Journal of Biological Physics 20: 17-36, 1994.
© 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
It Was Also A Protoneuron
Sidney W. Fox (+), Peter R. Bahn, Klaus Dose, Kaoru Harada, Laura Hsu,
Yoshio Ishima, John Jungck, Jean Kendrick, Gottfried Krampitz, James C.
Lacey, Jr., Koichiro Matstmo, Paul Melius, Mavis Middlebrook, Tadayoshi
Nakashima, Aristotel Pappelis, Alexander Pol, Duane L. Rohlfing, Allen
Vegotsky, Thomas V. Waelmeldt, H. Wax, and Bi Yu
Iowa State University, Florida State University, University of Miami, Southern
Illinois University, and the University of South Alabama
Abstract. Although Oparm used coacervate droplets from two or more types of polymer
to model the first cell, he hypothesized homacervation from protein, consistent with
Pasteur and Darwin. Herrera made two amino acids and numerous cell-like structures
("sulfobes') in the laboratory, which probably arose from intermediate polymers. Our
experiments have conformed with a homoacervation of thermal proteinoid, in which
amino acid sequences are determined by the reacting amino acids themselves. All
proteinoids that have been tested assemble themselves alone in water to protocells. The
protocells have characteristics of life defined by Webster's Dictionary: metabolism,
growth, reproduction and response to stimuli in the environment. The protocells are able
also to evolve to more modern cells including the initiation of a nucleic acid coding
Principal spinoffs from the results are revised evolutionary theory, models for
protoneurons and networks thereof, and numerous industrial applications of thermal
polyamino acids. Life itself has thus been reaffirmed to be rooted in protein, not in
DNA nor RNA, which are however crucial to inheritance in modern life as "instruction
manuals" (Kornberg).
Recognition of the advances have been considerably delayed by the deeply held
assumption that life began by chance from random polymerization of amino acids, in
contrast to the experimental findings. The concepts of DNA/RNA-first and protein-first
are reconciled by a rise-and-fall progression as often seen in biochemical and biological
The fact that amino acids order themselves explains in turn that thermal
copolyamino acids are finding numerous applications. The entire sequence of processes
(+) To whom correspondence should be addressed: Coastal Research and Development
Institute, LSB 124, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688.
in the proteinoid origins theory is now seen to be highly deterministic, in close accord
with Einstein.
When one of us (S.W.F.) knew Alexander Ivanovich Oparm in 1956-1980, we had
scientific discussions through Nina Oparina, who spoke and taught English and through
Raia Fox who can converse in Russian. These conversations contributed to a family type
of relationship and elicited the friendly qualities of "Sandro".
Scientifically, we agreed upon the proposition that one is not dealing with the
origin of life unless his efforts include the cell, which is, most appropriately, the subject
of this conference honoring Oparm.
The difference in Oparin's approach to the cell and ours is that Oparm's
laboratory model was the coacervate droplet that he chose deliberately from components
of modem systems, while ours has been the proteinoid microsphere which exists due to
fortuitous empirical experiments (Fox et al, 1959), that represent original systems, as
explained below.
Figure 1. Coacervate droplets of size range 1-100 micron diam.
Figure 2. Uniform proteinoid microspheres of bacterial size range.
The theoretical consideration that emphasized the separation of a cell from
aqueous solution is explained by the following quotation (p. 320) from Oparm's 1957
book appearing in the year following the first international conference on the origin of
life that he organized for Moscow in 1956.
"Thus all the evidence now available agrees in indicating that the
organic polymers which were originally formed, and in particular the
protein-like polypeptides of high molecular weight, must, at some stage
in the evolution of carbon compounds, have separated out from a
homogeneous solution in the form of multimolecular aggregates similar
to the drops of coacervate which are obtained under laboratory
This quotation more aptly describes the proteinoid microsphere than the
coacervate droplet, the latter having been adopted by Oparm as his cell model. A detailed
description of each kind of experimental model is found in Lehninger's 1975
Biochemistry, pages 1045-1049. There Lehninger described each at length and also stated
that the coacervate droplet was an invalid model because it is composed of polymers like
gelatin and gum arabic, which are from modern sources that are not conceivable as
I remember well that Oparm expressed during a visit to Miami his delight that
another eminent biochemist, i.e. Albert Lehninger, had published a textbook of
biochemistry which was the first to devote an entire chapter to the origin of life. I believe
Lehninger's criticism of coacervates did not disturb Oparin; the latter could properly take
credit for having shown the way.
