Making Sense of Data
First Edition
Danyel Fisher & Miriah Meyer
Boston Farnham Sebastopol
Making Sense of Data
by Miriah Meyer and Danyel Fisher
Copyright © 2016 Miriah Meyer, Microsoft. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Making Sense of Data
Creating a Good Visualization
Who are we?
Who is this book for?
The rest of this book
2. Operationalization, from questions to data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Example: Understanding the Design of a Transit Systems
The Operationalization Tree
The Leaves of the Tree
Flowing Results Back Upwards
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario
Visualization, from Top to Bottom
Conclusion: A Well-Operationalized Task
For Further Reading
3. Data Counseling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Why is this hard?
Creating visualizations is a collaborative process
The Goal of Data Counseling
The data counseling process
4. Components of a Visualization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Data Abstraction
Direct and Indirect Measures
A Suite of Actions
Choosing an Appropriate Visualization.
iv | Table of Contents
Visualization is a vital tool to understand and share insights around
data. The right visualization can help express a core idea, or open a
space to examination; it can get the world talking about a dataset, or
sharing an insight.
As an example of how visualization can help people change minds,
and help an organization make decisions, we can look back to 2006
when Microsoft was rolling out their new mapping tool, Virtual
Earth, a zoomable world map. At that time the team behind Virtual
Earth had lots questions about how users were making use of this
new tool, and so they collected usage data in order to answer these
The usage data was based on traditional telemetry: it had great
information on what cities were most looked at; how many viewers
were in “street” mode vs “photograph” mode; and even information
about viewers’ displays. And because the Virtual Earth tool is built
on top of a set of progressively higher resolution image tiles, the
team also collected data on how often individual tiles were accessed.
What this usage data didn’t have, however, was specific information
that addressed how users were using the system. Were they getting
stuck anywhere? Did they have patterns of places they liked to look
at? What places would be valuable for investing in future photogra‐
Figure 1-1. Hotmap, looking at the central United States. he white
box surrounds the anomaly discussed below.
To unravel these questions, the team developed a visualization tool
called Hotmap. Figure 1 shows a screen capture from the visualiza‐
tion tool, focusing on the central United States. Hotmap uses a heat‐
map encoding of the tile access values, using a colormap to encode
the access values at the geospatial location of the tiles. Thus, bright
spots on the map are places where more users have accessed image
tiles. Note that the color map is a logarithmic color scale, so bright
spots have many more accesses than dim ones.
Some of the brightest areas correspond to major population centers
— Chicago and Minneapolis on the right, Denver and Salt Lake City
on the left. In the center, though, is an anomalous shape: a bright
spot where no big city exists. There’s a star shape around the bright
spot, and an arc of bright colors nearby. The spot is in a sparselypopulated bit of South Dakota. There’s no obvious reason why users
might zoom in there. It is, however, very close to the center of a map
of the continental US. In fact, the team learned that the center of the
star corresponds to the center of the default placement of the map in
many browsers. Thus, the bright spot with the star most likely corre‐
sponds to users sliding around after inadvertently zooming in, try‐
ing to figure out where they had landed; the arc seems to
correspond to variations in monitor proportions.
As a result of usability challenges like this one, many mapping tools
— including Virtual Earth — longer offer a zoom slider, keeping
users from accidentally zooming all the way in on a single click.
A second screen capture looks at a bright spot off the coast of
Ghana. This spot exhibits the same cross pattern created by users
6 | Chapter 1: Introduction
scrolling around to try to figure out what part of the map they were
viewing. This spot is likely only bright because it is 0 degrees lati‐
tude, 0 degrees longitude — under this spot is only a large expanse
of water. While computers might find (0,0) appealing, it is unlikely
that there is much there for the typical Virtual Earth user to find
Figure 1-2. Hotmap, looking at the map origin (0,0).
This bright spot inspired a hunt for bugs; the team rapidly learned
that Virtual Earth’s search facility would sometimes fail: instead of
returning an error message, typos and erroneous searches would
sometimes redirect the user to (0,0). Interestingly, the bug had been
on the backlog for some time, but the team had decided that it was
not likely to influence users much. Seeing this image made it clear
that some users really were being confused by the error; the team
prioritized the bug.
Although the Virtual Earth team had started out using the Hotmap
visualization expecting to find out about how users interacted with
maps, they gleaned much more than just a characterization of usage
patterns. Like many — dare we say most? — new visualizations, the
Introduction | 7
most interesting insights are those that the viewer was not anticipat‐
ing to find.
Making Sense of Data
Visualization can give the viewer a rich and broad sense of a dataset.
It can communicate data succinctly while exposing where more
information is needed or where an assumption does not hold. Fur‐
thermore, visualization provides us a canvas to bring our own ideas,
experiences, and knowledge to bear when we look at and analyze
data, allowing for multiple interpretations. If a picture is worth a
thousand words, a well-chosen interactive chart might well be worth
a few hundred statistical tests.
Is visualization the silver bullet to help us make sense of data? It can
support a case, but does not stand alone. There are two questions to
consider to help you decide if your data analysis problem is a good
candidate for a visualization solution.
First, are the analysis tasks clearly deined? A crisp task such as “I
want to know the total number of users who looked at Seattle” sug‐
gests that an algorithm, statistical test, or even a table of numbers
might be the best way to answer the question. On the other hand,
“How do users explore the map?” is much fuzzier. These fuzzy tasks
are great candidates for a visualization solution because they require
you to look at the data from different angles and perspectives, and to
be able to make decisions and inferences based on your own knowl‐
edge and understanding.
The second question to consider: Is all the necessary information
contained in the data set? If there is information about the problem
that is not in the data set, requiring an expert to interpret the data
that is there, then visualization is a great solution. Going back to our
fuzzy question about exploring a map, we can imagine that it is
unlikely that there will be an explicit attribute in the data that classi‐
fies a user’s exploration style. Instead, answering this question
requires someone to interpret other aspects of the data, to bring
knowledge to bear about what aspects of the data infer an explora‐
tion style. Again, visualization enables this sort of flexible and usercentric analysis.
8 | Chapter 1: Introduction
In the figure below we illustrate the effects of considering the task
and data questions on the space of problems that are amenable to a
visualization solution.
Figure 1-3. he best visualizations combine information in the user’s
head with system-accessible data
Fairly regularly, someone shows up at one of our offices with a data‐
set; they want us to help them make sense of their data. Our first
step is to consider the fuzziness of the tasks and extent of the digital
data in order to determine whether we should begin the process of
designing a visualization, or instead throw the data into some statis‐
tical software. More often than not, the problems we see benefit in
some way from an interactive visualization system.
We’ve learned over the years that designing effective visualizations
to make sense of data is not an art --- it is a systematic and repeata‐
ble process. This book is an attempt to articulate the general set of
techniques we use to create insightful visualizations.
Creating a Good Visualization
Choosing or designing a good visualization is rarely a straightfor‐
ward process. It is tempting to believe that there is one, beautiful vis‐
ualization which will show all the critical aspects of a dataset, that
Creating a Good Visualization
| 9
the right visual representation will open the secrets and reveal all.
This is often the impression that we, at least, are left with after read‐
ing case studies in data science books. A perfect, simple, and elegant
visualization — perhaps just a bar chart, or a well-chosen scatterplot
— shows precisely what the important variable was, and how it var‐
ied in precisely the way that taught a critical lesson.
In our experience, this does not really match reality. It takes hard
work, and trial and error, to get to an insightful visualization. We
break apart fuzzy questions into actionable, concrete tasks, and we
have to reshape and restructure the data into a form that can be
worked into the visualization. We have to work around limitations
in the data, and we need to try to understand just what the user
wants to learn. We have to consider which visual representations to
use and what interaction mechanisms to support. And no single vis‐
ualization is ever quite able to show all of the important aspects of
our data at once --- there just are not enough visual encoding chan‐
We suspect that your situation looks something like this too.
Designing effective visualizations presents a paradox. On the one
hand, visualizations are intended to help a user learn about parts of
their data that they don’t know about. On the other hand, the more
we know about the user’s needs, and about the context of their data,
the better a visualization can serve the user. In this book, we
embrace this paradox: we attempt to weave through the knowledge
users do have of their datasets, of the context that the data lives in
and the ways it was collected — including its likely flaws, challenges,
and errors — in order to figure out the aspects of it that matter.
| Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1-4. he path from ill-formed problem & dataset to successful
Put another way, this book is about the path from “I have some
data…” to “Look at my clear, concise, and insightful visualization.” We
believe that creating effective visualizations is, itself, a process of
Creating a Good Visualization
| 11
exploration and discovery. A good visualization design requires a
deep understanding of your problem, data, and users. In this book,
we lay out a process for acquiring this knowledge and using it to
design effective visualization tools.
Who are we?
The authors of this book have a combined three decades of experi‐
ence in making sense of data through designing and using visualiza‐
tions. We’ve worked with data from a broad range of fields: biology
and urban transportation, business intelligence and scientific visual‐
ization, debugging code and building maps. We’ve worked with
teams of analysts spanning small, academic science labs to teams of
data analysts embedded in large companies. Some of the projects
we’ve worked on result in sophisticated, bespoke visualization sys‐
tems designed collaboratively with other analysts, and other times
we’ve pointed people to off-the-shelf visualization tools after a few
conversations. All in all, we’ve thought about how to visualize hun‐
dreds of data sets.
We’ve found that our knowledge about visualization techniques, sol‐
utions, and systems shapes the way that we think and reason about
data. Visualization, fundamentally, is about presenting data in a way
that elicits human-reasoning, that makes room for individual inter‐
pretations, and supports exploration. Because of this, we work with
our collaborators to operationalize their questions and data in a way
that reflects these characteristics. The process we lay out in this book
describes our thinking and inquiry in these terms.
Who is this book for?
This book is for people with access to data and, perhaps, a suite of
computational tools, but are less than sure how to turn that data into
visual insight. If you’ve found that data science books too-casually
assume that you can figure out what to do with the data once collec‐
ted, and that visualization books too-casually assume that you can
figure out what dimensions of the data you need to explore, then
this book is for you.
