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2012, Vrouwelijke filosofen. Een historisch overzicht, red. C. Ceton e.a. (Amsterdam: Atlas).
4 pages
1 file
K&K - Kultur og Klasse, 2011
UNNATURAL NARRATIVES, UNNATURAL NARRATOLOGY | In recent years, the study of unnatural narrative has developed into one of the most exciting new paradigms in narrative theory. Both younger and more established scholars have become increasingly interested in the analysis of unnatural texts, many of which have been consistently neglected or marginalized in existing narratological frameworks. By means of the collaboration of four scholars who have been developing unnatural narratology, this article seeks to summarize key principles, to consolidate some conclusions, to extend the work through carefully chosen examples, and, finally, to point toward the future.
In 2006, Lene Ask made her debut with the awardwinning graphic novel Hitler, Jesus og farfar. The text tells the story of Ask's autobiographical protagonist finding and establishing herself as an individual and as a Norwegian woman artist. This article explores Ask's subversion of three authoritative narratives: 1) Norwegian, national history pertaining to World War II and the vilification of Norwegian women who slept with the German enemy, 2) religious doctrines disseminated by local churches and parishes in Norway's "Bible belt", and 3) aesthetic dogmas embraced by the nation's art institutions. I argue that Ask uses a revisionist strategy, mixing history and memory, high and low culture, photography and comics-documented reality and a personal imagination-in order to create a postfeminist protest against patriarchal notions of family, nation, art and religion.
Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, 2006
Review of Immanuel Kant, Kritik af dømmekraften, oversat af Claus Bratt Østergaard (Frederiksberg 2005), in: Slagmark – Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, 47 (2006) 152-154 Language: Danish
Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik, 2017
Maja Bak Herrie: “The Art of Withdrawal – Hermetic Objects and Deixis without Context in Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons”The last decade has seen an increased attention toward things and objects in the aesthetic disciplines. This article explores the analytical potentials of the quadruple object model from Graham Harman’s object-oriented philosophy in a literary context, namely Gertrude Stein’s 1914 book Tender Buttons: objects, food, rooms. With the assistance of the quadruple object model and the linguistic term deixis, paradoxically concrete but non-contextualised, literary objects in the form of everyday items and foods are conceptualised as being in a process of withdrawal and emergence.
Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, 2009
The essays provides an extensive survey of Jan Assmann's theory on the relationship between monotheism and violence with a special focus on the question of the religio-historical background for the emergence of monotheism. The article discusses Assmann's argumentation for a connection between the alleged religious revolution under Akhenaten and the later Jewish monotheism. Additionally, it is emphasised how the two religions differ from each other. Finally, Frandsen underlines how the relationship between the Aten religion and the later Jewish monotheism fi rst and foremost should be conceived of in terms of history of memory, which establishes a connection between the two entities. DANSK RESUMÉ: Artiklen er en grundlaeggende praesentation af Jan Assmanns teori om sammenhaengen mellem monoteisme og vold med saerlig fokus på spørgsmålet om de religionshistoriske forudsaetninger for monoteismens fremkomst. I bidraget drøftes Assmanns påpegning af en forbindelse mellem den aegyptiske religiøse revolution under Akhenaton og den senere jødiske monoteisme. Det fremhaeves imidlertid også, hvordan de to adskiller sig fra hinanden. Endelig pointeres, hvordan relationen mellem Atonreligionen og en senere jødisk monoteisme først og fremmest skal ses i lyset af et stykke erindringshistorie, der etablerer forbindelsen mellem de to.
Massilia Anuario De Estudios Lecorbusierianos, 2005
Rambam. Tidsskrift for jødisk kultur og forskning, 2017
Yahil og de danske historikere De danske jøders skaebne under den tyske besaettelse 1940-1945 er velkendt selv udenfor Danmark. Det er fremfor noget et resultat af Dr. Leni Yahils brillante bog, Et demokrati på prøve, som analyserer de omhandlede problemer med stor detaljerigdom. [...] Der er meget lidt, jeg kan tilføje til Dr. Yahils konklusioner, og jeg vil benytte lejligheden til at hylde dette videnskabelige arbejde, som Danmark må vaere taknemmeligt for! 1
Grundtvig-Studier, 2007
Kvinde-Evangeliet: Om Grundtvigs mandebilleder og kvindesyner[The Women ’s Gospel: On Grundtvig ’s images of men and women]By Uffe JonasGrundtvig’s ideals of maleness and femaleness stand in complex relationship. He has generally been perceived as a classic patriarch, pater familias, father of both nation and church, of which he was a chosen prophet. This prophetic-patriarchal pillar makes up what might reasonably be called the masculine column of his work. Yet at the same time his domestic roles engaged him with the feminine side of life and supplied him with a fund of personal and intimate experience.From this he drew much of his life-philosophy, which is sensitive, sensible and erotic through and through. Not only was he a great and faithful lover of women, but his images of manliness are permeated by feminine ideals such as dialogue, wisdom, poetry, compassion, tenderness, human equality. With a strongly masculine pathos, he tends to favour feminine values and virtues as heraldi...
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Journal of International Engineering Education, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021
Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2006
société botanique du nord de la france, 2017
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2007
European Scientific Journal ESJ
Current Biology, 2003
European journal of medicinal chemistry, 2014
El Taco en la Brea, 2024
Microgravity Science and Technology, 2016
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 2010
ICAR- all India Network Project on Soil Biodiversity-Biofertilizers(AINP SBB), Directorate Of Research(Agri.) Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat-785013, 2020