tn his 1966 book, Origin amt Early Development of Life, Oparin illustrated both
the coacervate droplet (Figure 1) and the proteinoid microsphere (Figures 2,3). Here
could be seen that coacervate droplets resemble liposomes in their instability and in their
relatively large and heterogeneous size, while the microspheres are stable, uniform and
in a range of size that includes bacteria that are regarded as primitive, typically 1-3
microns in diameter. Also shown is the double layer that is characteristic of membranes
in the proteinoid microsphere.
Figure 3. Proteinoid microspheres as prepared in Oparin's laboratory. Note double layers
in optical microscope.
Another predecessor of our investigation of cellular origin was the botanist, J.J.
Copeland (1936), who in his youth as a ranger-naturalist at the hot springs of
Yellowstone Park, suggested:
"the probability of the origin of living organisms in the thermal
waters ..
Copeland was, thus, a pioneer of the concept of a hydrothermal site of life which, with
few exceptions (Fox, 1957, 1994a), has been overlooked.
One other predecessor was Alfonso Herrera (1942) who reported obtaining
amino acids and other products from intermediates such as formaldehyde; this compound
was thirty years later identified as a major component of interstellar matter (Fox and
Dose, 1977). Moreover, Herrera used only the ambient heat of the Earth, which is
ubiquitous, in contrast to the suggestion in an incomplete table of available energies
(Miller and Orgel, 1974) that limits terrestrial heat to volcanoes. Rohlfing (1976) showed
that temperatures well below 100 ° C. available on the surface of the Earth are sufficient
to activate substantial polymerization of amino acids.
The first macromolecules of life, especially the informational ones, have been widely
regarded as nucleic acids in the dominantly considered "chicken-egg problem" (e.g.
Eigen, 1971). Our experimental approach has almost uniquely emphasized proteins-first,
for the same reason that we believe that life arose before the mechanism to inherit it
arose (Fox, 1959); at the molecular level that means proteins before nucleic acids. The
reasoning includes the hypothesis that all proteins, including the first, obtained their
information from a molecular evolutionary source, a family of amino acids. Indeed, the
beginning of this research was in analytical procedures for identifying the sequences of
amino acids to explain the origins of biodiversity (Fox, 1945). The kind of information
available from practice of this methodology (Fox, 1945; Edman, 1950) promptly
established the nonrandomness of the thermal polyamino acids (Fox and Harada, 1960).
In the history of the chicken-egg problem, the possibility of DNA-first ('nakedgene" concept) in life itself was essentially abandoned to an unnamed mineral on an
unnamed planet for the polymerization of mononucleotides (Crick, 1981). This occurred
about the time that the properties of life (Fox, 1971) had already been observed in a
protoprotein protocell by experimental retracement; this protocetl was subsequently shown
to be capable of initiating a nucleic acid genetic coding mechanism (Fox, 1981). The
inadequacy of RNA parallels that of DNA. In a recent evaluation, Ferris (1993) cites
several workers such as Orgel (1986); Joyce et al, 1987) when stating,
"There is a growing consensus that the RNA World did not evolve
directly from molecules formed by prebiotic processes. --- Indeed,
there is evidence to support the hypothesis that it is unlikely that the
RNA World evolved from simple prebiotic molecules'.
Although not cited by Ferris, some of the earliest evidence of the probable
barreness of the RNA route for the first bioinformational macromolecules was determined
by simple thermal attempts to polymerize ribomononucleotides (Schwartz and Fox, 1964).
Moreover, Jungck and Fox (1973) reported experiments that explained the origins of
RNA from prior thermal protein.
That life itself is protein in nature as well as an explanation of the confusion that
exists on this point has been stated by Kornberg (1989),
"What chemical feature most clearly enables the living cell to function,
grow and reproduce? Not--- DNA, the genetic material. Despite its
glamor, DNA is simply the construction manual that directs the
assembly of the cell's proteins. The DNA itself is lifeless---. What
gives the cell its life and personality are enzymes.--- Nothing in nature
is so tangible and vital to our lives as enzymes , and yet so poorly
understood and appreciated by all but a few scientists -°-~.
