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Nicolás Guillermo Cámpoli, 2018
El mercado de capitales es un mercado financiero en el cual se compran y venden títulos, principalmente de acciones, que representan los activos financieros de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa. El objetivo de este trabajo es orientar e informar al inversor sobre el mercado de capitales brindado algunos datos de interés, para luego mediante la teoría de portafolio construir una cartera de valores eficiente que pueda ser comparada con el mercado, el cual viene representado por el índice Merval.
Análisis de la ley 26.831, sus principales novedades y comparación con el régimen derogado
Cada vez que realicemos una inversión esta demanda capital. Una empresa necesita atraer inversionistas que adquieran acciones de la compañía, que son las empresas que cotizan en bolsa de valores, ofreciéndoles cierto monto de rentabilidad, lo que genera un costo para la compañía llamado el "costo de capital", cierta rentabilidad se ve ofrecida a los accionistas por medio de dividendos, que es un cierto porcentaje de las utilidades repartido entre los accionistas, siendo una especie de ahorro e inversión entre los inversionistas y accionistas de la compañía . Esta compra y venta de títulos accionarios se conoce como mercado de capitales. (Millán & Montilla, 2014) DESARROLLO En los estudios financieros conseguir una mezcla adecuada de rentabilidad respecto al nivel de riesgo, es uno de los problemas más grandes que se presentan. Se ha logrado establecer que cuando se cuenta con un histórico del comportamiento, y realizar un análisis de este es posible llegar a una aproximación haciendo pronósticos futuros, esto con el fin de tomar las mejores decisiones. En la administración de portafolios de inversión, aplicar herramientas cuantitativas es aún más confiable ya que existen grandes bases de datos históricos que nos
Journal of High Energy Physics
We study the holographic entanglement entropy for singular surfaces in theories described holographically by hyperscaling violating backgrounds. We consider singular surfaces consisting of cones or creases in diverse dimensions. The structure of UV divergences of entanglement entropy exhibits new logarithmic terms whose coefficients, being cut-off independent, could be used to define new central charges in the nearly smooth limit. We also show that there is a relation between these central charges and the one appearing in the two-point function of the energy-momentum tensor. Finally we examine how this relation is affected by considering higher-curvature terms in the gravitational action.
International Journal of Poultry Science, 2007
Two experiments were designed to estimate the effect of methionine levels (0.33 and 0.45%) with betaine and folic acid on broiler performance. A total of 648 unsexed one week old Arbor Acres broiler chicks was randomly divided into two experiments according to dietary methionine level. Each experiment divided into nine treatment groups of 12 birds each with three replicates. The experimental diets were formulated to cover the nutrients requirements for broilers and were supplemented with betaine at 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 gm kgG . Folic acid was added at 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 mg kgG for each betaine level. Results can be summarized as 1 1 follows: Live body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency were significantly increased with increasing folic acid addition and increased with increasing betaine levels up to 0.75 gm kgG diet. Productive 1 performance was significantly improved by increasing different levels of betaine and folic acid. The OM, CP, EE, CF and NFE digestion coefficients were significantly (p>0.5) increased with increasing betaine or folic acid levels in the diets. The improvement of chick performance due to added betaine was depressed when chicks received diets containing recommended methionine, whereas, chicks performance improved by increasing folic acid level. Folic acid had significant effect on dressing %, the highest level received the highest dressing % recorded, while no significant effects were noticed in digestion coefficients of nutrients. Blood plasma AST and ALT decreased with increasing dietary methionine level. The highest economic efficiency was listed when diet contained the highest levels of betaine and folic acid.
Here Are Some Low-cost Ways To Market Your Business! Being in a position to have the ability to predict an unstable economy by making choice decisions is something that every smart custom closet business owner must be in a position to do. The more excitement and energy you apply to your custom closet business, the more likely you're to succeed in the industry. If you are looking for great custom closet business techniques, keep reading. The most successful custom closet business leaders will tell you that the very best way to learn what you need to learn to excel in custom closet business is through practical real-world work experience. Most experts say there's no better way to learn than personal experience if you're trying to become knowledgeable about the custom closet business world. Any knowledge and experience you acquire on the job can assist you manage your own successful custom closet business. Reading a book about custom closet business is nothing compared to getting the skills through firsthand experience. Launching a new closet installation company can be a challenge despite what number of times you have done so in the past. The very first step in ensuring success is to thoroughly research the industry and the potential competitors you may perhaps face. Lucrative and successful companies seem to always be built upon the foundation of careful planning. Utilize all the great online resources available to you on the web. Success is not really an overnight occurrence for a custom closet business. The success of your custom closet business will rely heavily on the amount of time, energy and resources that you are willing to invest when you first begin. Keep your priorities straight and absolutely understand that it requires time to turn a profit in any new custom closet business. An owner must remain totally focused on growing his or her custom closet business for the closet installation company to stay profitable; companies are likely to fail as soon as the owner's efforts are diminished.
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2009
Social Problems in a Diverse Society (6th Edition) by Diana Kendall
JOMAR (Journal of Martial Arts Research), 2019
Bulletin of Marine Science -Miami-
Economie Internationale, 2009
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2009
Journal of Membrane Science, 2011
Remote Sensing
Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2013
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1973
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi eğitim bilimleri dergisi, 1999
Sürekli tıp eğitimi dergisi, 2019
Proceedings of the 6 Simpósio Brasileiro de Geofísica, 2014