Case rePort
Cardiac involvement in hypereosinophilic
J. ten Oever1*, L.J.H.J. Theunissen2, L.W. Tick3, R.J.A.M. Verbunt2
Department of Internal Medicine, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Departments of
Cardiology, 3Internal Medicine, Maxima Medical Centre, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, *corresponding
author: e-mail:
[email protected]
aBstr aCt
Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a heterogeneous group of
disorders characterised by hypereosinophilia and organ
involvement of varying intensity. We describe involvement
of the heart in patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome,
and the diagnostic and therapeutic clinical management
of these patients.
What was known on this topic?
In the last decade, molecular biology studies
elucidated the aetiology of some variants of
hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), therefore
reducing the group of patients with idiopathic HES
and making targeted treatment possible. Cardiac
involvement is common and may lead to restrictive
K eY Wor ds
What does this add?
Cardiac MRI has recently emerged as a non-invasive
imaging modality and can be used for tissue
characterisation and may obviate biopsy. Increased
concentrations of troponin in HES is suggestive of
acute inlammation of the endomyocardium.
Hypereosinophilic syndrome, chronic eosinophilic
leukaemia, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, troponin
In 1968 the term hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) was
introduced to describe a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterised by unexplained hypereosinophilia and organ
involvement in varying degrees.1 In 1975 Chusid was
the irst to establish three diagnostic criteria for HES: a
persistent eosinophilia of 1500 eosinophils/mm3 for longer
than six months (1) with lack of evidence for allergic,
parasitic or other known causes of eosinophilia (2) and
symptoms and signs of organ involvement (3).2 Nowadays
this deinition is still valid.3 Many organ systems are affected
in HES, but cardiovascular complications are most prevalent
and are responsible for the observed high mortality. 4
On the basis of a case report we discuss the nomenclature,
the cardiac involvement in HES, the (new) diagnostic
modalities and its treatment.
how to shave and felt slightly dizzy. In the previous weeks
he had been paranoid, tired and walked slowly with
a forward-lexed posture. During the last year he had
experienced a blurred vision hampering driving and using
his mobile phone. For two months he had been taking
acetaminophen because of bitemporal headache. He did
not have any fever, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnoea or
oedema. On physical examination he was not acutely ill,
was haemodynamically stable, had no fever and lacked
disease awareness. He undressed clumsily and slowly
and complete examination only revealed a rigid gait
with decreased arm swing and a slight apraxia of his left
hand. Laboratory examination showed a haemoglobin of
7.2 mmol/l, leukocytes 21*109/l with 63% esosinophils
in the differentiation (on several occasions), and a
thrombocyte count of 198*109/l. C-reactive protein was 89
mg/l, creatinine 113 mmol/l (MDRD 59 ml/min/1.73 m2),
troponin T 0.91 mg/l, creatine kinase (CK) 100 U/l, CK-MB
mass 8.2 mg/l, lactate dehydrogenase 420 U/l, aspartate
Case rePort
A 52-year-old male without previous medical history
presented to the emergency department because of acute
confusion. He was found in the shower, did not know
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figure 1. Panel A shows the left ventricle during diastole.
During ventricular contraction apical hypokinesia is seen
(panel B)
aminotransferase 37 U/l, and alanine transaminase 16 U/l.
Vitamin B12 and tryptase were not elevated.
No parasitic infection, allergic or pulmonary disease
were found as aetiology for the eosinophilia. Bone
marrow aspirate showed 34% eosinophils, a normal
percentage of blasts and many megakaryocytes in
different developmental stages. No dysplastic features
were present. Bone marrow biopsy was in part rich in
cells with increased myelopoiesis and eosinophilia and
in part hypoplastic accompanied by reticulin ibrosis.
No iniltration of mast cells was visualised. To ind
chromosomal abnormalities associated with chronic
eosinophilic leukaemia (CEL), luorescent in situ
hybridisation (FISH) examination of bone marrow cells
was performed. However, a fusion of the Fip1-like 1
(FIP1L1) gene to the PDGFRa (PDGFRA) gene generated
by an interstitial deletion on chromosome 4q12 was absent.
