Int J Adv Manuf Technol (1998) t4:261-268
© 1998 Springer-Verlag London Limited
The ~tern~nai Journal
Computer-Aided Process Planning: A State of Art
H. B. Marri, A. Gunasekaran and R. J. Grieve
Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
During the last decade, computer-aided process planning
(CAPP) has received much attention both from researchers
and practitioners. One of the reasons for this is the role of
CAPP in reducing throughput time and improving quality. An
attempt has been made in this paper to review the existing
literature with the objective of gaining insights into the design
and implementation of CAPP systems. The literature available
(1989-1996) on CAPP has been reviewed based on the types
of systems. The advantages and disadvantages of such systems
are presented. Finally, future research directions are indicated.
Keywords: CAPP systems; Future research; Review
1. Introduction
Process planning is defined as the activity of deciding which
manufacturing processes and machines should be used to perform the various operations necessary to produce a component,
and the sequence that the processes should follow. Alternatively, process planning is the systematic determination of the
detailed methods by which parts can be manufactured from
raw material to finished product. In recent years, computer
aided process planning (CAPP) has been recognised as a key
element in computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). In spite
of the fact that tremendous efforts have been made in
developing CAPP systems, the benefits of CAPP in real-life
manufacturing environments are yet to be seen. With the rapid
development of computer-aided techniques, both the design
and implementation of CAPP have changed greatly since its
development. In the past three decades, more than 300 papers
have been published in this area. Most of the papers appear
to introduce only specific CAPP systems, although a few papers
give a general survey (e.g. [1-6]).
With today's rapid development in science and technology,
it is necessary to update information frequently so that the
goals of research and development can be achieved. Over the
last 30 years many CAPP systems developed were based on
Correspondence and offprint requests to: A. Gunasekaran, Department
of Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, Brunel University,
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UK.
the variant approach, while now the generative approach and
the semi-generative approach are being widely adopted. At the
beginning of the 1980s, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques
were introduced in CAPP. Many CAPP systems were
implemented by AI techniques, usually entitled either "kaaowledge-based" systems or "expert" systems. Each of them has
advantages and disadvantages. A lack of skilled process planners in some industrialised countries, such as in the USA [7]
and UK
[8], gives impetus to the development. A large
number of industrial companies have acquired CAPP systems
for integration of design and production and to compensate ~br
the shortage of skilled process planners. In spite of the fact that
many CAPP systems have been developed, their effectiveness is
still far from satisfactory, and many large companies have had
to establish their own research groups to develop their own
CAPP systems. Small and medium size companies can afford
only existing CAPP systems which have been developed by
research organisations or universities.
A survey of the recent development of CAPP is needed to
make decisions concerning CAPP implementation and to aid
in guiding further research. A critical assessment of the available systems for CAPP should help to generate new ideas ~br
future research and development. In this paper, a review of
existing CAPP systems is presented.
2. Computer-Aided Process Planning
A detailed process plan usually contains the route, machine
and tool, processes, and process parameters. A basic CAPP
model is shown in Fig. 1. Since there are multiple choices for
machining operations for the same machined surface, multiple
machine tools available to perform the same operation, and
different machining sequences, etc., alternative decisions can
be made in process planning. For a machined part, there
usually exist several feasible process plans for creating the
part, although most existing CAPP systems are designed in
such a way that only one process plan is generated. Usually,
these CAPP systems work in conjunction with CAD and other
computer systems. Sequential design and manufacturing follows
a line path, with each step beginning after the previous step
is completed.
H. B. Marri et al.
In short, CAPP is a decision-making process. It determines
a set of instl'nctions and machining parameters required to
manufacture a part. There are four main elements in designing
a CAPP system: input, output, database, and manufacturing
decision-making rules [9]. As shown in the CAPP model,
data preparation is a necessary step for obtaining proper product
definitions for the CAPP system which is carried out after the
CAD system is completed. After the completion of data preparation the data is entered into CAPP and is supported by
knowledge and physical rules. When the CAPP operation is
completed, the next step is output. From this output, the next
operation is post processing which prepares data for production
planning and scheduling activities. Finally, the production planning and scheduling operations are carried out. Those components in the dashed-line box are independent of CAD and
production planning/scheduling.
