Department of Botany & the U.S. National
The Plant Press
New Series - Vol. 17 - No. 3
July-September 2014
Botany Proile
Biogeography: There’s No Place Like Home
By Gary A. Krupnick
aird Auditorium at the National
Museum of Natural History provided the location for a full day
of biogeography talks at the 12th Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, “Location,
Location, Location...New Advances
in the Science of Biogeography.” The
speakers celebrated the past contributions
of biogeography and provided a look
toward future ones that bring a deeper
understanding of the relationship between
our planet and its biota. The invited
speakers addressed why “location” matters with a wide range of modern studies
and applications on the geography of life.
Held over two days, the Symposium
kicked off on April 24, 2014, with a
poster session at the Conservatory of
the United States Botanic Garden. An
international group of 24 presenters displayed their posters and spoke about their
research ranging in topics from lichen
biodiversity and algae phylogeny, to the
evolution of sea slugs and the effects of
climate change on plants.
The next day, the Symposium began
with opening remarks by Warren L. Wagner, Chair of the Department of Botany.
John Kress, the Interim Under Secretary
for Science, also welcomed the participants and speakers to the Smithsonian
The presentation of the 2014 José
Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in
Tropical Botany took place as Laurence
Dorr announced H. Peter Linder as this
year’s recipient. Linder was recognized
for his many accomplishments as an
educator and scientist, including his
contributions to the systematics, biogeog-
raphy, and evolution of Restionaceae and
Poaceae. Although Linder was unable to
attend the Symposium, he sent a message
stating how
he was to
such recognition:
I have little
contact to the Andean Asteraceae, I know
of the work of José Cuatrecasas. The list
of previous recipients is also very impressive—a long list of people I have seen as
role models, and whose work I have much
appreciated. It is very nice to know that
my work on Restionaceae and the danthonioid grasses is appreciated.”
ach invited speaker was then introduced by the Symposium Convener, Vicki Funk. Susanne Renner,
from the University of Munich, gave the
irst scientiic presentation, “Historical
Biogeography and Ecological Biogeography – Come Together Now.” Renner
began her talk by noting the irst instance
of biogeography in the scientiic literature.
In 1820, Augustin P. de Candolle hinted
at biological geography: because species
become locally adapted, regional loras
and faunas differ. De Candolle recognized
that to understand biogeographic patterns,
one needs to study both the speed of ecological adaptation and the differentiation
of regional loras and faunas by speciation
and extinction. The German geographer
Friedrich Ratzel coined the word biogeography in 1891. Renner’s talk covered three
areas of interest. She irst spoke about
regional hummingbird and plant communities to describe the speed of adaptation.
To approach this topic, the irst step is
to develop a
of hummingbird and
plants. Fossil
of wing
shape suggests swifts are stem relatives
of hummingbirds, and precursors of
hummingbirds are found in European
fossils that date back to 34-28 million
years ago. Molecular evidence places
the age of modern hummingbirds at
25-18 million years ago. Looking at
bird-adapted plant clades, Renner found
similar increases in lineages over time,
as demonstrated by data of swordbills
and passionlowers in the Andes, and
hummingbirds and their plants in North
Renner then spoke about the worldwide endoparasites Apodanthaceae to
describe the problems of relaxed clock
models without “good” calibration
fossils. Dating clade divergences help
us understand the factors that lead to
distribution patterns. For a holoparasitic
angiosperm, the host age can be used as
a calibration point. Renner explained that
fossil calibrations estimate older ages
of divergence than random local clocks,
leading Renner to place more trust in the
local clock estimates.
Renner’s third area of interest was
applying the fossilized birth-death
Continued on page 13
Pedro Acevedo traveled to New York,
New York (4/13 – 4/14) to attend a talk on
the orchids of the West Indies and to work
in the herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden; to San Juan, Puerto Rico (5/20
– 5/26) to present a talk on the history of
Puerto Rican biodiversity studies, to be
interviewed on the botanical contribution
of Agustin Stahl in Puerto Rico at the Fundacion Luis Munoz Marin (FLMM), and
to participate in an advisor board meeting
to FLMM; and to Barranquilla, Colombia
(6/3 – 6/7) to present a plenary talk on
plant diversity in the Caribbean at the IV
Caribbean Biodiversity Symposium held
at Universidad del Norte.
Andrew Clark traveled to Cardiff,
Wales (6/22 – 6/28) to present a poster on
material transfer agreements at the Society
for Preservation of Natural History Collections meeting.
Ashley Egan traveled to Cambridge,
Massachusetts (5/28 – 6/1) to visit the
Harvard University Herbaria for research
relating to phaseoloid legumes (Fabaceae),
The Plant Press
New Series - Vol. 17 - No. 3
Chair of Botany
Warren L. Wagner
[email protected])
Gary Krupnick
[email protected])
Copy Editors
Robin Everly, Bernadette Gibbons, and
Rose Gulledge
News Contacts
MaryAnn Apicelli, Rusty Russell, Alice
Tangerini, and Elizabeth Zimmer
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Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution,
PO Box 37012, NMNH MRC-166, Washington,
DC 20013-7012, or by E-mail: krupnickg@
Web site: http://botany.si.edu/
Page 2
and to access rare taxa in preparation
for 13 Flora of Thailand treatments; to
Raleigh, North Carolina (6/18 – 6/25) to
attend the Phylogenomics Symposium
and Software School for which she was
awarded a travel grant, and to present at
the Evolution 2014 annual meeting; and
throughout the southern United States
(6/26 – 7/10) for ield collection for
population level sampling of kudzu for
genetic diversity and population genomics
Robin Everly traveled to Richmond
and Williamsburg, Virginia (4/29 – 5/3)
to attend the 46th Annual Meeting of the
Council on Botanical and Horticultural
Libraries (CBHL).
Vicki Funk traveled to Memphis, Tennessee (4/15 – 4/18) to present a talk at the
University of Memphis; and to Raleigh,
North Carolina (6/20 – 6/24) to attend the
Evolution 2014 annual meeting.
Carlos García-Robledo traveled to
Costa Rica (5/1 – 6/22) to conduct ield
work on climate change and the extinctions of plants and insects in tropical
mountains; and to Sierra de Los Tuxtlas,
Mexico (6/2 – 6/8) to teach a course on
multi-trophic interactions by the Institute
of Ecology (INECOL).
Robert Ireland traveled to St. Louis,
Missouri (6/1 – 7/7) to visit the Missouri
Botanical Garden where he examined
moss specimens that he collected in southcentral Chile (funded by two grants from
the National Geographic Society).
Carol Kelloff traveled to Cardiff,
Wales (6/24 – 6/30) to present a poster
“Salvaging an Historical Herbarium” at
the Society for Preservation of Natural
History Collections meeting.
W. John Kress traveled to Dominica
(5/3 – 5/9) to conduct ield work on Heliconia and hummingbird pollination, with
Ida Lopez and Yongli Fan; to Chicago,
Illinois (6/5 – 6/7) to meet with the Chair
of the Smithsonian Board of Regents,
to attend a university forum, “How Do
We Think about Climate Change,” and
to discuss climate change activities with
Melinda Peters traveled to Easton,
Pennsylvania (4/18) to present a lecture
about herbaria uses at Lafayette College;
and to Cardiff, Wales (6/22 – 6/28) to
present a talk on mercury mitigation at the
Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections meeting.
Rusty Russell traveled to Djibouti
City, Djibouti (4/29 – 5/15) to conduct
plant survey and genomic tissue collection at Lemmonier Air Base; to Riverside,
California (6/17 – 6/19) to present a talk
on citizen science at the AAAS-Paciic
meeting at the University of California
at Riverside; and to Cardiff, Wales (6/22
– 6/28) to present a talk on specimen
digitization and a talk on the history of
Alaskan plant collecting at the Society for
Preservation of Natural History Collections meeting.
Eric Schuettpelz traveled to Wilmington, North Carolina (4/21 – 4/23) to attend
a master’s student seminar and defense;
to Durham, North Carolina (5/9 – 5/10) to
meet with collaborators; and to Costa Rica
(6/30 – 7/8) as an invited instructor for a
Tropical Plant Systematics course offered
by the Organization for Tropical Studies.
Laurence E. Skog traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts (5/2 – 5/3) to
visit the collections at Harvard’s Arnold
Meghann Toner traveled to Cardiff,
Wales (6/22 – 7/3) to present a talk on
APG Conversion of the herbarium using
GIS at the Society for Preservation of
Natural History Collections meeting.
