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2011, IEEE Africon '11
5 pages
1 file
A theory for describing the systems engineering process using formal mathematical structures is presented in this paper. This abstraction of the systems engineering process makes it possible to concentrate on the operations and structures involved in the process without the distraction of the narrative word. An important aspect in the formulation of this theory is the inclusion of people as part of it. Further development of the theory will lead to the implementation of the mathematical description in simulation software to study the dynamic characteristics of and interaction of people with the systems engineering process as well as systematically validating the theory through empirical studies.
INCOSE International Symposium, 2018
Systems engineering is widely perceived as an empirical discipline, with a need for theoretical foundations that can facilitate reasoning about practice. This is an attempt to help build such foundations by systems-theoretic inquiry into the nature of the relationship between knowledge and engineering. We conceptualize this relationship in terms of four worlds: the real world, the world of systems models, a world of aspect knowledge, and a world of wholes knowledge: knowledge that indicates how aspects come together and also how wholes relate to each other. This leads us to a generative understanding of systems engineering: synthesizing aspects to develop blocks; and generating the network of blocks that form a system, through recursive performance of three activities: decomposition, dependency closure and refinement. The problem of systems engineering practice involves augmenting this core with the concerns of problem formulation, design of the supporting ecosystem, and the need for closing gaps between the model world and real world. We derive some initial confidence in the validity and value of this strawman model by examining its ability to explain some aspects of current systems engineering practice, and the insights it provides into how we can integrate system modeling across knowledge domains. Introduction: Objectives and Motivation System engineering applies to various domains, enterprise application domains such as banking and insurance, and engineering domains such as infrastructure and operations. Systems engineering as a discipline is responsible for bringing multiple such domains together into a unified system that addresses a set of objectives. A central issue in systems engineering, therefore, is how knowledge from various domains come together to generate a system. Over time, engineering has developed a fabric of concepts about the nature of systems. This includes the notion of blocks (modules, components, subsystems, systems) with structures (entities with attributes, relationships among them, and operations that can be performed on them), and processes (sequences of operations) enabled by these structures that produce behavior. It also includes the notion of block composition, and associated concepts such as interfaces, dependencies, and interactions between blocks and their context. This is a general fabric of concepts that applies to all systems, thereby enabling the discipline of systems engineering, and an associated body of practice knowledge about how to engineer systems that have desired characteristics. Systems theory and systems science have delved deeper into the nature and behavior of systems, leading to concepts such as variety, dynamics and emergence, and bodies of knowledge about the nature and types of systems, relationships between structure, processes and behavior, and the behavior of networks of processes. We also have bodies of knowledge in scientific domains, enterprise (human endeavor) domains such as telecom and medicine, technology domains such as power electronics and scripting languages, and aspect domains such as security, chemistry and performance that focus on particular kinds of system characteristics and properties.
Operation is the user function and includes activities necessary to satisfy defined operational objectives and tasks in peacetime and wartime environments. Support includes the activities necessary to provide operations support, maintenance, logistics, and material management. Disposal includes the activities necessary to ensure that the disposal of decommissioned, destroyed, or irreparable system components meets all applicable regulations and directives. Training includes the activities necessary to achieve and maintain the knowledge and skill levels necessary to efficiently and effectively perform operations and support functions. Verification includes the activities necessary to evaluate progress and effectiveness of evolving system products and processes, and to measure specification compliance. Systems Engineering Considerations Systems engineering is a standardized, disciplined management process for development of system solutions that provides a constant approach to system development in an environment of change and uncertainty. It also provides for simultaneous product and process development, as well as a common basis for communication. Systems engineering ensures that the correct technical tasks get done during development through planning, tracking, and coordinating. Responsibilities of systems engineers include: • Development of a total system design solution that balances cost, schedule, performance, and risk, • Development and tracking of technical information needed for decision making, • Verification that technical solutions satisfy customer requirements, Milestones • Process entry at Milestones A, B, or C (or within phases) • Program outyear funding when it makes sense, but no later than Milestone B
Many definitions of the Systems Engineering are proposed, and analyzing some differences between them help to highlight contents and open issues, as they are described in this chapter. Nevertheless, a short historical outline could be helpful in appreciating some characteristics of this methodology, which are even more detailed by a wide literature, herein briefly described. Furthermore, an overview of technical standards dealing with the Systems Engineering is added, to define a roadmap for a deeper education in this field.
