Design: Current Practices
and Research Issues
Rivka Oxman
international journal of architectural computing
issue 01, volume 06
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and
Research Issues
Rivka Oxman
In view of current developments in the theory and
technology of digital design, potential novel directions
for environments that support performance-based
design are beginning to emerge.The field of
performance-based design is defined through an
analysis of current work in the field.Various models of
performance-based architectural design are presented
and discussed. On the basis of this analysis, key
concepts and issues in the application of performancebased design in architecture are defined and certain
research directions for the development of new
approaches are presented. Finally we propose a new
approach termed: Performative Design. Performative
Design suggests that in creating simulation
environments for performance-based architectural
design both generative and evaluative capabilities can
be integrated within performance-based simulations.
The potential of performance-based simulation as a
model of performance-based design is explored
through a case study from an experimental digital
design studio. Implication of this work on future
research directions in the field is explicated.
1.1 What is performative?
The term performative may represent a synthesis of two of the essential
characteristics of digital design. Digital design processes support
transformation and generation of a geometrical model and they support
analytical evaluation of environmental performance based upon simulating
physical conditions such as solar or structural loadings. It is the potential of
an integration of evaluative simulation processes with digital ‘form
generation’ and ‘form modification’ models that is implied by the term
Performative Design.The term further implies that performance can in itself
become a determinant and method for the creation of architectural form. In
such circumstances digital design diverges from a design paradigm in which
the formal manipulative skills and preferences of the human designer
externally control the process to one in which the design is informed by
internal evaluative and simulation processes. Under such a definition of
digital architectural design as an integration of evaluation processes with
digital processes of form generation and/or modification, various theoretical
assumptions are presented.
Well-known applications of evaluative environments in CAAD
techniques have been employed in architectural and engineering practice
since the Seventies. Until today most of such applications are aposteriori.
That is, they require a well-defined geometrical and physical frameworks in
order to be applied. Performative morphogenesis as a theory produces a
transition from a design paradigm of “form making” to one of “form finding”
[1].Thus digital design in general, and performative-morphogenesis in
particular, also promise the ability to find form, or to obtain unexpected and
even unique solutions. How, and to what extent, the human designer is
involved judgmentally in interaction with such media is a further research
aspect of form-finding techniques. How the design model can incorporate at
an early stage of design both a geometric framework and other factors such
as structure and material are also essential questions towards the definition
of performative-morphogenesis.
Digital design systems in architectural applications contain three
components that in their integration support design:
the geometric model is formulated in such a manner that it is capable
of transformation and generation according to input of evaluation
the evaluative processes can be integrated with the geometric model
and thus produce modification/generation processes in the geometric
model; these may be single criteria evaluations (e.g. structural
performance, solar loading, acoustic performance) or, multi-criteria
evaluations including multiple performance and optimization factors;
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 3
the system provides for the interactivity of the designer as a moderator
of the various processes involved and/or as a designer of algorithmic
models for form generation and/or modifications;
The integration of these three components can be employed as a means
to identify the current state of the art. In the past decade, the design of
many significant architectural projects has been strongly influenced by
computational performance simulations exploited in their form-finding
processes.This has almost universally been the case with respect to various
forms of structural and environmental analysis through which the
engineering contribution to architectural design has become a both a
characteristic of digital design and a component of all advanced architectural
projects.Thus it can be stated that the methodological and technological
prerequisites for form-finding in architectural design are beginning to
emerge. One of the main objectives of this paper are to trace and define
certain of these practices; and to define key concepts and research issues
for the potential advancement of the field. Following this research survey
and theoretical introduction to the field, the potential for the advancement
of this area of digital architectural design currently requires both a
clarification of its theoretical foundations as well as advancement of
research into the relevant design technologies and techniques. Building upon
the many significant, though partial, achievements of the past decade, this
research provides a road-map for future advances towards performancebased design. Finally, an experimental approach of Performative Design
generation is presented.
2. Performance – based design
2.1 Introduction
Performance-based design may be generally considered an approach in
which building performance becomes the guiding factor in design.