There are generally two approaches to CAPP systems,
namely variant and generative. The variant approach was used
in early computer-aided process-planning systems, and is basically a computerised database retrievel approach [6]. The
variant or retrieval approach is based on group technology
methods of classifying and coding parts for the purpose of
segregating these parts into family groups. In this approach,
parts produced in a plant are grouped into part families,
distinguished according to their manufacturing characteristics.
For each part family, a standard process plan is established.
The plan is stored in a computer file and then retrieved for
new parts that belong to that family. Some form of parts
classification and coding system is required to organise parts
into families for correct retrieval of the appropriate plan for a
new part. A major problem with this approach is the lack of
adequate classification models that can provide consistency in
CAD System
Output I
Physical Rules
classifying and coding parts. It is also restrictive in that new
parts to be planned have to be similar to those already in the
data file. The second approach to computer-aided processplanning is the generative type. Systems of this type synthesise
the process plan for a new part, based on an analysis of
part geometry, material and other factors that may influence
manufacturing decisions. Inputs to the system would usually
include a comprehensive description of the part. This may also
involve the use of some form of part coding, but this does
not involve the retrieval of existing standard plans [10]. These
systems usually employ either a set of algorithms or knowledge-based techniques to progress through the various technical
and logical decisions toward an appropriate process plan for a
part. The generative approach provides fast advice to designers
early in the design process and is closely coupled with the
product-modelling activities. Once the manufacturing technology, and the type of equipment or process have been
chosen, further detailed planning is carried out as usual. The
use of knowledge-based systems and artificial intelligence techniques was the next major development in generative process
planning [6]. A survey of reported CAPP systems from 1989
to 1996 is presented in the following section.
3. A Survey of CAPP Systems
A number of surveys have been can'ied out in the last thirty
years on the development of CAPP systems. Many keynote
papers have addressed issues for the development of CAPP.
Weill et al. [2] surveyed CAPP systems and addressed the
technical problems in the development of CAPP, from process
selection to the editing of process sheets. The survey also
reported the architecture of CAPP systems for technology
processing in the form of bar diagrams. More than 15 different
systems were reported. The next survey work was reported
three years later by Eversheim and Schulz [3] who reviewed
more than 50 CAPP systems. Within the same year, another
comprehensive survey was reported by Wysk et al. [11] in
which more than 25 systems are reviewed. The review was
further extended by Chang and Wysk [4]. Another widely
used survey was carried out by Alting and Zhang [5].
In this section, some of the existing CAPP systems have
been reviewed. The details of the systems developed from
1989 to 1996 are presented for their approaches, and the
programming languages used. In this paper, more than 20
CAPP systems have been reviewed and are listed in Table 1.
In order to show the scope of existing CAPP systems and to
demonstrate the characteristics of the different systems which
are implemented, a number of selected CAPP systems are
discussed in the following.
j ProductionPlanning
and Scheduling
Fig. 1. Basic CAPP model.
COMPLAN is a generative/variant of CAPP systems [12].
This process-planning system, has been designed for smallbatch manufacturing of mechanical parts and is mainly
developed in the C++ language. The modules of the COMPLAN system can be arranged in two main functional groups:
Computer-Aided Process Planning: A State of Art
process planning and workshop scheduling. The relational database is central to the system and is used to exchange and
synchronise information between the modules. The COMPLAN
architecture provides a framework in which all functional
modules work together in a concurrent approach. The COMPLAN system follows a two-level hierarchical approach to
scheduling which is performed in different time horizons, levels
of aggregation to achieve better load balancing, and to obtain
accurate resource assignments and rescheduling functions.
