Behind the shroud: a survey of editors in
ecology and evolution
Olyana N Grod1*, Christopher J Lortie1, and Amber E Budden2
An online survey of ecology and evolution editors was conducted to assess the characteristics of journal editors and describe manuscript-handling practices. A total of 450 respondents – representing 155 ecology and
evolution journals – participated. The following patterns were detected: (1) there are more male than female
editors; (2) the greater the number of manuscripts handled per year by editors, the lower the proportion are
rejected without review; and (3) previous review time, scientific status, and seniority of reviewers are factors
that editors consider when selecting a reviewer. This research highlights the potential importance of editor
characteristics in the peer-review process; we suggest that increased transparency promotes both recognition
of the editor population and more equitable reviewing practices.
Front Ecol Environ 2010; 8(4): 187–192, doi:10.1890/090048 (published online 27 Oct 2009)
cientific journals rely on editors to direct the peerreview process and thus to help in the dissemination of
knowledge (Freda and Kearney 2005). Editors are responsible for monitoring and coordinating the publication
process by selecting reviewers, communicating with
authors and reviewers, and, ultimately, selecting or rejecting manuscripts on the basis of merit (Kassirer 2001). In
order for this system to be effective, editors must be objective, trustworthy, and ethical, and should always have the
best interests of the journal and its readership in mind
(Kassirer 2001). Despite the editors’ pivotal role in the
peer-review process, the day-to-day tasks they perform,
the way in which they carry out their work, and how they
reach decisions on manuscripts remain a mystery for many
scientists (Freda and Kearney 2005). Quite simply, this is
due to a lack of public, quantitative data on the responsibilities of editors at the discipline level.
Research on peer review has focused largely on issues of
“blinding” (Fisher et al. 1994; Budden et al. 2008), reviewer
characteristics (Evans et al. 1993; Kliewer et al. 2005; Grod
et al. 2008), and manuscript evaluations (Evans et al. 1993;
Kliewer et al. 2005). As a result, most research discusses
editors only in the context of how they can ensure that
manuscript assessments are fair and are based on scientific
merit (Lortie et al. 2007). In medicine, studies of editor
characteristics have revealed that more males than females
hold editorial positions (Wilkes and Kravitz 1995;
Dickersin et al. 1998), although the number of female editors is increasing (Dickersin et al. 1998). Male editors were,
on average, older than their female counterparts; female
editors handled more manuscripts and rejected manuscripts at higher rates than males; and similar numbers of
reviewers were used per manuscript by both genders
(Gilbert et al. 1994). The average age of editors for US and
Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada *(
[email protected]); 2National Center for Ecological
Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA
© The Ecological Society of America
Canadian medical journals was 61 and their average number of years as an editor was 7.6 (Wilkes and Kravitz 1995).
That study also reported that 40% of editors make a decision in the event of reviewer disagreement while 43% of
editors sent papers out for additional review. Importantly,
88% of editors chose reviewers for manuscripts who were
already on file for the journal (Wilkes and Kravitz 1995).
Such studies are critical for maintaining transparency in
the review process and for ensuring that it functions
smoothly and fairly. Our hope is that similar data for ecology and evolution journals will provide insights into
potential improvements in our disciplines.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the characteristics of editors working on ecology and evolution
journals and to quantitatively examine editorial practices. Manuscript and review handling (the number of
manuscripts handled, handling time, and rejection rate)
and reviewer selection were explored in relation to editor
characteristics, specifically gender. This is the first broad
study of editors in the fields of ecology and evolution.
An online survey of ecology and evolution journal editors
was posted from 31 July to 1 November 2007. The survey
was distributed via e-mail to 2434 editors of 250 ecology
and evolution journals published by Blackwell, Elsevier,
Springer, and the Ecological Society of America. Journals
were selected on the basis of their subject category, containing either the word “ecology” or “evolution”. Editors
with responsibility for influencing publication outcome
were selected from journal websites and invited to participate. This did not include members of an editorial board,
technical editors, or editorial assistants. If editor e-mail
addresses were unlisted on the journal webpage, they
were retrieved through institutional websites. Follow-up
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Our questions were not of a sensitive nature and
respondents were assured that the results would be published in a form that prevented individual respondents or
journals from being identified. We recognize that the data
used in this study are self-reported and thus subject to
some degree of recall bias (Wilkes and Kravitz 1995).
Statistical analyses
ON Grod et al.
