Teacher Leadership: principles and practice
Alma Harris and Daniel Muijs
Institute of Education, University of Warwick
Teacher Leadership: A Review of Research
Alma Harris and Daniel Muijs
University of Warwick
Effective leadership is widely accepted as being a key constituent in achieving school
improvement. The evidence from the international literature demonstrates that effective leaders
exercise an indirect but powerful influence on the effectiveness of the school and on the
achievement of students (Leithwood et al, 1999). Whilst the quality of teaching strongly
influences levels of pupil motivation and achievement, it has been consistently argued that the
quality of leadership matters in determining the motivation of teachers and the quality of
teaching in the classroom (Fullan, 2001; Segiovanni, 2001). A preliminary glance at the
leadership research literature however reveals that it is largely premised upon individual
impetus rather than collective action and offers a singular view of leadership predominantly
bound up with headship.
As Murphy (2000) notes that the ‘great man’ theory of leadership prevails in spite of a
groundswell towards leadership as empowerment, transformation and community building.
Possibly, this is because schools as organisational structures remain largely unchanged
equating leadership with status, authority and position. One of the most congruent findings from
recent studies of effective leadership is that authority to lead need not be located in the person
of the leader but can be dispersed within the school in between and among people (MacBeath,
1988; Day, Harris and Hadfield, 2000;Harris 2002). In this sense leadership is separated from
person, role and status and is primarily concerned with the relationships and the connections
among individuals within a school.
In the USA, Canada and Australia the notion of ‘dispersed, ‘distributed’ or ‘teacher leadership’
is particularly well developed and grounded in research evidence. This model of leadership
implies a redistribution of power and a re-alignment of authority within the organisation. It
means creating the conditions in which people work together and learn together, where they
construct and refine meaning leading to a shared purpose or set of goals. Evidence would
suggest that where such conditions are in place, leadership is a much stronger internal driver
for school improvement and change (Hopkins, 2001). In practice, this means giving authority to
teachers and empowering them to lead. Taking this perspective, leadership is a fluid and
emergent rather than as a fixed phenomenon. It implies a different power relationship within the
school where the distinctions between followers and leaders tend to blur. It also opens up the
possibility for all teachers to become leaders at various times and suggests that leadership is a
shared and collective endeavour that can engage the many rather than the few.
In Britain and to some extent Europe, conventional notions of leadership tend to prevail with an
emphasis upon the leadership of those at the apex of the organisation. Leadership tends to be
associated with a role or responsibility and is generally viewed as a singular rather than a
collective endeavour. This review of the research literature was undertaken therefore to:
Interrogate the international research literature relating to teacher leadership
Delineate different definitions and interpretations of the term’ teacher leadership’
To explore the evidential base concerning teacher leadership and school/classroom
To investigate the barriers to teacher leadership
To consider how teacher leadership can be enhanced or developed
To identify areas for future research and development
To achieve these ends a literature search was undertaken of research into teacher leadership,
using library and Internet searches, as well as published bibliographies. By nature of the strong
development of the concept of teacher leadership in the USA, the majority of findings reported
are from American sources. In undertaking this review we have attempted to look at the
characteristics of teacher leadership, as well as what the research has to say about its
advantages and the ways in which teacher leadership can be facilitated or impeded.
Roles and Responsibilities
As the limitations of singular or individual leadership have become increasingly evident there
have been a groundswell, particularly in the USA, Canada and Australia, towards various forms
of teacher leadership. In the USA, the number of teacher leadership programmes and initiatives
has grown strongly over the past decade and the notion of teacher leadership is now widely
accepted by practitioners and researchers alike (Smylie, 1995). Here teacher leadership is
primarily concerned with enhanced leadership roles and decision-making powers for teachers
without taking them out of the classroom.
A number of authors have provided definitions of the teacher leadership that clearly delineate
the differences with traditional leadership approaches. For example, Wasley (1991) defines
teacher leadership, as ‘the ability to encourage colleagues to change, to do things they
wouldn’t ordinarily consider without the influence of the leader’. Similarly, Katzenmeyer &
Moller (2001) define teacher leaders as: “teachers who are leaders lead within and beyond the
classroom, identify with and contribute to a community of teacher learners and leaders, and
influence others towards improved educational practice”. In contrast to traditional notions of
leadership, teacher leadership is characterised by a form of collective leadership in which
teachers develop expertise by working collaboratively (Boles, Katherine and Troen, 1994).