Economic competition is ever increasing, especially since
the globalisation of the manufacturing business. In order to
anticipate new challengers, manufacturers are urged to revise
their economic objectives fundamentally. The COMPLAN system realises economic improvements such as:
1. A shortening of the lead
and reducing the effort
CAPP system, and by
effort needed.
2. Achieving a leaner and
time from design to manufacturing
spent to enter CAD data into a
rationalising the process-planning
dimensions and tolerances, and other part-specific information.
The feature database contains one record for each feature of
a part. Features currently identified are holes, slots, and bends.
Hence, a many-to-one relationship exists between the feature
database and the parts database. The databases are linked by
the part number field common to both databases. The
FCAPP/SM system contains about 30 rules which match the
part attributes from the part databases with the standard
machine information found in a machine database. The process
planning strategy adopted in this system is to an'ange all the
features of the part into a predetermined precedence hierarchy.
Corresponding to each feature, all feasible machines are identified next. This system has the capability of adjusting to realtime problems such as machine breakdown, job priority and
overloading. Unlike existing systems which use assumed
weights and heuristic search strategies to obtain a feasible plan,
this system uses cost data and optimisation methods to generate
an optimal plan.
more flexible production organis-
The most important feature of the COMPLAN process-planning
system is its ability to handle nonlinear (manufacturing
alternatives) process plans. The system provides either manual
or automatic planning functions for process planning and scheduling. So, the user will at all times retain full control over the
system-planning output.
3.2 ESTPAR System
ESTimator of PARameters (ESTPAR) is a generative approach
to a CAPP system [13]. The knowledge-based expert system
along with the GP code is called ESTPAR. The GP code was
written in FORTRAN IV, and ESTPAR has been written in
FORTRAN 77 for the convenience of integration with the GP
code and the macro-level approach. The ESTPAR system can
be used by manufacturing personnel to determine the optimal
machining parameters and the corresponding machining costs
when using different combinations of machines, tools, and
fixtures (MTF). The ESTPAR system is also a part of a large
automated process-planning system to be used by design and
manufacturing engineers for efficient part design and manufacturing. The main advantage of this system is that more machining operations can be included and more functions of automated
process planning can be added without any difficulty.
3.3 FCAPP/SM System
FCAPP/SM is a generative CAPP system [14]. This process
planning system, which has been developed for sheet metal
parts, has incol~porated several features of generative systems
using a procedural decision making framework. The system
was developed using the Clipper language compiler. Clipper
works with dBASE-compatible databases and allows the development of stand-alone systems. The part storage system consists of two main databases and several support databases. The
main parts database contains one record for each part. This
record stores the part name, raw material form, material, overall
3.4 IKOOPP System
Intelligent knowledge-based objective-oriented process planning
(IKOOPP) is a generative CAPP system [15]. Because of the
problems associated with manual process planning, and the
inconsistencies of the plans, the IKOOPP system has been
developed to automate and standardise the process planning
function for the manufacture of progressive dies. The IKOOPP
system receives part definition data from a commercially available die design system called Auto-Trol Series 7000 Die
Design. A feature extractor has been developed to extract the
relevant attributes of machining features within a progressive
die plate mode. These attributes are used by the IKOOPP
system to reconstruct the plate model using an object-oriented
representation for the subsequent reasoning processes. Knowledge of the functions of the machining features are used to
deduce engineering information which cannot be represented
easily in the CAD system. Moreover, the available interface
for accessing the Auto-Trol databases is limited to a set of
FORTRAN subroutines. The IKOOPP system automatically
plans the set-up sequences, and selects the required machine
tools, cutting tools, heat treatment, fixturing elements and
sequence of operations.
3,5 KAPLAN System
Knowledge-based approach to process planing (KAPLAN) is
a generative CAPP system [16]. KAPLAN provides fully
automatic generation of productions plans of rotational parts.