Editor position
North America
Figure 1. A summary of the respondents to an online survey of
editors, according to (a) editor position and (b) region. In all
instances, there is a significant gender difference between male
and female respondents (all P < 0.001). Editor titles vary
between journals and publishing houses; for the purposes of this
paper, “subject” editors are considered subject-matter experts,
whose responsibilities include overseeing the review process for
manuscripts. These editors may also be known as editor, section
editor, or regional editor. “Handling” editors are those editors
responsible for processing manuscripts; alternate titles include,
but are not limited to, managing editor, assistant editor,
communicating editor, and reviewing editor.
e-mails were sent only to those from whom we received
an out-of-office response following the first contact.
The survey consisted of 19 questions, involving a combination of multiple-choice, open-ended, and Likert-scale
questions (WebPanel 1). Respondents were given the
opportunity to avoid responding to some of the questions
(indicated by an asterisk in WebPanel 1) and could exit
the survey at any point. Respondents who indicated that
they were not editors or were simply members of an editorial board were excluded from the analyses. Where the
response to an open-ended question was inappropriate –
either answered using incorrect units, or because it was an
invalid entry – the response was voided. The lower value
of range responses was used in all instances. Countries of
host institutions were categorized to the following regions:
North America, Europe, or “Other”, following Leimu and
Koricheva (2005); regions of increasing scientific activity
but with only small sample sizes were assigned to the category “Other”. Publishing experience was estimated by subtracting the editors’ reported year of first peer-reviewed
publication from 2007, the year in which the survey was
conducted (Cassey and Blackburn 2004). ontiersinecology.or g
We conducted all statistical analyses using JMP version
5.1. Descriptive statistics were reported as percentages and
means ± SE. Chi-square analyses, contingency tests, and
one-way analysis of variance were used to describe interactions between editor characteristics – gender, region, editor position, years as editor, and years since an editor’s first
publication in a scientific journal. Gender, region, and
years as editor were included in generalized linear mixed
models on the number of manuscripts handled and handling time. In the latter case, the number of manuscripts
handled was also included as a factor. Chi-square analyses
were conducted on editor responses for rate of rejection
without review and reviewer selection criteria. These two
responses were further explored by editor characteristics
(other than editor position), number of manuscripts handled, and handling time, and were analyzed using ordinal
logistic regressions.
Description of respondent population
A total of 450 respondents – representing 155 ecology
and evolution journals – completed the survey. The
response rate for ecology journal and evolution journal
editors was 18.5% and 62%, respectively. The distribution by editorial position was as follows: of all respondents, 21.8% (n = 98) were main editors (those with titles
such as editor-in-chief, chief editor, senior editor, deciding
editor, and associate- or co-editor-in-chief), whereas
51.6% (n = 232), 15.3% (n = 69), and 11.3% (n = 51)
were associate editors, subject editors, and handling editors, respectively (23 = 160.63, P < 0.001). Main editors
made the ultimate decision on publication of a manuscript (editor position, 23,9 = 70.43, P < 0.001).
Representation of editors from “Other” regions was
17.1% (n = 77); for the remainder, 42.1% (n = 189) were
from within Europe and 40.8% (n = 183) (22 = 59.45,
P < 0.001) were from North America. There were significantly more male (82.9%) than female (17.1%) editors
(21 = 211.95, P < 0.001, n = 450), and this was consistent for all editor designations (all P < 0.001; Figure 1a)
and across all regions (all P < 0.001; Figure 1b). There
was no gender bias between survey respondents and nonrespondents (21 = 0.27, P = 0.60).
On average, respondents had been editors for 6.91 ±
0.32 years and had published peer-reviewed manuscripts
of their own for 22.31 ± 0.46 years (mean ± 1 SE). Male
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ON Grod et al.
editors had been publishing for longer than female editors
(F1 = 12.54, P < 0.001, n = 449; Table 1), but there was
no gender difference in the number of years as editors (F1
= 1.47, P = 0.226, n = 437; Table 1) nor between regions
(F2 = 1.36, P = 0.257, n = 436; Table 1).
Editorial practices
The mean number of manuscripts handled by editors each
year was 71.76 ± 7.18, and main editors handled more
manuscripts than associate, handling, or subject editors
(F3,9 = 48.48; post-hoc analyses F3,432 = 51.72, P < 0.001).
