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Problem statement: Whereas schizencephaly is a malformation of cortical development which exact cause remains unknown, is almost entirely characterized by clefts extending from the pial surface to ependymal surface and could be unilateral or bilateral. Oftentimes, it also occurs in association with other abnormalities. Over the years, two types were described in literature, lips closed and open. Therefore, our intention is describe a case of schizencephaly monitored by the Neurology Service of Nova Iguacu University Hospital. Approach: A 29-year old single male student, presenting clinical history of epilepsy since he was 23 years old (partial seizures with secondary generalization) showed a global delay in neuropsychomotor development. Results: The patient has been admitted in the emergency department and his seizures were controlled with IV diazepan, followed by phenobarbital and phenotoyn. CT scan has revealed a cortical maldevelopment described as bilateral schizencephaly. After these procedures, he was released six days later, seizure-free, using carbamazepine and phenotyn. Conclusion: Is indeed that prognosis for individuals with schizencephaly varies depending on the size of the clefts and the neurological deficit degree. In general, treatment for individuals with schizencephaly usually consists of physical therapy, occupational therapy, treatment for seizures and, in a few cases complicated by hydrocephalus, a shunt is required.
Brain and Development, 2000
Schizencephaly is an uncommon structural disorder of cerebral cortical development, characterized by congenital clefts spanning the cerebral hemispheres from the pial surface to the lateral ventricles and lined by cortical gray matter. Either an antenatal environmental incident or a genetic origin could be responsible for this lesion which occurs between the third and fourth month of gestation. We report the clinical and cranial imaging features of 30 children, of whom 15 had unilateral and 15 had bilateral lesions. Their ages at the time of the first presentation ranged from 1 month to 10 years. They were thoroughly studied from clinical, epileptical, imaging and electroencephalographic (EEG) viewpoints. Five patients were investigated by cranial computed tomography (CT), eight by cranial magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and 17 by both methods. The clinical features consisted of mild hemiparesis in 17 cases (57%), 12/17 were related to a unilateral phenotype (80% of all unilateral forms) and 5/17 to a bilateral phenotype. A tetraparesis was present in nine cases, all of which were due to a bilateral cleft. Bilateral forms were significantly associated with tetraparesis, whereas unilateral forms were associated with hemiparesis. Mental retardation was observed in 17 cases (57%), and was observed significantly more often in bilateral clefts (80%). When both hemispheres are involved, an absence of reorganization of the brain function between the two hemispheres leads to severe mental deficits, in addition to the cerebral anomaly itself. Eleven patients had seizures (seven from unilateral and three from bilateral forms). The degree of malformation was not related to the severity of epilepsy. Migration disorders, such as dysplasia or heterotopia, were observed in 30% of cases and are also important etiopathogenetic factors. The septum pellucidum was absent in 13 cases (43%), with septo-optical dysplasia in two cases. Corpus callosum dysgenesis was noted in 30% of cases. Four cases of mega cisterna magna were noted. Although familial cases and environmental factors have been previously reported, schizencephaly appears to be, in the majority of cases, sporadic.
Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 2016
Schizencephaly is severe but rare cortical malformation. It is a disorder characterized by a cleft in cerebral mantle, which communicates between the subarachnoid space laterally, and ventricular system medially. Diagnostic modalities are CT scan & MRI. Here we report a case of middle aged female presenting with distinct clinical features & characteristic CT Brain findings. Though the case is rare is a good example for reviewing the literature and coming to diagnosis of schizencephaly.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Schizencephaly or split brain is an uncommon congenital disorder of cerebral cortical development, belonging to the group of cell migration defects. It is characterized by the presence of a cleft in the brain extending from the surface of the piamater to the cerebral ventricles. A 21-year-old primigravida at 19+2 weeks of gestation was referred to our Outpatient department with a level-2 ultrasound done at 18+2 weeks suggestive of schizencephaly. First trimester genetic screening was not done. Quadruple testing was normal. After genetic consultation and poor prognostication by neonatologist, decision for medical termination of pregnancy was taken. Patient underwent medical termination with mifepristone -misoprostol regimen. A female abortus weighing 200 gm was delivered. Gross examination showed only facial malformation in the form of cleft lip and hypoplastic nose. Infantogram did not reveal any skeletal deformity. On fetal autopsy, findings were consistent with the diagnosis of sc...
Epilepsia, 1996
Purpose: Nine patients affected by schizencephaly were analyzed, and the epileptologic findings prospectively studied, to define the relations between the anatomic brain malformations and clinical outcome.
