8th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation - MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
“Evaluation and optimization of innovative production systems of goods and services”
Ludovic-Alexandre VIDAL, Franck MARLE
Ecole Centrale Paris
Laboratoire Genie Industriel
Grande Voie des Vignes
92290 Châtenay-Malabry
[email protected],
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: Projects are dealing with bigger stakes and facing an ever-growing complexity. Project risks have then
increased in number and criticality. Lists of identified project risks thus need to be decomposed, for smaller clusters are
more manageable. Existing techniques are mainly based on a well-known parameter such as the nature of the risk or its
criticality. But some limits have appeared since project risk interactions are not properly considered. Project interdependent risks are indeed often considered and managed just as if they were independent. We thus propose an interactions-based clustering method with its associated algorithms and heuristics. Our objective is to group risks, so that the
project risk interaction rate is maximal inside clusters and minimal outside. The final objective of this study is to facilitate the coordination of complex projects by reducing interfaces when dealing with risks. We first model project risk
interactions through a matrix representation. Then, the overall mathematical formulation of the problem is presented. A
case study in the construction industry is finally presented and permits us to propose global recommendations, conclusions and perspectives.
KEYWORDS: Project management, Risk, Complexity, Interactions, Clustering.
A project is a temporary and unique endeavour undertaken to deliver a result, which generally corresponds to
the creation of a unique product or service which brings
about beneficial change or added value (PMI 2004). A
new organization within the firm is then needed to perform a project: new organization new processes which
must answer project finalities and objectives in terms of
values creation must be set up. These new processes are
performed thanks to resources (notably project actors)
which belong to the created project organizational system.
A project is in essence unique, which means that the
project organizational system is to be conceived for each
project within a firm (as it is specific to a project). Project organizations are thus in essence temporary organizations. They coexist with permanent organizations
which exist within the firm. This coexistence (involving
interfaces and dependencies) makes project and project
management all the more complex. Moreover, the conception of the project organizational system follows the
steps of project phases’ identification and analysis, planning and monitoring. As a consequence when thinking at
projects in terms of systems following several phases,
many dependencies and interdependencies between
phases, sub-systems and other entities can be identified
Project systems are indeed in essence complex, be it only
through the fact they are performed by project actors, i.e.
people (Vidal and Marle 2007; Vidal and Marle 2008).
Focusing on the management aspect, it must be kept in
mind that management is indeed composed of decisions
and activities made by people, those decisions being
made at a given instant to reach an objective in the future. Once made, a decision changes the states of the
elements it impacts and thus the state of the project itself, targeting a final state for the project (composed of
the objectives of the project). The difference between the
targeted state and the reached state basically accounts for
the project performance. Moreover, every management
decision is relative to a context which is the known present situation (resulting from the past decisions). Finally,
decisions at a time T help to reach the future objective,
which is more or less correctly defined and more or less
stable. This overall decisions chaining determines the
trajectories of the evolution of the project system. This
intrinsic complexity of project management makes it
impossible to visualise and manage projects as a whole,
notably because of the existence of project complexity
induced risks.
In order to illustrate this issue of complexity driven risks,
let us consider an example, the case of a project within
the field of automotive industry. A change in the design
of the windscreen (in terms of inclination of this windscreen) implied changes at the connection with the front
structure of the car. This was due to the interdependence
of the final product components and it provoked in the
end several changes which were localised at an interface.
But this change also implied rework and a global increase of the duration and cost of some tasks (change of
various parameters). This means that the first change had
spread throughout the entire system, making it impossible to foresee its evolution properly.
As a whole, project management appears to be a complex and risky activity, which underlines the need for
MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
efficient and effective project risk management. As a
consequence, this paper proposes an innovative method
and its associated tools to assist project risk management
under complex contexts by focusing on project risk interdependencies. Our goal is to group risks into clusters
in order to catch inside of them most of project interactions, which is notably to facilitate the coordination of
the project risk management process.
2.1 Classifying project risks by nature and/or value
Project risk management is classically decomposed into
four successive major steps: risk identification, risk
analysis, risk response planning and risk monitoring
(PMI 2004). Risk identification is the process of determining events which, may they occur, could impact
positively or negatively project objectives. Risk identification methods are classified according to two different
families: direct or indirect risk identification (Raz and
Hillson 2005).