We’re not going to teach you in detail how to clean data, manage
data, or write visualization code: there are already great books writ‐
ten about these topics, and we’ll point you to some of them. (We will
| Chapter 1: Introduction
talk about why those processes are important, though.) You will not
come out of this book being able to choose a beautiful colormap or
select a typeface — again, we will point to resources as appropriate.
Instead, we will lay out a framework for how to think about data
given the possibilities, and constraints, of visual exploration.
We’ll walk through a process that we call data counseling, a set of
iterative steps that are meant to elicit a wide range of perspectives
on, and information about, a data problem. The goal of data coun‐
seling is to get to an operationalization of the data that is amenable
to a visualization solution. This solution may be a series of charts
created during the process as you explore the data, or it could be an
off-the-shelf, interactive visualization tool that you use after you’ve
operationalized your data. And it some cases, the solution will be a
bespoke visualization tool that you’ll create because your unique
problem requires a unique solution.
There are four components to a good operationalization:
Regardless of the visualization outcome, a person going through the
data counseling process will make new discoveries and gain new
insights along the way. We believe that effective visualization design
is about a deep investigation into sense making.
A Note on the History of Data Counseling
Miriah and Danyel jointly, and independently, described this pro‐
cess; we’re sure that many other researchers carry out similar pro‐
cesses. One of us jokingly calls it “data psychotherapy.” (The other,
more reasonably, named it “data counseling.”) It starts, not uncom‐
monly, when people walk into our office:
CLIENT: I have some data that I’d like to visualize
Q: What about the data would you like to visualize?
CLIENT: I think the data would show me how profitable our stores are.
Q: What does it mean for a store to be profitable?
CLIENT: It means that the store has lots of sales of high-profit items.
Q: Why does profit vary by store?
And so on. By the end of this process, we would often find that the
user had described the dimensions they found most important—the
outcome measure (profit); the relevant dimensions upon which it
might vary (which store, which item); and so on. They key step,
however, was stepping away from the data to ask what end the user
truly wanted to accomplish — “to persuade my boss to increase my
Who is this book for? | 13
department’s funding”, or “to find out whether our users are happy”,
or “to change the mix of products we sell”. Once we’d articulated
these questions, finding an appropriate visualization became much
In this book, we systematize this process into what we hope are
reproducible and clear steps.
The rest of this book
In Chapter 2, we describe the Operationalization Tree. The Tree is
the core technique that gets us from high-level user needs down to
specific, actionable questions. We’ll discuss how to narrow a ques‐
tion from a broad task into something that can be addressed with a
sequence of visualizations. For example, the broad question “how do
users use our maps?” does not necessarily suggest a specific visualiza‐
tion – but “what places do users look at on our maps?” can leads very
clearly to a visualization like Hotmap.
In the next chapter, Chapter 4, we’ll translate from the high-level
concepts to low-level visualization components. We will discuss
concepts like dimensions and measures, and how to identify them in
your data. We’ll talk about the broad set of tasks that can be carried
out with a visualization, and we’ll connect those to tasks that we
identified in Chapter 2.
An operationalization is not born, fully formed, from the skull of a
visualization expert: the data has a history and pedigree; people have
created and collected it. In Chapter 3, we lay out an iterative set of
steps for getting to an operationalization, which we call “data coun‐
seling”. This process is about working with data owners and other
stakeholders to delve deep into an analysis problem, uncovering
relationships and insights that are difficult to articulate, and then
using that knowledge to build an effective operationalization. The
process describes the kinds of questions to ask, who to ask them of,
and how to rapidly explore the data through increasingly sophistica‐
ted prototypes.
With this technique for operationalizing, and for collecting informa‐
tion from interviewees, in mind, we turn to the visualizations them‐
selves. In ???, we’ll discuss the core types of visualizations. We’ll start
with the familiar, such as bar charts, scatter plots, and timelines, and
move on to some less well known variants. For each class, we will
| Chapter 1: Introduction
describe the types of data that fit on them, what sorts of tasks they
can address, and how they can be enhanced with additional dimen‐
Often, more than one visualization may be necessary to examine a
complex, real-world dataset. Infographics and dashboards com‐
monly show several different visualizations; we can apply interactive
techniques to build richer connections. ??? talks about multiple
linked view visualizations. These linked views employ individual
visualizations, tied together through user interaction, to support a
very rich and complex set of tasks and data constraints.
For example, overview+detail can be a good solution to visualize
lots of data, but requires a good way to meaningfully summarize and
aggregate the data. A complex data set with many different attributes
might suggest a multiform visualization, which allows the users to
examine the attributes contrasted against each other in pairs or tri‐
ads, linked across different views. Chapters four and five together
form the core knowledge that is necessary to have in order to know
what kinds of visualization solutions are possible.
With this understanding of creating a visualization—from data to
visualization—we might consider declaring victory and going home.
The remainder of the book gives us tools for carrying out these
In ???, we present two case studies that focus on the how we applied
the data counseling process to real-world problems. These problems
illustrate the flexibility of the process, as well as the diverse types of
outcomes that are possible.
??? addresses the design process. We discuss design iteration and
rapid prototyping; and we discuss some of the tools we use for
deciding how well a visualization suits user needs. We discuss con‐
siderations that we’ve found meaningful for creating effective tools:
the role of aesthetics; the difference between exploratory and
explanatory visualizations; and value of bespoke visualizations.
??? discusses shaping and reshaping data, data cleaning, and tools:
those that are intended for reshaping data into the shape we need;
and then tools for visualizing data. The latter will range from tools
oriented toward programmers (those implemented over Java, Java‐
script, and Python) through those oriented toward data scientists
and data users, such as R, Tableau, and even Excel. As we will see,
The rest of this book | 15
there are many tradeoffs to these different tools; some are excellent
in one context, but cannot fulfill needs in another.
??? touches on some challenges of encountering data in the real
world: collecting, shaping, and manipulating it.
There is a lot that will not be covered in this book, such as the per‐
ceptual aspects of visualization, human factors components of inter‐
faces, or how to use a variety of visualization toolkits. We do,
however, included references to these types of issues along the way.
We also provide a github site, http://shouldhaveaname.github.com,
where a reader can download the code to regenerate many of the
book’s figures. We’re not claiming these are the right implementa‐
tions — or even particularly good code — but we feel the reader
should be able to use this as an opportunity to see what it takes to
carry out these operations.
| Chapter 1: Introduction
Operationalization, from
questions to data
In this chapter we look at how to turn data, and a question, into
more meaningful tasks. More specifically, we discuss the notion of
operationalization, the process of refining high-level, problemspecific questions into specific tasks over the data. The operationali‐
zation of a problem provides concise design requirements for a
visualization tool that can support finding answers to those ques‐
The concept of operationalization appears across data science: the
idea of transforming user questions into data-driven results can be
found in dozens of references. Most commonly, we hear only about
the successful design and data choices: a chart of the perfect dimen‐
sions that throws a phenomenon into perfect focus. This is also
common in popular press retellings of data science --- “when the
data scientists analyzed shoppers’ check out data, they realized that
people who bought soda often bought nothing else.” This is, how‐
ever, only half the story. What inspired the analysts to look at soda
sales? Were they looking at the shopping cards of people who
bought just one thing, or the co-purchasing behavior around soda,
or did they look at a dozen other products before noticing this?
Data analysts often begin with different questions and goals than
where they end up, and these questions are often underspecified or
highly abstract. “Do our users find this game fun to play?” “Which
articles on our site are selling ads?” “Which donors should we keep
track of for outreach in the next year?” The process of breaking
down these questions into something that can actually be computed
over the data is iterative, exploratory, and sometimes surprising.
Operationalization is the process of making decisions that lead to an
What makes operationalization for data visualization different? In
many fields, operationalization is a process of reducing a process to
a single, or small number of metrics, and attempting to optimize
that metric. Here, we read operationalization more broadly: we are
not trying to merely identify a single metric, but to instead choose
the techniques that allow the analyst to get a usable answer. Visuali‐
zation, though, is not an inevitable outcome: as we explore the data,
we might realize that our goal is best answered with a machine
learning algorithm, or a statistical analysis.
Visualization has the unique feature of allowing users to explore
many interrelated questions, and to get to know how data looks
from different perspectives. Complex, vague tasks require looking at
a number of different dimensions to understand what they mean,
and how they interact. We can ask how a variety of metrics relate to
different parts of the data. Visualization allows us to explore data in
an open-ended way.
In this chapter we outline a framework for articulating a set of anal‐
ysis tasks over the data, tasks that can then be explored, in unison, in
a visualization system. We detail a specific set of considerations for
breaking down a high-level, abstract question into these tasks. But
before we get into the details of the operationalization, we are going
to start with a motivating problem which we will use to ground our
discussion throughout the rest of the chapter.
Example: Understanding the Design of a
Transit Systems
Our example looks at the design of a public transit system. Or more
specifically, the questions that a geography colleague has about the
effects of the system design on the local community of residents.
We’ll follow this example in order to better understand how to oper‐
ationalize a complex question, and look at several different paths
toward making sense of it.
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
We collaborated with Dr. Steve Farber, a geographer interested in
this characterization who is studying the Utah Transit Authority
(UTA), the public transit system that services Salt Lake City and the
surrounding areas. 1 Steve’s research focuses on a core concern of
transit design: “how do the tradeoffs between removing cars, versus
servicing those who rely on transit, play out?”
This is a well-known trade-off within public transit design: there are
very different priorities to taking cars off the road versus servicing
economically-disadvantaged residents who rely on transit to get
around, and they require very different implementations. If a system
is designed to take cars off the road it would be as efficient as possi‐
ble when going between the most-popular points at the busiest
times, making the transit system competitive with cars. If the goal is
to serve people without cars, however, it would need to adequately
— if never highly efficiently — serve low-income neighborhoods for
a broad set of times throughout the day. Furthermore, not only do
transit designers need to optimize against these competing needs,
but they also have to design around legacy routes, road designs, and
political influences.
