Identification and
Assessment of Students
with Disabilities
Daniel J. Reschly
Daniel J. Reschly, Ph.D.,
is distinguished professor in the departments
of Psychology and Professional Studies in
Education at Iowa State
Students with disabilities or suspected disabilities are evaluated by schools to determine whether they are eligible for special education services and, if eligible, to determine what services will be provided. In many states, the results of this evaluation also
affect how much funding assistance the school will receive to meet the students’ special needs.
Special education classification is not uniform across states or regions. Students with
identical characteristics can be diagnosed as disabled in one state but not in another
and may be reclassified when they move across state or school district lines.
Most disabilities with a clear medical basis are recognized by the child’s physician or
parents soon after birth or during the preschool years. In contrast, the majority of students with disabilities are initially referred for evaluation by their classroom teacher
(or parents) because of severe and chronic achievement or behavioral problems.
There is evidence that the prevalence of some disabilities varies by age, the high-incidence disabilities such as learning disabilities and speech-language disabilities occur
primarily at the mild level, the mild disabilities exist on broad continua in which there
are no clear demarcations between those who have and those who do not have the disability, and even “mild” disabilities may constitute formidable barriers to academic
progress and significantly limit career opportunities.
Problems with the current classification system include stigma to the child, low reliability, poor correlation between categorization and treatment, obsolete assumptions
still in use in treatment, and disproportionate representation of minority students.
Both African-American and Hispanic students are disproportionately represented in
special education but in opposite directions. The disproportionately high number of
African Americans in special education reflects the fact that more African-American
students than white students are diagnosed with mild mental retardation. Though
poverty, cultural bias, and inherent differences have been suggested as reasons for this
disproportionate representation, there are no compelling data that fully explain the
In most states, classification of a student as disabled leads to increased funding from
the state to the school district. This article suggests a revised funding system that
weights four factors (number of deficits, degree of discrepancy, complexity of intervention, and intensity of intervention) in a regression equation that would yield a total
amount of dollars available to support the special education of a particular student.
The Future of Children SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Vol. 6 • No. 1 – Spring 1996
dentification of students for special education placement serves multiple purposes that have direct and indirect benefits as well as risks. In this
article, current special education identification, classification, and
assessment practices are described and evaluated in light of emerging concerns about their reliability, usefulness, and fairness. Alternatives to conventional practices are discussed.
Identification and
The two main purposes of identification and
assessment of students with disabilities are to
determine whether they are eligible for special education services and, if they are eligible, to determine what those services will be.
Eligibility for special education services
requires two findings: first, the student must
meet the criteria for at least one of the thirteen disabilities recognized in the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) or the counterparts thereof in state
law,1,2 and second, special education and/or
related services must be required for the student to receive an appropriate education.2,3
It is true that some students are eligible for
special education and/or related services
but do not need them, while other students
need the services but are not eligible according to federal or state classification criteria.
If the disability diagnosis and special education need are confirmed, the student then
has certain important rights to individualized
programming designed to improve educational performance and expand opportunities. These rights are established through several layers of legal requirements based on
federal and state statutes, federal regulations,
state rules, and state and federal litigation.2
Chief among these rights are the requirements that eligible students with disabilities
must receive an individualized educational
program (IEP) based on needs identified in
an individualized, full, and complete evaluation. The needs identified during the evaluation form the basis for the student’s personal and educational goals, the specially
designed instruction and related services
(for example, psychological consultation or
physical therapy), and the methods to evaluate progress toward the student’s goals.
The classification system used in special
education identification also serves numerous other functions that are not discussed
here (for example, organization of research;
communication among scholars, lay public,
and policymakers; differential training and
licensing of specialists such as special education teachers; and advocacy for expanded
rights and support for programs).
Current Practices
A number of comprehensive classification
systems exist and influence, to varying
degrees, classification in special education.4–6 There is, however, no official special
education classification system that is used
uniformly across states and regions. For statistical purposes, students are classified by
their primary disability, though it is not
unusual for a student to have disabilities in
more than one category.
Federal and State Disability Categories
Thirteen disabilities are briefly defined in
the federal IDEA regulations: autism, deafblindness, deafness, hearing impairment,
mental retardation, multiple disabilities,
orthopedic impairment, other health
impairment, serious emotional disturbance, learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury,
and visual impairment. Federal law does
not provide classification criteria for any of
these disabilities except learning disability.1
These disability categories are based to
varying degrees on eight dimensions of
behavior or ability: intelligence, achievement, adaptive behavior, social behavior and
emotional adjustment, communication/language, sensory status, motor skills, and
health status.7 About 90% of the students
who are found eligible for special education
have disabilities that fall primarily within the
first five of those dimensions.