Performance-based models in architecture may be defined as the
exploitation of building performance simulation for the modification of
geometrical form towards the objective of optimizing a candidate design.
Design performance has long been recognized as an important issue in
architectural design, and has long been considered a seminal component in
the value-system of architectural design. Methods and techniques known as
“appraisal aids” that were developed at ABACUS during the early days of
CAD [3,4] have been currently presented as pioneering works that still
present important insights for contemporary work [5,6].
Contemporary approaches to performance-based design are
fundamentally different from conventional CAD simulation processes.
Traditional simulation tools are premised upon the ability to simulate and
evaluate performance of the object itself once it has been defined at an
appropriate and desired level of resolution.Thus they are rarely employed in
4 Rivka Oxman
early conceptual stages of design. Current technologies are, in general, not
capable of the integration of design synthesis formation processes that are
directly informed by performance-based simulations.Therefore most current
systems are not morphogenetic. It is the human designer who adapts the
geometric design model in order to accommodate optimized and evaluative
A typical simulation process can illustrate this distinction. A frequently
applied simulation method that characterizes testing and evaluation in
conventional structural design processes is the Finite Elements Method
(FEM).This type of simulation requires a well-defined model. Only after
analyzing the structural stability the design is re-generated. In conventional
design model, evaluations provide feedback for iterative design
modifications. Future directions for performance-based design can provide
digital model that couple principles of performance with principles of
generation [7]. Here modifications of the model can be automatically
achieved by generative processes controlled by the analytical and numeric
findings. Performance-based design is redefined as the ability to directly
manipulate the geometric properties of a digital model on the basis of
performative analyses in order to optimize performance. Instead of
analyzing the performance of a design, and modifying it accordingly,
ultimately it may be possible to directly inform, generate and modify the
design model using performance-based simulations.
In the following section current advances in performance-based
architectural design are presented and certain key concepts and enabling
technologies are identified.This review of current architectural design
practices and advances in digital environments enables us in section 3 to
define certain of the key concepts related to theoretical and methodological
foundations of future developments in the field.
2.2 Performance-based architectural design: advances and
contributions in current practice
Within the past decade a range of projects has been developed that have
exploited emerging digital technologies that are directly or indirectly related
to performance-based design.These projects are by now well-known and
have been extensively published and analyzed in the professional and
scientific literature. A number of these works is selected in order to identify
how they as a group of precedents have achieved significant contributions
to the field of performance-based design.The projects themselves range
over case studies in which digital environmental performance analysis
techniques are the major focus of the work; in which design modeling
(particularly the interpretation of “parametric design” as an approach) is the
focus; and include iconic projects integrating both environmental analysis
and parametric modeling.The majority of important contributions to the
advancement of performance-based design have emerged in projects in
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 5
which there has been a coalescence of these factors. In most of these
works environmental performance simulations have been employed in
parallel with associative modeling and parametric design in order to
optimize performance.
Many designs associated today with digital architecture reflect a new
awareness of performance-based design [6,7]. Recent projects that have
incorporated simulation methods in the design process are now well-known
[5].They include among others: the Greater London Authority
Headquarters, (2002) and the Swiss RE building (2004) designed by Foster &
Partners and Arup Associates, the ZED project by Future Systems (1995);
the Kunsthaus in Graz by Peter Cook, Colin Fournier; Bollinger and
Grohmann, (2000-2003) [8].
