Received: 19.10.2006
Accepted: 25.12.2006
Short Communication
Health problems in Turner syndrome
Mehdi Salek*, Ahmad Reza Okhovvat**, Masoumeh Sadeghi***,
Hamid Reza Roohafza***, Roya Kelishadi***, Pooneh Memar Ardestani****,
Masoumeh Raoufei****, Mohammad Hossein Moaddab*****, Hossein Nejadnik*****
Although cardiovascular malformations are well-recognized congenital anomalies in Turner syndrome
(TS), other clinical features and a great variety of dysmorphic signs can also be observed. There are few studies about
different medical problems in pre-selected groups of patients with Turner syndrome. Therefore, in this study we aimed
to assess the prevalence of some medical problems in Turner syndrome.
This was a case series from April to October 2005. We studied 40 patients with TS who attended the Endocrine and Metabolic Research Center. Audiometry, echocardiography, ultrasonography of kidneys and urinary tracts,
thyroid function tests, fasting blood sugar, lipid profile as well as anthropometric and blood pressure measurements
were assessed in all patients and collected data were analyzed by SPSS version 10.
Of the 40 subjects 62.5% (n = 25) had cardiac anomalies, 20% (n = 8) had high blood pressure, about 60% (n
= 24) suffered from hearing loss and 15% (n = 6) suffered from duplication or dilatation of urinary collecting system.
The relative frequency of hypothyroidism, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia was 25% (n = 10), 30% (n =
12) and 32.5% (n = 13), respectively.
Medical problems are common in TS patients and the routine screening of their health conditions should
be performed at the time of diagnosis and at regular intervals.
Turner syndrome, health problems, hypertension, heart disease.
JRMS 2007; 12(2): 90-95
he designation "Turner syndrome" (TS)
is a clinical characterization caused by a
complete or partial absence of the second sex chromosome which affects 1 in 2000 to
5000 live-born females and it is characterized
by reduced adult height, female phenotype,
gonadal dysgenesis, sexual infantilism and
somatic abnormalities that leads to primary
amenorrhea, delayed pubertal development
and infertility 1. Congenital and acquired
anomalies and a great variety of dysmorphic
signs may also be observed. But, the etiology
of the abnormalities that leads to this rather
substantial increase is not clear 2.
Although short stature is the most prominent characteristic of this disorder, a wide
range of associated medical problems have
been reported, which may lead to a three-fold
increase in overall mortality and morbidity as
well as reduced life expectancy by up to 13
*Assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
** Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
***Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
****Researcher and Medical Doctor, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan , Iran.
*****Researcher and Medical Doctor, Endocrine and Metabolic Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Correspondence to:Dr Mehdi Salek, Assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. E-mail:
[email protected]
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences March & April 2007; Vol 12, No 2.
Health problems in Turner syndrome
years 3. Cardiovascular and renal anomalies,
hearing difficulties and an increased incidence
of autoimmune disorders are frequent comorbidities which increase life time risks. Disorders of glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes,
dyslipidemia, obesity and liver dysfunction
often are delayed until adulthood and primary
hypothyroidism occur both in childhood and
adulthood 4. The prevalence of these problems
varies in different studies which may be due to
factors such as karyotype and age 3. Strategies
for long term surveillance of TS patients may
be made if the risks can be stratified regionally
.We did not have any data on the frequency of
different health problems of TS patients in Isfahan. Therefore, the aim of our study was to
assess some medical problems in TS patient in
Isfahan city, Iran.
Forty children and adolescents aged 10 to 20
with diagnosed TS were included in this case
series at the Endocrine and Metabolic Research
Center, in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences from April to October 2005. Ultrasonography of kidneys and urinary tract, audiometry, cardiac echocardiography, thyroid function tests, fasting blood sugar, lipid profile, as
well as anthropometric and blood pressure
measurements were assessed in all patients.
Weight and height were measured in each subject and BMI was calculated as weight/height2
(kg/m2). Being overweight was defined as a
BMI-for-age at or above the 95th percentile and
“at risk of overweight” was defined as a BMIfor-age between the 85th and the 95th percentile (on the gender specified charts)5. All subjects underwent auscultatory mercury manometer blood pressure measurement and hypertension (HTN) was defined as systolic or
diastolic blood pressure above the 95th percentile for age 5. Standard pure tone threshold
audiometry was carried out in a soundproof
room using a Madsen OB822 clinical audiometer (Denmark). Echocardiography of subjects
was done by a Wingmed (Norway) echocardiograph, and ultrasonography (US) of kidneys and urinary tract were performed by a
Salek et al
G50 Siemens (Germany) sonograph. Each of
these assessments were done by one person in
all the subjects.
