Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
C1q and its growing family
Rohit Ghaia, Patrick Watersb, Lubka T. Roumeninac, Mihaela Gadjevad,
Mihaela S. Kojouharovac, Kenneth B.M. Reide, Robert B. Sime, Uday Kishoref,
Institute of Medical Microbiology, Justus-Liebig-University, Frankfurter Strasse 107, 35392 Giessen, Germany
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DS, UK
Department of Biochemistry, Sofia University, St. Kliment Ohridski, 8 Dragan Tsankov St., Sofia 1164, Bulgaria
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Medical Research Council Immunochemistry Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3QU, UK
Laboratory of Human Immunology, CCCB/Biosciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University, Uxbridge
UB8 3PH, West London, UK
Received 7 September 2006; accepted 1 November 2006
C1q is the target recognition protein of the classical complement pathway and a major connecting link between
innate and acquired immunity. As a charge pattern recognition molecule of innate immunity, C1q can engage a broad
range of self and non-self ligands via its heterotrimeric globular (gC1q) domain and thus trigger the classical pathway.
The trimeric gC1q signature domain has been identified in a variety of non-complement proteins that can be grouped
together as a C1q family. The X-ray crystal structures of the gC1q domain of a few members of the C1q family reveal a
compact jelly-roll b-sandwich fold similar to that of the multifunctional tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family,
hence the C1q and TNF superfamily. This review is an update on the structural and functional aspects of the gC1q
domain of human C1q. We also mention the diverse range of proteins that utilize a gC1q domain in order to reflect on
its importance as a versatile scaffold to support a variety of functions.
r 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Complement; C1q; Module; Globular domain; Immunity; Evolution
Abbreviations: CBLN, cerebellin; CRP, C-reactive protein; EMILIN, elastin microfibril interface located protein; gC1q, globular
domain of C1q; ghA, ghB and ghC, recombinant form of the carboxylterminal globular head modules of C1q A, B and C chains,
respectively; PTX3, long prototypical pentraxin 3; THD, TNF
homology domain; TNF, tumor necrosis factor
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1895 266362;
fax: +44 1895 274348.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (U. Kishore).
0171-2985/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
C1q is the target recognition protein of the classical
complement pathway that is crucial for the clearance of
pathogens and apoptotic cells (Kishore and Reid, 2000).
It is involved in a number of immunological processes
such as phagocytosis of bacteria, neutralization of
retroviruses, cell adhesion, modulation of dendritic
cells (DC), B cells and fibroblasts, and maintenance
of immune tolerance via clearance of apoptotic
cells (Kishore et al., 2004b). In addition to binding
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
antigen-bound IgG and IgM, C1q can engage a variety
of self and non-self ligands including envelope proteins
of certain retroviruses, b-amyloid fibrils, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), porins from Gram-negative bacteria,
phospholipids, and some acute phase reactants including pentraxins (Kishore et al., 2004a; Kishore et al.,
2004b). However, how C1q manages to specifically bind
to a large number of structurally diverse self and nonself targets continues to puzzle us.
C1q has a hexameric structure that looks like a
bouquet of tulips under electron microscopy. It contains
an N-terminal collagen-like region and a C-terminal
globular (gC1q) domain (Kishore and Reid, 1999). The
gC1q domain, which is the main ligand recognition
domain of C1q, has a heterotrimeric structure, which is
composed of the C-terminal halves of the A (ghA), B
(ghB) and C (ghC) chains (Kishore and Reid, 2000).
Despite various attempts, the residues involved in
gC1q–ligand interactions have not been defined due to
technical difficulties in expressing the heterotrimeric
gC1q domain in a recombinant form. However, the
availability of recombinant forms of the individual
modules (ghA, ghB, and ghC) for mutational studies
and X-ray crystal structures for in silico analysis has
taken us closer to identifying the binding surfaces and
the specific residues involved.
The expression and functional characterization of
individual modules have revealed structural and functional autonomy within the gC1q domain in terms
of preferentially binding a diverse range of C1q
ligands (Kishore et al., 1998; Kishore et al., 2003).
C1q interacts with charged polyampholytic proteins,
such as IgG, C-reactive protein (CRP) and the gC1q
receptor (gC1qR), as well as with hydrophobic ligands
(b-amyloid peptide and fibrils, LPS and viral proteins
such as gp41of HIV-1)(Kishore et al., 2004b). A charge
pattern recognition mechanism has been proposed
for C1q, but a discrete pattern has not been conclusively
established. It is also not clear how many binding sites
exist on the gC1q domain, whether they overlap, and if
conformational changes are required for specific binding
or activation. Recent studies involving structural aspects
of the gC1q domain (Gaboriaud et al., 2004) and a series
of mutational studies using recombinant forms of
individual globular head modules have enhanced
our understanding of the C1q–ligand interaction (Kojouharova et al., 2004; Roumenina et al., 2005, 2006;
Zlatarova et al., 2006). The identification of a diverse
range of proteins that contain a gC1q signature domain,
belonging to the C1q family, has triggered a number
of interesting studies involving the gC1q domain
(Kishore et al., 2004a; Kishore et al., 2004b).