One fundamental ingredient in the advancement of work in the field has
been the existence of parametric modeling systems. Associative geometry in
parametric design enables the establishment of a schema of dependencies,
or co-dependencies, of the elements of geometric models and thus controls
the behavior of such objects under transformations maintaining topological
characteristics. Among the classic studies of parametric design is the variable
truss design of Grimshaw’s International Terminal at Waterloo Station that
exemplified this “dynamic” potential of parametric design [2]. Potentially
performance-evaluation can inform parametric model and modify the
geometrical model, leading to performance-based generative processes. One
of the key attributes of parametric modeling techniques that is essential to
performance-base design is what Burry calls the “meta-design”, or the
parametrically variable model [9]. A “Meta-design” approach supports
transformations. Burry’s now classic work on the digital formulation of the
geometry of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral of Gaudi exploits these design
transformational capabilities of parametric modelers. In his studies of the
Rose Window of the Passion Façade the associative geometry schema
controls the process of parametric modification. Algorithmic control of the
processes of parametric variations is one of the methodological cornerstones
of future performance-based systems, since it may potentially be exploited
as a technique for the modification of the meta-model under conditions of
finding a performatively optimal solution.Thus, in Burry’s terms, the metadesign, or more exactly, the meta-model contains a schema of associative
geometry supporting topological transformation of the geometrical model.
The design process of the Swiss Re building in London is an iconic
case study of a performance-based approach including parametric design
controlled by interactive process towards optimization of performance, in
this case, the building profile and the skin were modified according to
structural performance and wind loadings. Swiss Re has a well-documented
design process and illustrates many of the important methodological
contributions of such digital environments. In discussing refinement of the
design process in the parametric design environment, Aish employed the
6 Rivka Oxman
term “living model” [10] to describe the interactive potential of working in
a parametric design environment with associative geometry (Generative
Components which was used in Swiss Re). In such environments, the
ordering and dependencies of parametric modifications can be defined by
the dependency relationships.With respect to advances of parametric
design as a foundation of future performative systems the body of work of
Whitehead and the Specialist Modelling Group at Foster and Partners
(including Swiss Re, the Courtyard Roof of the British Museum and the
London City Hall) as explicated by Whitehead [11,2,] and Aish [13,14] bring
us to the cutting edge of the potential and limits of this approach to the
integration of evaluation and design synthesis.To complete the picture of
those achievements it is necessary to credit the work of these designers as
members of the Smart Geometries Group (SG) which has further
promoted the technologies, design methods and educational potential of the
We have observed that the cutting edge of current systems
development lies at the point of how and by what techniques the
parametric model of a design is modified by evaluative analyses and
optimization techniques. Beyond this there is a body of theoretical and
methodological issues related to the potential of integrating computational
approaches to design generation. Primarily the concept of morphogenesis is
the key for supporting form generation by performance.
Generative systems such as grammars [15,16] and genetic algorithms
[17] are well known in the scientific literature, however, their applications in
architectural systems and in performance-based systems in particular have
been few. A brief discussion of one of the recent successful applications of a
generative approach to performance-based architecture will serve to clarify
the potential and current limitations of such systems. A generative method
has been developed by Kristina Shea [7,18].The EifForm system was
developed in the domain of structural engineering to design long-span roof
systems.The system can currently generate planar trusses and single layer
space trusses. In its operation it attempts to demonstrate the synergies
between associative modeling and generative systems which can potentially
lead towards integrated performance-based generative design tools.The
system is designed to provide for different spans, diverse geometric
conditions of site, and to produce either homogeneous or heterogenous
geometric solutions.The design process of the EifForm system includes a
recursive design cycle including generation, evaluation and modification
stages. It can accommodate performative factors such as diverse loadings
and materials.The performance model provides analysis and evaluation that
includes structural analysis and stochastic optimization to support optimally
directed exploration of discrete structural forms in relation to
performance.The generative method employs structural shape annealing
which integrates grammatically controlled parametric shape generation.The
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 7
parametric system and associative geometry modeler was developed in
Generative Components employing a graph-based associative geometry
modeler. Modification of parameters after the first iteration (of generate
and test) is still accomplished by the human designer. However, generative
systems have limitations with respect to their application in architectural
problems, in general. Since generative systems require a strong formalism
for propagation they do not necessarily accommodate a large range of
architectural problem areas. Shape Grammars [15] are perhaps an
exceptional case, since they have been widely applied to architectural design
particularly with respect to problems related to configurative descriptions.