This step in the end generates a list of risks. The number
of risks in this list may vary from some decades to some
hundreds of risks. It is then mandatory to decompose this
list into subgroups in order to have more manageable
items. During risk analysis, risks are prioritized, essentially according to their probability and impact. At this
stage, there are two main types of risk analysis: qualitative and quantitative analysis. The main output of risk
analysis is a list or graph, which enables decision-makers
to categorize risks as high, medium or low. Risk evaluation scales are often defined in terms of criticality, which
is generally a function of probability and impact. Next
steps are risk response planning and monitoring. We
argue that these steps should be performed after an innovative project risk analysis based on risk interactions
since current methods have shown their limits.
2.2 Limits of existing approaches
Indeed, the initial goal of clustering processes is to facilitate the coordination and management of risks. Fieldwork proves us this is not always the case with existing
methods. Namely, project complexity, described notably
in (Baccarini 1996; Edmonds 1999; Laurikkala et al.
2001) involves issues in decision-making under complex
situations (Phelan 1995), (Earl et al. 2001). The complexity of a project makes it impossible to visualize
simultaneously the complete project (global vision) and
all the interactions in the project (Marle 2002). This can
notably be underlined when looking at projects through
systems thinking (Simon 1981; Le Moigne 1990). Referring to complementary works (Sinha et al. 2001; Aissa
2004), many factors related to project interdependencies
have been identified as drivers of project complexity,
and thus of risks. But, there are still some phenomena
which are not taken into account by classical project risk
management methodologies, such as loops or non-linear
Actually, whatever the criteria used for the decomposi-
tion of an initial risk list, and whatever the rigour and
detail level used, there will always be interactions between risks which do not belong to the same cluster. The
problem with current methodologies is that project risk
interactions are not clearly included, e.g. in Figure 1,
where some links are existing, though not managed (dotted lines). Risks are indeed interrelated with complex
A previous study we had conducted about 23 risk analysis methodologies enabled to identify complexity-related
issues. For instance, there may be propagation from one
« upstream » risk to numerous « downstream » risks, the
climax of this phenomenon being the famous dangers of
the domino effect. Another example may be the existence of loops: amplifying loops are a great danger during projects and are all the more complicated to understand since the nature of the risks which exist within a
loop is likely to be different.
Figure 1. Classification of projects risks by nature and/or
by value
Project management current techniques include classical
principles underpinning scientific management: the
fragmentation of work and the maximization of visibility
and accountability. We can argue that today projects are
generally managed with single-link trees (WBS, pert,
OBS, risk lists) and not as networks (Marle 2002). In the
case of risk management, most of the methods use lists,
screening or sorting risks, as seen before. Traditional
methodologies are mainly single-risk oriented, analyzing
their multiple causes and multiple consequences.
However, some works have been done to model interdependencies between risks. Bayesian networks for instance link several risks, from multiple inputs to multiple
outputs, but they have specific validity conditions: links
must be oriented, and there must not be any loop. That
means that in some cases, they fail to reflect the real
complexity of relationships between project risks.
There is thus crucial need for better awareness, consideration and management of project risks, knowing they
are intertwined. We propose in this article such a methodology. Our ambition is not to give “exact” results: we
want to assist day-do-day project risk management
thanks to our method. This one is notably not based on
the mathematics of probabilities. It can thus take into
account easily the existence of loops and non-linear
couplings for instance.
2.3 Overall problem setting and methodology
As shown by the former paragraphs, risks are managed
thanks to the elaboration of smaller clusters. At this
stage, a management issue arises, since decisions may be
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blocked, slowed down or ineffective if interactions are
poorly taken into account. Our research problematic is
thus to propose a new additional clustering methodology,
which could take into account interactions between risks,
in terms of existence and strength. First, we identify
possible risk interactions. The whole is synthesized
thanks to binary matrix representation. The matrix is
then transformed to be a numerical one thanks to the use
of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) principles.
These numerical data permit us to develop a linear programming and two approximate iterative algorithms. We
then express how these results can still be refined thanks
to the introduction of a distance measure and similarity
identification process. All the obtained results are then
compared to classical decompositions, notably thanks to
a case study in the entertainment industry. We then propose some conclusions and call for future perspectives of
research around this issue, after studying the implications of our works on day-to-day management.
The aim of this part is to build up a binary matrix which
can permit to catch and represent project risk interactions
and their strength.