Although all states must provide special
education to all students with disabilities,
states may or may not adopt the disability categories recognized in the federal regulations. In fact, there are significant differences
across the states in the categorical designations, conceptual definitions, and classification criteria.8,9 These differences have their
The paucity of clear evidence of a medical
basis for many disabilities and the fact
that most disabilities are at the mild level
does not diminish the importance of early
recognition of problems.
greatest impact on the students who will be
described later as mildly disabled. It is entirely possible for students with identical characteristics to be diagnosed as disabled in one
state, but not in another, or to have the categorical designation change with a move
across state or school district lines.
The category of mental retardation
(MR)10 illustrates the diverse classification
practices in special education. The IDEA
regulations define mental retardation as
“significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with
deficits in adaptive behavior.”1 Mental retardation has been recognized as one of the
disabilities for which special education
was provided throughout this century.6,11
Despite the longevity and nearly universal
recognition of this category, enormous dif-
ferences exist among states in terminology,10
key dimensions (for example, some states
do not include adaptive behavior in the conceptual definition), and classification criteria (for example, the intelligence quotient
[IQ] “ceiling” for this category varies from
69 to 85). The variations in criteria have the
most effect on the mild level of mental retardation. Similar variations among states exist
for other disability categories, especially serious emotional disturbance (SED), learning
disability (LD), and speech or language
impairment (SP/L).
Medical and Social System Models
Historically, the special education classification system involved a mixture of medical
and social system models of deviance.7–9 The
least ambiguous disabilities are the clearly
medical disabilities (such as visual impairment or orthopedic disabilities), often recognized by the child’s physician soon after
birth or during the preschool years. In contrast, the disabilities defined by social system
models represent behavior, intelligence,
communication abilities, or other characteristics that deviate significantly from the
norm, and which are generally diagnosed
during the school years (see Table 1). The
initial identification of a student with social
system disabilities usually occurs because of a
teacher-initiated referral of the child as a
result of severe and chronic achievement or
behavioral problems.7
In the social system model, the question
of where to draw the line between normal
and “significantly different” characteristics
is somewhat subjective, and has properly
been considered a matter within the discretion of local or state authorities. (See the
article by Parrish and Chambers in this journal issue.) In addition, knowledge about the
possible underlying physical causes of some
social system disabilities (such as learning
disabilities and attention-deficit disorder) is
changing rapidly. There is research linking
biological factors to mild disabilities such as
learning disability, and in particular reading
disabilities. (See the article by Lyon in this
journal issue.) These links involve possible
differences in brain functions among readers with and without disabilities as well as a
possible genetic link to severe reading disabilities. The differences are, however, correlational as noted by a writer in a recent
Science News and Comment.12 Further
Identification and Assessment of Students with Disabilities
Table 1
Comparison of Medical and Social System Models of Disabilities
Medical Model
Social System Model
Definition of problem
Biological anomaly
Discrepancies between expected
and observed behavior in a specific
Focus of treatment
Focus on cause with purpose
of curing or compensating
for underlying problem
Eliminate symptoms through direct
educational or behavioral interventions
Initial diagnosis
In preschool years by medical
During school-age years by
professionals in education or psychology
Low (about 1% of school-age
High (about 9% of school-age
Life-long disabilities
Disabilities may be recognized
officially only in school years
Cultural context
Arguably, culturally specific
Usually affects performance in
most roles in most contexts
May affect one or a few roles in
a few or multiple contexts
research is needed to determine (1) if these
biological correlates are replicated with new
samples of students with learning disability;
(2) whether the presence or absence of the
correlates reliably distinguishes between
those with and without learning disability;
and (3) whether treatments work differently depending on the presence, amount, and
kind of biological correlates. Until these
questions are answered, little practical utility exists for the research on the biological
correlates of learning disability.