Alain Touwaide and Emanuela
Appetiti traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (6/21) to attend the meeting of
the American-Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) to present
research on the medicinal plants of ancient
Jun Wen traveled to Beijing, China
(4/28 – 5/14) to participate in the Flora
of Pan-Himalayas meeting; to Myanmar
(5/14 – 5/15) to conduct ield work; to
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (6/1) to collect
specimens; to Concord, Massachusetts
(6/12 – 6/14) to collect Vitis (Concord
grapes); to Blacksburg and Ashland, Virginia (6/19 – 6/21) to collect specimens;
and throughout southeastern United States
(6/29 – 7/7) to collect specimens.
Elizabeth Zimmer traveled to Durham
and Raleigh, North Carolina (6/18 – 6/25)
to meet with collaborators studying Mimulus and to give a presentation on Isoëtes
louisiana at the Evolution 2014 meeting.
Allies in Plant Conservation Sign Memorandum of Understanding
memorandum of understanding (MOU) is often
signed to deine relationships among agencies
and institutions. On June 30, the Smithsonian
Institution joined 11 federal agencies in signing a MOU
that continues the work of the Federal Native Plant
Conservation Committee of the Plant Conservation
Alliance (PCA) and its cooperators in State government and non-government organizations. The PCA is a
public-private partnership of governments and nongovernment organizations that share the same goal of
protecting native plants by ensuring that native plant
populations and their communities are maintained,
enhanced, and restored.
“Every year America suffers signiicant losses of
its native plants and wildlife due to ire, drought, lood
and other natural disaster damage,” Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) Director Neil Kornze said. “The
MOU we are signing today calls attention to our need
as Federal agencies to adapt to changing realities and
to work together to restore affected landscapes for the
people, communities and economies that depend on
According to the BLM news release, the MOU
commits Federal agencies to bolster the collective
capacity of the PCA Committee to leverage funds and
tools through efforts with non-federal partners. The
MOU calls for Federal agencies to assist non-Federal
land managers in plant conservation and protection efforts. It also calls for innovative partnerships
among public and private sectors, nationally and
internationally, to conserve native plants and their
habitats before they become critically endangered.
“This is an extraordinary union of such a diverse
group of federal and non-federal partners,” said
Healy Hamilton, chief scientist of NatureServe, a
conservation non-proit that delivers the science
behind effective conservation. “This partnership
speaks to the importance of what we’ve presented
here today: that so many people’s economic and
ecological interests align when it comes to creating
resilient native plants communities.”
The Committee Members include the Bureau
of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management,
Federal Highway Administration, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Botanic
Garden, United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) Agricultural Research Service, USDA Forest Service, USDA National Institute of Food and
Agriculture, USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S.
Geological Survey.
Attendees who form the Federal Native Plant
Conservation Committee of the Plant Conservation
Alliance meet at the 2014 Seed Conference to sign a
MOU and renew their commitment to native plant
conservation. From left: Steve Shafer, Agricultural
Research Service; Gary Krupnick, Smithsonian
Institution; Brenda Pierce, National Park Service;
Healy Hamilton, NatureServe; Dan Ashe, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service; Suzette Kimball, U.S.
Geological Survey; Neil Kornze, Bureau of Land
Management; Sonny Ramaswamy, National
Institute of Food and Agriculture; Gary Solomon,
Federal Highway Administration; Stephen Ayers,
Architect of the Capitol; Leslie Weldon, Forest
Service; and Jason Weller, Natural Resources
Conservation Service. Bureau of Indian Affairs
Director Michael Black, not pictured, signed the
MOU but was not present at the conference. (photo
by Tami Heilemann, DOI)
he Smithsonian’s Department of Botany at
the National Museum of Natural History has
a history of signing MOUs to further the mission of the Department. In 2000, a MOU was signed
between the National Museum of Natural History
and the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C.
The purpose of the MOU was to greatly increase
their interactions and enhance the overall mission
of each institution through effective collaborations.
The MOU between these “Botanical Partners on
the Mall” facilitated jointly sponsored exhibits,
educational planning, public display projects, and
programs such as the annual Smithsonian Botanical
In 2007 the Department of Botany and the New
England Tropical Conservatory (NETC) signed a
MOU for the Indonesian Botanical Exploration and
Taxonomy Project (IBETP) to provide a framework
for the exchange of scientiic and technical knowledge, to undertake joint ield research in Indonesia,
and to enhance scientiic and technical capabilities
with respect to botany.
On the horizon is a possible MOU between the
Smithsonian’s Department of Botany and Jardín
Botánico de Bogotá, Colombia, and another MOU
with Museo de Historia Natural at Universidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru.
Page 3
Research &
In April Ashley Egan presented a lightning talk on the evolutionary history of
kudzu at the National Museum of Natural
History. In June Elizabeth Zimmer presented a lightning talk on allopolyploids
Isoëtes riparia entitled “Whose DNA is
it?” Sponsored by the Smithsonian’s Senate of Scientists, the lightning talk series,
“6 Minute Science,” features scientists
presenting the depth and breadth of their
research in six minutes followed by a short
Q&A session.
On 16 May Gary Krupnick participated
in the Endangered Species Day Fair at
the U.S. Botanic Garden (USBG). The
event, hosted by USBG, the U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service, and the Endangered Species Coalition, included tours of USBG’s
endangered and native plants, visits with
exhibitors from federal agencies and
conservation organizations, and demonstrations about what can be done at home
to protect native plants. Krupnick hosted a
booth displaying specimens from the U.S.
National Herbarium of rare and endangered species from the U.S. and abroad.
Alice Tangerini visited Capitol Hill Day
School in Washington, DC, to teach a 3rd
grade class about botanical illustration.
The class was learning about the Lewis
and Clark expedition. Tangerini brought
samples of her work and some of the Frederick A. Walpole illustrations of the Lewis
and Clark collections. She also gave a
demonstration of drawing techniques and
had the class do a stippling project with
Nautilocalyx chimantensis as the subject.
In May Alain Touwaide and Emanuela
Appetiti attended the 2014 Dumbarton
Oaks Symposium in Garden and Landscape Studies in Washington, DC, devoted
to “Sound and Scent in the Garden.” At
the symposium Touwaide presented a
paper entitled “Bottled Gardens. Capturing Scents for Health.”
Page 4
Visiting the Past:
Bull Run Mountains
Conservancy Board
of Directors Visits
the United States
National Herbarium
By Meghann Toner and Rusty Russell
In early June, the U.S. National Herbarium hosted the Board of Directors of
the Bull Run Mountains Conservancy, Inc.
<http://www.brmconservancy.org/> for
their annual outing. The goal of this organization is to preserve the Bull Run Mountains through a strong program of education and research. The purpose of their
visit was to connect with past research
in the Bull Run Mountains by seeing
irsthand the vouchers collected through
the loristic work of Harry Ardell Allard
(1880-1963), former U.S. Department of
Agriculture biologist and Smithsonian collaborator. Allard’s collections are included
with many others that document the
diversity of the Washington DC-Baltimore
Region. These collections are kept in the
appropriately named Washington DC and
Vicinity Herbarium segregated within our
main collection. On the day of the visit
Mark Strong and Meghann Toner gave a
tour of the herbarium and Floyd Shockley
provided a behind the scenes tour of the
Department of Entomology.
The area of most interest to our irst
time visitors was the Allard collection. Allard, born in 1880, was a plant
pathologist who found special pleasure
in the plant diversity he saw on day trips
through our region, especially the Bull
Run Mountains. In 1943, he and E.C.
Leonard coauthored “Vegetation and
Floristics of Bull Run Mountains, Virginia” (Castanea 8: 1-64; http://www.jstor.
org/stable/4031081). More than a dozen
of Allard’s 240 scientiic publications
focused on the Bull Run Mountains. The
Board of Directors examined 15 Allard
collections selected by Toner, as well as 2
of 34 types based on his collecting efforts.
Each of these represents a snapshot in time
and provides a tangible link to the past.
Allard is also well known for his studies in photoperiodism, not only of plants,
but of birds and insects. A fascinating
account of his life and work can be read
US 1813929 is the isotype of Stachys
eplingii J.B. Nelson collected by Harry
A. Allard in 1941 on the western slope
of Bull Run Mountains, the most
easterly chain in the Piedmont in
on The Field Book Project blog <http://
Carlos García-Robledo, Smithsonian
Fellow; Plant-herbivore interaction
Ning Zhang, Pennsylvania State University; Vitaceae (1/7/13-6/30/15).