On brain MRI extensive white matter lesions were present
in the occipital lobes and periventricularly near the vertex of
both areas vascularised by both medial cerebral arteries and
in the right cerebellar hemisphere. Examination revealed
decreased visual acuity but a normal ocular system. A CT
scan was negative for lymphomas; only a mild splenomegaly
was seen.
His ECG showed sinus rhythm, normal PQ time, normal
heart axis and a QRS width of 0.09 seconds with a QS
complex in V1 and V2, slight ST elevation in V2 and
minimal ST depression in V4 to V6 with T-wave inversions
in III, aVF, and V3 to V6. Cardiac ultrasonography showed
slight left atrial dilatation and minimal mitral regurgitation.
Systolic function was preserved. Diastolic dysfunction could
not be excluded nor identiied. Normal coronary arteries
were visualised on a coronary artery angiography.
Because of the suspicion of a hypereosinophilic syndrome
(HES) with neurological and cardiac involvement 60 mg
prednisone was started three days after admission, even
before all the tests had been performed. The concentration
of troponin T rapidly decreased and was no longer detectable
after ten days. Because of the persistent eosinophilia three
weeks after the introduction of prednisone the tyrosine
kinase inhibitor imatinib 400 mg per day was initiated.
Simultaneously the prednisone was tapered to 2.5 mg during
two and a half months. Within several weeks the hypereosinophilia had decreased signiicantly. A few days after
imatinib was started (three and a half weeks after initiation
of the prednisone) a cardiac MRI (CMR) was performed.
On T2 weighed images apical subendocardial intensity was
seen. On delayed enhancement images subendocardial
enhancement of the apex was present. Hypokinesia of the
apex of the left ventricle was visible. There were no signs of
intracardial thrombus formation (igure 1). Four months later
the CMR was repeated and depicted the same subendocardial
delayed enhancement following gadolinium. The apical T2
signal had disappeared. Troponin T remained within normal
limits during follow-up. During follow-up of 12 months,
no symptoms or signs of heart failure developed and his
cognitive function and vision improved.
Developed in 1975, Chusid’s criteria are still suitable for
diagnosing HES nowadays. Hasn’t anything changed
in 30 years? On the contrary. The heterogeneous group
of disorders constituting HES is decreasing as separate
disease entities are recognised. A lymphocytic variant is
distinguished by the presence of clonal populations of
abnormal T cells producing interleukin-5 with subsequent
production of eosinophils, making it a peripheral T-cell
lymphoma.5 Increased blast cells (but less than in acute
leukaemia), evidence of clonality or the presence of a fusion
gene, particularly the fusion of FIP1L1 and PDGRFA caused
by a deletion on chromosome 4q12, are diagnostic of CEL.3,6
This fusion gene encodes for a protein with substantial
tyrosine kinase activity which has important implications
for therapy. Rearrangements of other genes (PDGRFB and
Oever, et al. Cardiac involvement in hypereosinophilic syndrome.
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FGFR1) may also be responsible for myeloid or lymphoid
neoplasms with eosinophilia.3 If a patient fulils Chusid’s
criteria and no cause is found for the eosinophilia after
thorough investigation, the WHO classiies this patient as
having idiopathic HES even if there are features suggestive,
but not diagnostic, of a myeloproliferative/leukaemic
disorder (dysplastic eosinophils on peripheral smear,
serum vitamin B12 >000 pg/ml, serum tryptase ≥2 ng/ml,
anaemia and/or thrombocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly,
bone marrow cellularity >80%, spindle shaped mast cells,
myeloibrosis).3 It is said that the term ‘hypereosinophilic
syndrome’ should be discouraged as a diagnostic term since
this term indicates either an imprecise use of language
or that the patient has not been adequately investigated.7
However, when using the (older) literature and during the
diagnostic process it is inevitable to use the term hypereosinophilic syndrome. According to WHO classiication our
patient should be classiied as having idiopathic HES.