Due to the challenges inherent in designing a public transit system it
is important to be able to characterize how design decisions affect
the core efficacy of the system in order to steer improvements and
refinements for the better.
This question is, as phrased, poorly defined. There is no single
source of data that labels the tradeoffs explicitly; the planners them‐
selves most likely never addressed the question directly. Further‐
more, there are many different ways we might imagine trying to
answer it. Can we look at ridership data? Can we survey residents?
Could we just interview the transit designers themselves?
Our goal of operationalization is to refine and clarify this question
until we can forge an explicit link between the data that we can find
and the questions we’d like to answer. As a first step, we asked our
collaborator what data is actually available?
Steve computed a time cube based on the UTA time tables that
stores, for every pair of locations in the Salt Lake Valley and for each
1 Our thanks to graduate students Josh Dawson and Sean McKenna, who have been
working with us on this collaboration.
Example: Understanding the Design of a Transit Systems | 19
minute of the day, the time it takes to travel on existing transit
routes 2. The cube was generated using a sophisticated algorithm
that considers not only the fastest transit option between two loca‐
tions, but also walking and waiting times at pick-up stops. Thus, the
cube can tell us that it takes 28 minutes to get from A location to B
at 5:01 am, but at 4:03 pm it takes 35 minutes. There is one cube for
the weekdays, and one for weekend schedules.
Additionally, he collected a number of government census datasets
that characterize the neighborhoods in and around Salt Lake City,
and the people who live there. The travel cube shows how long it
takes to go between places, the census data helps us understand how
many people go between these pairs of places, and how often --- and
perhaps what sorts of places they are. It allows us to ask which dis‐
tricts have the most wealthy or poor people; it allows us to ask what
places tend to be the origins or destinations of trips, and so to char‐
acterize areas as job hubs or residential areas. Along with demo‐
graphic information of the people in each neighborhood, the census
data also tracks, 3 for pairs of neighborhoods, the income distribu‐
tion for the people who commute between them for work.
Our collaborator computed the travel times for each block in the
region. The travel cube allows us to ask questions like “how long
does it take to get between block A and block B at a given time?”.
The census data provides a much richer analysis. Specifically,. While
the data is at different granularities, but combining them might
allow us to ask questions like “for each district, how long does it take
the people in the highest income bracket to get to work by transit?”
Now that we have data and a high-level question, our visualization
work begins. Data alone is not enough to dictate a set of design
requirements for constructing a visualization. What is missing here
is a translation of the high-level question — understanding the
trade-offs in the transit system — into a set of concrete task that we
can perform over the data. And that’s where operationalization
comes in. We’ll dig further into this example after describing a con‐
struct for guiding the translation: the operationalization tree.
2 cite paper
3 http://www.census.gov/hhes/commuting/
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
Before continuing, though, it is worth noting that the data and the
operationalization are fundamentally a speciic perspective on a
problem: they are proxies for what we are trying to understand. In
this UTA example there are other ways that our collaborator could
have framed his inquiry, and other types of data he could have col‐
lected. This is a large part of why visualization is so important for
answering questions like these as it allows an analyst’s experience
and knowledge to layer directly on top of the actual data that is ulti‐
mately shown.
The Operationalization Tree
The core process of operationalization is the route from a general
goal or a broad question, to specific questions, and to visualizations
based on concrete data. We begin with a broad question that
describes a research interest, or a business goal, or that orients a data
exploration. We go through a series of stages meant to refine the
question, based on the knowledge of the problem, needs of stake‐
holders, what data is available (or can be collected), and the way the
final audience will consume it.
Carrying out this transformation requires collaboration with stake‐
holders: to learn what data is available, and how the results will be
used. Interviews help us identify the questions and goals of the
stakeholders with respect to the data, and understanding what data
is available, or can be made available. Throughout the transforma‐
tion we use operationalization to translate those questions and goals
into a description of the problem that is amenable to a data solution.
We’ll talk more specifically collaboration techniques --- specifically
interviewing and prototyping --- in Chapter 3.
The operationalization tree is a construct that represents a process
of refining a broad question into a set of specific tasks that can be
performed over the data. The root of the tree is the high-level ques‐
tion that the stakeholder wishes to answer; the internal levels repre‐
sent mid-level tasks that describe goals using the language of the
problem space; and the leaves represent specific tasks that can be
performed over specific data measures, often utilizing a visualiza‐
A data analyst constructs the tree from the root, exploring both
depth and breadth. The construction of the tree represents the con‐
tinual refinement of tasks into computable chunks. Once leaf nodes
The Operationalization Tree
| 21
are defined and tasks resolved, the solutions are propagated back up
the tree to support answering higher level tasks.
Figure 2-1. Recursive representation of the operationalization tree. he
question is rephrased as one or more tasks; each task in turn is separa‐
ted into an action, several objects of the action, and a descriptor.
Building an operationalization tree begins with a high-level question
or goal for the project. The general question might be a research
goal, or a general question about user behavior, or a specific aspect
we wish to improve or change. In the UTA scenario, the question we
begin with is “How do the tradeoffs between removing cars, versus
servicing those who rely on transit, play out in the UTA system?”
From there, we go through the following steps to build the tree:
1. Refine the question into one or more tasks that, individually or
together, address the general question.
• If the task is unambiguous and we can figure out what visual‐
ization, background knowledge, or computation will address
it, we do so.
• If the task is ambiguous, break it down into four components
actions, objects, descriptors, and partitions--- looking for
undefined terms and ambiguous phrases.
2. Define the objects, descriptors, and partitions by creating a new
question that addresses each one, and return to step 1 with
those questions.
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
3. Lastly, once tasks have been addressed, propagate the results
back up to support higher level tasks.
The root question is the most difficult one to translate into a task.
This translation in particular relies on the data counseling process,
as well as from a detailed understanding of what data exists and is
available. We discuss this further in Chapter 3.
After selecting a task, particularly one that is abstract, fuzzy, or
ambiguous, the next step is to identify the four components of that
task. We use these components as a guide to finding the more spe‐
cific questions, and then tasks, that will provide the next step down‐
ard in the tree:
• Actions: Actions are the words that articulate the specific thing
being done with the data, such as compare, identify, or charac‐
terize, etc. Actions are helpful for identifying the other compo‐
nents, and can help choose visualizations.
• Objects: Objects are things that exist in the world; these are the
items which respond to the action. “A neighborhood,” or “a
store,” or “a user” are all objects.
• Descriptors: The value that will be measured for the objects.
“Effectiveness of the transit system,” or “happiness of a user”, or
“sales of a store” are all descriptors.
• Partition: Logical groups of the objects. “The western vs eastern
region of stores,” or “Players, divided by the day they started
playing,” or “players, partitioned by whether they have bought
an upgrade.”
Every task will have an action, and this verb is useful for identifying
the other components. Take this task, “Compare the amount of
money spent in-game by players who play more hours to those
who play fewer hours”. Here, the action is compare, which is useful
for determining the object. The objects in this task are the things we
want to compare; we want to compare players. But, what is it about
players we want to compare? That is the descriptor, which in this
example is money spent. Finally, there is a specific partitioning of the
objects. We don’t just want to compare all players, we specifically
want to compare two groups --- those that play many hours and
those that play few hours.
The Operationalization Tree
| 23
Example 2-1. Exemplar Task for a Game
Task: Compare the amount of money spent in-game by players who
play more hours to those who play fewer hours.
Action: compare
Object: players
Descriptor: money spent
Partition: players who play many hours; players who play few hours
Given this breakdown of the task we can now figure out where we
need to further refine our descriptions. We do this by considering
the question “Are the object, descriptor, and partition each directly
linked to the data?” For each of the three, do we know specifically
which aspect of the data it represents, or how to derive it from the
data? If not, we formulate a subquestion in order to derive a more
specific answer. In Example 2-1, the partition divides between
“many” and “few” hours. We will need to divide further, so we ask a
new question: “In our game, how many is ‘many’ hours for a
Not all tasks will have a partition. Sometimes the task is meant to
occur over the full set of data specified by the objects and descrip‐
tors. We’ll see some examples of this when we discuss the operation‐
alization tree for the UTA example below.
The Leaves of the Tree
Just how far does the tree go down? There’s no specific answer to
this question: the answer really is, “far enough.” We know we’ve
made it all the way down one branch of the tree when the task is
directly actionable, using data at hand. We know how to describe the
objects, descriptors, and (optional) partitions in terms of the data --where to find it, how to compute, and how to aggregate it. At the
leaf of the tree, we finally hit a questions like: “What ARE the top
ten most-populated census blocks?” “What products DO sell the
most across our stores?” We know what the question will look like,
and we know what we can do to get the answer.
Low-level objects can be interpreted from the data. It may be that
we can read the data directly off the table, but it may be more indi‐
rect: we may need to carry out transformations on it – whether
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
mathematical transformations or database joins. However, by the
time we get to a leaf, the definitions should be unambiguous. The
leaf-level objects directly describe items in the dataset. Similarly,
partitions at the leaf level will specifically describe a dimension of
the data over which a logical set of objects can be created.
Descriptors will turn into measures and metrics: a good descriptor is
a concrete number. On the way to the leaf, we have used proxies:
“ we can’t directly quantify a “convenient transit schedule,” but we
can estimate “a bus comes at least every fifteen minutes”. In the leaf
note, the descriptor is a precise, measurable dimension.
To solve a leaf, then, is to answer the question—whether as a num‐
ber, or as a visualization, or even as an interaction. We might decide
that the right answer to “many hours” of gameplay is “six hours”--a
number—or “the hours played by the top 10% of players”--a formula
—or “above the logical breakpoint”, which might be represented by a
distribution. We can now propagate the leaf ’s results back up.
Flowing Results Back Upwards
When a low-level task is completed, we have a refined, specific
result. We can list the top most-populous counties, or the distribu‐
tion of hours that players have spent on the game, or the number of
minutes that it takes to get between two places, by hour of the day.