Serum level of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol and LDL-C were analyzed enzymatically using the Pars Azmoon kits (Iran), FBS
was measured by Man kits, TSH and T4 were
measured by immunoradiometric assay
(IRMA) and radioimmunoassay using Iran
Kavoshyar kits. The normal range of T4 was
4.5-12 µg/dl and for TSH was 0.3-4 mu/l. Hypothyroidism was defined by low T4 level
(<4.5 µg/dl) and high TSH level (>4 mu/L).
Dyslipidemia was defined as total cholesterol,
LDL-C and /or TG above the 95th percentile as
well as HDL-C lower than the 5th percentile 6.
Cytogenetic analysis was performed in all patients on peripheral blood lymphocytes. Data
were analyzed using the statistical software
SPSS version 10 (SPSS Inc, IL, USA) and were
presented as mean ± SD and relative frequency
(percentage). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
We studied 40 subjects aged 11 to 20 (mean
15.84 years) with TS that was proven by the
cytogenetic study performed on peripheral
blood lymphocytes. Their karyotype distribution was as the following: 45X 37.5% (n = 15),
mosaicism 62.5% (n = 25). Characteristics of
subjects are summarized in table 1. According
to CDC cutoffs, 19.5% (n = 8) of our subjects
were at risk of being overweight but none of
them were overweight. The height of 77.5% (n
= 31) was under the 5th percentile. Overall,
67.5% (n = 27) of our patients were under
growth hormone treatment but most of them
did not follow their treatment due to the high
prices of the drugs.
Of the subjects studied, 85% (n = 34) had
normal US, 10 % (n = 4) had dilatation of the
urinary collecting system and 5% (n = 2) had a
duplication of the urinary collecting system. In
addition, 25% (n = 10) of patients were hypothyroid. According to the audiometry, 27.5% (n
= 11) had hearing loss (CHL) and 32.5% (n =
13) had sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL),
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences March & April 2007; Vol 12, No 2.
Health problems in Turner syndrome
Salek et al
Table 1. Characteristics of the subjects.
Age (years)
Weight (kg)
Height (cm)
Total cholesterol (mg/dl)
LDL (mg/dl)
HDL (mg/dl)
TG (mg/dl)
FBS (mg/dl)
TSH (mu/l)
T4 (µg/dl)
Mean ± SD
15.84 ± 2.3
41.5 ± 8.2
140.3 ± 11
178.6 ± 15.3
125.3 ± 18.4
49 ± 4.4
110.51 ± 22.3
84.73 ± 6.6
2.5 ± 1.6
8.4 ± 3.1
Table 2. Findings of echocardiogram of the subjects with Turner syndrome
Mitral valve prolapse
Aortic coarctation
Mitral valve prolapse or regurgitation
Bicuspid aortic valve
Mitral valve regurgitation
Aortic valve incompetence
Irregular abdominal aorta
Aortic valve stenosis and Mitral valve prolapse
Irregular abdominal aorta and Mitral valve prolapse
Ventricular septal defect and Mitral valve prolapse
Bicuspid aortic valve and Mitral valve regurgitation
37.5% (n = 15) had normal hearing and one of
the patients didn’t cooperate to perform the
test. Among 16 patients with a history of recurrent otitis media (OM), 50% (n = 8) had CHL
and 25% (n = 4) had SNHL. We found significant association between history of recurrent
OM and presence of hearing loss in audiometry (P = 0.03). The results of echocardiography
indicated that 62.5% (n = 25) of patients had
cardiac abnormalities of which 32% were multiple anomalies. As presented in table 2, the
most common anomaly was mitral valve
prolapse (MVP). Also, 20% (n = 8) of our patients had HTN. HTN without the presence of
coarctation of aorta was observed in 7 patients.
Overall, 30% of subjects had hypercholesterolemia and 32.5% hypertriglyceridemia.
LDL-C of 15% (n = 6) of patients was above the
95th percentile and HDL-C of 7.5% (n = 3) was
under the 5th percentile curve. No case of abnormal blood glucose was found.
Our findings indicated that medical problems
are highly common in TS patients and 97% of
our cases had at least one abnormality. Much
of the increased morbidities and mortalities
noted in TS are attributable to different heart
conditions 3. The cause of congenital heart defects in TS remains unknown. An increase in
aortic root diameter, a risk factor for developing aortic dilatation and later rupture, is often
seen and probably depends on blood pressure
7. In the present study, we studied TS patients
who were not cardiologically preselected and
attended to the endocrine clinics just because
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences March & April 2007; Vol 12, No 2.
Health problems in Turner syndrome
of short stature and/or delayed puberty. Mitral valve prolapse or regurgitation was the
most common cardiac problem. Lower frequency has been reported in other studies
(ranging from 0.6 to 8.9 %) 8-12. The second
most common cardiovascular problems were
bicuspid aortic valve and aortic coarctation.