3.1 The Risk Structure Matrix (RSM)
First, the Risk Structure Matrix (RSM) is a binary matrix
is built on the principles of Design Structure Matrix
(DSM). The classical partitioning algorithm for grouping
elements in this type of matrix is presented.
3.1.1 The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) approach
The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) represents and
visualizes relations and dependencies among objects.
The same objects are both in the rows and columns of
the square matrix, which is square. The DSM was introduced by Steward (Steward 1981) with tasks and was
initially used basically for planning issues (Eppinger et
al. 1994). Since, it has been widely used with other objects, like product components, projects or people (Eppinger and Salminen 2001; Sosa et al. 2004; Danilovic
and Browning 2007; Sosa 2008). As for us, we propose
to use the concept of DSM for other objects, which are
risks, in the context of project management. As tasks,
projects and people, project risks are (or can at least be
supposed as):
• in a finite number (since a project is in essence
temporary, with finite resources, objectives,
means, etc., i.e. a finite number of elements),
• managed during the project management process,
• interrelated, (notably because of project and
project management complexity factors (Vidal
and Marle 2008)) which justifies the use of a
methodology for complex interactions management.
The reader may note that in this paper, we define risk
interaction in terms of the existence of a possible cause
and effect relationship between two risks Ri and Rj. We
define the binary Risk Structure Matrix (RSM) as the
square matrix with RSMij=1 (else 0) when there is an
interaction from Rj.to Ri. Main advantages of this approach is to overcome the display issue of complex network and to permit easier calculations which are inherent
to the matrix format (eigenvalues, matrices product,
matrix transposition, ...).
3.1.2 Building up and partitioning the RSM
In order to build the RSM, we need to identify the interactions existing between project risks. The iterative procedure we use is notably addressed in ongoing publications. Classically, the DSM is re-ordered in a way which
permits to show first-level blocks, thanks to the wellestablished partitioning process (Steward 1981; Eppinger
et al. 1994). This one applied to the RSM gives information about:
• the dependent risks: they are engaged in a potential precedence relationship,
• the interdependent risks: they are engaged in
mutually dependent relation, directly or with a
bigger loop,
• the independent risks: the risks are basically
The aim of this process is basically to obtain a lowertrigonal by blocks matrix. Partitioning enables to isolate
interdependent risks, but our purpose is different. We
aim at grouping risks in clusters with maximal internal
interactions and minimal inter-clusters interactions. As
seen in part 3.3, the partitioning algorithm does not permit to achieve our goal when the structure is very complex. Indeed, it tends to give very few, but big, blocks
which are difficult to manage.
3.2 Transforming the RSM into the Risk Numerical
Matrix (RNM)
Five steps are necessary to carry out our research and
build up the Risk Numerical Matrix (RNM) which takes
into account the strength of risk interactions.
Step 1: Individual sub-problems
The presence of a 1 in the binary RSM expresses the
existence of a possible cause and effect relationship
between risks Ri and Rj. RSMij=1 implies two possible
ways to address the situation: this can be seen either as a
possible risk input of Ri coming from Rj, either as a
possible risk output from Rj reaching Ri. Similarly as in
(Chen and Lin 2003) for design tasks, we combine these
visions. Two stages must thus be performed. For each Ri,
we isolate the risks which are related with Ri in column
(possible effects) and in row (possible causes). They are
called the Binary Cause or Effect Vectors and are relative to one risk Ri (BCV|Ri and BEV|Ri).
Step 2: Evaluating the interactions’ strength
We buid up two matrices regarding the risk Ri based on
the two previously isolated sets of risks (in rows and in
columns), which constitute the set of alternatives. They
are called Cause or Effect Comparison Matrices and are
both relative to one risk Ri (CCM|Ri and ECM|Ri) (see
Figure 2). They permit to summarize the strength of risk
interactions which are related to the risk Ri which is
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successively studied as a cause or an effect for other
project risks.
Fieldwork has proved us that sometimes, people find it
easier to say that a cause C1 is more likely to produce an
effect E than another cause C2, or similarly, that an effect
E1 is more likely to be the consequence of a cause C than
another effect E2. Also given that the Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) numerous applications in the field of
project risk management (Gourc and Bougaret 2000),
this led us to claim for the use of the AHP-based principle of pairwise comparisons to assess project risk interactions (as we define them in this article). The Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed by Thomas
Saaty (Saaty 1977; Saaty 1980 ; Saaty 2000; Saaty
2003). It is a multi-criteria decision-making method. It
permits the relative assessment and prioritization of
alternatives. The AHP is based on the use of pairwise
comparisons, which lead to the elaboration of a ratio
scale. The AHP models the problem as a hierarchy, consisting of an overall goal, a group of alternatives, and a
group of criteria which link the alternatives to the goal.