A number of different roles have been suggested for teacher leaders that further explain the
distinctive nature of the leadership activity. Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001) see teacher
leadership as having three main facets:
leadership of students or other teachers: facilitator, coach, mentor, trainers, curriculum
specialist, creating new approaches, leading study groups;
leadership of operational tasks: keeping the school organised and moving towards its
goals, through roles as Head of Department, action researcher, member of task forces;
leadership through decision making or partnership: membership of school improvement
teams, membership of committees, instigator of partnerships with business, higher
education institutions, LEA’s, and parent-teacher associations.
Gehrke (1991) identifies quite similar functions of teacher leaders:
continuously improving their own classroom teaching;
organising and leading reviews of school practice;
providing curriculum development knowledge;
participating in in-school decision making;
giving in-service training to colleagues, and
participating in the performance evaluation of teachers.
Harris (2002) suggests that there are four discernable and discrete dimensions of the teacher
leadership role. The first dimension concerns the way in which teachers translate the principles
of school improvement into the practices of individual classrooms. This brokering role remains
a central responsibility for the teacher as leader. It ensures that links within schools are secure
and that opportunities for meaningful development among teachers are maximised.
A second dimension of the teacher leader role focuses upon participative leadership where all
teachers feel part of the change or development and have a sense of ownership. Teacher
leaders may assist other teachers to cohere around a particular development and to foster a
more collaborative way of working (Blase and Anderson, 1995). They work with colleagues to
shape school improvement efforts and take some lead in guiding teachers towards a collective
A third dimension of teacher leadership in school improvement is the mediating role. Teacher
leaders are important sources of expertise and information. They are able to draw critically
upon additional resource and expertise if required and to seek external assistance. Finally, a
fourth and possibly the most important dimension of the teacher leadership role, is forging
close relationships with individual teachers through which mutual learning takes place.
Other writers have identified further dimensions of the teacher leadership role such as
undertaking action research (Ash, 2000), instigating peer classroom observation (Little, 2000),
or contributing to the establishment of a collaborative culture in the school (Lieberman et al,
2000). Of these roles, the mentoring, induction and continual professional development of
colleagues are considered crucial (Sherrill, 1999), as is developing collaborative relationships
with colleagues that allow new ideas and leadership to spread and impact on the school as a
whole (Little, 2000).
Teacher leadership roles have been identified as curriculum developers, bid writers, leaders of
a school improvement team, mentors of new or less experienced staff and action researchers
with always a strong link to the classroom. The important point emanating from the literature is
that teacher leaders are, in the first place, expert teachers, who spend at the majority of their
time in the classroom but take on different leadership roles at different times, following the
principles of formative leadership (Ash and Persall 2000). The literature asserts that the
principle reason for this is to transform schools into professional learning communities
(Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001) and to empower teachers to become involved closely in
decision making within the school, thus contributing to the democratisation of schools (Gehrke,
1991). Teacher leaders should be able to work collaboratively with peers, observing one
another’s lessons and discussing pedagogy (Seashore-Louis, Kruse et al. 1996).
(Barth 1999) views of teacher leadership extend beyond just collaborating or participating in
decision making. He views teacher leadership as fulfilling some of the functions possibly
undertaken by senior management. For example:
Choosing textbooks and instructional materials;
Shaping the curriculum;
Setting standards for pupil behaviour;
Deciding on tracking;
Designing staff development programmes;
Setting promotion and retention policies;
Deciding school budgets;
Evaluating teacher performance;
Selecting new teachers, and
Selecting new administrators
In this model, the teacher-leaders play a major role in running the school and in making the
major decisions. Most other writers in the field however view of teacher leaders as
collaborators with senior management in decision making on specific aspects of school policy
rather than replacing them (Gehrke, 1991).
Collaboration and Collegiality
The literature emphasises that teacher leadership is not just concerned with teachers
developing individually but a central role of teacher leaders is one of helping colleagues to try
out new ideas and to encourage them to adopt leadership roles (Lieberman, et al, 2000).
