kinship and their relationship is known as matrilineal kinship.The kinship system of the Baiga is of the usual classificatory. There are uncle and aunts in the society. They have joking and avoidance relationship with each other. Baiga is a tribe found in Uttar Pradesh and population 250,000, Uttar Pradesh, (Sonbhadra), Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand state of India. The largest number of Baigas is found in Baigas chuk in Mandla district and Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. They have sub-castes Bijwar, Narotio, Bharotiya, Nahar Rai Bhaina, and Kadh Bhaina. Their population as of census 2001/2011 was 390,000. The tribal communities in India are extremely diverse and assorted. There are wide range diversity among them in respect of languages spoken, size of population and mode of livelihood. The number of communities that find their place in the list of the Schedule of the Indian Constitution is reflective of this diversity. The Government of India, in its Draft National Tribal Policy, 2006 records 698 Scheduled Tribes in India.
In this paper we offer a reading of Kant’s schematism and Simondon’s theory of individuation to draw some important parallelisms. The main goal consists of showing how both confront the hylomorphic scheme, the former within a theory of knowledge and the latter in the context of a philosophy of nature. It will be shown, however, that Kant’s philosophy is not purely subjective. Not only he strived an empirical realism, but in some key sections of the Critique of Pure reason he offers already arguments to investigate the form and limits of our relationship to the real world. At the same time, Simondon will be read as a philosopher of nature that incorporates the intelligible in things through the notion of information. They key parallelism lies in the fact that they use the hylomorphic model to explain processes of unification/individuation showing at the same time its limitation. This lies in the heterogeneity of form and matter and the impossibility of imposing the former of the later without further mediation. They will have to attribute matter some form, and some materiality to form. This will lead to the creation of a third space, synthesis or result of the concurrence of disparate levels of organization. It will be concluded that the complementary reading if Kant and Simondon offer a natural realism compatible with the main exigences of transcendental philosophy.
Zero Trust Cybersecurity Mesh for Space Systems and Satellite Networks, 2023
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