Pairwise comparisons are carried out by asking how
more valuable an alternative A is to criterion C than
another alternative B. Pairwise comparisons finally constitute square matrices, the values of which are between
1/9 and 9, and the diagonal elements of which are equal
to 1 while the other elements verify two conditions:
• The i-jth element is equal to the comparison between i and j regarding the considered criterion.
• For i different from j, the i-jth element is equal
to the inverse of the (j-i) element.
This piece of information is processed mathematically,
in order to transform user information into mathematical
one. Priorities are then determined thanks to these matrices and a global consistency test can be performed to
evaluate the coherence of the judgements. The final
result is a table which gives a global evaluation of each
alternative for the objective and for each criterion.
In our case, we have two parallel pairwise comparison
processes to run. The first one consists in the ranking in
rows for each project risk. Given the risk Rk, the set of
alternatives are all the non-zero elements of risks other
than the diagonal element in row k. The criterion on
which the alternatives are evaluated is the contribution to
Rk in terms of risk input: in other terms, for every pair of
risks which are compared, Ri and Rj (thus following
RSMki=RSMkj=1), the user should assess which one is
more important to risk Rk in terms of probability to be a
risk input (i.e., a cause) for risk Rk. Numerical values
express these assessments thanks to the use of the traditional AHP scales. The second one is the ranking in
columns, according to the same principles.
Step 3: Consolidating the results
When performing the pairwise comparison-based evaluation, eigenvectors of each matrix ECM|Ri and CCM|Ri
are then to be calculated. It enables to find the principal
eigenvectors which are related to the maximal eigenvalue. They are called the Numerical Cause or Effect
Vectors, as shown in figure 2 and are relative to one risk
Ri.(NCVi and NEVi). Consistency of the results should
be tested.
Step 4: Aggregating the results
For each risk Ri, Numerical Cause or Effect vectors are
respectively aggregated into Numerical Cause / Effect
Matrices (NCM and NEM, see figure 2). The i-th row of
NEM corresponds to the eigenvector of CCM|Ri, which
is associated to its maximum eigenvalue. The j-th column of NCM corresponds to the eigenvector of ECM|Rj,
which is associated to its maximum eigenvalue.
Step 5: Compiling the results
The two previous matrices are aggregated into a single
Risk Numerical Matrix (RNM), the values of which
assess the relative strength of local interactions (figure
2). The RNM is defined by a geometrical weighting
operation (based on the possible assumption that both
estimations can be considered as equivalent).
RNM (i, j ) = NCM (i, j ) × NEM (i, j )
The RNM thus permits to synthesize the existence and
strength of local precedence relationships between risks.
The reader should note that, for all practical purposes,
another possibility to evaluate the strength of these interactions is to perform a direct evaluation on 10 level
Likert scales. This evaluation is less time and resource
consuming but it requires having greater expertise and a
very global vision of the project.
4.1 Problem definition
We want to cluster risks to maximize intra-cluster interactions thanks to the use of the RNM (Hartigan 1975;
Fowlkes and Mallows 1983; Murtagh 1983). We do
insist on the fact that the values of the RNM are local
judgements, which implies that risk interactions assessments are in essence relative. However, this first clustering is useful, since it permits to focus on the most significant local risk interactions. A set of risks is in essence a complex one, since interactions do exist between
them. Let us suppose we know the RNM of this set of
risks (the former steps to build the RNM should have
been followed by the user). Let K be the number of clusters of the optimal clustering solution, which maximises
intra-cluster global interactions value. This INTRA value
is defined by the sum of the values of all interactions
between risks which belong to a same cluster. The
INTER (Inter-cluster global interactions) value is defined by the sum of the values of all interactions between
risks which are not paired inside a same cluster. The sum
of INTRA and INTER values corresponds to the sum of
all risk interactions values, which is constant. As a consequence, maximizing INTRA is equivalent to minimizing INTER. We do not know K in advance. However,
we know some constraints about K.