"Enzymes are protein molecules". They are not ribozymes.
With the above background we can assert (Fox and Pappelis, 1993) that life and
memory are rooted in protein that arose before, not after, the nucleic acid genetic
mechanism emerged from its precursors.
Early in this research program it became apparent that reactions of individual biochemical
substances tended to follow the same kinds of pathway that are found in living cells (Fox
et al, 1957; Fox, 1957). This is not so surprising; it is in a way a molecular reaffirmation
of the dictum that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
Of the many metabolic reactions that have been found to be catalyzed by thermal
proteins (Fox and Dose, 1977) some of the most interesting and unexpected have been
those of oxidation-reduction processes. These became much more understandable when
the amber color that accompanies all thermal proteins was found to be due to flavins and
pteridines (Heinz et al, 1980) synthesized during the heating of the amino acids and
incorporated into the polypeptide chains. The color that was at first regarded as a
nuisance became a bridge of understanding from premetabolism to metabolism.
The evolutionary position of these prosthetic groups is further clarified by the
presentation of Kritsky (1994) at this conference.
Inasmuch as innumerable investigators since the time of Emil Fischer have shown
analytically that protein can be hydrolyzed to amino acids, it seemed logical that the
converse synthetic process of combining amino acids to a kind of protein by loss of water
was how the first proteins came into existence. We found that such reaction can be
retraced in the laboratory if sufficient dicarboxylic amino acid be present in the mixture
(Fox and Middlebrook, 1954). We know that the proportions need not be more than a
few molar % of each dicarboxylic amino acid (Fox and Waehneldt, 1968), that the
copolymerization can include all of the proteinaceous amino acids simultaneously (Fox
and Harada, 1958), and that temperature can be well below 100 ° (Rohlfmg, 1976).
While amino acids in general had been found to arise (Herrera, 1942; NegronMendoza, this volume) from components prominent in interstellar matter like
formaldehyde (Fox and Dose, 1977), adequate proportions of natural aspartic acid and
glutamic acid were recovered by hydrolysis from hot aqueous extracts of aseptically
collected samples returned from the Moon (Fox et al, 1972). Only protein-type amino
acids were found upon hydrolysis of these lunar samples; this was an early example of
determinate molecular evolution (Fox, 1994). Of related interest is that substantial
proportions of aspartic acid and glutamic acid are recoverable from reactions in simulated
atmospheres of Titan (Sagan et al, 1992).
Approaches to the origins of cellular life and recognition of the solution obtained to the
problem have been inhibited by prevalent mmdsets that focus on the suppositions (a) that
life arose from a random (indeterministic) matrix and (b) the related supposition that
DNA/RNA preceded protein in evolution. Numerous influential scientists (see Fox and
Balm, 1994) have endorsed this latter view.
A first indication that the reactions of various amino acids with each other are
determined by stereochemistry, polarity, hydrophobicity, etc. not by playing card
probabilities, appeared in reactions of amino acid derivatives under the action of
proteases (Fox and Wax, 1950: Fox et al, 1953) in a model of protein synthesis that was
originated by Bergmann and Fraenkel-Conrat (1937).
Studies that extended the model showed that the amino acids underwent selective
reactions themselves, independent of the then popular notion of the specificity of
proteolytic enzymes". Using the sequence methods that had been introduced a few years
earlier (Fox, 1945) the thermal polymers were found to be highly nonrandom (Fox and
Harada, 1960). Indeed, the thermal copolymerization would not have been tested if it
were not for the possibility indicated of selective thermal reactions of amino acids among
More recently, Tyagi and Ponnamperuma (1990) found that a simulated prebiotic
polymerization of amino acyl adenylates is definitively nonrandom. Furthermore, they
showed that the specificity in the sequencing of the resultant polymers of amino acids,
while dependent upon reactant amino acid residues for precise structure, is independent
of nucleotides included in the reactive amino acyl derivative and also independent of
added polynucleotides.