The program structure is based on knowledge base techniques
and the knowledge required for the plan generation is represented by IF-THEN rules, easily adapted to every workshop
environment by means of a user interface. The application of
this technique is particularly effective where flexible plants and
machine tool are used for a widely variable group of products,
e.g. in flexible manufacturing systems. The module for the
automatic generation of turning sequences, (KAPLAN) is a
part of a more complex process-planning system for the programming and the control of a flexible cell. A great advantage
[t. B. Marri et al.
Table 1. Details of the CAPP systems (1989-1996).
Generative and variant
Generative and variant
Generative and variant
Generative and variant
Generative and variant
Semi generative
Programming language
Clipper language compilar
with dBASE
Turbo Pascal
Fortran 77 and POP 11
Fortran 77
Clipper language
with dBASE
Fortran Auto-Trol series 7000
IF-THEN 1,ales
Turbo Pascal
Turbo Pascal
in terms of time and data reliability" is obtained by this CADCAPP integration. The technique for generating plans used by
this system is quite different from those used by the other
systems currently proposed and represents a new approach in
CAPP systems for rotational parts.
K-Base System
A knowledge-based (K-B) system is a generative CAPP system
[17]. Initially this system was written in Prolog, but when it
was redesigned for more generic applications, it was re-coded
in Pascal, and runs on IBM compatible computers. A knowledge-based system is used for process planning and cost estimation in the hole-making process. The main function of the
system, besides estimating the cost of production, is to recommend appropriate processes, their sequence and their respective machining conditions in order to obtain the required product
specifications. The knowledge required for process planning
and cost estimation is organised into three knowledge bases,
namely process and sequence knowledge base, machinability
data knowledge base and costing data knowledge base. In
comparison with the manual system previously used, this system has provided several advantages including the flexibility
to change data, and uniform process plans, correct machining
parameters, and automatic cost estimation. Another important
feature of the system is that it provides a company with a
facility to store the knowledge gained by experienced planners
in the databases which can then be used to assist inexperienced
planners to perform the task of planning and estimating quickly
and efficiently. A major feature of this system is that it unifies
Jung and Lee [22]
Catron and Ray [23]
Yeh and Fischer [24]
Katta and Davies [25]
Gim et al. [26]
Schweiz [12]
Guoit et al. [27]
Narang and Fischer [13]
Jung and Lee [22]
Smith et al, [14]
Hsu and Lee [28]
Hutchinson [29]
Myer et al. [30]
Lee et at. [t5]
Giusti et al. [t6]
Luong and Spedding [17]
Opas et al. [18]
Boogert et al. [31]
Elsayed and Chen [32]
Athar Masood and Srihari [33]
Browne et al. [19]
Srihari and Raghavan [34]
Srihari and Raghavan [34]
Lee et al. [15]
Abdous and Cheng [21]
process sequence, machinability, and cost estimation into an
integrated system which caters for the requirements of small
to medium sized companies involved in batch operations.
3.7 MCOES System
Manufacturing cell operator's expert system (MCOES) is a
generative CAPP system [18]. The architecture of the MCOES
system consist of five main subsystems:
1. A design data interface.
2. A process plan preparation system (strategic process
3. A process plan generation system (operative process
4. A method editing interface.
5. A factory modeller.
The overall operation of the system takes place in three stages:
1. System set-up stage. When a factory model representing
factory facilities is generated and a collection of methods
representing tested, proven manufacturing processes is created. In this stage, the planning focus is on a single process.
2. Strategic process planning stage. When a process plan
specification for a new product family is created by choosing
appropriate methods and set-ups. In this stage, the planning
focus is a single product family, comprising several processes.
3. Operative process planning stage. When a detailed process
plan is created for a given manufacturing order. In this
Computer-Aided Process Planning: A State of Ar~
stage, the focus is on a single order, possibly comprising
several instances of several product families.
The main advantage of this system is that it is easy to generate
correct part programs on the basis of relatively high-levelorder information, in a few minutes.
RObot Based EXpert (ROBEX) system, and robotic assembly
time estimators (RATE) are generative CAPP systems [19].