We now propagate that task upwards. We had collected this highly
refined data for a reason: we were fulfilling a more abstractlydefined task. This low-level fact is one piece of the task above. We
may have defined what an object will be, or confirmed that a
descriptor would be a measurable and meaningful choice on this
dataset, or refined a task verb.
Sometimes, though, we don’t have an exact answer and instead we
have a visualization that helps an analyst in making a decision, a
decision that might be different under different conditions in the the
context of other data. As such, we will sometimes propagate up a
visualization, or even interactive tool, that allows the decisionmaking to happen at a higher level of the tree.
Through refinement of the objects, descriptors, and partitions we
eventually propagate up answers to the task at hand: and thus, we
build a higher-level visualization. The visualization design require‐
ments are built from the propagated results from the lower levels of
Flowing Results Back Upwards
| 25
the tree. For example, we might decide to allow a high-level user to
select between several different descriptors.
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario
Going back the UTA example, we left off with the question of “How
do the tradeoffs between removing cars, versus servicing those who
rely on transit, play out in the UTA system?” While there are several
different ways to address this question, such as surveying riders or
interviewing the system designers — Steve’s approach to this ques‐
tion entails analyzing the travel times inherent to the transit system.
The high level question cannot be addressed directly with the data,
and so needs to be refined. We asked Steve what would answer this
question. Steve clarified that he can see the choice as a tradeoff:
comparing the effectiveness of the transit system for removing cars
versus supporting people who rely on transit for their transporta‐
tion. This is the root of our operationalization tree.
• Question: How do the tradeoffs between removing cars, versus
servicing those who rely on transit, play out in the UTA system?
• Task: Compare the effectiveness of the transit system for
removing cars versus supporting people who rely on transit for
their transportation.
From this task we identify the four task components in order to help
guide our operationalization refinement.
• Action: compare
• Objects: removing cars; people who rely on transit
• Descriptor: effectiveness of the transit system
• Partition: (none)
Now we can use these components to help refine the ambiguity in
this task. We start with the objects, and ask “Are the objects directly
linked to the data?” The answer is no, we do nothave anything in
our data that specifies people’s decisions about cars and driving.
Instead, what we do have from the census data is information about
the salaries of people living in the different census blocks, as well as
the blocks’ populations and some of the most popular commutes.
We want to find a proxy that will get us, at one end of the scale, cars
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
that can be replaced by transit; at the other end, people who are
dependent on transit. One reasonable choice is to decide that highincome earners are more likely to be able to afford a car, while lowincome earners are less likely to. We decide to use income as a
reasonable proxy for car ownership.
This leads us to a new, lower level node in the operationalization
tree where we refine the objects.
• Question: How do we define removing cars and people without
• Task: Identify census blocks as high- or low-income.
• Action: identify
• Objects: census blocks
• Descriptor: income
• Partition: high-income; low-income
Again, we look at the object and ask whether it is directly linked to
the data — here, this object IS clearly defined. Census blocks are the
items contained in the census datasets. We move on to the descrip‐
tor and ask if it is directly linked to the data. The answer is no, we
don’t have any direct measure of income for census blocks. This
leads us to create yet another, even lower level node in the opera‐
tionalization tree.
• Question: What does it mean for a census block to be high- or
What we do have from census data is the number of people in each
census block whose salaries fall within 1 of 3 brackets: people mak‐
ing less than $1250 a month, people making between $1250 and
$3333 a month, and people making more than $3333 a month. We
can try different choices here: we can do is compute, for each census
block, the ratio of the number of workers in the highest bracket to
the total number of workers, along with the ratio for the lowest
• Task: Characterize census blocks by the ratio of the number of
people at different salary levels to the total population.
• Action: characterize
• Objects: census blocks
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario | 27
• Descriptor: proportion of of people to the population
• Partition: salary bracket
The objects are, once again, directly linked to the data; the descrip‐
tor and partition are directly computable from the data. Thus, we
have reached a leaf node and can solve the task. In this case, we
compute, for each census block, the ratios of the numbers of work‐
ers in each salary bracket to the total number of workers in the
block. We have created a new dimension in the data set.
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario | 29
Figure 2-2. Distributions of the number
of residents within the three
salary brackets. (a) People making less than $1250 per month. (b) Peo‐
ple making between $1250 and $3333 a month. (c) People making
Having solved the leaf node we can now flow the result back up the
tree. That solution substitutes for the object “taking cars off the
road”. In this manner, the tree helps structure the operationalization
as both a guide for where to refine, as well as a bookkeeping mecha‐
nism for aggregating proxy solutions to support a high-level ques‐
As we bubble up, we can check on these assumptions. We might
have mistakenly chosen blocks that have low population—and so do
not take many cars off the road. Or we might have chosen blocks
that have very few commuters from them. We can generate maps to
check these.
Figure 2-3. An example choropleth showing the census blocks with a
larger percentage of higher income residents in blue, and larger per‐
centage of lower income residents in red. Several purple blocks indicate
an equal number of high and low income residents.
These questions force us to dive deeper. Looking at these images
side by side, it is less clear what we mean by “rich” or “poor” neigh‐
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
borhoods. Is it more important to look on neighborhoods with the
most commuting, or the ones with the most people? Is a rich neigh‐
borhood with a high population of rich people, or a high percent‐
We know, for example, that we can determine rich neighborhoods
by thresholding the ratio of the number of residents with salaries in
the highest bracket to the total number of residents. This threshold
is fuzzy, however, so visualization is important to help us character‐
ize an appropriate value.
Now we begin to look at the second branch of the tree, based on the
question of effectiveness of the transit system. We know that we’re
going to want to compare “effectiveness of the transit system”
between two classes of uses.
“Effectiveness of the transit system” might mean different things. It
could mean that we can get from one place to another quickly; or
that we can get between two places at all. It might mean that we can
get between places if we’re willing to synchronize our watches —
with infrequent express busses—or it might mean that we can wan‐
der out of our apartment and know that a bus will come shortly. It
might mean a fast fastest trip of the day, or it might mean a low var‐
iance (taking the bus always takes at least 45 minutes, but never
more than an hour).
For step 5, lets drop further to explore “What does effectiveness
mean?” We will need to take this on in stages, but a first concrete
task would be, ”what is the distribution of travel time between some
pair of locations?”
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario | 31
Figure 2-4. An diferent origin/destination pairs between two points,
by time of day. he sawtooth pattern occurs because being one minute
early for a bus means catching the it a minute later, while being one
minute late for a bus means waiting for the next. Narrower teeth,
closer together indicate high frequency; wider teeth indicate lower fre‐
quency. Note shits between daytime schedule and evening; and
between commute hours and midday schedules. Around midnight,
when the bus service doesn’t run, the horizontal line suggests it is just
as efective to walk.
We learn a few insights from this chart. There are some optimal
times to get a bus. If the rider is a minute early, the may have to wait
an extra minute. If they are a minute late, however, they may have a
long wait. Perhaps a very long wait. We learn that there are different
times—daytimes, and evenings, and commute hours.
To choose a definition of “effectiveness” means picking a specific
task that we are trying to measure. We would tend to converge on
this using, again, a data counseling and interviewing process, talking
to customer groups.
This reflects somewhat on the next phrase: “removing cars” presum‐
ably means “letting people with cars leave them at home.” Walking
through that further, we don’t expect them to abandon vehicles for
errands, or ski trips — but we might expect them to commute to
work without a car. “Servicing non-car owners,” is a different ques‐
tion. Presumably, those users need transit to get them to lots of loca‐
tions, at variable times, but might be less concerned about whether a
trip is competitive with driving.
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
These two groups clearly have different senses of what “effective”
means to them.
Note that we’ve avoided picking a single metric here. Because we see
this as a complex and multifaceted problem that we’ll really use for
later investigation, we’d really most like to develop a sense of what
the major issues involved here are. Visualization allows us to explore
a richer story. For this project, we’ll choose several different times—
to examine both rush hour and off-commute times; we’ll look at sev‐
eral different measures.
“Compare the speed, and variance the transit system for wealthy
people versus less wealthy, at both commute and non-commute
This process of laying out the choices can seem somewhat painstak‐
ing. It is far too easy to skip these steps, and not bother to record
what operationalizations were chosen — the visualizer might not
think of them, and might make arbitrary decisions around the data;
the decider might not realize that these decisions can make for
important differences in the data.
Figure 2-5. Schematic of the tree that describes the UTA example.
This is, of course, just the first pieces of the entire tree.
Applying the Tree to the UTA Scenario | 33
Visualization, from Top to Bottom
Figure 2-6. Schematic of the tree in general. Compound, interactive
visualizations are more likely to address abstract questions, while spe‐
ciic subquestions are answered by smaller, speciic visualizations and
exploratory analysis.
One interesting aspect of the tree is that as the questions get more
refined, and closer to the data, the visualizations become less com‐
plex. We may need several visualizations, multiply compounded and
interconnected, to work our way through the proxy measures and
detailed interactions. On the other hand, the subquestions tend to
be simpler, and closer to the data. They require single views, and the
questions are less complex.
The base of the tree, then, is grounded in small, coherent questions
about the data, and ways to visualize it; the apex of the tree is about
bigger, more abstract questions and proxies.
Conclusion: A Well-Operationalized Task
We can now define a well-operationalized task, relative to the
underlying data.
• it can be computed based on the data
• It makes specific reference to which fields of the data it’s looking
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
• It follows down the tree to have specific definitions for the
terms it uses
A well-operationalized task, at any level, can be a specification for a
visualization. In Chapter 4, we will begin to describe the ways we
translate these components into aspects of a visualization; in ???
and ???, we’ll actually construct visualizations.
Written out, this process seems tedious. In practice, we do not carry
out every step, each time. However, we find two important uses to
this formulation. First, the process of explicitly looking at these steps
can help untangle knotty problems, decomposing places where we
make assumptions about the data. Explaining precisely why
“income” is a proxy for “car ownership” allows us to explore whether
it is a good choice — and, perhaps, to revise that choice later.