The earliest to confirm the self-ordering mechanism were Dose and Rauchfuss
(1972). With Zaki (Dose and Zaki, 1971) Dose showed that inclusion of heine in the
polymerization yielded oxidation-reduction activities in the polymers. Dose also showed,
with Heinz and Ried, that the thermal polymerization of amino acids generates flavins
and pterms (Heinz et al, 1980) which in the polypeptide chain function as enzyme
cofactors for primitive catalases and peroxidases (Fox and Dose, 1977). In this way can
be understood how oxidative as well as hydrolytic and other kinds of metabolism received
their start from the first thermal polyamino acids acting as enzymes in cells.
Using statistical compilations that had been obtained in abundance from
applications of the sequence analysis procedures (Fox, 1945), Ivanov and Ffrtsch (1986)
and Ivanov and Ivanov (1991) traced into modem protein synthesis the inheritance of the
primordial mechanism of the self-ordering of amino acids. This study protmses to enlarge
also the understanding of modern protein synthesis as well as that of serving to integrate
the evolutionary developments.
A practical consequence of the fact that amino acids order themselves into
polymers that have sharply limited heterogeneity is the blossoming of new industrial
applications, including many in biomedicine, as manifested in water treatment (Sikes and
Wheeler, 1991), in a symposium organized by Sikes (1994) on Polyammo Acids, The
Emergence of Life, and Industrial Applications, and by numerous other biomedical
applications such as improved drug deliver),, antiaging, nerve repair (Fox and Bahn,
1994), and many patents.
The two representations of the first cell that have dominated the textbooks and other
expositions for more than thirty-five ),ears are the coacervate droplet and the proteinoid
microsphere. Again, as Lehninger (1975) pointed out, the coacervate droplet is helpful
as a model of a modem cell but, being made of polymers obtained from modem cells
rather than from those of polymers that evidently retrace the protobiological type, they
are not germane to the question posed by this symposium: the origin of thefirst cell.
In using modem systems as a guide to the first system, Oparin was acting
analytically in the manner that is characteristic of biologists who back-extrapolate from
current biological research. Our approach differed in at least two important aspects: (a)
we tested various possibilities for the first bioinformational beginnings (Fox, 1953) and
found one (thermal protein) of which the forward evolution could be retraced, and (b) we
found fortuitously in subsequently repeated experiments how the functionally pregnant
precursors of the first cell could have given birth to the first cells in a maximally simple
way appropriate for the primitive Earth (Fox, 1960).
By now, numerous variations in morphology of the first cell (Figures 4-6), as
exemplified by the proteinoid microsphere, are visible in numerous textbooks (Fox and
Dose, 1977) and in the paper of Pappelis (1994) at this meeting, and by other authors.
Additional variations are seen in Figures 7-10. Rohlfing (1975) has made microspheres
from lysine rich proteinoid; these resemble coacervate droplets.
Figure 4. Scanning electron nucrograph of centrifuged proteinoid microspheres. These
are slightly under 2 microns in diam.
Figure 5. Transmission electron micrograph of proteinoid microspheres and section of
electron micrograph of Bacillus cereus. Right hand micrograph shows an assembly of
microspheres after interior material has been allowed to diffuse out. The double layers
are visible in the boundaries which are estx~ially lasting. Lower left-hand micrograph
shows a section of proteinoid microsphere at the first stage of diffusion outward. Upper
left-hand micrograph is a section of Bacillus cereus, from a journal.
Figure 6. Proteinoid microspheres showing internal layering and various phases of binary
During the course of making thermal proteins and washing out the test tubes
with water, Jean Kendrick and Fox (1988) observed that the tubes had a milky layer.
Although not bacteriologists, we were in our laboratory doing amino acid assays by
growth of Lactobacillus arabinosus (De Fontame and Fox, 1954). The milky layer
suggested a suspension of bacteria. When examined under the microscope (Fox, 1988),
components of the colloidal suspension indeed looked like bacteria, albeit a bit too
Subsequently, we learned that the boundary is a double layer, that the laboratory
protocells join and adhere in various ways, what functional properties the units have, and
that variations m morphology resulted when the amino acid mixture subjected to heating
is varied. We also identified some amino acid compositions that yield axon-like
outgrowths from the systems, and that all of the cell-like structures tested generate
electrical signals.
