SU-8 microfluidic device for scintillating particle detection

2009, Procedia Chemistry

This paper presents the study of a novel scintillation detector based on standard microfabrication techniques. It consists of a fine pitch array of hollow waveguides filled with a liquid scintillator and optically coupled to photodetectors. The detector has been fabricated by patterning the SU-8 photoresist on silicon wafers. Experimental studies have been performed by exciting the liquid scintillator contained in the SU-8 waveguides with electrons. The scintillation light produced was read out by an external photodetector. The results obtained with this set-up demonstrate the concept of microfluidic scintillation detection and are very encouraging for future developments.

Procedia Chemistry Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 1347–1350 Proceedings of the Eurosensors XXIII conference SU-8 microfluidic device for scintillating particle detection A. Mapellia,b,*, B. Gorinib, M. Haguenauerc, S. Jiguetd, N. Vico Triviñoa, P. Renauda a Microsystems Laboratory, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland b Physics Department, CERN, 1211 Genève, Switzerland c École Polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, 91128 Palaiseau, France d Gersteltec Sàrl, 1009 Pully, Switzerland Abstract This paper presents the study of a novel scintillation detector based on standard microfabrication techniques. It consists of a fine pitch array of hollow waveguides filled with a liquid scintillator and optically coupled to photodetectors. The detector has been fabricated by patterning the SU-8 photoresist on silicon wafers. Experimental studies have been performed by exciting the liquid scintillator contained in the SU-8 waveguides with electrons. The scintillation light produced was read out by an external photodetector. The results obtained with this set-up demonstrate the concept of microfluidic scintillation detection and are very encouraging for future developments. Keywords: Scintillation, Particle detection, Photodetection, SU-8, Microfabrication, Microfluidics 1. Introduction Microfluidic devices can be fabricated in a single photolithographic step with dimensional resolutions of the order of the micron. They allow the easy manipulation of fluids inside capillaries overcoming the difficulties encountered with previous high spatial resolution liquid scintillation detectors made of capillary bundles1. The possibility to circulate, flush and renew the liquid scintillator makes the active medium of the detector intrinsically radiation hard. Moreover by changing the type of scintillator in the capillaries the same detector can be used for different types of measurements. A simple microfluidic chip has been fabricated. It consists of a single microfluidic channel (Fig. 1b) designed to define an array of optically separated scintillating waveguides (Fig. 1a). The device was characterized with energetic particles from a radioactive source to demonstrate the principle of operation of a new type of scintillation detector. 1876-6196/09/$– See front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.proche.2009.07.336 1348 A. Mapelli et al. / Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 1347–1350 illuminated photodetector fluidic inlet scintillation light fluidic outlet charged particle track (a) (b) Fig. 1. Working principle of the microfluidic scintillation detector. (a) An array of optically separated waveguides is defined by (b) a single microfluidic channel optically coupled to an array of photodetectors. 2. Fabrication Prototype detectors have been fabricated by UV photopatterning of a resin (SU-8) deposited on silicon wafers. The SU-8 resin exhibits outstanding properties such as good adhesion on different types of substrates, high mechanical strength and chemical stability. Moreover its high level of resistance to radiation damage, comparable to Kapton film2, makes it a good candidate for novel microfabricated radiation detectors. The fabrication process-flow of the prototype devices is the following. The SU-8 resin GM1075 from Gersteltec is spin-coated on a silicon wafer to obtain homogeneous layers of 200 micrometers in thickness. The coated substrates are then exposed to UV light through a mask to polymerize the desired structures after which the non-polymerized resin is dissolved in a solvent to develop the structures defining the microchannels. Finally 200 nanometers of gold are deposited by sputtering to increase the optical properties of the microfluidic channels guaranteeing an efficient light transmission from the interaction point to the photodetector. The wafer is diced to separate the individual microchips, which are then individually placed in a mechanical setup to close the channels for microfluidic manipulation and to optically couple them to the photodetectors. Fig. 2: Top view of the detection area of the device. 10 micrometers wide structures separated by 50 micrometers have been fabricated in 200 micrometers thick layers of SU-8. They are straight over a length of approximately 10 millimeters. A. Mapelli et al. / Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 1347–1350 1349 Fig. 3. SEM image of the cross-section of the microchannels. High aspect ratios of the order of 20:1 have been achieved in 200 micrometers thick layers of SU-8. 3. Experimental The design of the prototype detectors presented in this paper defines an active area with high spatial resolution where 50 micrometers wide waveguides are separated by 10 micrometers wide SU-8 structures (Figs. 2 and 3). The 60 micrometers pitch of the waveguides fans out to a pitch of 2.3 millimeters to match the inter-pixel distance of the multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT H7546B by Hamamatsu) of the experimental test bench. The channels are filled with the liquid scintillator EJ-305 by Eljen Technology, selected for its high light output (80% of Anthracene) and for its emission spectrum peaking around 425 nanometers in the most sensitive region of the MAPMT. The photoelectric yield of the chip-MAPMT assembly was measured by exciting the liquid scintillator with electrons from a collimated 90Sr source which were considered as minimum ionizing particles (MIPs). The coincidence of two plastic scintillating fibres (Kuraray SCSF-78 0.5 millimeter square cross-section) placed underneath the detector was used as external trigger on the electrons. For each trigger the signals from the MAPMT channels were sent to a chargeto-digital converter (CAEN QDC V792). 4. Results and discussion The charge spectra of individual scintillating microfluidic channels were fitted with a Gaussian describing the pedestal and the sum of Gaussians convoluted with Poissonians for the scintillator response. An average of 0.74 photoelectrons per MIP was obtained from the fits. This number is well in agreement with the photoelectric yield expected from theoretical considerations3. It is the first measurement performed with a liquid scintillator contained in a microfluidic device. Among the many microfabrication processes have been considered for the construction of the device gold-coated SU-8 waveguides were selected for the low roughness of the polymerized SU-8 walls, the radiation hardness of the resin and the wide range of thicknesses that can easily be produced in a single step of spin-coating. A new batch of detectors with improved design has been produced with the same process but in the future they could be fabricated with other materials and methods to comply with the physics requirements and environmental conditions. 1350 A. Mapelli et al. / Procedia Chemistry 1 (2009) 1347–1350 5. Conclusion A standard process of UV photopatterning has been optimized to fabricate high aspect ratio structures in thick layers of SU-8. They define a dense array of microchannels that are filled with liquid scintillator and optically coupled to the photocathode of an MAPMT. The photoelectric yield of the device was measured with MIPs and found to be in full agreement with calculations. It demonstrates the working principle of a new type of scintillation detector with great potential. The high fill factor of the scintillating microchannels, the possibility to measure very close (few micrometers) to the edge of the device and the increased radiation hardness makes this novel detector particularly interesting for applications such as tracking particles in the field of high energy physics (HEP). Moreover the compact design of microfabricated scintillation detectors with high spatial resolution opens the way to numerous applications where “macro detectors” cannot be used like in situ dosimetry for hadron therapy. References 1. Bay A, Benussi L, Bruski N, Buontempo S, Currat C, D’Ambrosio N, et al. A high-resolution tracking hodoscope based on capillary layers filled with liquid scintillator, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 2001;A457:107-16 2. Key MJ, Cindro V, Lozano M. On the radiation tolerance of SU-8, a new material for gaseous microstructure radiation detector fabrication, Rad. Phys. Chem. 2004;71:1003-7 3. Mapelli A, Gorini B, Haguenauer M, Jiguet S, Renaud P. Development and studies of a novel microfabricated radiation hard scintillation particle detector with high spatial resolution, to be published.