Research has consistently underlined the contribution of strong collegial relationships to school
improvement and change. Little (1990) suggests that collegial interaction at least lays the
groundwork for developing shared ideas and for generating forms of leadership. Rosenholtz
(1989) argues even more forcibly for teacher collegiality and collaboration as means of
generating positive change in schools. Collaboration is at the heart of teacher leadership, as it
is premised upon change that is enacted collectively. Teacher leadership is premised upon a
power re-distribution within the school, moving from hierarchical control to peer control. In this
leadership model the power base is diffuse and the authority dispersed within the teaching
community. An important dimension of this leadership approach is the emphasis upon collegial
ways of working. For teacher leadership to be most effective it has to encompass mutual trust
and support. As West et al (2000:39) point out:
If this leadership potential is to be realised, then it will have to be grounded in in a commitment
to learn and develop that inhabits the structures of schools as well as the classroom – it is likely
that the school will conceive and act differently from the traditional explanations of leadership
and structure.
This view of leadership therefore is not hierarchical, but federal. It is a view that is both tight
and loose; tight on values, but loose on the freedom to act, opportunity to experiment and
authority to question historical assumptions.
Recent research by Silns and Mulford (2002) has explored the relationship between leadership,
organisational learning and student outcomes. They highlight the importance of teachers
working together in collaboration for successful school re-structuring and school improvement
to occur. They argue that teachers cannot create and sustain the conditions for the productive
development of children if those conditions do not exist for teachers (Silns and Mulford, 2002).
Another study (Leithwood and Jantzi, 1990) provides some descriptions of how school leaders
provide opportunities for teachers to participate in decision and lead in school development.
This work highlights the following structuring behaviours:
distributing the responsibility and power for leadership widely throughout the school;
sharing decision making power with staff;
allowing staff to manage their own decision making committees;
taking staff opinion into account;
ensuring effective group problem solving during meetings of staff;
providing autonomy for teachers;
altering working conditions so that staff have collaborative planning time;
ensuring adequate involvement in decision making related to new initiatives in the school;
creating opportunities for staff development. (Leithwood et al, 1999p 811-812).
Empowering teachers in this way and providing them with opportunities to lead is based on the
simple but profound idea that if schools are to become better at providing learning for students
then they must also become better at providing opportunities for teachers to innovate, develop
and learn together.
Louis and Marks (1998) found that in schools where the teachers work was organised in ways
that promoted professional community there was a positive relationship with the academic
performance of students. Research by Crowther et al (2000) reveals that teacher leadership is
an important factors in improving the life chances of students in disadvantaged high schools.
Silns and Mulford (2002) similarly conclude that student outcomes are more likely to improve
where leadership sources are distributed throughout the school community and where teachers
are empowered in areas of importance to them.
Improving School Effectiveness
Collaboration between teachers has been found to be a necessary concomitant of school
improvement and change as well a contributory factor to school effectiveness (Hargreaves,
1991; Little, 1990; Rosenholz, 1989). The shared goals and values at the core of teacher
leadership is also an important influential factor in generating effective schools (Teddlie and
Reynolds, 2000). Ovando (1996) suggests that where teachers are placed in leadership
positions they are able to contribute more directly to organisational effectiveness and
improvement. Some authors suggest that schools need to move from a hierarchical, top-down
structure towards a more democratic model, in which teachers can directly influence
development and change (Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001). A study of over 600 teachers found
that teacher participation in decision making was positively related to school effectiveness
(Taylor and Bogotch, 1994). Similarly, a longitudinal qualitative study of teachers who had
taken on teacher leadership roles in restructuring schools found that teachers responded
positively to their increased participation in decision making and that this directly contributed to
school effectiveness.
In a study of British secondary schools, teachers generally felt that leadership was more
effective where subject leaders and department heads were more strongly involved in decision
making (Glover et al, 1999). Pellicer et al (1990) similarly found that in the most effective
schools, leadership was a shared responsibility of teachers and heads. Other studies have also
reported positive effects of teacher participation in decision making. For example, Rosenholz,
(1985) and Sickler, (1988) found that teacher involvement in decision making led to a decrease
in teacher absenteeism and an increase in school effectiveness. Wong (1996) found that in
schools with strong collaborative teacher-principal leadership there was evidence of significant
gains in pupil learning and achievement. Not all studies however have found such positive
effects. For example, Jones (1997) and Peterson et al (1999) found no relationship between
shared decision making in schools and enhanced teacher effectiveness.