This review is an update on the structure–function
studies on human C1q following the last C1 Mainz
meeting (2002), with additional information on the evergrowing C1q family.
Modular organization of the gC1q domain
Studies using recombinant ghA, ghB, and ghC
modules have suggested that each of the three modules
of the gC1q domain of C1q bind different ligands
independently (Kishore et al., 1998, 2003; Kojouharova
et al., 1998; Roumenina et al., 2006). The X-ray crystal
structure, which has been of immense value in designing
mutational studies, shows that the gC1q domain has a
compact, spherical heterotrimeric organization with a
(Fig. 1(A) and (B)). Each of the individual globular
head modules, with their N- and C-termini emerging at
the base of the trimer, has a jelly-roll topology
consisting of a 10-stranded b-sandwich made up of
two five-stranded anti-parallel b-sheets (Gaboriaud
et al., 2003). The gC1q is held together predominantly
by non-polar interactions, with contributions from a
series of interactions along its three-fold axis that
include hydrogen bonds, a well-exposed Ca2+ ion
located near the apex and main-chain polar interactions.
Additional lateral interactions, which are hydrophobic
at the base, and polar and hydrophilic towards the apex,
further stabilize the heterotrimeric assembly. The three
modules within gC1q (A, B, and C) show clear
differences in their electrostatic surface potentials. The
modules ghA and ghC both show a combination of
basic and acidic residues scattered on their external face,
whereas module ghB shows a predominance of positive
charges, especially a continuous patch of arginine
residues (ArgB101, ArgB114, and ArgB129), that have been
implicated in the C1q–IgG interaction (Gaboriaud et al.,
2003; Kojouharova et al., 2004).
Molecular modeling, also based on the crystal
structure of the gC1q of human C1q, has revealed that
within the ghB module, which is the most accessible of
the three modules due to its outward-facing equatorial
position, ArgB129 and GluB162 seem central to the
C1q–IgG interaction, with additional ionic interactions
provided by ArgB114 and ArgB161 (Fig. 1C). The
modeling has also proposed that TyrB175 and LysA200,
located at the apex of the heterotrimer, can potentially
form complementary CRP binding sites. Thus, the
autonomous character of the individual modules, with
different surface charge patterns and spatial orientations,
gives flexibility and versatility of the ligand recognition to
the gC1q domain (Kishore et al., 2004a, b).
Flexibility within the gC1q modules during
C1q–ligand recognition
The structural modeling proposes a predominant role
for the ghB module in the C1q–IgG interaction
(Gaboriaud et al., 2003). It suggests that after the initial
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Fig. 1. The gC1q domain. Two different views of the compact, spherical heterotrimeric gC1q domain are shown (ghA blue, ghB
brown, ghC green): side view (A), top view (B). The red sphere indicates the calcium ion located at the apex of the domain. Residues
described in the text as considered important for the C1q–ligand interactions are explicitly labeled (C, D). Some residues are labeled
with a yellow background for improved visibility only. The figure was generated using PyMOL.
electrostatic attraction to the apex, the two molecules
align allowing Asp270 and Lys322 of IgG to form salt
bridges with Arg129 and Glu162 of the ghB, respectively,
with Arg114 and ArgB161 stabilizing the complex. In this
orientation, the Arg129 appears to act like a wedge
between the CH2 and light chain constant domains.
Therefore, the Fab/Fc orientation may be a critical
factor in dictating access of the ghB module to the CH2
domain (Gaboriaud et al., 2003). Variations at this
position in the different IgG subtypes may explain their
differential ability to fix complement. Mutational
studies have also identified a number of amino acid
residues (ArgA162, ArgB114, HisB117, ArgB129, ArgB163,
and ArgC156) on the gC1q domain as important
for IgG binding (Fig. 1(C) and (D)) (Kojouharova
et al., 2004).
The flexibility and diversity of C1q binding is further
highlighted by the interaction of the gC1q domain
with CRP, a major acute phase reactant that binds, via
the face of its pentameric ring, to the phosphocholine component of membrane phospholipid (Kishore
et al., 2004b). The overall dimensions of the C1q and
CRP molecules appear to suggest that only one
gC1q can bind to each CRP pentamer through one
of the five available binding sites on CRP. This
interaction involves a series of residues including
CRP Glu88, Asp112 and Tyr175, and Lys114 from a
neighboring subunit (Agrawal et al., 2001). Molecular
modeling has revealed a shape complementarity between
the top of the gC1q and the central pore of the
pentameric CRP ring, suggesting a central role for
ghA, ghB, and CRP Asp112 and Tyr175 in this
interaction (Gaboriaud et al., 2003). Therefore, the
organization of the modules within the gC1q domain
allows recognition of different ligands via different
faces, by two or even three subunits, thus providing a
structural basis for its versatile recognition properties.