Robot-based flexible assembly systems are complex and their
planning and development requires a methodological planning
procedure. The two systems are designed as a part of an
overall planning procedure for the design of robot-based flexible assembly systems. This seven-step planning procedure
provides an integrated approach to robot integration in CIM
systems, from the initial feasibility studies to the final detailing
of the flexible assembly system design. ROBEX and RATE
belong to the second step, the determination of basic data. The
purpose of this step is to determine the information which will
be needed in the subsequent layout and planning of the
assembly systems, i.e. a feasible set of assembly operations by
which the product can be assembled, and estimated assembly
times can be determined for this set of operations. Highly
accurate assembly times are not necessary at this step in the
planning procedure, What is required, and what RATE provides, are estimates of the operation times, which can be used
in the subsequent simulation and evaluation of the proposed
assembly system. The lead time between design and manufacture of production can easily be reduced when using these systems.
3.9 TAMCAM System
TAMCAM is an open manufacturing system, developed by
Smith et al. [20]. A three-level hierarchical control architecture
is employed in TAMCAM. Based on the functional characterisation of shop floor control functions, a set of procedures for
testing the intelligent control of a manufacturing system has
been set up [20]. In TAMCAM, part design and process
planning is integrated in the AutoCAD (Autodesk, Inc.)
environment on a Unix platform. Each machinable feature of
a part is drawn in a dedicated AutoCAD layer. The process
planning system used in TAMCAM adopts a semi-generative
approach, i.e. the standard process plans for a set of part
families are stored in a database, and changes in a part design
are resolved using decision-tree logic. The standard process
plan for a part includes operations, resources, machining parameters, machine independent cutter location data (CLDATA)
for each feature, and machining precedence of the features.
The process-planning system can generate new process plans
(including CLDATA) for a feature when the feature is changed
in terms of location, shape, and tolerance. The advantage of
this system is that a number of open system standards for
CIM have been developed to reduce the costs associated with
software development, integration, and maintenance.
3.10 TVCAPP System
Tolerance verification in computer aided process planning
(TVCAPP) is a generative CAPP system [21]. The TVCAPP
is an expert system, and it has 3 components.:
1. Databases.
2. Qualifiers and variables.
3. Algorithms and external programs.
TVCAPP integrates the combined effects of process selection,
machine selection, tool selection, machining parameters and
tolerance requirements in developing more efficient alternative
process plans. The main advantages of the TVCAPP system
over existing ones are that it:
1. Verifies the input values of tolerance by the user or from
an AUTOCAD drawing.
2. Checks tolerance values against standards (CSA-B78.2-86).
3. Generates four types of geometric tolerances: straightness,
circularity, cylindricity and concentricity.
4. Generates a limited number of operations for the statistical
process control analysis.
5. Generates alternative process plans in which each operation
has an operation index.
6. Calculates the cost for each process.
The proposed expert system should lead to the development
of a systematic means for automatic CAD/CAPP integration
from a given CAD drawing, machine and tool databases.
Comments on the CAPP Systems
In the previous section, some of the existing CAPP systems
have been reviewed. The details of the systems available during
the survey period are mentioned in Table 1, Statistics of
general features for these existing CAPP systems are listed in
Table 2. Plannable workpiece statistical results are presented in
Table 3, Finally, Table 4 shows the statistics of implementation
environments of the surveyed CAPP systems.
Table 2 indicates the approaches adopted in the development
of CAPP systems. Here the use of the generative approach is
higher, i,e. 64%, compared to the other approaches used in
the 25 CAPP systems surveyed. The researchers preferred this
type of approach because its main function is to synthesise a
new plan for each specific part. The major advantage of this
approach is that the process plan is consistent and fully automated. The remaining approaches are based on group technology concepts but their disadvantage is that the quality of
the process plan still depends on the knowledge background
of a process planner. As a research field to enable the necessary
integration within the CIM concept, the generative approach is
important and so most of the researchers adopted the generative
approach in the development of new CAPP systems.