The second use is in guiding our questions and interviews. As we
will discuss in Chapter 3, the process of carrying out this operation‐
alization entails working with domain experts. Climbing down the
tree can help guide conversations; it can also help keep them on
track. Every dataset has subtleties; we find that it can be easy to slip
down rabbit-holes of complications. We find that walking through
the tree can help focus our conversations with experts, only intro‐
ducing the complications when needed.
This chapter describes the operationalization tree, a framework for
refining questions into tasks that a visualization can support. We
walked through a task, from the general question to the specific
tasks at the base, and showed how we’ll use this to understand a
broad question about the Utah Transit Authority. In Chapter 4, we’re
going to take a closer look at the components of an operationaliza‐
tion, discussing how to translate these pieces into visualization deci‐
sions. After that, in Chapter 3, we’ll talk about techniques for
working with stakeholders to help in the construction of an opera‐
tionalization tree, including interviewing and prototyping techni‐
For Further Reading
This process is similar—and in many ways parallel—to the GQM
(“Goal, Question, Metric”) process found in the software engineer‐
ing space. The goal of GQM is to refine from a genereal goal to a
specific metric; usually oriented around process improvement so
For Further Reading | 35
that the consumer can have a single number that helps know
whether they are succeeding in improving that process. Our process
is more exploratory, and often comes earlier in the cycle. If in GQM,
the goal were to “improve user retention,” our operationalization
might start instead with “how is user retention doing?” with the
awareness that the problem is multifaceted and complex.
• [BasiliGQM] Basili, Victor; Gianluigi Caldiera; H. Dieter Rom‐
bach (1994). “The Goal Question Metric Approach.” Encyclope‐
dia of software engineering, 1994. Wiley.
| Chapter 2: Operationalization, from questions to data
Data Counseling
In the previous chapter, we discussed the Operationalization Tree.
We discussed the many decisions that are used to populate the tree:
the broad question must be turned into more specific tasks; the tasks
must be decomposed into specific actions, objects, and descriptors;
visualizations must be built that address these tasks. This process
requires sophisticated domain expertise, knowledge of the data and
the problem space, and a sense of what would make the right answer
to the question.
In this chapter we discuss a process, which we call data counseling,
that provides guidance about how to work with stakeholders to both
develop the operationalization of their problem and to design visu‐
alizations that support it. We chose this name because working with
stakeholders is a back-and-forth series of interviews, of diving
deeply into a user’s intents around data, and of understanding the
stories of where the data comes from, what problems are associated
with it, and what it can mean 1.
In this chapter we lay out steps for creating an effective operationali‐
zation and the resulting visualization tool. Theses steps are inter‐
weaved with exploring data, developing visualization prototypes,
and collecting feedback on these preliminary results. For a major
visualization project this can be an elaborate and complex process
1 This process is closely related to ‘task analysis’, in interface design. The distinction is
that task analysis is typically oriented toward creating interfaces; we, instead, are work‐
ing with data, which warrants a unique set of considerations on the part of the designer.
with multiple interviews and prototypes; for a smaller project, how‐
ever, this might entail just one or two informal interviews and
throwing the data into a graphing program, like Tableau.
Why is this hard?
Turning a dataset into insight is nontrivial --- in Chapter 2 we saw
just how many different perspectives we could take on a single data‐
set, and how these perspectives can range from interesting and
insightful, to not. It is straightforward to select a particular perspec‐
tive when we address a particular question. As we have seen in the
operationalization process, the goals of a project are not usually
phrased as detailed, particular questions --- they start off very highlevel, and are almost always ill-defined.
Furthermore, not all the information necessary to answer a high
level question will exist in the data set --- indeed, the information
may not exist at all. We saw in the UTA scenario, for example, that
we did not have a direct way to measure how many cars the transit
system took off the road. Analysts often try to get access to elusive
insights that they suspect can be gleaned from data without access to
a direct measure. Visualization can be extremely effective for help‐
ing someone bring their own knowledge to bear in the context of
the data that is available. The challenge is in finding an effective way
to describe and present it.
Creating visualizations is a collaborative
Creating a visualization to understand data is a fundamentally col‐
laborative process. In a project team, the data scientists are experts
in data analytics, but must be comfortable in a number of other
technical areas, from tooling to database design to machine learn‐
ing. Experts in fields like game design, cancer biology, and finance
who have a deep understanding of their specific domains rely on the
computational tools and insights that data scientists bring to their
problems. Executives, managers, and principal investigators must
make high-level decisions based on the results. In this chapter we
discuss strategies for how to expose underlying data analysis needs,
assumptions, and interpretations across a team in order to design
effective visualization tools.
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
Even when designing a visualization for yourself, there is still a need
to uncover core data analysis needs. While the operationalization
pyramid discussed in Chapter 2 provides some guidance to break
down high level questions, this chapter provides additional strate‐
gies for prototyping and refining visualization solutions.
The Goal of Data Counseling
The goal of data counseling is to fill in the gaps in the operationali‐
zation tree. It uses feedback from stakeholders, and their domain
expertise, to: * Reduce general question to specific tasks * Select
good operationalizations of objects and descriptors * Explore data to
verify these operationalizations * Construct and verify designs for
high-level visualizations
Each of these requires asking lots and lots of questions. The hardest
part of data counseling is figuring out what questions to ask.
We seek answers by interviewing people that are involved with data
and the project, called stakeholders. At early stages of the process, we
interview them empty-handed. As we proceed through the opera‐
tionalization, we bring raw data, or initial data explorations, even
with prototypes.
At the start of a project, we want to understand the high-level ques‐
tions; we want to choose a reasonable operationalization of that
question into a task; and we want to learn about domain-specific
aspects of the problem. The first two points are explicitly about
determining the root question and task in the operationalization
tree. The third, fairly ambiguous, question is about getting a sense of
the domain and building an intuition about the stakeholders, what
they care about, and how they think. This intuition can be impor‐
tant of designing effective tools, as well as for helping to facilitate
your own data exploration through the data counseling process.
The data counseling process
In the data counseling process, we begin by identifying relevant
stakeholders. As we find them, we carry out interviews with these
stakeholders, and then bring their data back to them in visualiza‐
tions and prototypes.
The Goal of Data Counseling | 39
This is an iterative process, interlinked with our climb through the
tree: the results of data exploration can be shown to stakeholders to
get their feedback on whether the exploration is going along the
right track. In obtaining data and exploring it, new questions, and
even new stakeholders, often come to light.
In this section, we outline these steps. The remainder of this book is
dedicated to a discussion of visualization solutions and what types of
data and tasks they are good for, knowledge that is important for
shaping your approach in the data counseling process.
Identify stakeholders
When it comes to tackling a problem, who is invested in the result?
Who will use the results, and who will they present those results to?
If the visualization produces a valuable insight, who will act on those
insights, and what will they do with them? There is likely a whole
ecosystem of people that have been, or would like to be, involved
with the data and the problem. There are people who produce and
store the data, people who want to consume it, and those who make
decisions based on it.
All the people that are invested in the problem in some way, shape,
or form are the stakeholders. Identifying these stakeholders is cru‐
cial for data counseling. The different stakeholders can give different
perspectives on the data, the problem, and potentially unanticipated
paths to insight.
We have encountered a number of recurring types of stakeholders.
This list is by no means complete, but we provide it here as guidance
for identifying some of the important people in the ecosystem of a
problem. A single person could embody one, some, or all of these
Analyst: The person who actually sits with the data, searching and
exploring to make discoveries. These stakeholders are the people
most likely to use the visualization tool designed for the problem.
Data producer: A person that collects, creates, and curates the data.
Data producers can often shed light on the nuances and quirks of
how the data was attained, and can be invaluable during the data
cleaning process.
Gatekeeper: The gatekeeper is a person with the power to approve,
or block, the project, including authorizing people to spend time
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
talking about the data and problem. Their perspective can be good
for understanding high-level goals and potential impact of the
project. In some settings, a gatekeeper may require a proposal to
carry out an analysis.
Decision maker: This is a person that wants to use the insights
gleaned from the your data to execute on a decision. Decision mak‐
ers are often one-step removed from the analysts, and could be
thought of as the analysts’ customers. Thus, they often have a differ‐
ent interpretation of goals and questions.
Connector: A connector is great at identifying good people to talk
with. They are able to understand aspects of both the data analysis
side of things, as well as the problem, specifics the data, and the
analysis that needs to happen. Connectors are worth their weight in
Guiding Interviews
Across all interview types, and across all stakeholders, we begin with
a series of open-ended questions about the problem, data, and con‐
text that will help us understand where the interviewee sits: what
their perspective on the problem is, what the scope of the problem
as they see it is, and how they expect to interact with it.
Some of the types of interview questions we begin with include:
• What are the goals of the project? How do those goals fit with
the organizational needs?
• Who would act on the insights and results of this analysis?
What decisions are they looking to make?
• What are the questions that we can answer with this data?
• What do you already know from the data, and what else do you
expect to find?
• What do you want to do with the data that isn’t currently possi‐
ble? If you could do this, what would you want to do next?
These general questions are meant to get a conversation going, and
to help in establishing the start of the operationalization. These
questions will lead to lower-level questions that are necessary to
clarify your understanding, to confront assumptions on the part of
The data counseling process
| 41
the stakeholder, and to shape the description of the problem into
something that a visualization to solve.
Low-level questions arise when trying to make general tasks more
concrete, such as defining what a specific descriptor is meant to
convey, or how to relate some object to actual aspects of the data. We
listen carefully for fuzzy descriptors and objects in a conversation,
and ask many questions in order to clarify what those concepts
mean more concretely. Sometimes we will go so far as to ask the per‐
son we are talking with to show us what they mean within their
workflow, or to indicate more specifically what aspect of the data
they are talking about by pulling it up in a spreadsheet.