Mutagenesis data (Roumenina et al., 2006) revealed that
residues both from the top of gC1q trimer (with
participation of all three chains) as well as the equatorial
surface of the B-chain are important for the interaction
with CRP.
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Identification of APO (without calcium) and
HOLO (with calcium) planes within the gC1q
signal transmission from the gC1q domain to the serine
protease complex, located in the collagen-like region.
Recently, we have found that the exposed Ca2+
within the gC1q heterotrimer primarily influences the
target recognition properties of C1q towards IgG, IgM,
CRP, and pentraxin 3 (PTX3) (Roumenina et al., 2005).
In silico modeling of the gC1q domain at pH 7.4
indicates that the loss of Ca2+ leads to changes in the
direction of the electric moment from a co-axial position
in the calcium-saturated HOLO form (towards the gC1q
apex) to one perpendicular to the molecular axis in the
calcium-depleted APO form (towards equatorial side of
the B chain). Thus, two planes – normal to the electric
moment vectors in the HOLO form (the HOLO plane)
and in the APO form (the APO plane) – can be defined
with potential importance for target recognition (Fig. 2).
An analysis of ghA, ghB, and ghC sequences individually, using a computer program called ConSurf (Glaser
et al., 2003), has identified a number of functionally
critical residues that are highly variable and map within
the potential binding area on the gC1q crystal structure
(Kishore et al., 2004b). Several of these highly variable
residues can also be mapped on these two planes.
Strikingly, all residues that have been experimentally
demonstrated to be important for the target-binding via
side-directed mutagenesis (Kojouharova et al., 2004;
Roumenina et al., 2005, 2006; Zlatarova et al., 2006), as
well as proposed by molecular modeling (Gaboriaud et
al., 2003) can be mapped on to these two planes. The
calcium-controlled reorientation of the electric moment
vector and the initial target recognition by the HOLO
plane, followed by rotation towards the APO plane are
proposed to be key steps in complement activation
C1q–IgM interaction involves rotation around
ArgB108–ArgB109 axis
Mutational studies using recombinant ghA, ghB, and
ghC modules and a comparison of their interactions
with IgG and IgM have suggested that the IgG- and
IgM-binding sites within the gC1q domain are different
but may overlap (Zlatarova et al., 2006). Whereas
ArgB108, Arg B109, and TyrB175 are the critical IgM
binding site residues, ArgB114, ArgB129, ArgB163, and
HisB117 have been shown to be central to IgG binding
(Kojouharova et al., 2004), but are not important for the
C1q–IgM interaction. Given the location of ArgB108,
ArgB109, and TyrB175 in the gC1q crystal structure, it is
likely that C1q interacts with IgM via the top of the
gC1q domain (Fig. 1). Residues ArgB108 and ArgB109,
which belong to both the APO and HOLO planes of the
C1q molecule, are keen candidates for participation in
the recognition of IgG, IgM and other targets. ArgB108 is
more important for IgG binding, while the contributions
of ArgB108 and ArgB109 to the C1q–IgM binding are
comparable. Most likely these residues are important for
the initial stage of IgG as well as IgM recognition.
TyrB175 is most likely involved in the formation of the
IgM binding site of C1q, while it contributes minimally
to IgG binding. TyrB175 can participate in both
hydrogen bonding via its hydroxyl group and hydrophobic/stacking interactions via its aromatic ring. It
probably forms a hydrogen bond with a complementary
partner from IgM (Zlatarova et al., 2006). Thus, the
residues that have been implicated previously in IgG
Fig. 2. Our recent model involving the APO and HOLO planes of the gC1q trimer at the centee of C1q–ligand interaction. C1q in
serum is present in the Ca2+-bound (HOLO) form and its molecular electrical moment is directed toward the apex of the gC1q
heterotrimer. In the initial phase of the C1q–target interaction, when bound to C1q, Ca2+ facilitates recognition of negatively
charged molecules; the negative field of the target molecule accelerates calcium removal from C1q (APO); and this leads to rotation
of the gC1q domain around the ArgB108–ArgB109–AsnB104 axis and a shift in the angle between adjacent collagen arms. The two
APO and HOLO planes appear to contain most of the residues that have been shown to be crucial for C1q–ligand interaction via
crystal structure, mutational, and computational analyses.
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
binding (ArgB114, HisB117, ArgB129, and ArgB163) (Kojouharova et al., 2004) do not seem important for the
C1q–IgM interaction. Therefore, the charged residues
from the apex of the heterotrimeric gC1q (ArgB108,
ArgB109, and TyrB175 participate in the recognition of
both IgG and IgM, while ArgB114, ArgB129, ArgB163, and
HisB117 are exclusively involved in IgG binding. TyrB175
is involved in the C1q–CRP interaction, and LysB136,
which is located near the collagen arm, seems to be quite
important for C1q binding to IgG, IgM, CRP, and
PTX3 (Roumenina et al., 2005; Roumenina et al., 2006).