Generative systems are an essential part of the future development of
performative architectural systems, however, they are still at stage of
3. Key concepts and research issues in performancebased architectural design
This review of the state of the art in performance-based design in
architecture has produced a conceptual framework for reformulating
current research questions. Related concepts are presented below:
3.1 Topological models in architectural design
Performance-based systems in architecture have been demonstrated to be
dependent upon the form and technology of the models behind the
systems.What has been referred to previously as Burry’s meta-model is a
topological model that maintains fundamental dependency relations constant
while enabling the properties of transformations.This ability to give primacy
to the structure of relationships and qualities that exist in the context of
architectural problems makes topological modeling techniques one of the
imperative component of performative architecture. Since traditional
modeling in architecture tends to be typological in nature, new approaches
to the modeling of architectural systems and problem structures are
3.2 Parametric design and associative modeling
The reconsideration of topology and non-Euclidean geometry as a
methodological basis for digital design has contributed to the exploration of
new geometrical possibilities. Within this emerging context of
computational geometry in architectural design, parametric and associative
models are powerful tools for design. In such a context, the topological
effect of digital environments enable the reconfiguration of parameters of a
geometrical structure [19,20].This attribute of parametric geometrical
variability has strongly contributed to the symbiotic relationships between
parametric design and performance-based design.
8 Rivka Oxman
In parametric design, relationships between objects are explicitly
described, establishing interdependencies between the various objects.
Variations, once generated, can be easily transformed and manipulated by
activating these attributes. Different value assignments can generate multiple
variations while maintaining essential conditions of the topological
relationships.Technologies of associative parametric media (Generative
Components, Digital Project, and others) today provide design environments
in which the designer can define the generic properties of a geometrical
structure within a user-defined framework.
3.3 Interactive design in performance-based design
These technologies have opened up a universe of possibilities.The static
coordinates of shapes and forms of conventional digital media are replaced
by computationally dynamic constructs of topological models.This
combination of interactivity and parametric transformability controls
perturbations that generate discrete structural variations within design
formation processes.The body of theoretical concepts related to parametric
formations includes adaptability and change, continuity, proximity, and
The term versioning suggests that the design is an evolving differential
data-design entity [21].Versioning is an operative term meant to describe
design variations. It refers to topological form variations rather then
traditional form-composition (eg. form repetition). As the liberation from
the conventional logic of design representation in paper-based design has
occurred, the concept of form has been transformed into the concept of
formation.The designer today interacts with, controls, and moderates
dynamic mechanisms of computational modeling including generative
processes such as currently exist in animation and parametric techniques.
How and why interaction takes place still remains a central question of
performance-based systems. Can the meta-model enable a direct response
to the data input of performance analysis and obviate the intervention of
the designer? Where, at what point, and how should the designer intervene
in the digital process still remains one of the challenging questions of
performance-based design systems.
3.4 Optimization
Malkawi [22] has presented a comprehensive review of currently available
environmental performance evaluation systems for architecture and
engineering. He states, “to shift the conventional use of such tools from
analysis to analysis and synthesis, a renewed research into utilizing advances
in optimization is underway.” Relative to the potential for performancedriven design, how can performative data be exploited directly as data input
in parametric meta-models? Furthermore, how can optimization techniques
and multiple criteria be integrated within the process of form modification
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 9
in parametric models in order to control the processes of modification?
These appear to be root conditions for the advancement towards
performance-based design.
3.5. Generation
The potential for systems supporting “performance-based generation” will
require new approaches to generative models in architecture as well as
integration of research areas related to environmental analysis.With respect
to this goal there appear to be three possibilities which have been
considered and discussed in the research literature [23]: topological systems
(e.g., parametric systems); generative systems (e.g., genetic algorithms), and
dynamic systems (animations) as models of design generation. In order to
demonstrate our approach to performance-based design generation, we
next present an experimental research case study into dynamic animated
simulation as a generative technique.