The double layer (Figures 3,4,and 6) that appears so spontaneously in the
microspheres is functionally membranous. VvNle the many catalytic activities of the
proteinoids are much weaker than those in modern cells, the membrane selectivities and
activities, such as cellular proliferation and electrical signalling of microspheres from
proteinoid, appear to be more intense. Selective diffusion and related phenomena have
been published (Fox et at, 1969).
The probability that the first cell not only was, but looked much like, a
proteinoid microsphere is heightened by the fact that artificial fossilization of the
laboratory products (Francis et al, 1978) closely resemble, in limited variations, ancient
microfossits from ancient strata (Berra, 1990; Fignre 7).
Figure 7. On the left: nested, vacuolated, and clustered microfossils published by
micropaleontologists. On the right: photomicrographs of nested, vacuolated, and clustered
proteinoid microspheres found to resemble microfossils after the latter were published.
If we are to understand how the first cell emerged from its evolutionary matrix, and if
we are also to recognize the solution to this problem when it appears, it is helpful or
obligatory to have a definition of life that can elicit general agreement. In the purely
analytical phase of the history of biology, that has been difficult; some biologists have
considered the construction of a definition to be futile. In recent years the sense of futility
has been replaced by a wide, yet narrowing, range of definitions. Most notable is the fact
that the definition m Webster's International Dictionary (Gove, 1966) is receiving serious
attention. The Webster definition comprises functional aspects that are common to
virtually all definitions. The definition in this source lists the characteristics of life as
metabolism, growth, reproduction, and responsiveness to stimuli. If this definition is to
be criticized, a mare objection is that Webster's definition does not include structural
aspects of life such as cellularity and membranicity.
These latter, however, can be regarded as implicit because cells and membranes
are essential to the functional characteristics. On a personal level, perusal of the list of
editors and consultants for Webster reveals a very. large number of eminent biologists and
also a large number of eminent chemists but no comparable individuals who are expert
in both functional biology and structural chemistry.
The characteristics of life mentioned by Kornberg in his book on For The Love
of En~mes (1989) comprise biofunctionality, growth, and reproduction. These are the
same as three of the four attributes set forth in the definition of Webster. All four of
these have been shown to be met by the proteinoid microsphere (Fox and Dose, 1977;
Fox, 1988). At this meeting, Eirich (1994) has listed Webster's four characteristics and
then has added as a fifth the quality of rhythmicity. We agree with this expansion of the
definition, and would point out that rhythmicity m electrical activity has often been seen
in microspheres (Fox, 1988, p. 177).
Thus, even as the definition of a living microsystem displays variation from one
author to another we see a common core of characteristics for all definitions and that the
microsphere meets all of them. Moreover, it has become apparent that the most lasting
definition will be that derived from the synthetic rather than the analytical approach, as
in organic chemistry. The evidence points to the possible inference that the first cell had
discernibly a greater list of attributes than later evolved cells which tended to be more
specialized. It can be said that the unit that meets the definitions of life provides evidence
of other attributes that can now be tested one at a time.
On this basis, we can understand that textbooks such as that of Berra (1990)
refer to this work as explaining by experimental retracement of evolution how the first
cells came into existence; personal credit for the scientific observance has been designated
to one author in the 1992 Who's Who (Canning and Marks, 1992) and later editions
although this credit belongs to all of the names cited in this paper.
Of all the defined characteristics of life in Webster and other dictionaries, the most
significant may well be the responsiveness to stimuli. The salutary response is that of
electrical signalling. The search for such activity m protemoid microspheres was
suggested by the late H. Burr Steinbach of the University of Chicago, who also saw the
possibility of relationships of chemical compositions of polymers in excitable cell
membranes to their activity (Stembach, 1965).
This type of study was begun in 1971 with Ishima (Ishima et al, 1981) and
continued in collaboration with a series of electrophysiotogical experts. The protemoid
cell membranes were seen to be excitable from the outset and, as discussed above, the
molecular antenna in the polypeptides has been established as that of flavins and pterins.
Worth emphasizing is that the same amino acids that enable the thermal
copolymerization, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. are the ones that are known to be the
center of excitability (Vaughan et al, 1987).
