Context-aware framework for adaptive routing
André L. C. Oliveira
Carlos F. J.Muakad
Joatham P. S. Silva
Salvador University (UNIFACS)
Salvador, BA –Brazil
[email protected]
Salvador University (UNIFACS)
Salvador, BA - Brazil
[email protected]
Salvador University (UNIFACS)
Salvador, BA - Brazil
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Sergio Spinola
Paulo N. M. Sampaio
Eduardo M. D. Marques
Salvador University (UNIFACS)
Salvador, BA - Brazil
[email protected]
Computing and Systems Graduate Program
Exacts Sciences and Engineering
Competence Centre
Universityof Madeira (UMa)
Funchal Madeira - Portugal
[email protected]
Salvador University (UNIFACS)
Salvador, BA - Brazil
[email protected]
In the recent years, different contributions have been
proposed in the literature in order to provide real-time
traffic guarantees and fairness concerning the utilization of
network resources. Nevertheless, QoS has been proven
insufficient in order to meet user´s expectations
considering the delivery of real-time sensitive traffic. QoS
metrics are network-centered, and mostly related to the
dynamic nature of the network (such as bandwidth, delay,
jitter, among others). In order to meet the need for a usercentered network, this paper proposes a context-aware
framework where the concepts of Quality of Service,
Quality of Experience and Adaptive Routing are revisited
in order to provide a more dynamic and pro-active solution
for re-routing time-sensitive traffic.
Adaptive routing, quality of service, quality of experience,
context, quality of context, context-based routing
1. Introduction
The intensive use of the current IP networks lead to the
proposal of different solutions in order to enable multiple
types of traffic to coexist and optimize the utilization of
resources as much as possible within the existing network
infrastructure. Meanwhile, emerging applications and
services generate an increasing amount of real-time data
traffic to the network. Unfortunately, network
infrastructure and routing strategies have not evolved at
the same pace as data applications. Thus, network
infrastructure is constantly under resources shortage and
consequently under congestion.
Along the last 20 years, different contributions
have been proposed in the literature in order to provide
real-time traffic guarantees and fairness concerning the
utilization of network resources. Therefore, providing
Quality of Service (QoS) has been the key solution in
order to meet user´s expectation. For this purpose,
contributions such as Integrated Services (IntServ),
Differentiated Services (DiffServ), MPLS/GMPLS and
Traffic Engineering have been largely deployed [1].
In particular, service providers have deployed
QoS techniques when determining configuration
strategies, planning and provisioning network services.
These techniques were related, in general, to admission
and congestion control, buffer management and
scheduling. Nevertheless, QoS has been proven
insufficient in order to meet user´s expectations
considering the delivery of real-time sensitive traffic. In
many situations, regardless of the techniques applied, the
expected quality is not achieved completely, generating
consumer dissatisfaction with the services offered [2].
Indeed, Service Level Agreement (SLA) establishes users
and infrastructure parameters for the delivery of a
particular traffic, such as the QoS metrics related to the
dynamic nature of the network (such as bandwidth, delay,
jitter, among others). However, the dynamic nature of the
user and application´s environment should also be
In order to embody the concept of a user-centered
network the notion of context can be applied. Context
awareness is understood as an ubiquous and/or pervasive
computing paradigm that aims at dealing with changes in
the computational system environment [3]. The
implementation of context aware networks can be helpful
in order to improve user´s experience and satisfaction
when accessing network resources. For this purpose, this
work addresses the proposal of a context-aware
framework, which relays on three main concepts: Quality
of Service, Quality of Experience and Adaptive Routing.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
discusses some contributions in the literature concerning
the proposal of QoS-based frameworks, adaptive routing
and user experience; Section 3 introduces the proposed
context-aware framework; Section 4 presents some
conclusions and future perspectives.
2. Related Works
Different issues should be considered when addressing
context-based routing. Context is related, in particular, to
both user and communication platform. Therefore, the
main aspects discussed in this paper in order to address
context are frameworks proposed to manage Quality of
Service, adaptive routing and definition and
implementation of Quality of Experience.
2.1. QoS Management Framework
Quality of Service (QoS) has been conceived as a solution
in order to provide different traffic guarantees to different
applications, users or data flows. Some of the metrics
applied to implement QoS are bit rate, delay, jitter, among
Several QoS paradigms have been proposed, such
as Integrated Services which provides guarantees for
individual flows, Differentiated Services which
implements classes of services in routers for aggregated
traffic, MPLS which provides specific routes for the
delivery of flows and better utilization of bandwidth
resources, GMPLS which is an extension of MPLS to
support optical networks [2], etc.