In addition to the location of the residues thought to
be important in binding IgM, its overall structure
suggests that it is very unlikely that the top as well as
the side surfaces of the gC1q domain is engaged in IgM
binding simultaneously. It has been recently considered
that at the very first stage of the recognition of IgG and
IgM, C1q uses the apex, where ArgB108, ArgB109, and
TyrB175 are located (Zlatarova et al., 2006). The
differences in binding the two immunoglobulins appear
later. Following the rotation of the gC1q due to Ca2+
release (Roumenina et al., 2005), Asp270 and Lys322 of
IgG form salt bridges with ArgB129 and GluB162,
respectively, with additional ionic interactions provided
by ArgB114 and ArgB161. However, the geometry of IgM,
which is very different from that of IgG, does not allow
the involvement of residues from the side surface of the
B chain during C1q–IgM interaction.
Previously, Perkins et al. (1991) proposed a model to
describe the C1q–IgM interaction. According to their
model, two adjacent heads of C1q are involved in the
interaction with two Cm3 domains on two adjacent
subunits of IgM, when C1q is in an active ‘‘closed’’
conformation (angle between adjacent collagenous arms
being 281). The open conformation of C1q, with angle of
40–451 is thought to be non-active, since the C1q heads
are too far apart for two adjacent C1q heads to attach to
the Cm3 domains on adjacent subunits in IgM. However,
according to Gaboriaud et al., C1 in the closed
conformation is non-active while it is complement
activating in the open conformation (Gaboriaud et al.,
2003; Gaboriaud et al., 2004). Our data and proposed
model (Zlatarova et al., 2006) are consistent with
Gaboriaud et al. We propose that two or three nonadjacent heads, in the closed (non-active) conformation,
have to be involved in binding Cm3 domains of IgM. The
binding aids Ca2+ release, which causes a reorientation
of the electric moment of gC1q from apical to
equatorial. This electrical change induces a rotation of
the gC1q heads and an increase in the angle between the
collagen arms from 281 to 451. In order to shift towards
the active (open) conformation, without disengaging
from the target, the gC1q heads have to rotate on the
ArgB108–ArgB109 axis. We believe that the changes
brought about by this rotation activate complement.
Thus, ArgB108 and ArgB109 are likely to be central to the
initial recognition process involving both IgG and IgM,
and form an axis for the rotation of the gC1q domains
while maintaining target interaction (Zlatarova et al.,
C1q as a prototypical molecule of a novel C1q
In the human genome, the 32 proteins that possess a
gC1q domain (140 residues) constitute the novel C1q
family (Tables 1 and 2) (Kishore et al., 2004a, b).
Examples of members of this family, which has
expanded through gene duplication, are depicted in
Fig. 3 in order to highlight the multiplicity of functions
and domains with which the gC1q domain has been
associated. There is a wide range of sequence similarity
between the gC1q domains of the members, ranging
from a low 21% (between C1QA and Multimerin 1) to a
high 96% (between C1QTNF9 and LOC387911).
Nearly all gC1q domains contain eight invariant
residues (Fig. 4). These residues are critical in maintaining the structural integrity of the gC1q domain.
Phylogenetic analysis of protein sequences of the gC1q
domain suggests two distinct families (Fig. 4). The larger
family comprises two groups which are indicated as
C1q-like (because its members include C1QA, C1QB,
and C1QC) and cerebellin-like (because of the presence
of CBLN1, CBLN2, CBLN3, and CBLN4). All
collagens (COL8A1, COL8A2, and COL10A1) as well
as adiponectin belong to the C1q-like subgroup. The
C1QL1, C1QL2, C1QL3, and C1QL4 proteins also
belong to this sub-group. The smaller family, including
EMILINs and multimerins, is distinct from the rest.
There are some interesting cases, for instance
LOC387911 possesses a slightly truncated gC1q Cterminus while C1QTNF4 has two complete gC1q
domains. The entire gC1q domain containing genes is
listed in Table 1, while the known functions of family
members are described in Table 2.
The genes coding for the majority of the C1q family
members do not form clusters and are predominantly
scattered singly through out the genome. The phylogenetic tree shown in Fig. 5, however, provides an indication
of the level of similarity between them. There are a couple
of examples of gene clusters, which includes the genes
C1QA, C1QB, and C1QC that are clustered together on
the locus 1p36, and C1QTNF9 and LOC387911 at locus
13q12.12. The C1QTNF9 and LOC387911 genes are
separated by just two genes and the gC1q domains of
these proteins are almost identical to each other (Fig. 5).