An element of schooling that is attracting increasing interest is that of democratic learning. If
schools are to support democratic values, and encourage pupils to function as critical and
active citizens, they themselves should model democracy through collaborative and democratic
leadership (Hackney and Henderson, 1999). Too often, pupils are expected to obtain
democratic values through lessons on citizenship, while the example they are given within the
school is that of strict hierarchy and autocratic leadership, in which neither they or their
teachers participate (Beane 1998; Barth 1999). If, as Blegen and Kennedy (1999) point out,
what we do is likely to more powerfully affect pupils that what we say, this is a highly
unsatisfactory situation. This means that for schools to foster democratic learning requires
moving away from traditional top-down management and getting teachers to take responsibility
(and accountability).
Improving Teacher Effectiveness
Research has shown that effective schools place an emphasis upon the teaching and learning
processes and invest in teacher development time. Of all the school level characteristics, it is
those that relate to teaching that have the most empirical support (Scheerens, 1992:17). It is
those factors that are most immediately proximal to, and therefore most immediately
experienced by students (i.e. teacher behaviors in the classroom) that will most immediately
affect student achievement (Muijs & Reynolds, 2001a). As Smylie (1995) points out, teacher
leadership can improve teacher effectiveness in a number of ways. The emphasis on
continuous learning and excellence in teaching can improve the quality of teachers, while the
emphasis on spreading good practice to colleagues can lead to increasing the expertise of
teachers throughout the school. The increased expertise and confidence of teachers, coupled
with the greater responsibilities vested in them, will make teachers more willing to take risks
and introduce innovative teaching methods, which should have a direct positive effect on
teacher effectiveness.
Recent research has explored the effects of school and teacher leadership on students’
engagement with school. (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2000). The study considered principal and
teacher leadership separately, as well as the relative effects of these two sources of leadership.
The findings suggest that teacher leadership explained more variation in student learning and
had an important influence on teacher effectiveness.The research study concluded that teacher
leadership far outweighs principal leadership effects before taking into account the moderating
effects of family educational culture (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2000:60). Evidence from this study
suggests that principal leadership does not stand out as a critical part of the change process
but that teacher leadership demonstrates a significant effect on student engagement. The study
concluded that distributing a larger proportion of current leadership activity to teachers would
have a positive influence on teacher effectiveness and student engagement. (Leithwood and
Jantzi, 2000:61).
Research by (Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001) suggests that empowering teachers through
teacher leadership improves their self efficacy in relation to pupil learning. Teacher
expectations directly relate to pupil achievement hence strengthening self-efficacy is an
important contributory factor of teacher leadership (Muijs and Reynolds, 2001b). A study by
Ovando (1996) found that when teachers took on leadership roles it positively influenced their
ability to innovate in the classroom and had a positive effect on student learning outcomes.
Some studies have found that taking on leadership roles can improve teacher motivation. For
example, in their study of teacher leadership, Lieberman et al (2000) report that teachers felt
that the experience had improved their confidence in their own abilities and had taught them to
motivate, lead and encourage other adults. Similarly, in their survey of 42 teacher leaders,
O’Connor and Boles (1992) reported improved self-confidence, increased knowledge, and an
improved attitude to teaching among teachers.
Contributing to School Improvement
There is a body of evidence that demonstrates that teachers work most effectively when they
are supported by other teachers and work collegially (Hargreaves, 1994). Collegial relations
and collective practice are at the core of building the capacity for school improvement (Hopkins,
2001). It has been shown that the nature of communication between those working together on
a daily basis offers the best indicator of organisational health. Hopkins et al (1996: 177) note
successful schools encourage co-ordination by creating collaborative environments
which encourages involvement, professional development, mutual support and
assistance in problem solving.
This implies a form of professional development and learning that is premised upon
collaboration, co-operation and networking. It implies a view of the school as a learning
community where teachers and students learn together.
Building the capacity for school improvement necessitates paying careful attention to how
collaborative processes in schools are fostered and developed. Research suggests that where
teacher feel confident in their own capacity, in the capacity of their colleagues and in the
capacity of the school to promote professional development (Mitchell and Sackney 2000:78)
school improvement is more likely to occur. Building the capacity for school improvement
means extending the potential and capabilities of teachers to lead and to work collaboratively.