Mental retardation is perhaps the clearest
example of the mixture of medical and social
system models. The current prevalence of
mental retardation among school-age children and youth is 1.1%.13 Approximately
one-half of these persons have moderate to
severe disabilities (IQ below 55) characterized by identifiable anomalies (such as
Down’s Syndrome) that are the cause of
their significantly lower performance in
adaptive behavior and intelligence.6,11 A second group of persons with mental retardation who typically perform at the mild level
(IQ about 55 to 70 or 75) do not exhibit any
biological anomalies that can be posited as
the cause of their lower performance.14,15
Indeed, the etiology of this form of mental
retardation has been called cultural-familial
or psychosocial as a means of acknowledging
that social system factors may be preeminent.16 Persons with mild mental retardation
rather than moderate or severe mental retardation have markedly different levels and
patterns of educational needs and adult
adjustment. Unfortunately, the current classification system uses the same term to refer
to both groups of persons,5 leading to frequent confusion over what mental retardation means and unnecessary stigmatization
of persons with mild mental retardation.6
The paucity of clear evidence of a medical basis for many disabilities and the fact
that most disabilities are at the mild level
(see later discussion) does not diminish the
importance of early recognition of problems and the implementation of effective
treatments. For example, problems with
attaining literacy skills as reflected in very
low reading achievement or poor behavioral competencies as reflected in aggressive
behaviors often interfere significantly with
normal development and seriously impair
the individual’s opportunities to become a
competent, self-supporting citizen.
Distribution and Severity of
In understanding the distribution and severity of disabilities, it is important to remember
Table 2
Percentage of School-Age Population Diagnosed
as Disabled by Primary Disability
Percentage of IDEA-Eligible Population
6 –11
of Overall
Learning disability
Speech or language
Mental retardation
Seriously emotionally
includes autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, hearing impairment, multiple disabilities, orthopedic
impairment, other health impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment.
Source: Author using data from Office of Special Education Programs. Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act: Sixteenth annual report to Congress. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1994, Tables AA6, AA7,
AA13, AA14, and AA27.
that (1) the prevalence of disabilities varies by
age and category, (2) the high-incidence disabilities such as learning disability and speech
or language impairment occur primarily at
the mild level, and (3) even “mild” disabilities
may constitute formidable barriers to attaining adult goals such as a high-status career.
From the summary of disabilities by category for children ages 6–11 and 12–17 provided in Table 2, several trends are apparent.
Learning disability is the most frequently
occurring disability at both age intervals, a
trend that is particularly prominent at the
12–17 age interval. The prevalence of
speech and language disabilities declines
substantially with increasing age. Also,
although there are 13 categories, more than
90% of the children classified as disabled in
school settings are accounted for by learning
disability, speech or language impairment,
mental retardation, and serious emotional
disturbance. (See the Child Indicators article by Lewit and Baker in this journal issue
for a discussion of changes in the prevalence
of learning disability and mental retardation
since the inception of Public Law 94–142.)
The severity of disabilities also varies
within categories. Severity is influenced by
(1) the size of the deficit in behavior or skills;
(2) the number of areas in which there are
deficits; and (3) the amount and kind of support needed to participate in daily activities
such as learning, work, leisure, self-care, and
mobility in the community. Persons with disabilities at a severe level typically have large
deficits, often in two or more areas, that
require extensive and consistent support.
Persons with disabilities at the mild level typically have smaller deficits on the key dimensions, deficits in fewer areas, and can function without assistance in most of the normal
daily activities.
Knowledge of the exact distribution of
severity within disability categories is
extremely limited. In broad terms, however,
it appears that the majority of students diagnosed with learning disability and speech or
language impairment have disabilities at the
mild level. The level of disabilities in mental
retardation and serious emotional disturbance can vary from mild to severe; however,
at least half are at the mild level.17,18
As noted earlier, the distinction between
disability and normal ability/behavior is
somewhat arbitrary and subject to local preferences. In particular, the mild disabilities
Identification and Assessment of Students with Disabilities
exist on broad continua in which there are
no clear demarcations between those who
have and those who do not have the disability. Yet, special education eligibility is a
dichotomous decision: the student either
is or is not eligible for services. In many
states, a point or two on discrepancy scores
(intended to measure the discrepancy
between a student’s ability and achievement) can determine whether or not several
thousand additional dollars are spent on the
child’s education. Such momentous decisions are not supported by our knowledge of
the distribution curve. One of the key findings in the National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development (NICHD)–funded
studies on learning disabilities (see the article by Lyon in this journal issue) involves
the impossibility of clearly differentiating
between dyslexia (a common learning disability) and low achievement in reading:
“This study allowed us to investigate the
commonly held belief that dyslexia is a discrete diagnostic entity. Our data do not
support this notion. Rather, they suggest
that dyslexia occurs along a continuum that
blends imperceptibly with normal reading
ability. These results indicate that no distinct
cutoff point exists to clearly distinguish children with dyslexia from children with normal reading ability; rather, the dyslexic children simply represent the lower portion of
the continuum of reading capabilities.”19
Finally, the generalizations that a disability such as learning disability nearly always is
mild and that, as adults, persons with learning disability usually are not officially recognized as disabled does not mean that mild
disabilities are trivial or that they magically
disappear at age 18 or 21. In fact, students
with learning disability are seriously
impaired in one of the most important developmental tasks in a technologically complex
society: acquiring literacy skills and using
those skills to master bodies of knowledge.