During the operationalization process, we are often trying to chase
down particular meanings of unclear words. A useful question that
we often use is “What would it look like in the data if …” For exam‐
ple, if we’re trying to operationalize “high quality” bus service, we
might ask “What would the data show as high quality bus service?
What would low-quality service look like?” This can help interview‐
ees to nail down specifics. (Fairly often, the interviewee won’t be
sure what ‘high quality’ bus service would look like. That’s fine; the
process of articulating out a list of possibilities—as we did in the
UTA example-- can be highly informative in itself.)
As we noted in the previous chapters, particular actions in tasks will
help identify potential visualizations. During interviews, we listen
for those words, sometimes going so far as to guide our interview‐
ees: “Would you say you’d like to compare one item, or group many
items together?”. Words such as “select, compare, group” can translate
directly into tasks that can be supported with a visualization. Other
words like “shape, structure, size” can help in deciding what kinds of
visual encodings to use, or what the characteristics of the data the
stakeholder is most interested in seeing. The concepts we discuss
further in the second part of the book will provide a rich palette of
visualization concepts that can help in recognizing visualization
keywords during interviews.
Conduct interviews
We operationalize questions through information gleaned from
interviews; we also use interviews to get feedback on our intermedi‐
ate results and our final designs. The role of the interviewer is to ask
questions that will guide the stakeholders towards elucidating the
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
information necessary for designing an operationalization and visu‐
We find interviewing very challenging, but also one of the best parts
of what we do —-- how many jobs let you, no, require you to talk to
experts about the deepest, most interesting parts of their problems?
Interviewing is not easy, though, and requires practice and experi‐
ence. The necessary skills include how to keep a conversation mov‐
ing along and on track, how to elicit meaningful responses, how to
revise questions based on responses, and how to interpret both sub‐
tle cues and detailed responses. While we provide several strategies
to help with these tasks, gaining competency of these skills is truly a
matter of practice.
Regardless of what questions are asked, there are a number of differ‐
ent ways to conduct interviews. We have carried out interviews as
casual, hallway conversations around a whiteboard, as well as con‐
ducted formal interviews with a fixed set of predetermined ques‐
tions. There is a continuum of interview types, characterized by the
amount of control exerted by the interviewer on the direction the
discussion goes. We can roughly divide this continuum into four
1. Informal: Very little structure or control of the discussion.
These can feel more like a conversation than an interview. The
interviewer engages with the stakeholders in casual conversa‐
tion without seeking specific types of information, although
with slight control on the direction of the conversation to keep
it on the general topic of data needs. Informal interviews are
important for getting to know a group of people and under‐
standing their work culture. It is also important for gaining rap‐
port and finding out about new topics of interest that may not
have been known about.
2. Unstructured: Loosely structured with very little control.
Unlike an informal interview, an unstructured interview is very
clearly an interview. The interviewer will have a plan in mind
for the topics to cover, but the discussion is mostly led by the
stakeholders’ responses. This type of interview is typically based
on an interview guide, which is a list of topics or questions that
guide the conversation. The interview is started by asking a
question from the guide, and usually followed up with probing
questions to elicit more details about interesting comments.
The data counseling process
| 43
When the conversation slows or stalls, another question from
the guide steers the conversation. Unstructured interviews often
lead to new, unanticipated questions or topics, allowing for a
deeper understanding of the problem space. These interviews,
however, require skill to conduct in order to understand when
to probe deeper, when to change topics, and how to keep the
stakeholder engaged and informative. They also require signifi‐
cant time to conduct, for both the interviewer and the stake‐
holder, and often require follow-up interviews.
3. Semistructured: Mostly structured with moderate control. In a
semistructured interview the interviewer covers all the ques‐
tions in the interview guide, but they are free to follow-up on
responses from the stakeholder to elicit more details. This type
of interview is particularly useful when there is only one oppor‐
tunity to interview someone. Like unstructured interviews, sem‐
istructured require both skill and time, but they are easier to
conduct due to the scripted nature of the interview. These inter‐
views are particularly useful after the interviewer has a sense of
the needs of the group, gained through a series of unstructured
or informal interviews.
4. Structured: Completely structured with total control. For a
structured interview the interviewer asks (usually multiple)
stakeholders the exact same set of questions, and only those
questions, in a scripted order. This is like doing a survey in per‐
son except that the stakeholder is likely to give more detailed
responses. Structured interviews make it easy to compare
responses between interviews, but do not allow follow-up on
interesting responses with new questions. Because of their rigid
constraints, structured interviews are usually a poor match for
the data counseling process.
Figure Figure 3-1 illustrates the trade-offs between these different
interview types.
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
Figure 3-1. he range of interview types along with their relative tradeofs.
After, or as part of, an unstructured interview with a stakeholder a
contextual interview can be a valuable step. These interviews take
place in the stakeholder’s work environment and consist of demon‐
strations of the tools and data inspection methods that a stakeholder
currently uses. These types of interviews have the potential of bring‐
ing to light many aspects and challenges of a problem that the stake‐
holder may not have communicated in a strictly verbal interview.
Conducting a contextual interview can be done as unstructured or
These can therefore be invaluable to identify how the operationali‐
zation is played out in practice: what happens with the data today?
How do users handle and understand the data they see?
We often start a contextual interview by asking the stakeholder to
either walk us through a specific analysis task they have already per‐
formed, or, to have them conduct their work for that day with us
there. Either way, we ask the stakeholder to talk about each step they
are taking and we interrupt with questions whenever something is
not clear. Here are some interview guide questions that are meant to
bring to light what works, what doesn’t work, and what doesn’t yet
• What is the work process you currently use? What tools are
• What challenges do you have in analyzing the data?
• Are there limitations with the system? If so, how do you work
around them?
• Do you understand what the system is doing to the data and any
algorithms that are being applied, or is this a black box?
The data counseling process
| 45
Many times we will get to a point in an interview that feels like a
dead-end: the stakeholder has answered our questions, and yet we
still don’t have a good understanding of the problem. In these situa‐
tions, there are a couple of strategies we employ. The first is rephrase
the stakeholder’s response in our own words. This strategy allows
the stakeholder to correct any misinterpretations, and it also can
prompt the stakeholder to explain their ideas in your language ver‐
sus their own.
The second strategy we employ is to try to ask the same or similar
questions in different ways. Often a specific phrase or choice of
words will click with the stakeholder and cause them to respond in a
way that makes more sense. And when we run out of ideas for gain‐
ing clarification on a topic we just steer the conversation along a dif‐
ferent path. We have found that one of the most important things we
can do in an interview is to keep the stakeholder talking. The more
they talk, the more likely we are to hear a response that clarifies a
topic or opens up a new avenue of inquiry. When we reach an abso‐
lute dead-end in an interview, that is when we resort to our inter‐
view guide and ask the next question in the list.
There are several tools that can be invaluable to have during an
interview. Commonly used interviewing tools include pen and
paper, voice recorder, camera, and video recorder. We advocate for
voice recording of interviews in large part because it is difficult to
take detailed notes while also trying to think of follow-up questions
based on what is being said. We try to transcribe an interview
shortly after it is conducted to ensure the context is fresh in our
minds. We rarely transcribe an interview word for word, but instead
transcribe the most important or complex details. Transcribing is
useful for analyzing the interview results, as well as for making it
easy to refer back to the conversation later in the design process.
Data Exploration
While talking with stakeholders can be very informative, there’s no
substitute for reaching deep into the data. We start playing with the
data as early as possible for a couple of reasons: we want to under‐
stand how it is structured, and what is available; we want to test
whether an operationalization makes sense; and we want to collect
answers to the fine-grained tasks, like ”what is the distribution of
workers’ salaries within this neighborhood?”.
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
Thus, as we build an operationalization tree we use a variety of visu‐
alization tools to explore the data. Tools like Excel, Tableau, and R
allow us to rapidly generate visualizations --- mostly static --- that
can teach us about the distributions of data, its major dimensions,
and the values within. We also use tools like this to check whether a
dataset makes sense --- for example, to confirm that a hierarchy
really is layered appropriately, or to ensure that there are only a
small number of categories for a specific dimension of the data. The
transit time charts and choropleths in the previous chapter are
examples of this.
Other times we need to build a bespoke visualization tool from
scratch because the data we need to explore is not amenable to an
off-the-shelf tool. In the transit dataset we saw an example of this
when it was necessary to explore many transit time curves in order
to characterize what effectiveness of transit means. Here the prob‐
lem was not only that we needed to see time curves in relation to
their geospatial position, but also that the data itself was large,
requiring both software optimizations as well as interaction mecha‐
nisms to support efficient exploration. We create these types of
bespoke tools using visualization-specific languages like D3 and
Processing, and code in such a way as to get ideas up and going as
fast possible, as opposed to carefully considering software architec‐
ture for long-term use and reusability.
Making the decision to create a custom data exploration tool
requires weighing the development time against the significance of
the analysis --- if you can get 80% of the way to a good decision
using Excel, then it may not be worth spending three months to
develop a custom solution. We find that these bespoke exploration
visualization tools often come into play when we are trying to refine
complex datasets with complex interlocking dimensions. .
One thing to be aware of is whether or not the high level goals of a
project can be answered with off-the-shelf tools; sometimes the
answer is yes and you are a hero for quickly solving the problem!
We always try to explore data initially with existing tools to avoid reinventing the wheel. These tools, though, can also be great ways to
better understand what is lacking from the current ecosystem of vis‐
ualizations and what is unique and different about your problem.
These insights are invaluable when designing a custom visualization
The data counseling process
| 47
Rapid Prototyping
Throughout the process, we build prototypes of the final tool we
intend to deploy to our stakeholders --- we refer to these tools as
prototypes. The intention behind prototypes is to explore the visual‐
ization design space, as opposed to the data space. We usually create
a series of prototypes, using each one to gather feedback from our
stakeholders to refine our ideas on how to most effectively support
the higher level tasks in the operationalization tree; we build proto‐
types on the way to the leaves of the tree; these help think about how
the decisions we make at the leaves will affect the root. We build
more prototypes on the way back to the root, as we try to work out
hte final design.