Yongli Fan, Xishuangbana Tropical
Botanical Garden, China; Pollination studies (1/13/14-1/12/15).
Nancai Pei, Research Institute of Tropical
Forestry, China; Plant reproductive traits
Sarah Anderson, Washington State University; Lichens (4/7-4/15).
Thais Vasconcelos, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Melastomataceae and Myrtaceae (4/9-4/15).
Raquel Monteiro, Jardim Botânico deo
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; South American
Bromeliaceae (4/11-4/18).
Young Eun Chang, Queen’s University,
Canada; Compositae (4/14-4/25).
Chris Frye, Maryland Department of
Natural Resources; Bromus (Poaceae),
Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae), and Pycnanthemum (Lamiaceae) (4/14).
Tim Gregory, University of California
Botanical Garden at Berkeley; Dioon
(Cycadaceae) (4/14).
Ocotea (Lauraceace) (5/14-6/13).
Alejandro Zuluaga, University of
Wisconsin, Madison; Monsteroideae
(Araceae) (5/14-6/4).
Charles University, Czech Republic; Zingiberales (6/5-6/13).
Michael Windham, Duke University;
Ferns (6/5-6/6).
Alexander Krings, North Carolina State
University; Asclepiadaceae (5/19-5/20).
George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical
Garden; Ferns (6/5).
Alexey Shipunov, Minot State University;
North American Plantaginaceae (5/195/23).
Karen Yu, Smith College; Plant DNA
barcode project internship (6/9-8/15).
Caroline Hannaway, American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM)
and John Parascandola, University of
Maryland, College Park; Medieval medicine (5/22).
Sean Bradley, Bastyr University; Ancient
Chinese medicine (5/23-5/27).
Max Aleman, Billy Cappuccio, and
Jorge Mena-Ali, Franklin and Marshall
College; Microbotryum (Microbotryaceae)
infecting Portulacaceae (6/12).
Shelley James, Bishop Museum; New
Guinean collections (6/16-6/20).
Tyler Kartzinel, Princeton University;
Plant DNA barcode project (6/16-6/17).
Joelq Cohen, Rockville, Maryland; Cuatrecasas collections (4/14-4/18).
Jim Folsom, Huntington Botanical
Gardens; Mediterranean medicinal plants
Mohammad Vatanparast, Chiba University, Japan; Dalbergia (Fabaceae) (4/144/19).
Hope Watson, Temple University;
Medicinal plants of antiquity internship
Eric Yarnell, Bastyr University; Medicinal plant uses in antiquity (6/16-6/19).
Marcos Carballo, Pennsylvania State
University; Viscaceae (4/22-4/26).
Julian Campbell, Bluegrass Woodland
Restoration Center, Kentucky; Asteraceae
and Kentucky lora (6/18-6/19).
Orlando Muñoz, Universidad de los
Andes, Colombia; Begonia (Begoniaceae)
Angela Bartolomeo, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Medicinal plants
of antiquity (5/27).
Sterling Herron, Milligan College; Vitis
internship (5/27-8/2).
Jerry Perry, University of Colorado
Denver; Mediterranean history of botany
Caroline Pannell, University of Oxford;
Brazilian Luehea (Tiliaceae) (4/22-4/29).
Philip Waisen, University of Hawaii at
Manoa; Agricultural plants (5/27-6/28).
Julián Aguirre-Santoro, New York
Botanical Garden; Hohenbergia and Ronnbergia (Bromeliaceae) (4/23-4/26).
Dennis Zhu, University of Missouri;
Kudzu internship (5/27-8/2).
Scott Mori, New York Botanical Garden;
Lecythidaceae (4/23-4/25).
Nelson Salinas, New York Botanical Garden; Orthaea (Ericaceae) (4/23-4/25).
Aliki Heinrich and Lumi Hilchey, Arena
Destination Marketing, New York; History
of medicine (5/5).
Tom Lovejoy and 16 students, George
Mason University; Herbarium tour and
plant conservation (5/5).
Ramya Prasad, Georgetown University;
Medicinal uses of plants in Ayurveda (5/57/18).
Elizabeth Mauer, Boston University;
Cedar of Lebanon in ancient times (5/28).
Marcia Sprules, Council on Foreign
Relations, New York; Medieval and
Renaissance herbals (5/29).
Katharine Wilson, Smith College; Plant
DNA barcode project internship (6/168/22).
Joe Miller, National Science Foundation,
and Dan Murphy, Royal Botanic Garden
Melbourne, Australia; Fabaceae (6/266/27).
Rebecca Jacobs, Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne; Medicinal
plants of antiquity internship (6/30-8/15).
Christina Flann, Wageningen University,
Netherlands; Asteraceae (5/31-6/5).
Lola Ramirez, Corcoran College of
Art+Design; Botany exhibit internship
Ann Alerding, Virginia Military Institute;
Plant mounting, herbarium curation (6/3).
Sotiris Baitis, Verity Wine, Washington,
DC; Traditional Greek food (5/13).
Michael Kieffer and ive members of the
Board of Directors, Bull Run Mountains
Conservancy, Inc., Virginia; Herbarium
tour (6/4).
Kellie Kuhn, University of Connecticut;
Tomas Fer and Monika Pospíailová,
Page 5
Pollinator Week is
Abuzz at Museum
The week of June 16-22, 2014, was
designated as Pollinator Week to mark
a necessary step toward addressing
the urgent issue of declining pollinator
and plant populations. As a member of
the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), the National
Museum of Natural History (NMNH) had
a series of events at the Smithsonian to
mark Pollinator Week.
This year NAPPC teamed up with
Smithsonian’s North American Orchid
Conservation Center (NAOCC) to promote Pollinator Week with the production
of NAPPC’s annual Pollinator Poster. The
2014 poster features illustrations of seven
orchid-pollinator interactions. Several
public programs at NMNH during the
week focused on orchids and their pollinators.
Public programs included talks in the
Q?rius Theater by Jonathan Mawdsley
(Smithsonian Entomologist) speaking on
beetle pollinators of South Africa’s Kruger
National Park, Tom Mirenda (Smithsonian
Orchid Specialist) discussing the mysteries of orchid pollination, and Dennis
Whigham (Smithsonian Ecologist) talking
about conservation of native orchids.
Gary Krupnick (Smithsonian Conservation Biologist) hosted a “Scientist is In”
Gary Krupnick is the “Scientist is In”
during Pollinator Week at the National
Museum of Natural History, engaging
the public with specimens from the U.S.
National Herbarium. (photo by HilaryMorgan Watt, Smithsonian Institution)
Page 6
table in the Butterly Pavilion, displaying
a selection of plant specimens and talking
about why endangered plants need their
pollinators. A Pollination Party was held at
NMNH’s Butterly Habitat Garden where
Smithsonian Gardens staff and students
from the University of Maryland PollinaTerps had fun family-friendly activities
staged throughout the garden.
NMNH raised awareness of pollination
biology through social media and its use of
images, blog posts, videos, live-tweeting
presentations, and news stories. The most
popular NMNH Facebook post during the
week was a link to a Smithsonian Science
story about nectar-feeding bats pollinating
Agave, an essential ingredient of tequila:
NMNH reached out to other Smithsonian social media units and other museums
to participate in Pollinator Week. Archives
of American Art, Freer and Sackler, the
Hirshhorn Museum, the National Portrait
Gallery, and the Phillips Collection joined
in on the conversation with a unique
take on pollinator content. For instance,
the National Portrait Gallery tweeted
a photograph of Walt Whitman holding a butterly: https://twitter.com/NPG/
The NMNH #SIpollinator twitter chat,
an online conversation about pollination biology and how pollinators affect
our daily lives, resulted in 733 tweets.
The chat was moderated by Krupnick,
and featured a panel consisting of Laurie
Adams (Executive Director of Pollinator
Partnership), Sam Droege (USGS Native
Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program),
and Floyd Shockley (Assistant Collections Manager, NMNH Department of
Entomology). Droege’s image of Osmia
atriventris, a pollinator of blueberry,
was the most retweeted image during
the chat: https://twitter.com/NMNH/
The NMNH twitter chat premiered
just after the White House issued President Obama’s memorandum on pollinator
protection. The President’s memorandum
directs federal agencies to focus efforts on
research, prevention, and recovery from
pollinator losses, including efforts on
public education. The Smithsonian Institution will use this opportunity to partner
with a number of agencies on pollination
research and education.