Radiologia …, 2006
OBJECTIVE: To establish a correlation between clinical features in a group of children with tomographic diagnosis of schizencephaly and clefts extent and localization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study of dossiers from the archives of Neurology and Medical Genetics Services at Instituto Fernandes Figueira/Fiocruz and Hospital Municipal Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in the period between 2000 and 2003. The study included 16 patients, nine female and seven male, with tomographic diagnosis of schizencephaly investigated for clinical findings, psychomotor development, motor/cognitive deficits and epilepsy. RESULTS: Predominance of bilateral clefts in 10:16 patients, open-lip schizencephaly type in 23:27 patients, and small lips in 11:27 patients. As regards anomalies associated with schizencephaly, pellucid septum absence was the most frequent one (10:16 patients). As regards clinical findings, 15 patients presented with developmental delay and motor deficit, six patients with cognitive deficit and ten with epilepsy. In three patients, we observed discordant clinical findings and cleft sizes, although the clefts were small, the clinical features severity was high because of other cerebral anomalies. CONCLUSION: The clinical features of schizencephaly are related to the size of the clefts, regardless laterality, presenting higher severity when associated with other cerebral anomalies.
Academia Biology, 2023
A morphological study of the three Kalanchoe species in the subfamily Kalanchoideae of the family Crassulaceae in Nigeria was carried out. The qualitative and quantitative morphological attributes of the species were recorded with the aim of documenting and identifying the characters that can be used to delimit the species. Fresh samples of the flower of Kalanchoe crenata (Andr.) Haw, Kalanchoe lanceolata (Forsk.) Pers, and Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken were collected and subjected to morphological studies. Qualitative and quantitative attributes were recorded. Data gotten from quantitative attributes were subjected to least significance difference test (LSD) for mean separation and further subjected to single linkage cluster analysis (SLCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Unifying attributes such as petals and sepals, four in number, were recorded. Attributes that can be used to delimit the species such as petal color were recorded.
In: J. A. Lopez Padilla, R. Risch, J. Dani (eds), Dinastías. Los primeros reinos de la Europa prehistórica, 2024
Tesis Doctoral , 2024
Esta investigación doctoral tuvo el objetivo de establecer un estudio comparativo sobre la labor pastoral ejercida por la Compañía de Jesús en el proceso de la extirpación de la idolatría y la superstición desplegado en los territorios de frontera, a partir de la selección de dos complejos misioneros cuyo apogeo económico y espiritual tuvo lugar durante la mayor parte del siglo XVIII: el Gran Nayar y Maynas. El primero se ubicaba en las puertas del septentrión novohispano, en los límites jurisdiccionales del Nuevo Reino de Toledo, y fue establecido en el año de 1722. El segundo, ubicado en los actuales territorios de la Amazonia peruana y ecuatoriana, era administrado por el colegio de Quito desde 1638. Para lograr el objetivo planteado, se analizó la retórica desplegada por los misioneros que dejaron testimonio escrito de la labor evangelizadora a través de distintos medios escritos, la cual guiaba la política de reducción en su búsqueda por extirpar las actividades idolátricas y supersticiosas, tomando en cuenta los siguientes elementos: las similitudes y diferencias que caracterizaron los procesos de colonización en ambas regiones, los mecanismos espirituales que permitieron el establecimiento de las misiones jesuíticas y los argumentos retóricos centrados en la persecución de las prácticas contrarias a la moral cristiana, en relación con el fenómeno de la presencia e influencia del Maligno entre las sociedades reducidas. De igual modo, la atención se centró en la identificación de aquellas conexiones o “entrecruzamientos” de corte general que otorgan sentido a la relación establecida entre los elementos conceptuales que se pretendieron retomar. Asimismo, el contenido de la investigación buscó dar respuesta a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuáles eran las bases teóricas y los instrumentos pastorales que guiaban el sistema misional jesuítica en la América virreinal?; ¿cuáles eran las nociones de “idolatría” y “superstición” que guiaban la actuación de la Compañía en los confines americanos?; ¿cuáles fueron los factores que determinaron el avance del adoctrinamiento cristiano en las misiones de la sierra del Nayar, y en la provincia de Maynas?; y ¿cómo se reflejaron y cómo fueron recibidas las políticas de extirpación y el aparato retórico desplegado en ambos territorios?
Kredit modal kerja merupakan salah satu produk kredit produktif yang diberikan bank kepada masyarakat khususnya untuk pelaku UMKM. Bank Mandiri sebagai bank terbesar di Indonesia menyalurkan kredit modal kerja kepada nasabahnya melalui proses analisis yang terperinci. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode Bank Mandiri untuk menilai kelayakan kredit dan penetapan jumlah plafon kredit untuk calon debitor khususnya UMKM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, serta mempelajari dokumen dokumen terkait di Bank Mandiri menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kelayakan kredit yang dijalankan Bank Mandiri sudah sepenuhnya sesuai dengan cara penilaian kelayakan kredit pada umumnya, selain itu Bank Mandiri juga memiliki metode khusus dalam penilaian kredit. Metode yang digunakan sepenuhnya dituangkan dalam nota analisa sehingga hasil penilaian akan lebih akurat, efektif, dan teliti, ini dilihat dari begitu terperincinya informasi yang didapatkan untuk menganalisa calon debitor yang mengajukan permohonan kredit modal kerja. Saran untuk manajemen dan sistem perkreditan Bank Mandiri yang telah terpelihara dengan baik adalah agar dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja serta kualitas perkreditan.
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