Two studies (Leithwood and Jantzi, 1990; Helm, 1989) that provide descriptions of how school
leaders provide opportunities for teachers to participate in decision and lead in school
development highlight the following structuring behaviours:
distributing the responsibility and power for leadership widely throughout the school;
sharing decision making power with staff;
allowing staff to manage their own decision making committees;
taking staff opinion into account;
ensuring effective group problem solving during meetings of staff;
providing autonomy for teachers;
altering working conditions so that staff have collaborative planning time;
ensuring adequate involvement in decision making related to new initiatives in the school;
creating opportunities for staff development. (Leithwood, Tomlinson, Genge, 1999p 811812).
As Barth (2001) points out, the main goal of the school is to foster student learning and this can
be best aided by teachers modeling this activity themselves.
It is posited that teacher leadership necessitates moving away from traditional top-down
management and getting teachers to take responsibility and to accept levels of accountability.
Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001) assert that teacher leadership needs to be made available to
all, otherwise some teachers will end up as leaders, while others are merely technicians,
creating a two-tier system. The clear message from the literature is that school improvement is
more likely to occur when leadership is distributed and when teachers have a vested interest in
the development of the school (Gronn, 2000; Jackson, 2002).
Organisational Barriers
The research evidence would suggest that teacher leadership is advantageous to the individual
teacher and the school. However, it also indicates there are a number of barriers that need to
be overcome for genuine teacher leadership activity to occur in schools. One of the main
barriers to teacher leadership identified in the literature is structural and concerns the ‘topdown’ leadership model that still dominates in many schools (Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001).
Boles (1992) found that teachers’ perceived lack of status within the school and the absence of
formal authority hindered their ability to lead. Little (2002) found that the possibility of teacher
leadership in any school is dependent upon whether the senior management team within the
school relinquishes real power to teachers and the extent to which teachers accept the
influence of colleagues who have been designated as leaders in a particular area.
Teacher leadership requires a more devolved approach to management and necessitates
shared decision making processes (Pellicer and Anderson, 1995). Little’s (1995) study found
that for teacher leadership to be successful required some structural change within the school
and did not necessarily mean relinquishing full control. Indeed, heads in the study claimed that
by introducing shared leadership their influence on teaching in the school had increased.
Magee (1999) identified support from SMT as a crucial component in the success of teacher
leadership. The research found that where such support is not forthcoming the possibilities of
teacher leadership are dramatically reduced.
Ash (2000) argues that heads will need to become leaders of leaders, striving to develop a
relationship of trust with staff, and encouraging leadership and autonomy throughout the
school. For teacher leadership to develop, heads must also be willing to allow leadership from
those who are not part of their ‘inner circle’, and might not necessarily agree with them (Barth
1999). Weiss and Cambone (2000) found that in a number of schools heads started to impose
more autocratic forms of leadership after about 2 years, following strong resistance from
teachers to the reforms they were trying to implement. Stone et al (1990) found that teachers
are also more likely to take on leadership roles if there is already a culture of shared decision
making in the school. Wasley (1991) found that teachers need to be involved in the process of
deciding on what roles, if any they wish to take on, and must then feel supported by the
school’s administration in doing so.
Professional Barriers
Katzenmeyer and Moller, (2000) suggest that teachers taking on leadership roles can
sometimes be ostracised by their colleagues (Magee, 1999). A number of studies have
identified this as a significant barrier to teacher leadership. In their study of 17 teacher leaders,
Lieberman et al (2000) found that one of the main barriers to teacher leadership was often a
the feeling of being isolated from colleagues. Troen and Boles (1992) found that sometimes
teachers felt less connected to peers when engaging in teacher leadership activities. Little
(2002) found that while teachers were happy to acknowledge a hypothetical ‘master teacher’ or
highly effective teacher they were less inclined to accept their colleagues in leadership
positions. However, in the school in which collaborative practices were well established,
responses to teacher leaders proved to be more positive. The evidence shows that strong peer
networks are a key source of support for teacher leadership (Zinn, 1996). Little’s (2000) study,
found a strong correlation between degrees of collaboration among staff and effective teacher
leadership in action.