Nearly similar percentages ranging from
12.5 to 17.5% have been reported for bicuspid
aortic valve in previous series and it has been
the most common congenital abnormality in
most of the previous studies 3,8-13(3, 8-13). Aortic coarctation was previously documented as
the most frequent cardiac anomaly in TS patients with a prevalence varying from 15-67 %
14. Among patients younger than 21, aortic dilation without a risk factor was observed in only
3 of 15 surveyed patients and 1 of 67 patients
reported in the literature 15. However since
1992, lower prevalences ranging from 6.9 to 14
% have been reported 8. Prospective studies are
needed in order to study how the risk of aortic
dissection can be reduced.
It is recognized that HTN may develop due
to coarctation of the aorta and/or intrarenal
vascular changes in TS patients. However, renal malformations that lead to scars are also
risk factors for hypertension. The etiology of
hypertension could not be clearly explained. 15.
The risk of hypertension is increased 3-fold in
these patients estimating to occur in 7–17% of
children and 24–40% of adults 16 and this is
similar to our study. 50% of cases with HTN
had aortic coarctation, urinary duplication or
dilatation. The reported incidence of renal malformations in TS patients varies between 33 to
66% 17. Also, according to previous studies
horse shoe kidney occurs in 15% and collecting
system abnormalities in about 10 % of them 3.
Although prevalence of renal anomalies in our
study was lower than in previous studies and
no case of horse shoe kidney was found, the
frequency of urinary collecting system abnormalities in our study was in accordance with
the previous reports 3. A study in Italy revealed that by the age of 15.5, 27% of TS girls
are hypothyroid and this prevalence increases
with age 18. In other studies, the reported
Salek et al
prevalence of hypothyroidism varies from 25
to 30% 3. Our data shows a prevalence of hypothyroidism which is consistent with previous
It is well documented that SNHL becomes
increasingly common with age in TS 3. It is reported in 58% of TS girls as young as 6, and in
up to 61% of TS patients aged more than 35. As
this disorder increases with age, over a quarter
of them require a hearing aid 19. Although we
found a high frequency of hearing loss in TS, it
was lower in other studies. In addition, in one
study the prevalence of SNHL and CHL was
the same as in our study 20. In addition, we
found a correlation between a history of recurrent OM and presence of CHL similar to other
Type 2 DM is 2-4 times more frequent in TS
women compared with the general population
and tends to develop at a younger age 21. In
adolescents and adults a large proportion of TS
patients exhibit impaired glucose intolerance
or overt type 2 diabetes during an oral glucose
tolerance test 21,22. But in a recent crosssectional study similar to our study elevated
fasting glucose was not a concern in TS 16.
However, all our subjects had normal levels of
FBS but we believe that hyperglycemia and
type 2 diabetes would increase with age. Hypercholesterolemia has been seen in TS patients as young as 11 and in one study higher
levels of total cholesterol, LDL -C and TG were
found in TS than in controls 23. Our youngest
patient with abnormal lipid profile was aged
12 and had total cholesterol, LDL-C and TG
levels above the 95th percentile curve. Hypertriglyceridemia occurs with increased frequency in TS and may be a direct consequence
of obesity and hyperinsulinemia 4. Obesity can
be a problem in girls with TS 24. However of all
the 40 subjects, BMI of 19.5% (n = 8) was above
the 85th percentile which is comparable with
general population.
Short stature is an almost invariable finding
in girls with TS, present in all with monosomy
X and in more than 96% of mosaic females or
those with a structurally abnormal X chromosome 25. Most of our patients had a height un-
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences March & April 2007; Vol 12, No 2.
Health problems in Turner syndrome
Salek et al
der the 5th percentile that is similar to other
studies 25. At the time that TS is diagnosed, all
patients of any age should have a baseline cardiologic evaluation including echocardiography. In most cases, echocardiography should
not be ordered as an isolated test, but only in
the broader context of a careful clinical examination, considering the age of patient and
availability of medical care. This is optimally
performed under the direction of a pediatric or
adult cardiologist who is usually best qualified
to correlate clinical and diagnostic findings.
Given the different common health problems in TS patients, we conclude that a routine
screening should be performed in all of them
at the time of diagnosis and they should be fol-
lowed throughout adulthood. By doing these,
it is hoped that the life expectancy and the
quality of life of the TS patients would improve.
We are indebted to Mrs Allahyari and Mrs
Ghane for their help in collecting the data, to
personnel of Isfahan Endocrine and Metabolic
Research Center and audiometry unit of AlZahra hospital for their contributions and to
the patients and their families for their patience
and persistence.
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Journal of Research in Medical Sciences March & April 2007; Vol 12, No 2.