Poor reading skills in particular constitute
formidable barriers to both education and
occupational attainment and significantly
limit adult career opportunities (see the article by Wagner in this journal issue).
Diagnosis, Classification,
and Treatment
Elaborate legal requirements govern the
procedures whereby a student is diagnosed
as disabled and placed in special education.
The process can be divided into several
stages, each reflecting legally enforceable
safeguards that are designed to ensure that
students with disabilities are identified and
provided special education and, at the same
time, nondisabled students are protected
from inappropriate placement. The stages
are prereferral, referral, preplacement evaluation, eligibility determination, IEP development, determination of the placement,
provision of services, annual evaluation of
progress, and triennial reevaluation.
Progress from prereferral to the provision of services can be interrupted and halted at any one of the stages depending on
the nature of the assessment information,
professional judgment, and the decisions
of parents. Informed parental consent is
required prior to the initiation of the preplacement evaluation and again prior to the
Of all disability categories, mild learning
disability may be the most difficult to
provision of services. It is at the preplacement and triennial reevaluation stages that
decisions are made about eligibility for services under the IDEA. See the article by
Martin and Martin in this journal issue for a
discussion of the legal requirements and
parental and student rights regarding special education evaluations.
Of all disability categories, mild learning
disability may be the most difficult to diagnose. Yet, given the prevalence of this
diagnosis, it is crucial that the process be
examined. Eligibility for learning disability
typically involves teacher or parent referral
because of concerns about achievement lagging behind the child’s apparent intelligence or measured IQ. The evaluation typically includes observation in the regular
classroom, review of the child’s educational
history including past test scores, assessment
with standardized tests of achievement and
intellectual functioning, determination if
there are any discrepancies between achievement and intellectual ability, and elimination of other possible causes of the learning
problem (for example, sensory deficits).
In recent years increasing concern has
been expressed regarding the dominance
of standardized tests at the expense of
assessment that is related to interventions
in evaluations for learning disability and
mild mental retardation. The administration of a comprehensive, individually
administered IQ test and one or more
standardized, individually administered
Categorical classification should be used
as sparingly as possible and, when used,
should focus on skills rather than on presumed internal attributes of the individual.
achievement tests nearly always dominates
the learning disability eligibility process.
Such testing is virtually mandated by federal guidelines to establish a “severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability.”1
Problems with the current classification system were recognized at least 20 years ago
in the large, federally-funded exceptional
child classification project. Prevalent problems include stigma to the child, poor reliability for traditional categories, poor relation of categorization to treatment, obsolete
assumptions still in use in treatment, and
disproportionate representation of minority
The degree to which lifelong, permanent
negative effects of classification (labeling)
occur is disputed. Certainly, the more
extreme claims made in the late 1960s,
such as that labels create deviant behavior
rather than vice-versa,20 are heard less
often now. Nevertheless, the common
names used for students with mild disabilities have negative connotations. An earlier,
now classic, review21 reported that there is
widespread misunderstanding of the meanings of traditional classifications by both
professionals and the lay public;22 and the
bearers of labels find the classification
uncomfortable and, very often, objectionable.23 Concerns about the effects of classification on individuals have led to calls for
the elimination of the common classification categories.24
Although this literature is complex, one
conservative conclusion is that categorical
classification should be used as sparingly as
possible and, when used, should focus on
skills rather than on presumed internal
attributes of the individual. Current reforms
that emphasize classification based on the
specific skill deficits (low reading decoding
skills) and the services needed (tutoring in
phonological awareness) rather than presumed internal attributes may lessen the
negative connotations.