Black (1998) and Harris (2001) suggest that teacher leadership will not occur unless it is
underpinned by shared values (Nemerowicz and Rosi, 1997). They argue that these shared
values are developed first and foremost through shared (pedagogical) discussion, observation
and team teaching. Hence, it is crucial that teacher leaders work in collaborative teams in order
for them to make a difference to the school. Little (2000) points out that teacher leadership
programmes too often end up as individual grant-chasing by teachers, resulting in individual
curriculum writing, for example. Research confirms that teacher leadership not only flourishes
most in collaborative settings, but one of the tasks of the teacher leader should be to
encourage the creation of collaborative cultures in school, and to develop common learning in
schools (Caine and Caine, 1999, Little, 2000; Griffin, 1995).
Principals or headteachers have been found to play a key role in developing teacher
leadership. Buckner et al (2000) found that to identify develop and support teacher leaders in
their schools, principals needed to encourage teachers to become leaders, help teachers
develop leadership skills and provide positive and limited constructive feedback. Similarly,
research by Childs-Bowen et al (2000) indicated that headteachers needed to create the
infrastructure to support teacher leadership. This work highlights the importance of
headteachers creating opportunities for teachers to lead, to build professional learning
communities and to celebrate innovation and teacher expertise.
Supporting teacher leadership in schools therefore has a number of important dimensions
(Barth 1999). Firstly, time needs to be set aside for professional development and collaborative
work. Making time for planning together, building teacher networks, and visiting classrooms is
important. Ovando (1994) found that teachers reported decreased time for lesson planning and
preparation once they had undertaken leadership roles and that this was considered to be
detrimental. Seashore Louis et al (1996) and Ovando (1996) similarly found that having time
‘freed up’ for teacher leadership tasks is a crucial element of success. Boles (1992) found that
the factors for successful teacher leadership included principal support, strong communicative
and administrative skills, an understanding of organisational culture and a reexamination of
traditional patterns of power and authority in school systems.
Secondly, teacher leaders need opportunities for continuous professional development in order
to develop their role. The research shows that in order to be most effective, teacher leaders
need to continuously improve their teaching skills, be involved in school decision making and
be involved in the professional development of others (Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001). Boles
(1992) found that the factors for successful teacher leadership included principal support,
strong communicative and administrative skills, an understanding of organisational culture and
a reexamination of traditional patterns of power and authority in school systems. Professional
development for teacher leadership needs to focus not just on development of teachers’ skills
and knowledge but also on aspects specific to their leadership role. Skills such as leading
groups and workshops, collaborative work, mentoring, teaching adults and action research
need to be incorporated into professional development programmes to help teachers adapt to
their new leadership roles (Katzenmeyer and Moller 2001). Furthermore, preparation for
teacher leadership tasks can be impeded through lack of follow-up (Ovando 1996). For teacher
leadership to be most effective requires appropriate forms of professional development
(Gehrke 1991; Clemson-Ingram and Fessler 1997).
In the USA, formal training programmes for teacher leaders are widely available (Saxe et al
1988). These programmes include leadership skills such as rapport building, organisational
diagnosis, dealing with change processes, finding and using resources, managing teacher
workload and building skills and confidence in other teachers. Hackney and Henderson (1999)
advocate that heads and teachers should be educated together, breaking down the boundaries
between the two forms of leadership to prepare all school staff for participation in truly
democratic school structures. Sherrill (1999) has argued for the implementation of nationwide
standards to provide clear guidelines for teacher leadership.
The success or otherwise of teacher leadership within a school is heavily influenced by
interpersonal factors and relationships with other teachers and the school management team.
(Katzenmeyer and Moller, 2001). The ability of teacher leaders to influence colleagues and to
develop productive relations with school management, who may in some cases feel threatened
by teachers taking on leadership is therefore important (Lieberman 1988; Clemson-Ingram and
Fessler 1997). Hostility to teacher leaders can arise through factors such as inertia, overcautiousness and insecurity (Barth 1999). LeBlanc and Skelton (1997) reported that teacher
leaders often experienced conflict between their leadership responsibilities and their need for
affiliation and belonging to their peer group. Overcoming these difficulties will require a
combination of strong interpersonal skills on the part of the teacher leader and changes to the
school culture that encourage change and leadership from teachers.