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Figuree 22. How to build the Risk Numerical Matrix (RNM)
Namely, the goal is to assign project members
to clusters
in order to manage more properly the risks
ris which belong
to a same cluster, i.e. which are strongly
gly interdependent.
It is known that people have a limitedd capacity to manage simultaneously numerous objects.
s. W
We introduce the
variable Smax as the maximum size off a cluster. We indeed choose to leave some margin comp
mpared to the classical empirical rule of 7 objects to bee managed
simultaneously. This permits us to know a lower
low bound of K,
which is
N −1
K min = INT (
) +1
S max
where INT is the integer part of a reall nu
ming problem
4.2 Formulating the linear programm
Here is the corresponding integer progr
gramming problem
formulation. This problem is to be solve
lved for each value
of K which is superior to Kmin. We first
fi introduce the
following decision variables:
∀i,1 ≤ i ≤ N , ∀k ,1 ≤ k ≤ K , xik = 1
if risk Ri belongs to cluster Ck.
The objective function, which is to bee maximized, is as
following in Eq. (4) (which is not linear
ar for the moment)
k =1 i =1 j =1
Eq. 5 and 6).
Problem constraints are the following (E
k =1
as we argue for clusters disju
sjunction in order to permit
easier management in practice.
∀k ,1 ≤ k ≤ K , ∑ xik ≤ S max
i =1
In our case, we fix Smax=9, in order to permit the future
management of the clusters wh
when cluster owners will be
This problem is not linear bu
but we can make it easily
linear thanks to the introducti
ction of new decision variables (Eq. (7)) and new constra
traints (Eq. (8)).
∀i, ∀j ,1 ≤ i, j ≤ N , ∀k ,1 ≤ k ≤ K , yijk is binary (7)
We finally define yijk by adding
ing the constraints:
∀i,1≤ i ≤ N,∀j,1≤ i ≤ N,∀k,1≤ k ≤ K, yijk ≤ xik + xjk −1 (8)
This equation forces yijk to bee eequal to 0 if xik and xjk are
not both equal to 1, i.e. if Ri and
an Rj do not belong to the
same cluster. All other constra
straints are kept for problem
formulation. The objective ffunction can then be rewritten thanks to these new decision
variables, in Eq. (9).
INTRA = ∑∑∑ xik x jk RNM (i, j)
∀i,1 ≤ i ≤ N , ∑ xik = 1
INTRA = ∑∑∑ yijk RNM
NM (i, j )
k =1 i =1 j =1
We use OPL (Optimization Programming
Language) to
solve this problem. However,
r, its complexity is high (2N1
), and problems over 20-211 rrisks appear to be critical
when testing them. That is why
hy we have based our work
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on some easy heuristics, which permit us to approximate
the optimal solution of the problem.
4.3 Using heuristics to answer this problem
Both of these approximate algorithms are iterative, but
they use two different values for clustering conditions, as
described in Eq. (10) and Eq. (11). The first iterative
algorithm IA1 is based on the maximum value between
separate clusters. The second one IA2 is based on global
interactions value between clusters. In the two cases,
these values are to be maximized at each step.
Val1 (Cα , Cβ ) =
Val2 (Cα , Cβ ) =
max RNM (i, j )
i∈Cα , j∈C β
∑ RNM (i, j) + RNM ( j, i) (11)
i∈Cα , j∈Cβ
At the initial step, all risks are isolated: every initial
cluster is a singleton. The maximum value is obtained
for two isolated risks Ri0 and Rj0, which are grouped into
a first cluster C1. At each following step, the previous
value (Value1 or Value2) is maximized. This procedure
is repeated iteratively until reaching a solution which
respects all the constraints. In the case the maximum size
of a cluster is reached before the end of this procedure,
the second maximum value in the RNM is identified and
the clustering operation is done on the corresponding
interaction. The performance of these heuristics was
notably studied in other publications (Vidal and al.,
5.1 Introduction
The following case is a large infrastructure project,
which consists in the implementation by a French company of a new tramway transportation system in a city.
The goal is to build both the infrastructure and the transportation system. The customer is a 750 000 inhabitants
city in a country C. This notably comprises:
• The construction of a depot to stock trains
and execute their control and maintenance
• The installation of tracks throughout the
city, with issues about altitudes and high
• The construction and onsite delivery of the
corresponding trains.
• The establishment of a traffic signalling
system, interconnected to the existing system dedicated to road.