Current diagnoses using traditional categories are frequently unreliable. Although it
is virtually impossible for a student performing at the average level or above to be
classified as learning disabled or mildly
mentally retarded, differentiating between
these categories or between these categories
and other classifications such as slow learner, economically disadvantaged, and at risk
for poor educational outcomes is often difficult. The reasons for this difficulty include
(1) overlapping characteristics among students in these categories,25–27 (2) variations
in teacher tolerance for student diversity
(see the article by Hocutt in this journal
issue), (3) differences in screening and
placement practices among districts, and
(4) variations in the quality of assessment
measures used by professionals.28
Researchers19 have noted the diagnosis
of dyslexia is not stable for children in the
elementary grade levels. The instability from
year to year further aggravates the reliability
of the diagnosis of dyslexia, an important
subcategory of learning disability.
Relation of Classification to Treatment
A disability category is useful to the degree
that it is related to the determination of
treatment, to treatment outcome, and/or to
prevention. The information needed to
determine whether or not a student is eligible to be classified as learning disabled, mildly mentally retarded, or seriously emotionally disturbed typically does not relate closely
to treatment decisions regarding individual
goals, objectives, monitoring of interventions, or evaluating outcomes. Furthermore,
considerable evidence now suggests that the
educational interventions provided to students in the different disability categories
are more alike than different.23,29,30 Effective
Identification and Assessment of Students with Disabilities
instructional programming utilizes the same
principles and often the same procedures
(intensive individual instruction, along with
close monitoring and feedback) regardless
of whether the student is classified as learning disabled, mildly mentally retarded, seriously emotionally disturbed, a slow learner,
or educationally disadvantaged.30
Another criterion for usefulness is relation to prognosis or outcomes. The research
has indicated that traditional categories do
not have a demonstrable relationship to specific outcomes or to prognoses.30–32
Obsolete Assumption: Homogeneous,
Segregated Groups
A subtle, but important, premise of the current categorical system is that students must
be classified into categories so that homogeneous groups can be formed. The efficacy
of programming by handicapping condition has been questioned since the 1960s
and continues to be a subject of concern
with regard to the current categorical system.23,29,31–33 Many education agencies and
practitioners are moving away from the
assumption that student services can be
determined by category; it is time for the
categorical system to reflect this change in
Obsolete Assumption: Aptitude by
Treatment Interaction
Perhaps the most widely accepted traditional assumption is that special intervention
techniques, instructional methods, and
instructional materials must be carefully
matched to precisely diagnosed learning
styles or processes. The underlying assumption in this matching process was that of an
aptitude by treatment interaction (ATI).34
The ATI evidence, however, has been uniformly negative in special education applications using disability categories, modality
preferences, learning styles, cognitive processing, or neuropsychologically “intact”
areas.31,33,35–38 The process- or style-matching
justification for the current categorical system has little empirical support.
Disproportionate Minority Placement
One of the most controversial aspects of the
current system is the disproportionate placement of minority students in various categories of disability. Recent data regarding
the participation of various groups of stu-
dents in special education programs are
summarized in Table 3. The data are subject
to differing interpretations; however, the
principal conclusions are (1) both AfricanAmerican and Hispanic students are disproportionately represented in special education but in opposite directions, and (2) the
disproportionately high number of African
Americans in special education reflects the
fact that more black students than white students are categorized as having mild mental
retardation. Regardless of the actual proportions, there is widespread belief that special
education has been used as a dumping
ground for minority students.39
Commonly suggested causes of disproportionate minority representation in special education include (1) poverty, (2) discrimination or cultural bias in referral and
assessment, and (3) unique factors related
directly to race or ethnicity. Wagner’s40
analyses implicated poverty as the principal
reason African-American students are overrepresented in special education. A similar
conclusion was published by Reschly41 in
an analysis of a large sample of AfricanAmerican and white students in Delaware
Considerable evidence now suggests that
the educational interventions provided to
students in the different disability categories
are more alike than different.
who were classified as learning disabled.
However, other studies have produced different results, and it cannot be assumed
that poverty is the only, or primary,
causative agent. Other factors, such as the
increased prevalence of low birth weight
among African Americans,42 should also be
Positive Features of the Current
Classification System
The current categorical system has served as
(1) a rallying point for advocacy groups seeking support for programs, (2) the structure
for passage of legislation, and (3) the basis
for allocation of monies to establish educational services for students with disabilities.
