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351 pages
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End-user development means the active participation of end users in the software development process. In this perspective, tasks that are traditionally performed by professional software developers at design time are transferred to end users at use time. This creates a new challenge for software engineers: designing software systems that can be evolved by end users. Metadesign, a new design paradigm discussed in this chapter, is regarded as a possible answer to this challenge.
End user development, 2006
Communications of the …, 2004
Therefore, EUD is only a partial success story. Here, we argue the spread of EUD depends on a fine balance between user motivation, effective tools, and management support. We explore that balance and investigate a future approach to EUD-metadesign-that proposes a vision in which design, learning, and development become part of everyday working practice.
Abstract. Computer users are evolving from passive consumers of computer tools and data to a more active role of information and software artifacts producers. Current work practices require end-users to tailor their software environments for better adapting them to their needs, and even to create or modify software artifacts. We describe our meta-design methodology that allows user representatives to be involved in the design of systems that will be used by all the end-users.
On the transferability of a meta-design model supporting end-user development
The availability of different methods (and models) that support the design and evaluation of interactive systems raises a question about the transferability of such methods between application sectors and domains. The transferability refers to the selection and application of a method in a development context, qualifying it for the interactive system in hand. The transferability process should help to identify the main features of the new contexts of use, also taking into account that the system to be developed has to ensure universal access. Moreover, it should allow designers to capitalize on previous development experiences in a systematic way. In order to analyze some of the many challenges determined by the transfer process, this paper reports experiences of transferring a meta-design model, whose aim is to support the design of systems that enable people to perform end-user development activities. The model is further developed when applied in another application domain. A meta-design model can be used in a novel context supporting the design of systems for users performing development activities. Based on the reported experiences on active people involvement, hints for the transferability of any model are provided. People can actively contribute to system design, development and evolution overtime using the novel approach.
THE BIBLICAL MUSEUM | Washington D.C. | 31 Agosto, 2024.
Carissimi amici nel Signore, America Returns, non è semplicemente un dialogo tra rispettabili rappresentanti religiosi, anche se di grande importanza in questi nostri tempi. Il nostro incontro ha un valore assai superiore, essendo la volontà di Gesù quella di essere "una cosa sola come lui con il Padre e fra di noi affinché il mondo creda" (Gv 17:21). Questa volontà di Gesù l'ha espressa visibilmente nel Suo estremo sacrificio sulla Croce. Offrendo la sua vita liberamente al Padre, ci ha guadagnato la salvezza e la vita eterna. In Gesù crocifisso, morto, risorto e asceso al Cielo è racchiuso non solo il mistero della nostra redenzione ma anche il mistero dell'attrazione all'unità fra i suoi discepoli, come ha affermato Gesù: "Quando sarò innalzato attirerò tutti a me" (Gv 12:20-33). Dopo averci riconciliati con il Padre ora Gesù vuole riconciliarci fra di noi. Questa attrazione implica un'azione personale e diretta di Gesù sulla Sua Chiesa non è un'azione semplicemente umana o una dottrina da praticare. L'unità voluta dai suoi discepoli, dunque, non è opzionale. Siamo "costretti" all'unità per attrazione da parte di Gesù. Lasciandoci attrarre da Lui veniamo di conseguenza attratti gli uni verso gli altri. Questa attrazione di Gesù genera inevitabilmente la koinonia come dice il Salmista "quanto è bello e gioioso che i fratelli vivano nell'unità! […] Là il Signore dona la benedizione e la vita per sempre» (Ps 132, 1). ' That the world may believe'-Jn 17,21
ALPHA: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía
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