System of Systems Engineering
A critical aspect and differentiator of a System of Systems (SoS) versus a single monolithic system is interoperability among the constituent disparate systems. A major application of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to SoS Engineering is to facilitate system integration in a manner that helps to cope with such interoperability problems. A case in point is the integration infrastructure offered by the DoD Global Information Grid (GIG) and its Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). In this chapter, we discuss a process called DEVS Unified Process (DUNIP) that uses the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) formalism as a basis for integrated system engineering and testing called the Bifurcated Model-Continuity life-cycle development methodology. DUNIP uses an XML-based DEVS Modeling Language (DEVSML) framework that provides the capability to compose models that may be expressed in a variety of DEVS implementation languages. The models are deployable for remote and distributed real-time executing agents over the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) middleware. In this paper, we formulate a methodology for testing any proposed SOA-based integration infrastructure, such as DISA's Net-Centric Enterprise Services. To support such a methodology we use DUNIP to define a Test Instrumentation System (TIS) that employs the DEVS/SOA infrastructure to deploy agents to test the mission success and performance levels of collaborations over the GIG/SOA.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 1992
The purpose of this paper is to enunciate the underlying notions of systems modelling . There is an obvious lack with many techniques to allow the description of the real world as native to its functioning as possible. A generic analytical framework is likely to have a strong impact in problem solving, whatever may be the domain. Further, it may ease the process of communication among various people by virtue of proper capturing of the system functionality in a more understandable framework. The exploration for such a framework will also rationalize the development process of computerized systems, whether they are going to employ conventional software or AI/ES techniques. The criticality of the computerized systems has been raising potential problems with respect to safety and security. Validation and verification of the systems have become a potential challenge. The current discussion will shed light on these issues, and guide in ensuring a robust application system.
The primary objective of this chapter is to provide a foundational understanding of the multifaceted and transdisciplinary field of systems engineering. This foundation is necessary as it provides the context for the specific and applied topics that follow in other chapters in this work. However, describing systems engineering is not a simple task, especially within a single chapter. This description requires understanding two interconnected ideas: the basic concepts and principles of the field today, wrapped within the lifecycle of a system's development. While some concepts are universal (such as understanding the system from the perspective of the "whole"), most concepts are better described within the various phases that most complex systems traverse as they evolve from idea to an actual, deployed engineered system. Also, systems engineering focuses on the engineering of large-scale, complex systems (Sage, 1992). Simple, or small, systems need not be burdened with all of the formalism of systems engineering processes. Unfortunately, most systems developed today by government and private corporations do not fall into the simple category. Whether it is a new jet fighter system, a business system for a large corporation, a complex computer simulation, or a new public transportation vehicle, the complexity of new systems has grown to the point of needing systems engineering discipline to ensure success (Sage and Biemer, 2007). This chapter is organized into four basic parts. The first part describes the goals of exploring agent-based systems engineering and its related fields and introduces why a chapter on classic systems engineering is needed in a book such as this. The second part describes the definition, attributes, and need for classical systems engineering. Although we alluded to this need above, this section provides details on where the systems engineering discipline assists in the system development effort. The third part of the chapter defines a generic life cycle model applicable to almost all system development efforts. The various phases within this life cycle model will be explored, and specific systems engineering principles, methods,
Conference on Systems Engineering …, 2007
The paper discusses the rationale for, and describes a proposed framework for systems engineering in the context of a discipline. This framework, the Hitchins-Kasser-Massie (HKM) framework has already facilitated postgraduate teaching of systems engineering and has provided reasons why systems engineers have a plurality of views concerning the scope and nature of systems engineering. The contribution of this paper is to place the HKM framework in the context of Kline"s definition of a discipline.