The monumental progress made over the
past 30 years has occurred within the confines of the present categorical system.
Table 3
Comparison of Ethnic Representation in Three Categories of
Disabilities Based on a 1990 Survey by the Office of Civil Rights
Of All AfricanAmerican Students,
Percentage Who
Have Been Given
This Diagnosis
Of All Hispanic
Percentage Who
Have Been Given
This Diagnosis
Of All White
Percentage Who
Have Been Given
This Diagnosis
Mild mental
Learning disability
Serious emotional
African American
Of the total (disabled
and nondisabled)
student population in
1990 OCR survey, percentage from each
ethnic group
Of students with Mild
Mental Retardation,
percentage from
each ethnic group
Of students with
Learning Disabilities,
percentage from
each ethnic group
Of students with
Serious Emotional
Disturbance, percentage from each ethnic
Source: Author using data from Office of Special Education Programs. Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act: Sixteenth annual report to Congress. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1994, pp. 198, 201–202.
Identification and Assessment of Students with Disabilities
Efforts to reform the classification system
need to provide plausible alternatives that
ensure the continued social and political
support for programs needed by students
with disabilities.
Alternatives to the Current
Dimensional, Not Typological
Classification systems should be based on
dimensions of behavior (reading, social conduct, and the like) rather than on typologies
of persons. Typologies involving dichotomies
such as disabled–nondisabled, retarded–not
retarded, and learning disabled–not learning disabled are never accurate reflections
of the diversity of student aptitudes and
achievement. As discussed earlier, students
vary on broad continua by fine gradations. However, dichotomous decisions are
imposed by the current classification system.
Current eligibility rules require educators to decide that virtually identical students
have very different educational needs. These
decisions are inaccurate. What is needed is a
classification system that reflects the reality
of student differences. A classification system
based on broad dimensions with fine gradations would allow accurate description of the
status of students without imposing false,
either–or dichotomies.
In the meantime, there is some merit to
the position taken by advocates for the learning disabled, calling for preservation of the
full continuum of services. For the student
diagnosed with mild learning disability, the
school district, in combination with the parents, might be best advised to experiment
with intense interventions (for example,
© Kathy Sloane
The overall goal of the special education disability classification system should be to
enhance the quality of interventions and
improve outcomes for children and youth
with disabilities. At the same time, the categories used should be as free as possible of
negative connotations, recognizing that no
disability classification system will be totally
free of negative connotations. This section
recommends the development of systems
organized around the supports and services
needed by children and youth, with further
designation, if needed, of the dimensions of
behavior in which supports and services are
temporary or long-term placement in a separate classroom), limited intervention (for
example, small-group tutoring two or three
times a week), or simply a wait-and-see
approach (for example, no changes at
school but intensive tutoring support from
parents at home) based upon the family’s
preferences, the student’s motivation, and
the results of intervention. When the degree
of disability can be measured but response
to treatment cannot be predicted, the best
choice may be to offer multiple treatment
Functional, Not Etiological
The current classification system is based primarily on etiology or presumed internal
attributes of individuals. These etiological
formulations are not useful in that they are
not closely related to treatment.
For the vast majority of students now
classified as mildly disabled, functional
classification will mean emphasis on skills
related to the school academic curriculum and to essential social competencies.
Attempts to use functional classification
criteria and programming have been successful and represent enormous promise
for improving the current delivery system.44–47 This trend is by no means universal, nor even present in a majority of school
districts. Important barriers in the forms of
funding mechanisms and disability eligibility criteria exist in most states. However,
these impediments have been placed
under careful scrutiny in recent policy
papers43 sponsored by the Federal Office
of Special Education Programs.