Table 3 indicates the statistics of plannable workpieces for
the CAPP systems. Twenty percent are mechanical assembly
type systems. The reason for developing this type of system
is that, since the cost minimisation is the criterion ~fbr optimis-
H. B. Marri et al.
Table 2. Statistics of general features.
General features
Percentage (%)
Generative approach
Variant approach
Semi generative approach
Generative and variant approach
Table 3. Statistics of plannable workpieces.
Plannable workpieces
Percentage (%)
Only rotational
Only prismatic
Only sheet metal
Only holes
Both rotational and prismatic
All (rotational, prismatic, sheet metal)
Mechanical assembly
Electronic assembly
ation, the number of different machines and handling delays
are automatically minimised in the operation sequence. The
limitations of other systems are that most of them are mainframe based, and they are expensive and too complicated for
shopfloor use. As a result, they require high initial capital
which is often beyond the reach of small to medium-sized
companies. Mechanical assembly type systems are part of
larger automated process-planning systems for use by design
and manufacturing engineers for efficient part design and manufacturing.
Finally, Table 4 indicates the languages used during the
development of new CAPP systems. The percentage using
FORTRAN is higher, i.e. 16%, when compared to other languages. This language has convenient features for performing
algebraic calculations and is more applicable to scientific,
mathematical, and statistical problems than other languages.
Present CAPP systems only offer partial solutions, They are
limited in scope and are isolated from the rest of the manufacturing functions. They offer poor or no interface to functions
such as order management, engineering and design, capacity
Table 4. Statistics of implementation environments.
Implementation environment
Percentage (%)
Turbo Pascal
Fortran family
Clipper language
1F-THEN rules
compilar with
planning, scheduling, tool management, material management,
quality control and purchasing as well as existing databases
[6]. As CAPP is a wide area and so many technologies have
been involved in the research and implementation of CAPP
systems, as well as the rapid development of today's computeraided techniques, it is not easy to predict future trends. However, it is necessary now to review the techniques used in
existing systems and to anticipate future development. In order
to present the comments, some of the CAPP systems are selected.
The ESTPAR system incorporates a knowledge-based expert
system for determining optimal machining parameters for each
pass required on the surface of the part. The main advantage
of this system is that the methodology has been developed
such that more machining operations can be included and more
functions of automated process planning can be added without
much difficulty. However, considerable research work in different aspects of manufacturing is needed before the results can
be used without any human intervention. The methodology has
been developed for turning operations only. The equations and
constraints for other machining operations need to be
developed, if necessary, by machinability studies. Work needs
to be done in relating tolerance and surface finish specifications
to feedrate and other parameters based on different machine
tools, cutting tools, and workpiece matelial combinations. The
stable cutting regions for common workpiece materials and
tools need to be determined to make optimal use of the
available resources.
The FCAPP/SM system represents a practical approach to
process planning. The use of features and feature-precedence
graphs unifies group technology classification and coding and
feature-based generative CAPP concepts. This representation,
unlike the GT part family code number technique, allows
flexibility in data storage/retrieval as well as in process plan
generation. This approach also allows company-specific process
planning rules to be identified from the feature graph instead
of relying on a generic rule base. Future process planning
research should concentrate on seeking such pre-existing feature
precedence hierarchies instead of adopting variant/GT part
family or rule-based expert-system strategies.
The IKOOPP system has been developed to automate and
standardise the :process planning function for the manufacture
of progressive dies. However, the machining allowances are
defaulted for both the roughing and semi-finishing operation.
The main deficiency with feature-based modelling is associated
with the difficulty in representing composite features with
complex curves and sculptured surfaces. A proposed methodology for overcoming this deficiency is to have a user interactively identifying complex features from basic geometrical
features and entities. Nevertheless, it is argued that featurebased product modellers with the capabilities to represent
technological information will facilitate the reasoning process
and thereby support the development of a fully automated
CAPP system.