4. Performative Design
4.1 Introduction
In Performative Design [23], the object is generated by simulating its
performance. In our approach design is defined and characterized by applying
digital simulations of external forces to drive form generation. The goal of the
work is to explore how performative simulation processes can generate
design. In order to demonstrate the approach we present an experimental
project done in the research framework of a digital design studio [24].This
project experiments with methods for exploiting dynamic simulations to
generate designs.
4.2 Experimentation with performance-based design generation
The given task was to design a building skin that might protect a building
from sun penetration.
The building skin is a responsive surface that integrates two layers.The
internal layer is a constructive skeleton that supports an external skinsurface layer (see figure 1).The external layer is a surface-skin composed of
integrated dynamic scale units (see figure 2).The external layer is composed
of scale units that behave as a system of integrated operable modules.
Finally, the wall is to be design in such a way that sensors will activate the
mechanism embedded in the skeleton to support and modulate the dynamic
movements and the openings of the scales (see figure 3).
10 Rivka Oxman
䉴 Figure 1. Constructive
structural wall
(contribution: Shoham Ben
Ari and Roey Hamer)
䉴 Figure 2. External skin
layer composed of
dynamic scale structure
(contribution: Shoham Ben
Ari and Roey Hamer)
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 11
䉳 Figure 3.Two layered building skinwall (contribution: Shoham Ben Ari
and Roey Hamer)
Studies and methodology
The goal of the experiment in performance-based generative design was to
study and explore the following issues:
Exploring ways to employ simulation as a generative design tool.
Exploring animation as simulation that drives automatic formgeneration.
Exploring the necessary conditions of geometrical framework that
support automatic form generation.
Experiment with performance-based design generation; study the
visualization of formal effects and the formulation of generative
4.3.1 Simulation as a generative design tool
As mentioned above, simulation tools in digital environments are currently
employed for testing, evaluation and modification of prototypes in virtual
design environments [25].They also enable rapid design feedback and
support design modification processes.These are still based on humancentric design approaches in which the human designer/engineer evaluates
the simulation results and modifies the design accordingly.
An objective of the design experiment presented below was to study
how design can be generated as an integral part of a simulation process. In
the following section, we present an experimental design study after
introducing concepts which are relevant to the approach.
12 Rivka Oxman
4.3.2 Employing animation as a simulation tool
According to Lynn [26], shape can be formed in response to a dynamic
environmental context. In his approach ‘the context of design’ may become
an active force that drives information to transform a static form. Lynn was
the first to demonstrate animation as a design tool and change its
traditional role from a form-representational medium to a form-generation
medium. In our case, both the context (wind) and the form (surface) are
dynamic. Instead of treating design as a static form, animation was employed
as a simulation of dynamic forces in order to generate dynamic form.
We have exploited animation to study the motion of a complex surfaceskin. Animated techniques in 3d MAX were employed to model simulation
processes and their dynamic effects (see figure 4 and figure 5).The
geometrical model includes both global and local geometry.The basic
geometry of the surface-skin (global geometry) was first defined as a
standard surface plane primitive. A scale unit was modeled and duplicated in
relation to the surface-plane.The scales were integrated as ‘local constructs’
keeping parent and child relations.The relation between the global
geometry (the surface-plane) and its local components (the scales) was
created according to desired number of units, the dimensions and relations
of the geometrical parameters.The whole system was defined as a 3d
dynamic geometrical network (see figure 4). Any dynamic movement of the
plane triggered the location and related angle of the scales. At a later stage
the surface-skin was defined as a cloth material by adding a ‘Reactor Cloth’
modifier to the plane.
In order to study the dynamic motion of the surface we selected wind
force as a case study. Simulation of the dynamic factors and their effects on
the surface were formulated by using reactors. Reactor is a plug-in for 3DS
Max that allows animation to simulate complex physical scenes.The physical
attributes of the surface were set up by specifying a reactor for the surfaceskin.The second reactor in this experiment was a ‘Reactor-Wind’. Both
supported the cloth simulation and the physical behavior of wind.The
physical parameters of the surface were set up by specifying a reactor for
the surface-skin, physical parameters of the surface such as: mass, density
elasticity, stiffness, stretching and damping were defined in order to simulate
the dynamic environment.Wind simulation, in fact, generated the shape of
the surface-skin.