Rapid prototyping is a process of trying out many visualization ideas
as quickly as possible and getting feedback from our stakeholders on
their efficacy. In our data counseling sessions we do a lot of rapid
prototyping. Early on low-fidelity sketches on the whiteboard give
us the ability to better understand what types of visualizations to use
and how our stakeholders might interact with them; later on we use
increasingly higher fidelity techniques to explore the space of possi‐
ble visualization designs. Failing fast is well-known concept in
design; it’s incredibly valuable to explore multiple ideas rapidly.
We create prototypes using a broad range of techniques and tools,
from paper to programming. The fidelity of these prototypes, as well
as the time and energy required to create them, lives on a spectrum:
Figure 3-2. Prototypes range from low-idelity sketches to high-idelity,
working models.
On one end we have low-i prototypes. These include quickly
sketched mock-ups on paper or a whiteboard with impressions of
what the data might look like, or fast digital mock-ups that may
include a some controls for explaining interaction ideas such as slide
jumps in PowerPoint or Keynote --- the image below is an example
of a quick interface mock-up made during the design process of the
project we discuss in more detail in ???. Lo-fi digital mock-ups could
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
also incorporate charts generated in a tool like Excel or Tableau with
fake or sampled data to explore possible visualization representation
ideas. These low-fi prototypes are great for communicating the gist
of an idea in an interview, or for recording high-level ideas when
planning out how you might want to explore the data yourself. Lowfi prototypes are, by nature, fast and easy to produce.
Figure 3-3. Recent low-i prototype exploring the idea of a weighted,
directed graph layout. Hand-drawn during interview session, and
based on sample data by manually looking at the spreadsheet and
drawing out the relationships.
Low-fi sketches, like Figure 3-3, are often parts of our interview pro‐
cess. Creating these images can help understand what the implica‐
tions of the data are. If a diagram is confusing to explain and design
on a white board, it may require too much detail to fit on a screen.
We have often found that communicating ideas with low-fi proto‐
types can rapidly help establish whether we are on the same page as
our stakeholders: by drawing pictures of possible interfaces, we
often learn more about the problem and its constraints. Figure 3-3
shows one instance: our stakeholder was discussing relational data,
The data counseling process
| 49
and we wanted to start talking about what it would feel like to build
a network interface. The multiple colored lines allowed them to start
thinking about how to view multiple modalities on the data; the
directed edges were actually built from a sample of the data.
Drawing this prototype helped the client realize that there was more
structure to their data then they had been communicating: every
node in the graph represented by a box actually occurred at a spe‐
cific time, and it was important in the analysis to expose the tempo‐
ral dimension of the data.
Later in the process, low-fi “slideware” can help ensure our designs
will make sense to users. The slideware in Figure 3-4 shows one step
in the feedback cycle. This image was manually assembled in a vari‐
ety of different tools; the prototype sketch is meant to help the user
understand how the final interaction will work.
Figure 3-4. Slideware image of a design stage shows iteration from pre‐
vious version; the images were created in a variety of diferent tools.
On the other end of the prototype spectrum are high fidelity, custom
visualizations which must be created from scratch. These high-fi
prototypes are meant to largely contain the core functionality of an
envisioned visualization tool, including all necessary visualizations
of the data and interaction mechanisms. They will often, however,
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
gloss over many back-end issues such as smooth integration with
existing workflows or fully fleshed out features for I/O. Just as for
bespoke visualizations created for our own data exploration, we
most often use languages like D3 or Processing for high-fi proto‐
types. These prototypes are meant to be thrown away footnote[In
our experience, however, high-fi prototypes are often the tool that is
deployed and adopted by some users, particularly frantic to get into
their data. The point, though, is not to worry about the code other
than to get your ideas working.].
We have found that it is very difficult to get a good (or even ade‐
quate) understanding of the problem the first time around, particu‐
larly as we are defining the root of the operationalization tree.
Getting this right often requires multiple interviews with stakehold‐
ers, interspersed with some data exploration.
The Sad Reality of Data Cleaning
Looking at data almost always inspires a round of data cleaning. It’s
often the case that the data was not collected for the tasks you’ve
defined in the operationalization tree; even if it was, data often has
errors and misunderstandings within it. In our own data counseling
sessions we’ve found ourselves saying each of these:
• What are these strange spikes scattered throughout the data?
They don’t seem to make sense for what you are measuring.
• Column E is always zero. Why?
• You have a column called “Sum of Sum of Sum.” What does it
• Wow, this data takes forever to load. How big did you say it was
• Half the temperatures you have are around 37; the other half is
around 99. Is this in Fahrenheit or Celsius?
• Our prototype looked great when we thought there would be 5
categories; but it turns out there are instead 500.
In more extreme cases, we may experience cases where data is miss‐
ing, or blank, or mis-entered. For example, in our origin/destina‐
tion data, it turns out that a small percentage of records have
The data counseling process
| 51
obviously-invalid travel times. We need to find a policy—do we regenerate the data, or drop the single datapoint, or the entire record?
Depending on the task, any of these might be most appropriate.
Other ORA books explore data cleaning in far more detail.
A key component of a good operationalization is having explicit
policies for handling quirks found in the data. For example, if an
analyst wants to eliminate the count of automated bots before look‐
ing at the number of users, the analyst needs a working definition
of what a bot looks like in the dataset, and what is the procedure for
removing them. Making cleaning steps explicit, like all other parts
of walking through the operationalization tree, makes the process
both reproducible, and allows the process to be tweaked more
One challenge is knowing when, and how, to just start digging into
the data. Often times the stakeholders we work with will already
have some way of analyzing or visualizing the data that they find to
be insufficient for their question. This is usually good place to start.
For example, are they looking at many static visualizations? Add
interactivity to support exploration. Are they using only one kind of
visualization? Take a different perspective on the data and visualize
it in a different way. Use these early data explorations for a deeper
conversation about what works and what doesn’t, and why. It also
provides a chance to better understand the analysts’ perspectives on
the data.
Thus, the data counseling process is often a very iterative one. Talk
with some stakeholders, try some ideas with the data, share those
ideas back with the stakeholders. And, repeat.
In this chapter we looked at the core components of the data coun‐
seling process: identifying stakeholders, conducting interviews, data
exploration, and rapid prototyping. Data counseling allows you to
gain different perspectives on the problem and the data in order to
build, refine, and support an operationalization tree.
Knowing how to articulate concise tasks over the data we can now
begin to look at visualizations that support these tasks. In the next
chapter we start from the leaves of the tree, looking at the core visu‐
| Chapter 3: Data Counseling
alizations for basic data types. We’ll look at the different combina‐
tions of dimensions we saw in the previous chapter, and explore
how to choose an appropriate chart type. In the following chapter
we’ll look at higher level compound chart types. Combining simple
visualizations into a compound or coordinated view system allows
us to address higher level tasks in the operationalization tree.
Conclusion | 53
Components of a Visualization
In the previous chapter, we outlined the process of refining a ques‐
tion into tasks; we described an operationalization tree, in which
each task is broken into four components: “actions,” “descriptors,”
“objects,” and “partitions.” We used these terms to help describe the
process of exploring the task, and working through the tree down to
fine-grained subtasks.
Now that we know something about the process of working our way
down the tree is, it is valuable to take a step back. After the process
in Chapter 2, we have a well-operationalized task, which we prom‐
ised would lead to a visualizartion. However, that chapter avoided
the question of how to translate data into visualizations. One won‐
derful virtue of a well-operationalized task is that it translates well
into a visualization: when we say “do players spend more hours play‐
ing level 2 then level 3,” or “do people who buy more coffee also buy
more eggs,” these can be used to describe and generate visualiza‐
In this chapter, we take the first step to translating these descriptions
to visualizations by discussing measures and dimensions. At the
leaves of the tree, the descriptors and objects are close to the data,
and we translate them into the terms more familiar from data analy‐
sis: “measures” and “dimensions.”
Data Abstraction
We begin with the “data abstraction.” We borrow this term from
computer science; for our purposes, the data abstraction is the ways
we understand what meaningful operations we can carry out on the
For example, “time of day” is an important value in the Utah transit
example in the previous section: buses have different frequencies at
different times of day. It is very meaningful, then, to talk about “rush
hour” or “evening.” On the other hand, even though time is techni‐
cally a number, it is less meaningful to talk about “times divisible by
four.” As a result, an analysis is likely to carry out aggregate opera‐
tions on the morning commute, or to aggregate time by hour.
The fully-operationalized object, which we saw in the last chapter, is
a meaningful entity of the abstraction. It might—and often does—
refer to a single row of the data; however, it can also refer to rela‐
tionships and partitions within the data. The object might be aggre‐
gated into all rush-hour bus rides from a certain location, for
The data abstraction helps think about the semantics of the data,
and its relationships: knowing that geography in the Utah Transit
time cube, for example, comes in pairs: every “start” comes with an
“end”--means that most visualizations will want to take into account
the two-ended nature of this data.
The abstraction also allows us to think about how to partition the
data: there are a variety of visualization techniques that can reflect a
partition, from multiple series on a single chart, to hierarchy and
trellis views, to small multiples. We will discuss these different ways
of partitioning in ???
Direct and Indirect Measures
Having linked the object to the data, we turn to the descriptor. The
descriptor is a quantifiable notion; an operationalized descriptor
helps us find a measure. The measure is perhaps the most-discussed
aspect within the data science community.
The first component of addressing a question is choosing what
measure will allow us to answer the question. Sometimes, we’re
lucky: the dataset already has a relevant measure, which we can read
| Chapter 4: Components of a Visualization
off the set directly, or with a little computation. For example, we
may wish to know precisely how many dollars a shop has made;
summing up those transactions gets us what we need to know.
More often, we need to choose a proxy value: our measure will stand
in for something else. We want to figure out which product is
“worth the shelf space”; we can’t compute “worthwhile”, but we can
compute how much profit it makes and how much space it takes,
and compute that indirect measure. The term metric is sometimes
used to describe a measure that stands for a desired value 1.