2.2. Adaptive Routing
In recent years scientific contributions have also focused
on the proposal of different solutions for the dynamic and
adaptive routing of time sensitive data traffic. One of these
solutions is the deployment of traffic engineering, which
has been widely applied in order to provide a balance
between bandwidth availability and the increasing demand
of traffic. Another important related issue in order to
enable real-time traffic deployment is congestion control,
which allows the optimization of buffers occupation.
These approaches have been applied as solutions
for adaptive routing with some minor variations depending
on the proposed model or algorithm. In general, the
existing contributions can be classified as follows:
Based on context [11] [12] [13];
Based on traffic engineering [14] [15] [16], and;
Based on probabilistic data [17].
Based on the experience acquired with these
contributions, different frameworks for managing QoS
have been proposed in order to solve specific issues both
proposing a decoupling between network control plane
from the data plane and presenting an underlying model
developed as a QoS framework. The design of some of the
existing QoS frameworks in the literature followed a
pattern related to the definition of four main modules:
In general, the existing context-based adaptive
routing approaches apply distinct metrics compared to
those applied in Quality of Service approaches, such as
delay, jitter, etc. In opposite, the algorithms and solutions
implemented as context-based protocols, in general, have
deployed some other metrics such as connectivity change
in a host, power level, delivery probability, signal strength,
health node, hop counter and learning rate.
• Management of network/application resources – which
is responsible for negotiating Service Level Agreement
(SLA) with customers and communicating SLA related
parameters to the respective resourcers manager, besides
guaranteeing SLA according to the assigned resources
[4][5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10];
The CAR algorithm [11] has been proposed based
on context information in order to avoid packet flooding
and bursty traffic. This algorithm proposes a proactive
routing based on the highest delivery probability. Thus, the
routing path can be adapted if there is a host with higher
delivery probability. This algorithm has been implemented
for wireless ad-hoc networks. Another context-based
routing contribution introduces a framework that aims at
studying the behaviour of wireless sensor networks [12],
however it can also be applied to any other type of
network. In this work, the metrics applied in the context
information are: node selection criterion, constraint routing
rules, etc. At last, the work presented in [13] introduces a
context-based framework for delay-tolerant networks. In
this contribution, an adaptive gateway is described based
on external context obtained by agents, which is able to
modify the internal network routing.
• Management of context and adaptation – it is
considered in the design of the model´s structure in order
to enable the management of context aware resources [4]
[6] [7] [8] [9] [10];
• Monitoring and measurement - feeds the database of
network resource managers, monitoring data acquired
within the network [4] [6] [7] [9] [10], and;
• QoS Management for each application - responsible for
the specification and negotiation of QoS requirements of
a particular application [4] [5] [6] [7] [10].
In most of these contributions the authors applied
the same set of metrics in order to propose their respective
QoS frameworks, such as latency, throughput, failure and
cost. Other more specific metrics are also applied such as
availability, security, accessibility and regularity.
Besides the existing efforts in order to provide
resources availability and priority, it is also important to
provide means of optimizing the existing routing paths
according to the state of the network. Therefore, we can
also consider different contributions in the literature in
order to provide adaptive routing.
The solution proposed in [14] introduces TeXcpas
an on-line distributed traffic engineering protocol. This
protocol reacts to real-time events in order to provide the
optimization of the deployment of a low bandwidth link
and meet the growing demand of traffic. The work
presented in [15] introduces an algorithm for dynamic
distributed traffic engineering called Replex. This
algorithm is based on a re-routing policy in order to avoid
oscillation and enable rapid adjustment in case of
convergence. In a more recent study [16], the authors also
address the adaptive routing based on the offline
provisioning of multiple paths and the online load balance
during routing planning.
The solution called Sight [17] proposes a routing
scheme based on probabilistic information distributed for
self-adaptive routing in real dynamic environments.
Routing with Sight is based on the balance of the link,
latency and link utilization in order to avoid possible
overloads. In this solution, some parameters are used such
as: latency, delay, contention at the MAC layer, utilization
of the link, among others.
When studying and proposing solutions for the
optimization of routing it is important to consider Quality
of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE). As
expected, the contributions related to QoS frameworks
focus on the proposal of protocols and mechanisms in
order optimize the resources availability related to network
equipments. QoE, instead, refers to users´expectations and
how they actually perceived the service delivered. In order
to meet user expectations, the implementation of QoS
should be centered on the perspectives of the end users, to
ensure that quality of service meets the levels of expected
2.3. Quality of Experience
Although QoS has been largely deployed, QoS metrics
have been proven insufficient in order to meet user´s
expectations considering the delivery of real-time sensitive
traffic. Assessing user´s satisfaction from customer´s
perspective is somewhat a complex task since it requires
the definition of metrics that are not only related directly
to the classical QoS parameters. Indeed, well-defined QoS
policies and rules are not an absolute guarantee of
user´squality experience.