Stalking the Wild
By Jason Cantley (as told to Vicki Funk)
May 23, 2014, was as typical a Hawaiian morning as any other. The sun was
brightly shining and there were a few rain
clouds resting against the mountains. The
locals were already starting their daily
commute to the big city of Honolulu to
inish out the workweek. But this day was
not an ordinary day for ive botanists on
the island O‘ahu. This morning the botanists were going on a hike to ind one of
the rarest plants in the world.
Jason Cantley, a newly minted Ph.D.
from the Botany Department at the
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, organized this special trip many weeks in
advance. The plant they were searching
for, Hesperomannia oahuensis (Hillebr.)
O.Deg. (Compositae: Vernonieae), was at
the top of his ‘botany bucket list’ of plants
to see lowering in the wild. In fact, H.
oahuensis is so exceedingly rare that only
two plants (of less than a handful total)
developed lowers this year in the wild and
unfortunately, one of these wasn’t able to
fully lower because an invasive rat badly
damaged its stem before its lowers were
able to fully develop. This meant that there
was only one solitary lowering individual
of H. oahuensis in the wild this year and
Jason was determined to see it.
Jason Cantley (second from left) leads
a quest for Hesperomannia oahuensis,
with (left to right) Marian Chau,
Sterling Keeley, and Susan Ching.
The Third Time’s the
By L.J. Dorr
Hesperomannia oahuensis in lower. (photo by Jason Cantley)
It was a rare conluence of botanists
The team hadn’t assembled just to see
that joined him for the trek: Susan Ching
the lowers of H. oahuensis in the wild but
(O‘ahu Coordinator of the Plant Extincalso to try and help save the species from
tion Prevention Program), Marian Chau
extinction. Earlier in the week, Susan had
(Lyon Arboretum Seed Conservation
collected pollen from a mature greenhouse
Lab Manager), Maggie Sporck (Hawai‘i
individual and planned to cross it with the
State Botanist, Department of Land and
wild plant they had just hiked to. It was
Natural Resources), and Sterling Keea delicate process. She unfolded the wax
ley (Professor, University of Hawai‘i at
paper containing the pollen, which was
Mānoa). They met at the Kunia Park &
then dusted onto an artist’s paintbrush
Ride and then traveled deep into a valley
connected to the end of a hiking pole.
of the northern Waianae Mountains on the
Susan proceeded to touch the pollen onto
island of O‘ahu. After reaching the trailthe (hopefully) receptive stigmas of the
head, they trekked uphill on foot quickly
lowering heads, all in hope of getting sucthrough the forest to a dividing valley
cessful fertilization and seed set. It would
ridge, which they promptly crossed and
be a waiting game to ind out if seeds were
then dropped down into a patch of native
indeed produced. If their efforts were sucforest.
cessful the seeds would be collected and
The forest was quiet except for the
used to help prevent the elimination this
patter of raindrops on leaves from a small
plant from our planet.
cloud above and the occasional wing
After a short solemn lunch break in the
beats of ʻapapane (Himatione sanguinea),
rain, the team packed up and started the
Hawai‘i’s most common native bird.
muddy hike back to the trailhead. On the
The group had grown quiet, perhaps in
way out, Jason contemplated how it was
anticipation that a true Hawaiian gem was
such an amazing experience for him to see
very close. And it was. Jason recalls the
H. oahuensis lowering in the wild for the
irst moments seeing the beautiful yellow
irst time, but sadly also that it was likely
to orange-red and pink lowers through
his last. For a plant that is so close to the
the forest leaves as so powerful it gave
brink of extinction, it is amazing to know
him ‘chicken skin,’ or what we mainlandthat there are people dedicated to providers would call goose bumps. The plant
ing even a small chance of survival in the
was healthy, nearly seven or eight feet in
wild of such a beautiful and rare plant.
height with large cordate shaped leaves.
Jason Cantley, from the University of
It was clear they timed the trip correctly
Hawai‘i at Mānoa, was Vicki Funk’s gradbecause there were two large loweruate student. His dissertation research
ing heads with colors that recall brilliant
includes the development of a robust phyHawaiian sunsets.
logeny for Coprosma (Rubiaceae).
Puya raimondii Harms (Bromeliaceae)
is now in lower in the University of
California Botanical Garden at Berkeley
whatsnew/Puya2014/index.shtml). This
is only the third lowering event for this
species in cultivation—all three events
occurring in California. It lowered
before in Berkeley in 1986 and there was
a “smaller” lowering event at the San
Francisco Botanical Garden inside Golden
Gate Park in 2006. What connects the
current lowering event to our department
is the fact that I was one of the collectors
of the seed that produced the plant that is
now in lower. The collection was made
almost a quarter of a century ago near
Comanche, 80 km southwest of La Paz,
The voucher for the plant lowering in
Berkeley is Luteyn, Dorr, Smith & Buddensick [sic] 11490 (LPB, MO, NY, US)
and the specimens were gathered on 29
May 1990. When we collected this plant,
Jim Luteyn was a curator at the New York
Botanical Garden and I was working for
him on a grant to conduct loristic inventories in Andean countries. David Smith
was employed by the Missouri Botanical
Garden as their resident plant collector in
Continued on page 8
Puya raimondii Harms with Marianne
Buddensieck (left) & David Smith
(right) for scale. (photo by L.J. Dorr)
Page 7
Aster or Dysaster:
Trying to Infer
By V.A. Funk
Queen of the Andes, Puya raimondii, in lower on July 8, 2014, at the University of
California Botanical Garden at Berkeley. (photo by Paul Licht)
Continued from page 7
Bolivia and Marianne Buddensieck was
his wife. Neither Luteyn nor I had seen
this spectacular Puya that attains 10-15 m
in height and we were thrilled to be able
to make the short excursion across the
Altiplano from La Paz to Comanche to
see it in the wild. We were not thinking
about collecting and when we did see the
plants in lower and fruit we succumbed
to the temptation to try to make several
herbarium specimens. Lacking ladders or
pole pruners we managed to dislodge parts
of an infructescence by throwing rocks
at the fruiting stalk. We all took part and
while I do not remember now who had the
best arm it does not matter since somehow
we succeeded.
Several sets of herbarium specimens
were distributed from the Bronx. The
U.S. National Herbarium received one
set because Lyman B. Smith was then
the world’s expert on the taxonomy of
Bromeliaceae. He had happily named
material Luteyn and I sent him for identiication from our many collecting trips
throughout the Andes, and he had built the
U.S. National Herbarium into one of the
world’s most important scientiic collections for the study of Bromeliaceae.
The word “seed” is featured prominently on the labels of the herbarium
Page 8
specimens that were distributed, which
suggests that we were aware from the
beginning of the potential to propagate
Puya raimondii, but I do not remember
now whether or not this was discussed
nor do I remember relecting on the age
of the plants we saw in the quarries above
Comanche. Details as to which gardens
received our seed collections are for the
most part either long forgotten or lost. We
do know, however, that the Berkeley plant
was grown from seed that Luteyn gave
to Frank Almeda at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, who in
turn passed it on to the botanic garden at
After spending a career collecting
specimens it is not always easy for me
to remember every detail of a particular
collecting event. I do remember clearly
our brief day-long excursion to Comanche
because of these spectacular plants and
the unorthodox collecting strategy we
were forced to adopt. The photograph that
accompanies this note, which has been on
a bulletin board above my desk for years,
continues to remind me of the day we
spent pitching rocks at the “Queen of the
In April 2014, Harold Robinson and
Vicki Funk published an article in Phytokeys (36: 35-40) describing a new genus,
Dysaster, and a new species, D. cajamarcensis H. Rob. & V.A. Funk. Robinson
had suggested naming it Dysaster because
it was so dificult to place. In fact, the
article starts off by saying:
“There is something very unsatisfying
about a plant, sent for identiication, that
has no strikingly distinctive feature, but
has a combination of characteristics that
excludes it from any already known genus.
It is particularly unsatisfying when the
plant involved is a member of a tribe such
as the Astereae in which phyletic studies
using DNA… are not yet adequately correlated with morphological and anatomical
studies. Nevertheless, such a plant has
been collected in northern Peru.”
