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The paper discusses the rationale and experience of discontinuing permanent pacing therapy in selected patients whose condition has improved or in whom symptoms related to pacing have arisen. With a conservative estimate indicating that 2-4% of patients might not require lifelong pacing therapy, the authors argue for a clinical reassessment of the need for pacemaker therapy before generator replacement, suggesting that this may lead to considerable cost savings without compromising patient safety.
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 1988
LANGENFELD, H,, ET AL.: Course of symptoms and spontaneous ECG in pacemaker patients: A 5-year follow-up study. We investigated the course of symptoms and the spontaneous ECG retrospectiveiy in 308 patients who had received a pacemaker because of a trio ventricuJar (AV) block fn = 115), sick sinus syndrome fSSS, n = 107), bradyarrhythmic atriai jibriJiation fbradyarrhythmia, n = 51). carotid sinus syndrome (CSS, n = 16), complete bi/ascicuiar block associated with 1st degree AV block (n = 13) and with other indications fn = 6). The mean impiantation time was 63 months. The c\ir\ica\ state of 93% of all patients improved after pacemaker implantation; their symptoms decreased markedly. Persisting syncopy in some patients with SSS, however, supports a restricted implantation policy. We rarely saw improved AV conduction in patients with AV block fn%). Furthermore, in patients with SSS, afriaJ /ibriliotion occmed significantly more often (35 %) than in those with AV block (17 %; P < 0.01). Only 3% of patients with SSS developed 2nd and 3rd degree AV block within the observation period. In all patients with Initial bi/ascicular block and additional 1st degree AV block, pacing prevented further syncopaJ attacks; four of them showed 3rd degree AV block at control, indicating that pacemaker impiantation is mandatory in symptomatic patients with bifascicular disease and 1st degree AV block. (PACE, Vol. 11, December 1988) folow-up, pacemaker patients, symptoms, spontaneous ECC Address for reprints: Heiner Langenfeld. MD
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2004
We evaluated the incidence, predictors, and treatment of pacemaker syndrome in patients with sinus node dysfunction treated with ventricular-based (VVIR) pacing in the Mode Selection Trial (MOST). BACKGROUND Pacemaker syndrome, or intolerance to VVIR pacing, consists of cardiovascular signs and symptoms induced by VVIR pacing.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2004
Cardiology Clinics, 1985
The American Journal of Cardiology, 1978
The preimplantation status, postimplantation morbidlty and causes of late mortality were summarized for 246 patients who underwent pacing for atrioventricular (A-V) block at the University of Michigan for the 14 years from 1961 to 1974. The survival rate at 1,s and 10 years was 88, 61 and 49 percent, respectively. Risk of death was greatest among patients with antecedent ischemic or hypertensive heart disease or congestive heart failure In the period before pacemaker implantation, patients older than 74 years at inttlal implantation and those receiving a pacemaker before 1965. Forty-two percent of the 109 deaths were related to apparent progression of underlying cardiac disease. Pacing system malfunction was a contributing documented cause of only 3 deaths. Even with permanent pacemaker implantation, patients with A-V block have a higher age-specific mortality rate than the general U.S. population. Survival improved steadily over the period of study. This change is attributed to apparent improvements in treatment of cardiovascular disease including more effective treatment of congestive heart failure and valve replacement for selected patients as well as elimination of immediate postoperative mortality. Permanent ventricular pacing has been the recognized treatment for atrioventricular (A-V) block for more than 15 years. Previous reports14 have documented the continued morbidity and mortality in patients with A-V block who have received pacemakers. This report reviews the status of such patients to determine the natural history of this disorder after permanent pacemaker implantation, the causes of late morbidity and mortality and the changes in mortality that occurred during the follow-up period. Survival of this population group was also compared with that of the U.S. population matched for age, race and sex. Methods The records of all adult patients who received permanent pacemakers at the University of Michigan Medical Center from 1961 through 1974 were reviewed. Many of the patients have been the subject of previous reports from this institution.P1l Since 1965, all patients have been followed up in a pacemaker clinic. Data on the history, clinical course, specific arrhythmias seen and follow-up findings were transferred to computer tape. Survival curves were determined with the life table method12J3 utilizing the Michigan Interactive Data Analysis System (MIDAS)14 and the Interactive Graphic Survival Analysis System (IGSAS).15 For each patient survival time was calculated from the date of the first pacemaker implantation until death or the end of the observation period, March 1,1976. For the one patient who was lost to follow-up, survival was calculated from the date of implantation to the date of last follow-up. Patient selection: The study population consisted of 246 adult patients who received their initial pacemaker at the University of Michigan Medical Center for an A-V conduction disturbance during the years specified. Patients with bifascicular block and syncope, but without documentation of complete A-V block, and two patients with atrial fibrillation and advanced second degree block
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 1998