No difference was found by gender or region. Although
the relationship was weak, there was a significant difference between years as editor and the number of manuscripts handled (F1,9 = 4.54, P = 0.034, r21,430 = 0.28).
The mean handling time of manuscripts was 12.34 ±
4.61 hours. There was no difference in handling time by
gender, region, years as editor, and editor position, nor in
relation to the number of manuscripts handled per individual editor (F10,382 = 0.74, P = 0.69).
Overall, 61.1% of editors reported that they “rejected
without review” less than 25% of manuscripts they individually handled (24 = 527.62, P < 0.001). Although
there was variation between regions (region, 22,8 = 7.44, P
< 0.024), the most frequent response from editors across
all regions was that they rejected without review less than
25% of manuscripts (chi-square, all P < 0.001). The
greater the number of manuscripts handled by an editor,
the lower the proportion of manuscripts that were rejected
without review (MS handled, 21,8 = 11.83, P < 0.001).
Given that there was a significant relationship between
the number of manuscripts handled and editor position,
we tested rejection data by editor position and found that
main editors were primarily responsible for the effect of
manuscripts handled on rejection rate (21 = 5.52, P =
0.019) rather than associate, subject, or handling editors
combined (21 = 2.35, P = 0.13). There was no effect of
gender, years as editor, or handling time. In cases of split
reviews (ie where there was one positive and one negative
review), there was no variation in rejection rate (28 =
7.05, P = 0.53), with most editors indicating a rejection
rate of either 25–50% (n = 171) or 50–75% (n = 164).
What are editors looking for in a reviewer?
Familiarity with research topic and quality of previous
reviews were rated as the most important criteria that editors considered when selecting a reviewer (68.9%, 23 =
86.14, P < 0.001 and 86.2%, 23 = 244.42, P < 0.001,
respectively; Tables 2 and 3). Speed of previous reviews
and status of scientist were seen as less important (23 =
178.94 and 23 = 71.30, respectively, all P < 0.001; Tables
2 and 3). Whether the reviewer was recommended by the
submitting author was deemed less important (23 =
274.52, P < 0.001; Tables 2 and 3), and the majority of
editors (81.1%) considered the odds that a reviewer will
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Ecology editors in review
Table 1. Description of journal editors’ involvement in the
peer-review process and their corresponding workload
Mean (± SE)
Years since first publication
North America
Years as editor
North America
18.81 (1.02)
23.03 (0.50)
23.37 (0.67)
21.70 (0.71)
20.91 (1.18)
6.04 (0.66)
7.08 (0.36)
7.20 (0.44)
6.34 (0.45)
7.70 (1.07)
Number of manuscripts handled each year
68.00 (15.20)
72.51 (8.07)
North America
71.21 (10.66)
75.29 (12.17)
65.05 (15.36)
Editor position*
214.62 (23.98)
22.31 (2.15)
36.63 (10.60)
65.67 (22.25)
Handling time (hours)
North America
Editor position
8.01 (2.32)
13.19 (5.49)
5.57 (0.91)
17.39 (10.15)
15.70 (9.80)
32.80 (22.89)
7.41 (1.40)
7.72 (1.84)
6.25 (2.11)
Notes: Data are presented as mean ± standard error (SE). (*) denotes a significant difference at P < 0.05.
reject a manuscript as “not important” (23 = 770.73,
P < 0.001; Tables 2 and 3).
Editors who reviewed fewer manuscripts prefered
shorter reviewer turnaround times (the time it takes a
reviewer to submit their report on a manuscript; MS handled, 21,8 = 5.01, P = 0.025). The importance of reviewer
status was rated differently according to editor gender
(21,8 = 10.08, P = 0.002), with males rating status as
“very important” relative to females (test of proportions,
z = 2.01, P = 0.045). Seniority of a reviewer was also rated
differently by editors from different regions, with North
Americans viewing seniority as less important than those
from Other regions (22,8 = 7.66, P = 0.022). In all three
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Table 2. Importance of particular criteria when selecting a reviewer
Rate the importance of the following
criteria when selecting a reviewer for a
paper you are handling
Not important
% (n)
Somewhat important
% (n)
% (n)
Very important
% (n)
8.2 (37)
22.9 (103)
37.1 (167)
31.8 (143)
Quality of previous reviews
2.4 (11)
11.3 (51)
41.3 (186)
44.9 (202)
Speed of previous reviews (turnaround time) 7.6 (34)
36.4 (164)
44.4 (200)
11.6 (52)
Odds she/he will reject manuscript
81.1 (365)
13.6 (61)
4.2 (19)
1.1 (5)
Status of scientist
18.9 (85)
36.4 (164)
32.7 (147)
12.0 (54)
Recommended by submitting authors
40.9 (184)
47.1 (212)
11.6 (52)
0.4 (2)
Notes: All respondents, n = 450. Percentages based on total number of respondents. Bolded values indicate most commonly chosen response. All chi-square analyses
were significant.
regions, significantly more editors valued seniority as
“somewhat important” in the event of a split review
(individual chi-squares, all P < 0.001).