Quality of Experience (QoE) is the evaluation of
subjective perception from user´s perspective. In opposite
to QoS, which is network-centric, QoE is user-centric and
is based on cognitive, behavioral and psychological factors
[18]. Therefore, it is related to the study of the perspective
and understanding of user perception, contemplating
expectations and the experience upon a particular
The challenge related to understanding QoE is to
determine which metrics can be applied in order to provide
measuring, mapping, anticipating and predicting user´s
subjective perception. For this purpose, QoE can also be
understood as describing four areas: contextual,
technological, business and human [19], remaining as a
pseudo-layer between the application and the network
QoE Metrics
In general, QoE can be correlated by the measurement of
MOS (Mean Opinion Score), whose values range among
bad experience, poor, acceptable, good and excellent [2].
This is a subjective measure that can be obtained by means
of a satisfaction survey or by inference gathered from the
correlation with other parameters. When it comes to
multimedia the Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) is a
parameter often adopted to qualify QoE, and their
corresponding MOS [21] [22]. Another approach is based
on the Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ),
which is a family of standards based on voice test
samples defined in the PESQ application guide ITU-T
P.862.3. and its mapping/correlation with MOS [23].
The existing contributions in the literature aim at
mapping QoS parameters and other existing parameters
related to the analysis and assessment of video quality into
the corresponding QoE by means of mathematical
formulas and already existing parameters for the
evaluation of video quality as proposed in [23]. Some
contributions consider that the nature of QoE perception is
based on the correlation between QoS and QoE, involving
existing parameters, which are already applied to the
measurement of multimedia applications.
Besides the existing contributions that aim at
measuring objective parameters and further mapping them
into QoE metrics, other contributions also collect
information directly from users using techniques such as
crowdsourcing [24]. Another approach also makes usage
of "probes" strategically distributed [2]. Although there is
no dominant single approach established, some strategies
adopted metrics obtained from video quality parameters,
enabling effective measurements experiments in order to
correlate QoE and MOS. The correlations that are mostly
applied are PESQ/MOS and MOS/QOE [23].
Some of the metrics that can be applied to QoE
(regarding multimedia) referred in the literature are: PSNR
(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) [20] [22] [21] [25], VQM
(Video Quality Metric) [20] [22] [21] [25], MPQM
(Moving Picture Quality Metrics) [22] [18], SSIM
(Structural Similarity Index) [22] [25], NQM (Noise
Quality Metric)[22], MOS [20] [21] [23] [22], TUQ (User
Testing Perceived QoS [20], Surveying Subjective QOE
(SSQ) [20], PESQ (Perceptual Evalution Of Speech
Quality) [23] [26], Delivery SynchronizationResponse
Time, Freshness and blocking [25].
Similarly, some of the factors related to QoS and
QoE metrics also referred in the literature are: Out-ofSequence Packets [2], jitter [18] [25] Loss / Packet Loss
[18] [25], Sleep [20][2], delay [18] [25], Round-trip time
[2], Error rate [21] ,throughput and Bandwitdh [18].
psychological, user and environment parameters are also
taken into account, such as enjoyment, temperature,
attention, satisfaction, accuracy, perceived ease of use,
emotional state, mood, neighborhood [18] [19], technology
acceptance, efficiency, speed [19] location [18] [27] [20],
social context, concentration [18], and background noise
[18] [27], among many other human factors.
This section outlined some of the existing
contributions in the literature in order to correlate Quality
of Experience with the familiar MOS (Mean Opinion
Score) and try to correlate the parameters of MOS with
video quality parameters (PSNR, PESQ). Besides the QoE
metrics identified in this study, it is also important to
consider contextual data, which can be applied for
improving the delivery of services and thus maximizing
user experience.
3. Context Awareness
Context can be defined as "any information that can be
used to characterize the situation of entities (i.e. whether a
person, place or object) that are considered relevant to the
interaction between a user and an application, including
the user and the application themselves. Context is
typically related the location, identity and state of people,
groups and computational and physical objects" [28].
Quality of the Device (QoD). The latter is related to the
hardware components involved in providing the context
information [33] [31].