The SMT-TAB CAPP system, in its current state, considers
single-sided PCBs with SMT and TAB components. This system could be expanded to accept and plan for all types of
PCBs (SMT and through-hole technology with TAB), with
boards populated on both sides. Other possible enhancements
Computer-Aided P1~cess Plauning: A State of Art
include consideration of one-layer and two-layer tape preparation, bumped tape and area TAB, aM other types of encapsulation for TAB packages. The SMT-TAB CAPP system
developed does not evaluate and estimate the cost associated
with the manufacture of a specific PCB. This prototype system
can be enhanced further to consider the shop floor status
of the machines, making it a truly real-time, and dynamic
CAPP system.
The expert system, TVCAPP, starts by extracting and verifying dimensional and geometrical tolerances for each machining surface. For future research, although the proposed expert
system has shown many improvements over existing ones and
has expanded the horizon in dealing with the tolerance verification problem, further studies need to be investigated, particularly with respect to the development of an interface program
to integrate CAD and CAPP through a more general neutral
file, such as IGES, and expanding the number of rules and
the size of the database.
Suggestions for Future Research
The following are some of the future research directions for
CAPP systems:
Architecture and constraints for machining operations
should be considered while developing a CAPP system. In
this connection, tolerance and surface finish specifications
related to feedrate and other parameters for different
machine tools, cutting tools, and workpiece material combinations require more attention.
Process-planning research should focus on pre-existing feature precedence hierarchies
instead of adopting
variant/group technology part family or rule-based expert
system strategies.
The feature-based modelling deficiency should be overcome so that a user can interactively identify complex
features from basic geometrical features and entities.
A CAPP prototype system has to be enhanced to consider
the shop floor status of the machines, making it a truly
real-time, and dynamic CAPP system.
An interface program should be developed to integrate
CAD and CAPP through a more general neutral file,
such as IGES (initial graphics exchange specification) by
expanding the number of rules and the size of the database.
A major limitation with existing systems is that most of
them require mainframe computers which are too expensive
and complicated for shop floor use. As a result, they
require high initial capital outlay and a long learning curve
which are often beyond the reach of small and mediumsized companies, There is also a notable absence of the
cost estimating capability in most of the existing CAPP
systems. Therefore, a CAPP system has to be developed
to offer an integrated facility for process planning and cost
estimation to cater for small and medium-sized companies,
which account for a large part of the machining activities
in the metals industry.
The existing expert systems lack adequate mathematical
calculation functions. Therefore, new mathematical models
have to be developed to minimise the manufacturing time
and cost.
A knowledge-based system for CAPP should be developed
for integrated and intelligent process planning systems.
9. The stable cutting region for common workpiece materials
and tools needs to be determined to make optimal use of
the available resources. Options, such as the ability to use
different machine tools for roughing and finishing passes,
need to be included in an integrated package for effective
use of manufacturing capabilities.
10. Most of the CAPP systems are unable to cope with the
uncertain nature of the shop floor. These systems are static
in nature because they deal with complete, certain and
well-defined information. The implementation of a CAPP
system in a manufacturing environment requires the capability of handling problems such as machine breakdown,
tool failure, and alternative route generation on a real-time
basis. Therefore, a CAPP system that serves as an integral
CIM component and considers the dynamic and uncertain
nature of the shop floor needs to be developed.
11. Intelligent CAPP systems will play an important role in
modern manufacturing industry but only a limited number
of intelligent CAPP systems are available. Therefore,
further research is required on these systems.