When using a review, editors from North America valued manuscript comments while editors from Europe and
Other regions valued both comments and a clear recommendation (22,7 = 6.32, P = 0.042; Table 4). When submitting their own research for publication, editors rated
journal impact factor as most important and journal
rejection rate as least important, which is consistent with
author opinion (Aarssen et al. 2008; Table 3). In addition, editors reported being satisfied with the peer-review
process as both an author and editor (Table 5).
Editors play a prominent role in the peer-review process,
increasing the value of scientific studies by enabling publication of those deemed to be of merit. It is therefore critical
that we understand the role of editors in the peer-review
process to ensure that the process is transparent and fair.
As in medicine, editorial positions in ecology and evolution are dominated by males (Wilkes and Kravitz 1995;
Dickersin et al. 1998; Garrow et al. 1998). Importantly,
female editors have less publishing experience than their
male counterparts (see Table 1), although the former
have held editorial appointments for similar lengths of
time. The same trend was seen among reviewers in ecology and evolution (Grod et al. 2008), suggesting that the
available pool of female scientists qualified for editor
positions is smaller than that for males. In 2006, females
comprised 29.5% of professors, associate professors, and
assistant professors in the biological sciences in the US
(NSF 2009), suggesting that females are underrepresented in editorial positions. Knowing the age of the editor respondents would have provided additional insight
into the driving force behind the gender inequality. It is
also unclear whether females are approached to take on
editorial positions just as often as males and whether
females decline these positions more often than males
(Dalton 2006). Having a better understanding of the
career trajectory for editors may also help to explain this
Table 3. Importance of particular criteria when selecting a journal for submission of research
Rate the importance of the following
criteria when selecting a journal for
submission of your research
Not important
% (n)
Somewhat important
% (n)
% (n)
Very important
% (n)
Speed of decision
3.1 (14)
24.1 (108)
53.9 (241)
18.8 (84)
Speed of publication
2.9 (13)
33.9 (151)
48.9 (218)
14.3 (64)
Impact factor or status
2.0 (9)
12.2 (55)
40.6 (182)
45.1 (202)
6.1 (27)
26.2 (117)
52.9 (236)
14.8 (66)
Accessibility to others
3.1 (14)
15.9 (71)
48.7 (218)
32.2 (144)
Journal rejection rate
45.2 (202)
37.6 (168)
15.9 (71)
1.3 (6)
Notes: A response was not required for this question; thus, respondent numbers vary. Percentages based on total number of respondents. Bolded values indicate most
commonly chosen response.All chi-square analyses were significant. ontiersinecology.or g
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Ecology editors in review
Table 4. Components of a review that editors deem important
A clear recommendation
from reviewers to accept/reject
% (n)
Detailed and comprehensive
comments on the manuscript
% (n)
Both equally
% (n)
% (n)
North America
1.1 (2)
56.3 (103)
41.0 (75)
1.6 (3)
2.7 (5)
35.5 (67)
61.4 (116)
0.5 (1)
2.6 (2)
33.8 (26)
63.6 (49)
0 (0)
Notes: All respondents, n = 450. Percentages based on total number of respondents. Bolded values indicate most commonly chosen response.
gender difference and could be beneficial to academics
interested in this career path (Freda and Kearney 2005).
Editor designation is an important distinction in ecology and evolution journals, as main editors handled more
manuscripts and rejected fewer manuscripts without
review than did associate, subject, and handling editors.
In medicine, main editors reject outright at least half the
manuscripts they see, in view of the limited publishing
space available (Dickersin et al. 2007). This may not be
the case in our discipline, because main editors in ecology
and evolution inspect all manuscripts submitted to their
journal, but direct them to associate or subject editors.