There are also examples of other proteins with almost
identical gC1q domains that are not clustered. Interestingly, there is a pseudogene positioned adjacent to gene
LOC650568 (similar to a1 type VIII collagen precursor)
Table 1.
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
List of human C1q domain family members
Gene id
Official gene
Gene aliases
RefSeq mRNA
RefSeq protein
C1QG; C1q-C
C1ql; K100
CTRP2; zacrp2
CTRP3; Cors;
CORS26; Corcs
Adiponectin, C1Q and
collagen domain containing
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent, A chain
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent, B chain
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent, C chain
C1q domain containing 1
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent-like 1
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent-like 2
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent-like 3
Complement component 1, q
subcomponent-like 4
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 1
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 2
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 3
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 4
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 5
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 6
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 7
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 8
C1q and tumor necrosis
factor related protein 9
Cerebellin 1 precursor
Cerebellin 2 precursor
Cerebellin 4 precursor
Collagen, type X, alpha 1
(Schmid metaphyseal
Collagen, type VIII, alpha 1
Collagen, type VIII, alpha 2
Elastin microfibril interfacer 1 gp115; EMILIN
Elastin microfibril interfacer 2 FOAP-10;
Similar to otolin-1
Similar to hypothetical
protein MGC48915
Similar to alpha 1 type VIII LOC650568
collagen precursor
Multimerin 1
Multimerin 2
The table provides several useful standard database identifiers (Entrez GeneID, RefSeq mRNA, and RefSeq protein) that may be used to gather
more information about these genes. The known mouse homolog of each gene is also indicated. There are three genes in the gC1q family that are not
detected in the mouse (LOC387911, C1QTNF8, and LOC650568). The C1QDC1 in humans is the only gC1q domain family member without a
predicted signal peptide.
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Table 2.
Functions of C1q domain family members
Tissues of origin and
Serum protein produced
exclusively by adipocytes:
5–10 mg/ml
Berg et al. (2001, 2002);
Scherer et al. (1995);
Yokota et al. (2000)
C1q (C1QA,
Serum protein produced by
liver: 70 mg/ml
Connective tissue, blood
vessels, skin, heart, lung,
kidney, cornea, small intestine,
aorta, uterus and appendix,
fetal heart and lungs
Peripheral leukocytes,
placenta, spinal cord, fetal
heart and lung, major
component of cochlear basilar
membrane in mouse
Multimerin 1
Platelet a granules, endothelial
cell Weibel–Palade bodies,
placenta, lung and liver,
platelets, megakaryocytes,
endothelium and
subendothelium of blood
Blood vessel endothelial cell
surface including capillaries,
veins, arterioles and muscular
Major component of the
basement membrane of the
corneal endothelium
(Descemet’s membrane); optic
nerve, aorta, umbilical cord
and tissues undergoing
remodeling; calvarium, eye and
skin; produced by endothelial
Anti-diabetic and anti-atherogenic
adipokine; energy homeostasis, lipid
and carbohydrate metabolism and
sensitivity to insulin; levels are
reduced in obesity, insulin resistance
and type II diabetes; suppression of
inflammation, angiogenesis and
First subcomponent of classical
pathway; immune tolerance;
microbial clearance; cell adhesion;
linking innate and acquired immunity
Extracellular matrix glycoprotein of
elastic fiber; supports adhesion of
smooth muscle to elastic fibers,
formation of elastic fibers, and
regulation of vessel assembly;
involved in b1-integrin-dependent cell
Development of cochlear basilar
membrane and heart chambers;
matrix for assembly of other
components of basement membrane;
differentiation of chicken embryo
aorta cells in culture
Possible role in platelet factor V
storage and stability. Supports
adhesion of various cell lines via an
RGDS motif
Multimerin 2
Collagen alpha
Collagen X
Hypertrophic chondrocytes in
the epiphyseal growth plate of
long bones, ribs, and vertebrae
during endochondral bone
formation, bone fracture
callus, and osteoarthritic
Gaboriaud et al. (2004);
Kishore et al. (2004b);
Kishore and Reid (2000)
Doliana et al. (1999);
Spessotto et al. (2003)
Doliana et al. (2001)
Hayward et al. (1995)
Possible role in vasculogenesis,
angiogenesis, hemostasis and
cell–matrix adhesion
Christian et al. (2001)
Component of subepithelial and
subendothelial extracellular matrices;
required for normal anterior eye
development; maintenance of
integrity of blood vessels, vascular
tissue development and remodeling;
cell migration, plaque stability and
thrombus organization; generation of
a peri- or subcellular matrix
environment that stimulates cell
Secreted into the extracellular matrix
of presumptive ossification zones of
cartilage; formation of a hexagonal
lattice and interaction with
proteoglycans; eventually replaced by
bone extracellular matrix
Greenhill et al. (2000);
Kvansakul et al. (2003);
Muragaki et al. (1991);
Plenz et al. (2003);
Yamaguchi et al. (1989)
Bogin et al. (2002);
Dublet et al. (1999);
Zhang and Chen (1999)
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Table 2. (continued )
Tissues of origin and
Cerebellin 1
Highly enriched in
postsynaptic structures of
cerebellar Purkinje cells in
cartwheel neurons of the dorsal
cochlear nucleus
Albertin et al. (2000);
Hirai et al. (2005);
Kavety et al. (1994);
Mazzocchi et al. (1999);
Pang et al. (2000); Urade
et al. (1991)
Heart, brain, placenta, lung,
liver, muscle, kidney, pancreas,
spleen, lymph nodes, thymus,
tonsil, PBMCs, bone marrow,
fetal liver
Brain areas involved in motor
function (Purkinje cells of the
cerebellum, the accessory
olivary nucleus, the pons and
the red nucleus), also in several
other brain regions
Highly expressed in heart; also
expressed in placenta, liver,
skeletal muscle
Precursor for several truncated
derivatives, including the
hexadecapeptide cerebellin. Role in
development of Purkinje cell synapse.