The importance of CAPP in a modern manufacturing facility
cannot be underestimated. CAPP provides a direct link between
design and manufacturing. It reduces the time spent between
part design and actual manufacture. The CAPP systems of the
future should be dynamic, flexible and intelligent. The successors to intelligent systems will be "learning systems" that
can monitor production and feed data back to the system. This
feedback wilt become the teacher. The systems will be able
to learn from manufacturing mistakes and therefore improve
the performance. The advantages of a learning and self-adapting
system should include more accurate time and cost estimates,
improve productivity, ability to monitor processes, less variability, more reliability and reduced human involvement. The
CAPP area has been greatly developed in the last two decades
and many techniques have been involved. An attempt has been
made to present the state-of-the-art of CAPP systems developed
during the period 1989-1996. Some of the welt-known CAPP
systems are discussed in this paper. The discussion focuses on
the general aspects of the systems, such as, functions, working
steps, approaches of implementation, methodologies of knowledge representation, programming language, architecture, and
pros and cons of the system.
i. H. J. Steudel, "Computer-aided process planning: past, present
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2. R. Weill, G. Spur and W. Eversheim, '"Survey of computer
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3. W. Eversheim and J. Schulz. "CIRP technical reports: survey of
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4. T.-C. Chang and R. A. Wysk, An Introduction to Automated
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6. H. A. Elmaraghy, 1993, "Evolution and future perspectives of
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10. L. H. S. Luong, "Process planning via computer assisted classification and coding", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 4(3), pp. 311-320, 1989.
11. R. A. Wysk, T. C. Chang and I. Ham, "Automated process
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12. S. Schweiz, 1995, "Esprit project 6805 COMPLAN. Final
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13. R. V. Narang and G. W. Fischer, "Development of a frame work
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14. J. S. Smith, P. H. Cohen, J. W. Davis and S. A. Irani, "Process
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15. I. B. H. Lee, B. S. Lira and A. Y. C. Nee, 1993, "Knowledgebased process planning system for the manufacture of progressive
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pp. 251-278, 1993.
16. F. Giusti, M. Santochi and G. Dinii, "KAPLAN: a knowledgebased approach to process planning of rotational parts", Annals
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17. L. H. S. Luong and T. Spedding, "An integrated system for
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pp. 411-415, 1995.
18. J. Opas, F. Kanerva and M. Mantyla, "Automatic process plan
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19. L Browne, K. Terney and M. Walsh, "A two-stage assembly
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20. J. S. Smith, R. A. Wysk and S. B. Joshi, "A formal functional
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working paper, 1993.
21. G. Abdous and R. Cheng, "TVCAPP, tolerance verification in
computer-aided process planning", International Journal of Production Research, 31(2), pp. 393-411, 1993.
22. M. Y. Jung and K. H. Lee, "ACAD/CAPP interface for complex
rotationally symmetric parts", International Journal of Production
Research, 34(t), pp. 227--251, 1996.
23. R. A. Catron and S. R. Ray, "ALP& a language for process
specification", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 4, pp. 105-113, 1991.
24. C.-H. Yeh and G. W. Fischer, "A structured approach to the
automatic planning of machining operations for rotational parts
based on computer integration of standard design and process
data'', Nternationat Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 6(3), pp. 285-298, 1991.
25. M. Katta and B. J. Davies, "CADEXCAP: integration of 2D CAD
models of turned components with CAPP", International Journal
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 8(3), pp. 145-149, 1993.
26. J.-S, Gim, D. W. Cho and K. S. Taraman, "Optimization of facemilling cutters by use of a computer aided milling system simulator", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 6(3), pp. 263-284, I991.
27. T. Guiot, P. Lecocq, P. Vandereyken and M. Dumont, "CROPS:
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28. Q. C. Hsu and R. S. Lee, "Geometry-oriented knowledge-based
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29. G. Hutchinson, "Technology constrained process planning", Proceedings of NSF Design and Manufacturing Systems Conference,
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30. R. H. Myer, A. I. Khuri and G. Vining, "Response surface
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31. R. M. Boogert, H. J. J. Kals and F. J. A. M. Van, '~I;ool
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33. Athar Masood and K. Sfihari, 1993, "RDCAPP: a real time
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34. K. Srihari and Q. Raghavan, "SMT-TAB: A process planning
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