While the authors enjoyed the small
joke concerning the name they had no idea
that it had deeper meaning. Shortly after
it was published, their colleague Jan-Frits
Veldkamp (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland) wrote to Funk with some interesting
information which is paraphrased below:
Just saw your paper on Dysaster.
Fortunately, it is not a later homonym of
Disaster Gilli, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien
83: 454 (1979 publ. 1980) from New
Guinea (Rhamnaceae) because the orthography, derivation, and distribution are
unlikely to be confused (except perhaps in
universal databases!). Gilli was a schoolteacher in Vienna and after his retirement
went to visit his former students in faraway countries where he made collections.
Apparently what he could not identify
with the means available in W (Herbarium
of the Natural History Museum in Vienna)
he described as new. One place he visited
was Papua New Guinea where he collected on Mt. Wilhelm, the best known
and explored area of the island. Here
he, among a number of other novelties,
“discovered” a new genus of Rhamnaceae
with lowers that resembled two overlapping stars. Hence the name “Disaster”.
Professor C.G.G. J. van Steenis became
very upset with all the new taxa and asked
for a loan of the type material. Thus it
became clear that Disaster was not a
Rhamnaceae, but a Sterculiaceae! Hence
Gilli is locally known as Disaster Gilli.
Botanical trivial pursuit at its best!
aschenko, P.M. Peterson, R.J. Soreng,
F.O. Zuloaga and O. Morrone. 2014.
Phylogeny of Nassella (Stipeae, Pooideae,
Poaceae) based on analyses of chloroplast
and nuclear ribosomal DNA and morphology. Syst. Bot. 39(3): 814-828. http://
Cochran, A., J. Prado and E. Schuettpelz.
2014. Tryonia, a new taenitidoid fern
genus segregated from Jamesonia and
Eriosorus (Pteridaceae). Phytokeys
35: 23-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/
de Carvalho-Sobrinho, J.G., L. Ramella,
L.P. de Queiroz and L.J. Dorr. 2014.
Towards a revision of Pseudobombax
Dugand (Malvaceae-Bombacoideae):
typiication of names published by E.
Hassler and R. Chodat in the related genus
Bombax L. Candollea 69(1): 93-99.
Faden, R.B. 2014. The expanding garden.
Rock Gard. Quart. 72(2): 102-123.
US 3628267 is a holotype of Dysaster
cajamarcensis H. Rob. & V.A. Funk,
collected from Contumazá, Peru in 1992
by T.F. Stuessy, D.J. Crawford and A.
Appelhans, M.S., J. Wen and W.L.
Wagner. 2014. A molecular phylogeny
of Acronychia, Euodia, Melicope and
relatives (Rutaceae) reveals polyphyletic
genera and key innovations for species richness. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.
79: 54-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
Arihan, O., S. Karaoz Arihan and A. Touwaide. 2014. The case against Socrates
and his execution, pp. 69-80. In P. Wexler.
History of Toxicology and Environmental
Health, Toxicology in Antiquity, Vol. 1.
Elsevier, New York.
Christensen, K.I., M. Zarrei, M. Kuzmina,
N. Talent, C. Lin and T.A. Dickinson.
2014. Crataegus × ninae-celottiae and
C. × cogswellii (Rosaceae, Maleae), two
spontaneously formed intersectional
nothospecies. Phytokeys 36: 1-26. http://
Cialdella, A.M., S.M. Sede, K. Rom-
Hayes, A. and A. Touwaide. 2014. The
history of toxicology, pp. 731-745. In: P.
Wexler. Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Vol.
4. Elsevier, Oxford.
Peterson, P.M., K. Romaschenko, and Y.
Herrera Arrieta. 2014. A molecular phylogeny and classiication of the Cteniinae,
Farragininae, Gouiniinae, Gymnopogoninae, Perotidinae, and Trichoneurinae
(Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae).
Taxon 63(2): 275-286. http://dx.doi.
Robinson, H.E. and V.A. Funk. 2014.
Gymnanthemum koekemoera (Compositae, Vernonieae), a new species from
South Africa. Phytokeys 36: 59-65. http://
Robinson, H.E. and V.A. Funk. 2014.
Dysaster cajamarcensis, a new shrubby
genus and species of Astereae (Asteraceae)
from Peru. Phytokeys 36: 35-40. http://
Schuettpelz, E., A. Davila, J. Prado, R.Y.
Hirai and G. Yatskievych. 2014. Molecular phylogenetic and morphological
afinities of Adiantum senae (Pteridaceae).
Taxon 63(2): 258-264. http://dx.doi.
Touwaide, A. 2014. Nicander, Thêriaka,
and Alexipharmaka: venoms, poisons, and
literature, pp. 44-51. In P. Wexler. History
of Toxicology and Environmental Health,
Toxicology in Antiquity, Vol. 1. Elsevier,
New York.
Touwaide, A. 2014. Harmful botanicals,
pp. 60-68. In P. Wexler. History of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Toxicology
in Antiquity, Vol. 1. Elsevier, New York.
Touwaide, A. 2014. Botany, pp. 109-114.
In I. Kalin. The Encyclopedia of Islam and
Philosophy, Science and Technology, Vol.
1. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New
Xie, L., Z. Yang, J. Wen, D. Li, and T. Yi.
2014. Biogeographic history of Pistacia
(Anacardiaceae), emphasizing the evolution of the Madrean-Tethyan and the
eastern Asian-Tethyan disjunctions. Mol.
Phylogenet. Evol. 77: 136-146. http://
Zhang, J., S. Meng, G.A. Allen, J. Wen
and G. Rao. 2014. Rapid radiation and
dispersal out of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of an alpine plant lineage Rhodiola
(Crassulaceae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.
77: 147-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
Zhang, J., S. Meng, J. Wen and G. Rao.
2014. Phylogenetic relationships and character evolution of Rhodiola (Crassulaceae)
based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and
plastid trnL-F and psbA-trnH sequences.
Syst. Bot. 39(2): 441-451. http://dx.doi.
Robinson, H.E., and J.J. Skvarla. 2014.
Pantoporate pollen in the Asteraceae
(Vernonieae). Phytokeys 38: 1-13. http://
Rojas-Sandoval, J. and P. AcevedoRodríguez. 2014. Naturalization and
invasion of alien plants in Puerto Rico and
the Virgin Islands. Biol. Invasions http://
Page 9
Linder Receives 12th Cuatrecasas Medal
The Department of Botany and the
United States National Herbarium present
this award to a botanist and scholar of
international stature who has contributed
signiicantly to advancing the ield of
tropical botany. The José Cuatrecasas
Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany
is named in honor of Dr. José Cuatrecasas,
a pioneering botanist and taxonomist, who
spent nearly a half-century working in the
Smithsonian Institution’s Department of
Botany. Dr. Cuatrecasas devoted his career
to plant exploration in tropical South
America and this award serves to keep
vibrant the accomplishments and memory
of this outstanding scientist.
The winner of this prestigious award is
selected by a committee made up of four
botanists on the staff of the Department
in consultation with other plant scientists
outside of the Smithsonian Institution.
Nominations for the Medal are accepted
from all scientists in the Botany Department. The award consists of a bronze
medal bearing an image of José Cuatrecasas on the front with the recipient’s name
and date of presentation on the back.
H. Peter Linder
Page 10
Highlights from past presentations to the
recipients are available at <http://botany.
H. Peter Linder is the 12th recipient of
the José Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence
in Tropical Botany. Linder is noted for his
contributions to the systematics, biogeography, and evolution of Orchidaceae,
Restionaceae, and Poaceae. He is also
recognized for his valuable contributions
to identifying biogeographical patterns in
the Southern Hemisphere and especially in
Linder, a Professor in the Institute of
Systematic Botany of Zurich University in
Switzerland, received his B.Sc. from the
University of Cape Town in South Africa
and his Ph.D. while working at the Bolus
Herbarium under the supervision of E.A.
Schelpe. His dissertation focused on the
orchid genus Disa and its allies. This study
led to numerous scientiic papers and a
book written in collaboration with H.
Kurzweil entitled The Orchids of Southern
Africa (1999). The book originally was
intended to be a contribution to the Flora
of Southern Africa, but the lora project
was discontinued.
Not content to become an expert on
orchids alone, Linder then started working
on the African Restionaceae. Originally
this work, too, was supposed to be for
the Flora of Southern Africa. The result
has been two major re-orientations of the
generic classiication (the irst based on
cladistics of morphology, the second on
molecular insights), and a major set of
papers using Restionaceae to get at biogeography, key innovations, niche evolution,
and palaeoclimates. This work is still
ongoing. The revision of the taxonomy
was published online in Delta / Intkey
format (2001).