Enhances in vitro secretory activity of
adrenal; involvement in synapse
integrity and plasticity in the
Inhibitor of growth; cancerprotective role in final stages of
Potential role in coordination and
regulation of motor control, and/or a
basic housekeeping role in neurons
Berube et al. (1999)
Interacts directly with vasopressin
receptor V2; blocks vWF binding to
collagen and thus inhibits collageninduced platelet aggregation
Embryonic skeletal development;
might act as a growth factor, or be
involved in signaling via three
possible phosphorylation sites;
implicated in bone tumor; a potential
candidate gene in development of
Formation of an extracellular
hexagonal lattice between retinal
pigment epithelium and Bruch’s
membrane in the retinal epithelium
Innamorati et al. (2002);
Lasser et al. (2006)
Prechondrocytes in developing
cartilage; colon, small intestine,
placenta, fibroblasts, white
adipose tissue, blood and
kidney; osteosarcoma,
chondroblastoma, and giant
cell tumors
Retinal epithelium, lung
placenta, cerebrum, and liver
at chromosome locus 22q11.21, which is annotated as
being similar to C1QTNF5. It contains the coding
sequence for a gC1q domain.
Structural aspects of the gC1q domains
Four structures of gC1q domains have been solved by
X-ray crystallography: mouse ACRP30 (Shapiro and
Scherer, 1998), human collagen X (Bogin et al., 2002),
mouse collagen a1 (VIII) (Kvansakul et al., 2003), and
human C1q (Gaboriaud et al., 2003) (reviewed in
Kishore et al., 2004a, b). Each gC1q domain exhibits a
10-stranded b-sandwich fold with a jelly-roll topology,
consisting of two five-stranded b-sheets, each made of
anti-parallel strands (Fig. 1(A) and (B)). Each of the
conserved residues within C1q family proteins belongs
Aerbajinai et al. (2004)
Maeda et al. (2001);
Schaffler et al. (2003)
Hayward et al. (2003)
to the hydrophobic core of the gC1q domain. The bstrands are strongly conserved in the different gC1q
domains, both with respect to their relative orientation
and size. All structures reveal similar tight assemblies
with pseudo-three-fold symmetry, resulting in globular,
( in diameter). The Nalmost spherical domains (45–55 A
and C-termini of the three subunits emerge on the same
side of the trimer and are adjacent to one another.
Structural homology is very high between collagen VIII
and X, but much lower between distantly related
collagen VIII and ACRP30. Trimerization involves a
very tight association of the subunits, as judged from
total buried surface (Bogin et al., 2002).
Near the top of the solvent channel, the collagen X
structure has a buried cluster of three Ca2+ ions
surrounding the one located on the three-fold symmetry
axis of the trimer. It is coordinated by acidic residues
and other residues, which together form an intricate
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Fig. 3. Cartoon depicting the different domains present in gC1q containing proteins in the human genome. Most gC1q domain
containing proteins have a collagenous region (typical Gly-X-Y repeats) just before the start of the gC1q domain. The proteins form
either homotrimeric or heterotrimeric structures. The presence of such regions possibly helps in assembling the trimeric structure.
CBLN1, 2, and 4, C1QDC1 and Multimerin1 however lack any collagenous repeats in their complete sequences.
Fig. 4. Multiple alignment of human gC1q domain family members. An alignment of all the 32 human gC1q domains is shown.