In many fields, metrics are used to measure the success of a project;
comparing the metric over time is a proxy for the overall project.
One common example is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is
the average value of a selected basket of stocks; it is used as a com‐
monplace proxy for how the stock market as a whole is doing. It’s
worth noting that the Dow is actually a very poor metric: it meas‐
ures the current value of stocks (as opposed to the change in market
caps) for a very small number of stocks; as such, small fluctuations
in those prices can send false signals about the rest of the market.
Indeed, the IEEE has a standard [footnote: 1061, where it is called a
“quality factor”] to define the attributes of a good metric. It should
be correlated with the underlying value: when the underlying value
grows or shrinks, the metric should change in the same direction.
The reverse should be true, too: an increase in the metric should
indicate that the underlying factor has increased. The change should
be proportionate: a bigger change in the underlying factor change
should cause a change significant change in the metric.
Critically, it should be difficult to increase the metric in other ways.
When a business focuses entirely on a single measure, it provides
impressive incentive to find ways to maximize the metric — whether
it’s student test scores, or number of bugs fixed.
In other words, a system will tend to optimize on the metrics that it
is measured on. Not long ago, advertisers often charged per impres‐
sion — with the result that websites would optimize on “number of
ads shown”, which in turn incentivized them to put up slideshows,
or break articles into multiple pages. (As the metric has begun to
1 While the distinction between a “metric” and a “measure” makes for entertaining
online battles, in this volume, we treat the two as effectively synonymous.
Direct and Indirect Measures
| 57
change to “cost per click-through,” websites instead begin to pop-up
ads that are difficult to remove, and easy to accidentally click on.)
We know of one organization that tweaks its metrics every couple of
years, just to make sure that they don’t sink too deeply into optimiz‐
ing on a single suite.
We often refer to “gaming the system” when people attempt to
manipulate metrics intentionally, but it can happen by accident just
as easily.
Despite these challenges, metrics are necessary and inevitable. We
cannot measure “effectivenes” of a bus route directly, but we can
find proxies that we think will stand in for effectiveness: variance is
one choice; speed of the fastest route is another; the ratio of route
speed to driving time (or distance) is a third. Of course, any of these
introduces possible bias.
One virtue to a visualization approach is the awareness that we can
handle multiple metrics at once. Rather than trying to reduce our
world to a single number, we can look at several different measures:
it’s reasonable to say “the fastest route is getting faster, and that’s
good, but the variance is really brutal.”
In both the chapters on single and multiple visualizations, we’ll talk
about ways to visualize multiple metrics at once .
Where metrics are what is being measured—the output—the
dimensions of the data are the ways in which the data varies: the
independent variables. The object from the operationalization pro‐
cess is the thing in the world that remains independent of our meas‐
urement. The “partitions” from that process, then, are the attributes
of the thing that we can divide or group them on—what we will be
describing here as a dimension.
We’ve discussed several different variables in the UTA scenario.
• Time of day (and whether that time is a commute time or not)
• Location (census distrcts; as origin or destination)
• Routes (from an origin to a destination)
• Income of a commuter, or group of commuters
| Chapter 4: Components of a Visualization
Just looking at these, it’s clear that there are some different types of
data here. A visualization that works well for time of day is unlikely
to be useful for location.
In ???, we will to through a variety of charts, based on the types of
dimensions and data. Conventionally , we’ll discuss four different
types of data, plus three specialized forms.
• Nominal Data has many different possible values which are not
comparable to each other. Nominal data is often an identity or a
name for a data point. They are good for join keys — but lousy
on an axis. In business intelligence, fields like customer names,
phone numbers, and addresses, are good examples. In the UTA
example, the name of each census tract is nominal: there’s no
particular meaning to the 12 digit numbers; a lower or higher
number isn’t a sequential value.
• Categorical data has few discrete values which items fall into—
as categories. Categories are used to cluster data into groups.
Categorization comes in no particular ordering—North does
not logically come “before” or after “West”; there are few
enough categories that it makes sense to group the data into
these. It’s not uncommon to be forced to impose categories onto
more fluid data—for example, in the UTA data, we might cate‐
gorize time into “morning commute,” “evening commute,” plus
other times—but this does impose a hard line on smooth data.
(Is someone really commuting at 6:59 am, but IS commuting at
• Ordinal data consists of discrete values that should be ordered.
Rankings are a good example of ordinal data: if a runner comes
in first in one race and ninth in another, they didn’t come in a
total of tenth, and it’s unclear how to compare them to the run‐
ner who came in fifth twice. Census data doesn’t provide direct
income of participants; instead, it provides number of people in
an income range. As a result, the income range is an ordinal
• Interval and Ratio Data consist of values that are ordered and
equally spaced. Interval values can’t be logically added together
directly—such as dates or oven temperatures. You can do math
on ratio data; it can be added or subtracted meaningfully. In the
| 59
UTA dataset, the actual length of a trip, or the number of com‐
muters, is ratio data.
In addition,
• Temporal Data is a form of interval data that has a time com‐
ponent. Temporal data is actually very complex, as it can be seen
from multiple perspectives. Times may refer to specific
moments (“November 20, 2010, 8:01 am”), or may take advan‐
tage of cycles (“every day at 8:00 am”, or “weekdays at 8:00 am”) .
Temporal data may mean a range (“the month of November,
2010”). The time that a bus leaves is one form of temporal data;
however, the duration of a trip is just a ratio data, measured in
minutes or seconds.
• Geographical Data refers to places; it is inherently twodimensional (or three-dimensional, in some cases); it may come
in the form of positions, or outlines, or names of places.
• Relational Data is data that connects two other points: this
might be from a hierarchy or a network. For example, the fact
that some number of commuters go from one place to another
is relational data; so is the fact that one person reports to
another. When data points area categorized, they often wind up
in a hierarchy; the relation is between the point and its category.
Fortunately, we can transform data between these different forms.
Sporting events assign points for different ordinal ranks in order to
get a ratio scale, so that they can compare athletes; the results of the
ratio scale is then transformed back into a ranking. We can group
ratio ages into groups to get interval age ranges. We will often assign
an order to categorical data in order to place it in a meaningful
order on screen.
A Suite of Actions
We’ve spent some time on the questions of data. In this section, we
take on the question of actions. Above, we actually kind of let this
go[2] : we claimed that “compare” was enough to know, and called it
a day. Compare is a very broad term: it might mean many different
things. In this case, we’re referring to comparing two parallel cases.
We’ll use the action to identify candidate visualizations and encod‐
ings. Of course a single visualization can address multiple actions: a
| Chapter 4: Components of a Visualization
humble bar chart can allow a user to find a specific value, to identify
the largest or smallest value, to roughly guess an average, and, yes, to
compare two or more bars to each other. However, some visualiza‐
tions are more effective for given actions than others, and knowing
the dimensions available to us, plus the actions we wish to carry out,
will help a great deal.
In operationalization, we’re hoping the pyramid will provide us with
a selection of specific actions. The visualization research community
has spent a great deal of time[3] working out different tasks that can
be done in visualizations
Some of the operations that will come up:
• Reading individual numbers off the data
• Distribution of a column: minimum, maximum, outliers, cen‐
tral tendency, sort order
• Trend of a metric over time (or another dimension)
There are more complex operations:
• Comparing a value across a category (“dollars from store A vs
store B”)
• Comparison of a metric to another metric (“Height and weight
of subjects”); compare distributions across a category (“salary
distribution of men vs women”)
• Contrast a metric against many others (e.g. “Seattle vs other cit‐
• Cluster values (eg. divide players by their play style into
“damage-dealers, defenders, healers”)
Now, lots of these look like statistical tasks. Indeed, if you’re only
doing any one or two tasks — “I want to know if men or women
spend an average of more money at our store” — then a visualiza‐
tion isn’t necessary. However, it’s often the case that tasks are linked:
I don’t only want to know the mean value of a set, but also to know
the median. And the variance.
Visualization gets very good at showing all of these at once. It also
becomes reasonable to start with a simple task and dive in deeper:
• … upgrade from average to distribtion
A Suite of Actions
| 61
• … split across dimensions (“at which store? split by product?
split by aisle?”)
• … change comparisons (“older women vs younger women”.
“older women vs older men”)
As a result, we try to match up keywords with visualization tasks.
Terms like “compare one object to another” are a cue that we are
looking at multiple series; while “how is this item different” perhaps
suggests that we want to pull out a single item to compare to aver‐
ages. “Are any items different” is a cue to look for visualizations that
help show outliers.
Choosing an Appropriate Visualization.
In ??? and ???, we will discuss different types of visualizations, and
the ways that they can be used to answer different sorts of questions.
As part of the process of operationalization, we will need to figure
out the types of visualizations that will be available to us, and start
producing them. We will discuss the visualizations by the dimen‐
sions that they use, and by the types of tasks they support.
We now have a goal for the interviews we will discuss in Chapter 3:
we want to understand the task, the data available (or collectable),
and to establish that the operationalization is a valid one. We will
discover cleaning tasks on the way (“our diagnostics app is produc‐
ing half of the website traffic”) and decide how to score and weight
metrics appropriately (“are we measuring people who see our ad, or
people who look at our site?”)
Because operationalization involves making many decisions about
the data and its manipulations, it’s important to understand how the
results will be used, so that metrics will be appropriate to those
The process of interviews then goes through a series of steps: discus‐
sing possible refinements of the tasks; seeking out actions, objects,
and descriptors; and trying to work through the operationalization
Working through the tree is an iterative process: it can involve going
back and forth between the data and the people who will use using
it. Sometimes, presenting a possible visualization ends up teaching
us mostly that we have the wrong task: “that visualization would
| Chapter 4: Components of a Visualization
answer the question I asked, but not the thing I want to know.”
Other times, phrasing a task teaches us that we don’t have appropri‐
ate data.
Choosing an Appropriate Visualization.
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