Hence, main ecology editors may restrict their initial
decisions to reject only those manuscripts with content
that is clearly not suited to their specific journal. Of
course, the practices of main editors – as well as associate,
subject, and handling editors – will vary from journal to
journal and could be dependent on journal policy.
Consequently, regional differences in rejection rates could
be explained by variation in editorial and journal policies, if
there were systematic differences across regions. However,
no difference in editor position by region was found in this
study (26,440 = 3.55, P = 0.74). Variation in the titles
assigned to editorial positions was also not consistent, making it more difficult to group editors according to title and
role. For example, the title of main editor could be used in
one journal, whereas the equivalent position at another
journal might be designated as editor-in-chief. Identification
of these differences is necessary and a valuable source of
information for potential authors. Increased transparency –
journals reporting on how manuscripts are handled, while
maintaining editor/reviewer anonymity, and the role of the
various editors – could streamline the peer-review process in
ecology and evolution, to the benefit of authors.
When asked to rate the importance of various criteria
when selecting a reviewer to evaluate a manuscript,
reviewer turnaround time was of importance to editors handling fewer manuscripts. These editors may have less time
because they are volunteer rather than salaried editors; our
survey did not ask respondents to discriminate between the
two. Time constraints are the leading reason why reviewers
decline a request to review a paper (Tite and Schroter
2007). An expectation of, or emphasis on, short turnaround
times would therefore probably further deter reviewers from
engaging in the peer-review process. Clear information
reviewing timelines by journals and editors could streamline the review process by reducing unnecessary communication and checks on the progress of a manuscript.
Male editors believe reviewer status to be more important than do female editors. Since status was not defined
for the respondents in this study, this could have been
interpreted in several ways, including, but not limited to,
the following attributes: experience, productivity, quality,
and breadth of knowledge. Nevertheless, the fact that
male editors believed that the status of a reviewer was
important reinforces the possibility that an “old boy network” could still be lingering in the peer-review process
(Lloyd 1990). The fact that female editors do not rate
this criterion as important could suggest that they have
had fewer positive experiences with senior scientists
within the hierarchy of science, and thus value it less.
Alternatively, younger and female editors may simply
have a less well-developed network of connections.
In cases of split reviews, North American editors are
more likely to rely on reviewer seniority than are editors
in other regions. This seems to suggest that either regions,
or journals associated with different regions, have different formal or informal policies in place with respect to
Table 5. Respondent satisfaction with the peer-review process as an author and as an editor
Rate your satisfaction with the
peer-review process
Highly dissatisfied
% (n)
% (n)
Neither satisfied
nor dissatisfied
% (n)
% (n)
Highly satisfied
% (n)
As an author
1.8 (8)
6.2 (28)
16.4 (74)
66.2 (298)
9.3 (42)
As an editor
0.4 (2)
4.0 (18)
9.2 (41)
75.8 (338)
10.5 (47)
Notes: Bolded values indicate most commonly chosen response. All chi-square analyses were significant.
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ON Grod et al.
split reviews. In the absence of consensus between
reviewers, it is unclear whether editors make the ultimate
decision themselves or whether they solicit additional
reviews. It is probable that editors are trained or mentored differently in different regions. However, most editors of biomedical journals are not formally trained
(Garrow et al. 1998) and are therefore basing their practice on the guidance of an experienced editor or their predecessor (Freda and Kearney 2005), whose approach in
weighing reviews appears to vary between regions.
Clearly, in ecology and evolution, most editors ranked
the quality of previous reviews by reviewers as “important”
and “very important” when considering them for future service, and that the likelihood of a given reviewer rejecting a
manuscript was seen as unimportant. This shows that editors have the best interests of the journal and the authors in
mind when making editorial decisions.
Although there are no inherent differences in the way
male and female editors manage and assess manuscripts,
females are underrepresented in this role, and we recommend that women be encouraged to take on editorial
positions. Representation of women in senior positions
more accurately reflects the contribution of women to the
discipline. In addition, reviewer selection criteria should
be made consistent among editors, perhaps via increased
formal training of editors.
This work was conducted as part of the “Role of publication-related biases in ecology” Working Group supported
by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and
Synthesis, a Center funded by NSF (grant #DEB0072909). Thank you to ND and AA at Elsevier for
assisting us with the contact of editors. Many thanks to
all the individuals who participated in the survey.
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Wilkes MS and Kravitz RL. 1995. Policies, practices, and attitudes
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