In order to provide QoC some metrics should also
be defined [33]: Accuracy of information (Precision);
Likelihood the information is correct (Probability of
Correctness); Level of trust in sources of information
(Trust-worthiness); Resolution of the levels of granularity
of information (Resolution); Timeliness of information
related to their temporal characteristics (Up-to-dateness).
Nevetherless, it is important the adoption of clear
policies in order to provide the correct analysis of
contextual information and to be in conformance with
QoC [34]. For this purpose, some contributions in the
literature proposed solutions for improving the adoption of
QoC policies based not only on the current context, but
also on the effects of erroneous context information with
low quality and its effects on systems, such as Proteus
3.2 Quality of Device
Figure 1 - Five Fundamental Categories for Context
Information [29]
The use of context can be applied to entities,
persons, places, or even to an object relevant to the
application, by the definition of characteristics of
individuality, activity that may be involved, location and
time and even relationships with other entities [29], as
depicted in Figure 1.
The definition of context is also related to the
description of Contextual Elements (CEs). While context
refers to the interaction of an agent and an application,
CEs characterize the domain of the context that this agent
is inserted [30].
Thus, context-aware applications are able to
provide services with assistance-based tasks, contextbased actions and adaptation of behavior of the system
according to contextual information [30] [31]. These
services are so-called context-aware services (CASs) [32].
In order to assess the information described by the
context, and the device which will be the source of this
information, the notion of Quality of Context and Quality
of Device are considered.
3.1 Quality of Context
Although the contribution of context-aware systems can be
expressive, their effectiveness can only be achieved if
context information is properly defined. Therefore, the
definition of Quality of Context (QoC) is required in order
to provide the understanding between QoC, QoS and
Besides Quality of Context (QoC) concerning the
characterization of the collected context information, it is
also important to consider the Quality of Device (QOD),
which is related to the precision of the computing device
that will collect the context information. For instance, the
Global Positioning System (GPS) of each device can have
different levels of precision, or even a particular device
which is not to provide some parameters compared to
another due hardware incompatibilities or the lack of
ability to collect such information [33]. Therefore, QoD
will provide information on the technical characteristics of
each device and its capabilities [31].
Context-awareness: Related Works
Context information allows systems to become more
assertive, thus requiring less effort from users to provide
information. Nevetheless, context information can also be
useful for providing support to decision making when it
comes to routing data within the network. In this case, the
context can be defined through periodical measurements
carried out by the nodes of a network in order to assess
connectivity, resources availability (bandwidth, queueing,
etc.), etc. in order to meet QoS specifications and also
proposing alternative routes, as in the case of opportunistic
networks [12][13]. Therefore, decisions can be made based
on user's context, its connection partners, their
computational characteristics, among others.
A comparative study of some contributions
related to context-aware routing was carried out [13] [36]
[12] [37][11]. Most of these contributions are related to the
utilization of context applied mainly to wireless networks.
In these studies, the use of context allowed improvements
mainly in: stability of the communication link, increased
bandwidth (by decreasing overhead), greater autonomy of
batteries, shorter delay and gain of scale. These
environments differ greatly from wired networks, mainly
on an SLA between user and platform, such as
(bandwidth, delay, jitter, etc.).
due to storage capacity and processing constraints, battery
life limitation, and in some cases, limited bandwidth.
5. Proposed Solution
The definition of context information and context-aware
routing enabled the proposal of a generic context-aware
data routing mechanism. Thus, network devices such as
routers and switches are able to choose properly the
routing paths and traffic prioritization based on context
information. This section presents an overview of the
proposed context model and the struture of the proposed
5.1 Context Model
The proposed context model that will be applied in the
context-aware framework for adaptive routing can be used
for both wireless and wired networks. This model is
generic allowing the description of different network
scenarios and the adaptation based on user´s experience.
The adopted context model describes the state of
a particular entity (for instance, a user, router, switch, etc).
In general, generic features can describe this entity, such
as (Figure 2):
Individuality – which describes a particular
information about an entity, such as
identification, addressing, protocols, etc.;
Time – which describes time information, such as
timestamp in order to allow registering the status
of an entity in a given time;
Location – which is related to real or virtual
location of an entity, and may be generated by a
system such as GPS location, or by referencing
information such as home, building, city, a
network address, etc;
Activity – which allows the description of explicit
goals, tasks and actions performed by an entity,
Relations – which describes the entity's
relationships with other entities, dependencies
between entities, connections with objects,
people, places, services, etc..