An industrial partner realises the civil work which is to
permit the installation of the tramway. The project was
initialized by the government of country C in 1995. The
first selections of the firms which would execute the
project occurred in 1999. The project contract was
signed in 2002. After negotiations with banks, the government and the future operator (in which the French
firm which executes the project holds shares), the final
concession contract was signed in 2004. The project
started in February 2005, with a practical start of the
execution in 2006.
Until now, a project risk management process has been
carried out and led to the existence of 8 lists of risks
which nurtured the successive risk reviews. We focus
here on the System product line, which considers the
integration of all the aspects of the project, and is thus to
be one of the most complex ones. The corresponding risk
list (42 risks) we have been working on can be seen
afterwards on Figure 3. The 42 risks which are present in
the list are very diverse and are classified according to
six risk classes (risk nature). Risk ownership in terms of
responsibility is dispatched to 12 actors in the project.
Currently, risk management presently receives moderate
attention within the firm and the following issues are to
be underlined. First, risk lists are elaborated since they
are to be done, but no real attention is paid to them and
they are not used as much as they could be. Risk management is still too often considered as an academic
work which in not necessary for day-to-day project management. Moreover, risk owners (in terms of responsibility) may sometimes be defined too quickly, since the
examination of this list underlines that some ownerships
should be rearranged. Indeed, risk owners belong to
varied hierarchical levels in the firm structure, and some
risk owners are responsible for one risk while other ones
are responsible for more than ten.
5.2 First results
Our work through the consideration of risk interactions
has globally created more inclination and confidence
with the use of risk management approaches. The first
remark is that when performing the study thanks to the
iterative process of risk interaction identification, new
risks appeared. Namely, they were consequences or
causes of some already identified risks, or they were
seen as intermediary risks to explain the link between
two existing risks.
As a whole, 13 risks were newly identified for a lack of
their presence in the list appeared (see Figure 4), which
represents an increase of nearly 31% in the number of
identified and considered risks. Finally, 6 of the risks
which were present in the initial list (R1, R8, R11, R15,
R23, R34) were considered as poorly defined or possibly
MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
Safety studies
Liquidated damages on intermadiate milestone and delay of Progress Payment Threshold
vehicle storage due to depot delay
Vandalism on site
Traction/braking function : behaviour in degraded mode on slope
Local laws and regulations
Traffic signalling, priority at intersections
Unclear Interface with the Client, for Infra eqt
Delays due to client late decisions
Travel Time performance
Limited Force majeure definition
Operating certificate
Reliability & availability targets
Permits & authorisations
Insurance deductibles
Archeological findings
Discrepancies Client / Operator / Concessionaire
CW delay & continuity
Responsibility of client on CW delay
On board CCTV scope
Noise & vibration attenuation
Potential risks of claim from CW partner
Harmonics level
Non compliance contractual Rolling Stock
Non compliance technical specs Rolling Stock
Exchange risk on suppliers
Track installation equipment performance
Tax risk on onshore
more poles
Security requirements
Track insulation
Delay for energising
Fare collection requirements
Construction safety interfaces
Electromagnetic interferences
Exchange risk
Risk of partial rejection of our request for EOT
Interface rail / wheel
Risk on Certification of our equipement
OCS installation
Banks stop financing the project
Costs of modifications not covered by EOT agreement
Actor A
Actor B
Actor A
Actor C
Actor A
Actor A
Actor D
Actor E
Actor E
Actor D
Actor B
Actor B
Actor D
Actor B
Actor F
Actor B
Actor G
Actor H
Actor B
Actor I
Actor D
Actor B
Actor D
Actor A
Actor A
Actor F
Actor J
Actor F
Actor D
Actor E
Actor K
Actor D
Actor G
Actor C
Actor E
Actor F
Actor B
Actor E
Actor L
Actor C
Actor B
Project Management, Construction site
Project Management, Construction site
D E L IV E R Y (in m o n th s)
Q U A L IT Y - S C O P E
Review Session
Figure 3. Initial risk list of the System product line of the project
The identification of the existing risk interactions was
thus performed. A direct evaluation on a 10 level Likert
scale of the strength of interactions was executed, although we recommend the use of AHP in most cases,
due to the high expertise of interviewees. An observation
is that there were some difficulties while performing this
step since:
• This step is to require the participation of several experts of the project for it implies a very
wide view of the project elements and stakes.