All professionals and parents realize that students with disabilities are complex human
beings with a wide range of assets and limitations. Unfortunately, the current classification system suggests that persons with disabilities are different from the norm on one
or two salient dimensions such as intelligence or achievement. The focus on one or
two dimensions rather than on the broad
range of assets and limitations often leads to
undesirable restrictions of programming to
Attempts to use functional classification
criteria and programming have been
successful and represent enormous promise
for improving the current delivery system.
those dimensions. For example, although it
is well known that a significant proportion of
students with learning disability have difficulties with social skills, or that the adult
adjustment of persons with mild mental
retardation will be determined to a greater
degree by social rather than by academic
competencies, current educational programs often ignore the vital areas of social
skills and social competencies.48
Reliable Technology
Over the past 20 years, a reliable technology
has been developed for direct measurement
of student behavior in natural settings.46,49–50
When an assessment reveals reliable and
precise information about a student’s deviations from the average on relevant dimensions, this information can be used in measuring the effectiveness of interventions (for
example, assessment of current status in
relation to target objectives, monitoring
progress, and evaluating outcomes). Such
detailed data on the degree of student variance from the norm could also be used in
allocating services to students with the greatest needs, but it should be noted that this
approach may encourage the assignment of
limited resources primarily to students with
the more severe behavioral problems, giving
a lower priority to early intervention for students whose problems are not yet extreme.
Knowledge Based on Effective
Clearly, there is a body of knowledge related
to the effectiveness of instructional interventions. Classification systems that focus on
functional dimensions of behavior will facilitate the application of that knowledge base.
In contrast, a classification system that focuses on presumed etiology, or on factors such
as underlying neuropsychological processes
or learning modalities that have no relationship to treatment outcomes, interferes with
the provision of effective treatment.
Components of a Proposed
Funding System
One of the critical purposes of the current
classification system involves funding. Classification of a student as disabled produces
markedly greater educational resources. A
variety of bases for funding additional services have been discussed for many years.
(See the article by Parrish and Chambers in
this journal issue.) The funding system suggested below is consistent with the system
reforms described in this article.
Number of Deficits
The number of deficits exhibited by the
student could be one of the bases for generation of additional monies. Students with significant discrepancies over greater numbers
of functional dimensions typically require
more special education services, as well as
services of greater complexity or intensity.
However, such a determination should not
be written in stone. Students with a smaller
number of deficits but with persistent problems likely to influence their future employment and other adult goals may benefit
from intensive services.
Degree of Discrepancy
A second funding variable could be the
degree of discrepancy on each of the
Identification and Assessment of Students with Disabilities
dimensions in which deficits exist. Larger discrepancies typically indicate greater need,
requiring greater resources for effective intervention. At the same time, this should not be
used as a justification for giving low priority
to early intervention for students whose deviations from the norm are not yet great.
ber of deficits over functional dimensions,
degree of discrepancies, complexity of interventions, and intensity of interventions
could be a well-integrated classification system with a consistent philosophy that could
be implemented at all stages, including
screening, prereferral intervention, classification, programming, and funding.
Complexity of Intervention
The complexity dimension involves at least
two components: the skills or competencies
of professionals who work with students and
the need for special equipment or special
environments to carry out effective interventions. For example, an intervention with a
student exhibiting what now could be called
a behavior disorder might involve the addition of a classroom aide over a period of several weeks during certain periods of the day
for the purpose of implementing and monitoring a behavioral intervention. The cost of
this intervention may be considerably less
than an intervention that requires a fully certified teacher with a master’s degree working
with a very small group of students over the
entire year.
On the other hand, such changes should
be accompanied by evaluation of the revised
system. The current system has been criticized for spending a substantial amount of
special education’s resources on evaluation.
Would the revised system proposed here
require more or fewer resources for evaluation of students? Would it give adequate priority to prevention and early intervention
efforts? Would it create unintended incentives to classify students in certain ways?
These questions should be addressed by
those who implement revised funding and
evaluation systems.
Intervention intensity includes at least two
components: the amount of time required
to carry out an intervention over a typical
school day and the length of the intervention. Interventions requiring greater intensity should receive more resources than interventions requiring less intensity.
Classification reform in special education
has been discussed for at least two decades.
Intractable problems in the current classification structure shape the delivery system
and detract from the implementation of
effective interventions for children and
youth with learning and behavior problems.
Changes are needed to focus attention on
effective interventions and evaluation of
The four funding variables suggested
here might be regarded as weighting factors
in a regression equation that would yield a
total amount of dollars available to support
the special education of a particular student.
These kinds of analyses, using quite different
variables, were suggested by Hobbs,51 who
noted that gross categories for funding were
obsolete. The advantages of a funding system that focused on variables such as num-
The current knowledge base and assessment technology supports the development
of a classification system based on functional dimensions of behavior and oriented
toward effective educational programming.
Application of the available knowledge base
and assessment technology is needed to further the goal of improving the outcomes of
educational interventions for children and
Intensity of Intervention
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