Eight residues that are completely conserved in all proteins are marked with an * above the alignment. The consensus sequence is
shown at the bottom of the alignment, and a conservation graph is also provided.
network of ionic bonds that probably contribute to the
high stability of the collagen X gC1q trimer (absent
from the collagen VIII). Ca2+ appears to have a
stabilizing effect in the ACRP30 since the Ca2+-free
structure is partly disordered. A single Ca2+ ion, also
located at the upper end of the central channel, is
present in the C1q structure. In contrast with the Ca2+
cluster of collagen X, the Ca2+ ion of C1q is well
exposed to the solvent, and plays a crucial role in ligand
recognition and the activation of complement (Roume-
nina et al., 2005). The surfaces of the collagen VIII and
X structures have three strips, each containing eight
aromatic residues partially exposed to the solvent,
extending across the shallow grooves between the
subunits. In both cases, a detergent molecule is bound
near the top of the grooves, suggesting the hydrophobic
nature of the strips, which probably initiate supramolecular assembly.
The ACRP30 gC1q structure also revealed that the
gC1q topology is similar to the conserved C-terminal
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Phylogenetic tree of Human C1q domain family members
Emilins and Multimerins
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of human C1q family members. An alignment of all complete 32 gC1q domains found in the human
genome was performed using ClustalW. C1QTNF4 is the only protein with two gC1q domains (indicated as domain 1 and 2). The
tree shown was built by neighbor-joining with 1000 bootstraps. The numbers shown next to the nodes show the number of times
(out of 1000) that the two branches occur together during the bootstrap process.
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) homology domain (THD)
within the TNF ligand family proteins (Kishore et al.,
2004a; Shapiro and Scherer, 1998). Each of the 10
b-strands of ACRP30 can be superimposed with the 10
strands of TNF-a, TNF-b, and the CD40 ligand.
The relative positions and lengths of these b-strands
are almost identical between ACRP30 and the TNF
ligands. The C1q and TNF family proteins,
which establish a C1q and TNF superfamily, also
have similar gene structures: their gC1q or THD
domains are each encoded within one exon, while
introns in both families are restricted to respective Nterminal collagen or stalk regions, suggesting divergence
from a common precursor molecule of the innate
immune system.
Domain architecture and evolutionary spread of
the C1q family proteins
The gC1q domain has an ancient evolutionary
history. During the course of time, it has entrenched
itself into various functional roles by variation of critical
amino acids as well as associating with other domains.
However, the distribution of the gC1q domain shows
some clear preferences for some taxonomic groups.
Notably, the gC1q domain is restricted to metazoans,
echinoderms molluscs, and for some unexplained
reasons, to some Bacillus species. It is completely absent
(or as yet undetected) in plants and fungi. Following the
comparative taxonomic occurrence of gC1q and TNF
domains (Fig. 6), the simplest domain architectures are
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
Fig. 6. Domain architecture and evolutionary comparisons of gC1q and TNF domain. The distribution and representative domain
architectures of the gC1q and TNF domain across various evolutionary taxa have been compared via presence (black) or absence
(white) of the domain architecture. TM: transmembrane region; EGF: epidermal growth factor domain; EMI: EMILIN domain, a
protein–protein interaction motif which may have a role in the oligomerization of EMILIN-1; RING (Really Interesting New Gene)
finger domain probably involved in mediating protein–protein interactions, and has a general E3-ubiquitin ligase activity; BBOX (Bbox type zinc finger domain) domain is generally associated with the RING domain; PRY (associated with SPRY (SPla/RYanodine
receptor) domain), PRY, BBOX and RING domains are frequently associated with the pyrin domain (an immunoglobulin like
domain), which is a protein–protein interaction motif, belongs to a family comprising death, death effector, and caspase recruitment
domains; LRR: Leucine-Rich Repeat domain; CLECT: C-type lectin domain. (Collagen)n: One or more instances of the collagen
domain may be present; (CLECT)2: exactly two CLECT domains are present adjacent to each other; 7tm_1: G-protein-coupled
receptor domain; Pkinase: serine threonine-type protein kinase.
the single gC1q domain itself, or its duplicated version
(gC1q+gC1q). The simplest gC1q version is seen in all
but Ascidians (e.g., Ciona intestinalis). The most
prosperous domain pairing of the gC1q domain has
been with the collagen domain, as several instances of
such proteins are present across almost all taxa shown.
The gC1q domain is also paired to a transmembrane
region (with or without collagen), which is similar with
the extensive pairing of the related THD with a
transmembrane domain. Indeed, this domain architecture (transmembrane+THD) seems to be the most
widespread for the THD, but less so for the gC1q
domain. The pairing of the EGF domain with the gC1q
domain seems to be restricted to birds and mammals
only. The most varied domain architectures for the
gC1q domain are seen in actinopterygii (ray-finned
fishes) and mammals (seven different types, four
common to both). While in mammals, the gC1q
domain associates with domains like EMI and EGF,
which are important for protein–protein interactions in
the extracellular milieu; in actinopterygii it is primarily
associated with domains important in innate immunity.
In birds, the gC1q domain pairs with collagen and the
Peptidase_M3 domain, a large family of mammalian
and bacterial metallopeptidases that cleave mediumsized peptides. In Bacillus sp., the gC1q domain occurs
singly (Rety et al., 2005). The gC1q and TNF domains
have been utilized by many different taxa in order to
carry out varied functions, highlighting their importance, and that of the C1q and TNF superfamily.