In 1988, Linder started working on the
grass genus Pentaschistis, which expanded
into a study of danthonioid grasses. This
research led to a generic re-classiication,
numerous lora accounts, papers on austral
biogeography, and papers on radiation patterns. A monograph is in preparation and if
he can ind six months somewhere he will
complete it.
In short, Linder’s work by and large
has been on the African lora, with a series
of papers on the regionalization of this
lora, and an interest in Africa as a whole.
He also has worked in Australia and New
Zealand, but hardly has been to the Americas. This last gap in his travel experience
will be closed eventually. Linder was
unable to attend this year’s Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium. He plans, however,
to visit in the fall and will present a lecture
at NMNH on 2 October 2014. During his
visit he will receive the Cuatrecasas Medal
in person.
The past recipients of the Cuatrecasas
Medal are Rogers McVaugh of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(2001); P. Barry Tomlinson of Harvard
University (2002); John Beaman of the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2003);
David Mabberley of the University of
Leiden, The Netherlands, and the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Sydney (2004); Jerzy
Rzedowski and Graciela Calderón de Rzedowski of Instituto de Ecología del Bajío,
Michoacán, Mexico (2005); Sherwin
Carlquist of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic
Garden and Pomona College (2006);
Mireya D. Correa A. of the University
of Panama and Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute (2008); Norris H. Williams of the Florida Museum of Natural
History and the University of Florida,
Gainesville (2009); Beryl B. Simpson of
the University of Texas at Austin (2010);
Walter S. Judd of the University of Florida
at Gainesville (2012); and Ana Maria Giulietti Harley of the Universidade Estadual
de Feira de Santana, Brazil (2013).
Abstracts from
the Speakers at
the Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium
The 12th Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, “Location, Location, Location...
New Advances in the Science of Biogeography,” was held 24-25 April 2014. The
invited speakers covered a wide range of
organisms and topics to illuminate modern
methods and approaches in the ield of
biogeography. Below are the speakers’
abstracts from the papers that were presented.
Brian W. Bowen
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
“Origins of Tropical Marine Biodiversity”
Understanding the process of speciation in the sea is a signiicant challenge in
evolutionary biology. Central to this issue
is whether biodiversity hotspots such as
the Coral Triangle (between the Philippines, New Guinea, and Indonesia) are
producing and exporting new species, or
accumulating species that arose elsewhere.
Phylogeographic studies yield conlicting results on this issue, but have rejected
three paradigms about marine biodiversity: 1) Speciation is primarily driven
by physical isolation. In contrast, many
closely-related species occupy the same
or adjacent habitats, reducing the role of
physical isolation (allopatry) for speciation in the sea. 2) Peripheral habitats such
as oceanic archipelagos are evolutionary
dead-ends that contribute little to overall biodiversity. In contrast, new studies
show that oceanic archipelagos can export
biodiversity to other regions. 3) Speciation in the sea follows the same rules
as in terrestrial systems. Evolutionary
pathways above and below the waterline
follow markedly different trajectories due
to the higher dispersal capability of marine
organisms. The realignment of these
principles allows for a new understanding of biodiversity production in the sea.
Biodiversity hotspots produce and export
species, but can also accumulate species produced in peripheral habitat. New
species forged by intense competition at
biodiversity hotspots can radiate out to
depauperate peripheral habitats, where
Symposium convener Vicki Funk (fourth from left), Botany Chair Warren Wagner
(ifth from left), and U.S. Botanic Garden Acting Executive Director Ari Novy
(second from right) join speakers Ben Winger, Susanne Renner, Rachel Warnock,
Brian Bowen, Mauricio Diazgranados, Jonathan Price, and Erica Goss at the 2014
Smithsonian Botanical Symposium at the National Museum of Natural History.
(photo by Ken Wurdack)
they may evolve novel functions under
the “ecological opportunity” proposed by
G.G. Simpson. In this reconciliation of
“center of speciation” and “center of accumulation”, both hotspots and peripheral
ecosystems beneit from this exchange in a
process named biodiversity feedback.
Mauricio Diazgranados
National Museum of Natural History
“Biogeography and Climate Change in
the Andes”
The Andes are the most topographically and climatically complex orographic
system in the world. With the driest places
and some of the wettest localities on Earth,
and elevations from sea level to almost
7000 m, the Andes have a striking diversity. The tropical Andes, holding about
45,000 plant species, with 45% of endemism, are considered a global hotspot and
epicenter of biodiversity. Unfortunately,
massive extinctions are predicted to occur
in the Andean high-elevation ecosystems
as a result of climate change: studies have
predicted that between 10 and 60 percent
of the species will be extinct by the end
of the century. In fact, climate change
can push entire lineages to the verge of
extinction, with irreversible gene pool
losses, unique to those lineages. However,
there is still little research documenting
and predicting these changes, and several
caveats in the analyses persist. Evolution
and biogeography are important aspects
when modeling the impacts of climate
change on future species distributions.
An example will be explored using three
clades of Compositae (the subtribe Espeletiinae, the Werneria s.l. complex and the
Chiliotrichum group) that span the high
elevation Andean ecosystems from Venezuela to Patagonia. Of particular importance are: 1) number of occurrences per
species: how well we know their diversity;
2) resolution: the problem of scale; 3)
accuracy of predictors: how well we know
the ecosystems; 4) uncertainty in future
climate predictions; 5) the dilemma of the
narrowly distributed species; 6) computing
limitations; and 7) measuring the possible
species responses to climate change.
Erica M. Goss
University of Florida
“Untangling the Origin and Global
Movement of Notorious Phytophthora
Plant Pathogens”
The pathogen that caused the Irish
potato famine, Phytophthora infestans,
had an enormous impact on human history
and culture. Phytophthora infestans is
Page 11
Continued from page 11
just one member of a genus of destructive plant pathogens that cause global
economic losses in the billions of dollars
annually and have irreversibly changed
natural ecosystems. These pathogens
are largely known from agriculture or as
emerging forest pathogens. Little is known
of their native ecology or geographic
origins, which puts us in a poor position
to manage emerging diseases and prevent
future invasions. I will present recent
insights into the origin and anthropogenic
movement of Phytophthora pathogens.
We revisited the question of the origin of
P. infestans, which some have argued is
Mexico and others South America. Our
results have implications for the emergence and continued evolution of this
damaging pathogen. We are also exploring
the diversity of Phytophthora in minimally disturbed tropical forests, which
has provided novel insights into the native
biology of these species and will contribute to understanding the evolution of
Phytophthora pathogens.
The success of the Symposium was
due to the signiicant time and efforts
of the following people:
• Vicki Funk
• Laurence J. Dorr
• Nancy Khan
• Gary Krupnick
• Sue Lutz
• Ari Novy
• Sylvia Orli
• Eric Schuettpelz
• Holly Shimizu
• Warren L. Wagner
• Jun Wen
• Kenneth Wurdack
• Elizabeth Zimmer
• Mary Ann Apicelli
• Patricia Davis
• Bernadette Gibbons
• Kenneth Wurdack
And many others who had helped in a
myriad number of ways.