The excitability in a proteinoid microsphere compared to that of the crayfish
stretch receptor neuron is displayed in action potentials in numerous textbooks; the
comparison was composed by Pol (Figure 8). The rhythmicity that Eirich (t994) spoke
about here is shown in Figure 9. This is from a microsphere composed only of aspartic
acid, glutamic acid, and arginine but, of the many thermal polymers tested, all have been
found to contain the pigments and all to have electrical activity m the presence of small
amounts of light (Fox, 1988; 1992). The nature of the reaction yielding ravin deserves
further attention.
Figure 8. Action potentials from crayfish stretch receptor neuron (above) and from
proteinoid microsphere (below). By Alexander Poi.
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Figure 9. Rhythmicity in electric discharge of microsphere of thermal poly (asp, glu,
In addition to the activity in all of the protoneuron retracements, the units have
a considerable tendency to associate. The inherent tendency of the microsphere to form
what looks like a primitive type of gap junction (Figure 10) has been often seen (Fox
and Dose, 1977) in the lab and in textbooks. The more recently studied formation of
dendritic associations (Figure 11) is related to the tyrosme content (Pappelis, this
Figure 10. Association of proteinoid microspheres. Stained with Crystal Violet. Suggests
primitive gap junctions. A common phenomenon among microspheres.
Figure 11. Dendritic associations between microspheres composed of thermal poly
(asp,glu,leu,tyr). This effect is not as pervasive as that of Figure 10, and deserves more
The genesis of informational molecules prior to the cell is in its broad defmition genetic.
Some definitions of life include power of heredity in the first cell. This inclusion in the
definition may be arbitrary, i.e. the first cell could have had the functions of life without
being able to pass those abilities on. We recognize however, that the proteinoid
microsphere, or perhaps a somewhat specialized form of it, can extend those attributes
into later generations.
While the inherent presence of properties of life in a proteinoid microsphere
were shown by 1971 (Fox) the ability to bequeath them to later generations was shown
by 1981 (Fox). In 1973, Jungck and Fox demonstrated that lysine-rich proteinoids can
catalyze the synthesis of oligonucleotides from ATP, whereas the direct production of
peptides from oligonucteotides was not known. Nakashima and Fox (1980) reported that
peptides can be made under the catalytic influence of the same lysine-rich proteinoids in
a protobiotic mode. Syntheses of components of nucleotides from amino acids and of
polynucleotides in the biotic era in cells has already been well charted (Zubay,1993).
A widespread belief in a random matrix has been overturned by the experimental
production of a cellular system that meets definitions of life; the reactions identified in
the retracement of the origins of the first cell, as indicated above, have been definitely
shown to be nonrandom.
Numerous influential scientists have subscribed to the concept of random
beginnings (see Tyagi and Ponnamperuma, 1990; Fox and Balm, 1994). Examples are
those of Miller and Orgel (1974) who title chapters in part "Random Polymers" and refer
to thermal proteins as "random polypeptides" (p.144), of Crick, 1981 (p. 83) who writes
of the "accidental polymerization" that might have produced "proteinoid molecules', of
Eigen (1986, p.25) who states that his theories have (belatedly) shown that the "landscape
is not random', and De Duve (1991, p. 116) who refers to the ~random assembly
process" of protein synthesis with "coding still to come'.
The impetus for the beginning (Fox, 1945) of the research reported here was a desire for
the development and application of chemical methods for protein primary sequence
determination that might explain the diversity and specificity of various biological forms
and their biochemical components. In the course of the research indications have
appeared of molecular bases for such diversity (Fig. 11). They are the result of varied
compositions of amino acid in polymers that assemble in the various manners shown and
in others. Conditions of formation of the microspheres play a secondary, role in the
Evidently, aspartic acid and glutamic acid, which are two amino acids essential
for the copolymerization and are also amino acids significant in the excitability of the
proteinoid microspheres, play a role in the conjugation of microspheres. The formation
of connections is aided by hydrophobic amino acids such as tryptophan.
In Fig. 11 is seen the effect of a substantial proportion of tyrosine in the
polymer. This type contributes to the formation of networks that can be found in the
preparations, whereas dendricity tends to be absent when tyrosine is not included. It had
long been known that a change in one amino acid in a chain of 576 residues in
hemoglobin was sufficient to specify sickle-cell anemia in otherwise healthy hemoglobin
(Ingram, 1957). It is our later studies that indicate that a single type of amino acid
specifies protocellular morphology.