Consequently, a third dimension of preparing teacher leaders is the need to equip them with
good interpersonal skills. Lieberman et al (2000) identified 6 main clusters of skills in their study
of teacher leaders:
building trust and rapport with colleagues
being able to undertake organizational diagnosis through data collection
understanding and managing change processes
being able to utilize resources (people, equipment) in the pursuit of common goals,
managing their work
building skills and confidence in others.
In addition, Pellicer and Anderson (1995) identified helping other teachers plan instruction,
helping other teachers make curriculum decisions, helping other teachers improve their
teaching and peer coaching as being the key skills of teacher leaders. Snell and Swanson
(2000) found that teachers emerged as leaders if they developed high-level skills in the areas
of expertise (strong pedagogical and subject knowledge), collaboration (working with other
teachers, reflection on their own practice and empowerment of themselves and others.
A final dimension concerns teachers’ motivation to undertake a leadership role. As Wagstaff &
Reyes (1993) have pointed out, teacher leadership has the potential to expand work-load and
without adequate compensation, may lead to possible resentment. While the research has
shown that teachers do obtain intrinsic rewards through teacher leadership (increased
effectiveness, increased influence, collegiality) these also come with strongly increased
responsibilities. Hence, a consideration of some form of remuneration or reward for teacher
leaders within the school is essential.
In summary, the literature review identifies six activities of teacher leaders. These are:
continuing to teach and to improve individual teaching proficiency and skill;
organising and leading peer review of teaching practices;
providing curriculum development knowledge;
participating in school level decision making;
leading in service training and staff development activities;
engaging other teachers in collaborative action planning, reflection and research.
The literature review also suggests that teacher leaders not only make learning possible for
others but in important ways are learning a great deal themselves. Through stepping out of the
confines of the classroom, teacher leaders forge a new identity in the school and create ways
of engaging others in development work. This new role embraces a belief that there are
different ways to structure schools and a different way of working with teachers. Consequently,
the teacher leader is essentially a professional ‘guide’ who:
models collegiality as a mode of work;
enhances teachers’ self esteem
build networks of human expertise and resource;
create support groups for school members;
makes provisions for continuous learning;
encourages others to take on leadership roles.
5. Implications
This literature review suggests that teacher leadership is inextricably linked to teacher learning
and offers a powerful mode of professional development. The findings illustrate that teacher
leadership provides opportunities for collaboration, professional learning and positively affects
school and classroom change. It also highlights the potential of this form of leadership to
contribute to lasting school improvement when teachers become more involved in professional
decision-making in school. Consequently, there are important implications for policy makers,
practitioners and researchers emerging from this review of the literature.
Implications for Policy Makers
It is evident from this review that teacher leadership has the potential to directly positively
impact upon school improvement and school effectiveness. There is also evidence to show that
where teachers work collaboratively and where leadership responsibilities are devolved,
teachers’ expectations, morale and confidence are significantly enhanced. In addition, where
teachers work collaboratively and share responsibilities there is a higher degree of satisfaction
expressed among teachers for their work
The implications for policy makers therefore, concern issues of teacher professionalism,
recruitment, retention and performance. While there are no immediate answers to the current
problems facing the teaching profession in the UK, there are certain conditions that have
served to exacerbate the present situation. For example, a lack of time for collaboration and
shared teaching, a focus on attainment rather than learning, an emphasis on teacher as artisan
rather than artist and limited opportunities for research and reflection. In stark contrast, the
teacher leadership literature highlights collaboration, learning, artistry and reflection as being at
the core of teachers’ professionalism and professional learning.
Implicit within teacher leadership is the notion of empowerment as teachers are given the
responsibility and authority to act. Also, inherent in teacher leadership is the establishment of
professional community and an agreement about professional accountability. The evidence
from the international community suggests that where teacher are prepared for and engaged in
leadership activities, there are opportunities for professional development and growth that
reinforce teachers’ self-esteem and sense of self-efficacy. From a policy makers’ perspective
teacher leadership offers one way of engaging the profession in forms activities that are most
likely to signal recognition, lead to reward and demonstrate trust in teachers to build their own
professional learning communities within schools.
