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Nicolás Guillermo Cámpoli, 2018
El mercado de capitales es un mercado financiero en el cual se compran y venden títulos, principalmente de acciones, que representan los activos financieros de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa. El objetivo de este trabajo es orientar e informar al inversor sobre el mercado de capitales brindado algunos datos de interés, para luego mediante la teoría de portafolio construir una cartera de valores eficiente que pueda ser comparada con el mercado, el cual viene representado por el índice Merval.
Análisis de la ley 26.831, sus principales novedades y comparación con el régimen derogado
Cada vez que realicemos una inversión esta demanda capital. Una empresa necesita atraer inversionistas que adquieran acciones de la compañía, que son las empresas que cotizan en bolsa de valores, ofreciéndoles cierto monto de rentabilidad, lo que genera un costo para la compañía llamado el "costo de capital", cierta rentabilidad se ve ofrecida a los accionistas por medio de dividendos, que es un cierto porcentaje de las utilidades repartido entre los accionistas, siendo una especie de ahorro e inversión entre los inversionistas y accionistas de la compañía . Esta compra y venta de títulos accionarios se conoce como mercado de capitales. (Millán & Montilla, 2014) DESARROLLO En los estudios financieros conseguir una mezcla adecuada de rentabilidad respecto al nivel de riesgo, es uno de los problemas más grandes que se presentan. Se ha logrado establecer que cuando se cuenta con un histórico del comportamiento, y realizar un análisis de este es posible llegar a una aproximación haciendo pronósticos futuros, esto con el fin de tomar las mejores decisiones. En la administración de portafolios de inversión, aplicar herramientas cuantitativas es aún más confiable ya que existen grandes bases de datos históricos que nos
Actas do II Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, 2017
Blue on blue (Berettino) sherds appeared in numerous production and consumption archaeological excavations in Lisbon and other archaeological sites in Portugal (mid 16th-beg. 17th c.). The abundance of this interesting faience lead us to compare it with similar pottery from other well-known production centres in Italy, namely Liguria (Savona and Albisola), Spain (Triana kilns) and Low Countries. Differences in the diffraction patterns of the sherds’ pastes from the four countries were observed. In most samples cobalt blue silicate (cobalt olivine) was identified in the dark blue or light blue glazes by the use of micro-Raman spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectra. Bivariate plots of Al/Si vs. Ca/Si also evidence clear differences for Lisbon and Seville pottery.
Urban ecology is the study of the processes, systems and relations between living organisms that take place within an urban environment. As a recent field of study, urban ecology explores cities and studies them as ecosystems at an era of human overpopulation. In a time where 54% of the global population lives in urban settlements, it is important to understand how large urban areas work, how humans and societies interact with natural systems and among themselves. There is a need to shift from the traditional practice of ecology as a study of stability and certainty in natural ecosystems to exploring dynamic, complex urban ecosystems demanding adaptability and resilience. Urban ecosystems do not only consist of a set of natural processes and systems necessary for humans and other living organisms to coexist, but they are deeply influenced by a set of non-physical parameters related to cultural, political and economic trends. [Format] The course will be lecture and discussion based and will take place twice a week. There will be selected readings, case studies, guest lectures and student-led, instructor-facilitated discussions every week. You will be asked to formulate your own critical reviews on readings and case studies throughout the course and to present them in oral, written and graphic formats. The case studies will be deeply explored and then tested in a different context. The material produced by all of you will be posted on an online blog that will be an ongoing documentation of the class. At the end of the semester you will produce a short reflection paper on urban ecology and the role of designers that you will present and discuss in the classroom in a round table set up.
La fel ca fiecare om de pe aceasta planeta si tu te-ai nascut bogat. Si cand spun bogat vreau sa te imaginezi posedand tot ce ai avea nevoie pentru a trai o viata extraordinara: o buna sanatate fizica si mentala, relatii minunate cu ceilalti oameni, independenta financiara si, evident, timpul necesar pentru a te bucura de viata.
PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 2021
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, 2023
Nafta-Gaz, 2022
Joint Bone Spine, 2012
Proceedings of the ACL 2004 on Interactive poster and demonstration sessions -, 2004
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, 1992
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2010
Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, 2019
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social