Page 12
Jonathan Price
University of Hawaii at Hilo
“Answering Big Questions with Small
Landmasses: Evolutionary Biogeography
from Atlantic and Paciic Archipelagos”
Oceanic islands historically have
provided a biogeographic lens through
which major questions in ecology and
evolution have been made clearer. They
are optimally simple systems comprising
small landmasses with modest diversity
and deinable spatial and temporal constraints. At the same time, their climatic
and ecological complexity mimics that of
continental systems. A mounting wealth
of phylogenetic studies, particularly for
the Hawaiian and Canary Islands, sets the
stage for studies of whole loras, supporting a comparatively thorough understanding of the processes by which integrated
ecological systems arise. Whereas traditionally species-area relationships have
been attributed to ecological processes,
phylogenetic diversiication can now be
explicitly quantiied and related to the
spatial and historical characteristics of
islands. Paciic and Atlantic archipelagoes
exhibit features of triphasic species-area
relationships, whereby larger archipelagoes contain much larger numbers of species (even for comparably-sized islands),
with large, adaptively-radiating lineages
responding the most strongly to increases
in area. Ecological opportunity is a key
driver of diversiication, as evidenced by
higher rates of speciation within islands
and archipelagoes that are more remote
and/or physiographically complex. Major
adaptive shifts in continental systems
happen comparatively rarely, indicating a
prevalence of niche conservatism; however the comparative frequency of adaptive shifts on islands offers clues to how
major episodes of adaptive evolution have
occurred on continents. Tropical islands
appear to promote the disproportionate
ecological success and adaptive diversiication of lineages with a temperate
origin, possibly stemming from a greater
lability in temperate taxa coupled with
the abundance of open niches in island
Susanne Renner
University of Munich
“Historical Biogeography and Ecological Biogeography - Come Together Now”
Molecular phylogenies, haplotype networks, and molecular clocks have revolutionized the science of biogeography. We
can now (roughly) date divergence events
in groups with or without a good fossil
record and infer the history of populations from entire single genomes. In this
talk I will discuss ongoing work on the
biogeography of hummingbirds, parasitic
plants, and the fern Osmunda, as well as
work by others on Amborella trichopoda,
the sister species to all other lowering plants. My examples are chosen to
represent groups with and without a fossil
record to illustrate the power of molecular
data, but also the dificulty of inferring the
past from the few “tips” of the tree of life
that are currently surviving. New methods that I will highlight include Pairwise
Sequential Markovian Coalescence (used
in Amborella trichopoda) and a calibration
approach by Tracy Heath, Tanja Stadler,
and John Huelsenbeck, which makes use
of all of a clade’s fossils, not just the oldest ones (used in our Osmunda work).
Rachel C. M. Warnock
National Museum of Natural History
Philip C. J. Donoghue
University of Bristol
“Testing the Molecular Clock using
Simulated Trees, Fossils and Sequences”
The molecular clock provides a powerful means of establishing an evolutionary
timescale. Approaches to calibrating the
molecular substitution rate vary in their
assumptions and complexity, differ in their
use of geological evidence, and invariably yield different divergence estimates.
Surprisingly, competing approaches to
calibration have never been tested because
in reality the true evolutionary timescale
is never known. Consequently, it has not
been possible to assess the accuracy and
precision with which divergence times
can ever be known. The solution is to use
simulated data, where the relationship
between times of divergence and fossil
evidence is known. We develop simulations that combine realistic models of
speciation, molecular evolution and fossil
preservation. We test the accuracy and
precision of quantitative and probabilistic
methods of deriving temporal constraints
from the fossil record. We implement these
as bespoke calibration priors in Bayesian molecular clock analyses, and assess
the accuracy and precision of posterior
divergence estimates. The results demonstrate that paleontological constraints can
be accurate but will typically be imprecise.
Accurate molecular divergence estimates
require both accurate and precise fossilbased constraints. However, the accuracy
of posterior estimates is not determined by
the accuracy of the speciied calibrations.
Instead, accuracy is determined by the
way the calibrations are effectively implemented by contemporary Bayesian models
of divergence time estimation. This means
the majority of studies that have identiied
a causal link between biotic evolution and
climatic change may be invalid, since they
lack the accuracy and precision to make
the temporal correlations that underpin the
causal linkages.
Ben Winger
University of Chicago and the Field
“Resolving the Geographic History of
Neotropical Bird Migration: An Extension
of the DEC Model”
Migratory species exhibit seasonal
variation in their geographic ranges, often
inhabiting geographically and ecologically distinct breeding and nonbreeding
areas. The complex geography of seasonal
migration has long posed a challenge for
inferring the biogeographic histories of
migratory species as well as the evolution
of migration. We developed a phylogenetic model of geographic range evolution
to examine the biogeographic origins and
histories of migratory species and test
hypotheses on the evolution of migration.
The model uses a maximum-likelihood
framework based on the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model to simultaneously
examine changes in breeding range and
winter range distribution during phyloge-
netic history. We used this model to investigate the geography history of seasonal
migration between North America and the
Neotropics in emberizioid passerine birds.
Continued from page 1
method to show slow diversiication in
royal ferns (Osmundaceae), a family of
11-21 extant species and 150 named fossil
species. She explained that the traditional
method of molecular clock dating includes
forcing the oldest fossil record to a speciic node in the tree while ignoring the
other fossils. In the new fossilized birthdeath method, the precise relationship of
each fossil is irrelevant and all fossils are
used in the tree. The four parameters of the
new model are speciation rate, extinction
rate, fossil recovery rate, and proportion
of sampled extant species. The fossilized
birth-death method can thus disentangle
speciation and extinction.
Rachel Warnock, a postdoctoral fellow
in the Department of Paleobiology at the
Smithsonian Institution, presented the
talk, “Testing the Molecular Clock using
Simulated Trees, Fossils and Sequences.”
The molecular clock establishes an evolutionary timeline by comparing the genes
of living species. Warnock identiied two
caveats of the molecular clock: (1) the
molecular clock does not tick at a constant rate; and (2) calibration of the clock
relies on an incomplete fossil record. She
pointed out that there is a lag time between
the irst observed fossil of a species and
the true time of origin and divergence.
Warnock explained that the fossil
record can be used to obtain accurate
constraints on divergence times, but these
will invariably be imprecise. She pointed
out that the accuracy of molecular clock
estimates is determined by the effective, rather than the speciied priors. The
most reliable and informative results will
be obtained with accurate and precise
constraints. She said that molecular data
cannot be used to mitigate the imprecision associated with fossil calibrations, so
priors must be improved. Improving divergence time estimation requires considering
preservation and sampling biases. She
ended with suggesting that the integration
of molecular and paleontological data is
essential for telling evolutionary time.
Ben Winger, a doctoral student from
the University of Chicago and the Field
Museum, presented “Resolving the
Geographic History of Neotropical Bird
Migration: An Extension of the DEC
Model.” With collaborator Rick Ree of the
Field Museum, Winger has been developing a method to reconstruct the historical
biogeography of migrating birds, speciically to understand where a lineage arose
and how it came to be found where it is
today. Migratory species are a complicated
evolutionary problem because they exist in
two or more different geographic ranges at
different times of the year.
Continued on page 14
Sponsors of the
12th Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium
• Cuatrecasas Family Foundation
• National Museum of Natural
• Department of Botany
• Ofice of the Associate Director
for Science
• United States Botanic Garden
Poster presenters and guests interact at the opening reception of the Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium. (photo by Ken Wurdack)
Page 13
Continued from page 13
The dilemma is summarized by two
theories. The “Temperate Home” theory
suggests that a northern population shifts
towards the tropics to avoid a harsh winter.
The “Out of the Tropics” theory suggests
that a tropical population shifts northward
to escape competition for resources in the
crowded tropics, and exploit a seasonal
lush of resources in the temperate zone.
Existing historical biogeographic models
are not well suited for understanding the
evolution of migration because we cannot
consider the breeding range and the wintering range simultaneously.
During his talk Winger introduced an
approach to answering this dilemma by
using migratory songbirds as a case study.
The Emberizoidea or New World nineprimaried oscines is a lineage of about 750
bird species and composed of ive major
groups – all New World sparrows, warblers, cardinals and buntings, blackbirds
and orioles, and tanagers. Ree developed
the Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogensis
(DEC) model for inferring historical biogeography. Presenting a series of presence
absence matrices, transition matrices, and
geographic pathways, Winger concluded
that the out of the tropics theories that
invoke a shift of the breeding range out of
the tropics are poorly supported, and that
the evolution of Neotropical migration in
Emberizoids is consistent with the temperate home theories.
Jonathan Price, the University of
Hawaii at Hilo, brought things down to a
smaller scale with his talk, “Answering
Big Questions with Small Landmasses:
Evolutionary Biogeography from Atlantic
and Paciic Archipelagos.” Price explained
that island systems compared to continental systems can be rather simple (deinable
temporal and spatial constraints, relatively few species derived from original
colonists), but can also be quite complex
(wide array of climatic habitats, complex
ecological interactions), making for an
interesting study system in biogeography.
Price found similar species-area
relationships and similar distributions of
lineages in his comparison of the Marquesas, Societies, and Hawaii archipelagoes.
Most lineages have only one species per
archipelago, while a few lineages are
very diverse. Those lineages that do not
speciate in one archipelago do not speciate
Page 14
Symposium attendees ind an opportunity to chat during the afternoon coffee
break. (photo by Ken Wurdack)
elsewhere, while those that speciate
greatly in one archipelago do so in others. The species radiations are also much
larger in larger archipelagoes.