• Some bias may be included in the evaluation of
interactions since it appears that interactions are
often thought at a first sight in terms of impact
and not in terms of precedence. Great attention
should thus be paid to that point in order to analyse the results.
Return profit
Extra trains
Pedestrian zones
Train performance
Waiting time at stations
Depot delay
Ticketing design delays
Track installation
Reengineering / Redesign
Slabs pouring
Initial specifications of CW
Available cash flow
Figure 4. Newly identified risk thanks to the risk
interaction identification process
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In the end, a global Risk Numerical Matrix for the studied risk network was obtained and analyzed in next part.
5.3 Deeper analysis and discussion
Even when separating in its connected components, the
LP-problem was too large to be solved by OPL. The use
of heuristics was thus necessary. The clustering iterative
algorithm IA2 was performed to obtain a first good approximate result for the clustering operation. Indeed,
algorithm IA2 proved to offer better results in other cases
and that is why we chose it in that case (Vidal et al.
2009). As a whole, the following clusters were obtained
(Figures 5 and 6). Some risks appear to be high accumulation risks, notably the budget related ones in terms of
return profit (R43) or risk of rejection of extension of
time EOT (R37) and liquidates damages (R2). These ones
are to be considerably monitored since many paths in the
risk network are likely to lead to them. Same observation
can also be made for travel time performance (R10). The
obtained clusters seem to be quite consistent with the
fieldwork as they form groups of risks which seem to be
relevant in order to assist project risk management. Cluster C3 and C4 for instance permit to group possible chain
reactions which could imply delay (respectively for the
permits and authorizations, and for the depot construction and track installation). This appears to be all the
more interesting than such chain reactions were not highlighted and managed before during the project, essentially because they mix schedule, technical, budget and
human aspects. For instance, there were no discussions
between Actor A and Actor E regarding the link between
R3 (Vehicle storage due to depot delay) and R32 (Delay
for energising), whereas this interface should have been
particularly highlighted retrospectively.
One commentary is that cluster C1 should however perhaps be separated into two parts by regrouping all financial risks in a sub-cluster. This appears all the more relevant than these financial risks are also linked to many
other risks which exist in other clusters. Therefore, managing them as a complete cluster could for sure be very
interesting. Another issue which arises is the question of
risk ownerships. Indeed, it appears that within clusters,
there are numerous risk owners, and often numerous risk
classes. One question which is to be addressed is how
coordination can be facilitated since there seems to be
some benefit to discuss with all the risk owners within a
same cluster. One thing which was suggested is that a
meeting with all the impacted risk owners of a cluster
could permit to nominate / vote for a responsible for the
cluster who could facilitate the coordination between the
interrelated risks. One of the possible nominees for this
cluster responsibility could be the least common boss in
the hierarchical structure of the project. Moreover, new
constraints might be added to perform more clustering
solutions. For instance, new tests are to be conducted by
varying the maximum possible size of a cluster. Another
constraint which could be added would also be to add a
maximum number of different risk owners within a cluster.
When comparing with classical approaches, clustering
by interactions permits an important improvement re-
garding the consideration of interactions. Indeed, the
intra-cluster value is increased by as much as 61% when
comparing with classical clusterings. As a whole, the
feedback with this case study is that in order to obtain
helpful results thanks to this methodology would be in
the end to:
• Perform pertinent risk identification and
risk interactions identification and evaluation processes (in group) in order to obtain
a good description of the situation
• To have a same hierarchical level in the
risk structure to study same level risks in
the chain reactions.
• Identify carefully during the initial step the
correct risk owners, i.e. the actors which
seems initially the most appropriate ones to
hold the responsibility for each risk.
• Perform the clustering operation thanks to
the iterative algorithms or with OPL on the
LP problem if processing time can be improved thanks to some operations.
• Analyse the obtained results and identify
possible chain reactions, possible accumulation risks and the actors which are to be
responsible for each risk cluster in order to
facilitate the global coordination of the project risk management process.
As a whole, this article presents innovative tools based
on the integration of risk interactions in the processes of
risk analysis and risk clustering for efficient project risk
management. As shown by the case studies, the tools
which are proposed here permit greater communication
on project risks as well as a better confidence in risk
management activities thanks to two aspects at least.
