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What pushed the daughter of the late dictator to the position of the president in post-dictatorial Korea? Mass Dictatorship as a tool to explain the political landscape in contemporary Korea.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Wright, Thomas. 2020a. The Fraught Politics Facing Biden's Foreign Policy. Brookings Institution.. 2020b. The Risk of John Kerry Following His own China Policy. Brookings Institution.
The Korean Association of NGO Studies (KANGOS), 2020
Korean Party Studies Review, 2019
guarantee contents of the literary work or assume responsibility for the same. In addition, the literary works provided by DBpia may only be used by the users affiliated to the institutions which executed a subscription agreement with DBpia or the individual purchasers of the literary work(s)for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, any person who illegally uses the literary works provided by DBpia by means of reproduction or transmission shall assume civil and criminal responsibility according to applicable laws and regulations. 연세대학교 165.***.115.115 2020/03/02 12:16 (KST)
The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 2014
From the perspecitve of Housing asset-based welfare, homeownership has an impact on social benefit as well as asset accumulation effect. It has been known that homeowners are more interested in local affairs than tenants since they want to maintain their investment as a form of housing in terms of economic and psychologic viewpoints. However, it is hard to find such studies which have dealt with social impact of homeownership and most of current literature are focused tenure choice, dwelling satisfaction or asset accumulation impact in Korean context. This study tried to examine whether higher homeownership rate is related with higher voting rate in urban areas with a view that housing can be a tool of local capacity building instead of mere investment target by applying multiple regression analysis. According to the analysis, homeowneship rate is positively correlated with voting rate when we control the other socioeconomic, demographic, political and regional variables. With this result, it is suggested that housing welfare policy should tackle the issues related to enhancing affordability of households to purchase their housing in addition to current policy focused on wide supply of public rental housing.
The Historical Journal, 2017
한국기독교신학논총, 2023
This paper analyzed the leadership of Maria Kim (金瑪利亞, 1892-1944) revealed through the development of the organizations or institutions she was involved in during her whole life, and her thoughts underlying the leadership through her writings left behind. Born and raised in a family of Protestant independence activists, Maria Kim was a "new woman" who devoted her life to the independence of Korea and education for women. It can be seen that Maria Kim always led or organized Korean women's groups. In this article, I focused especially on the Korean Women's International Student Society in Tokyo, the Korean Women's Patriotic Club, Geunhwa (national flower) Association, and the National Organization of the Presbyterian Women. Through this, it concluded that Maria Kim's leadership was a leadership for the independence of Korea by developing women's ability, cooperation, and solidarity, far from personal 최상도 | 김마리아의 생애를 통해 본 리더십과 사상에 대한 소고 41 success and power-pursuit. Specifically, it was confirmed that her leadership was the leadership of consistency between word and action, solidarity and cooperation, initiative, and humility based on the self-sacrificing love of Christian faith, unity and solidarity, freedom and equality. On the other hand, tasks required for further studies on Maria Kim are that (1) her writings should be collected and (2) to investigate the relationship between Maria Kim and missionaries who had directly engaged with her, and the Mission Board of Canadian Churches.
The Journal of Convergence Society and Public Policy
Journal of Social Science, 2014
Journal of education and culture, 2020
한국사회, 2018
This study argues that the professionalization of lawyers under Japan’s colonial rule occurred despite the absence of the bar association. Existing literature has accounted for professionalization in regard of monopoly strategies and mobilization processes by professional associations, noting varied power balances between the state and the profession that resulted in diverse professionalization processes. However, the literature fails to explicate the case of colonial Korea where the bar associations existed separated between Koreans and Japanese practitioners, in addition to the oppressive colonial government that exercised extensive control over examination, registration, and disciplinary actions. Analysis on newspapers, magazines, and the official gazette shows that it was the colonial government that the bar associations did little in producing knowledge in law, mobilizing political actions, and controlling qualification. Such weakness of the bar associations contrasts to individual lawyers who gained social recognition and economic rewards and became established professionals during the colonial rule. I propose that the contrast feature the professionalization of lawyers in colonial Korea and that the process be regarded as a colonial model distinguishing from both the Continental and the US-Anglo models.
The Art & Science of an Innovation Office: A Review of the Literature, 2024
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 2012, 2020
Philosophy of Science, 2008
IGI Global eBooks, 2020
Arkhaia Anatolika, 2021
Fontes : izvori za hrvatsku povijest, 2009
Dinamika Teknik Sipil Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 2023, 2024
Fallacies in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin Traditions, 2023
European Journal of Turkish Studies, 2023
International Journal of research in management , 2024
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2008
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2019
Soil Use and Management, 2015
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2019
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2011
Brain Research, 2012
Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 2020
Stem Cells and Development, 2014