B6HM, A., ET AL.: Clinical Observations with Long-term Atriai Pacing. Atriai pacing (AP), despite its beneficial hemodynamic and antiarrhythmic effect, is still an underused mode of stimulation. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term results ofAP. Sixty four patients (pts) with sinus node disease (28 male and 36 female: mean age 54,2; range:44-88 years), 3,2% of the total implantation at our clinic were treated with AP between 1982-96. Criteria for atriai pacing were: no AV block in the history, no AV-block during carotid sinus massage, Wenckebach point>130/min, left atrium<50mm, left ventricular EF>40%. The indication for pacing was predominant sinus bradycardia (SB) in 34 pts and tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome (TBS) in 30 pts. Pts with TBS were on antiarrhythmic treatment, while most pts with SB received no antiarrhythmic drugs. All the pts were checked up at every 3-6 month. Sixty-two pts were followed for 3-154 (mean: 67) months, two pts were lost for follow-up. Repeated lead dislodgment occurred in two pts, which made a pacing mode change necessary. Four pts died during the follow-up period for non-cardiac reasons. At the end of the follow-up period the data of 60 pts were available for evaluation (33 pts with SB, 2 7 pts with TBS). A ll the pts with SB were in sinus rhythm, and no patient developed A V block by the end of the follow-up period Seven out of 27 pts with TBS developed chronic atriai fibrillation, 3 out of them suffered a cerebral embolism; the remaining 20 pts were in sinus rhythm, and the number of paroxysmal attacks decreased significantly, which improved their quality of life significantly. Three pts in this group developed a temporary complete AV block, which regressed with decreasing the dosage of antiarrhythmic drugs. Atriai pacing is proved to be a safe and reliable treatment for sick sinus syndrome. Proper patient selection is crucial in preventing the development of AV conduction disturbance. Atriai stimulation had a satisfactory long-term antiarrhythmic effect in pts with sick sinus syndrome (SSS). atriai pacing, sick sinus syndrome, long-term foUow-up
Heart, 1979
A fundamental description of pacemaker systems which are commercially available or in clinical validation is given as a background for their application in a series of 62 consecutive patients presenting over a period of 1 year for permanent cardiac pacing. The patients (23 (37%) sick sinus syndrome, 38 (61%) atrioventricular block, and 1 ventricular tachycardia) were studied electrophysiologically and haemodynamically to allow the appropriate application of a pacemaker system. In sick sinus syndrome, 8 patients had permanent atrial pacing, 14 ventricular pacing, and 1 atrioventricular sequential pacing; in atrioventricular block, 8 patients had atrial synchronous ventricular inhibited pacing and the remaining 30 had ventricular pacing. A high incidence of atrial fibrillation, 9 patients, and abnormal sinus node function, 15 patients, precluded wider use of atrial synchrony. The results show benefit in acute haemodynamic studies of using systems including atrial sensing and/or pacing, and with greater availability of atrioventricular sequential and still more advanced pacemakers with dual sensing as well as dual pacing the majority of patients may be offered this benefit. 'Part of this paper was presented to the British Cardiac Society, November 1977, under the title, 'Pacing for optimal function in the spectrum of sick sinus syndrome and atrioventricular block'.
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 1989
Sinus Syndrome and Atrioventricuiar Block. It is still a matter of controversy as to whether the patients paced for atrioventricuJar block (AVB) have different prognosis and survival rates than those paced for Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS), We have compared the survival rates of 962 AVB patients (group A) with fhat of 283 SSS patients (group B) who underwent pacemaker implantation during the period January 1968 to December 1986. The survival rate graphs of the examined groups were calculated using the actuarial method and the differences in the survival rates between the groups were evaluated using fhe Logrank test. Our results show that SSS patients have a higher survival rate than AV block with a difference on the rate of survival between the two groups reaching the borderline of statistical significance. Multivariate discriminant analysis was then used to assess that of the parameters (i.e., age at the time of implantation, sex, electrophysioJogical indication to pacing, etiology or pacing mode) could have had the main influence upon mortality and the different pattern of the survival rate graph within the two groups of patients. Our data show that survival is mostly related to age, pacing mode and, although more slightly, to underlying heart disease; the electrophysiologicaJ indication to pacing, instead, does not signijicantly influence it.
The American Journal of Cardiology, 1990
The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1999
e Abstract-Many people benefit from the implantation of cardiac pacemakers for management of certain cardiac dysrhythmias. These patients are seen regularly in the emergency department with a variety of pacemaker complications and malfunctions. The presence of a pacemaker may also affect management of unrelated medical problems. This two-part series reviews the medical issues related to patients with permanent pacemakers. Part I covers pacing modes and terminology, complications of the implant procedure, and the approach to a patient with a permanent pacemaker. Part II covers the causes, diagnosis and management of pacemaker malfunction; the pacemaker syndrome; the pacemaker Twiddler's syndrome; and other considerations in the paced patient including diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, ACLS protocols, trauma, and sources of interference. Indications for permanent pacemaker implantation and temporary external pacing will not be covered. © 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. e Keywords-pacemaker; electrocardiogram; diagnosis; malfunction; ventricular-paced rhythm
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Revista de Ciências do Estado, 2021
Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy, 2012
Manit Shah, 2020
Recherches sociographiques, 1987
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2021
PLOS ONE, 2017
Springer, 2019
Mastozoologia Neotropical
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023