Two mare kinds of sterex~hemistry relate to amino acids. The one most often considered
is that of chiratity which distinguishes the enantiomorph of amino acids and other
biochemical substances. One form is dominant in modern organisms. The other kind of
stereochemistry is that which distinguishes one amino acid from the other by virtue of the
In examining the functions of chiral amino acids m thermal polymers in
protobiogenesis, we do not see total prohibition of functions in polymers from racemic,
or partly racemic, amino acids. The absence of single chiral types can be responsible for
much lower activity in enzymic and hormonal polyamino acids but not for an absence of
such function. The cytological activities such as reproduction and adhesion seem not to
be impaired qualitatively by racemic components, however. The question of the origin
of chirality need not be placed before that of the origin of life. Langenbeck (1955) is
responsible for the concept that chirality developed during biotic evolution (Fox et al,
1956), an explanation extended by Bonner (1991).
The other kind of stereochemistry, that of the sidechains was, however,
extremely fundamental. It, plus deployment of charges in the molecules were the
determinants of self-selection (self-ordering) in the selective thermal polymerizations of
amino acids.
On looking back or, better yet, looking back to a starting point and then looking forward
by retracement of evolution, we can see that the existence of the chicken-egg problem of
which came first: protein or nucleic acid, can be explained. The two views can be
reconciled. The problem is understood by a principle that is common to evolutionary
biology in its widest span, that of rise-and-fall. When we survey the evolutionary life
span of developments on the Earth we see rise-and-fall. We are acquainted with it in the
rise-and-fall of the Roman empire, the Mayan empire, the Third Reich, etc. We even see
rise-and-fall in the galaxies. We see rise-and-fall in the life of a single individual.
Typically, a human grows into his twenties, after which he begins a long decline of
stature; the generalization is confused by the fact that each of a number of minor riseand-fall progressions begins at a different stage.
This can be explained in the context of biochemical and therefore biological
evolution as the rise-and-fall of glucose. When this planet supported plants only,
photosynthesis resulted in the formation of glucose and energy-rich derivatives for which
the energy was obtained from the Sun. Later, when animals appeared in evolution, they
broke down the compounds that had been synthesized by plants and released carbon
dioxide and water, which had been the original reactants for the formation of energy-rich
substances (Zubay, 1993).
We may therefore infer that overall bioevolution itself is a progression of riseand-fall. When we adopt this precept we can see that the rise was in part the nonrandom
formation of protein that resulted from amino acid self-ordering. In evolution, those
proteins went on quickly to become ceils with, in some qualitative degree, all of the
properties of proteinaceous cells as we know them. The formation of proteins led in the
cell to another class of substance, DNA/RNA, as the progression headed into the falling
phase. The retracement experiments reported hereto infer that the first phase of rise
proceeded on the basis of the nonrandom synthesis of protein informed by its
evolutionary precursors, a family of amino acids, and that in the falling phase these
processes were reversed as in the overall evolution of sugar synthesis. The Central
Dogma mechanism as we know it came into existence. We need to look for further
evidence; we can see already that the chicken-egg problem may be reconciled by an
evolutionary rule of nature.
The process of experimental retracement of evolution to and from the first cell has
generated salient overviews, o f which some are presented above.
Very striking is one of the last papers in this program that features the views of
Dyson as stated in the latter's book on The Origin of Life (1985). The views expressed
in our paper are quite critical but central to why the scientific answer to how life began
was so long in coming and was then slowly recognized.
Like some other physicists and chemists who ignore or underrate biology, Dyson
treats the problem with little attention to biological relevance. He does not explain how
the first cell, the first unit of life, came into existence; in other words, his emphases are
not cell-centered as are those of this conference. Secondly, he has virtually nothing to say
about the biologists' understanding of functions of the cell. He is not alone. Eigen (1985),
who would defer the cell to late in evolution, which is logical for a theorist who
recognizes the complexity of the cell, has come finally to the view that precellular nature
is nonrandom.
While Dyson does correctly emphasize the somewhat heretical view of proteinfirst that has recently gained popularity, he allows young students of science to believe
that that understanding arose from theoretical consideration rather than from empirical
experimentation (Fox and Harada, 1960), such as has been throughout the history of
science the hallmark of innovative awarenesses.