In short, teacher leadership offers policy makers a way of engaging teachers in a meaningful
and timely debate about professionalism and issues of professional conduct. Essentially, the
concept of teacher leadership endorses the principle that all teachers have the skills, abilities
and aptitude to lead and should be trusted to do so. There is evidence from the literature of
ways in which teacher leadership can be enhanced and developed. Furthermore, it reiterates
how teacher leadership contributes to raising pupil performance, is pivotal in generating
collaboration between teachers and in securing professional learning communities both within
and between schools.
The next steps for policy makers would appear to be threefold. Firstly, to investigate models of
effective teacher leadership within the UK context and to identify exemplars of good practice.
Secondly, to share and disseminate the principles and practice of good practice with schools
and teachers. Thirdly, to evaluate the impact of introducing models of teacher leadership into
different school contexts with a view to judging the effect upon teachers’ professionalism and
Implications for Practitioners
The research evidence endorses teacher collaboration and mutual learning as centrally
important to teacher leadership. It is clear that many schools are successful at promoting
teacher collaboration and have set up ways of allowing teachers to work together. However,
there are a large number of schools where this has been more difficult to achieve because of
structural or professional barriers. The implication of teacher leadership for schools therefore
resides around generating the possibilities and expectation of collaboration. Where this occurs
teachers are more likely to engage in high level collaborative activities in order to improve their
teaching capability and performance. In this sense, teaching becomes a highly reflective
process that is reliant upon peer interaction, support and feedback.
The implications for schools of generating teacher leadership concern the provision of time plus
support for research and enquiry. If teachers are to collaborate and reflect they must be given
time and support in order to achieve this most effectively. Similarly, there needs to be the
removal of structural barriers to ensure that there are opportunities for teachers to work
together outside their subject areas. Finally, if teachers are to be encouraged to take risks and
to innovate there has to be a real distribution of power and the agreement to uphold ‘no blame’
Implications for Research
Although the literature points towards the highly beneficial effects of teacher leadership upon
schools and students, there is a relative absence of research that has explored the nature and
impact of teacher leadership within the UK context. Research has focused upon teacher
professionalism, collegiality, reflection and continuing professional development but has taken
little account of the models of leadership required to generate and sustain teacher learning and
growth. Consequently, research is required that collects empirical evidence about teacher
leadership in action, generates different models of teacher leadership, provides evidence of
impact and effectiveness, illuminates good practice and offers schools and teachers a clear
insight into the possibilities and practicalities of promoting this form of leadership in schools.
The implications for research reside in the need for the collection of empirical evidence that:
examines how far the concept of ‘teacher leadership’ is meaningful, useful and
applicable to a wide variety of school contexts and circumstances;
elucidates different models, approaches and forms of teacher leadership in practice;
identifies how teacher leadership can best be facilitated and developed;
investigates the relationship between teacher leadership and school improvement;
provides case study exemplars of best practice and guidance for schools about
creating the conditions in which teacher leadership can flourish and grow.
The implication of teacher leadership for schools therefore resides around generating the
possibilities and expectation of collaboration. Where this occurs teachers are more likely to
engage in high level collaborative activities in order to improve their teaching capability and
performance. In this sense, teaching becomes a highly reflective process that is reliant upon
peer interaction, support and feedback.
The implications for schools of generating teacher leadership concern the provision of time plus
support for research and enquiry. If teachers are to collaborate and reflect they must be given
time and support in order to achieve this most effectively. Similarly, there needs to be the
removal of structural barriers to ensure that there are opportunities for teachers to work
together outside their subject areas. Finally, if teachers are to be encouraged to take risks and
to innovate there has to be a real distribution of power and the agreement to uphold ‘no blame’
The concept of teacher leadership is powerful because it is premised upon the creation of the
collegial norms in schools that contribute directly to school effectiveness, improvement and
development. It is also powerful because it recognises that all teachers can be leaders and that
their ability to lead has a significant influence upon the quality of relationships and teaching
within the school. At its most profound, teacher leadership offers a ‘new professionalism’ based
upon mutual trust, recognition, empowerment and support. At its most practical it provides a
way of teachers working together in order to improve the learning experiences of young people.
It reclaims leadership as a human, collective endeavor in which all teachers play an essential
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