Price spoke about the location where
island colonists originate. For the Hawaiian archipelago, most colonists came from
the Indo-Paciic. Three-quarters of Hawaiian colonists were from tropical regions,
while one-third were from temperate.
Many lineages also colonized other Paciic
Islands after evolving in Hawaii. He also
explained that major climatic adaptations
are highly conserved, suggesting Hawaiian
taxa are in habitats related to their area of
origin: low elevation taxa have a tropical origin, while high elevation taxa are
from temperate regions. He concluded that
diversiication is moderated by both physical constraints and ecological opportunity,
but mostly in key lineages.
Brian Bowen, the Hawaii Institute of
Marine Biology, switched things up with
a marine focus during his talk, “Origins
of Tropical Marine Biodiversity.” Bowen
explained that the primary marine biodiversity hotspot is the Coral Triangle
located between the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Three hypotheses
explain the existence of this hotspot: (1)
intense competition forges new species
with high itness that radiate out (“center of speciation”); (2) speciation occurs
at outer archipelagoes under ecological
release and accumulate in the center of the
range (“center of accumulation”); and (3)
distinct Indian and Paciic faunas overlap
at the border between both oceans (“center
of overlap”).
Bowen continued to explain that
populations do not have to be physically
isolated to diverge and speciate. For
example, sexual selection on the basis
of vocal cues has promoted reproductive
isolation among sympatric sister species of
the Caribbean and East Paciic reef ishes
called grunts (genus Haemulon).
He then provided examples of phylogeographic support for all three hypotheses that explain biodiversity hotspots.
The evolution of West Paciic wrasses
(Halichoeres) supports the hypothesis of
speciation within a center of origin. The
center of accumulation hypothesis is supported by the evolution of four derived
species within the wrasse genus Thalassoma. Center of overlap is supported by
the Indian Ocean lineage and the Paciic
Ocean lineage of the peacock grouper.
Whereas Hawaii was once thought as an
evolutionary dead end for marine species,
Bowen provided evidence that indicates
Hawaii is both a recipient and a source of
marine biodiversity.
Continuing on the global perspective
theme of biogeography, Erica M. Goss
from the University of Florida spoke
about the spread of pathogens in the talk,
“Untangling the Origin and Global Movement of Notorious Phytophthora Plant
Pathogens.” Using population genetic
data, Goss explained, it is possible to
reconstruct global migration patterns of
plant pathogens, which are moving at an
unprecedented rate due to global trade.
Goss spoke about Phytophthora
ramorum, a pathogen which was introduced into the western United States three
independent times, once from Europe
and twice from unknown sources. She
provided a lengthy discussion about the
migratory patterns of the potato late blight,
P. infestans, a pathogen of Solanum species. In the 1840s, it migrated from South
American to Europe. In the early 1900s,
there were multiple migrations between
the Americas and Europe. The divergence
times of the multiple lineages can be
traced using mtDNA genomes taken from
herbarium samples.
Goss explained that a coalescent genealogy of the RAS locus indicates that the
center of origin of P. infestans is the Andes
Mountains; yet a multi-locus study shows
support for a Mexico center of origin. She
further explained that hybridization and
introgression most likely play a role in
the evolution of the pathogen resulting in
either global diversiication of the genus or
the Andes acting as a sink for new species.
Emerging pathogens are being discovered
in both agricultural crops and in the wild.
Goss concluded with three working
hypotheses for Phytophthora evolution:
(1) allopatric speciation with historically
dispersed limited soil and aquatic types;
(2) sympatric speciation by aerial hostspeciic clades; and (3) speciation by
micro-environment with clades showing a
mixture of morphological characters.
The inal talk of the day addressed how
global climate change may impact biogeography of the future. Mauricio Diazgranados from the Department of Botany
at Smithsonian’s National Museum of
Natural History spoke on “Biogeography
and Climate Change in the Andes.” After
an introduction about the signiicance of
the biodiversity of the Andes, Diazgranados gave an overview of global climate
change. Current projections show that the
temperatures in the tropical Andes will
increase, while the northern Andes will
experience increased precipitation and
the southern Andes decreased precipitation. The effect on the paramos will be an
upslope migration of the biological communities.
Diazgranados outlined ive possible
species responses to climate change: range
shift, adaptation to altered habitat, expan-
sion of habitat, contraction of habitat, and
extinction/extirpation. Using the Espeletiinae (Compositae) as a case study, he spoke
about how the distribution of these highelevation plant species will be impacted
by climate change. His species distribution
modeling shows that of the 133 species
examined, by the year 2080, 17 will experience extinction and 24 will have severe
contraction in their range.
Diazgranados discussed limitations
that impact these modeling scenarios. The
irst is the limited knowledge of species
diversity: over 48 percent of Espeletiinae
species are represented by fewer than 10
collections. He explained the dificulty in
modeling with fewer than 10 collections.
Secondly, the problem of scale affects how
accurate species are modeled to habitat
type. Another limitation is the accuracy
of predictors: with over 6,000 reliable
climate measuring stations worldwide,
only 129 are in the Andes, leading to a
deiciency of information.
Next he spoke about the uncertainty
in future climate predictions where species responses differ between the climate
change models. Narrowly distributed
species pose another dilemma: 20 percent
of Espeletiinae species have total areas
of less than 4 km2. The sixth limitation
Diazgranados presented was an issue of
computing: the complete run of the 23
global climate change models on the 133
Espeletiinae species over 8 decades takes
1.9 terabytes of data with approximately
2 million iles and over 24,000 maps. The
inal limitation discussed was measuring
the various possible species responses to
climate change.
Diazgranados concluded his talk with
four take home messages: we need (1)
much higher resolution of predictors; (2)
more accurate information about soils and
ecosystems; (3) better computing facilities; and (4) stronger efforts for geographers, geologists, climatologists, and soil
scientists to work together.
The Symposium concluded with
an evening reception in the Museum’s
Rotunda and a chance for this year’s
attendees to tour the Fossil Hall before it
closed for a 5-year renovation.
Next year’s 13th Smithsonian Botanical
Symposium will take place on Monday,
June 1, 2015. It will be part of a larger
ive-day conference, “Next Generation
Pteridology: An International Conference
on Lycophyte and Fern Research.” The
Smithsonian Botanical Symposium will
open the conference as a one-day public
event, followed by three days of focused
scientiic talks and workshops for pteridologists and other researchers. Field
trips and garden tours will round out the
conference. Be sure to check the symposium website at http://botany.si.edu/sbs for
Symposium Links on
the Web
The website to the 12th Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium <http://botany.
si.edu/events/sbsarchives/sbs2014/> has
many links and documents related to the
conference. Included on the website is the
full program, abstracts of the talks, links
related to the speaker’s presentations, and
selected images from the various events.
Additional items related to the Symposium
can be added to the list of links and documents by sending an e-mail to
[email protected].
The Symposium archive pages <http://
botany.si.edu/events/sbsarchives/> also
includes programs, abstracts and images
from the past 11 symposia: “Linnaean
Taxonomy in the 21st Century” (2001);
“The Convention on Biological Diversity”
(2002); “Botanical Frontiers in Southeast Asia” (2003); “Botanical Progress,
Horticultural Innovations, and Cultural
Changes” (2004); “The Future of Floras:
New Frameworks, New Technologies,
New Uses” (2005); “Island Archipelagos:
Cauldrons of Evolution” (2006); “Partners
in Evolution: Interactions, Adaptations,
and Speciation” (2008); “Genes, Genomics and Genome Evolution in Plants”
(2009); “Food for Thought: 21st Century
Perspectives on Ethnobotany” (2010);
“Transforming 21st Century Comparative
Biology using Evolutionary Trees” (2012);
and “Avoiding Extinction: Contemporary
Approaches to Conservation Science”
Page 15
Art by Alice Tangerini
Cyrtandra uapouensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence
At the 2014 Smithsonian
Botanical Symposium,
Jonathan Price
(University of Hawaii
at Hilo) spoke about
the evolutionary
biogeography of Pacific
archipelagos. Two
conclusions in his talk
were that lineages
that speciate greatly
in one archipelago
do so in others and
species radiations are
much larger in larger
archipelagoes. The
Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae)
lineage exemplifies
these two conclusions
(Am. J. Bot. 98: 449-459;
2011). Shown here is
Cyrtandra uapouensis,
a critically endangered
species endemic to the
high ridges of Ua Pou in
the Marquesas Islands
(PhytoKeys 30: 33-64;
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