In his preface, Dyson states,
"In my survey of experiments and ideas I make no attempt to be
complete or even to be fair. I apologize in advance to all the
people, living and dead, whose contributions to knowledge I
shall ignore, especially to J.B.S. Haldane, Desmond Bernat,
Sidney Fox, Hyman Hartman, Philip Anderson and Stuart
Because of the effect this can have on young students and others in promoting an
underevaluation of empiricism, I for one reject Dyson's apology.
One of the main lessons from the empirical experimentation is that the transition
from precursor to first cell was almost instantaneous. As long as the transition was not
identified, it was logical to assume that the production of the precursors and that of the
cell consumed the millions of years that are sometimes assigned to it theoretically.
Another new view is that complexity was maximal at the outset. Without some
awareness of this through experiment it was logical to assume that complexity was built
up through an association of simplicities. This now appears to have indeed been true for
the chemical reactions in the rising phase until the first cell resulted; about that time
complexity gave way to an assembly of specializations in what in part was a falling
phase. But we must look to the future to understand this overview in full.
Finally, the fact that this research has been largely under the auspices of an
agency that wants to know about life in the Universe merits comment. An original
objective in the synthetic phase of the research was to develop useful analogs of protein.
Soon thereafter, the next objective was to understand how life began anywhere. The
subject of life in the Universe has in general been fiddled with speculations and
suppositions. This research program has told us some of what we know about potential
evolution to life on our Moon (Yuasa and Oro, 1981). For the Solar System and
especially beyond it, the research is bristling with hints about how to look for evolving
life in its various stages and how to interpret the results. That body of potentials has
become large enough that it deserves another review, if not a book,
Since the only life of which the origin merits realistic consideration is that of cellular life,
this paper focusses on the two most widely examined models for the first celt. These are
the coacervate droplet of Oparin and the proteinoid microsphere from our laboratory.
Reasons for regarding the coacervate droplet as irrelevant to the .first cell are again
expressed. The origins of proteinoid microspheres on the primitive Earth, the finding of
characteristics of living systems therein, and the numerous spinoffs are discussed.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The principal coworkers in the thirty-five (or fifty) year
research of this review are listed as co-authors. The dominant proportion of these
associates and generous supplies of equipment etc. have been financed by grants from
NASA during the period 1960-1992, by NFCR. IBM, the Longevity Foundation, and a
number of other sources cited in original papers. Inasmuch as studies of the origins of
life have required administrative protection, special thanks are expressed to President
Emeritus Henry. King Stanford of the University of Miami (1964-1981) and to Dean John
Yopp of Southern Illinois University (1989-1993) for both protection and support.
For his help in confirming and extending original observations for NASA,
fundamental credit belongs to Dr. Richard S. Young. Helpful suggestions are
acknowledged from many, such as Dr.H.B.Steinbach, and a PhD chairman T. H.
Morgan. Critics have also been helpful.
in addition to those included in the authorship line and regarded arbitrarily as
major contributors to experiments and interpretations, other significant contributors to at
least one paper each who should also be mentioned are: T. Adachi, D.E. Atkinson, G.
Baumann, S. Brooke, F. Denes, R. Fiorovanti, T. Fukushima, J.R. Grote, P.E.Hare,
F.Hefti, M-W. Ho, P. Hoagland, M. Ingrain, A. Khoury, E. Lederer, R.J. McCauley,
P.O. Montgomery, G. Mueller, C. W. Pettinga, B.J. Price, J. W.Ryan, P. Saunders, A.
W. Schwartz, W.D. Snyder, W. Stillwetl, W.P. Stratten, F. Suzuki, R. H. Syren, G.
Vaughan, C.T. Wang, C. Warner, H. Wax, A.L. Weber, C.R. Windsor, M. Winitz,
A. Wood, A. Yuki, S. Yuyama, and V. Zworykin.
It was o f course infeasible to check with all those listed for a p p r o v a l o f this
paper, so a reader may not a s s u m e any o f them to be responsible for the integrated
interpretations herein. Special thanks are h o w e v e r rendered to D r s . D . L. R o h l f m g and
T . O. F o x for their critical r e v i e w o f the penultimate manuscript. T h a n k s are e x p r e s s e d
to J e r r y D i x o n for careful f o r m a t t i n g and typing o f the manuscript.
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