However, the gC1q domain has been more promiscuous
than the TNF domain when domain association
diversity is taken into account. Apart from itself and a
transmembrane region, the TNF domain is found,
throughout taxa, paired only with a G-protein-coupled
receptor domain (7tm_1) or a serine threonine protein
kinase domain.
Perspectives and concluding remarks
It is largely considered that C1q–ligand interactions
are ionic in nature; however, the complementary ligandbinding sites on C1q and the mechanisms of interactions
are still unclear. Progress has been made in the last few
years aided by the solution of the X-ray crystal structure
of gC1q domain of human C1q and the availability of
the recombinant forms of ghA, ghB, and ghC. Mutational studies have identified a number of residues
important for C1q–target interactions that have been
corroborated by chemical modification, molecular
modeling, bioinformatics, and in silico theoretical
calculations of electric moment vectors. Charged residues belonging to the apex of the gC1q heterotrimer
(with participation of all three chains) as well as the side
R. Ghai et al. / Immunobiology 212 (2007) 253–266
of the ghB seem crucial for C1q binding to ligands, and
their contribution to each interaction is different. It is
likely that a set of charged residues from the gC1q
surface participate via different ionic and hydrogen
bonds with corresponding residues from the ligand,
instead of forming separate binding sites.
C1q is a rigid molecule formed by distinctive
independent modules composed mainly of b-sheets.
Therefore, great mobility of the individual modules
within such a structure is not anticipated. The change in
the relative position of the collagen stalk and the gC1q
domain, coupled with the loss of the Ca2+ ion, has
suggested a possible mechanism of C1 activation. There
are sufficient data to suggest that the ligand binding sites
can be found on different faces of gC1q that correspond
to the specific features of different ligands. It is also
becoming clear that there are two common important
binding surfaces on the gC1q domain rather than
discrete binding sites: the apex of the heterotrimer with
the participation of all three chains and the equatorial
outward-facing surface of the B chain. We envisage that
a set of charged residues from these APO and HOLO
planes within the gC1q heterotrimer form different ionic
and hydrogen bonds with complementary residues in a
manner similar to polyspecific antibodies. The highly
variable residues identified by ConSurf that are mapped
on to the APO and HOLO planes may allow different
members of the C1q family to carry out a diverse range
of functions while having a similar overall fold.
It is worth speculating, however, that for any one
ligand, such as IgM or IgG, several binding mechanisms, probably of varying affinities may exist. The fact
that ghA, ghB, and ghC can all bind with apparent
varying affinity to several ligands (Kishore et al., 2003)
strongly suggests that in the C1q heads, there is more
than one mode of binding to several classes of ligands.
This may also reflect partially that for complex ligands
like IgG, more than one type of binding site for C1q
may exist (in different, or perhaps even in the same
molecule of IgG). In IgG, the binding site identified by
Duncan and Winter (1988) (residues Glu318, Lys320, and
Lys322, identified from a murine IgG2b background, but
present in all human IgG) is not the C1q binding site in
Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody with human IgG1
background, in which positions Asp270, Lys322, Pro329,
and Pro331 form the main C1q binding site (Idusogie
et al., 2000). Modeling studies can probably predict the
best fit binding sites for various ligands, but secondary
(not-quite-the-best-fit) sites should perhaps not be
The unfolding of the structural and functional aspects
of the gC1q domain of other members of this family
appears to highlight the pathological importance of the
C1q family. For instance, C1q deficiency is a likely cause
of SLE due to an impaired clearance of apoptotic cells
(Botto et al., 1998). Adiponectin has been shown to
reverse insulin resistance associated with obesity by
decreasing triglyceride content in the muscle and liver of
obese mice, thus being central to insulin-resistant
diabetes (Berg et al., 2001). A mild autosomal disorder
associated with growth plate abnormalities, called
‘Schimid’s metaphyseal chondrodysplasia’, has been
associated with missense mutations in the gC1q domain
of collagen X, which disrupts the hydrophobic core and
perturbs trimer assembly (Bogin et al., 2002).
A Ser163Arg mutation in the gC1q domain of another
C1q family member, CTRP5, has recently been associated with late-onset retinal degeneration (Hayward
et al., 2003). Further studies, such as those by Wong
et al. (2004) are likely to dissect the clinical importance
of the members of C1q family that will lead to a better
understanding of the gC1q domains.
The work described herein was made possible by
grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft
through the Graduate College of Biochemistry of
Nucleoprotein Complexes (GK370) at Justus Liebig
University, Giessen, Germany and the German National Genome Network (NGFN-2). UK acknowledges
financial support from the European Commission,
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Brunel
University. UK is gratetful to KBR for introducing
him to the field of Clq and classical pathway.
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