Moreover, some other aspects can still enrich the
description of an entity such as:
Quality of Experience (QoE) – which describes a
group of parameters regarding user´s perspective,
that most of times could be rated as MOS.;
Quality of Device (QoD) – which describes a
group of parameters regarding devices
characteristics like capabilities, computational
power, precision level of data colectors, and;
Quality of Service (QoS) – which is related to all
the metrics (qualitative/quantitative) considered
Figure 2 - Context Model
The context model can also be validated
according to some metrics, which determine the Quality of
Precision – level of information accuracy to
assess its relevance;
Probability of correctness – assessment of the
probability of the information being correct;
Trustworthiness – assessment of the level of trust
on the information source;
Resolution – level of granularity of
a given
Up-to-dateness - assessing how the information
provided is updated.;
The following excerpts illustrate the XML-based
description of an entity, respectively for a device, a user
and an infrastructure perspective (QoS).
XML for a Device:
<Entity> {User Host}
<processor1>2,50ghz i5-2450M</processor1>
XML for a User:
<Entity> {User}
<Using>VoIP App</Using>
<Noise>100<Noise> {dB}
XML of theInfrastructure component:
<Entity> {Router}
The modular proposal for this framework allows
components to be developed independently, even though
they apply and manage the same common representation
for the context information, as defined in XML description
presented previously.
5.2 Context-Aware Routing Framework
The solution proposed for context-based routing has been
designed based on the integration of different functional
modules. Thus, the Context-aware Adaptive Routing
Framework (CARF) has been proposed in order to meet
the following requirements:
Collect and share context information from/among key
devices connected to the network (e.g., nodes);
Centralize context information storage;
Ensure QoC policy analysis before the release of
context information, and;
Query context information interface, with flexible
input and output definition, enabling context-aware
services based on network to use such information.
In order to meet these requirements, the following
modules were proposed:
Context-aware Monitor: which is responsible to collect
information related
communication devices, applications and users and to
send this information to a centralized context storage,
called Context Model Management. Some of its
features are:
o It is executed on the nodes that provide context
o It can be implemented as an agent executing on
the operating system or as a module of a
context-sensitive system;
o It supports both pre-configured parameters and
collected context information;
o It is not required to keep previous collected
context information, discarding them after it
was sent to the context storage;
o It sends context information periodically to the
storage center or as a predefined percentage of
the context information is modified, and;
o It should send context information to the Context
Model Management whenever it is available.
Context Model Management: The main function of
this module is to store context information, apply
quality policies and to make this information available
for the Context Routing Manager. Some of its
characteristics are:
o It collects the context information sent by the
Context-aware Monitor;
o It records this information in a local repository,
keeping it as historical data for a given period of
o Depending on the size and topology of the
network, it is possible to have more than one
Context Model Management serving groups of
distinct Context-aware Monitors, and;
o It applies QoC policies to collected data before
making them available to the Routing Context
Context Routing Manager: it is in charge to create
routes based on contextual information. Some of its
features are:
o It periodically verifies the context information
provided by the Context Model Management. If
there is more than one Context Model
Management on the network, this verification
should be carried out in each of them, and;
o It should recalculate the routing information
whenever there is a significant change on
context information. If results of calculations
reveal different routing paths from those already
accounted, it is possible to reconfigure the flow
tables in the corresponding Controller.
Controller: it is responsible to forward the updated
context-aware routes to the switches within the
network infrastructure. Some of its features are:
o It is described by an equipment or network
manager software;
o The Context Routing Manager supports the
update of its flows tables (similar to those
applied in solutions such as OpenFlow [38] and;
o It supports the dynamic reconfiguration of flow
tables into the forwarding devices (switches).
The structure of the proposed framework is illustrated in
Figure 3.
goal is to propose a data model being scalable, flexible and
generic. Meanwhile, the proposed framework unveils the
main modules for monitoring and collecting user and
network´s status, processing the changes in the status and
proposing optimal routes based on the current status
As for future works, the proposed context model
and framework should be validated through the execution
of different utilization scenarios and context-aware update
and routing optimization protocols.
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6. Conclusions
This paper discussed the effectiveness of Quality of
Service (QoS) techniques as an optimized solution for
routing time-sensitive traffic. For this purpose, a
comparative approach was carried out in order to identify
relevant contributions in the literature for the proposal of
QoS frameworks, adaptive routing and Quality of
Experience (QoE). Most of the existing solutions are
network-centered focusing on a specific type of network
and adopting a limited number of metrics.
In order to propose and focus on a user-centered
solution, a hybrid solution has been proposed as a contextaware framework. The context model adopted is based on
the description of the user´s quality of experience, quality
of the device and quality of the infrastructure. The main
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