The second performance factor was light.The lighting condition below
the surface-skin (see figure 5) was a result of reaction to the wind causing
the opening or closing of scales. At this stage they enabled visual evaluation
in order to study the impact of skin geometry and scale position on light
penetration. At a latter stage we intend to simulate both the wind situation
and the lighting as two generative factors.
Animation was employed as a form-giving mechanism.The motion of the
surface and its associated scales were visually animated.The dynamic
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 13
movement resulted in generating varied surface-curvature of the skin. Any
change in the curvature of the animated surface propagated to the location
and the angle of the scales on the surface according to pre-defined
relationships (see figure 4). In this experiment force simulation and motion
were employed to generate a form.The animation produced transformation
of the complex surface and the form of the surface was, in fact, the result of
a dynamic force.
The aim of informed results of desired light penetration was to modify
scale parameters. In a future development of an advanced system we hope
to achieve modifications that will be driven automatically by the
performance model. In order to achieve this, we aim to build a parametric
model to support an informed form generation process.
䉳 Figure 4. Activating dynamic
simulation producing curvature
modification of a surface
䉳 Figure 5. Changes in curvature of
the surface and the associated
modifications of the scale components
14 Rivka Oxman
The experimentation studies have demonstrated how performance
simulation might be employed as a design tool to drive design generation. A
future objective in employing this type of performance-based generation is
that the formation of a skin/structure assembly may actually be generated
by dynamic simulations. Furthermore, simulations and analyses of
componentized assemblies may be highly relevant in the design of complex
external wall assemblies, particularly dynamic assemblies.
The implications of such an approach can be broadened to include
simulations of both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Such applications
require the formulation of generative performance in simulation models.
This might include, for example, parametric systems which can adapt the
skin elements in response to the dynamic simulations.
5. Conclusions
During the last decade performance-based design, as discussed here, has
emerged as a leading edge of digital design practice, research and
development.With it has come a new maturity that promises to transcend
the formal and geometric innovations that have strongly promulgated the
great interest in emerging digital technologies. It is within the context of an
emerging pragmatism that performance-based design and other approaches
offer such great promise. Steps away from ‘form making’ and towards ‘form
finding’ processes constitute a legitimate for of paradigm shift in
architectural practice.The operative successes that we have presented may
provide additional perspectives of the professional future.
Without any doubt this first generation of performance-based design has
enabled the elucidation of concepts, research issues and developmental
priorities.The nature of architectural meta-models that exploit these
emerging technologies presents a broad field of computational research for
which some decades of design research has well prepared us. Furthermore,
the nature of architectural education will be strongly affected by the
presence these bodies of knowledge.The realization of the vision of
designer as digital tool maker is an essential prerequisite for progress in
these directions.
Given that throughout this report we have attempted to map the
boundaries of current practice including certain directions for experimental
research, it remains now to ask what other developments might in the
future become integrated with digital practices, methods and techniques.
For example, future directions for development are digital techniques that
couple principles of performance with principles of geometry related to
form, structure and material [27].The vision of morphogenetic design still
demands research work in generative systems that are capable not only of
digitally capturing the genius of nature but are potentially well-integrated
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 15
into models of architectural design. In the coalescence of a generative
approach that integrates advances in architectural and computational
modeling with new approaches to modification and generation that are
compatible with these models perhaps lies one possible future for design
computing in architecture.Work in Performative Design is an incentive for
such thinking as well as a frontier of both digital design research and
professional change.
Work presented was carried out in the framework of the Experimental
Digital Design Studio, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning,Technion,
ITT headed by Professor Rivka Oxman.The following students are highly
acknowledged: Shoham Ben Ari and Roey Hamer.
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16 Rivka Oxman
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Rivka Oxman
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, Israel 32000
[email protected];
[email protected]
Performance-based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues 17