Löfler called the combination of this peculiar cardiac disease
and eosinophilia ‘ibroplastic parietal endocarditis with blood
eosinophilia’.13 Nowadays Löfler’s endo(myo)carditis is used
to describe the involvement of the heart in HES, especially in
the thrombotic and ibrotic stage.14 This end stage is similar
to that in other hypereosinophilic diseases affecting the heart
(such as tropical endomyocardial ibrosis in tropical parasitic
infections), proving the eosinophilia itself rather than the
underlying condition is responsible for the damage.12
Symptoms and signs
By deinition HES affects multiple organ systems.
Cardiovascular manifestations are the most prevalent in
HES with a prevalence of 50 to 60%. 4,10 As mural ibrosis
develops the left ventricular compliance decreases resulting
in a restrictive cardiomyopathy. Fibrosis affecting the
papillary muscle and chordae tendinae may produce papillary
dysfunction and mitral regurgitation.15 As a consequence,
in such patients symptoms and signs of heart failure can
be present. The structural changes of the myocardium can
provoke arrhythmias. Embolic events originating from the
intracardiac thrombus are seen in up to 25%.2,9,15
Cardiac involvement
Pathogenesis of cardiac disease
Cardiac involvement in HES is rare in the lymphocytic
variant of HES but often occurs in the myeloproliferative
forms. 8,9 The overall prevalence of cardiovascular
involvement is over 50%.10 Cardiac disease follows three
The irst is an acute necrotic stage due to iniltration
of eosinophils in the myocardium. The contents of the
eosinophilic granules (eosinophilic major basic protein,
eosinophilic cationic protein and eosinophil protein-X)
are present within the endocardium and myocardium
and are held responsible for the initiating the damage.11
Little information is available about the duration of this
stage, but a mean of 5.5 weeks with a range of one day to
three months has been reported based on the duration
of cardiac symptoms.12 However, this stage is thought
to be asymptomatic in many cases, which hampers the
determination of the actual course of this stage.9
The intermediate phase is characterised by mural thrombi
and thrombus formation along the damaged endocardium
(thrombotic stage).11,12 The left ventricle is more often affected
and thrombi tend to be located in the apices where stasis is
more of a factor.2,9 Patients with thrombotic lesions have
an average duration of symptoms of ten months.12 This is
followed by organisation of the thrombus into a thick layer of
granulation tissue which replaces the normal endocardium.
The third stage is the later ibrotic stage in which the
granulation tissue is changed into hyaline ibrosis,
sometimes still with a small inlammatory zone in deeper
layers.11,12 In comparison with the acute stage, there are
no or minimal deposits of eosinophil granule proteins,
suggesting that the ibrotic stage represents the inal
stage of a pathogenetic sequence initiated by myocardial
eosinophilic iniltration.11
Diagnostic modalities
Electrocardiographic alterations are common in HES.
T-wave inversions are most frequently observed followed
by premature ventricular beats and positive criteria for left
ventricular hypertrophy. The T-wave inversion is thought to
represent subendocardial injury due to endocardial ibrosis
and inlammation.15 Sporadically cardiac abnormalities in
HES mimic acute myocardial infarction on the ECG.14
Endomyocardial thickening is seen in 68% of patients on
echocardiography and is progressive. Apical obliteration
due to thrombus formation and posterior mitral lealet
involvement are classical indings as well.15 Evaluation
by Doppler echocardiography can show a restrictive left
ventricular illing pattern.9 Pericardial effusion can be
Coronary angiogram has no role in the diagnosis and
shows no speciic signs, but is occasionally used to exclude
coronary artery disease.14 Rarely, coronary artery spasms
have been described.16
CMR is a useful technique with myocardial disease.
Hyperintense myocardial area on T2-weighted images
is suggestive of increased free-water content due to
myocardial oedema and/or necrosis.17 In HES this is
particularly seen in ventricular apices. With the advent of
the contrast-enhanced inversion-recovery MRI with late
imaging superior contrast can be achieved between normal
and abnormal myocardium.18 Hyperenhancement of the
non-ischaemic type in delayed enhancement cardiovascular
magnetic assessment is both characteristic of ibrosis and an
inlammatory exudate, and cannot be distinguished from
each other without follow-up imaging. CMR has a high
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sensitivity and speciicity for detecting (apical) thrombi.9
Overlying thrombus is identiiable as a low signal mass on
the delayed enhancement images, which does not deform
on tagged images. A characteristic three-layered image can
be seen: a hypointense inner rim of thrombus adjacent to
an hyperenhancement of the endocardium compared with
the rest of the myocardium. Cardiac function is another
important pillar of the assessment of myocardial disease.