• First, the evaluation of risk interactions which is
performed when building up the RNM implies a
two-step process (looking in terms of causes,
and then of consequences). Information can
thus be checked and refined since one interaction should be listed twice (from cause to effect,
and from effect to cause): this checking process
permits a better confidence in risk identification
and risk interaction identification.
• Moreover, clustering risks in order to maximize
intra-cluster global interactions value permits to
facilitate the coordination of risk monitoring
and controlling activities, as it underlines the
need for cooperation and transversal communication within the project team. It permits greater
communication between people, since it does
not seek the identification ownership, responsibility and/or accountability, but the identification of risk interdependencies. After the clustering process, coordination is made by the person
who is assigned to the cluster, but communication has been facilitated before, meaning we
have less defensive phenomena.
MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
RO Initial
Actor B
Actor D
Actor J
Actor B
Actor B
Class Initial
Liquidated damages on intermadiate milestone and delay of Progress Payment Threshold
Travel Time performance
Appitrack performance
Risk of partial rejection of our request for EOT
Banks stop financing the project
Return profit
Extra trains
Waiting time at stations
Available cash flow
RO Initial
Actor B
Class Initial
Potential risks of claim from CW partner
Initial specifications of CW
RO Initial
Actor E
Actor B
Actor G
Actor G
Class Initial
Delays due to client late decisions
Permits & authorisations
Discrepancies Client / Operator / Concessionaire
Fare collection requirements
Ticketing design delays
RO Initial
Actor A
Actor B
Actor H
Actor B
Actor D
Actor E
Class Initial
Project management, Construction site
vehicle storage due to depot delay
Archeological findings
CW delay & continuity
Responsibility of client on CW delay
Noise & vibration attenuation
Delay for energising
Depot delay
Track installation
Slabs pouring
RO Initial
Actor A
Actor D
Actor B
Actor D
Actor E
Actor D
Actor L
Class Initial
New local laws and regulations
Traffic signalling, priority at intersections
Operating certificate
Reliability & availability targets
more poles
Security requirements
Risk on Certification of our equipement
Reengineering / Redesign
RO Initial
Actor A
Class Initial
Traction/braking function : behaviour in degraded mode on slope
Train performance
RO Initial
Actor I
Actor C
Class Initial
Project management, Construction site
On board CCTV scope
OCS installation
RO Initial
Actor A
Actor D
Class Initial
Non compliance technical specs Rolling Stock
Interface rail / wheel
RO Initial
Actor A
Actor C
Actor E
Actor B
Actor F
Actor E
Actor A
Actor F
Actor F
Actor K
Actor C
Actor F
Class Initial
Isolated risks
Safety studies
vehicle storage in Bellevue due to depot delay
Unclear Interface with the Client, for Infra eqt
Limited Force majeure definition
Insurance deductibles
Harmonics level
Non compliance contractual Rolling Stock
Exchange risk on suppliers
Tax risk on onshore
Track insulation
Construction safety interfaces
Exchange risk
Costs of modifications not covered by EOT agreement
Pedestrian zones
Figure 6. Results of the clustering operation
Figure 7. The clustered project risk network
MOSIM’10 - May 10-12, 2010 - Hammamet - Tunisia
However, this implies that a shift should be operated in
the skills of project risk managers (or at least the team
members who are in charge of the management of the
obtained clusters). Such project team members should
indeed be able to facilitate communication and to show
great adaptability since they need to manage risks which
are to be of different nature.
As a whole, this article permits to make a comparison
between several possibilities for grouping risks in a project. Our aim is not to criticize the use of classical approaches: on the contrary, we refer to them as points of
comparison and claim for the use of conjoint classifications which can all give powerful insights on reality.
Lots of aspects of this work and its results may however
be discussed. We thus identify several research perspectives to consolidate this approach.
• Challenging the definition of risk interaction
and trying to integrate other risk characteristics
(than probabilities and precedence relationship)
into the definition of risk interactions.
• Evaluating with more reliability the relative
weights of risks. The sensitivity of this evaluation should first be explored.
• Exploring more sophisticated graph partitioning
heuristics and multi-objective clustering.
• Exploring new constraints to perform other
clustering operations. For instance, the maximal
size of the clusters may vary. One could think
of asking for a density constraint or asking that
the obtained clusters may as a whole be of a
similar size.
Finally, new case studies are to be performed in order to
validate even more this approach and study both the
practical applications (and improvements) thanks to
these results and the future implications on project management processes and organization.
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