intellectual skills

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The paper discusses various intellectual skills necessary for problem-solving and innovation. It outlines core cognitive processes, including synthesis thinking, evaluative thinking, and objective thinking, emphasizing their roles in establishing connections, making judgments, and maintaining impartiality in decision-making. The synthesis thinking process is highlighted as a means to create new concepts, while evaluative thinking assesses the value of ideas against established criteria, positioning it as a critical skill in cognitive hierarchy.

Intellectual skills Critical Thinking Dispassionate attitude towards the subject under discussion. Diffrention view between the subject under review and oneself. Problems are considered for their own sake rather than in relation to human needs. Analyzing and developing possibilities to compare and contrast an idea. Make effective decision and careful judgement. Creative Thinking Moving sideways from current ways of looking at things to find new way. Consisting of inventing, designing, composing and planning behaviour. Can produce a quantity of solid and flexible ideas. Required changes to be made in a strategy or in a possible situation. The rarity of occurrence of a good response compare to responses made by others. The ability to produce a variety of responses. The consistent use of basic principles or rules in new situations. Having unusual ideas and innovative thoughts which able to imagine new things. Logical Thinking Thinking which is directed towards presenting arguments. A process which is one uses reasoning consistently to come to a conclusion. The ability to understand the rules of basic logical inference in everyday activities. Using mind to consider something carefully. Thinking based on proven knowledge and information that is accurate and certain. Analytical Thinking Break down complex problems or processes into more easily understandable parts or key parts. Identifies cause effect patterns and analyzes problems to arrive to an appropriate solution. Strategic implementation and the achievement of outcomes. Draw connection among ideas. Thinks through why something happened and its implication. Synthesis Thinking The process of combining existing ideas or concept into something new. The process of combining seperate elements and parts together to form a whole. Think flexibly , determine alternative and fine new way to accomplish a task. To think something from simple to complicated. Putting together ideas into new or unique product or plan. Evaluative Thinking Determing whether an item or activity meets specified criteria. Make judgements about the value or worth of something. Form conclusion based on information gathered. Judgement in terms of internal evident and external criteria. Highest in the cognitive hierarchy because content elements of all other catogories. Objective Thinking Not influence by personal feelings or opinion in considering and representing facts. Being impartial about what you are seeing and hearing. Making any kind of a rasional decision with unbias. It is a rasional and logical thinking with a goal in mind. It is a independent of the thinkers interference .