Regional areas of hypokinesia or akinesia and indings of
restrictive cardiomyopathy (diastolic dysfunction with atrial
enlargement and valvular regurgitation) can be visualised.
The diagnostic yield of endomyocardial biopsy, the golden
standard for establishing cardiac involvement, can be
increased using CMR-guided biopsy.17 Moreover, the high
resolution of CMR makes tissue characterisation possible
and the increasing experience makes CMR promising for
diagnosis and follow-up.19 Our patient had an increased
subendocardial T2 signal in the left ventricular apex.
Delayed enhancement following gadolinium also showed
diffuse subendocardial enhancement. During follow-up
apical T2 signals disappeared and delayed enhancement
images were irreversible and subsequently proved to be
ibrosis. If the imaging had been performed earlier, the
abnormalities would probably have been more extensive
and would have represented a combination of ibrosis and
an inlammatory exudate.
sensitive for the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib. As
demonstrated by our case some patients without the
FIP1L1-PDGRFA genotype seem to beneit from imatinib,
however usually with a slower response, indicating that an
as yet unidentiied mechanism of receptor tyrosine kinase
is responsible for HES in these cases.3,24 Other treatment
options are hydroxyurea and interferon-a. The interleukin-5
antagonist mepolizumab has shown to be corticosteroidsparing for patients negative for FIP1L1–PDGFRA, however
its Marketing Authorisation Application in the European
Union for the treatment of HES was withdrawn in 2009.25
Novel therapies including alemtuzumab, a human
monoclonal antibody directed against CD52 on eosinophils,
have been reviewed recently.26 The role of allogeneic stem
cell transplantation is not well established, although some
patients successfully underwent this treatment.23 Response
to treatment is normally fast. However, in cardiac disease
the damage can only be reverted in stages with active
inlammation and without anatomic alterations due to
ibrosis.23 Furthermore, treatment should be directed to
heart failure and the presence of intracardial thrombus.
Absolute eosinophil count does not correlate in
a consistent fashion with eosinophil-mediated tissue
damage.23 Unfortunately no validated markers of disease
progression are available and therapy is monitored on
the basis of a combination of clinical manifestations and
absolute eosinophil count. Concerning cardiac disease
endomyocardial biopsy is the gold standard, however
sequential CMR may obviate the need for cardiac biopsy.
In addition, troponin T seems promising in guiding
treatment during the acute phase. However, more studies
are needed to evaluate the diagnostic value of troponin T
and more knowledge about troponin T in later stages of
cardiac involvement is necessary.
Little is known about the use of troponin in HES. It seems
to be more sensitive than CK-MB for inlammation in
HES.20 This is in line with a previous study concerning
the sensitivity of CK-MB and troponin I in humans
with myocarditis.21 In three patients with biopsy-proven
eosinophilic endomyocardial iniltration and normal
echocardiography troponin T was initially elevated. It
normalised after treatment with steroids, suggesting
troponin T can be a sensitive marker for early cardiac
damage and can gauge treatment.20 In another study
troponin T predicted acute myocardial decompensation
before or soon after starting imatinib.22 Prompt initiation
of corticosteroids in these circumstances resulted in a rapid
amelioration. It is advised to start adjunctive corticosteroids
in patients with evidence of eosinophilic myocarditis who
will start with imatinib.22,23
The initial rise in troponin T in our case was a marker of the
necrotic stage of HES. It is likely the high dose of prednisone
reduced the inlammation resulting in normalisation of the
troponin T, even before the irst CMR was performed.
Corticosteroids have always been the cornerstone of the
treatment of the different types of HES. A dramatic
change has occurred since the discovery of the fusion
protein with tyrosine kinase activity encoded by the
FIP1L1-PDGRFA-fusion gene.6 This fusion protein is very
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